The image of Jesus Christ was saved by the one not made by hands. We worship Your most pure image, O Good One, asking for forgiveness of our sins, O Christ our God: for by the will of Thou didst deign to ascend in the flesh to the cross, that Thou mightest deliver what Thou hast created from the work of the enemy

And Euphrates, from 137 BC to 242 AD there was a small state of Osroene, which was the first to declare Christianity the official state religion. Here the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is mentioned for the first time.

Legend of the icon

According to numerous legends, the Ostroenian king Abgar V, whose residence was in the capital of the state of Edessa, fell ill with an incurable disease - black leprosy. In a dream, a revelation appeared to him that only the face of the Savior would help him. The court artist, sent to Christ, was unable to capture his image because of the divine radiance emanating from Jesus, who, meeting the royal pleas, himself washed his face with water and wiped it with a towel (scarf). A bright image remained imprinted on it, called “ubrus”, or Mandylion, or the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. That is, in classic version it represents the face of Christ, made on canvas, along the edges of which there is an outline, and the upper ends are tied in knots.

After miraculous healing Avgar, there is no mention of this icon until 545, when Edessa was blockaded by Persian troops. As often happens, in difficult times providence comes to the rescue. In the nave above the city gates, not only the perfectly preserved icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands itself was discovered, but also its imprint on ceramic wall vaults, or Ceramidione. The blockade of the city was lifted in the most miraculous way.

Features of the icon

This miraculous image in both its manifestations (made both on canvas and on ceramics) has a number of features and customs associated with it. Thus, it is recommended for beginning icon painters as their first independent work.

The icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is the only image in which the halo around the head of Jesus has the shape of a regular closed circle with a cross inside. All these details, like the color of the Savior’s hair, the general background of the icon (on the most ancient icons the background always remained clean), carry their own meaning.

There are opinions that a portrait created without a brush and paints, which is, in essence, the icon of the “Savior Not Made by Hands,” is a photo of Christ, capturing his face.

In Orthodoxy, this icon has always, since the import of its copy from Constantinople in 1355, played a special role. Although the most ancient icons of this type appeared in Rus' back in the 11th century, only from the second half of the 14th century everything connected with the “Savior Not Made by Hands” was positioned at the level of state cult and introduced everywhere. Temples are built under it, it is depicted on the banners of Russian troops in the most decisive battles for the country - from Kulikovo to the battles of the First World War. The word “banner” is gradually being replaced by the word “banner” (from “sign”). Banners with the image of the “Savior Not Made by Hands” became an integral part of the victories of Russian weapons.

Icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” today

The arrival of this miraculous icon, the fame of which spread throughout Rus', from the Novospassky city of Vyatka to the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, acquired national scale and significance. Thousands of Muscovites and visitors came out to meet the icon and fell to their knees at the sight of it. The Frolovsky gate, through which the icon was carried, began to be called Spassky. It was possible to pass through them only with a bare head, as a sign of the divinity of the face.

“The Savior Not Made by Hands” is an icon whose significance cannot be overestimated. It is perceived as one of the main symbols of Orthodoxy, according to semantic meaning it is equated with the cross and crucifixion.

IN last years, which is sometimes rightly called the Second Baptism of Rus', an unprecedented number of churches, monasteries and temples are being built. In Sochi, for the opening of the Olympics, the Temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands was erected in record time and consecrated on January 5, 2014.

The miraculous image of the Savior is considered the most valuable and one-of-a-kind icon. This icon is worshiped by Christians all over the world, because the miraculous image is capable of completely changing the life of everyone who sincerely asks for it.

History of the icon

According to legend, the icon appeared with the help of a real miracle. King Abgar of Edessa fell ill with leprosy and wrote a letter to Jesus, asking him to heal him from a terrible disease. Jesus answered the message, but the letter did not heal the king.

The dying monarch sent his servant to Jesus. The man who arrived conveyed his request to the Savior. Jesus listened to the servant, went to a vessel of water, washed his face and wiped his face with a towel, on which His face was miraculously imprinted. The servant took the shrine, took it to Avgar, and he was completely healed just by touching the towel.

Avgar's icon painters copied the face that remained on the canvas, and closed the relic itself in a scroll. Traces of the shrine are lost in Constantinople, where the scroll was transported for safety during the raids.

Description of the icon

The icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” does not depict events; the Savior does not act as an unattainable God. Only His face, only his gaze directed at everyone who approaches the icon.

This image carries the main idea and idea Christian faith, reminding everyone that it is through the person of Jesus that a person can come to the truth and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Prayer before this image is like a private conversation with the Savior.

What do they pray to the icon for?

Every Orthodox Christian who prays in front of the icon of the “Savior Not Made by Hands” has the most honest conversation with the Savior about his life and eternal life. It is customary to pray to this image in the most difficult life situations when despair, despondency or anger prevent you from living like a Christian.

A prayer to the Savior before this image can help:

  • in healing a serious illness;
  • in getting rid of sorrows and sorrows;
  • in a complete change in life path.

Prayers to the miraculous image of the Savior

“Lord my God, by your mercy my life has been given to me. Lord, will you leave me in my trouble? Cover me, Jesus, and guide me beyond the lines of my misfortune, protect me from new shocks and show me the way to peace and quiet. Forgive me my sins, Lord, and allow me to humbly enter Your Kingdom. Amen".

“Heavenly Savior, Creator and Protector, Shelter and Cover, do not leave me. Heal, Lord, my mental and physical wounds, protect me from pain and troubles, and forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary. Amen".

“Lord, by Your mercy I will be cleansed, and I will find Your grace. My God, do not leave me in sorrow and misfortune, bestow your radiance on me and allow me to receive Your blessing. Amen".

This short prayer can give you strength and help you make the right decision.

What does the icon look like?

This image of Jesus is the only one where the Savior is depicted in a portrait manner. In this icon, the Lord does not lead, does not point, does not instruct and does not enlighten. He is simply present, remaining alone with everyone who comes to Him.

The Savior is depicted with a direct gaze directed into the eyes of everyone who appears before Him. His hair and beard are depicted wet, conveying the story of the appearance of the miraculous icon.

The day of remembrance and veneration of the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” is August 29, according to the new style. At this time, prayers to the Savior can change fate and direct life in a different direction. We wish you peace in your soul and faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.05.2017 06:01

Saint Melania is revered by women throughout the Orthodox world. The icon of this saint can protect girls from harm...

Great for believers is the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” - one of the very first Orthodox images that depicts the face of Christ. The significance of this image is equal to the crucifixion. There are several lists submitted by famous authors.

“Savior Not Made by Hands” – origin story

Many people wondered where the image of Christ’s face came from, if nothing is said about it in the Bible, and the church tradition retained a minimum of descriptions of appearance? The history of the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” indicates that details about the face were conveyed to people by the Roman historian Eusebius. The ruler of the city of Edessa, Abgar, was seriously ill, and he sent an artist to Christ to paint his portrait. He was unable to complete the task because he was blinded by the divine radiance.

Then Jesus took the linen (ubrus) and wiped his face with it. A miracle happened here - the imprint of the face was transferred to the matter. The image is called “miraculous” because it was not created by human hands. This is how the icon called “Savior Not Made by Hands” appeared. The artist took the fabric with the face to the king, who, taking it in his hands, was healed. Since that time, the image has created many miracles and continues to do so to this day.

Who wrote “The Savior Not Made by Hands”?

The first lists of icons began to appear immediately after the establishment of Christianity in Rus'. It is believed that these were Byzantine and Greek copies. The icon of the “Savior Not Made by Hands,” the author of which was the Savior himself, was kept by King Abgar, and its description has come to us thanks to documents. There are a few important details, which you should pay attention to when looking at the portrait:

  1. The imprinted material was stretched over a wooden base and this image is the only image of Jesus as a human person. On other icons, Christ is represented either with some attributes or performing certain actions.
  2. The image of the “Savior Not Made by Hands” is compulsorily studied at the school of icon painters. In addition, they must make a list as their first independent work.
  3. Only on this icon is Jesus represented with a closed halo, which is a symbol of harmony and indicates the completeness of the world.
  4. Another important nuance icons “Savior Not Made by Hands” - the face of the Savior is depicted symmetrically, only the eyes are slightly slanted to the side, which makes the image more lively. The image is symmetrical for a reason, as it indicates the symmetry of everything that God created.
  5. The Savior's face expresses neither pain nor suffering. Looking at the image you can see balance and freedom from any emotions. Many believers consider him the personification of “pure beauty.”
  6. The icon shows a portrait, but in paintings they depict not only the head, but also the shoulders, but here they are absent. This detail is interpreted differently, so it is believed that the head indicates the primacy of the soul over the body, and it also serves as a reminder that the main thing for the church is Christ.
  7. In most cases, the face is depicted against a background of fabric with different types folds There are options when the portrait is presented against the background brick wall. In some traditions, the canvas is supported by the wings of angels.

“Savior Not Made by Hands” Andrey Rublev

The famous artist presented to the world a large number of icons and the image of Jesus Christ was important to him. The author has his own easily recognizable features, for example, soft transitions of light into shadow, which are completely opposite to contrasts. The icon of the “Savior Not Made by Hands”, whose author Andrei Rublev, emphasizes the extraordinary softness of the soul of Christ, for which a gentle warm palette was used. Because of this, the icon is called “luminiferous.” The image presented by the artist was the opposite of Byzantine traditions.

“Savior Not Made by Hands” Simon Ushakov

In 1658, the artist created his most famous work - the face of Jesus “Savior Not Made by Hands”. The icon was painted for a monastery located in Sergiev Posad. She has small sizes– 53x42 cm. The icon of Simon Ushakov “The Savior Not Made by Hands” was painted on wood using tempera and the author used it for writing artistic techniques characteristic of that time. The image stands out due to the full depiction of facial features and the light and shadow transfer of volume.

How does the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” help?

The great image of Jesus Christ can become a faithful protector of people, but for this you need to establish a prayer dialogue with him. If you are interested in what the “Savior Not Made by Hands” icon protects from, then it is worth knowing that it protects against numerous diseases and various negativity directed at a person from the outside. In addition, you should pray in front of the image for the salvation of the soul, for loved ones and children. Sincere appeals will help improve well-being and cope with various worldly affairs.

Prayer “To the Savior Not Made by Hands”

You can address the image in your own words, the main thing is to do it from pure heart. The simplest prayer that every believer knows is “Our Father.” It was given to people by Jesus himself during his earthly life. There is another simple prayer, “To the Savior Not Made by Hands,” the text of which is presented below. Read it every day at any time when your heart requires it.

Akathist “To the Savior Not Made by Hands”

A hymn of praise or akathist is used to turn to the Higher powers for help. You can read it yourself at home. The akathist “To the Savior Not Made by Hands,” the text of which you can simply listen to, helps you get rid of bad thoughts, receive invisible support and believe in yourself. Please note that it must be sung while standing, except in special cases (when there are health problems).

The Savior Not Made by Hands is an icon that appeared during the earthly life of Jesus Christ. The image of the Savior Not Made by Hands depicts only the face of Christ, the meaning and symbolism of the icon focuses on main goal Christian - establishing a personal relationship with God. This is an image that speaks specifically about the personality, and not about the activity of Christ. Unlike narrative icons, here Christ is in direct contact, “face to face.”

Why Not Made by Hands or the History of the Image

The image appeared on a towel (plate) with which Jesus Christ wiped his face, seeing that Ananias (Canaan), sent from Edessa, was going to paint His portrait. Ananias was sent by the ruler Abgar V Uchama, who was sick with leprosy, asking Jesus for healing. Ananias was also instructed to paint a portrait of Christ and bring it to Abgar if Jesus could not come.

Important! The Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands has no author: its appearance is one of the most important miracles that occurred during the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

Finding Jesus in the crowd listening to His sermon, Ananias stood on a stone and prepared to write. Christ, who saw this, washed himself with water and wiped his face with a cloth on which His face was imprinted.

Miraculous Image (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ

Ananias took this handkerchief to his ruler, who was healed of leprosy in the image of Christ. But not completely - traces of illness remained on his face until he accepted Christianity and placed the image given to him by the Savior over the gates of the city, overthrowing the idol that had previously hung there.

A descendant of Abgar, who again fell into idolatry, tried to destroy the miraculous image. The icon was preserved by the local bishop: he walled it up in the city wall. The place where it was preserved was forgotten by the inhabitants of Edessa.

Important events or celebrations in honor of an icon

The Church honors the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands annually on August 16 according to the new style. On this day, at the service, an akathist to this icon is read, prayers addressed to it are sung. The date was not chosen by chance: on August 16, 944, the image was transported to Constantinople. It was bought from Edessa by Constantine Porphyrogenitus and Roman I.

400 years earlier, during the siege of Edessa by the Persians, the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands was rediscovered. The place where the icon was hidden was indicated to the local bishop by the Mother of God. When opening a niche in the city wall, it turned out that the image was preserved intact on the board and imprinted on a clay board.

Wooden carved icon “Savior Not Made by Hands”

Residents of the city carried the image along the fortress wall with prayer. The enemy retreated. Edessa began to honor the holy image every year.

In Constantinople, the relic was in the Pharos Church of the Mother of God. The exact history of the first icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is unknown: there are only legends. According to one of them, he was kidnapped by the crusaders in the 13th century, but the ship that took him away sank. Another legend says that the board was transported to Genoa in the 14th century.

Now no one knows where the relic is.

How the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands is depicted

After the events of 544, two canonical methods of depiction were formed Miraculous Image: ubrus and skull. The Savior on the ubrus is an icon where the face of Christ is placed against the background of light matter (ubrus). Sometimes angels are also depicted holding the edges of the board. The Savior on chrepiya (tiles, bricks) is depicted against a dark background or on brickwork.

Important! IN Orthodox tradition this image is considered as one of the evidence of the truth of the human incarnation of God and as the main proof of the need for icon veneration.

The most famous icons of the Savior Not Made by Hands

In the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery there is a double-sided image of the work of Novgorod masters of the 12th century, on one side of which the Savior on the skull, and on the other - the Glorification of the Cross. The Savior Not Made by Hands in the version of the Novgorod icon of the 12th century is one of the most famous copies from the Edessa relic.

The Savior Not Made by Hands is the first work of every completed icon painter.

Another list of the Image Not Made by Hands, especially revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, comes from the Vyatka land. It was transported to Moscow from the city of Khlynov by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. This happened when a pestilence was raging in Rus', from which the city of Khlynov was protected by the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The list from the Vyatka image was recreated above the gates of the then Frolovskaya, and later the Spasskaya tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

Gate icon of the Savior on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

According to legend, during a train crash near Kharkov, Emperor Alexander III held the collapsing carriage on his shoulders, in which he was helped by the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which he had with him.

You can pray before the icon of our Lord Jesus Christ “Savior Not Made by Hands” about everything that is important for a believer. A full-fledged spiritual life is impossible without prayer, and the soul needs all four of its types: praise, petition, repentance and gratitude.

Advice! The simplest prayer that anyone can remember is the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands

The Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands - the first icon of Jesus Christ in history

Sacred Tradition tells us the story of this first icon, which was created by Christ Himself. Read about the history of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands - one of the most important in Christianity.

The image of the “Savior Not Made by Hands” is the first icon of Jesus Christ in the history of mankind

When praying in front of icons, people rarely think about where the icons came from, when and by whom the tradition of icon veneration was established. Prayer before an image is so familiar to us that it seems eternal. Meanwhile, in the Gospel Christ never spoke about icons. But the Holy Tradition tells us the story of the first icon that Christ created - it was not made by human hands, but has a miraculous origin, which is why it is called the Savior Not Made by Hands (the word Savior is an abbreviation for “Savior”, the title of Christ as having saved all people from the slavery of sin) . This image for a long time preserved by humanity, it has a long history and deep theological significance.

The icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is one of the most important in Christianity. In the article you will learn how the first icon was made, what miracles were created from it, what its significance is for the art of icon painting, and what is the difference between the versions of the “Savior Not Made by Hands” “on the ubrus” (Mandylion) and “on the skull” (Keramidion).

The history of the creation and veneration of the Savior Not Made by Hands

In the Gospel and the Apostolic Epistles there is absolutely no description of the appearance of Christ. Nevertheless, all icons of the Lord show us the same image of the God-Man (even the icons of the Mother of God in Her image are more different from each other). This is explained precisely by the miraculous creation of Christ’s own icon. The history of this amazing event was recorded by the Roman historian Eusebius from Palestine, a Christian, as well as by the Monk Ephraim the Syrian, a holy ascetic of the Syrian Desert. The document is a real historical source; thanks to the descriptions of Eusebius, many everyday details of the life of the Roman Empire of that period have reached us.

Eusebius wrote that during the life of Christ, the fame of Him and His miracles even spread to other countries. The ruler of the city of Edessa (now located in Turkey) named Abgar sent a servant and a skilled artist to Christ. Avgar was an elderly man and suffered seriously from disease in the joints of his legs. He asked to pray for him and heal his illness, and in order to see Christ himself (due to illness he could not do this, and there were no images of the Lord yet) - he instructed the artist to sketch Christ from life. It was common practice in the Roman Empire to create portraits and sculpt busts from life. Art at the time of Christ’s earthly life was sufficiently developed to depict using chiaroscuro: many believe that the schematic features of icon painting were a consequence of the creators’ insufficient understanding of painting images, but this is not so; Icon painting has its own drawing language, which consists of reverse perspective techniques and symbolism.

When the king's envoys conveyed to Christ a request for healing, the Lord promised that one of His apostles would visit Edessa and enlighten its people with the light of New Testament teaching. At this time, the king’s artist tried and could not sketch Christ. Then the Lord Himself took a towel (handkerchief, “ubrus” in Church Slavonic) and wiped his face with it - the Face of the Lord was imprinted on the handkerchief. That is why this image is called Not Made by Hands: human hands could not depict Him with the help of paints, but the grace of the Lord, His own energy and strength created the image. This image was probably similar to the Shroud of Turin, where the Face of Jesus Christ is visible, as in the photograph.

Thus, even during the life of the Savior, the first icon appeared. The royal ambassadors delivered a wonderful image on fabric to Edessa. The Miraculous Image-Mandylion (in Greek - on fabric) began to be revered as a great shrine by the king. And when, after the Ascension of Christ, the holy Apostle Thaddeus visited the city, according to another historian, Procopius of Caesarea, he healed King Abgar, preached Christianity and performed many miracles. Then the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands became a city shrine that protected the Edessians, and was placed above the city gates as the banner of Edessa. Over the course of several centuries, many miracles were performed through prayers before him, and the chronicler Evagrius of Antioch recorded evidence of the miraculous deliverance of Edessa from the siege of enemies thanks to him.

Alas, one of Abgar’s descendants became a pagan and iconoclast. To protect the revered image from destruction, the Christians of Edessa buried the icon with stones in the wall. The image was hidden for so long that the generation of Christians who survived persecution no longer remembered the location of the shrine. Only during new war, in the 6th century, after the townspeople prayed for salvation, the bishop of the city saw in a dream the place where the image was hidden. When masonry removed, it turned out that the Face of Christ was also imprinted on the stones (“on the skull” in Church Slavonic). The small lamp, installed in previous centuries, also continued to burn miraculously.

Both images became objects of worship. The icon imprinted on the stones was called Keramidion and placed in an icon case, and the Mandalion was transferred to the altar of the city cathedral, from where it was taken out for worship by believers only twice a year.

At the end of the 11th century, the Byzantine army besieged the city and demanded to surrender to the rule of the emperor. In exchange for peace, the people of Constantinople offered to give them the miraculous image not made by hands - the Mandalion. The residents of Edessa agreed, and the icon was transferred to Constantinople. And this day - August 29 according to the new style - is now church holiday. This is the Third, Bread or Nut Savior, the day of remembrance of the transfer of the Image of Christ Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople. On this day in Rus', the harvest of grain was completed and nuts were ripened, for the collection of which the peasants took a blessing. After the Liturgy, homemade bread and pies baked from flour of the new harvest were blessed.

In 1011, an artist of the Western Church made a copy on fabric from the Image Not Made by Hands. It was transferred to Rome under the name "vero eikon" - the true image and became known with the name "Plate of Veronica". Miracles also occurred from this list, and it provided the basis for the extensive iconography of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church.

Unfortunately, the miraculous Mandylion has not survived to this day. During the Crusade of 1204, he was captured by the Crusaders and, according to legend, drowned along with the captors' ship.

The Mandylion was never brought to Rus', but there were lists glorified by miracles. The oldest Russian icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands dates back to the 12th century and was presumably painted in Novgorod. There is no image of the fabric on it, so the image is attributed to Keramidion (this type of iconography of the Image Not Made by Hands is called “The Savior on the Skull”). According to art historians, this icon is close to the miraculous Edessa image. Perhaps his list was brought to Rus' in the first centuries after its Baptism by Prince Vladimir. The image was a revered shrine of the Moscow Kremlin, and now resides in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Features of the iconography of the Savior Not Made by Hands

The description of the icon created by Christ for King Abgar and preserved by the people of Edessa has come to us from historical evidence. It is known that ubrus - fabric with the imprint of the Face - was stretched over wooden frame like today artists make canvas on a stretcher.

The icon is an image of only the Face of Christ with hair surrounding Him, without a neck - indeed, as if a person had washed himself and dried himself with a towel up to his chin.

Perhaps this is the only icon that specifically focuses attention on the Face of Christ, especially His eyes. The symmetry of the image of the Savior’s Face also creates recognition and a special impression of the icon. The eyes of Christ in the image often look to the side, indicating God’s providence for man. The slanted gaze makes the facial expression spiritual, filled with understanding of the Mystery of the Universe. Art critics evaluate the Novgorod copy of the Savior Not Made by Hands as the embodiment of ideal beauty in Ancient Rus' and antiquity, they find in it the proportions of the golden section and the ideal of symmetry - such an image indicates the Perfection of the Lord and what He created.

The expression of the Savior’s Face plays a big role in creating an impression and a prayerful mood when looking at an icon: fleeting emotions are absent on Him, the Face reflects only spiritual peace, purity, and sinlessness.

The Novgorod list is a rarity: more often the Mandalion or “Savior on the ubrus” is depicted on icons of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The face of Christ is revealed in a golden radiance against a background of white fabric (sometimes its purpose as a towel is even emphasized by stripes along the edges) with various folds, knots at the top and even Angels holding the ends of the fabric. Less often the Face is depicted against the background of the brickwork or just on a gold background.

The meaning of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands for the traditions of icon painting and theology

The miraculous appearance of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the 6th century became a great impetus for icon painting. He appeared precisely during the period of iconoclasm (at this time Christians were even killed for venerating icons, and the icons themselves were mercilessly destroyed - that is why so few images have reached us from the first centuries of Christianity), when the memory of the establishment of the tradition of generation of icons by Christ Himself became the most important argument in disputes with heretics. An icon is a window into the spiritual world, an image of the Prototype (Christ, the Mother of God, the saints), through which we give honor and turn to Himself. That is why it is not entirely correct to say “Prayer to the Icon” or “Kazan Mother of God”: they pray in front of the icon, and the icons of the Mother of God are called, for example: Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In the first centuries, the icon, in addition to theological, also served as a “Bible for the illiterate” - not everyone could purchase the book; for many centuries they were very expensive. However, to this day, many images are illustrations of events from the life of the Lord, His saints or the Mother of God.

The miraculously remaining imprint of the Face of Christ on the fabric recalls the Divine beginning of icon painting. The image of the Savior’s Face edifies everyone Orthodox Christian: You need to have a personal relationship with God. Prayer, even in your own words, Communion with God in the Sacraments Orthodox Church, changing our lives according to the teachings of Christ is what brings us to the Kingdom of Heaven already on earth. No ceremonies, rituals, or special words of prayers or spells help. To live with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to get to know Him here, in our lives. The gaze of the Savior Not Made by Hands calls us to follow Him, to imitate the Lord in wisdom, kindness, self-sacrifice - this is the meaning of Christian life.

It is interesting that the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, as the first Christian icon and as the most important expression of the teachings of Christ, is obligatory for student icon painters. In many schools, this is the first independent work for students.

What do people pray for to the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands?

The life of the Son of God on Earth, the mystery of the Incarnation are described in detail in the Gospel, interpreted in many books of the Fathers of the Church. The Lord gave himself as a sacrifice for human sins and defeated death itself, returning the entire human race to paradise in His Resurrection. That is why, despite the importance of our prayers to the saints - our holy helpers - and the Mother of God, turning to God Himself is necessary daily prayer. Let us remind you that the Church blesses the daily reading of the morning and evening prayers, turning to the Lord and the Heavenly Powers.

They pray to the Lord in all their needs:

  • About recovery from illnesses;

  • About God's mercy in the needs of you and your loved ones;

  • About the health of yourself, your family and children;

  • About help in business, well-being;

  • About the right choice, making the right life decisions;

  • About deliverance from sins and vices.

Conduct a prayerful dialogue with God, measure your actions with the example of Christ, more often - imagine what God Himself would say, seeing your deeds and hearing your thoughts - after all, He is Omniscient. Do not despair at any mistakes, rush to the temple for Confession and unite with God (with proper preparation, which is better to read about in Orthodox literature) in the Sacrament of Communion. Under no circumstances should icons be used in spells, divination, or rituals. Communication should only be with God and His saints, His Angels - psychics, “traditional healers” and sorcerers communicate only with evil spirits, No one can command angels.

Thank God for His help in your life: He responded to your requests, expressed and unspoken - remember the many happy incidents in life. The Lord really controls our lives for the better, showing our capabilities, leading to gratitude to God for everything. And humility in the face of difficulties, turning to God with prayer and without anger at this time is the key to our salvation and education of the soul, personal growth. We must strive for a life pleasing to God, attend church, pray during divine services, help people, forgive the sins and mistakes of our neighbors, and behave calmly in conflicts.

Lord is great Power and great Love, you just need to believe - and that means trusting Him with your life and your soul. Christ, being the Almighty, voluntarily, in order to erase the past and future sins of mankind from the history of the universe, went to humiliation, torture and terrible suffering on the Cross. The teaching of the Lord Jesus is a call to repentance, to the love of all people for each other, compassion and pity even for terrible sinners.

You can pray to the Lord Jesus Christ in front of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands both in your own words and in church prayers. It is worth reading more often before this image the Lord’s Prayer, recorded in the Gospel from the words of Christ Himself - “Our Father”. You can read it in the morning and before bed, before meals and before starting any task.

You can pray to Jesus Christ in front of the icon “Savior Not Made by Hands” in Russian online using the text below:

Our good Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! In ancient times, during Your earthly life, You washed Your flesh, Your face with holy water and wiped it with rubbish, Your face was miraculously depicted on this towel, and You blessed it to be sent to the King of Edessa Abgar to heal his illness.
So now we, Thy sinful servants, suffering from mental and physical illnesses, seek Your Face, Lord, and with the psalmist King David we pray with a humble soul: do not turn away from us, but take away Your anger from Your servants, be our Strong Helper, do not reject us and don't leave us alone. O All-Merciful Lord, our Savior! Dwell Your grace in our souls, so that living on earth in holiness and truth, we may become Your true sons and daughters, and heirs of Your Kingdom, where we will never cease to glorify You, all the mercies of our God Who gives us, together with the Beginningless Father and the Holy Spirit. forever.
God! I am Your vessel: fill me with the gifts of Your Holy Spirit! Without Your help I am empty and without grace, often full of all kinds of sin. God! I am Your ship: fill me with a load of good deeds. God! I am Your ark: instead of passions, fill me with love for You and for Your image - my neighbor. Amen

May the Good and Merciful Lord protect you!