How to make beehives from polystyrene foam with your own hands. Instructions and drawings for making a beehive from polystyrene foam yourself

Most beekeepers traditionally recognize that the best material Wood is used for the manufacture of hives, since it is capable of creating living conditions for insects that are closest to the natural environment. But the emergence of new materials and assembly technologies casts serious doubt on the irrefutability of this statement.

Existing experience of use polystyrene foam boards showed that bees adapt well to such hives, and the material can successfully solve some of the problems that arise when keeping honey insects in wooden structures. At the same time, to complete the work you will not need large financial investments or using a special tool.

Most criticisms of polystyrene foam bee hives stem from ignorance technical characteristics materials used. People often confuse extruded EPP with extruded EPS. Outwardly they are very similar, but surface layer the first allows moisture to enter the material, and the second is completely sealed, which is why it is not destroyed by freezing of the water accumulated in it.

The main advantages and disadvantages of polystyrene foam hives

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) is a lightweight, easy-to-process and environmentally friendly material. It is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, minimal vapor permeability and high moisture resistance. This type of foam is durable, does not attract rodents, and does not harbor bacteria or fungal spores. The density of polystyrene foam allows it to withstand significant mechanical loads.

The main advantages of EPS in the manufacture of bee hives are determined by its technical and performance characteristics, among which it should be noted:

  • opportunity fast production designs without the use of special tools;
  • simple repair and replacement of individual elements;
  • the material is not susceptible to fungal formations and the spread of mold;
  • providing excellent protection from the cold in winter period and from overheating in summer;
  • maintaining an optimal microclimate inside the hive, conducive to the rapid development of the family;
  • light weight of the structure, facilitating its mobile use;
  • good ventilation of the internal space.

Despite the large number positive factors, this material also has a lot of disadvantages. These include:

  • the inability to absorb water condensate settling on the inner walls, which gradually rolls to the bottom;
  • less strength than wooden structures;
  • fixed size of slabs, cutting of which leads to a large number unused balances;
  • difficult to clean from propolis, which is removed from the surface along with foam particles;
  • if the joints are not tightly fitted, the bees can gnaw through the wall to construct a new entrance;
  • the small weight of the hive requires additional weighting or securing it from wind loads.

And yet, despite the existing shortcomings, a bee hive made of plywood and foam plastic has a right to exist and for some beekeepers it can be the best design.

Required materials and tools

To make a hive from EPS, you will need to purchase and prepare it for work;

  • the required number of polystyrene foam boards 50 mm thick;
  • special glue for installing polyurethane foam and a container of polyurethane foam;
  • mesh for ventilation hole;
  • two wooden planks 20x15 mm;
  • plastic corner 15x15 mm;
  • drawing paper, ruler and pencil;
  • stationery knife with spare blades;
  • metal ruler no less than 500 mm;
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • medium grit sandpaper.

The exact number of foam boards can be determined only after completing sketches and drawings of the hive. From these, the dimensions of the elements making up the structure will become known, based on which it will be possible to determine the amount of EPS for a standard slab size of 1200x600 mm.

Making a hive with your own hands

Work should begin by making drawings of a polystyrene foam hive with your own hands. Its presence allows you to use materials with the highest possible efficiency and reduce the amount of unused residues to a minimum. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to develop the design yourself - you just need to use the materials already published below.

Individual parts and elements

The do-it-yourself foam plastic hive body structure consists of 4 side walls, a bottom and a removable top cover. Optimal thickness enclosing walls - 50 mm. This size will provide effective insulation, good rigidity, strength and at the same time the hive will remain light.

Apply all the necessary marks to the surface of the polystyrene plate in accordance with the drawing. Material cutting is carried out using metal ruler and a thin stationery knife, which must be held strictly vertically. When cutting, leave a margin of 2-3 mm at the edge, which will allow you to subsequently make an accurate fit of the parts and ensure ideal joint tightness.

The cover can be made of polystyrene foam, plywood, boards or metal profiles. The main condition is that the lid is not heavier than the housing structure. Otherwise, the hive will be extremely unstable and prone to tipping over.

Assembly of the structure

Manufacturing technology requires that the ends of the cut parts should be even and smooth. This is achieved by using sandpaper stretched evenly. wooden block. After processing is completed, folded supports are installed on the side walls, on which frames will be installed during operation of the hive.

The structure is assembled in the following order:

  1. Apply glue to the edges of the prepared elements;
  2. connect adjacent parts of the body to each other and wait until the fixing process is completed after the glue has dried;
  3. remove any adhesive stains that have formed;
  4. to increase strength, additionally secure the elements together using wood screws, placing them at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other and screwing to a depth of 4-6 mm;
  5. on the outer side of the back and front walls, make indentations with a knife and glue into them handles from pieces of penoplex or other material of similar density;
  6. leave finished product under a canopy to dry for 24 hours.

A day after assembling the hive, you need to grind the walls and joints using sandpaper. The purpose of this operation is to align the corners and joints. If after grinding in there are cracks and leaks, seal them with polyurethane foam, after which all drips must be cut off after drying.

The outer surfaces of the hive must be painted. Optimal material For this purpose there will be facade water-based paint.

It is non-toxic, almost odorless and resists moisture and temperature changes well. Due to the presence of a protective paint layer, it is possible service life homemade bee house will increase significantly.

Place a ventilation mesh in the bottom with a mesh size of no more than 3.5 mm. It can be made of aluminum, brass or plastic. An important condition is sufficient rigidity. Insert the frames and place the lid on top. The polystyrene foam hive is ready! For more information on how to make a beehive from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you can watch the video at the end of the material.

Some nuances when using

Due to the fact that the inner walls of the polystyrene foam hive do not absorb moisture, the process of thermoregulation occurs differently than in wooden structures. Therefore, instead of the usual canvas for beekeeping, plastic film is used here.

To ensure a comfortable air-temperature regime for bees, the hole in the bottom is closed in the spring, and the entrance is open 4-5 cm. In the cold season, on the contrary, the lower vent open, but the taphole closes completely.

In this case, wet condensation from the bees’ breath settles on the walls and flows down to the open hole. In warm summer weather interior space it is ventilated through the entrance and the lower mesh, and the upper hole is closed until honey collection begins.

To stabilize a light hive in an apiary in windy weather, bricks or other sufficient weight should be placed on top of the lid. In this case, the wind will not be able to disturb the established position.

Video on the topic

Many people ask questions about polystyrene foam hives. Expanded polystyrene is foam plastic. If you assemble foam plastic hives according to the diagram correctly, you can get a good alternative to wooden structures. There are two types - regular (foamed) and extruded (more dense). For manufacturing it is better to use the second one.

Let's list the advantages of bee hives made of foam:

  • low noise level;
  • economical foam does not require large expenses;
  • ease of transportation, light weight;
  • the bees are reliably protected, the structure is warm in winter and cool in summer;
  • hives made of polystyrene foam do not rot and maintain the necessary climate;
  • easy to assemble with your own hands (body parts can be easily changed if damage occurs).

The disadvantages include:

  • lightweight design, which requires additional fixation or weighting.
  • short service life 10-15 years;
  • low strength, which also leads to a decrease in service life. , rodents, and even the bees themselves deform the structure over time;
  • the sun's rays destroy it, at a temperature of +60°C styrene vapors are released, which negatively affects beekeeping products, bees, and reduces the service life of the structure;
  • collection of propolis is excluded since the foam begins to crumble when collected;
  • difficult to clean the body;
  • the body does not breathe, as a result, water ends up at the bottom;
  • fire hazard.

Required tools and materials

To make a hive from polystyrene foam you will need the following tools:

  • nichrome cutter (if you don’t have one, you can use a stationery knife);
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil and felt-tip pen;
  • ruler or meter.

Also, to make a beehive from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • sheets of expanded polystyrene (it is better to use extruded);
  • sandpaper is used to clean cuts and ensure tight joining of parts;
  • self-tapping screws 5-7cm and 1.5cm long;
  • PVA glue;
  • Whatman paper for drawings;
  • metal mesh with small cells for ventilation, aluminum is suitable;
  • a plastic corner 15×15 mm is necessary to hold the frames, interlayers ensure the integrity of the internal folds;
  • water-based paint.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin production.

Preparing parts

Expanded polystyrene has different thicknesses, strength and light weight. Before assembly, you need to make drawings; depending on the type of structure and thickness of the material, they will differ.

Expanded polystyrene hives are constructed from blocks:

  • roof;
  • base;
  • frame.

The corresponding markings are made on polystyrene foam boards. By using nichrome cutter or a stationery knife and ruler, cuts are made. The cut line should always be smooth and even. Curvatures are getting better sandpaper.

Assembling a hive from polystyrene foam

Having prepared all parts of the structure, we will figure out how to assemble a polystyrene hive.

First we assemble the body:

  1. The junction of the parts is treated with glue.
  2. The elements are connected and secured in place.
  3. While the glue has not hardened, the smudges are removed.
  4. To ensure the strength of the connection, self-tapping screws are used every 15 cm.

To install one housing on another, you do not need to construct grooves; the bees will fasten the housings with propolis and they cannot be separated without harm to the structure.

Then you need to prepare the bottom:

  1. In the prepared base template you need to make a hole for ventilation; the dimensions will depend on the type and location.
  2. WITH inside needs to be secured metal mesh(you can use glue or small 1.5 cm screws).
  3. Observing all the above rules, we attach the bottom to the body.
  4. When the case is assembled, the corners necessary for fixing the frames are attached to the wall with glue.

No need to use wooden inserts under the frames, in PPS hives there is high humidity, the wooden inserts will always be damp, which will eventually lead to mold.

Let's start preparing the roof. Just like in the process of assembling the case, we connect the elements with glue and screws. The only difference is that the lids must have holes for ventilation. It's best to do them from the side. Just like when assembling the base, the mesh should be on the inside.
When assembling the body, the gaps between the parts should be minimal. If light enters the structure, the bees chew through it so that they have additional space to fly out.

The glue dries within a day, so if it doesn’t rain, the products are placed outside.

Final works

The next day, the walls are treated with sandpaper. Detected gaps, if present, are closed polyurethane foam.

Since the sun's rays destroy polystyrene foam from the outside

Foam hives are replacing wood products in the beekeeping industry. There is a completely reasonable explanation for this!

If previously one of the most accessible and most the best materials there was wood for making hives, today one can argue with this statement. Moreover, today we can say that the choice of material is a matter of taste and desire of each beekeeper. Almost every material has both its pros and cons. Let's take a brief look at their most common types and how to build a comfortable hive from them yourself. Let's start with polystyrene foam.


This material is very light, easy to work with, it has high thermal insulation, low cost and easy repairs. The disadvantages, perhaps, include only low strength compared to wood and the fact that some types of bees like to taste this material. Today it is not a problem to purchase convenient evidence from the specified material in a specialized store, but you can also build it yourself. Just a few skills, materials, tools, necessary drawings and everything is ready. We will now talk in more detail about how to make a beehive from polystyrene foam with your own hands.

DIY making

What do we need?

Expanded polystyrene from different manufacturers today can be found in any hardware store, it is sold in tiles. Also during work you will need a long metal ruler, a stationery knife, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver and glue. Also, if your bees tend to polarize the hive a lot, you should have small corners (15x15 mm).

Such corners will need to be attached to the folds. Don't forget about the special mesh for ventilation that is installed in the bottom. This mesh can be selected from different materials, but based on the fact that it must be strong and wear-resistant, it is best to go with metal. For example, aluminum mesh for cars is perfect in size and parameters.

Preparation for production

It is worth noting that making a hive from foam is much easier than from wood. To do this, you need to prepare the base and parts according to the markings in the drawings. They are easy to cut using an ordinary stationery knife. Then, in order to connect the parts of the body, you need to apply glue to both sides to be fastened and press the structure using self-tapping screws, deepening them by about 0.5 cm.

Subtleties of work

We place the screws 10-12 centimeters apart from each other. As you can see, everything is quite simple. The most important thing in this matter is to take the measurements correctly. Remember that hives made of polystyrene should not have the slightest gaps or cracks. This not only leads to the penetration of unnecessary light, but also disrupts the microclimate of the bee house. Moreover, bees can use such cracks as an additional entrance.

After manufacturing, you should leave several slabs of polystyrene foam as a reserve, because over time you will need to replace some parts and parts of the hive structures.


To understand how to properly construct polystyrene foam hives, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the following drawings.

Drawing 1

Drawing 2

Bottom drawing

As we have already said, hives made from polystyrene can be purchased industrial production. They are of good quality, long service life, but also quite expensive. Therefore, making such houses for bees with your own hands has become a very common fact. Naturally, this will require a drawing and exact dimensions all the details. On our website you can see a drawing of such a hive and its drawing. Maintain accuracy in all sizes, because not only the quality of the house, but also its general suitability for use will depend on this.

What else can it be made from?

In addition to the already mentioned polystyrene foam, many of the modern lightweight materials are suitable for the production of hives.

From foam plastic

Yes, strange as it may sound, even such material as polystyrene foam is good and budget option to build a hive. Unlike the usual material (wood), modern foam plastics greatly simplify the work of the beekeeper, making the life of bees even more comfortable. Evidence from this material has the usual square shape measuring 435 by 230 millimeters with a tight lid, bottom and feeder. They are very light - only 14 kilograms without frames.

Hives made of polystyrene foam are easy to use: the bottom has a tray, a landing board, a protective mesh and a latch for the entrance.

Manufacturing Features

If you cannot or simply do not want to purchase such a hive in a store, you can easily make it yourself. True, unlike polystyrene foam bee houses, in this case a stationery knife and glue will not be enough. To make beehives from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you need to have gas or electric heating devices and a special protective form in your arsenal.

This is necessary in order to use steam to make the material soft and flexible. First, the foam will need to be placed under a press to give it the required form. The finished sheets must be painted. This will protect the material from environmental influences.


Compared to wood, polystyrene foam, of course, has many disadvantages, but also many advantages. One of the positive qualities of such a hive will be the ability to retain heat in winter, as well as sufficient coolness in summer. That is why many professional beekeepers are increasingly choosing this modern and affordable type of evidence.

Polyurethane foam

Anyone who started working in an apiary with old “grandfather’s” wooden hives probably knows that this material is very heavy. Even physically healthy young people developed person It will not be easy to cope with multi-tiered buildings. Fortunately, today they have been replaced by new, more advanced and lightweight materials that simplify the beekeeper’s work. And one of these materials is polyurethane foam.


This material is widely known in the construction of houses and heat-insulating premises. Beehives made of polyurethane foam have a low thermal conductivity coefficient and are light in weight. In addition, compared to wood, polyurethane foam evidence is not subject to rotting and does not allow moisture to pass through, which prevents the formation of pathogenic microbes and fungi inside.


Moreover, the strength of polyurethane foam is not inferior to even the hardest types of wood, it is not chewed by bees and mice, and it is resistant to various organic solvents and paints. The only drawback is its high flammability, which, however, is the same as wood. If you are going to make evidence from this material, remember that it is very important point during its construction, a ventilation system must be provided, since polyurethane foam does not allow air to pass through and accumulates steam. Well made ventilation system– the key to success for such a hive. It will keep the bees warm and comfortable.

By purchasing a ready-made or building such a house for bees yourself, you can always replace any part of the hive, since polyurethane foam is sold in standard sheets of the same thickness and size.

From plywood

Every beekeeper knows that the main condition for good honey production and healthy bees is a warm, dry, environmentally friendly and durable hive. Moreover, for each beekeeper, an important factor when choosing suitable houses is their weight. Even though it is light enough, it should still be strong and stable during transportation. IN lately Due to all these requirements, plywood began to be used more and more often for the production of bee houses. Plywood hives are made of two layers with foam insulation between the walls. As practice shows, in such hives bees grow their colonies well and successfully survive winters.


Plywood is a multi-layer pressed material made from wood fibers. In terms of thermal insulation and dryness, it is superior to wood itself. However, since the plywood itself is not characterized by high strength and durability, in double-walled hives for additional insulation and strengthening the walls using polystyrene foam with a thickness of 30-50 mm. The material is covered with plywood sheets on top and bottom. Houses made from such a combined material always maintain dryness and a good microclimate. Bees have to spend much less energy on heating.

Also, to extend the life of plywood hives, the wooden fiber is coated with a special acrylic paint. It protects plywood from moisture and other atmospheric factors, thereby increasing its service life up to 20 years.


Polycarbonate hives are no longer uncommon. Many beekeepers, due to the good performance of this material, have long replaced the usual wooden evidence with polycarbonate ones. What kind of material is this?


Polycarbonate is a hard, very durable, colorless plastic that consists of special polymer granules. It is lightweight, practical, heat and frost resistant, durable and clean. Despite the fact that it belongs to the group of synthetic polymers, good qualities are achieved by a special production method - the macromolecular method. What is good about polycarbonate in an apiary? First of all, the fact that this material always retains its strong structure. It is not affected by cold, heat, or direct sunlight.

At the same time, it is able to maintain, regardless of the external temperature, a constant microclimate inside the hive. This is why many beekeepers who have sunny side and there is nowhere for the bees to hide from the sun during the day, they choose evidence made from polycarbonate.

Wintering of bees that live in a polystyrene foam house can take place in the open air. This means that in the fall you don’t need to rack your brains about where to hide the apiary from the cold and cold. Such hives can remain in their previous “summer” place, for example, on summer cottage or in the garden. Moreover, as practice shows, this method of keeping insects contributes to the onset of early spring migration. Thus, the bees quickly build up their strength for the main honey harvest.


For hives made of polystyrene foam, there is no need to come up with additional insulation and side blocks. True, there are also some disadvantages to this. It is important to remember that polystyrene foam evidence does not allow moisture to pass through, so drops of condensation flow to the bottom. Also, in such houses, bees are more active in winter, so they require additional food. For the winter, bees in polystyrene hives should be left with at least 30 kg of honey (large colony). Additional ventilation will help reduce costs a little.

If we evaluate buildings made from this material, then, first of all, it is lightness and good moisture resistance. This type of housing is easy to work with and does not require special care and is perfect for a variety of climatic conditions. For the bees themselves, such a house is also very convenient, because it is always comfortable and quiet. In addition, a very important advantage of such hives over wooden ones is that all its parts are interchangeable and durable.

Expanded polystyrene is a good modern material, durable and lightweight, and unlike foam plastic, it does not crumble.

But for bee houses it must meet some requirements. It must be environmentally friendly, that is, safe for use. The material should be smooth and uniform in thickness. To do this, you should choose only reliable manufacturers who guarantee quality. To make a beehive from polystyrene foam yourself, you need to have material, tools, drawings, a little time and effort. Let's talk in more detail about how to make it yourself.

How to make?

Today you can find the material in many construction stores; it is quite popular. Many people still make their hives in the old-fashioned way from solid sheets of polystyrene foam. But you can also find already finished parts made of expanded polystyrene, so you can choose the most suitable option. We will just note that it is much more convenient to carve than wood. It is easily cut with a regular stationery knife and fastened with self-tapping screws and glue.


The measurements of homemade buildings are well represented by the drawings. Therefore, making it will be even easier for you. However, you can choose any suitable size for yourself that is more convenient to use in your apiary. Therefore, choose any suitable option. For example, multi-hull hives, bed hives, single-hull or double-hull hives. You should always remember that they should be comfortable not only for the bees, but also for you in your work.

  • Double-hull with extensions (all parameters are presented in mm): height – 1200, width – 445, roof top width – 491.
  • Multi-hull: height – 1260, bottom width – 375, roof width – 445, side width – 520.
  • Single-hull: height – 671, width – 722, side – 565.
  • Lounger: height – 640, bottom width – 870, top width – 916, distance between holes – 440.
Drawing different types evidence for homemade

Required Tools

To make making hives convenient, you will need:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam 50 mm thick (Penoplex, Technonikol, Ursa and others);
  • Stationery knife;
  • Pen for notes;
  • Metal ruler;
  • Glue "Titan" or any other for similar material;
  • Self-tapping screws 5 and 7 cm;
  • Screwdriver or device for tightening screws;
  • Plastic corners 15x15 mm;
  • Metal mesh for ventilation in the bottom with a mesh size of 3.5 mm.

Step by step instructions

  1. We study the drawings and with the help ballpoint pen or a felt-tip pen to mark your material. This is clearly visible in the video.
  2. Using a stationery knife, cut out the necessary parts along the marked lines. Everything should be done carefully so as not to damage the polystyrene foam during work.
  3. We fasten the parts using glue. First, we glue the parts together, coating both edges, and then secure them with self-tapping screws for greater strength.
  4. It should be made very carefully and carefully so that there are no gaps or gaps. This will disrupt the internal microclimate.
  5. Be sure to provide special mesh ventilation in the bottom.

Video "U pour with your own hands»

In this material you can see step-by-step production evidence from modern material one of the amateur beekeepers.

  • 1. Benefits
  • 2. Required Tools and materials
  • 3. Preparation of parts
  • 4. Assembly
  • 5. Final work
  • 6. Features of use

It is believed that best conditions for keeping bees can only be created in wooden hives, since they are closest to the natural habitat of insects. But some beekeepers are sure that there are alternative options, each of which has its own advantages.

One of these materials is polystyrene foam; it successfully solves some beekeeping problems that arise when bees are kept in wooden structures. At the same time, insects adapt well to such hives, sometimes even faster than to ordinary ones. In order to make a hive from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you do not need a lot of time, special tools and skills, as well as significant financial investments.


Expanded polystyrene (PSB-S) is an economical, convenient, environmentally friendly material. It has low vapor permeability and thermal conductivity. During operation, foam does not emit toxic substances, is durable, is not food for rodents and is not a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Due to its breathability, polystyrene foam allows hives to be well ventilated.

The advantages of this material include the following qualities:

  • unlike wooden structures, polystyrene foam hives do not have voids;
  • such bee houses are protected from cold in winter, and from overheating in summer;
  • quickly assembled and dismantled, compartments are easy to repair;
  • expanded polystyrene does not rot or mold due to its inorganic composition;
  • bees fly away less from such hives and swarm less often;
  • insect activity increases significantly;
  • the material helps maintain an optimal microclimate inside the hive. In this regard, the uterus begins its activity earlier, and the family develops faster;
  • in summer the nests are well ventilated;
  • hives made of polystyrene foam are lightweight and mobile.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • expanded polystyrene repels moisture, and it flows to the bottom of the hive;
  • expanded polystyrene is much less durable than wood;
  • The slabs have a fixed size, so most often there are a lot of leftovers. In this regard, polystyrene foam hives need to be carefully thought out;
  • at the joints, insects can gnaw the material, therefore it is necessary to fit the parts more tightly so that light does not enter the hive;
  • Cleaning structures from propolis is quite difficult and is only possible with the help of chemicals. Its further use for economic purposes is excluded, since propolis is removed with pieces of foam;
  • the hives are very light, during strong winds they need to be reinforced with bricks.

Required tools and materials

In order to make a beehive from polystyrene foam with your own hands, you will need not only some skills, but also:

  1. Special glue or liquid nails.
  2. Expanded polystyrene boards.
  3. Mesh for ventilation.
  4. Marker or pencil.
  5. Sheets of paper for drawings.
  6. A stationery knife and self-tapping screws 7 and 5 cm long.
  7. Ruler (at least 100 cm).
  8. Sandpaper.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Corners 1.5*1.5. They are glued in if the bees generously lubricate the walls with propolis so that the material does not crumble when removing the frames.

If you want to use consumables As economically as possible, it is better to make the correct drawings. At the slabs standard size 1.2 by 0.6, but you should take it with a small margin, since everything doesn’t always work out the first time.

Preparing parts

The walls of the hives are made of material 50 mm thick. This expanded polystyrene has sufficient strength and lightness. Before starting work, we recommend making your own drawings.

Polystyrene foam hives consist of several elements: a cover, a base and a body. We attach drawings with their dimensions below.

The resulting markings are transferred to the material with a small margin and cut out using a stationery knife and ruler. To minimize gaps, extreme precision must be observed, since the penetration of light leads to the bees gnawing holes in these places, forming an additional entrance.

Making a beehive from polystyrene foam. Part 1


The cut parts must be made smooth and even, for this purpose sandpaper is used. After that, folds are applied to the walls, with their help frames will be installed.

Polystyrene foam hives are assembled in the following sequence:

  1. The edges of the workpieces are lubricated with glue.
  2. The joints of the parts are connected and fixed.
  3. Remove drips before they harden.
  4. To improve strength, the parts are additionally connected using self-tapping screws, placing them at a distance of approximately 12 cm. Screwed in to a depth of no more than 5 mm.
  5. Using a knife, make indentations on the back and front walls of the product, and then glue handles from pieces of foam foam of a suitable size into them.
  6. The structure should dry out within 24 hours. In dry weather, such hives can be left in the yard, tied with straps and weighted down the top of the polystyrene foam building with bricks.

Making a beehive from polystyrene foam. Part 2

Final works

After 24 hours, you should grind the hive walls with sandpaper using pendulum-like movements, without excessive pressure. If gaps remain as a result, eliminate them with polyurethane foam.

After this, the final work begins:

  • strips or corners are fixed to the recesses in the walls;
  • Waxed frames are installed inside the body;
  • A ventilation mesh is inserted into the bottom. It should be selected according to two parameters: cell size (up to 3.5 mm) and strength. Can use aluminum mesh for car bumper with required size cells;
  • a lid is placed; leftover polystyrene foam can be used for it, metal profile or plywood. In this case, the lid should not outweigh the structure;
  • the outside of the hive should be covered water-based paint. It is non-toxic, does not destroy the material and will help to significantly extend the life of such a house for bees.

Making a beehive from polystyrene foam. Part 3

Features of use

In hives made from polystyrene foam, film is used instead of the usual canvas. And thermoregulation occurs somewhat differently than in wooden houses, the elements of which absorb moisture.

In summer, the structure is ventilated through an open entrance and holes in the bottom. The need for an upper entrance does not arise if dividing grids are not used, but with the start of honey harvest it will be needed, because it will be difficult for bees to penetrate through the grid with a heavy load. The upper taphole can be made directly at the point with a stationery knife; it is better to give the hole a square shape measuring 30 by 30 mm.

To save heat in the hive, in the spring the hole in the bottom is closed, the entrance at this time is slightly open by 2-5 cm. winter time the entrance is covered and the bottom is open. A film is placed over the frames, preventing the penetration of cold air from above and the formation of a draft. The moisture formed from the bees' breathing collects on the walls and film, and then the condensation flows into the entrance and the lower hole. The walls of the structure do not absorb moisture, which is a clear advantage over wooden structures.

Hives made of polystyrene foam can be easily transported to the right places, but they must be secured with special straps. Bricks can be placed on top of them to prevent them from being toppled by the wind. For the winter, it is better not to insulate polystyrene foam hives and not to cover them with pillows. Wintering should take place outdoors.