How to make a beautiful knife handle. Handle made of two types of wood for a knife with your own hands

Wood is not only universal and popular construction material. In everyday life, wooden objects are used everywhere and constantly, especially since wood is a very easy material to process. Making a wooden handle for a knife with your own hands is not at all as difficult a task as it seems at first glance.

Types of handles

Wooden handle for folding or regular kitchen model should be comfortable first of all. Actually, this is the attractiveness of making it yourself: you can make a handle of any configuration, any size suitable for your hand, and impregnate it with any composition.

At self-production 2 types are most often used wooden handle:

  • mounted - a cavity is formed at the end of the product into which a blade with a narrow shank is fixed. The handle is a single unit and is very resistant to damage. A folding knife cannot be made this way;
  • overhead – suitable for blades with a wide shank. In this case, the handle consists of two parts that overlap the blade. The handle is heavier, which helps balance the wide blade. For a kitchen knife, for example, this is important. The folding model always refers to the invoice type. The photo shows a set for the folding version.

Materials and tools

To make a kitchen knife with a wooden handle, you need to select the right wood, process, impregnate, cut into parts and secure in the chosen method. For this you will need such materials.

  • Wood - as a rule, choose wood with an original texture and pattern so that the product is attractive, like in the picture. In this case, preference is given to hard and durable species - oak, walnut, maple. It is more difficult to cut a handle from such wood, but the result will last a long time. In any case, the wood must be selected dry - no more than 12-15% humidity, and must be treated with antiseptics.
  • The blade itself is purchased ready-made. For manufacturing, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the shank and the weight of the blade.
  • Fasteners - for kitchen knives with a mounted handle, epoxy resin is used. To attach the attachment handle, you needed a brass or copper rod of the required diameter.
  • Impregnation – the product must be impregnated with a suitable composition. Most often, linseed oil or special dish varnish is used. It is necessary to impregnate the handle not only to give it a beautiful shine: the composition protects the wood from moisture. How to impregnate a wooden knife handle depends on the type of product.
  • Tools - as a rule, the set is quite ordinary: cutters, plane, hacksaw. However, to speed up the process, you can also resort to electric models.

How to make a handle

To make a handle you need certain experience woodworking.

At the same time, this work is quite suitable for practice for a beginner.

  1. The wood must be impregnated with an antiseptic before work.
  2. Using a hacksaw or jigsaw, cut out a workpiece of a suitable shape from wood. If this is your first try, it is better to do without finger grooves, but if you already have experience, you can choose the most optimal configuration. At the first stage, the workpiece has only an approximate shape, then its shape is brought to perfection using a cutter and a hacksaw. How to process a wooden knife handle depends on the skill and desire of the craftsman.
  3. The finished workpiece is processed sandpaper until perfectly smooth.
  4. A groove for the blade is drilled at the end of the product. The depth depends on the weight of the blade. The shank should fit easily onto the handle. The photo shows the formation of the groove.
  5. The product is then processed, e.g. linseed oil. Pour oil into a small saucepan and place on water bath, and the workpiece is immersed in the impregnation and held until air bubbles stop appearing.
  6. The wooden handle is left to dry.
  7. Prepare epoxy resin according to the instructions. They mix it with sawdust and fill the cavity of the handle with resin.
  8. A blade is inserted into the cavity, keeping an eye on correct position, and left to dry for a day. In order not to stain the product, and the epoxy resin is very difficult to wipe off, the blade is wrapped with tape, as in the picture.

The attachment model for a folding knife is made slightly differently. Here the tool kit will include rivets and a vice.

  1. The rough-shaped workpiece is held in a vice and cut into 2 parts. Both parts are then finished to perfection using cutters and sandpaper.
  2. The product is assembled: the blade is placed between the handle parts. Mark the attachment points and drill holes through the workpiece. In this way, perfect alignment of the holes is achieved.
  3. Then a rivet is made from a rod with a diameter that matches the diameter of the hole.
  4. The blanks are treated with oil according to the technology described above.
  5. Epoxy resin is applied to inner side parts, shank and rivets. Assemble the product and wrap it tightly with tape.
  6. In a day the handle should be ready. If necessary, it is cleaned of excess epoxy resin.

In the video, making a handle with your own hands is covered in more detail.

To answer the question: “How to make a handle for a knife?” - you need to know what it is for. For the material is often determined functionality blade. This article is intended to help with the choice of material and will give several useful tips how to make a handle for a knife.

The handle can be made of wood, metal, leather, birch bark, various plastics, or woven from wire or nylon cord. As you can see, the choice is very large and if a knife is not made to decorate a collection, you need to approach its equipment very responsibly.

Does the material have great importance? Huge. For example, a knife with a metal handle is unlikely to be suitable for a tourist. It is too heavy for a hike, and in the cold it will simply be impossible to pick it up. But knives with a handle made of leather or birch bark will not last long for a hunter, since after the first skinning of game blood will get on such a handle, and after a few days the smell will be such that you will not want to pick up the knife. What can we say about throwing knives, where any handle can simply fly into pieces.

Similar to the material, the shape of the handle is also chosen according to how the knife will be used. If this is a universal tool for a tourist or hunter, then the shape should be simple, without grooves for fingers and similar frills. So that the knife can be held in different grips, and it is equally convenient for them to peel potatoes, open a tin can, plan wood or repair equipment. If they are going to pierce doors with a knife, then, of course, the more additional ledges on the handle for a secure hold, the better.

Now let's look at the most popular techniques for making a knife handle.

Today, knives are in great demand and this is not surprising. In addition to its direct purpose in the kitchen, the knife is used in tourism, hunting, fishing and many other areas. In addition, this is simply a beautiful and valuable gift for any man. Homemade knives are in particular demand, because the handle of such a knife provides unlimited possibilities for the creator’s imagination. Beautiful patterns, drawings and inscriptions allow you to make a unique knife. So that he can serve long years It is worth deciding on the choice of material for the wooden handle of the knife, impregnation and varnish, which will be discussed below.

Types of knife handles

Depending on the method of fastening, there are two types of knife handles:

  • invoices;
  • horsemen

The first version is used when the blade shank is wide enough. It is given the shape of a future handle, which is secured with screws or rivets. If the shank of the blade is narrow, then a mounted mount will do. The main advantage over overhead ones is the lightweight structure.

Materials and tools for manufacturing

Making a comfortable and durable knife handle can be a difficult task for an inexperienced person. The first obstacle on the way will be the choice of wood. Depending on the operating and storage conditions, one or another type of wood serves different time. The wood must be dried to prevent further deformation.

At the moment there are several dozen in the world suitable species wood knife handle. These are mainly rocks that retain their shape and hardness: iron, black and ebony trees, boxwood, maple, oak, walnut, rosewood, birch, heather and many others.

Failure to follow all steps may cause the texture to disappear and the durability of the handle to be significantly reduced.

It is important to know that when processing light-colored wood, particles of sanding dust can be absorbed and will be visible in the form of black dots. To prevent this, you must first use a special vapor filler.

For a knife that uses a mounted shank, a hole of the same length should be drilled in the handle and, if necessary, expanded with a file. Then, pre-prepared epoxy resin is mixed with sawdust and filled with this solution drilled hole. After which the blade is installed. The knife can be used a day later, after the resin has completely hardened.

The invoice version is assembled using a different method. First of all, the processed parts of the handle are installed on the shank and clamped in a vice. Then all holes for rivets or screws are drilled. Those, in turn, should be the same diameter as the holes. Then the parts of the handle are soaked on all sides with oil. Then they begin to apply epoxy resin to the inside of the handles and rivets. Then all parts of the knife are assembled and wrapped in rubber, which can be secured with tape or tape. After 24 hours, the knife can be unrolled, excess resin removed and the handle additionally soaked in oil.

Knife handle no less important element than the blade itself, since the convenience and safety of use depends on how the knife lies in the hand. The handle also carries decorative functions, especially if the knife is a souvenir. Among some northern peoples, the hilt is valued even more than the blade itself. It is made of soft steel that can be sharpened on any stone. And when the blade is ground down, the blade part is thrown away, and a new blade is inserted into the familiar and comfortable handle. Let's look at some of the materials used in the manufacture of knife handles.

The simplest handle can be formed by wrapping a cord around the tail of the knife. This type of handle can often be seen on throwing or tactical knives.

Many knife manufacturers use for making handles traditional materials, such as wood, horn or bone. Wood is used both in mass production and in the manufacture of one-piece items by knifemakers. IN different regions They use different types of wood that are most accessible, work well, or have a beautiful texture.

For example, walnut, maple, oak, apple, pear, ash, and cherry are used to make handles. Although, at present, blanks are available from various exotic varieties of wood that grow in tropical countries. True, many rare wood species are more difficult to process because they have high hardness.

Designer knives with wooden handles are often decorated with carvings or inlaid with various inserts. Brass, silver or gold wire is used for notching. It is rolled into strips and then driven into grooves, which are made in the form of an ornament, so soft, dense wood, such as walnut, is suitable for these purposes. Dense wood is well suited for carving - maple, dogwood, apple tree, boxwood, juniper, pear. Among tropical species, lemon, red or rosewood are used for these purposes.

IN middle lane In Russia, birch bark is often used for handles. They make it out of it stacked handles, that is, birch bark plates are placed on the shank of a knife, compressed and processed. Sometimes, on the contrary, they first prepare blanks from compressed birch bark, then fix them on the shank and process them.

After processing the birch bark, the handle gets a beautiful and slightly corrugated surface. One of the advantages of a birch bark handle is that it turns out completely natural, since it is made without the use of impregnations or varnishes. The birch bark handle does not slip, even if it is wet or stained with scales or blood. It is warm and pleasant to the touch.

From natural materials, wild animal horns are also used to make handles. Basically, the horn is used in hunting knives, or souvenir options. Red deer antler makes the most beautiful handles. The material is quite durable and can be processed well. Elk horn is also well processed, but it is heavier and acquires grey colour after polishing. The antler of American white-tailed deer and reindeer is used less frequently due to its more porous structure.

In knife catalogs you can often see Nepalese kukri knives. Some knives have buffalo horn handles.

Synthetic materials are widely used in the manufacture of knives. Previously, plexiglass, plastic, and textolite were often used. Modern synthetic materials There are quite a lot of materials used in knife making, for example Fiberglass, G-10, Delrin, Grivory, Zytel, Kraton, Carbon, Micarta, Lexan, Nylon, Elastron and some others.

In descriptions of the characteristics of imported knives, you can often see Zytel material. This material is made on the basis of nylon, but is more rigid and has better wear resistance. These material qualities depend on the type and quantity of resins added. The material is difficult to scratch and has high impact strength and heat resistance. Typically, Zytel handles are knurled for better grip on the palm.

Another material from which the handles are made is Grivory. This is a modern fiberglass material, very resistant to thermal and ultraviolet influences. Grivory material is more technologically advanced and even stronger than Zytel.

Currently, micarta is widely used in the manufacture of knives. It is moisture resistant, durable and has good appearance. The material is well processed. Micarta is a material consisting of a mixture of resins that is used to glue various electrical insulating materials together. Used as layers for gluing different kinds paper and fabric. The texture and color of the material depends on the structure and color of the components, as well as the resins used to glue the filler. Therefore, by changing the color of the components, a very interesting texture and color composition of micarta is obtained. Sometimes micarta imitates certain natural materials, such as wood.

There are other synthetics that imitate natural materials, for example Elforin. It serves as a substitute Ivory. The material is well cut, processed and polished, and is also resistant to acids and oils, and even more so to ordinary moisture.

Another frequently used material is Kraton. It is also used as independent material for knife handles, and as an insert into a handle made of another material. Kraton is a synthetic rubber substitute, that is, Andh oprene rubber. The material is more wear-resistant than rubber. The kraton handle does not slip in the hand, and the surface of the handle is usually grooved, so it sits firmly in the palm.

G-10 is also a popular material for knife handles. . This is fiberglass, which is made on the basis of fiberglass and epoxy binders. G-10 is a non-flammable, moisture-resistant material with dielectric properties. As a result of the addition of dyes, products of various colors can be obtained. Among the disadvantages of the G-10 material, one can note the deterioration of strength characteristics at low temperatures.

Many manufacturers, especially Russian ones, make knives with elastron handles. Elastron G rubber plastic has the strength of vulcanized rubber, and it remains flexible over a wide temperature range - from minus 65°C to +150°C.

Knife handle

A high-quality knife is an indispensable attribute of equipment for any hunter, fisherman or outdoor enthusiast. There is such a wide range of hunting knives on the modern market that it is difficult to choose suitable model won't be difficult. However, many people prefer to make blades themselves. The handle for the knife requires special attention, because it must be comfortable, durable and resistant to aggressive factors. environment.

Our article is intended specifically for those who prefer to make the tools necessary for hunting on their own. Today we decided to dwell in more detail on the manufacture of a handle for hunting knife and consider the main stages of this process, as well as pay attention to the materials that can be used for production.

Knife handle: characteristics and properties

The design of any knife is extremely simple, because it consists directly of a blade (blade) and a handle. When purchasing, we most often pay attention to the material, sharpness and shape of the blade, leaving the handle without attention. This approach is incorrect, since an awkwardly shaped handle can nullify all other advantages of the product.

Figure 1. The shape of the handle directly affects the ease of use of the knife.

The ease of use of the knife, its maneuverability and operational efficiency will depend on the correctly selected shape and size of the handle. The selection of materials also plays an equally important role. For example, if you are going to use the tool primarily outdoors, it is better to choose a product with a handle made of durable and wear-resistant material - deer antler, wood or plastic. For home use knives with handles made of plywood and other lightweight materials are suitable, which will help long time use the knife without fatigue (Figure 1).

It should also be taken into account that the functional purpose of a knife largely depends on the shape of its handle:

  1. Oval: This form is considered the most convenient, since it is easier for the hand to hold such a handle for a long time. It is noteworthy that not only hunting knives, but also table knives often have oval handles, which Once again proves its convenience.
  2. Straight: characteristic feature such a handle is that it does not have any contractions or extensions. As a rule, such pens are made in kitchen knives. A handle of this shape is not suitable for a hunting tool, since the hand will quickly get tired when working with a knife.
  3. Conical: may have an extension back or forward, and most often you can find the latter option. This handle has an almost ideal ergonomic shape and does not slip out of your hand during use.

In addition, some hunting knives are equipped with concave or convex handles. A striking example of the first type can be considered Japanese blades or knives that were used in Ancient Rus'. In practice, the concave shape is not very convenient, so many hunters prefer to buy knives with convex handles, since they are recognized as the most comfortable and functional.

Handle mounting type

The methods for attaching a knife handle to a blade are not very diverse. There are only two of them: mounted and overhead. However, no matter what method is chosen, the production of the handle will in any case be carried out according to a template so that the finished product fully complies with the wishes of the future owner.

Since mounted and overhead handles differ from each other in many respects and have their own design features, we will look at the characteristics of each method in more detail.


The mounted handle is also called a "rat tail". This name very accurately explains the technology of attaching the handle to the blade of the blade (Figure 2).

A narrow shank is made on the knife, onto which, like a rod, a handle is placed and secured in any available way.

If you decide to make a hunting knife with a wooden mounted handle, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of such a design in advance.

The advantages include:

  1. Aesthetics: mounted handles look more attractive in appearance, and they are often made from several types of wood at once to increase decorativeness.
  2. Practicality: This type of fastening allows you to create and attach a handle of any shape and size to the blade.
  3. Ease of use: Mounted handles are typically light in weight, which is an obvious advantage for hunters who have to move around a lot. In addition, such handles have low thermal and electrical conductivity, which is also an obvious advantage of their use.

Figure 2. Attaching the equestrian model

It should also be noted that handles with a similar form of fastening are much easier to repair. Mounted handles have only one drawback - the method of attaching them is less reliable compared to overhead models.


Knives with overhead handles have a slightly different design. They have a wide shank that completely follows the shape of the handle. Plates (linings) are attached to it on both sides and secured with rivets or screws. Usually, this method used for the manufacture of all-metal or folding knives with two handles (Figure 3).

Among the advantages of the overhead handle are ease of manufacture and high strength of connection of structural elements. However, it should be borne in mind that this mounting option also has disadvantages. Firstly, there are certain restrictions on the shape and size of the handle. Secondly, the finished product weighs much more than a model with a mounted handle. In addition, knives with applied handles have high heat and electrical conductivity. This means that you are unlikely to succeed for a long time operate such a tool in the cold without gloves.

Figure 3. Manufacturing of the overhead version

At the same time, the reliability and durability of such knives completely outweighs their shortcomings, which is why many hunters and fishermen prefer to use edged weapons with applied handles.

Making a handle with your own hands step by step

The simplicity of the design of the knife and its handle makes it easy to make this tool with your own hands.

For example, if you have a high-quality blade with a damaged handle, you can easily update it by making a handle from scrap materials according to the algorithm given in our article.

Required Tools

As a rule, most craftsmen make knife handles from wood, although other natural and synthetic materials are also suitable for this purpose.

Based on the selected material, the tools for the job are selected. For example, for wood processing you will definitely need special impregnations (for example, linseed oil), which will protect the finished product from moisture and other negative environmental factors.

To process the material you will also need special tools. The easiest way to process wood is with a cutter, chisel or rasp, but to work with metal you will need a special vice and abrasive stones. Power tools can also be useful for processing materials of increased strength: drills, jigsaws, chisels, etc.

Requirements for size and shape

There are no clear requirements for the size of hunting knives: everyone is guided by considerations of personal convenience and the functions that the blade will perform (Figure 4).

The optimal blade length for a hunting knife is 10 cm. With the help of such a tool, you can cut up game and use it for planing wood or other purposes.

Figure 4. Variety of sizes and shapes

Minimum handle length quality knife is 11-13 cm, while the width finished product determined individually, depending on the personal preferences of the future owner. As for the shape of the blade, an oval or convex handle is considered optimal for a hunting knife, which ensures the convenience and efficiency of using the tool.

Types of materials used

The types of materials for making knife handles are very diverse. For this purpose, both natural materials, such as wood or leather, and synthetic materials, such as metal, plastic or rubber, are used.

The final choice of material depends on your skills, capabilities and personal preferences. To make it easier for you to make your choice, we will provide more detailed information about each type of material that can be used to make the handle of a hunting knife.


Wood is considered one of the most popular materials for making a hunting knife handle. Typically, hardwoods such as walnut, ash, birch, beech, cherry, hornbeam, oak or maple are used for this purpose (Figure 5).

If you want to make a wooden knife handle with your own hands that is not only durable, but also original, you can use exotic types of wood. Breeds such as merbau, amaranth, bubingo or zebrano do not grow in our latitudes, but have sufficient strength and attractive appearance, and are ideal for making knife handles.

Figure 5. Options made of wood

If you don't have a suitable piece natural wood, you can always use parts from parquet board. This flooring They are precisely made from durable wood, which is ideal for making handles of hunting knives.

Of course, in some respects natural wood is inferior to synthetic materials in terms of wear resistance and durability, but it also has certain advantages. For example, this natural material is easy to process, it has a unique texture, and also provides reliable grip on the palm and allows you to work outdoors for a long time, even in severe frost.

Birch bark

The handle for a hunting knife can also be made from birch bark. This material is one of the simplest and most affordable, and working with it requires a minimal set of tools. The obvious advantage of birch bark handles is that they contain natural birch tar, which protects the finished product from moisture and rotting. In addition, birch bark has low thermal conductivity, so working with a knife with such a handle will be comfortable in both heat and cold (Figure 6).

Figure 6. The procedure for making a product from type-laid birch bark

To make a handle from birch bark it is used upper layer birch bark, which is cut into small pieces, glued epoxy resin and compressed into a briquette using a vice. Thanks to such a simple design, the handle can be made in just one day. The only drawback of such a handle is that birch bark absorbs odor very well, so if you use a knife to cut game or fish, the handle will absorb these odors and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them in the future.


Genuine leather also applies to suitable materials for the manufacture of handles for Finnish and other knives. As a rule, the same typesetting technology is used to produce the workpiece as for the manufacture of birch bark handles (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Leather products are comfortable and durable

Along with the obvious advantages natural material– wear resistance, low thermal conductivity and comfort, and leather handles also have certain disadvantages. As with birch bark, genuine leather absorbs odors very well, so it is usually used for making tourist or camping knives that are not used for processing game or fish. In addition, if you use and store such a knife incorrectly, the leather may begin to rot and the handle will have to be replaced. Therefore, experts recommend that after each use, thoroughly rinse and dry the knife, followed by treating the handle with special protective agents for the skin or natural wax.


Modern composites in their own way operational characteristics are in many ways superior natural materials. High-quality plastic does not absorb moisture and odors, has low thermal conductivity and fits comfortably in the hand, allowing you to wield the knife for a long time without fatigue.

However, if you decide to make plastic handle for a knife with your own hands, an unpleasant surprise awaits you. Implementing this idea at home will be very problematic, since plastic requires the use of special tools for processing, which are not always at hand. In addition, securing such a handle firmly to the blade can be problematic. Therefore, if you have clearly decided to become the owner of a hunting knife with a plastic handle, most likely you will have to buy a finished product in a specialized store.


Hollow or solid metal knife handles are not suitable for everyone. Firstly, such models have increased weight, which is not always beneficial during hunting. Secondly, a knife equipped with a metal handle cannot be used for a long time at subzero temperatures (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Metal models are not suitable for use in cold weather

With such obvious shortcomings, making a metal handle is considered quite simple. You just need to take a suitable piece of metal, select a template for the future handle, apply the template to the material and cut out the workpiece. Subsequently, parts of the handle are attached to the blade mainly in an overhead manner.

Rubber plastics

Rubber plastic is considered another practical, inexpensive and comfortable material for making a knife handle. In addition, such a handle can be combined, for example, supplemented with elements made of leather or natural wood (Figure 9).

This material has all the advantages of synthetic fibers. It does not slip in the hand and does not hold electricity and prevents your hand from freezing even when working outdoors in severe frost. In addition, this synthetic material does not absorb water or odors, which is an obvious advantage if the knife will be used for cutting game or fish. Making a handle from rubber-plastic material is simple: just take a piece of material and cut blanks from it the right size and shapes and simply connect them together with glue.

Figure 9. Products made from rubber plastic are durable and wear-resistant

The only drawback of this material is its high flammability. Rubber plastics do ignite very quickly, so leaving them near an open fire is not recommended.

Synthetic fibers

The use of synthetic fibers to make a knife handle, first of all, involves wrapping an existing handle (Figure 10).

For this purpose, you can use Cordura, Kevlar or Dacron.

Such synthetic materials have many advantages. Firstly, they are easy to find on the open market, and the cost of the material itself is not very high. Secondly, the finished winding has high resistance to aggressive environmental influences or mechanical damage. In addition, a worn winding can be easily replaced with a new one at home.

Figure 10. Synthetic fibers are excellent for decorating and braiding the handles of bladed weapons.

Another option for synthetic fibers that can be used to make a knife handle is PCB. From this material you can make a truly comfortable, practical and wear-resistant handle that will not be afraid of aggressive environments or mechanical damage. Textolite itself does not absorb moisture or odors, does not slip in the hand during operation and is not subject to shrinkage in the heat or swelling under the influence of moisture. You can secure the handle blank to the blade using regular rivets. The only drawback of this material is its low aesthetics. Its texture is uniform, so the finished handle does not look too expensive. However, if the key role for you is ease of use, and not the attractive appearance of the product, PCB is perfect for these purposes.


To make it easier for you to make a handle for an oval-shaped knife, we will provide you with several ready-made drawings of such a product. All you have to do is print out the drawing, apply it to the material for making the handle and cut out the workpiece (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Finished drawing products

At the final stage of manufacturing, you will need to drill holes for the rivets, with which the handle will be attached to the blade, and choose a direct method for connecting the knife parts.

Attaching the handle to the blade

If you want to make the connection between the knife handle and its blade truly strong and durable, it is better to use overlay fastening technology. IN in this case you will need to cut out two blanks for the future handle according to the finished drawings. If you use as the main material natural wood, it must be additionally impregnated with special water-repellent compounds (Figure 12).

Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the impregnation. It is desirable that it contains natural resins that will reliably protect the handle from moisture and rotting.

When the workpieces are prepared, you can begin to directly attach them. To do this, workpieces are secured to the blade shank using screws or rivets for this purpose. It is better to give preference to the latter method, since connecting knife elements with rivets will be less noticeable and more durable.

Figure 12. Main stages of fastening the finished product

When the product is ready, and you want to put some design on the handle, the surface must first be degreased, and only after that can you burn or draw a pattern on it. In the future, the handle will need to be properly cared for: periodically washed, dried and additionally treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture.

Decorating the handle with patterns or ornaments will help make your knife truly unique. Here you can show unlimited imagination. You can decorate the handle using braiding, engraving, or covering it with patterns based on a ready-made sketch (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Design options for the finished product

If the handle is made of wood, a suitable design can be burned or painted with permanent paint. The main condition is before any decorative processing products, the surface must be degreased so that the ornament remains bright and noticeable for a long time.

Detailed instructions for making a knife handle with your own hands are given in the video.