How to make a house for a well. Well design: well house (open and closed)

As soon as suburban area If a well appears, then you need to make a house for it that would decorate the area and protect the water from dust and dirt. But this method of decorating a structure may seem quite expensive to some, and it is for this reason that sheds for wells are built.

What types of canopies for wells can be?

There are no restrictions in such designs.
Canopies can be various shapes:

  • Round.
  • Square.
  • Rectangular.

The roof can be:

  • Pointy-topped.
  • Rovnoy.

A flat canopy roof may have a slope in one direction or another.
Peaked roofs can be:

  • Single-pitch.
  • Gable.
  • Multi-slope.
  • The height of the canopy can be any. Usually, the best option the height is considered to be 1.20-1.50 m. If the canopy is mounted on, then the height may be greater.

Advice. If there is no house around the well, then the height of the canopy should not be large, since there is a possibility of dirt and dust getting into the source if it is not protected by a lid.

The canopy over the well can be installed on the house or built into the ground around the well.

Components of a canopy over a well

The canopy over the well consists of several parts:

  • Base.
  • Pillars.
  • Roof structure.

More details:

  • The base serves to firmly anchor the pillars in the ground.
  • The pillars support the roof structure, which is also made from various materials.

The roof is made with modern finishing materials that are resistant to weather and climatic conditions.

Base for canopy posts

There are several types of bases that can securely anchor pillars in the soil:

  • Monolithic.
  • Columnar.
  • Pile.


  • A monolithic base is the most durable and rather labor-intensive way to secure pillars. It is made from concrete mortar and poured around the entire perimeter of the well.
  • Formwork is pre-constructed and recesses are made in the form of a trench around the source. The depth can reach 30-40 cm.

Advice. Depth monolithic foundation depends on what material the canopy is made of. If it is quite heavy, then it is best to go deeper.

  • Columnar base is more economical. It consists of pillars that are poured around the entire perimeter at a certain distance from each other.
    As a rule, four pillars at the corners of the structure will be sufficient. They must be tied together. Metal pipes or wooden planks.

Advice. To ensure quality dressing for everyone concrete pillar bases need to be installed in them with special metal fasteners in the form of hooks.

  • Metal pipes are attached to them using welding work, and wooden planks can be screwed using special fasteners.
  • Pile-screw foundations are very practical. They are able to withstand quite heavy loads. Metal pipes are used for this different diameters or channels welded together.
    Such pipes are deepened into the ground by 80 cm.

Advice. It will be necessary to pour concrete into the recesses of the pillars to ensure their reliable anchorage in the ground.

In order to fill metal pipes with concrete solution, you need to add crushed stone to it. It will increase the hardness and strength of the solution.
Before such work, all pillars are set strictly to the building level in order to create a level structure for the canopy roof.

Pillars for canopy and decorative decoration of the structure

Any canopy with different sizes can be made from:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Brick or other stone.

Note. All these materials differ not only in their strength, but also in their durability.

Wooden canopy structures over a well

A well canopy made of wood was built in past centuries. It has a rather attractive appearance.
Used for this:

  • Rounded timber.
  • Profiled timber.


  • Canopy posts can be mounted on any base. Their surface can be smooth or have various designs in the form of wood carvings.
    It is also possible to make a decorative bandage around the entire perimeter of the structure, and very often a wooden mesh is used for such decoration. You can also use planks.
  • Wooden structures very durable and practical. They are able to withstand quite heavy loads. It cannot be said that the tree will be moisture resistant and fire resistant.

Advice. To protect this type of surface from exposure to weather and climatic conditions, it must be painted or varnished.

  • It will be necessary to pre-prepare the wood. It must be well dried and well processed by special means to impart fire resistance and moisture resistance.

Advice. For such structures, it is best to choose wood that has undergone a natural drying process, since it will have much less internal deformation than with artificial drying.

  • Wooden carport structures need to be taken care of very well. They demand quality and regular care. Work to renew layers of paint and varnish is carried out every year in the spring.

Advice. For the winter, it is best to cover wooden canopies with film or any other moisture-resistant material. In this way they are protected and they can last a longer period of time.

Very easy and simple to build wooden canopy for a well with your own hands and for this you will need:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Ready wooden elements with different surface designs.
  • Self-tapping screws and nails.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Building level.

Metal structures of canopies

This type of canopy can be presented separately standing pillars, which can be tied together decorative elements, or can be completely forged using different diameters metal rods.
The canopy pillars are mounted to the base using welding. The dressing is done at the top of the structure and can be simple.
Constructions of this type:

  • Moisture-resistant, since the surface and structure of the metal are not capable of absorbing moisture.

Advice. In humid conditions, metal structures are very susceptible to corrosion. To prevent this from happening, they must be coated with varnish or paint.

  • Fire resistant. Metal is not able to react to exposure to a direct source of fire.
  • Wear-resistant. They are not able to change their structure under any influence of weather or climatic conditions.
  • Practical. The only thing that will need to be done in the care of such structures is regular updating of the paint.
  • Very durable, as they can withstand very significant loads.

They have one drawback - the price, which is quite high. This is due to the cost of the metal.

Brick or other stone pillar structures for a house canopy

How to make a canopy over a well with stone pillars?
Everything is very simple. Here you need to initially prepare quite solid foundation, since the weight of the entire structure will be very large.

  • Laying stone or simple building bricks is done in the usual way. All work is similar to the construction of walls of any structure.
    For this you can use natural stone of various shapes and sizes (ruble) or brick, which can also be of different shapes.

Advice. For the construction of rectilinear pillars (square or rectangular), a simple type of building brick is used.
For the construction of round-shaped pillars, they are used special types bricks that have a certain radius.

  • The laying is done using a concrete solution, which is very easily and simply prepared from sand, water and cement, and there are specific instructions for this (proportions 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 - sand/cement).
  • You can use not only simple building brick, but also facing, which has similar dimensions and parameters. Then there will be no need for additional finishing on the pillars.
  • At the top, a structure of this type can be tied metal pipes or wooden beams. It all depends on what material the frame for the canopy roof is made of.

You can watch the video in this article with the construction of stone pillars to cover a well.

Roofing materials for canopy

Today there is a huge range of roofing materials that are widely used for the construction of canopies for various purposes.

  • Polycarbonate, which has many options for shades and types.
  • Sheet slate, which is a very practical and durable material, and at the moment it is possible to choose its specific shade.
  • Metal tiles, which are now in great demand and have a similar appearance to simple ceramic tiles.
  • Corrugated sheet metal, which is also quite popular among roofing materials and is distinguished by its practicality and durability.

The installation of these materials is very different, since they all have different structures. As a rule, self-tapping screws and construction staples are suitable for most of them.
The tiles are laid one on one or can look like sheet metal. It is already mounted a little differently.
When choosing roofing material for a canopy, it is best to focus on the strength of the structure so that it can withstand the load of the entire roof.

Well on own plot– a necessary thing because it is a source of cool, clean water. This need is especially acute if the house is not connected to the central water supply system. The construction of a well has long ceased to include only the installation of a concrete well pipe. This option does not look aesthetically pleasing and spoils general form the entire yard and house. In addition, using such structures is simply inconvenient. That is why it is important to restore the well to its normal appearance - so that it is not only pleasing to the eye, but also convenient to use. For this purpose, a gate is installed on the well - a device to facilitate the rise of water, as well as houses for the wells.

Today, ready-made well fences are available for sale, which include everything necessary for arranging a source. As a rule, this includes the gate and the finished well house However, the cost of such structures is often quite high, so many owners of private houses are interested in how to make a house for a well themselves.

Types of well houses

Well houses can be different. Firstly, there is a distinction between open and closed houses. If the shaft is intended for storage drinking water, then you definitely need a roof for the well, since the house is in in this case will primarily perform the function of protecting clean water from dust, dirt, insects and other contaminants. Water from open wells can only be used for watering the garden; such water cannot be used for food or at least for washing dishes.

House on a well with drinking water must have a tight-fitting lid to protect the liquid inside from precipitation and other natural conditions. It is worth noting that any precipitation is very harmful to health, since it contains various fertilizers, including chemical elements, animal waste products, as well as many other harmful impurities. In order to keep the water clean, you can make a canopy, preferably a gable one, to effectively drain rain or snow.

The roof of the well must ensure the safety of children and adults. To do this, they are installed on the house or on the lid special locks or latches that will help protect children from falling into the mine. For the convenience of using the well, gates and racks are also installed in the house, ensuring easy rise of water. An alternative to such devices could be a rotating log with a chain attached to it. And at the same time, the appearance of the structure of the well house should be pleasing to the eyes of the owners, and its entire structure should require minimal care and expenses.

Open and closed houses: advantages and disadvantages

Open and closed versions of well houses have their advantages and disadvantages. Of course, an open house is a simpler and cheaper option. It is enough just to install a well ring, trim it with wood or stone, and then install a cover or canopy made of wood or metal. To construct such a structure, a minimum amount of building materials will be required.

However, there is a significant disadvantage to open well houses - in winter time The water in such containers freezes.

If the well will also be used during winter, it is necessary to make an insulated version. You can also make it open, but then you will need to lay a layer of polystyrene foam shell, and only then begin finishing the well. In addition, you will also need to make the outer ceiling and well cover from several layers of material. If wood is used, it will need to be laid in different directions so that the joints are covered.

In addition, you can make a closed house for a well with your own hands. This design will be slightly larger than a conventional open well due to the fact that a house is also installed around the well ring, which completely covers the container. Closed option and available air gap provide good thermal insulation. For greater efficiency, you can fill the distance between the ring and the walls of the house with foam plastic.

How to choose material for a well house?

Choice appearance A well house can be time-consuming to design because it is important that the design fits in with the other elements of the yard. In addition, a beautiful appearance must be combined with convenience, ergonomics, reliability and quality.

Most specialists in landscape design They recommend not spending a lot of time and effort, but simply making a well house in the same style as a residential building, especially if they are located nearby.

If the residential building is made of brick or plastered, you can choose a design similar to color combinations or materials. In cases where the well becomes one of the first buildings on the site, it is recommended to make it the way you want. In this case, the house itself can be remodeled in the future.

A common question is what to make a well house from with your own hands. The main dilemma is what to choose: metal or wood. Certainly, wooden house for a well it looks quite attractive, but you should understand that the tree requires some care. Without it, the house will quickly lose its appearance and become gray and ugly. To maintain the original appearance of the structure, it will be necessary to update the finishing or external coating regularly, at least once a year. For example, you will need to delete old paint and apply a new one. If such difficulties do not frighten you, you can install a wooden well house.

You can make a wooden house from either logs or boards. In the first case, additional decorations will not be required, since houses made of round logs already look good. In the second option, the board will need to be covered with paint. And also decorated with beautiful carved details.

If you don’t want to bother making a wooden house, you can make metal structure. You can make the entire structure or just its frame metal. Options for combining a frame made of metal profiles and sheathing made of siding look good, especially if the house is sheathed in the same way.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to build a house for a well depends on many parameters, including the choice of material. Product designs can be very different, much depends on the chosen design and complexity of the structure. In general, making a log house for a well with your own hands is absolutely possible.

Open version: canopy with lid

The design of an open well house is quite simple. Drawings include finishing the ring, installing the posts, and installing the canopy. The first step is to make the walls of the house or trim around the well ring. This finish can be made of several layers in order to protect the water from the cold in winter. Next, on the sides opposite each other, stands are installed on which the gate and canopy are attached. A roof must be placed on the well in order to protect the water from dirt.

How to make a canopy for a well yourself?

Over-well canopies are quite simple to make. First, the racks are installed and two side triangles are removed from them - the base of the canopy, onto which the roof itself will be attached directly. The size of the triangles depends on how large the canopy will be and how it will be positioned. For example, the canopy can match the dimensions of the well ring or extend beyond it. It is best to choose the second option, as it more reliably protects the water from precipitation. The canopy must extend beyond the line of the ring by at least twenty centimeters.

The roof structure for a well can be made from wood, in particular boards and timber, or from metal profiles. The only problem that the owner of the site may encounter is that the profile may bend under the weight of the canopy. In such cases, it is recommended to strengthen it with a wooden beam. If the canopy posts are attached directly to the concrete ring of the container, you must first attach a frame to it, which is also made of wood.

After installing the canopy, it is necessary to sheathe it and give it an attractive appearance. For this purpose, boards or roofing materials are used.

If wood is used, it is important to remember that damp boards dry out and shrink in size over time, which can result in gaps up to a centimeter wide appearing in the canopy. At the same time, a dry board will swell during precipitation and increased humidity, causing the canopy structure to simply ripple.

How to make a closed well house?

How to make a closed house for a well with your own hands - frequently asked question, which occurs among suburban residents. In this case, we mean a completely closed structure with a door. To build such a structure you will need timber or metallic profile. If in stock welding machine, you can use a profiled pipe. A closed house can be completely closed, that is, it can hide not only the top of the well, creating a kind of roof for it, but the entire ring.

The first stage in the manufacture of a well house is the installation of the structure. Depending on the chosen model, a frame is made according to the dimensions of the well ring and the racks attached to it. This design attached to the ring using anchor bolts. Next, the entire frame is assembled. After this, the frame must be sheathed. This is done using boards or any sheet material. Plywood or metal sheets work great. Lastly to finished design the door is attached.

If you decide to make a completely enclosed well house, which will completely hide the entire concrete ring, you can make a log house for the well with your own hands. A wooden frame is quite simple to make. The main thing to start with is to correctly calculate the dimensions required design, since it must completely cover the concrete ring. The height of the house is determined depending on the height of the owner. It is important to choose a height at which the owner can calmly bend down and get the bucket without the risk of falling into the well.

How can you make a log house for a well with your own hands? In this case, a small frame is simply made from profiled or non-profiled timber according to the dimensions of the well ring. It is advisable to select a beam of small diameter, otherwise the well will turn out to be too large. To make another version of a well house with your own hands, we offer step-by-step instructions:

  • after determining the size of the house, we select necessary materials for the frame: timber or profile. It is better to take the latter more durable, from thick galvanized metal.
  • We make two identical frames. One will go to the floor, the other to be placed on the top surface of the ring.
  • then we connect both frames with several racks. The result should be a frame cube.
  • Next you need to install a stand on which the upper canopy will be supported. If the roof slopes of the house are the same, the rack is installed in the middle.
  • We attach a trimmed profile or beam to a well-fixed rack. We get the element as a result rafter system. The design resembles the construction of a roof an ordinary house. Similar operations are performed on both sides, after which the resulting triangles must be fastened with a crossbar.
  • On the side where the door will be located, you need to install two racks. It's better to make them stronger. If we're talking about about the profile, you can strengthen the racks with timber.
  • After the frame of the house is ready, you can start covering it. Almost any materials can be chosen according to the owner’s taste. You can make a well house from the same materials with which a residential building is sheathed, especially if they were left over after construction work.
  • Lastly, the door and lock are attached.


As you can see, it is possible to make a well house with your own hands. You just need to follow the instructions exactly. Making a roof or a full-fledged house for a well yourself is more profitable. Many site owners choose to make their own well houses also for the reason that there are materials available from which a suitable structure can be made.

Probably each of us associates a well with wooden log house, collar and bucket on an iron chain, neatly folded gable roof And standing nearby a peasant woman with a yoke resting on her shoulders. It is unlikely that you will find something like this as soon as you dig a well in your dacha. No log house, no roof, just bare concrete rings. But everything is in your hands, since they are exactly what you will need when you start self-production house for a well. Don’t be alarmed, there is nothing complicated in this, you just need common sense and a powerful desire, coupled with knowledge of some of the features of the work, and now you are building your own little architectural miracle.

The main purpose of the design is to protect water from dirt, insects, branches, etc. You can, of course, simply cover the top of the well with some kind of lid, but bare concrete rings are unlikely to delight anyone (and it’s more difficult to collect water ), so the second function of the house is purely aesthetic. Moreover, such a house can be a whole work of architectural art and be the envy of your neighbors.

To install a log house, you can seek the help of professionals, but we know very well that things made with your own hands always bring more pleasure, and they also save a lot of money.

let's consider different designs houses, we will study their pros and cons, and also learn how to make a house for a well yourself.

Designs, diagrams and drawings

First, let's decide how many walls our house will have. You can choose a rectangular or hexagonal frame.

The tetrahedral version looks more traditional, but the hexagonal version also has its advantages. The design of such a log house will allow you to save space, it takes up less area and good for small plots. Otherwise, it’s more a matter of taste; each option can be played up, decorated, decorated in its own way.

There are more simplified schemes open view without walls. They perform their function just as well, but are easier to manufacture. Also, designs come in closed and open type. Closed design differs in that it completely hides the well, while the open one consists of walls along the height of a concrete ring and a roof.


Typically, wood is used as the material for building a house. It is easy to process, durable and looks good. Both timber and logs are used to make sheathing. Bricks or cobblestones can be used to cover the above-ground part. This material goes well with wood.

List of building materials for all work:

  • A wooden beam, the cross-section of which is 5 x 5 cm, or logs for a log house (depending on the design).
  • Roofing material. It must be light, otherwise the supports may break.
  • Log for making a lifting mechanism.
  • Protective impregnation for wood, paint, varnish.
  • Metal hinges, handle, latch or other latch.
  • Nails, screws.
  • Metal corners and bushings.
  • Bucket, chain.
  • Door materials.

A general set of tools that you will need in any case:

  • To process logs we will need an electric planer, and for timber and boards - a jigsaw.
  • You also need to have a grinder.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette.
  • A hammer and preferably a nail puller.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver Set.

Where the frame is installed depends on the design of the house. It’s easier to make a canopy or just a roof, in which case pouring a foundation will not be required.

As the foundation itself, concrete formwork or a tile base is usually used. You can use the well blind area, modifying it a little. Do not forget to take care of the drainage of rainwater in advance by using special gutters in the formwork for this purpose. It is also recommended to add a little liquid glass to the formwork solution to protect it from moisture and dampness, but this is not a necessary condition. Consider the size of the base so that when the house is ready, it will be convenient for you to collect water; the design should, first of all, be comfortable and practical.

Now let's look at a simpler and cheap option timber assemblies:

  • Four pieces of timber are cut for racks and eight for sheathing. We calculate how much timber is needed for the cladding and do the same. We treat the material with an antiseptic. Be sure to add insulation.
  • First, the lower sheathing and racks are assembled, then the upper. The level of the top sheathing should not be higher than the concrete ring. Then the cladding is done using a building level.
  • The racks are made from boards with a cross-section of half a centimeter. We make a gate in the same way as in the first option, wrap a chain around it and install the skate. If the roof is closed, the racks are attached to its frame.
  • Next, the roof is assembled according to approximately the same principle as in the version with a log house.

There is an even simpler type of house, it involves the presence of only two roof slopes and is made of boards.

How to make it:

  • Place four posts at pre-marked distances. Don't forget to treat the boards with impregnation.
  • Nail the boards at the top and bottom, connecting the posts.
  • Next, cut the rafters and fasten them at the top. Install a deadbolt for added strength. It is mounted thirty centimeters below the ridge point.
  • Cut a cut where the rafters will meet the top boards and fasten them to the frame. Install two jibs for reinforcement and connect the rafters with a ridge of two boards. Subsequently, the sheathing is installed on these two boards.
  • Roofing material is quite suitable as a roof; slate is placed on top of it, and corner joints covered with wind boards. Budget option There will be the use of corrugated sheets or ondulin.

An integral element of the house is the door. To make it, attach 3 bars to the frame, which will serve as the door frame. Based on the dimensions of the frame, assemble the door, remember that its size should not exceed inner size frames To add rigidity, attach a piece of wood diagonally and then attach the hinges to the door and frame. Hang the door on the frame and install the handle. Check whether the door catches the frame when closing and opening.

So, our house is ready and we can move on to the decorative finishing stage.
There are countless design options. You can decorate the facade of the house with carvings, paintings, and platbands. If you want to make a house in oriental style, a hexagonal, tiled, diamond-shaped roof would be more suitable for you. You can also decorate the well with flowers, hang flowerpots under the roof, and decorate the walls climbing plants. Perfect fit marine theme, gate – perfect place for the steering wheel, you can string ropes between the posts, cover the roof with canvas. You can find old boards and decorate the house in an old, medieval style, or paint the existing material with gray paint. For modern dacha will do transparent polycarbonate roof, forged metal supports. A popular option is the mill house. In this matter, everything depends on your imagination and taste preferences.

If installing a well on your site is impossible (no space, poor soil, deep aquifer), you can still build a log house that will perform cleanly decorative function. To complete the illusion, you can build a container of water inside.

Cost of materials and work

You can buy a ready-made house at completely different prices. Simple design from boards and gable roof costs from 7 thousand rubles. The options are more interesting, but with walls they will cost you more. Such houses are sold at prices starting from 15 thousand rubles.

If you do all the work yourself, then the prices for materials will depend on what type of house you have chosen, as well as your design solution and preferences in the choice of material. On average from three to seven thousand rubles. However, one thing is for sure, the final price will be cheaper than ready-made models on the market.


If you have already decided to install a well house on your property, here are the main points you should keep in mind:

  • The cheapest and easiest to make design is an open house without walls. The most expensive and difficult to install is the closed hex version.
  • It is very important to treat all parts with impregnations and varnishes before installing the structure directly above the well. Doing this after installation can contaminate your well water with chemicals.
  • A wooden block nailed to the door diagonally will prevent it from skewing.
  • If there is no suitable conditions for a well, you can always install a decorative frame.

Finally, do not forget to properly care for the well, and it will always delight you with clean and tasty water.

A well house will not only decorate its appearance, but also protect it from harmful factors. As a rule, wood is used for its manufacture.

There are a lot of variations in the design of the structure, but the order of arrangement is almost identical. The difference is only in size, shape and decorative details.

Why do you need a well house?

There are many offers for sale on the market right now. finished products. But their cost is quite high, so summer residents often build a shelter for a well on their own.

The main task of the house is to protect the water in the well from dirt, sun, insects, animals, and precipitation chemicals, which are used for spraying plants. In winter, the building will prevent ice from freezing the water.

Construction tools

Woodworking machine or electric plane.

  • Circular saw.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Hand saw.
  • Nail puller.
  • Hammer
  • Phillips screwdriver.
  • Level.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Treated board.
  • Treated log.
  • Fastening components.
  • Roof material.
  • The door and its latch.
  • Pen.
  • Loops.

House with a gable roof.

This version of a well house is easy to build using available materials.


To build a house you need boards and timber. It is necessary to correctly determine the size of the parts. If they are fragile, the house will not withstand strong winds.

Elements that are too large will make the house look bulky. The best format is a board thickness of 4 cm, a timber profile of 8x10 or 10x10 cm, a board width of 1.2-1.5 cm.

The structure should consist of four racks of timber and four boards.

The boards are pre-cut to the parameters of the well, then all the parts are nailed one after another to the supporting posts. The length of nails for fastening is 1 cm.

Algorithm of work: from below and from above we fasten the first two with boards support posts. Then we connect the remaining racks in the same way. We install the structure around the circumference of the well. We connect all the parts using ties.

Upholstery and roof

The preparation of the roof should begin with the installation of structures used to fasten the sheathing. Trusses are made from boards with a thickness of at least 0.3 cm. The length of the boards is at your discretion.

The thickness of the boards for the jibs and beams should be 2.5-3 cm. It is necessary to make 6 rafters, 3 beams and 8 jibs. The rafters are cut at an angle. The upper ends of the product are connected with self-tapping screws.

Crossbars are suitable for additional strengthening of curtain walls. They are located 30 cm below the place where the rafters are connected. Make cutouts in the places where the rafters and boards are fastened. To connect the rafters to the frame, 12 cm nails are used.

The fixation will also be enhanced by fastening the elements with the help of jib. To join you need to use 2 boards.

The sheathing boards should be spaced approximately 15 cm. The projections above the walls of the building are 10 cm. The finished roof is covered with roofing felt, and additionally applied on top finishing material. In the end, all that remains is to cover the joints in the corners with wind boards.


The well door, as a rule, consists of boards. The boards must be cut 1.5-2 cm thick and up to 0.9 cm long.

The boards are connected to each other using 0.3x0.25 cm bars. Two bars are enough - secure one at the top and the second at the bottom. Self-tapping screws will help to fasten the elements (for 1 board there are 4 self-tapping screws).

Attaching an additional diagonal bar will increase the rigidity of the product. You need to sheathe the gables, attach the handle and latch, and hang the door on the hinges.

It is necessary to treat the outside of the structure with an antiseptic and varnish it. You can paint the door with waterproof paint before applying varnish.

Log house

This design looks very cozy and unusual. To build it you need the following:

  • Rounded logs.
  • Boards for the roof and supports.
  • Final roof covering.
  • Material for gates with handle.

The treated timber must be folded into a log house according to the size of the well and connected in any way. Place two large supports from wooden beam.

Prop up the posts of the house to make it more solid. Arrange the roof structure on the support posts at the top. The roof is installed in the same way as in the previous version of the well.

Hexagonal house

The only difference from the previous version is that the shape of the house is hexagonal. This form is very convenient for small wells and small areas, as it saves space well.

The construction steps are the same as in the previous options. 10 cm timber is well suited for construction.

The roof can be arranged using boards - it looks very unusual and beautiful. Wooden structures of the house are subject to mandatory antiseptic treatment.

Decor for the house

There are several publicly available options for decorating a well house. For example, different types carvings, creative coloring and decoration using figurines.

Each gardener himself can come up with an unusual design for a well house that will decorate personal plot and demonstrate the tastes of the owner.

Photos of houses for a well

A well in the country, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just a concrete ring with some kind of cover sticking out of the ground is not very pleasing to the eye, and the comfort of use is below average. To correct the situation, it is necessary to improve it and install a gate that will facilitate the rise of water. Ready-made well fences are sold - with a roof and a gate, but they either have a hefty price or look pitiful. Therefore, most often a house for a well is built with one’s own hands. Then you can use your imagination and arrange everything the way you need.

Types of well houses and their tasks

The primary task of a well house is to protect water from entering various substances- dust, leaves and other similar contaminants. This requires a tight-fitting lid. Open wells possible only for process water- for watering. Water from them cannot be used for other purposes. So if you plan to at least wash dishes, the well must be closed tightly.

Protection from precipitation of any kind is also necessary: ​​rain and melt water carry with them very dirty water with fertilizers, animal waste, various garbage and impurities dissolved in it. If it gets into the well, it can cause serious contamination. To protect against precipitation, they make a canopy, most often a gable one - this makes it easier to remove precipitation.

Another purpose of the well house is to protect from strangers or, in any case, to ensure safety for children. To do this, they make latches or cut in locks.

To make it easier to raise water, they install racks and gates - in the simplest case, a rotating log with a handle to which a chain is attached. And all this together should still please the eyes of the owners, but at the same time require minimal care.

Open or closed

As you can see in the photo, the well house can be open or closed. It’s cheaper and easier to make an open one: the well ring can be trimmed with stone or wood, the lid, racks and canopy can be made of wood or metal - whatever will cost less. A minimum of materials is required for this structure. There is only one “but” - in winter the water in such a well can freeze. If you don't plan to use it in cold weather, no problem.

But for winter use, an insulated well house is required. But even then it can be made open:

  • buy a polystyrene foam “shell” for the well - they are of a suitable size, secure it, and then put the finishing on top of it;
  • The overlap of the ring and the lid should be made of several layers of wood, and the boards should be laid in different directions, overlapping the joints.

Another option is to make an enclosed house. It is slightly larger in size than a well ring. The existing air gap is already a good heat insulator, but the protection can be further improved by filling the gaps with foam, for example.

What to make from

Choosing a look sometimes takes a long time. The fair half of humanity especially “suffers” from the desire to decorate a well, going through numerous design options and spending a lot of time doing this. In fact, everything is simple: if you have a house and a well is located nearby, you should decorate it in the same style and, if possible, in the same color. Agree, it looks good.

What to do if the house is brick or plastered? Choose a finish that matches the style. If this is one of the first buildings on the site, just do it as you like.

The question often arises: to make it from metal or wood. Wooden ones certainly look beautiful. But without proper care, they quickly lose all their attractiveness and become gray and ugly. If you are not afraid of the prospect, update regularly, at least once a year. protective covering(remove old paint, then paint again), make it from wood. If this is not for you, make it from metal. The entire structure or just the frame is your choice. What’s bad about this option: a frame made of galvanized metal profiles, covered with siding. Especially if the house is decorated in exactly the same way.

As you understand, there are a lot of options. First choose the type - open-closed, then materials and finishes to your taste, understand the design, make a house for the well with your own hands.

Canopy for a well with a lid - an open house

Structurally, the device is simple: there are two racks located one opposite the other. They serve as a support for the canopy, and also a gate is attached to them - a device for lifting buckets of water. For a drawing of an open house with dimensions, see the photo below.

Please note that the posts can be dug in after the well ring has been finished. Depending on this, the order of work changes, but the design remains the same in any case.

How to make a canopy

First, the canopy is assembled. Make two side triangles according to the required dimensions. The drawing above shows only the approximate spread of the two extreme points. If necessary, it can be made more. The length of the canopy depends on where the posts will be placed - close to the well ring or behind the casing. Approximate Dimensions canopies with a ring diameter of 100 cm are shown in the photo below.

Dimensions of a well canopy for a diameter of 100 cm

The structure can be assembled from a galvanized profile, a metal profile pipe or a wooden beam. To prevent the profile from bending, it is reinforced at the door fastening points - you can put a wooden block or a metal corner inside.

To ensure that rain does not get inside, the expansion must be done much more more sizes rings - at least 20 cm on each side.

If the racks will be attached directly to the concrete ring, the order of work is slightly different. First, a frame is assembled that covers the ring. In the photo it is made from a 30 mm thick board. The racks are also made of the same board, the place of attachment to the concrete is reinforced with overlays. They also play a decorative role.

If the canopy turns out to be heavy, it is advisable to use timber of greater thickness, otherwise it will not withstand the load.

Afterwards, the previously assembled roof is attached to the racks. You can make triangles right on the spot, but it’s more convenient to prepare them in advance, assemble the rafter system, and place them ready-made on racks.

Next is finishing. Sew up with boards, clapboard, roofing material. Just keep in mind that if you use raw boards, they will dry out after some time and gaps up to 5 mm thick will form between them. Then we are not talking about any hygiene: rain and dust will fall in... Using a dry board is also not very good - in wet weather it will swell, the flooring will “go in waves.” In general, if you want to have clean water, build a house with doors - closed. There are more chances to protect moisture from contamination.

Do-it-yourself indoor well house

We are talking about this type of shelter for a well - with a door. If you also make a lid inside, dust will definitely not get in.

A frame is built, then it is put on the head of the well and secured with anchor bolts.

  1. support post made of 100*200 mm
  2. short support posts made of the same timber 100*200 mm
  3. fastening beam 30*60 mm
  4. triangular beam

We assemble the frame and attach it to the ring using short bars. Then we begin assembling the pallet. Assemble the flooring from a board 30*100 mm or so. The frame is sheathed with boards or sheet material, for example waterproof plywood.

To ensure that the doors hold well, you can install additional jibs. We hang doors - one or two, as desired. To make it easier to navigate, below are drawings with dimensions.

Using the same scheme, you can make a roof for a metal house. If you have it, you can use it profile pipe. It is easier to attach finishing material to it.

How to make a completely closed frame

You can also hide a concrete ring in the house. In this case, the gates are usually installed separately, and then the frame is assembled. Choose the dimensions so that the design freely covers the ring. The height is 20 centimeters higher than your height: so that you can easily bend down and get the bucket.

We take the profiles from thick metal, galvanized. From the guide we assemble two identical frames - the “floor” and the upper level of the ring. They are connected by racks (profile for racks). The result is a cube with filled sides.

We cut off the sides of the guide profile, leaving the “back” intact. This way you can make a triangle. We attach a stand that is equal to the height of the entire house. If you want to have equal slopes, the rack is attached in the middle. You can make the far slope steeper, then the stand moves 15-20 cm from the center.

We attach the notched profile to the fixed rack. We get one of the elements of the rafter system. We perform the same operation on the other side. We connect the resulting tops of the triangles with a crossbar.

On the side of the door we add racks - on both sides. It’s better to strengthen them - put them inside wooden blocks and fasten with self-tapping screws.

Fastening roofing material, for example, a profiled sheet, covered with plywood. The plywood is then laid and nailed soft tiles— who has what technology. The “foot” and sides of the roof are finished with any material. If you want, you can use wood - clapboard, imitation logs or timber, or you can use siding.

In this case, the same materials were used as when cladding the house: so that everything looked like a single ensemble.

Another video example of assembly from a drywall profile in video format.

Making a well ring with your own hands

If a head or canopy is made, the gray concrete ring remains visible. The view is not the most attractive, I just want to decorate it.

Stone finishing

The most popular way to decorate a well is to decorate it with stone - pebbles or small crushed stone. If with finishing material everything is more or less clear - buy or assemble, then the question of what to attach it to remains. There are several recipes:

We offer the third recipe for how to line a well with stone in video format. The composition of the mixture is very similar here, but before applying the solution, a mesh is fixed to the ring. With this technology, nothing will definitely fall off.

An interesting version of a hinged lid for a well is proposed in the following video: it hinges almost completely, but whether such a device is needed is up to you to decide.

Photo options for finishing wells