How to make your cottage cozy. We decorate the dacha with our own hands: we make decorations from scrap materials. The dachas are beautiful and cozy

Of course, each of the owners of a country house would like to have beautiful interior both outside and inside. And this can undoubtedly be achieved even without having a lot Money- the main desire.
DIY cottage interior
Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some ideas that you can theoretically use in your work if you like them. Therefore, let’s stock up on creative potential and begin to transform our country house.

So, here are a few interesting options to create an irresistible interior in the house.

Useful rakes in a country house interior

You can use old unnecessary ones country tools and make some new very functional item out of them. For example, let's find an old rake and use it to make a dish stand or a rack for gardening supplies.

Rake in the interior of a country house
It will be very convenient to store a glove, glasses or even kitchen spatulas on the teeth of such a rake. Of course, they will first need to be thoroughly washed and perhaps decorated a little. But, in general, such an item will be enough interesting specimen in your new interior.

Boot - pot - simple country interior

Once an old, unwanted boot, it now turns into a great DIY designer pot. Don't rush to throw away unnecessary things like boots, watering cans or even hats. A little work and these things will turn into new pot which will please your eyes.

Boot - a pot for decorating a dacha inside and outside

Fireplace in a country house - real or decorative

This is simply an integral part of the interior, which will allow you to feel comfort and harmony in the house. If you can’t make a real fireplace, you can try making a craft one. To do this you will need cardboard or, ideally, drywall. Instead of fire, you can make artificial illumination in the form of a lamp - a volcano, or even play with the idea of ​​​​a painted hearth.

An additional touch will be a rocking chair, a blanket and a book. Thus, the atmosphere in the house will become very cozy, as well as interesting and colorful.

On top of the fireplace you can place several crafts or photographs if desired.

Step-ladder shelves for country interiors

It happens that the country stepladder is broken or it’s simply time to throw it away. There is no need to rush into such a decision – it is better to apply it in the interior of your home.

A stepladder can be used perfectly instead of shelves on which to place various things. These could be garden accessories and any other little things.

Another use option is to use a stepladder instead of a hanger. So such a piece of furniture is quite useful in the house.

Coffee table in the interior of a country house

Simply an integral part of any interior. And since we are talking about a country house option, it may not be just a table. This means that we can make a table with our own hands from various available materials country materials. It could be a tree stump, a log, a tire, a chest, or even a barrel table.

Coffee table in the interior of a country house
There are a lot of ideas and options for this item, all you have to do is choose the one that suits you.

Table in a country interior

Textiles for a cozy country interior

Quite an interesting point, because a lot in the design of a country house depends on textile items (curtains, pillows, bedspreads).

These can be ordinary purchased items or old items written off from home. Or you can think a little and, for example, weave it from threads or vines. Thus, the old sofa can be decorated with additional textile accessories and it will be radically transformed.

Photos of country interiors

And finally, for inspiration, a collection of photos of various interiors of a country house inside, both familiar to us in Russia, and the design that is used for a country house in the West. Such interiors are simple and uncomplicated, but separate important details give them comfort.

Ideas for external design of a summer house

And so, with some finishing options interior design in simple and budget method we reviewed. Now let's move on to the question of what we can come up with for external version decorating a country house and garden.

Bright tiles for decorating paths in a summer cottage

Most likely to country house There is a path that can be designed in some interesting way. If there is no such track, then you can make one.

Bright tiles on the path at the dacha
Usually, to save money, they lay the most ordinary gray tiles, which do not stand out in anything special. So why not take acrylic paints, and don't paint it gray spot? It can turn out to be quite fun and interesting, and most importantly, we will add a little “color” to this gray path.

Lanterns from a jar for outdoor garden decor

As it turns out, jars can be used not only for twists, but also for decorating a summer cottage. Use them to make candlesticks that hang on a fence, roof or other parts of the site. Additionally, decorate them with paints and draw something interesting.

Window with flowers at the dacha

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but believe me, design with flowers greatly changes the design of a country house, making it more attractive and cozy. So put up a few pots that you can decorate in some interesting way beforehand, and plant flowers in them.

A window with flowers in the country will decorate any house

Fence for drawing at the dacha

There are often children at the dacha who are bored and have nothing to do. So why don't they hang a chalk board somewhere on the fence. On the one hand it will be children's Corner, on the other hand, such drawings will not only decorate the fence near the house with colorful drawings, but will also often amuse adults. And the children will have something to distract them while you dig the beds at the dacha.

Fence for drawing at the dacha

Feeding trough - outdoor country interior

Another element of the decor of a country house can be a feeder, made in an original way(from a bottle, wood or other objects). It will not only be beautiful, but also useful.

Feeder on a country house
And so, we can come to the conclusion that there are quite a lot of ideas for designing a country house interior and they are very diverse. You can decorate your house both inside and outside using absolutely simple materials, which do not require serious financial investments.

Master class “Pond near the house” at the dacha

Let's move on from ideas and theories to real actions and try to decorate the exterior of the house with a wonderful colored pond. If desired, it can be additionally decorated with a waterfall or alpine slide. More ideas in this article.

Materials for work:

Do-it-yourself pond at the dacha

  1. We find appropriate place, where you can place the pond, and clear it.
  2. Next, you need to dig a hole of small depth (of the shape and size that you prefer to see).
  3. When everything is ready, place the pre-made solution in the hole as a foundation.
  4. Next we place the stones in the solution so that they protrude a little.
  5. When the cement dries, you will need to connect the pump and just admire this beauty.
  6. Additionally, you can decorate the pond by planting water lilies, calamus, and any other plants that love moisture.

Master class “Hedgehog made of cement” for decorating a dacha

It will look great if a small figurine of a hedgehog settles near your country house. It will fit beautifully into the design and will be pleasantly combined with the overall atmosphere of the house. You can also read, made from cement and other materials.

To make it, we need very little materials and time. For work, prepare:

  • Cement.
  • Sand (preferably already sifted).
  • Pebbles of the same shape (you can use stones of different colors).
  • Leaky ball.

Hedgehog made of cement as a garden figurine

  1. We are preparing a solution from which we will sculpt our hedgehog. To prepare it we need 3 parts cement and 1 part sand. Add water and knead. The solution should not be very liquid so that our hedgehog does not crumble.
  2. Next, take half the ball (it will serve as a mold for us). First you need to lubricate the middle of the ball machine oil, and fill it with solution. Place the mold on the board, also greasing it beforehand.
  3. We wait several hours until our workpiece completely hardens.
  4. And so, the base is ready. Now you need to sculpt the muzzle. For this work, take a little more solution and try to reflect as much as possible all the features of the hedgehog.
  5. For the eyes and nose, use small round items. Needles can be made from branches or pebbles, additionally painted if desired.

Here our “pet” is ready. You can place it near the house or in the garden, where it will undoubtedly attract everyone's attention and beautiful smiles. You can also make other animals for your country interior with your own hands:

In fact, in this version you can make not only a hedgehog figurine, but also other animals. Even come up with a whole composition for a flower bed, which would consist of cartoon or fairy tale characters. The main thing here is to show a little imagination and creativity.

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For a real summer resident the most the best place in the world - it's his suburban area. And therefore, every land owner strives to equip his hacienda in the best and most original way possible. Our article will help you with this.

There are a great many ways to make the interior of a summer cottage with your own hands more beautiful and bright.

But before we look at specific decorating techniques, let's talk about some general aspects of landscape design:

  1. The site should be divided into sections– you can create colorful flower beds on them, thanks to which the entire surrounding space will become more interesting;
  2. It is necessary to pave winding paths– they will help create a feeling of something extraordinary;
  1. A variety of hand crafts should be used– they will add originality to the hacienda;
  2. Needs to be planted ornamental grasses – thanks to them, the garden will become lighter and airier;
  1. Thinking about how to do country cottage area beautiful with your own hands, do not forget about the possibility of using plants with brightly colored leaves- plantings whose foliage combines green color with yellow, cream, white or pinkish stripes are especially well suited for this purpose;
  2. Well decorated– for this it should be decorated with stones and flower beds;

  1. The key point is to create a place of rest. In it you can relax and admire the beauty of your summer cottage.

Advice! If you are concerned about the problem of how to drain your site, then we recommend using moisture-loving trees and shrubs to solve it. These include poplar, willow, birch, currants, cranberries, viburnum, as well as a number of other plants.

Original ideas

Now it's time to get acquainted with some design techniques that will help make your garden more attractive. We will look at those ideas for a summer cottage - which will be easy for any home craftsman to do with your own hands.

garden furniture

The first thing a beautiful hacienda cannot do without is garden furniture. It is actively sold in stores. But, as a rule, it is represented only by plastic products.

So, to make a bench you need to prepare pieces of logs of small diameter, as well as edged boards and a couple of bars. The installation instructions here are quite simple. First, the logs are fastened to each other using nails 200 millimeters long.

Next, boards are nailed to them, which will act as a seat. They are fastened with 60 mm nails or self-tapping screws. Then the back of the future bench is assembled - it consists of two bars and boards nailed to them.

After assembling this element, it is attached to the logs. The result is a fairly stable bench that is easy to move from place to place.

You can decorate an existing one garden furniture. To do this you will need old floral tulle and a spray bottle.

Advice! If the amount of work to be done is small, then a regular can of spray paint will be enough for you. IN in this case It will not be advisable to purchase a sprayer, since its price is quite high.

The fabric is applied to the surface of the product, after which it is manually dyed open areas. The result is a pattern that will have the original color of the coating. Please note that after painting an item, the fabric must be removed immediately so that it does not dry out.

Next interesting way processing of garden furniture is decoupage. This technique consists of cutting out beautiful paper patterns, for example, flowers, and then gluing them to the products. To make the resulting decoration durable, it is coated with several layers of colorless varnish.

Advice! A good addition to existing furniture would be chairs and a table made from logs. To make them more attractive, they should be painted. Such items will help decorate even country houses from a block of containers.

Decorations made from willow twigs

Decorative elements for the garden can be made from simple and available materials. An example of this are products made from willow twigs, for example, a wattle fence or a support for climbing plants.

Prepared this material in the spring. One-year-old twigs are selected for it. It must be taken into account that the more bends the future product has, the thinner the rods should be.

You can decorate the area with a fence in the following way. First, sharpened stakes are driven into the ground at equal intervals from each other. Then, between them, alternately, from one side to the other, rods are threaded. As a result, we get a horizontal fence.

It is also possible vertical version such a design. Moreover, if you water it regularly, the willow branches may take root, making the fence become alive.

Advice! A small wattle fence can be used as a frame for a flower bed. This will allow you to get a very interesting result.

In the photo - the use of willow twigs

Boats and bicycles

If you have an old boat or bicycle at your disposal, that's great, because they can make great decorations for your hacienda. To make them look like this, they must first be painted in some bright color, for example, yellow or red. White color is also quite suitable.

After this, you need to place flowers on these objects. They can be planted directly in the boat or secured in pots on a bicycle. Both options will help give the landscape positive notes associated with romance and travel.


Beautiful summer cottages with your own hands are very real. Moreover, they can be made so without resorting to large financial costs.

In particular, for this you need to divide the garden into sections, make winding paths, use plants with bright leaves, create garden furniture and various decorative elements with your own hands.

You can spend the money saved on other needs, such as renting a diesel generator for your dacha. You will get more information on this issue from the video in this article.


Landscaping a summer cottage involves not only competent planning and cleanliness, but also a certain decor. Most often, a variety of borders, original flower beds And garden sculptures. To avoid unnecessary costs, we decorate the dacha with our own hands, using only available materials.

A wide variety of materials are used to make garden paths: brick, stone, gravel, round wood cuts, and others. In order for the site to look harmonious, all paths must be made of the same material and, preferably, the same width. The most important thing is that the surface does not slip and does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

To work you will need:

It is more convenient to lay out a path from a whole brick, but a more beautiful surface is obtained from broken bricks. So, first they mark the boundaries, and then remove a layer of turf 15-20 cm thick. The bottom of the trench is thoroughly compacted and covered with a layer of coarse sand. The sand is spilled with water for greater compaction and the laying of bricks begins. Very often, bricks are laid without cement mortar, filling all the gaps with sand, but the use of mortar will make the masonry much more reliable and durable.

Bricks can be laid in any way: in parallel rows along the length or width of the path, in a checkerboard pattern, chaotically, alternating whole bricks with broken bricks, forming geometric shapes. Each element must be placed tightly next to the others and tapped with a rubber hammer so that it does not protrude above the surface. The tighter the installation, the more reliable it is. Stone or gravel paths are made in a similar way.

Find out step-by-step instructions on how to do it in our new article.

Wooden paths

If there are a lot of old unnecessary trees at your dacha, you can create very beautiful ones. garden paths from chocks and trunk cuts. The cuts must be of the same thickness, not less than 15 cm; It is not necessary to select the diameter of the workpiece. Do not use parts of wood that are too cracked or rotten - they will not even last a season.

To work you will need:

  • cuts of thick branches and trunk;
  • bitumen mastic or used oil;
  • geotextiles;
  • coarse sand;
  • hammer;
  • shovel;
  • building level.

All saw cuts must be cleared of bark and soaked in sand or hot drying oil on all sides. If bitumen mastic is used, the workpieces are thickly coated on the side that will be in the ground. While the wood is drying, you can make markings on the ground and remove upper layer land.

Laying cuts

The depth of the trench should be such that the cuts after installation on sand cushion were level with the surface or slightly raised above the ground.

The bottom must be well compacted and covered with geotextile, releasing the edges of the material upward on both sides of the trench. Pour a layer of sand, level it, install the cuts tightly and fill the gaps formed between them with the same sand or screenings. Use it to control the horizontal position of the cuts so that the path has a flat surface.

Beautiful homemade borders can be located along paths, around flower beds, at gates, or to delimit the area into zones. For the manufacture of borders, wooden blocks, rods, wicker, brick and stone are used, glass bottles, cinder block, concrete. Broken glass, multi-colored pebbles and ceramic chips are used as decoration for concrete products.

Borders made of brick, stone and cinder block

To lay out a brick border, you will need:

According to the markings, select a layer of earth to a depth of 15 cm and a width of 20 cm. The bottom is compacted and filled with crushed stone to half the depth of the groove, and the solution is poured on top. When the mortar has set well, lay out the brick in rows in a checkerboard pattern. The border can be solid or have gaps - it depends on the amount of source material and the imagination of the master. Lay out a border made of stone or cinder block in the same way.

To make cinder block more decorative, you can use exterior plaster and dye. After laying the cinder block and drying the solution, prepare plaster mixture: dry plaster is diluted with water and a coloring pigment is added. Now the surface of the curb is covered decorative mixture and use a spatula to create patterns. This edging looks very attractive both along paths and around flower beds.

Small-diameter saw cuts, logs of branches, strong rods and antiseptic-impregnated hardwood timber are suitable for wooden borders. The blanks must be the same size and without bark, otherwise the border will look very sloppy. First everything wooden elements it is necessary to soak in used oil, drying oil or drying oil and dry well in air.

While the workpieces are drying, you can make markings and select soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. The bottom and walls of the groove should be covered with geotextiles, and then a layer of sand should be poured onto the bottom. The dried logs are inserted into the groove one by one, beating with a mallet and checking their height by level. The gaps are filled with sand or screenings, soil is added to the sides and compacted.

You can make neat and attractive curbs from concrete. For this you will need:

The boundaries of the curb are marked and a layer of soil 15 cm thick is removed. Formwork from boards is installed on both sides of the groove and secured with jumpers. Inner side The formwork is covered with polyethylene to make the surface of the border smooth. For the same reason, the boards should be as even as possible. As a reinforcing frame, you can lay 2-3 steel rods with a cross-section of 10 mm, connected to each other with wire at a short distance.

The solution is poured into the formwork and the surface is leveled with a trowel. After 2-3 hours, colored fragments of ceramics, pebbles, glass - whatever your imagination suggests - are pressed into the raw concrete. After a day, smooth out the uneven surfaces and leave until completely dry. If desired, finished borders can be painted.

The border is decorated with pebbles and caps

Making garden sculptures

Homemade garden sculptures can not only decorate a dacha, but also give it special atmosphere and uniqueness. To make sculptures, you can use plywood, tree stumps, clay, plaster or cement mortar, old car tires, scrap metal, plastic bottles and even polyurethane foam! The most important thing is that all the figures are combined with each other and are in harmony with the surrounding landscape, otherwise the summer cottage will look like a warehouse.

It is easy to make any decorative figure from plywood. During the work you will need:

  • sample;
  • jigsaw;
  • waterproof plywood;
  • primer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • multi-colored paint.

The figurine can be voluminous or flat, depending on the chosen template. Flat ones are easier to make and the process itself takes less time. To do this, apply a template to a sheet of plywood, trace it with a pencil and cut off all excess with a jigsaw. Then the sections are polished and the workpiece is treated with a protective primer. When the plywood dries, all that remains is to paint the figurine and install it in the garden.

Volumetric figures look more original and can perform additional functions, like this cow, for example.

To make it you will need 4 identical sheets of plywood and several small fragments from which the animal’s head will be made. Additionally, you will need a metal or wooden frame and a container for plants. Plywood sheets are cut according to a template and fastened together in the form of a box. A cow's head is assembled from the scraps, the ears are attached to it, and the whole thing is screwed together to the base. Then you need to properly paint the structure, dry it, and then install and secure it to the frame. Place a container inside, fill it with soil and plant it ornamental plants.

Find out how to do with step by step instructions, from our new article.

Plaster sculptures

Gypsum or cement mortar makes it possible to pour a sculpture of any shape and size. For small figures, the mold is made from plastic containers, and to create a sculpture large sizes you will need to assemble a durable metal carcass. If you have no experience, it is recommended to start with small products of simple shape; compositions of fresh flowers surrounded by gypsum mushrooms with bright caps, figures of gnomes or, for example, a turtle near a homemade pond look very nice.

A house “like in the picture”, paths that are dry in any weather, a paved area in front of a well and a bench, smooth and well-groomed beds, bright flower beds - isn’t this the dream of any summer resident? Anyone can create comfort in their dacha plot: the main thing is not to forget about aesthetics in the whirlwind of dacha worries.

The house and its surroundings

It doesn’t matter what your country house is made of or what size it is. In any case, it should look neat and always have a presentable appearance. The impression of being well-groomed is not difficult to create by three simple components: fresh paint, clean windows and flowers in containers.

If your house is surrounded by lush thickets, depriving the room sunlight and introducing dampness, it is worth considering whether they are really needed in your garden. Neglected mock orange and lilac bushes or rose hips mixed with weeds are not suitable for decorating the facade. You can try to improve them by carrying out rejuvenating and shaping pruning, or replace them with more useful and beautiful plants.

By the way

Piling up “much needed items” against the back wall definitely doesn’t add to the beauty of your home. That's what sheds are for. And it is better to place essential items such as gloves, pruning shears, hoe and shovel close to the place of work. Arrange a shelf in a greenhouse or build a small extension to a toilet house or woodshed. Such structures will not require serious expenses, since they are easy to put together from shipping boxes and construction pallets or croaker.

Garden culture

The summer resident usually gives away the best places on the site orchard and beds. To make your garden beautiful and comfortable to work in, provide yourself with the right conditions. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to pave the passages, cover them with non-woven material or agro-fabric, or mulch them with a layer of mowed grass in a layer of at least 10 cm. Remove weeds and lawn grass any possibility of getting into the beds using strips of iron dug along their perimeter or special border strips 15-20 cm wide. Lay out the garden so that you can not only stand in the aisles, but also sit on a small bench or work in knee pads. And in the shade next to the beds, install a comfortable bench for relaxation.

Don't forget about the eye candy! On level and beautiful beds It’s more pleasant and even somehow easier to work. Plant edible and medicinal plants such as calendula, nasturtium. They are quite appropriate and resistant to diseases and pests in the garden area. ornamental shrubs such as bladderwort, Japanese spirea, hydrangeas. Do not leave bare land after harvesting part of the crop; occupy it with fast-growing green crops.

Do not throw buckets, hoes and rakes around! Not only is it dangerous, but it also looks messy. At the end of gardening work, always leave a little energy to put your gloves and equipment in order, so that next time you start working with dry gloves and with working tools.

Relaxing places

IN Lately relaxation in the garden is becoming more and more varied thanks to swings, barbecue houses, swimming pools, trampolines, children's playgrounds. In order not to feel like you are taking a walk in a city park, this “economy” must somehow be hidden from prying eyes. On small area When there is not enough space, compact plants with a dense crown and trellises entwined with vines will come to the rescue. At the same time, they will help to successfully divide the space into zones.

Pay special attention to the “living screen” for the pool. Leaves and flower petals falling into the water can pollute the water, so it is better to surround the pool with evergreens. coniferous plants. A green round dance of specimens of thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ planted every 1.2 m will do the job perfectly. Thujas can be planted either in a checkerboard pattern (for a denser canopy) or in a row. A planting that follows the shape of a reservoir, for example in the form of a crescent or a horseshoe, looks more interesting.

All according to plan!

It is better to start any alterations on the site by drawing up its plan. If you are computer friendly, then in a special program you can not only design a garden, but also see it in a mature form, and even take a virtual walk through it. A diagram drawn on paper, of course, does not provide such an opportunity, but it is quite suitable for taking into account the degree of illumination of each corner, understanding where and how best to plant a vegetable garden, plant a garden, build a shed or sow a lawn. Making a plan is very useful, even if you are an experienced summer resident, and the plot is more than one year old. In this case, all plantings and buildings are carefully marked on it, and the most significant of them are noted. It is possible that when you look closely at the diagram you will want to change something.

At the source

If previously a well was the property of several households or even an entire village, now this structure can be found in almost every garden plot. To protect from precipitation, dust and plant leaves, the well is usually covered with a lid or a “house” is built, the design of which often echoes the general style of the house and other garden buildings, and some craftsmen even build real masterpieces, decorated with carvings, tiles or decorative stones.

The easiest way to get rid of the clutter around the well is to pave or concrete a small area. Even if you raise water not with a bucket, but with a pump, the platform will not only give the well a finished, neat look, but will also extend the life of the well house and make it easier to maintain.

How often do you want to escape from the stuffy concrete jungle somewhere closer to nature? There is nothing better than relaxing both body and soul in the lap of nature on a hot summer day. It is the dacha that can become such a corner.

Of course, a country house is usually used only during the season. But he also deserves beautiful design. After all, it is a meeting place for loved ones and relatives, therefore, creating a cozy, warm and sincere atmosphere is the main task.

If you follow several simple tips With your own hands, without the help of decorators or designers, you can make not only a country house, but the entire area very cozy.

How to make a cozy country house

In order to update the interior of a country house, you need to decorate the walls in bright colors. The paint on top can be covered with a layer of gilding - this will add a little shine and chic to the interior. Such walls will sparkle in clear, sunny weather and delight the inhabitants of the country house with an interesting coloring. For the walls in the bedroom it is better to use warm paint light shades. And for the living room, on the contrary, dark colors.

To make your country house more comfortable, you can organize. It would be better if it was an indoor option. In this case, even in bad weather it will be possible to stay on fresh air, and enjoy wildlife. It is better to treat all wooden elements of the terrace with special tinted impregnations. This will not only save the wood from destructive external factors, but will also give it a pleasant shade.

You can use items in the decor of a country house self made. These can be small rugs sewn using the patchwork technique, or embroidered pillowcases. Such items will make the interior colorful and unique.

Boring interior doors can be painted using paints. It is best to use natural motifs in painting.

Cosiness country house Various sources of additional light can also provide. Various lamps can be used. Several lamps different color and shapes can make a room avant-garde and make it more cozy and warm.

And of course, what is comfort without fresh flowers? Pots with flowering plants. In the bedroom you should place miniature trees or vines that do not require special care. Ornamental plants with massive leaves are suitable for the living room interior.

How to make your summer cottage cozy

It will help to create the atmosphere of a cozy paradise. Such a pond can be additionally decorated with a small one. This will be a great place for relaxation and privacy. To do small pond on your own summer cottage, it is better to use a ready-made pond container, which can be purchased at a specialized store. Decorate it with small pebbles or stones.

In order to make a small one yourself decorative waterfall you will need:

Cement mortar;
Stones of different sizes;

The stones must be carefully placed in the cement mortar so that small protrusions are formed. After the cement has completely dried, all that remains is to connect the pump, and you can admire your pond and waterfall. The pond will look like a real one if it is planted with water lilies, calamus, parasolum or other moisture-loving plants.

For example, an excellent flower garden will be made from old boots or sneakers that need to be painted with regular oil paints in any color. You can also color it old shoes using golden or silver spray paint, make holes on the sole for ventilation and plant flowers. Such “pots” will become a real decoration of any flower bed.

Another option for improvised pots would be old furniture. A wicker chair needs to be covered with several layers of paint, pots of flowers placed on it and climbing plants and another decoration for the garden is ready.

They will also help make your summer cottage cozy. There are two ways you can make your own soda trails. In the first case, it is necessary to remove approximately 20 cm of earth, fill the resulting trench with sand and put paving slabs. The gaps that form between the tiles must also be filled with sand. The second option: remove a small layer of earth, approximately 10 cm, lay wooden circles made from logs on the ground, cover the distance between the circles with earth and compact it. This path will look great if it is seeded with lawn grass.

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