How to install drains correctly. Gutters and their varieties

Rainwater is drained from the roof using gutters, which serve to structurally protect houses from the adverse effects of precipitation from the atmosphere. Melt and rain water can contribute to flooding of the foundation, destruction of the blind area, and damage to appearance building. Roof drains are a system of gutters and pipes that are secured with couplings, connecting elements and other fasteners.

Drainage from the roof, in addition to the absence of accumulations of water near the house, can significantly extend the life of the building's foundation.

Roof drains, having a modern, improved version, can not only protect, but also decorate the facades of buildings.

Metal drainage systems

The basis for the manufacture of metal drainage systems is galvanized steel, copper, aluminum and zinc-titanium alloys.

Metal gutters are widely popular due to their combination of aesthetics, durability and fire safety.

One of the most inexpensive options- This is galvanized steel. The main disadvantage of this material is its low corrosion resistance. In combination with plastic coatings (pural, plastisol), you can not only extend the service life, but also give the drainage system additional decoration on the roof.

The copper drain system is the most durable, but also more expensive. When used as a coating, patina not only improves performance, but also adds sophistication in appearance. Copper gutters are most often combined with tile roofs. A more complicated option is to install a radius gutter that describes the façade of the building (brazed or welded).

Gutters made of zinc-titanium alloy have a surface of naturally formed patina - alkaline zinc carbonate.

The service life of such drainage systems is more than a century, if there is no contact with a copper or iron element.

Plastic plums

Plastic roof drains have a very affordable price and a successful combination of long-term operation and ease of installation. The set of plastic gutters includes:

  • gutters;
  • pipes;
  • funnels;
  • couplings;
  • fastening, corner, connecting elements;
  • pipes

Installation of drains

In order to drain the roof, there are several ways.

You can hermetically connect the walls and the slope if you use a drain that has a double overlap. On a roof with a slope of more than 300 degrees, it is necessary to install additional systems of covering flashings and corners.

The width of those parts that are laid on the tiles must be at least 10 cm, and the vertical ones - more than 7.5 cm. The drain corners must be fixed when laying slate tiles or tiles. The vertical parts of the corners should be pressed against the wall. It is blocked from above by a stepped drain. The upper edges of the corners are bent and laid into masonry joints. Then they are secured with wedges and embroidered with cement mortar.

You can make metal drains on the roof, where the covering is profiled tiles, using a single overlap. In such cases, on the roof, a sheet of metal is inserted with one edge into the masonry seam, and the second is lowered and placed behind the next side of the ridge.

Rectangular and round section gutters.

There are systems with two types of sections: rectangular and round.

When installing a drain to drain rainwater yourself, it should be taken into account that the rectangular cross-section of the drain is more difficult to install, but allows you to give the structure a modern and attractive look.

For any type of roofing it is possible to choose a suitable color scheme. Installation of a square profile is recommended in areas where there is a large amount of precipitation. In such situations, the device helps ensure better outlet water.

The elements included in the PVC drain kit can be attached to each other with glue or using a rigid coupling, which is the rubberized components of the structure.

Adhesive joints are considered the most reliable and easier to install.

Rubber can become unusable and lose its quality properties. Various debris can become clogged in the connections, which will create obstacles to the normal operation of drainage systems.

Plastic drains have stiffening ribs that give strength to the system. But, if you do not follow the rules, all these design advantages are reduced to zero.

Some features of drain installation.

Installation requirements:

  • the gap between fastenings should be no more than 60 cm;
  • one drainpipe should serve a roof whose area does not exceed 100 m2;
  • the total should be 0.5 cm for each linear m;
  • if it is necessary to install connectors, funnels, corners, the nearest bracket is located at a distance of no more than 5 cm;
  • to avoid rainwater leaking onto the roof, the outer side of the pipe must have a slope of 0.5 cm.

Cement roof drainage systems have a number of advantages: reliable operation, ease of installation and relatively low cost. A significant drawback is shrinkage. Today, such systems are used very rarely. They are often found in pitched roofs of old buildings.

Regular drainpipe cleaning

Proper operation of drainage systems is ensured not only correct selection high-quality structural elements and competent installation, but also regular cleaning of roof drains. This is especially true for autumn cleaning.

Additionally, a mesh is installed that accumulates debris.

Modern drainage systems do not require special care measures. They do not require painting or the use of other anti-corrosion agents. But proper transportation, installation and cleaning of surfaces must be observed to avoid minor scratches.

To prevent various debris from getting into gutters and pipes along with rainwater, it is recommended to install special nets. If prevention turns out to be insufficiently effective, then you can remove debris with a strong stream of water from a watering hose.

You can also make a drain that has a built-in anti-icing system, which includes cables, temperature and humidity sensors.

A technical innovation that is used in the maintenance of drainage systems is the installation of robotic devices. They provide safe and effective pipe cleaning. This unit includes an intelligent recognition system that is capable of assessing the nature and degree of contamination, determining the required number of passes, and calculating the cleaning intensity. She can do all the cleaning work herself. Such a system is very suitable for those, who don’t have time to tinker with the drain.

The service life of any roof depends on a variety of factors - the quality of the materials used, the approach to calculations, installation technology and external influences. One of these factors is the drainage of water from the roof, which, if not properly installed, regularly exposes the structure to moisture.

Well designed and correct assembled system Roof drainage is an important element of roof design and requires a lot of attention. This article will discuss how to properly drain water from the roof.

Design and types of drainage systems

Structurally, any drainage system consists of a pipe, gutters and drainage funnels. Once in these elements, water from the roof surface is sent to the storm drain, where its impact will no longer harm the building.

There are three circuit diagrams drainage system:

  1. Unorganized drainage of rainwater from the roof. This design, which is also called spontaneous, in accordance with its name, provides self drain water from the roof. Distinctive feature spontaneous drainage is simple - you don’t need to install anything to ensure drainage. The problem is that the flowing water washes away the building, damages the wall finishing and negatively affects the waterproofing layer.
  2. Organized external water drainage from the roof. This is a classic design consisting of a drain pipe, a gutter and several funnels that are connected to a storm drain. As a result of installing an organized external drain, water is collected from all slopes and removed from the roof surface. External drainage is quite simple to install and maintain.
  3. Organized internal rain drainage from the roof. The main difference between an internal drain and an external drain is the installation of structural elements in the building itself in such a way that they are not noticeable. As a rule, such a drain is arranged in the case of flat roofs. Installing an internal drain is complicated, and maintaining it will be very difficult, especially if mistakes were made during the installation.

Materials for the manufacture of roof drainage systems

Various materials are used to construct a drainage system, the choice of which directly affects the cost of the structure and its durability. In order for components to perform their assigned duties well, they need sufficient moisture resistance, resistance to temperature changes and a long service life.

In most cases, water drainage from the roof is arranged using the following materials:

  1. Cink Steel. Steel is used most often for water drainage. To a large extent, the high popularity is due to the fact that you can select not only ready-made elements structures, but also make them yourself using sheet metal. Galvanized steel meets all the requirements: it has excellent corrosion resistance, can easily withstand the effects of external factors and can easily last more than 15 years. The only drawback of steel products is their heavy weight, which complicates installation and creates large loads on the roof frame.
  2. Plastic. Polymer elements are very well suited for arranging a drainage system. Having most of the advantages of steel parts, plastic has a lower cost, much lighter weight and a wide range of colors, which allows you to choose the right color to match the roof. Installing a plastic roof drain is very simple - installation will not cause problems, and all the necessary elements are included in the kit. Quite often, you install a plastic roof drain with your own hands, since the installation process does not cause any difficulties. The biggest disadvantage of polymer products is their poor resistance to significant temperature changes. You can even make a drain from plastic bottles with your own hands, which will save money.
  3. Copper. Copper components for drains are primarily characterized by their high cost, so they are used infrequently. However, the high cost is completely justified - copper is completely resistant to moisture and can work for more than a hundred years without any complaints. The main disadvantage of copper parts is the large weight inherent in all metal products, so the rafter frame and sheathing will have to be reinforced.

When choosing materials for arranging a drainage system, you need to start from the roofing. Seam roofing, as well as roofs made of metal tiles and profile sheets, it is best to equip them with a plastic-coated steel drain. In the case of soft roll coverings, plastic pipes for draining water from the roof will be relevant, and for copper plating Copper components for drainage are also suitable.

Before choosing drain pipes for the roof, you need to calculate their dimensions, starting from climatic conditions and roof parameters. As practice shows, for small buildings a pipe with a diameter of 50-70 mm and a gutter with a diameter of 70-120 mm are quite suitable.

Installation of pipes and drainage gutter

In order to drain water from the roof, you need to ensure that two factors are met:

  • Presence of a slope towards drainage funnels;
  • Tightness.

If these factors take place, then when correct installation all components of the catchment system will work correctly.

During installation it is necessary to take into account following rules and follow them:

  1. If the drain is heavy, then it is necessary to strengthen the frame at the points of attachment of the drainage elements. The plastic drain can be attached to the eaves, but hardware attached to the rafters.
  2. In the gap between the gutter and the rafters, you need to lay a layer of waterproofing. The material is selected individually: it can act as waterproofing polyethylene film, and various bitumen mastics.
  3. Drainage elements are installed along the entire perimeter of the roof. The drainage chute is attached with a slight slope towards the drainage funnels.
  4. The gutter itself is secured using special brackets. One half of the gutter should be under the roof overhang, and the other should go outside. Such an installation will ensure effective collection of liquid and prevent structural destruction due to collapsed snow masses.
  5. Vertical drain risers are attached to the corners of the building. A storm drain is supplied to these points (if there is none, then containers are installed under the drains or a sand and gravel cushion is installed). There should be a distance not exceeding 50 cm between the edge of the drainpipe and the ground.
  6. The mounting brackets are installed in increments of about 50-60 cm. If the structure is heavy, the spacing between the fastenings should be reduced even more.

In order for the drainage system to function properly, it must be monitored and regularly maintained. If the installation of drains on the roof was done correctly, then it will only have to be cleaned once a season. During the maintenance process, you need to make sure that there are no leaks, and if they are detected, take corrective measures.


Water is drained from the roof using a drainage system. Proper selection of materials and high-quality installation will allow you to create a reliable system that can effectively perform all its tasks.

The durability of the roof depends on many factors: the correctness of the calculations, the quality of the roofing material, as well as compliance with the installation technology. However, even such a small thing as draining water from the slopes has an impact on the life of the roof. Organization of a well-thought-out drainage system - important stage construction, which experienced roofers do not forget about. In this article we will talk about the drainage device for rainwater, how to choose the right one, and then install this drainage element with your own hands.

A drain for rain and melt water is the most important element of the drainage system of every roof. He is simple design, assembled from pipes, gutters and drainage funnels.

  1. Spontaneous. This term refers to the unorganized drainage of rainwater, when atmospheric moisture leaves the surface of the roof slope by gravity without additional equipment. With this method of getting rid of excess liquid, funnels and gutters are not installed, and drainpipes are not installed. The disadvantage of spontaneous drainage is that water falling from the height of the roof harms the finishing of the walls, gets under the waterproofing of the structure, and erodes the soil or foundation of the structure.
  2. Organized external. Installation of an organized external drainage consists of installing a drainpipe, a gutter and drainage funnels, that is, creating a system through which water is transferred from the roof slope to the storm drain. This type of drain is suitable for organizing drains of all shapes with your own hands. pitched roof. The advantage of an external roof drain is that it is easy to install and also maintain with your own hands.
  3. Organized internal. The peculiarity of internal drainage is that the drainpipes run inside the structure and are hidden from view. This design is made for flat roof. An internal drain is more difficult to install, operate and maintain than an external one, so equipping it with your own hands will not be easy. Poor quality installation performed without compliance the right technology, is fraught with constant leaks.

Note! The diameter of the pipe and gutter that will be required to equip the drain is calculated based on the climatic conditions in the construction area, as well as the area and slope of the roof. For the roof of a garage or compact country house A drain pipe with a diameter of 50-70 mm and a gutter with a diameter of 70-120 mm are sufficient.


Roof drainage systems are made from the most different materials, on which the prices and service life of the drain depend. Components for assembly must have three qualities: resistance to water, resistance to temperature changes and durability. Most often, roof drains are made from the following materials:

Experienced roofers recommend choosing drains based on what type of covering will be installed on the roof. For roller roofs, roofs made of metal tiles and corrugated sheets, weirs made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating are suitable. Soft roll coverings require the installation of plastic models. And installation of copper drains is possible only if the entire roof is covered with this material.

Installation principles

Regardless of the material, cost or type of drain, the main criterion for effective operation is high-quality installation in compliance with all safety requirements. There are 2 factors due to which the drainage system functions: tightness and slope towards the drainage funnel.

When installing drains, professional craftsmen adhere to the following rules: Important! Roof gutters need regular maintenance. Well calculated and correct installed system

it is inspected only once a season, after the end of autumn leaf fall and showers, but before the onset of stable frosts. At this time, gutters and pipes should be cleared of debris and leaves, check the tightness of the seams and eliminate leaks.

Video instruction

It is impossible to do without drainage systems attached to the roof of the house if you do not want rain streams, flowing from the height of the roof, splashing onto the walls and washing away the foundation. You can assemble a roof drain with your own hands by purchasing ready-made systems from well-known companies, or you can make it yourself, for example, from a galvanized sheet or even from plastic sewer pipes.

By purchasing professionally manufactured and structurally thought-out kits, you can select all the necessary elements for them - from small fasteners to complex angles and connections.

If a decision is made, then you will have to try and think carefully about what the elements of this system will be made of and how functional they will be.

What are drainage systems made of? The most popular materials Currently, for the manufacture of gutters there are special polymers that can easily withstand low and high temperatures , as well as their sharp changes . Such systems are produced by companies specialized in the development plastic products for construction and external decoration of buildings. Kits of professionally manufactured systems are quite expensive, and they are mainly installed on the roofs of respectable mansions and less often in

ordinary houses in the private sector, although they can transform any structure.

Since time immemorial, drainage systems have been made of galvanized metal. Such elements are usually ordered from tinsmiths or purchased in specialized stores. Metal gutters are more affordable and therefore are used more often. Despite the low price compared to other systems, and perhaps not as aesthetically pleasing, galvanized gutters have their own positive sides, in which they even surpass similar kits made of plastic or metal alloys. The main disadvantage of galvanized systems is the divergence of connecting seams due to temperature changes. However, here a lot depends on the skill of the tinsmith who makes them.

Steel gutters can be coated with a layer of highly resistant polymer paint. This significantly improves their decorative characteristics and provides additional protection against corrosion.

Almost “eternal” gutters made of zinc-titanium alloy

Gutter systems are also made from a metal alloy called zinc-titanium, which is also coated at the final stage of production. polymer paints. The content of pure zinc in the alloy reaches 98 - 99% - a guarantee of corrosion resistance, the addition of titanium is a condition for the strength of products, and very small inclusions of aluminum and copper give this material high ductility during processing.

Such drainage systems look just as aesthetically pleasing as plastic ones, but are more reliable as they better withstand the influence of the external environment. Their external disadvantages, if the coating is of poor quality, include possible peeling polymer coating, therefore, having settled on this option, it is better to purchase kits from a trusted manufacturer that enjoys a strong reputation.

All of the listed materials are well suited for gutters - they are easy to process, install and look neat, organically merging with the exterior of the building and at the same time becoming both a necessary functional detail of the building and important addition to its design.

Basic elements of a drainage system

If gutters are purchased in a store, you don’t have to think about how and what to make one of the elements of the system from - the manufacturer has already thought through all the nuances of the roof design. Having measured and specified all the parameters on own home, you can buy all the necessary parts.

Despite the variety of options for drainage systems, they all have approximately general structure and consist of similar structural parts:

1. The gutter is the main part of the drain, which collects water flowing from the roof slopes. Typically, gutters are made up to 4 meters long.

2. Hook-brackets on which the gutter is laid. Plastic brackets are usually used for systems also made of polymers.

3. Gutter edge cap for right and left sides.

4. Funnels installed along the edges of gutters.

5. Central funnel, fixed with glue or using grooves and seals (5a).

6. Connecting piece (coupling) for the gutter. It can also be mounted with glue or with a clever groove connection using sealing gaskets (6a).

7. Universal connecting angle of 90º external and internal (7a).

8. Drain pipe with connecting pipe coupling

9. A screw clamp that tightens the coupling connection of pipes and other elements.

10. Tee providing connection between two drainpipes.

11. Transition coupling - used when it is necessary to connect pipes of different diameters.

12 and 13. Bends (elbows) for connecting drainpipes. Usually have an angle of 60 ÷ 70º - different manufacturers may apply own standards. It is clear that in one system there must be elements with the same values corner.

14. End bend with an angle of 45 º - for direction waste water into the storm drain inlet. This detail is also called a mark.

15. Hook-bracket made of metal.

In addition to the presented elements, for some drainage systems, instead of brackets, the kit includes a cornice strip, which is an additional holder for the brackets or even performs their function itself.

Before going to the store, you need to draw up a drawing of the edge of the roof with all the turns and protrusions, while measuring the corners. A drawing with detailed drainage parameters should be provided to a specialist, who should help select all the necessary elements for a complete set.

Video: example of installation of a finished GAMRAT drainage system

Prices for drainage systems

Drainage systems

Independent production of drainage elements

1. If you are installing a system made of galvanized metal, then, in order to save money, you can make gutters yourself, since sheets of material are much cheaper than ready-made elements.

You can make a semicircular or square gutter from galvanized steel, but the semicircular shape is still considered traditional.

A thin sheet of metal can be easily shaped into a pipe required diameter, making special bends at the edges so that they are securely held on the mounting brackets.

If you manage to make a gutter for the drain, then making the brackets will also not be difficult. Their semicircle should have a slightly larger radius, since the gutter should easily fit and be secured in the bracket.

It is easy to make a box-shaped gutter from galvanized metal. Its shape is drawn from a wooden block the right size. One of the sides is made a little larger and bent to the side so that the flowing water gets to the right place. Then, its edges are bent in a special way.

2. If you need to make a drain only on a straight section to the roof, then the gutter can also be made from plastic sewer pipes. Such gutters will cost almost nothing in terms of price, since one pipe produces two gutters at once.

  • The pipe at the beginning and end is fixed on two boards using self-tapping screws; in its upper part, exactly opposite the lower fixation points, one more self-tapping screw is not completely screwed in. A thin line is pulled over their protruding parts. rope, a straight line is marked along it. Using this marking, the pipe is cut from start to finish using a grinder.
  • The pipe is then turned over and the process is repeated. Thus, we get two halves, which will serve as gutters. When assembling, individual parts can be screwed together from the inside. Using sewer pipes, from the same system you can take corner parts, also sawing them lengthwise.

Video: making gutters from a plastic sewer pipe

Of course, homemade parts will not have such a spectacular appearance as professionally made ones, but you can save a decent amount on this.

3. If desired, you can select other components to assemble the entire complex, since currently you can find a lot suitable materials, which will serve as blanks. The only parts that you still have to order or buy are funnels. It is quite difficult to make them yourself without any experience in tin work.

Installation of a drainage system

The installation of the system is carried out in different ways, depending on the chosen fasteners and the installation period.

Installation on the outer crossbar or rafter is considered optimal. pitched roof before laying and securing the roofing.

The presented diagram clearly shows how the brackets are secured and covered with a cornice strip. In this case, it acts as a kind of shield for the soffit, protecting it from direct moisture.

In other cases, the eaves strip is made from a board, and if the brackets are not secured before laying the roof, then they are attached to it.

Sometimes gutter mounts are attached to the bottom of the slope directly onto the roof, but this is not entirely the right option.

Wherever the brackets for the gutters are attached, their location must be calculated in such a way that water flowing from the roof in a large stream falls into this channel and does not spill beyond it.

This parameter depends on how much the edge of the roof protrudes. If it extends over a sufficiently large distance, sometimes it makes sense to choose a fastening option installed on the roof itself.

Video: example of calculation and installation of a house drainage system

So, having purchased or manufactured a suitable drainage system, you can begin its installation.

1. The first step is the process of installing the gutter holder brackets.

They are fixed at a distance of 550 600 mm apart, with a slight slope towards the drain. The brackets must be secured in such a way that the roof overhang is at gutter 1/3 the size of the semicircle, and 2/3 of the gutters will “catch” water from the roof.

If the brackets are fixed on a wooden cornice strip, then in order to clearly see the slope and the fastening line, carry out the following steps:

— First, install a bracket that will support the highest edge of the gutter, taking into account all the rules and recommendations.

— The next step is to secure the last bracket in the row. It is fixed with a slope of 4-5 mm per linear meter. An incorrectly designed and installed system will not work efficiently, and over time it will inevitably develop leaks.

— Then, the brackets are fixed in the marked places. In this way, the required overall slope of the drainage system will be met. gutters

  • The gutter is laid and assembled, and a plug is installed on its raised edge.

  • If a funnel is to be installed at the end and in the middle of the gutter, and it is necessary to make a hole for it corresponding to the size of the funnel, then it is installed on the gutter and fixed.

  • An additional middle funnel is installed if the length of the side of the house exceeds 12 meters. If it is shorter, then it is enough to install this element only at the end of the gutter, in its lower part.
  • The gutter is fixed by sliding a groove on its edge onto the protrusion of the bracket.
  • If a ready-made drainage system is installed, then the individual parts of the gutter are fastened together with special connecting parts, which provide for precise mating and appropriate sealing. If the system is made independently, then the gutters are laid overlapping and twisted with self-tapping screws. In this case, it is also useful to provide a thin sealing gasket, for example, from a rubber strip.
  • When the sewer channel is laid and funnels are installed in it, sewer pipes and elbow bends are mounted to them, which are tightened at the joints with clamps. Drainpipes are secured to the wall with clamps. Using bends will allow you to position the pipes along the wall so that the clamp posts do not protrude too much.

  • If water from the roof goes into the ground, then the drain pipe attached to the wall should end at 300 350 mm from the ground surface.
  • If for collection and disposal rain or melt water, a storm drain is installed around the house, then pipe from the roof sometimes connect directly to it or place the edge of the drainpipe with a mark directly above the storm inlet opening or drainage tray.

Find out how to do various systems, from our new article.

Something that many people forget about or simply don’t know. It is highly advisable to install a protective mesh on the gutters, which will not allow large debris and fallen leaves to accumulate at the bottom. In ready-made systems, it is usually provided in the form of a strip that is attached to the edges of the gutter.

For homemade system You can purchase the mesh by the meter and place it in a gutter, rolling it into a roll, which is held together with special plastic clamps.

You can make such a “filter” yourself by rolling the mesh into a tube along the diameter of the drain

Video: an important element of the drainage system - a mesh to protect against large debris

Whatever drainage system is installed on the roof of the house, it needs periodic monitoring and regular preventative cleaning. Even if a mesh is installed on the gutter, it needs to be washed sometimes, since large fragments from the roof get into the drains with a large amount of dust and dirt, and the soaked fallen leaves that fall on the mesh are not always blown away by the wind. If the drain system is clogged, all the water that accumulates in it, along with dirt, will one day end up on the walls of the house.

When starting to install a finished system or self-production drainage, you need to correctly calculate all the parameters and slopes, make a drawing and, of course, evaluate your strength in performing this work. If you are not sure that it will be done with the proper quality, it is better to seek help from specialists.

The attractiveness of the architectural design of a private house largely depends not only on the chosen project, but also on how well the drainage system is designed and installed. Essential Accessory The roof simply and elegantly emphasizes the entire ensemble of the building, giving it a complete look.

At the same time, the roof drainage system is one of the most necessary external engineering systems of a house.

Design features of drains

Like any other engineering system private house, drainage is a necessary element of the building supply system.

The features of the drainage system are:

  • gutters– metal, plastic or ceramic gutters designed to collect rain and melt water;
  • connecting elements gutters;
  • funnels– elements of drains designed to receive water from gutters and further direct them into drainpipes;
  • drainpipes- an element of drainage systems, the main purpose of which is to transport water through pipes down the facade of the building towards the water intake well;
  • graduation sleeves or outlet funnels - part of a system for directing water to a designated place or simply releasing water onto the ground.

In addition to the main elements of the drainage system, there are also auxiliary elements that play an equally important role in efficient functioning of the drainage system:

  • fastening gutters;
  • fastening of drainpipes;
  • connecting elements;
  • gratings;
  • overflow;
  • dividers.

Types of metal drainage systems

The originality of the technical solution for a house's drainage system largely depends on what material is chosen for it. Until now, in the production of gutters, metal systems hold the clear lead.

These include:

  • copper drainage systems– the most durable, but at the same time the most expensive type of metal gutters;
  • drains from sheet metal with PVC coating, the peculiarity of such systems is their durability and the ability to make the house even more expressive using color scheme PVC coating;
  • galvanized iron gutters– the most budget-friendly type of drainage systems;
  • drains from aluminum structures - a rarely encountered type of system, used due to its lightness.

When evaluating metal gutters when choosing, you should know that such systems have good constructive qualities, are easy to install, allow you to change the geometry and angle of the drains, have a large number of different elements, are cheap to purchase and install, but require careful attention during assembly, and, unfortunately, are too noisy during rain.

Plastic plums

Installation of roofing for houses and dachas made from modern roofing materials largely pushed the market and plastic systems gutter Today the market for plastic gutters is able to satisfy all needs and the most incredible technical solutions roofing devices.

The advantages of plastic systems today are obvious - all manufacturers, without exception, produce not just a set of individual elements, but almost universal designs.

Today thanks plastic gutters, it is possible to choose not only a drain suitable for the length of the building or slope, but also fit it harmoniously into appearance thanks to the possibility of joining elements to bypass cornices, protrusions, change the angle of connection and extend the outlet sleeves.

Nowadays there are mainly four main types of plastic gutters available:

  • gutters 75/63 mmperfect solution for roofing small area– for a separate individual house, garage, outbuilding;
  • 100/90 mm gutters used for large buildings and structures with a roof slope area exceeding 200 square meters. meters;
  • gutters 125/90 mm– used for large residential buildings, industrial premises;
  • gutters 150/110 mm– a larger cross-section of the gutter ensures good drainage from the roofs of buildings with a large roof area.

Types of gutters and downpipes

A rather original architectural solution for the appearance of the building will largely depend on what shape the gutters and drainpipes will be installed. Types of gutters are usually divided according to the type of cross-section of the gutter.

The most common gutters are:

Such a number of different shapes of gutters is associated primarily with the specifics of their use, so semicircular gutters, most often found among all manufacturers of drainage systems, have a universal purpose; such gutters can be mounted on any roof and under any roof covering.

Square gutters and gutters rectangular shape are designed for specific solutions, so they are not widely used in individual construction.

Semi-elliptical gutters have found their application in the construction of buildings with a large roof area, since they have a large area and are able to receive and remove precipitation for a much longer time compared to other types of drains.

It is important to know that when choosing gutters, in addition to standard sizes gutters, it is necessary to correctly select drainpipes. For each type of gutters, certain types of drainpipes and accessories are designed in the form of fasteners, brackets and other elements of the drainage system.

Generally, round downspouts are used for semi-circular and semi-elliptical types of gutters. For rectangular, square and trapezoidal - profile. At the same time, the versatility of the systems allows using adapters to combine profile and round drainpipes during installation.

Types of brackets for attaching gutters

The design of the drainage system also provides a method for attaching the drainage gutter to the edge of the roof. Fastening is carried out using special fastening elements - brackets.
Depending on the gutter material, manufacturers also provide a gutter fastening system.

This is largely due to the fact that the brackets must match the shape and color of the gutters. For example, it is problematic to secure box-shaped gutters with brackets for round types systems

Fastening the brackets involves securing them in several ways, and this is very important point, since the choice of fastening type will determine bracket fixation location:

  • front brackets necessary for fastening to the wind board, they are adjustable, however, during installation they require a lot of attention, since the slope of the gutter must be strictly observed;
  • flat curved brackets designed to be attached to rafter system roof or to the outer board of the sheathing;
  • universal type of bracket allows for fastening both to the wind board and to the rafter system or sheathing.

It is important to know that when installing the brackets, you should maintain an angle of inclination towards the drain and maintain a certain distance to evenly distribute the load on the gutters during icing or large quantities water.

Installation of a rainwater drainage system from the roof

The drainage system is installed in the following order of main stages:

  • calculation of the drainage system;
  • marking, adjusting and securing brackets;
  • installation of gutters and water intake funnels;
  • installation of drain pipe brackets;
  • installation of drainpipes.

Distributing the entire installation process into such stages will significantly save time and effort during work, but most importantly, prevent mistakes, the correction of which will take much longer.

Securing the brackets

The most critical stage of work on installing a drainage system.

It is important to secure the brackets correctly to avoid the following mistakes:

The rules for attaching brackets are quite simple:

  • The bracket is mounted first in the highest place;
  • the extreme bracket is mounted on the opposite side of the slope;
  • a marking cord is stretched between the brackets, along which the remaining fasteners are attached;
  • the distance between the fastenings is selected approximately 50 centimeters depending on the assembled gutter, in such a way that there is no connecting coupling or water inlet funnel in the place where the bracket is installed;
  • The location of the water inlet funnel is chosen not in the corner, but in 50 – 70 centimeters from the edge to the middle of the slope, while the outer bracket, after installing all the fasteners, is reinstalled so that the slope fits into the water inlet.

Installation of gutters

Gutters are installed on fixed brackets. Connected into a single unit, or if the design allows, the gutter section is installed in place in the brackets. Plugs are first attached to the edges of the gutter, and the location of the water inlet funnel is marked.

Standard sections length 1, 2 and 2.5 meters are sequentially connected to each other, it is necessary to remember that the joints of the sections do not interfere with the flow of water, and the axis of the funnel coincides with the axis of the hole in the gutter. The installed gutters are secured with clamps in the brackets.

Installation of drainpipes and holders

Upon completion of the installation of the gutters, the drain pipe brackets are marked and secured. Along the marking cord, vertically through 1 – 1.2 meters Pipe brackets are attached to the wall of the house.

Using corner elbows, if necessary, the drainpipe is connected to the water inlet funnel and secured in brackets. Installation is carried out from top to bottom; during installation, you need to pay attention to the correct connection of the pipes so that water does not leak at the connection points.

Below for 45 – 50 centimeters A drainage elbow is installed up to the blind area and directed towards the storm sewer.

Where to drain water from the roof?

After installing a drainage system, the question of rainwater drainage usually arises.

There are several possible solutions to this problem, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  • do nothing. In this case, it is possible that the foundation will be undermined, water accumulation may form, and in winter time, besides, ice;
  • arrange a drainage system– through perforated pipes large diameter divert water to gradually seep into the ground;
  • using gutters connect with storm sewer with subsequent discharge into an autonomous or main sewer system.

Some rules for installing drains

When installing drains with your own hands, it is important to remember that normal operation of the drainage system is possible, including if the drains are installed correctly.

Installation of drain elbows is carried out at the bottom of drainpipes, so that the outlet of the pipe is directed away from the building. When extending the drain, it is necessary to keep in mind that when freezing the mass increases, therefore, to provide greater rigidity, a supporting support should be provided.

If it is impossible to connect the drain with the storm sewer, installation in summer period splitter on the socket to increase the drainage area and quickly drain water into the ground.

Specifics of installing metal gutters

One of the specific issues of installing metal gutters on buildings with roofs made of corrugated sheets, metal tiles and roofing iron is the installation of effective lightning protection.
For this purpose, when installing a metal drain, a device is provided protective grounding.

Installation of plastic and cement drains

A fairly simple solution for draining rainwater is offered by installing water drains made of plastic elements or concrete sections. As in the drainage system, the drainage system is installed taking into account the slope in the direction of water drainage.

Most manufacturers complete their products not only with universal connection systems, but also with protective grilles, the installation of which is mandatory in order to avoid injury to people.

Installation is carried out in a pre-marked direction, taking into account the slope direction. Sand or crushed stone is poured into an open trench as a cushion, the drain sections are connected to each other and installed in the trench. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, the connection points can be additionally sealed with silicone or cement mortar.

You can buy a roof drain for a price of 100 rubles.

The most acceptable option for operating a drainage system is to additionally install a heating system in it. The presence of such an option will allow you not to worry about the safety of the gutters. Automatically turning on the heating will allow you to melt frozen ice and remove water without losing the reliability of your gutters.

Regular drainpipe cleaning

If there is no mesh, it is recommended to periodically inspect and clean the drainpipes. The regularity of such work, as a rule, coincides with the completion winter period, when the snow finally melts and after the leaves have fallen. This frequency allows you to keep the house's drainage system in perfect order.