Installation of storm drainage system for a private house. Storm sewer: design and operating features Composition of storm sewer

Humanity's desire to protect its land from negative influence Excessive rainfall has been known since ancient times. Modern drainage systems have become an integral attribute of a civilized society.

Drainage systems protect buildings and land, extending their service life, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the environment. Drainage - storm drainage in a private house (storm drain) - does an excellent job of this function. It is a structure made of pipes, trays, storm inlets, which is designed to collect rain and melt water. Storm drains are used to drain excess precipitation from the roofs of buildings, road surfaces, and land plots.

Storm sewerage is a complex that includes channels and devices that allow the collection and removal of excess rain and melt water outside the drained area. The wastewater is first filtered, and then it must be collected in a collector well. From it, wastewater flows to the loading points.

Further collection of atmospheric moisture is carried out on filtration fields, in special reservoirs, and reservoirs.

Accumulations of debris from the sewer must be periodically removed, which requires cleaning the linear network, which is the storm sewer. These steps are not difficult to do yourself. Cleaning can be done using the services of a specialized company. At the same time, it is important to know how the storm drain works, what elements are included in its composition, what technical requirements presented to the equipment as a whole storm sewer.

Storm drain device

The storm drainage system consists of channels that serve to remove excess moisture, which creates discomfort and destroys structures. It includes the following standard elements:

  1. Storm water inlets in the form of funnels.
  2. Pallets.
  3. Linear trays for collecting water.
  4. Gutters.
  5. Pipes.

Technical conditions require equipping raincoats with sand traps or filtration devices, as well as gratings. This prevents suspended soil particles or debris from penetrating into the storm drain.

Which system to choose

There are linear and point storm drainage Location on. Linear sewerage, like point sewerage, consists of a roof drain (gutters, funnels) and underground pipes through which water from storm water inlets flows into the catch basins; wells and storm water inlets; trays. The drainage diagram is drawn up with a slope either to a point (point drainage) or to a line (linear drainage).

Both types belong to the surface scheme for drainage of rain and melt water.

When assembling storm drains, do not forget about sand traps (they do not let debris into the drain), plugs (prevent the reverse outflow of water), siphons (they retain unpleasant odors).

Point sewerage inlets are installed under drainpipes around the house and with watering taps, usually in places where slopes intersect. Stormwater inlets are usually equipped with baskets that trap debris. They need to be cleaned periodically.

Trays are required for a linear design. They are produced from various materials: plastic, concrete, composite. Installing them is easy, since the kit includes mounting components, plugs and adapters. Mount the trays at an angle. The top is covered with storm gratings. They are built around the house and around the site.

Open and closed types of storm drainage

The open type of storm drain is called linear because the water must flow over the roofs to a specific place.

You can install an open storm drain if you use gutters made of concrete, metal or plastic. To protect the sewer system from contamination, gratings should be placed on the gutters to perform an aesthetic function. To prevent soil shrinkage, it is necessary to provide a slope by making channels under the gutters. Channels can be installed using waterproof sealants.

Calculation of closed storm sewer:

  1. Determine the characteristics of the territory and landscape features.
  2. Provide for the presence of architectural structures around the house on the summer cottage.
  3. Calculate the average degree of precipitation.
  4. Understand the placement of technical structures.

After this, preliminary drawings should be prepared, which will indicate the layout of pipes and locations for installing equipment, and calculate the depth of the storm sewer. Designing a closed storm sewer will require the preparation of the following documents:

  1. Information about the project.
  2. Storm drain scheme.
  3. Preliminary drawings.
  4. Work report.

It must be remembered that the work of any sewer system will be of high quality if all equipment and sealants are of appropriate quality. Preventive cleaning of rainwater drains should be carried out at least once a year, which will prevent blockages of water inlets and trays


To install a storm drain, you can hire specialists, or you can do it yourself. Modern materials, from which storm sewers are installed, do not cause difficulties in work even for an inexperienced person.

You will need:

  • pipes;
  • couplings;
  • screed tapes;
  • bends (corrugated);
  • tees;
  • crosses or adapters.

As mentioned above, the storm drain consists of a roof drain and a ground part. They should be installed at the same time. So the effect of the work will be higher.

All storm drain elements are combined into general scheme according to technology, which can be of two types: point and linear. The choice of one scheme or another depends on the method of collecting wastewater. If the installation of rainwater drainage channels is carried out in the ground, then pipes are used. Plastic, concrete or asbestos trays and gutters are used to equip surface ditches, arranging internal and external drains that form a point system.

When constructing a storm drain, you should use PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, which are connected by a double coupling. If pipes with maximum strength are used, then their laying depth should be greater. If the site has drainage sewer, then the storm drain is installed above it. To insulate pipes with less strength, laid at shallow depths, geotextiles and crushed stone are used as insulation.

The design of a house's storm drainage system should include its connection to the site's irrigation or water supply.

If near summer cottage If there is a reservoir, then the collector should not be installed. The system is arranged so that water can enter the reservoir.

Installation requirements

There are certain requirements for the methods of laying elements, for example, trays, sewer pipes or gutters. It is necessary to maintain an inclination when laying the listed elements towards the catchment structures, as well as loading points.

Storm water inlets for storm drainage are installed under the drain, and a funnel receiving water must be equipped using a filtration mesh. However, you will need an internal basket for collection. Another method of installing storm water inlets requires compliance with following diagram installing elements:

  1. On the right is a chute and a sand catcher.
  2. In the center there is a funnel for receiving water from the drain.
  3. On the left is the door tray.

Pipes for storm drainage are produced from different material: asbestos cement, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PP (polypropylene), fiberglass.

Storm sewerage is laid with a slope of at least 1 cm per 1 linear meter pipes. Under this condition, water flows through the pipes freely, and the sewage system cleans itself.

Livnevka linear type is a network of channels that are laid underground or in shallow trenches. Trays designed to collect and move water are laid open method. At the same time, they are equipped not only with grates for rainwater drainage, but also with sand traps. The gratings are installed along the entire line.

For the purpose of drainage, more elements are involved in a linear sewer system than in a point scheme. Therefore, water is collected both from roof gutters, and from platforms, paths, which can be paved with sidewalk bricks or covered with concrete.

A linear storm drainage scheme allows you to cover a large area. Drainage can be carried out both from sidewalks and landscaped areas. If the specifics of the pitched structure do not provide for the presence of drains, then the drains are discharged from certain sides of the house.

The type of storm drain chosen will depend on the extent of coverage of the area. But these selection criteria are not fundamental. Do-it-yourself storm drainage at your dacha if available certain experience related to the organization and operation of complexes of this type. In this case, it is important to determine not only the type of channel laying, but also their depth.

Instructions for installing closed storm drainage systems

This device does not require so much professional installation, how much careful preparation. A number of measurements and studies should be made: study the topography of the site, calculate the level of precipitation and loads, collect necessary tools and equipment and, finally, design a scheme for the future sewerage system.

If all calculations are made correctly and the work is carried out competently, then your storm drain:

  • protects the foundation and blind areas of the house;
  • will significantly reduce the possibility of flooding of basements and cellars of the house;
  • protects the building from dampness;
  • will prevent the possibility of waterlogging of the area.


Materials used during the work must be waterproof and anti-corrosion.

Corrugated pipes are not suitable for such storm drains, so there is no point in using them due to rapid clogging. You should not use complex diagrams when determining the location of pipes. When laying pipes, you should not make additional routings or turns.

Connections structural elements must be sealed. Having prepared the installation diagram, it is necessary to calculate the footage of pipes and other required elements. Protection and high-quality cleaning of storm drains involves the installation of two additional wells. Pipe cleaning is done with a metal cable.

Roof drain

For work you will need: gutters, drainpipes, funnels, fastening material, stubs.

Installation of a house drain occurs in stages:

  • funnels are installed;
  • gutters are laid;
  • pipes are fixed (if a point scheme is selected);
  • trays are fixed (if the diagram is linear);
  • a closed discharge of water into a catch basin, or an open discharge into a storm drainage system, is arranged.

During installation, the slope of the structure should be taken into account. It must be at least 2%.

The technology for installing gutters on the roof of a house is as follows:

  1. Prepare special holes for installing rainwater inlets.
  2. Install the elements and then seal all joints.
  3. Install pipes to allow water to flow through them.
  4. Strengthen all devices and elements with clamps to the roof and walls of the building.

Ground part

First, we mark the territory of the site. Along the laid route, dig around the trench for trays and pipes, taking into account soil freezing.

To ensure the slope is correct, experts advise using a tracing cable.

  • ground storm water inlets are fixed;
  • sand is poured around the bottom of the ditches and compacted;
  • trays and pipes are laid;
  • all components of drainage and storm sewerage (storm inlets, sand traps, wells) are combined into one system;
  • trays are secured;
  • gratings are installed.

Once assembled in this way, drainage and storm drainage require inspection. The roof is watered with water from a low-pressure hose. If it does not stagnate and flows freely through drains and sewers, it will serve you for a long time and will protect both your home and the land around them from melt and rainwater.

Pipes in a trench can be insulated using geotextiles and crushed stone.

Storm drainage is one of the components of the drainage system country house. Therefore, it is impossible to install a storm drain directly into the drainage of a plot. Pipes for drainage and storm water on the site are laid in such a way that the latter are located above the former.

In order to install a closed storm sewer, the following actions are followed:

  • Having approved the installation plan, they mark the territory using the designations of the preliminary places for installing the sewerage system;
  • dig holes, compacting their bottom and covering it with 15–20 cm of sand;
  • insulate trenches with geotextiles, if necessary;
  • prepare a pit for the collector by digging a hole and filling it with concrete using metal rings or a plastic container.

To create a pit, you can use a factory well placed in a prepared pit. To make work easier, use plastic pipes and fittings. Pipes are laid in trenches dug in advance. They are then connected to the trays and manifold.

An inspection well should be located every 5 m of sewerage. In places where there is no water intake, a gutter is installed, covered with a grate. The sand cleaner should be located between the chute and the tray. This ensures that purified water flows into the system.

Checking work

When the entire divnevka has already been assembled, you can start testing it. This will reveal the functionality of the design. 10 liters of water are poured into all water intake wells that are installed. Next, you need to determine at what speed water leaves the system and in what quantity.

At a fast enough speed, the volume of water flowing out will be equal to the volume of water flowing in. This means that the system was assembled with high quality and all work was done correctly. In the future it will function correctly.

Along the perimeter of the house, storm drainage is installed in the same way as on the territory.

Sewer maintenance involves the use of appropriate cleaning methods:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Vodyanoy.
  3. Thermal.
  4. Chemical

The mechanical method involves removing dirt, plugs or sand. Water is based on the use of a jet of water that breaks through plugs. Thermal is associated with the use of water at a high temperature.

Chemical involves cleaning using reagents. The external part, located on the roof, is associated with the use mechanical method. For this purpose, gutters and water intakes for garbage collection are inspected. Storm water inlets are cleaned using the water method, when a stream of water is directed onto the grates under maximum pressure.

For the purpose of cleaning storm drains open type perform the following actions:

  • remove the gratings covering the trays;
  • clear channels from blockages;
  • wash the channels with water;
  • install gratings.

To clean a closed sewer, it is necessary to use a water jet under a maximum pressure that exceeds 350 Bar, to improve the quality of water purification by supplying it in two directions: to the collector and back. If the pipes have a diameter of no more than 200 mm, then cleaning can be done with your own hands. Otherwise, you will need special equipment and professional help. If you had to use their services, you should find out the likelihood of using heavy equipment, prepare enough space for the equipment to enter, and provide access to sewerage equipment.

The cost of installing a closed sewer system is determined by the depth of the pipes, the area of ​​the site, and the number of storm water inlets. The cost of installing the system is about $28 per 1 m2, taking into account the number of rainwater inlets not exceeding 15 pieces. If the depth is shallow - up to 1 m. If the sewer depth is 1 - 1.6 m with 15 water inlets, the cost of installation will be $71 per 1 m. About $61 will be the cost of installing additional rainwater inlets.

The term “storm drainage system SNiP” means a certain set of Building Standards and the Rules that regulate the construction of storm sewers at industrial and other facilities, and on highways, and in residential areas. It is also highly advisable to adhere to SNiP during the installation of storm drains (as storm drainage is sometimes abbreviated as) private territory, albeit the smallest one.

Important! Violation of SNiP for storm drains can result not only in a large fine and the obligation to re-equip it properly, but also in low efficiency of the system.

What general provisions does SNiP storm drainage have?

SNiP for number 2.04.01-85 provide standards that must be observed at all stages of construction: from design to direct operation.

SNiP - regulated standards that external sewer networks must comply with, contain formulas for carrying out calculations during design, indicate materials, pipe laying depths, etc.

Today, such types of storm drains as point and linear are actively used. SNiP provides the most detailed requirements for the arrangement of a mainly linear type of sewerage system. The entire complex of such a system consists of a network of separate or interconnected channels located at a certain angle of inclination. They are designed to collect and drain rainwater and melt water to the appropriate collectors and reservoirs.

As a rule, linear sewerage is of a closed type. Rainwater receivers are connected by pipes dug into the ground, and they are connected to special collectors. Monitoring and maintenance of the system is carried out using inspection wells specially equipped for this purpose with a diameter of at least a meter.

Point storm drainage, according to the document “Storm sewerage system SNiP”, is intended for point collection of water and its removal from the building to collectors. Water is collected by special rainwater inlets. It is mandatory that rainwater inlets have a protective cover, which prevents premature littering of the inlet basket and also ensures unimpeded passage for people and animals. The standards regulate the following elements of the storm sewer system:

  • storm water inlet It is one of the main elements of the entire sewer system and serves to directly collect water;
  • pallet. It also serves to collect rainwater and is installed at the entrance to the room;
  • gutter or tray. These elements are installed in drainage channels. The channels must be located at a certain angle to the collector in order to ensure natural flow of water under the influence of gravity;
  • pipeline. Designed in the same way as canals, for the natural drainage of water, but through pipes that go deep into the ground;
  • . This device is designed to separate water from sand and other coarse debris;
  • inspection (audit, inspection) well. Designed to inspect the network and monitor the water level in it.

In addition, the document “Storm drainage SNiP” helps to determine the volume of expected runoff in accordance with the terrain, the nature of the soil, etc.

Stormwater system performance calculation

Despite the fact that SNiP for storm drains was approved 30 years ago, its relevance still remains. Based on its settings, you can easily determine what performance system needs to be installed in a particular location.

Storm drainage is the connection of pipes, stormwater inlets, gutters and other components into a single system that is used to capture and drain water from roofs, routes and sites.

In general, despite the apparent cumbersomeness and complexity of formulas and tables, it will not be particularly difficult for the owner of a private home or summer cottage to make simplified calculations. As a result, it will be possible to obtain data on such system parameters as:

  • the degree of deepening of pipes into the soil;
  • optimal pipe angle;
  • as well as the volume of water that must be removed from the facility.
  • Q is the final volume of water required for drainage;
  • q20 is the coefficient of average precipitation volume. It is measured in liters per hectare and is unique to a particular area. The corresponding values ​​of this coefficient are taken directly from the SNiP documentation;
  • F – area of ​​the site where the sewerage system is installed;
  • Ψ is the coefficient of absorption of moisture by a particular surface (it is also simply a correction factor).

For Ψ, the following coefficients will be relevant: indicator 1.0 - for an ordinary roof of a house, that is, practically no absorption occurs; for asphalt – 0.95; for a surface such as a concrete coating, the correction factor will be already 0.85, and for crushed stone and gravel – 0.4. Finally, for open ground and for the lawn – 0.35.

Simply by multiplying all the data, you can get the total volume of liquid for one storm inlet under given conditions. As practice has shown, in the vast majority of cases, for private country land it will be enough to have pipes with a diameter of 10 to 11 cm, and in the case of a collector this value will increase to 20 cm.

When designing, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of manual cleaning of pipes or under high pressure, for example, using a household car wash. This is only possible when the diameter of the pipes does not exceed 20 centimeters. Otherwise, it is impossible to do without the use of specialized equipment.

How to calculate the required angle of inclination

The standards in “Storm sewerage SNiP” also allow the owner to calculate the optimal angle of inclination. After all, as you know, waste water transported in a storm drain, obeying the force of gravity, that is, naturally and without the use of any pumps or other mechanisms.

However, it is not always easy to determine exactly what angle is best to position the pipe to ensure smooth and even transport. Well, SNiP allows you to do this too. Mainly, it all depends on the diameter of the pipe. The calculation is made on the basis of a special table. But in most cases, the average owner can be guided by a simplified scheme:

  • for a pipe with a diameter of up to 110 millimeters, a slope of 2 centimeters per linear meter of pipe will be sufficient;
  • for pipes with a diameter of 150 millimeters - from 8 to 10 centimeters;
  • For sewer pipe with a diameter of 200 millimeters, a slope of 7 centimeters can be considered optimal;
  • finally, for pipes with a diameter of 500 millimeters, the slope should be 30 millimeters per meter of pipe.

Stormwater systems are networks of canals that are needed to collect and transport water. According to the requirements of SNiP, storm sewers are installed so that there is a slope towards the main collector.

Directly in front of the sand trap, the slope should be slightly less in order to ensure uniform distribution of sand and liquid. Otherwise, the flows risk simply mixing with each other.

What SNiP says about the depth of pipes

It may seem strange, but there is no specific guidance on this in the documentation. Here SNiP rather recommends than specifies. In general, it all comes down to combining such factors when determining the laying depth of the pipe, such as the degree of soil freezing, the location of the aquifer, and also the support on personal experience masters However, you can still rely on the following general recommendations:

  • pipes with a diameter of less than 50 cm must be deepened to a depth of at least 30 cm from the place where the soil freezes;
  • if the pipe has a diameter of 50 cm or more, then this depth should be increased to 50 cm.

When preparing trenches, it is necessary to take into account the level of soil freezing, as well as add to it the thickness of the sand cushion at the bottom. With such indicators, the laying of storm sewer pipes is the most optimal.

However, in any case, the depth must be at least 70 centimeters, counting from the surface of the soil to the uppermost edge of the pipe. In the same case, if for some objective reasons laying in the ground to a given depth is impossible, laying at a lesser depth is also allowed - but in this case it is necessary to take care of additional protection of the sewer pipe from external mechanical influences.

Dimensions of wells and their distribution according to SNiP

But as for the location of wells at the site and their sizes, in this regard the storm sewer system SNiP can give quite certain tips. So, for example, regarding inspection wells, they need to be equipped:

  • where the pipes join each other;
  • where the pipes have a sharp turn, they change their direction;
  • in places where there is a drop in water pressure and a drop in its level;
  • where the pipe changes its diameter;
  • and even in perfectly flat areas of the pipeline, at equal distances. In this case, the following instructions are given: for pipes DN 150 - every 35 meters, DN 200 - 450 - every 50 meters, and for pipes DN 500 and more - every 75 meters. In short, the thicker the pipe, the greater the distance inspection wells can be installed.

The inspection well is a link in the storm sewer system, thanks to which the sewer system is checked and timely cleaned.

In this case, you need to take into account the size of the big pipes, which goes into the well. For pipes larger than 600 millimeters in diameter, it is necessary to equip wells with a diameter of at least 1,000 millimeters. For an inlet pipe DN 150, you can get by with a shaft with a diameter of 700 millimeters.

The depth of the well is also taken into account. If this value is more than 3 meters, the diameter of the well shaft must be no less than 1,500 millimeters.

In order to remove water from precipitation from the foundation of the house and from the site, storm drainage is used. At the same time, high-quality installation and selection of elements requires a certain level of knowledge and skills.

If you take a responsible approach to studying the issue, you can install high-quality storm drainage yourself. First of all, you should understand the purpose of such a system.

Why do we need storm drainage?

In addition to directly draining water from precipitation, storm sewers perform protective function. When water flows from the roof of a building, it falls on the blind area (which you can build yourself), the foundation, from which it rises along the walls. The walls are destroyed by moisture.

Not only the house can suffer from the influence of precipitation, but also the area adjacent to it. In an area with stagnant water, not a single plant will grow, and it will simply become a dirty patch. On paths where precipitation collects, puddles will form, making it difficult to approach the house. Excess rainwater is also undesirable for garden beds. Therefore, water from precipitation must be drained.

When is storm drainage required?

The answer to this question is extremely simple - always. To increase the service life and quality of operation, each building must be equipped with a system for draining water from precipitation. Unfortunately, most often the idea of ​​installing a storm drain comes quite late, when the building is destroyed and requires serious repairs.

Therefore, it is important to plan the arrangement of gutters and drainage systems at the design and construction stage of the building. These elements are being built in parallel with the implementation of roofing works and filling the blind area. Such work is extremely important in regions with increased level precipitation.

Before starting work on arranging a storm sewer, you should study the issue and get acquainted with the algorithm for its creation.

Scheme for creating a storm sewer

To create a sedimentation water collection system, two schemes can be used:

  • Dot diagram storm drainage;
  • Linear diagram of storm drainage.

A point-type stormwater system is necessary to collect water from the roof of buildings. The installation process is quite labor-intensive and requires installation and earthworks.

  • Through the drainage system, water from the roof is collected in storm water inlets and through special pipelines equipped underground, redirected to a collector well and discharged outside the territory land plot.
  • In places where sedimentary water accumulates, it is allowed to install an additional well connected through a pipeline to a collector well.
  • When the snow melts, it is possible to reverse the outflow of water from the collector well. To prevent such an undesirable situation, it is necessary to install check valve for the collector.

Linear storm drainage is necessary to collect precipitation from blind areas, paths and lawns.

Such a drainage system is most often dug in around the perimeter of the blind area or along paths near the building. The main installation rule is to position the drainage trays strictly perpendicular to the water flow.

Helpful information ! To prevent various debris and leaves from getting into the collector instead of water, storm grates are installed on top of the drains. At the junction of the pipe leading to the collector and the drainage tray A plastic grid is installed to catch sand.

To ensure high-quality functioning of storm sewerage and reliable protection At home from sedimentary moisture, it is necessary to use both systems in combination. Before starting the installation of storm drainage and purchasing the required materials, it is necessary to carry out design work and calculations.

SNiP for storm drainage: calculation

To determine the required diameter of the drain, storm water inlets, and drainage elements of the system, it is necessary to take into account the level of precipitation in the region. This information can be obtained from the following regulatory documents: SP 32.13330.2012 or “SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.”

To calculate the amount of sedimentary water that needs to be drained, you must use the formula given in these documents Q = q20 ? F? ?, Where

Q— volume of precipitation, the waters of which must be drained;

? — water absorption coefficient.

In this case, the coefficient will depend on the quality of the surface:

1 - for the roof;

0.95 - for asphalt coatings;

0.85 - for cement coatings;

0.6 - materials made of crushed stone with bitumen treatment;

0.4 - for materials made of gravel and crushed stone that have not undergone bitumen treatment or treatment with bitumen analogues.

q 20 — intensity of precipitation in the region, measured in l/s per hectare. The formula for calculating this parameter is described in SNiP 2.04.03-85;

F- surface area from which water will be drained.

Based on the data obtained, the required volume of pipes for storm drainage can be easily determined.

Table of drainage system performance (in l/s) depending on the diameter of the pipes used and the slope of their location.

Pipe no. Slope %
0-0,3 0,5 1,0 1,5 2
№100 3,89 5,02 7,10 8,69 10,03
№ 150 12,21 15,76 22,29 27,31 31,53
№ 200 29,82 38,50 54,45 66,69 77,01

Using the obtained pipe diameters and the slope of the location, we calculate the required number of elements for the storm sewer and record their location. It should be taken into account that the distance between the drain and the storm inlet should not be more than 25 cm. When installing a collector well, it is necessary to deepen it to the threshold of soil freezing in the region. For example, for the central regions of Russia this threshold is 1.4 meters.

In cases where it is impossible to deepen the collector to a sufficient level, it is insulated.

After all the calculations have been made, it is necessary to select materials for installing storm sewers.

Selection of elements and pipes

First of all, when choosing pipes, you should pay attention to the temperature thresholds in the region, since, for example, plastic pipes burst in severe frosts.

All storm sewers can be divided into main and auxiliary components. The main ones include:

  • Pipes. These components are most often located underground, and therefore are not affected by significant temperature changes. This allows the use of pipes from polymer materials: polypropylene or multilayer pipes polymer pipes corrugated type (they are more often used at great depths).
  • Storm water inlets. These elements are designed to collect water from gutters and redirect it to the stormwater system. They are made from polypropylene materials, cast iron and polymer concrete. To prevent pipe clogging, rainwater inlets must be purchased with a removable waste basket.
  • Storm drainage trays. The materials used for the production of this element are concrete, plastic, stainless steel. Internal section the tray reaches 100-500 mm (some models have a slope). To prevent contamination, a grid made of the same material as the tray itself is installed on top. This lattice performs not only a protective, but also a decorative function.
  • Door pallets. This is a rectangular element installed near the entrance to the room. Most often it is made of plastic; the upper grille can be made of steel.
  • Sand catchers. These are containers for small waste. They are made from plastic and installed at the junction of trays and pipes.
  • Collector well. On the market you can find a huge number of models of this element of the storm system, made from the most different materials.
  • Manholes. They are located in corners or joints of several pipes. Needed to ensure quick sewer cleaning.

Auxiliary elements include all the necessary materials that will be needed during the installation and arrangement of the sewer system:

  • Socket bends and tees;
  • Couplings for connections, etc.

After all materials are prepared, we proceed to installation of the entire system.

Features of installing a storm system

The installation of storm drainage should begin after the drainage system is put into operation.

Installation Features:

  • The most complex and time-consuming work is land work. They are performed in the first stage. Trenches are dug throughout the entire sewerage area. It is necessary to fill the trench with a sand cushion (10 cm high).
  • Stormwater inlets are installed under each drain. In this case, the depth of the pits should be such that after installation the storm drain grate is at the same level as the blind area.
  • Pipes (corrugated drainage) are laid, with the help of which the storm water inlets are connected into a single system connected to the collector well. It is important to seal the joints.
  • The slope of the pipes leading from the storm inlet to the collector well is 2 degrees.
  • Linear sewerage must also be connected to the collector.
  • It is not necessary to make a collector well for the final precision system. It is necessary that water from this element be drained outside the site, for example, into a central sewer or ravine.

It is important to carry out the work carefully and check all connections and slopes of the pipes.


Arranging a storm drainage system on a site is not a difficult task. In order to keep the system in in working condition It is necessary to clean the system seasonally or when it becomes clogged. In addition, it is necessary to check the inspection wells, the collector, and wash the walls of all elements of the system. All exterior grilles must be cleaned weekly. How to clean it is fashionable to read “Cleaning storm drains” in more detail.

A high-quality storm drainage system will provide dry paths near your home and protect the area from excess dampness.

Rainwater is sometimes very valuable natural resource to scatter it left and right. Therefore, modern storm sewers are becoming more and more complex, and are often equipped with special elements, designed not only to minimize negative consequences rainfall, but also for efficient water collection.

Classic storm drainage device

The basis of storm sewerage is the system of direction and distribution of water. In a simplified version, storm drainage includes the following elements:

  • Pipe. Most often it is laid in the ground and covered with a layer of turf, concrete or a hard surface of asphalt and paving slabs;
  • Drainage channels or trays. Most important element storm sewer, from correct location water collector depends effective removal water from the surface of the walkway or area near the front door;
  • Filtering and distribution elements. Their participation in the operation of storm drains is invisible, and most people do not even suspect their existence, but they are vital for the normal operation of the entire system.

Important! Rainwater drainage not only and not so much helps to effectively drain water, but above all, it protects the soil and foundation from oversaturation with water.

Basic elements of storm drainage

All elements of storm drainage are equally important for the effective removal of water from the surface of the site. Failure or abnormal operation of any of the above elements can reduce the throughput of the sewer system to a minimum.

Device for receiving storm water flows

Stormwater inlets, or, more correctly, water inlets and trays for storm drainage, gutters that serve to collect water flows on the surface of the earth, are the most vulnerable under mechanical impact from legs, wheels, Vehicle, even icicles and freezing ice. Water receivers are most often made in the form of a rectangular or cylindrical box made of plastic or fiberglass reinforcement.

They are installed directly below the drainage hole of the drainpipe and serve to receive the flow of rainwater collected drainage system. The inlet opening is always covered with a metal or fiberglass grill. There is a hole in the side wall where the drain pipeline is connected. Some water intake designs provide additional element for filtering large pieces of debris, tree branches, wood chips, small pebbles. This element does not retain sand and small particles of dirt well. Often even experts are confused and believe that this is a sand trap for storm drainage.

Storm water inlets for storm sewers must ensure shock-free intake of water flows without splashing, even if part of the receiving device is covered with leaves or pieces of ice. The condition of part of the foundation and wall of the house depends on the efficiency of this element of the storm drainage system.

In addition to water intakes, rainwater drainage trays, or gutters, collect water. Most often they are installed along pedestrian paths with hard surface. Paved areas and paths are especially sensitive to excess water. paving slabs. Incorrect or ineffective work leads to swelling of the masonry due to frozen water in the sand cushion.

Storm drainage trays are long plastic gutters laid directly on a sand cushion in the ground and covered on top with a protective cover with holes. A prerequisite for laying trays is to maintain a drain slope in the direction of the receiving pipe. In some cases, storm drainage gutters stop working effectively if people step on the installed gutters or vehicles run over them. To avoid this, a stone or tile border is laid on the sides of the tray.

The cover can be plastic or lattice, but the latter option is used less frequently due to its poor ability to trap large debris and dirt entering the sewer system.

In addition to tray systems, point-type inlets are also used in rainwater collection systems. These elements are designed to collect rainwater in a certain area where it is impossible to install gutters or trays. Most often, this is a concreted area, on the surface of which there are slopes and a grid of profiled grooves for water drainage.

A separate element in rainwater collection systems is a receiving box or tray installed directly in front of the front door to the house. Such a device is used to catch rain and storm water that enters the entrance area of ​​the porch. The design of the pan corresponds to the structure of the rain inlet, but differs in size.

Prefabricated, distribution and filter elements

All drainage elements of rainwater collection systems direct flows through pipes to places where it is collected, settled, filtered and, if necessary, discharged into the central storm drain. The use of polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene is considered standard today. corrugated pipe. The diameter of the pipeline, depending on the load, can range from 100 to 200 mm. This version of the pipe is highly flexible, resistant to frost, clogging, and can easily withstand any subsidence or soil movement without destruction.

In addition to polymer pipes, asbestos-cement pipes are used. They are highly resistant, but their use is currently limited due to the presence of asbestos fibers in their material. Cast iron, steel, and ceramic pipes are practically not used due to their high price.

Required element modern systems Rainwater collection is considered to be a sand trap, which frees water from the smallest particles of sand, dust and dirt. Essentially, this design is large capacity, in which rainwater settles and is separated into sediment and clean water. The design provides the ability to remove sediment and contaminants. Less commonly used are vortex sand traps, in which grains of sand and tiny gravel are separated from the storm flow as they pass through an annular chamber.

In some cases, in addition to the sand trap, a filter can be installed to separate petroleum products, oils, and heavy organic substances that are insoluble in water. Typically, such elements are a mandatory attribute of storm drains at gas stations, parking lots, auto repair shops, and are used quite rarely for domestic purposes.

The most expensive and largest element of rainwater collection systems is the distribution well. This device is a barrel-shaped container to which pipelines from water collection devices in a certain area are connected. Depending on the size of the plot, 2-3 distribution wells can be installed in one household. This element is buried in the ground so that the water column in the container is at a level lower than the pipelines connected to it. In this case, the collected water will not flow from the well back into the storm drain.

Any a private house constantly exposed to precipitation. If, in addition, the soil on the site contains admixtures of clay, then the constantly soggy soil and puddles in the yard will in no way add aesthetics to your home. Storm drainage in a private house can cope with the problem of draining rainwater. It is quite possible to build it yourself, at the beginning of building a house. Or lay it purposefully, near an already built house, if such work was not carried out at the time.

The main purpose of a storm drain in a private house is the collection and subsequent removal of melt and rainwater from the house and from the site to special drainage devices, into reservoirs, into a deep drainage system, off site or into the general sewer system. In addition to collection, a properly installed storm drain in a private house with your own hands is capable of purifying the water that gets into it from impurities and sand. The water leaving the system is quite clean and does not pollute the surrounding areas.

As a device for surface drainage, a storm drain protects buildings standing on the site from movement and destruction. If the soil on the site is constantly wet, then the impact of multidirectional skewing vectors on the foundation will affect its strength. As a result, subsidence, tilting of the house, and the appearance of cracks on its walls are possible.

Main system components

The installation of a storm sewer in a private house requires the presence of the following elements:

  • located on the surface or closed channels located underground. Installed taking into account the slope towards the water collectors. Through them, water flows into reservoirs or is discharged directly outside the site.
  • storm water inlets. They are designed to collect water flowing from the roofs of buildings. The most suitable places for their installation are under drainpipes. Storm water inlets are made of plastic or polymer concrete in the form of rectangular containers of various volumes and are equipped with a basket for collecting various debris that comes with water. From them, water passes through a system of canals into water reservoirs;
  • door pallets;
  • inspection wells. They are intended for preventive inspections and cleaning of channels and pipelines in case of clogging. As a rule, they are installed at the junctions of channels and at places where they intersect, since it is in these places that the risk of channel clogging is most likely;
  • serve to collect solid particles in the water entering through the channels. Installed on surface storm drains;
  • collector well designed for collecting and subsequently filtering water into the soil.

Types of storm drainage

Stormwater in a private house can be linear, point, or mixed. Each of these types differs in its design and purpose.

Linear (open type) sewerage

This system is easy to manufacture and quite effective. It is a network of surface metal, concrete or. Water enters these channels through drainpipes, heading into the general sewer system or special tanks. The gutters are covered on top with gratings that protect them from debris and also provide decorative functions. Individual gutters are joined together using sealant to prevent water from penetrating between the joints.

Read also: and its characteristics.

Such a storm drain in a country house or in country house has a larger coverage; it collects water from paths, sidewalks, various areas, and not just from roofs.

The photo shows an example of an open-type storm drain made of drainage trays with gratings

Tip: When laying an open-type storm drain with your own hands, the slope of all gutters must be taken into account. Otherwise, despite the presence of surface channels, water will not flow through them, but will cover the entire area without having time to go into the catch basins.

Point (closed type) sewerage

If the choice fell on a point-type storm drainage scheme in a private house, then all water intake pipelines should be located underground. Water flowing through pipes from the roofs enters rainwater inlets covered with gratings, and from them into underground channels. They carry water to designated places or simply drain it outside the boundaries of the site.

Advice: Since laying underground communications presents design and construction difficulties, its arrangement should be carried out only at the design stages of the house itself. Later it will be almost impossible to do such work.

Mixed sewerage

This type of sewage system is used in cases where it is necessary to save on labor or financial costs. This system can include both open-type elements and components of a point sewage system.

Calculation of volume, depth and slope

If you want your house and site to be reliably protected from flooding, siltation and flows of dirty rainwater, you need to correctly calculate and install storm drainage into the project. The main calculation of storm drainage comes down to ensuring that all water entering the territory equipped with storm drains goes without residue to the places allocated for it and is regulated by SNiP 2.04.03-85.

Calculation of channel laying depth

If the section underground pipelines does not exceed 0.5 m, then they are buried to a level of 30 cm. With large channel diameters, the depth of storm drainage in a private house increases up to 70 cm.

If the site has already been laid, then the storm drainage system in a private house is located above this system.

Advice: It is recommended to deepen all elements to the level of soil freezing, but in practice you can place them closer to the surface, providing them with insulation by backfilling with a layer of crushed stone and laying geotextiles. This will reduce the cost and labor intensity of excavation work.

Calculation of the volume of wastewater discharged from the site

To calculate the volume of wastewater, you must use the following formula: Q=q20 x F x ¥, where:

  • Q is the volume that needs to be removed from the site;
  • q20 is the amount of precipitation. This data can be obtained from the weather service or taken from the same SNiP 2.04.03-85;
  • F is the area from which water will be drained. With a point system, a projection of the roof area onto a horizontal plane is taken. In the case of linear system equipment, all areas involved in drainage are taken into account;
  • ¥ - coefficient taking into account the covering material with which the site is equipped or the house is covered:

— 0.4 — crushed stone or gravel;

— 0.85 — concrete;

— 0.95 — asphalt;

— 1 — roof.

Calculation of the required channel slope

A correctly selected slope guarantees the free flow of water through pipelines under the influence of physical laws. The required slope of the storm drain is determined depending on the diameter of the pipes used. If the pipes have a diameter of 20 cm, then a coefficient of 0.007 is taken into account. That is, 7 mm per linear meter of pipe. With a diameter of 15 cm, the coefficient will be 0.008.

Channel slope in open system fluctuates between 0.003-0.005 (this is 3-5 mm). But the pipes connected to storm water inlets and storm wells must have a slope of 2 cm for each linear meter.

Stormwater installation

Before starting work, you must make sure that the house is equipped with water collection and drainage systems (downpipes, risers and gutters).