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In the era of digital technology and high-speed Internet you can find out any information. In a few minutes we find recipes for a delicious pie or get acquainted with the theory of wave-particle duality.

But often the necessary information has to be sifted out bit by bit and spend more than one hour on it. website I've collected the best for you effective ways, which will help you find precious materials in a couple of clicks.

1. Either one or the other

Sometimes we are not exactly sure that we remembered or heard the right information correctly. No problem! Just enter a few suitable options via the “|” icon or English "or", and then select the appropriate result.

2. Search by synonym

As you know, the great and mighty Russian language is rich in synonyms. And sometimes this is not at all beneficial. If you need to quickly find sites on a given topic, and not just a specific phrase, use the "~" symbol.

For example, the results of the query "healthy food" will help you learn the principles healthy eating, will introduce you to useful recipes and groceries, and will also be offered to visit healthy food restaurants.

3. Search within the site

4. Star power

When an insidious memory fails us and hopelessly loses words or numbers from a phrase, the “*” icon comes to the rescue. Just put it in place of the forgotten fragment and get the desired results.

5. Lots of missing words

But if not just one word, but half a phrase has been lost from memory, try writing the first and last word, and between them - AROUND (the approximate number of missing words). For example, like this: “I didn’t really love you AROUND(7).”

6. Time frame

Sometimes we desperately need to get acquainted with the events that occurred in a certain period of time. To do this, we add a time frame to the main phrase, written through an ellipsis. For example, we want to know which scientific discoveries were made between 1900 and 2000.

How to use Google search engine correctly?

Before the appearance of search engines, such as Google, on the world stage, the search for the necessary information on the World Wide Web in most cases was based on the method of scientific poking; it took a long and tedious time to sort through this mountain of information dumped on you by the search engine. Thanks to the idea of ​​sorting by backlinks of pages returned upon request, implemented in Google, the chance of “running into” the necessary information on the first attempts has become much more real. And this despite the fact that more than 70% of users do not use all the search capabilities on Google. And he has plenty of opportunities. This article will list all the most valuable search tools.
Logical operators

The world's most popular search engine has only two logical operators: AND (search for all words) or OR (for each one separately). Using these operators, you can build more flexible queries. For example: Computers (News AND Events AND Exhibitions) When Google sees this, it will search for pages that mention the word “computers” in the context of news, events, or exhibitions.

Now let's talk about the cons. Let's say you're interested in everything associated with the name Bill, but not at all interested in Bill Gates. What do you do in this case? It’s very simple - use the minus: Bill -Gates. The above construction will clearly make it clear to Google that you are interested in all pages that mention the name Bill, with the exception of those that mention the surname Gates.

Similar words

In order for Google to search for a word similar to a given one, use the symbol “ ~ ” (tilde). Synonyms and words with alternative endings will be found. Example: ~hippo (the search will also find, for example, the word hippopotamus).


If you need to find a specific phrase verbatim, you can use quotation marks. Example: “Hotel California” (a similar query without quotes would return not only links to all references to the song of the same name, but also to many websites of tour operators and hotels).


Symbol " * ” can be used as a mask - symbol any number of any characters. This can be useful, for example, if you are trying to find the lyrics to a song but can't remember the exact words. Or find a site whose domain is only partially remembered. Example: welcome to the hotel * such a lovely place; *

Numeric intervals

Google also uses a lesser-known array of digits operator. For example, a search using 2000..2005 will return results that will include the following years: 2000, 2001, 2002 and so on until 2005. Using the same operator this way..31 will find pages containing numbers less than 31, and search 31.. will find pages with numbers greater than 31.

Face Search

The image search engine has an interesting (and, as far as I know, officially undocumented) ability - to select faces from the entire set of found images. In order to take advantage of this, you need to add an additional GET parameter to the search query result URL imgtype=face. Example: http://…/images?q=Audrey+Tautou&imgtype=face

Advanced Search

If you have forgotten any of the listed operators, you can always use the advanced search form.

Information about the site

Using an operator info: you can get information known to Google about the specified site. Example:


One of Google's useful and little-known features is the calculation of arithmetic expressions. In many cases this is faster than using a calculator program. You can use operators in expressions +, -, *, /, ^ (power), sqrt (square root), sin, cos, tan, ln, lg, exp (ex), brackets and much more. Example: sqrt(25 * 25) * 768.

Unit Converter

Google can be used to quickly convert meters to yards, kilograms to pounds, liters to joules. For this purpose, a syntax that is absolutely natural for human understanding is used. Example: 16 tons in pounds. Using the same principle, you can perform conversions between amounts in different currencies. For example: 15 Rubles in USD. Google obtains exchange rates from Citibank N.A.

Answer to main question life, the universe and everything

Google even knows the answer to this sacramental question (if it is written in lowercase English).

Additional Google Commands


Perhaps one of the most useful and most commonly used commands. Allows you to limit the search to subdomains of the specified domain. It sounds confusing, but in practice everything is much simpler. Suppose we are interested in articles published by about the elections in Ukraine. In the query line we write: Elections in Ukraine You can not limit yourself to a specific site, but set, for example, a region. It will look like this: Programming Then Google will search in all subdomains of

Returns a list of pages that link to the specified site. For clarity, enter and get a list of pages linking to the “KV” website. It's simple indispensable tool monitoring for those who are engaged in “promotion” of sites. And ordinary home page owners will probably also be curious.

Finds a copy of a page indexed by Google, even if this page is no longer available at its Internet address or has changed its content. In other words - search in Google cache. Useful for viewing pages whose content changes frequently. It looks like this:


Limits your search to the page title only. Speaking technical language- tag contents </b>.</p><p>For example, a demo request <b>intitle:</b> front page ( <b>There should be no spaces between the command and the parameter</b>) will cause Google to display links to the front page of Russian-language online newspapers.</p><p>This command will search only the URL. Typically, this instruction is used not alone, but together with others, when they want to find a search page or with help. For example, the command inurl:search will list pages that have the word search in their URL, as in these cases: or This command is often used by hackers to find password verification scripts that are not linked to from the main page of the site.</p><p>When searching, page titles and links are not taken into account; only the text of the page body is viewed (which is enclosed in the tag <b><body> </b>. This can be useful when you are looking for a certain piece of text and, by and large, you do not care what the title of the page is or what links it is.</p><p><b>inanchor:</b></p><p>You can search for anchor text using the given command. Anchor text is, by and large, a description of the link. We illustrate this with an example of HTML code. <b><a href=”>Computer News</a> </b>, under the influence of the command <b>inanchor:</b> the search engine will only process the text “Computer News”, this is the anchor text.</p><p><b>filetype:</b></p><p>Another extremely <a href="">useful command</a>. Allows you to search the Internet for files with a given extension. However, be careful that the command parameters are taken too literally by Google, so if you type filetype:htm first and then filetype:html, the search results will be different in both cases. Google supports some of the most popular formats from Microsoft: PPT, XLS and DOC. In addition, you can even search for scripts created to generate content dynamically, such as ASP, PHP, CGI, and so on. By the way, returning to the conversation about hackers, the filetype: instruction is also used by them for nefarious purposes. For example, the authorization filetypehp entry can help an attacker find a password verification script. And if the programmer who wrote it was not a very competent specialist, then the consequences of this will be disastrous.</p><p><b>related:</b></p><p>This command tells Google to display a list of pages related to the page specified in the parameters. Although the word “related” does not quite fit <a href="">in this case</a>, rather, it is better to use “similar, belonging to the same category.” Look, the command will return a number of links to other search engines, such as Yahoo, AltaVista... Now, perhaps, it has become clearer. Basically, related: a handy tool if you want to find out which category Google ranks your site. Or, conversely, if you want to find, for example, authoritative information sites. They are authoritative, because Google, when displaying results, sorts them in order of importance, and if you enter, for example,, then the first positions among the results will be occupied by the most significant publications on similar topics: The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. .d.</p><p>Use the define: operator to quickly find definitions. Example: define:Dagestan (the request will return links to pages informing you about the Republic of Dagestan).</p><p>To search for movie titles, it is convenient to use the movie: operator. Example: movie:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.</p><p><b>music:</b> </p><p>The music: operator will limit the search results to content that is related to music in some way. Example: music: Depeche Mode 101.</p><p><b>Single Teams for Google</b></p><p>Continuing the theme of Internet search through Google, it should be noted that there are teams that never want to work in tandem with others. One of these is link: if you remember, it displays all pages that link to the URL specified in the parameters. It seemed convenient to use this command together with site: to also set restrictions on domains. Let's say, isn't it interesting to find out from which domain zone your site is most often referred to - or However, a request like site:ru will not produce the desired effect on Google, since link: only works one at a time. What to do in such a situation? Naturally, there will be workarounds (it’s not for nothing that Russians took part in the development of Google). For fun, you can experiment with this combination of commands: site:ru. In this case, the logic is as follows: first we find sites that have the address of our site in the link description. Next, we exclude itself and its subdomains (if any) from the search results, and then select only pages belonging to the domain This option is not perfect, but the main thing is the idea; you can refine this request to specific needs yourself.</p><p>A few words about combinations that should not appear in your <a href="">search queries</a>. It is not recommended to confuse Google with mutually exclusive queries like: -inurl:by and stuff like that.</p><p>Now about the allowed combinations. After a series of tests, the following commands performed well in collaboration: intitle:, site:, inurl:, filetype:. Let's say we are interested in archives of e-books on <a href="">English language</a>. We make the following request: books intitle:”index of” inurl:ftp. As a result, we will get links to very decent ftp archives. As for the request, it can be translated into human language like this: we are interested in pages where the word book occurs, the page title should contain the phrase index of (typical of a list in an ftp archive), and also to be sure that we are dealing with ftp , the URL must contain the word ftp. Various variations on this theme are possible.</p><p><b>Almost everyone should know this - three Google bans</b><br>Masks cannot be used ( <b>* </b> And <b>? </b>) to replace characters. <br>In search engines that support masks, you can type “mod*” and expect words like fashion, model, etc. to be among the search results. You can't do that in Google. The asterisk is used only to replace one word, not characters. <br>Queries containing more than 10 words are not supported. <br>Everything that follows will be ignored by the search engine. But you can still get around the restriction if you replace the least important words in the query with the symbol “ <b>* </b>" In this case they will not be taken into account. <br><b>The case in which you write the request is not taken into account.</b><br>It doesn't matter to Google whether you type your query in UPPER or lower case. The result will be the same. <br></p> <br>Information from the site <br class="clearfloat"> <p>Hello, my regular readers and blog guests. Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. Have you ever wondered how much information is around us that we use willy-nilly? IN <a href="">modern world</a> Billions of terabytes of information are consumed. Just think about this value - billions, or even more.</p> <p>The size of RAM in new computers is growing every year, but users still don’t have enough. The emergence of external storage media, such as flash cards or removable <a href="">hard drives</a> it seemed to make the situation easier. But even among high-quality storage media, many products appeared that broke a month after use and blocked access to the necessary data.</p> <p>The latest trend in the world of information storage is cloud storage. One of the most popular virtual drives is Google Drive. The advent of cloud storage in the famous search engine has made the issue of lack of storage space less pressing.</p> <p>What kind of beast is this, Google Drive? How to use it? Let's figure it out together, friends!</p> <p>We will find out how to use Google Drive a little later. First, you need to figure out why you need a virtual disk to store information.</p> <p>Google Drive lets computer users save money <a href="">cash</a> on flash cards and external hard drives by storing personal files on the Internet, saving time and simplifying work with information data.</p> <p>Do you have any idea how Excel Google works? It allows you to create tables online and store them in the cloud. If you wish, you can give access to the table to certain users, or you can hide it from everyone. Google Drive works on the same principle.</p> <p>At the same time, the information on the disk is synchronized with other devices, including tablets and smartphones. The synchronization function eliminates the need to take removable media with you on the road, because all documents are on the computer, but do not take up space on it.</p> <p>So, what can you store on Google Drive:</p> <ul><li>documents in doc, pdf, ODF format, etc.;</li> <li>Excel tables;</li> <li>photos;</li> <li>video;</li> <li>audio.</li> </ul><p>Google cloud storage can replace your hard drive and eliminate the problem of eternal loss and breakdown of flash drives. Use <a href="">this method</a> storing information is also possible for those who suffer from a constant lack of memory on their computer, those who like to download movies in <a href="">high quality</a>, music lovers who download hundreds of songs every month.</p> <p>Google Drive has undeniable advantages and minor disadvantages, like everything else in the world. Among the advantages is that cloud storage cannot be lost, forgotten, or broken. It's a stable place to store information that very little can happen to. The virtual disk does not need to be carried with you; it is located in your computer or tablet, even in your phone.</p> <p>In my opinion, it has only one disadvantage: quantity <a href="">free space</a> File storage is limited. You can only take up 15 GB of space for free. But the surcharge for additional quantities is small.</p> <p>If you think about it, one minus is not worth it <a href="">large quantity</a> pros. You agree with me?</p> <h2><span>What you need to know about using Google Drive</span></h2> <p>How to use cloud storage so that it brings joy? First you need to decide on what device you plan to create the disk. There is an option to work with the disk through the browser you are using, and there is another option - download Google Drive to your tablet or smartphone. Let's look at both options.</p> <h3><span>Creating a disk on a computer</span></h3> <p>Please note: to create cloud storage with Google, you must register on the Google website and have a mailbox in this system.</p> <p>Typically it ends at</p> <p>Owners of Google-based mail should log into their account, click on the square next to their avatar and you will see the “Disk” icon.</p> <p><img src='' height="510" width="372" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When you click on the icon called “Disk”, a page will open in a new tab or window, where in the left <a href="">bottom corner</a> it will say that the disc can be downloaded to your computer.</p> <p><img src='' height="136" width="260" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After this, a window will open where you will need to click the icon that says “Forward”, then the storage will open on your computer and you can transfer the necessary files there. Once the installation is complete, the Google Drive icon will appear in the taskbar and on your desktop. To open the drive, you will need to click on any of these icons.</p> <p>As you can see, the process of creating a disk on cloud storage is very simple and does not take much time. Even a computer novice, let alone professionals, can cope with this. You will feel the benefits of using cloud storage instead of removable storage media in the first hours of use.</p> <h3><span>Creating a disk on your phone</span></h3> <p>Want to create a drive on your phone? Please, this can be done both on iOS and <a href="">operating system</a> Android.</p> <p>As I wrote above, you can log into cloud storage via a computer, phone or tablet. To access your storage via your phone or tablet, you need to download the Google Drive app. You can download it either from the Play Market or from the Google website itself.</p> <p>To open the My Page or My Drive tab, click on the application icon. You will see a login form where you will need to write your Gmail username and password. After logging in, your page with files will open.</p> <p>Please note that all files can be changed in real time. Synchronization with other devices occurs instantly. Using the drive on your tablet or smartphone makes your work much easier.</p> <p>The only condition for changing documents in real time and synchronizing them with other devices is a working Internet.</p> <p>If you do not have a mobile device running Android OS, then you can use the mobile version of this resource. Working in the program on a phone or on a computer is no different.</p> <p>Overall, using the drive on your smartphone or tablet is safe and effective, and you can now leave your heavy laptop at home.</p> <h3><span>Basic functions of Google Drive</span></h3> <p>After we open Drive, the first thing we can see is the search bar.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In order to find the document you need, simply enter its name into the search bar and the service will quickly find it for you.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Select the function you need and get to work.</p> <p><img src='' height="461" width="296" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The screenshot shows that we have the opportunity to work with different files, documents, tables, presentations.</p> <p>Let me briefly tell you about all the tabs of the main menu of the service:</p> <ul><li>Available to me - here are those files that are available to you by other users;</li> <li>Recent - shows the documents you worked with most recently;</li> <li>Google Photos - contains all photos and pictures;</li> <li>Marked - files that you marked while working;</li> <li>Recycle Bin – stores all deleted data.</li> </ul><p>In general, all the tools for <a href="">efficient work</a> available to us.</p> <p>Please note that on the right, directly below the avatar, there is an icon with settings. You might find them useful, so I advise you to take a look at them.</p> <p><img src='' height="163" width="319" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>On my own behalf, I can say that the service interface is quite simple and, as it is fashionable to say now, “intuitive” :)</p> <h3><span>How to create a folder on Google Drive</span></h3> <p>Let me show you how to use Google Drive using the example of creating a folder, and you will see for yourself that everything is quite easy.</p> <p>So, to create a folder, you need to click on the “Create” button you already know and select “Folder” in the window that opens.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After that, enter the name of the folder and click on “Create”.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As we can see, our “Test Folder” has already appeared in the work area. It will be possible to add to it, if necessary, during the work process. <a href="">different files</a>, documents, etc.</p> <p>It is worth noting that simultaneously with the appearance of the new folder, a new panel with tools also appeared.</p> <p><img src='' height="84" width="352" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Friends, let me briefly explain each of them.</p> <ol><li>by clicking on it you can show the link to anyone you want;</li> <li>Using this button we can provide access to whomever we deem necessary, with different rights (reading, editing);</li> <li>the well-known basket;</li> <li>another submenu with some functionality, which I won’t dwell on now. If you are interested, take a look when working on your own :)</li> </ol><h3><span>How to upload a file to Google Drive</span></h3> <p>Probably the most popular operation when working with Disk is downloading any files. Now I will show you how this can be done.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>That's all - our file is loaded into the workspace. That’s how you can say it, with one movement of the hand :)</p> <p>One thing I can say for sure: don’t be afraid to try to master Google Drive and, I’m sure, it will become your indispensable assistant.</p> <h2><span>How safe is it to use Google Drive?</span></h2> <p>When we are about to download any program, the question arises: “Is it safe?” It is so important that confidential information remains hidden from prying eyes.</p> <p>How often do we hear about hackers breaking into celebrities' cloud storages and posting private photos for everyone to see? Yes, all the time. How can you not worry about your own files?</p> <p>Fortunately, cloud storage on Google Drive is completely secure.</p> <p>There are practically no cases when virtual disks of this system were hacked. You can safely upload any photos, videos and documents there without fear that your account will be hacked. Of course, to prevent hacking, we advise you to create the most complex password possible so that hackers don’t have a single chance.</p> <p>Only you have access to your documents. If necessary, a function is available in the Google Drive system that allows you to provide access to a certain number of users. If you wish, you can open access to at least the entire Internet. This can be done, for example, if you are a photographer and want your photos to become public.</p> <p>The same applies to other documents, tables, and videos. For example, I have access to information from my partner on a joint project. Let me tell you - it is very convenient to use and significantly saves time when interacting with a partner.</p> <p>Since using Google Drive is absolutely safe, you can create any documents, presentations, or drawings on it. Many large organizations are replacing email and other information exchange methods with disk.</p> <p>Currently, Google Drive includes a complete package of programs similar to Microsoft Office. Cool, isn't it?</p> <p>Plus, you can use it to conduct surveys, create charts, and more. For example, in the article I conducted a survey of readers in exactly this way.</p> <p>If you want to expand Drive's capabilities, visit the Google Chrome web store. There are a sufficient number of paid and <a href="">free applications</a>, which will make its possibilities almost limitless.</p> <p>Friends, in order to appreciate all the benefits of working with Google cloud storage, you just need to try it!</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>So, friends, let me summarize.</p> <p>In order to use Google Drive you need to do three simple steps:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You can and should use Google Drive. This frees us from nerves about the loss of removable storage, from possible worries due to lack of space, etc. With a virtual disk, all our files are at hand, wherever we are, and for this there is absolutely no need to carry a laptop with us everywhere . Don't forget that you can use the drive on your tablet or smartphone, in addition to your laptop and PC.</p> <p>Agree that this is very convenient.</p> <p>In fact, I have come across a lot of courses on a similar topic, but this particular one is distinguished by the author’s professionalism and accessibility of presentation. All the features of working at a computer are presented by the author in a simple form, so applying the information in practice will not be difficult. After studying the material, “both old and young” will be able to use a PC, as they say, “on familiar terms.”</p> <p>Our dear reader, we are very interested to know your opinion about virtual disks. Write, do you use cloud storage at work? If so, which one exactly?</p> <p>Stay up to date with all the news, and we have the latest!</p> <p>Google (from here on - Google) for some has become synonymous with searching for information on the Internet. However, this is far from the only service that the company offers its users. Dispatch <a href="">Email</a>, creating documents, maintaining calendars, music - services from Google are available for almost every aspect of using the Internet. Read this guide and you will learn not only how to get the most relevant results in search results, but also how to make full use of the services Google offers to everyone.</p> <h2>Steps</h2> <h3></h3><p>Part 1</p> <span>sending and receiving emails from Gmail</span> <ol> <p><b>Log in to your Google account.</b> This can be done by paying attention to the top menu on the Google page. To access your Gmail inbox, you will have to sign in.</p> <p><b>Work with email conversations.</b> All email replies will be grouped into one single conversation. The most recent answer will be displayed first, all previous answers can be expanded by clicking on the corresponding icon.</p> <p><b>Archive old messages.</b> Old messages can be sent to the archive, where they will be safely stored without clogging up your inbox. Access to archived messages can be found in the menu on the left by clicking on the “All mail” link.</p><ul><li>If someone replies to an archived message, it will return to your inbox.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Delete unnecessary messages.</b> Google provides just a ton of file space, but if you want to tidy up and free up some space, just delete unnecessary emails. Select them and click on the “Trash” label. After 30 days, these emails will disappear forever.</p> <p><b>Flag important messages.</b> Important messages can be marked with an asterisk. Through the menu on the left you can only view such messages. Use this highlighting for messages that you need to respond to later or that you don't want to lose.</p><ul><li>You can add other icons by going to settings (to do this, click on the gear icon). Next, go to the “General” tab and simply drag the desired icon from those offered into the “Used” field. After this, in the message itself, simply click on the icon to select the one you need from the list of available ones.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Use labels to sort emails.</b> In settings, go to the “Shortcuts” tab. Here you can manage the shortcuts that appear in the menu on the right. Click on “Create shortcut” to perform the corresponding action.</p><ul><li>Go to the Filters tab to create a rule that sorts your incoming mail according to the labels you create. To create a filter, click on “Create a new filter”. <ul><li>A menu will appear with options for filter criteria. Fill in the required fields and click on “Create a filter according to this request.”</li> </ul></li> <li>Add a rule to the filter. After setting up the filter, click on the desired option (apply shortcut) and select the desired options. By selecting the “Skip incoming” option, you will send all letters that fall under the filter to the archive.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Write an email.</b> To do this, click on the “Write” button in the upper left corner. The “New Message” window will appear. In the “To” field, write the email recipient of the letter. If the recipient is already saved in your contacts list, then simply write their name and select the desired entry from the options that appear.</p><ul><li>“Ss” will send a copy of the letter to another recipient. “Vss” will send a blind copy.</li> <li>If you have several accounts linked to your Gmail account, you can select the one you want to send messages by clicking on the arrow in the “From” column.</li> <li>By clicking on the “A” button, you will have access to the formatting menu, where you can change the font and its size and color, as well as create lists, etc.</li> <li>By clicking on the paperclip icon, you can attach a file to your message. Remember that in this case the file size should not exceed 25 megabytes.</li> <li>You can even send money through Google Wallet by clicking on the “+” icon and then on the “$” icon. Google will ask you to verify your identity if you haven't already.</li> <li>You can also insert images and documents from Google Drive into a letter using “+”.</li> </ul><h3></h3><p>Part 2</p> <span>working with documents via Google Drive</span> <ol><li> <p><b>Open Google Drive.</b> This can be done through the top menu. This service replaced Google Docs, but largely retained its functionality. You can also create files, change them and send them to other people, as well as store files there from your computer.</p><ul><li>All you need to do is log in. Google Drive is free.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Create <a href="">new document</a>. </b> To create a new document, click on the red button, then select the desired option from the list that opens.</p><ul><li>Using the “Connect other applications” link below the list, you can expand the capabilities of Google Drive. Other applications are available both from Google itself and from third-party translators.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Edit your new document.</b> Once you have chosen the document type, start working with it. Enter a title and use the toolbar to format the text as desired.</p><ul><li>The options in the toolbar will change depending on what kind of file you created.</li> <li>All changes will be saved automatically.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Download the document.</b> If you want to download the file to your PC, open the “File” menu and select “Download as”. A menu with available formats will open.</p> <p><b>Upload files from your PC.</b> Google also provides this functionality, for which you need to click on the red “Download” button located next to the “Create” button. You can upload individual files or entire folders.</p><ul><li>You can upload any type of file to Google Drive. Some files (.doc, for example) can be converted to Google documents, for which you will have to select the appropriate option in the download window in the settings section. The uploaded documents will be added to your Google Drive.</li> <li>You can download a program to your PC that will allow you to synchronize folders on your PC and Google Drive automatically. To do this, click on “download Google Drive for PC”.</li> <li>The amount of space received from Google Drive is 15 gigabytes. If you run out of space, then you have two options: delete what you don’t need or get the same spaces from Google, but for a monthly fee.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Create folders to organize your files.</b> Click on the “Create Folder” icon if you need to actually create a folder. You can add files there by simply dragging and dropping.</p> </ol><h3></h3><p>Part 3</p> <span>Web search</span> <ol> <p><b>Go to the Google start page and enter a search query.</b> What you enter determines what you get in the search results. Try not to complicate the request, indicate only important words. The “I’m feeling lucky” button will open you to the very first search results.</p><ul><li>Use specific thematic words to search. It’s better to search for “toothache” rather than “I have a toothache.”</li> <li>If you need a more precise result, use quotes around the query. This way, Google will search only those pages where the word or phrase in quotes occurs in the same form as it is specified in the query. <ul><li>For example, you are looking for <b>chocolate cookies</b>, and without quotes. Google will find all pages containing the words “chocolate” <b>or</b>"cookie". Yes, pages where both words occur will be shown first in the search results, but still... But if you search <b>“chocolate cookies”</b>, then Google will show you only those pages where <a href="">exact form</a> This same phrase appears.</li> </ul></li> <li>Using a dash, you can exclude words from the search. A dash before a word means Google won't search for it. This way you can get rid of unnecessary search results.</li> <li>If you start a query with the “=” sign, the first result in the search results will be a calculator with a solution to an example or equation.</li> <li>Using Google, you can also convert one unit of calculation to another. For example, upon request <b>1 cup = gram</b> you will see the result first, and then the sites. There you can change the units using the menu.</li> <li>Punctuation is generally ignored during searches.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Sort your search results.</b> You can always narrow down your search results by using the appropriate menu.</p><ul><li>“Search” means sites, this is the default tab.</li> <li>“Images” will show you a list of images that match your search query. If there are many such images, the most popular ones will be shown to you first.</li> <li>Maps will show you where your search result is located on the map.</li> <li>If you're looking for where to buy something, the shopping tab will show you if there are stores near you.</li> <li>“Blogs” will show all blog posts related to your query.</li> <li>By clicking on the “More” link you will get access to other Google services.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Narrow your search query.</b> Using the special parameters specified in the “Advanced Search” menu (at the very bottom, under the search results), you can get more accurate results.</p><ul><li>In the “Find Pages” section, you can specify exactly what you are looking for. However, purely technically, it would be possible to get by with a regular search window - but for this you need to know all the search operators.</li> <li>In the “Advanced settings” section, you can set filters that will hide results that are not relevant to the query. Here you can specify the language, region, download time, and so on.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Log in to your Google account.</b> Click on the red “Login” button in the upper right corner. This action will allow you to personalize your search results based on your search history. If you see your name and avatar in the upper right corner, then you are already logged in.</p><p><img src='' height="291" width="388" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <ul><li>From one account you can access all Google services.</li> </ul></li> <li> <p><b>Set your search settings.</b> Before searching for something, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.</p><ul><li>Here you can enable safe search, live search, set the number of search results displayed on the page, etc.</li> <li>If you are not authorized, these settings will not be saved.</li> </ul></li> </ol><h3></h3><p>Part 4</p> <span>we work with Google Maps</span> <ol><li> <p><b>Open Google Maps.</b> Access to them is in the same place, in the top menu. By default, maps will show you your current location.</p> </ol></li></ol> <p>A year and a half after the official release of Google+, its impact on search results became absolutely clear. From now on, the amount of traffic from the famous <a href="">search engine</a> Google doesn't just rely on traditional SEO techniques.</p> <p>Now another aspect has begun to influence search results - personalization. In recent months, small businesses have been trying to solve this problem: how to use the new aspect of search and, at the same time, continue to deliver quality content.</p> <p>Below you can find some tips to help you improve your search traffic using Google+.</p> <p>First, you need to stop thinking of Google as a search engine. Brave claim! Let's try to figure it out.</p> <p>Before the advent of Google+, search results were generated according to <a href="">next rule</a>: winner = <a href="">keywords</a>+ links + content quality + competition</p> <p>With the advent of Google+, this formula no longer worked. Now your activity on Google+ is important to attract traffic from Google search.</p> <p>Previously, Google tracked the emergence of new sites and gave preference to them for a while, supplying traffic.</p> <p>Today it's the other way around. The more influence you have on your audience and the more attention you attract, the better your search results will be.</p> <p>To get additional traffic, you need to connect to Google+. The more you participate in <a href="">social network</a> Google Plus, the more likely you are to increase traffic from Google's search engine.</p> <p>So, how can you start getting active on Google Plus right away?</p> <h2>3 Ways to Increase Traffic Using Google+</h2> <p>First of all, try to attract your customers to Google+. Add them to the circles. Leverage the public circles that your clients and followers have. Among the users of this system there are many who provide access to their circles absolutely free of charge.</p> <p>All you have to do is add someone's circle to your list. To do this, you can use lists of public circles.</p> <p>Secondly, join the Google+ community if you want to expand your business's impact prospects. To do this, it is enough to participate in various types of discussions on the forum or on the Google+ group page on Facebook.</p> <p>Third, add your name to Google Authorship. This resource is used by Google mainly for bloggers. If your company has a blog, then it's worth joining Google Authorship.</p> <p>This is just the beginning for now. Soon you will hear about these measures more and more often. So it’s better not to waste time and start taking action.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div id="yandex_rtb_R-A-236089-4"></div> <div class="navigation"> <div class="alignleft"></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> <div class="navigation"> <div class="alignleft"></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content_right"> <div class="related_right"> <div class="related_right_title">Sections</div> <ul id="menu-menyu-na-glavnoj" class="nav"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Repair</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Internet</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Kinds</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Installation</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Programs</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Safety</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="related_right_vk"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="ft_widgets"> <div class="ft_widget"> <div class="ft_logo"> <div class="ft_logo_text"> <span></span><br> </div> <br><br> </div> <div class="ft_desc">2024 Information security. 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