Miracle shovel: purpose and operating rules. Shovel: This is an indispensable tool for digging the earth. Miracle of the pitchfork.

Any gardener understands that a big role in the success of growing garden crops play the correct cultivation of the land and the creation of beds. The basic rules are to dig it up twice a season, thoroughly loosen it and remove weeds. After such procedures, the surface for planting is leveled. To perform any of the actions you will need a special tool. Today there are devices that combine all these functions.

Features and differences

It would be more correct to say that the miracle shovel is not a shovel in the literal sense of the word, but a soil loosener. Since it is used not to dig up the earth, but to thoroughly loosen it. Most often, such a tool consists of two, in very rare cases - one, strips on which the pins are located. Some models are equipped with a back stop, which facilitates the process of digging heavy soil. Visually, the ripper shovel looks more like a double fork.

Miracle shovel

What can he do?

Spade forks have great functionality. When performing work in the garden, a super-shovel can immediately replace:

  • Rake;
  • Pitchfork;
  • Ram;
  • Manure spreader;
  • Potato digger.

This is not just a tool replacement, but also a significant simplification of work. With the help of a miracle shovel, you can not only dig up the ground to a given depth, but also level its surface. Such a tedious process becomes quick and easy. A similar shovel and cultivator will replace it.

Using this tool, you can dig up potatoes without damaging the roots, collect leaves, and perform many gardening and gardening tasks.

Important! When working with such a shovel, only your arms and legs are involved, and not your back, since you will not need to bend often, bending over and straightening up.

The miracle shovel can only be used on previously cultivated land.

The miracle shovel can only be used on previously cultivated land; it is not capable of dealing with virgin soil.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of a smart shovel is that the device makes digging the earth easier. The next advantage is that after working with such a shovel a person feels less tired than after working with a traditional one.

Also, many people choose such a tool due to the fact that the time required to cultivate the garden is significantly reduced.

The only downside is the heavy weight of the device. But it will not need to be constantly raised like a bayonet. The super shovel is simply dragged along the surface of the earth while digging.

On a note. You need to lift it twice: when you install it at the beginning of the row and when you finish the work.

How to work

Using a miracle shovel for digging the soil gives you a lot of advantages when digging: your back doesn’t get tired, and creating beds happens much faster.

The digging process involves simple manipulations

During work, the earth is located between the stop and the forks, it turns out that at the same time the soil is dug up and loosened.

The digging process consists of simple manipulations: first the pitchfork is stuck into the ground, then the rabble is lowered. After each lowering, the shovel should be removed. Repeat the movement from row to row in the same way.

Digging and digging the garden is now much easier and faster.

On a note. The tool is suitable for everyone; both women and elderly people can cope with such manipulations.

Design Features

Miracle shovels may vary in design. Such instruments go by different names. You can often find shovels called “Plowman”, “Tornado”, “Digger” and many others. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the design principle of operation is the same in all cases.

Soil ripper without front stop

This device is similar to all others. The basis is the supporting and working elements, represented by a pitchfork, but this smart shovel does not have a front stop. This is exactly what is hers design feature. Such designs are lighter and smaller in size. But this is not too important during work, while the absence of a front stop deprives increased stability.

Such devices consist of two main elements:

  1. Working forks with a handle welded to them.
  2. Support forks, to the comb of which the back stop is attached using welding.


This variety is represented by wider forks, which are connected to a stop. The whole design is complemented by a powerful, comfortable handle. Features of this design are the presence of a stop and an adjustable handle. The stop in the digging shovel is also movable. After the structure is immersed in the ground, press down on the stop with your foot and turn out the contents of the bed with root crops. Why is the instrument turned out and rearranged?

On a note. It is easy to work with such a device, so the digging process goes faster. But this miracle device is not capable of crushing soil, so it should not be used for heavy and lumpy areas.


The device is distinguished by a round stop and a handle that is not adjustable. Digging forks are made in a similar way, and the principle of operation is no different. This is a fairly lightweight structure that will help you quickly dig up the ground. You can only understand which device is better by trying both options in practice.

What and how to make it from

If you can’t buy such a device, don’t be upset. It's easy to make it yourself.

Important! As you can see, all devices differ in the number of components and materials required to perform assembly work. The cross section and characteristics are the same for all.

Materials for manufacturing

Before making a miracle shovel with my own hands, you should prepare the source material.

Miracle shovel drawing

To create a frame, you must use a profiled pipe with a diameter of 3x3 cm, with a wall thickness of 3 mm or more. For some models, a corner may be needed (shelf width - 3 cm, wall thickness - 3 mm).

The handle can be made from a similar profiled pipe. Some models allow the use of wooden handles, like an auger for a regular shovel.

Particular attention should be paid to the manufacture of forks. Strong structural steel is a must here. The rods for making working fork teeth must have a diameter of at least 8 mm.

Interesting fact. Home craftsmen found a solution very easily, which helps in such a situation. They cut off the teeth of a simple fork, saw a car's springs into narrow strips, or straighten strong springs such as suspensions. There are many options to choose from, the main thing is that the original steel is strong.


Modern manufacturers offer their customers tools that can dig, loosen and level, in various sizes. This is done so that a person can choose a miracle shovel for himself, because everyone differs in height and equipment.

Miracle shovel ripper

Most often, structures are made with the following dimensions:

  1. The width of the working part is 45-60 cm. Structures that are too large are more difficult to use, which can reduce productivity.
  2. Bayonets for working forks can have a length of 22-30 cm.
  3. The length of the handle should be chosen at your discretion. This is done according to growth.
  4. The optimal distance between the pins is 7-8 cm.

All other characteristics are selected during production. Depending on the chosen design, model and material used, parameters may vary.


Before you start making individual elements of a super shovel, you should create detailed diagram tool. Each drawing must contain detailed descriptions with indication of sizes, elaboration of details. This will take significant time, but will help create in the end handy tool. Without a drawing it is very difficult to get what you want, this can only be achieved by experienced craftsman, who is not already making the first miracle shovel.

As you can see, you can simplify your work on the site simple mechanism. If you have certain skills and knowledge of working with metal, then you can make a miracle shovel yourself. Homemade instrument more economically profitable.

Owners summer cottages, vegetable gardens and private houses are looking forward to the start of spring field work. Digging begins the garden season. Then lovers manual labor they take up shovels and pitchforks - objects without which it is impossible to dig up the ground, plant or dig something in it. But working with them is accompanied by pain in the lower back and enormous physical activity. Today, thanks to the latest technical developments, it is possible to reduce the load on the muscles and speed up the work process several times. After all, scientists or ordinary people who were tired of suffering and overworking, developed a supernovelty - a miracle shovel.

Here it is: a miracle of technology

The above tool is a combination of a ripper and an ordinary fork. This shovel works on the principle of a lever. Its main details are:

  • stalk;
  • front and back stop;
  • fastenings;
  • ripper forks;
  • digging forks.

If you just look at such a device, you won’t immediately be able to tell how to handle it. Therefore it is difficult to describe it. If you read user reviews, the miracle shovel becomes an understandable tool, and it is clear that there is absolutely nothing complicated about this unit. Its main part is the traditional pitchfork that we are all accustomed to. A handle is attached to them, and a back stop mechanism is attached to them on different sides. Another forks are located at the front. They, together with the main “brothers”, converge on the castle. Their main purpose is to break up clods of earth. If the soil on the site is compacted or clayey, then this process is quite in demand. A front stop mechanism is attached to the ripper. Thanks to it, the shovel is stable, and the whole device resembles scissors: they crush large lumps of earth into small lumps. They, in turn, are quite easy to level using ordinary rakes for gardening work.

The miracle shovel mainly works on large land plots, but you can use it on small areas. The miracle shovel, a photo of which can be seen in our article, speeds up digging and makes this process much more convenient.

What kind of miracle shovels are there?

There are three types of miracle shovels: regular, “Mole” type and “Ploughman” type. This division is carried out depending on what additional parts are present on the tool and what is the depth of loosening.

Reviews (the miracle shovel has already collected them in large quantities) indicate that conventional devices are made at home. They contain the main forks and back support. This makes it possible to reduce the load and increase the digging speed several times, but it will not effective means for breaking up piles of earth. Such a tool can only be used on regularly cultivated soils - chernozems. In order to loosen the soil, there is a miracle shovel “Plowman”. It was invented specifically for these purposes. For deep digging, experts have developed the miracle shovel “Mole”. The depth of its bayonet reaches 25 centimeters or more.

Tilling the soil is simple and easy

In order to cultivate the land not only quickly, but also efficiently, a ripper was invented - a miracle shovel. Agriculture is a fairly important part of production, because agricultural products have always been, are and will be in demand. Therefore, innovative developments in the agricultural sector, such as the miracle shovel (ripper), cause extraordinary excitement.

The ripper is a convenient and reliable tool. Thanks to the presence, ease of loosening the earth is achieved. At the same time, little physical effort is required. Thus, the miracle shovel can be used by elderly people and people suffering from spinal diseases. The mechanism of such a device is simple, as they say, like doors: the earth is loosened by two forks that move towards each other. In addition, the shovel does not need to be turned over during this process.

Using such a ripper (the miracle shovel receives the most enthusiastic reviews), you can cultivate the soil to a depth of 20 centimeters. At one time, the tool can cultivate a piece of land the width of one bed, which is from 10 to 20 centimeters.

Ripper "Mole"

The miracle shovel “Mole” is a gardening tool with a harmonious and simple design. It includes a frame, two counter forks and a horizontal support. There is a foot rest on top, so the forks can be easily driven into the ground. As the earth being removed rises, force is applied downwards. “Mole” is aimed at eliminating the load on the back. When working with the “Mole” miracle shovel, you do not need to lift anything. You just need to press the fork into the ground with your foot, and then press on the handle own weight and hand effort. In this case, the shovel will turn out the soil, and the counter forks will knead its lumps. Weeds and soil will rise to the surface.

The “Mole” can only be used to dig up previously plowed soil.

Do it yourself

You can buy a miracle shovel at any agricultural store, but if this is not possible, then you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare metal blanks, a sharpening machine, a welding machine and a square pipe.

First of all, you need to determine the depth and width of the shovel. How long the bayonet will be depends on the goals set by the master (either digging or loosening) and the depth of soil freezing. It just seems that making a miracle shovel with your own hands is difficult. There is nothing difficult here. If it is necessary to build a device for loosening, then a bayonet length of ten centimeters is sufficient.

What the width of the miracle device will be depends on your own preferences. Most optimal size- this is 50 centimeters. Then everything is done strictly according to the instructions or drawing, which are easy to find.

To buy or not

There are quite a lot of disputes about whether or not to purchase a miracle shovel. After all, along with its advantages, there are also disadvantages. Therefore, before a miracle shovel appears in your home, the price of which ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles, weigh the pros and cons of this purchase.

So, the disadvantages of the tool include the following facts: the inability to perform figured digging; for the work to be productive, a person’s weight must be at least 80 kilograms; there is no possibility to dig holes; Repairs in case of breakdowns are quite difficult.

But all this is nothing compared to the fact that the miracle shovel is suitable for any soil, reduces physical stress, is reliable and easy to use, and increases digging speed.

Who says what

To prove the truth of our words, I would like to provide some reviews (the miracle shovel receives them in abundance) from people who have already tried it in action. Many claim that even though they use this tool throughout the entire season, they do not feel the load on the spine. Those who have already tried this device always recommend it to their friends and relatives, and they, in turn, never tire of thanking them when they realize what a valuable purchase they have made.

Manufacturers of miracle shovels

This tool is an invention of domestic manufacturers. The import market does not produce such devices, since the developer of the first miracle shovel was an Ekaterinburg clergyman, Father Gennady. And the first person who made the instrument a mass product was private entrepreneur A. N. Bessonov. The Mezon company, located in Chelyabinsk, also produces shovels. The Volber plant specializes in the production of tools based on the “Mole” type.

Many gardeners and summer residents recommend using a miracle shovel for manual tillage. The miracle shovel for digging earth has a special design to increase the speed of work with less load. Its main task is not turning over the earth, but loosening it. According to many reviews, the thing is worthwhile. The operating principle and design are not much more complicated than a regular shovel - it is not difficult to make it yourself if you have basic welding skills.

    Show all

    What is the advantage of the miracle shovel?

    First of all, it allows you to significantly increase the speed of work. Thanks to special design The load on the back when digging is much less, and the muscles hardly get tired. There are several designs of the miracle shovel, but basically it is a combination of a fork and a tool for loosening the earth.

    In order to use the miracle shovel of the most common “mole” or “crotch” design, you just need to stick a fork into the ground, as with ordinary digging, and place the device on the back stop. After this, the soil is gradually raised and loosened.

    It is worth noting that it will be quite difficult for a man or woman weighing less than 80 kg to operate the device. It is also not suitable for digging or digging a hole. Repairing a breakdown is quite complicated.

    But these disadvantages are insignificant compared to the positive aspects:

    • suitable for any soil;
    • significantly reduces physical activity;
    • easy to use;
    • increases digging speed;
    • has high degree reliability.

    Types of shovels

    There are several types of miracle shovel designs. They are conventionally divided into three types: a ripper with almost no front stop, a “plowman” type design, and a “mole” type design.

    Some types of rippers without a front stop have only working forks. For example, the “digger” option, which is simply a wide fork with a back stop. In this case, it is fixed to the frame not stationary, but movably. First, the pins are placed in the ground, after which they press against the stop and turn the ground out. When working with such a shovel, the physical load is small, but it does not crush the soil like other structures. Instead, it can be used for digging potatoes as opposed to a shovel with two sets of forks.

    Additionally, the digger is equipped with an adjustable handle, which greatly simplifies the work process, but its design is much simpler and does not have the same efficiency as a miracle shovel with 2 pairs of forks. Another "Lightcop" design. Looks the same as the previous one, but does not have an adjustable handle. Equipped with working forks and a movable stop.

    The other two designs look similar. With only one exception - the plowman shovel has a shorter length of working fork teeth, which makes it more effective as a ripper rather than a digger. The depth of the bayonet of a shovel in the “mole” design is more than 25 cm. There are also universal shovels, the length of which is 15-20 cm. The choice of a specific type depends on the depth of soil freezing and its type.

    Features of use

    Although the shovel looks simple in appearance, its operation has its own characteristics. First of all, the basic rule is to move backwards. Therefore, they begin to dig from the far edge of the bed. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    • The shovel is placed on the front ripper, holding it by the handle.
    • The forks are pushed into the ground until the back stop touches the ground. At this stage, the amount of force applied directly depends on the type of soil, its hardness and workability.
    • Next, the handle is pulled towards itself. At this time the forks begin to move upward. As they rise, they pass through the front forks, simultaneously breaking up lumps.
    • For the next step, you need to drag the device back and repeat all the steps. After some training, the work becomes automatic, and much less effort is actually spent.

    Buy or make it yourself?

    There are quite a lot of debates about whether or not to purchase a miracle unit, since its price for a shovel is not so small - about 1.5 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that many factory-made designs have some design flaws. Often the moving parts become clogged with earth, the teeth bend, and the handle breaks.

    If you make such a tool with your own hands, you can avoid many problems. This will not require special material costs and will not take much time, provided you have welding skills.

    DIY making

    Before you start manufacturing, you need to solve several fundamental questions for yourself. The length of the bayonet depends on the depth of soil freezing. If the shovel will be used only as a ripper, then 10 cm will be enough. If you use it to dig, then the length must be 5 cm longer than the depth to which the soil freezes in winter.

    The width of the tool depends on the desired area of ​​land coverage. But it is not recommended to make it wider than 50 cm, because in this case the effort involved will be much higher. Industrial models are based on the design of wide forks, with a width of 35 cm, where the distance between the teeth is 5 cm.

    To create the tool you will need:

    • square pipe 10 mm;
    • metal pipe from 5 cm;
    • reinforcement or strip made of alloyed rolled steel at least 50 mm thick and 2 cm wide;
    • bolts and nuts;
    • welding machine;
    • drill;
    • Bulgarian;
    • sandpaper.

    Before proceeding directly to manufacturing, you need to know some design details. Most models have a horizontal frame on which the forks are mounted. It is equipped with an additional stop at the rear. Between the teeth of the main forks there are second, support ones, which in their structure are more reminiscent of a rake. Some tools have two handles, but this is less common. Typically a shovel handle is used. It is best to replace the cutting metal pipe, then the likelihood of breaking it will be much lower.

    More simplified models have only a frame in their design, which is a stop. The teeth in them are attached directly to the rod, at the ends of which there are fasteners for the handles. This design is much more often made at home, but it is less effective.

    The first thing you need to do when making a shovel yourself is to create bayonets for a working shovel. Reinforcement is used for them. The ends of such bayonets are sharpened on one side at an angle of 15-30 degrees. The angle depends on the hardness of the soil; for soft soil, a smaller angle is sufficient.

    The frame together with the front stop is created from square pipe. The ends of the front stop, according to the drawings, are bent at an angle of 120 degrees. All parts are cut with a grinder and welded using welding machine. As a lever mechanism, some craftsmen use mounts for legs from washing machine. It has a U-shape and is ideal for this task. The holder for the handle must be equipped with the same fastening.

Working in the garden can sometimes be very exhausting. At the same time, it is performed in parts, which is explained by the enormous physical load. A miracle shovel will help reduce the labor costs of a vegetable garden. Being a simple device, it speeds up the work process and can be used on soils of varying complexity. The material in this article will tell you what this device is, what its advantages and disadvantages are, as well as what the main nuances of working with such a shovel are.

What it is?

A miracle shovel is a simple device for cultivating soil, which differs from ordinary tool externally. Essentially, this is a kind of ripper or shovel with a handle, a rake and a ripening frame, which, depending on the model, can resemble a sled frame. It is equipped with sharp teeth, thanks to which high-quality soil cultivation is carried out. This is a tool used to dig up the ground, breaking up clods of even heavy soil.


A shovel, which is often called a tool for the lazy, does not have the usual metal element for digging. Structurally, it is characterized by a longer handle, since, according to manufacturing technology, it should reach the user’s shoulder. Depending on the type, the product may have one or two strips with pins movably connected to each other.

The key parts of the product are the forks for digging, the second for loosening, the front stop, the handle, and also the fastenings. Other modifications include a back stop, which makes digging dense and heavy soil easier, thereby reducing the load on the operator’s lower back. In addition to the forks, the design of the device is equipped with a lever mechanism.

In fact, the main part of a super shovel is a traditional fork, to which the handle is attached. The back stop mechanism is attached to the sides. The second forks, located at the front, are connected by a lock to the main ones. They are responsible for breaking up clods of earth, which is especially important when working with trampled or clay soil.

Due to the lever mechanism, loosening the soil will not require much manual effort. This is especially true for elderly gardeners and summer residents who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including diseases of the spine). Forks are counter products; some of them, when passing through others, loosen the soil without turning it over. In this case, the depth of plowing may be different. Its minimum value is 15 cm.

As for the width of the processed strip, it is approximately 50 cm. This is, in fact, practically a garden bed. The front stop of the shovel is attached to the ripper. It determines the stability of the tool, making it look like a kind of scissors, cutting and crushing clods of earth into small pieces, which can later be trimmed using the most ordinary garden rake. At first glance, it seems that such a tool is difficult to use, but practice proves the opposite.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite being somewhat bulky, the miracle shovel is more convenient to use than its classic-type counterparts. It is easy to operate, practically digs itself and amazes with its performance, significantly facilitating the user’s work. The process of soil cultivation is carried out faster and easier with it, which summer residents have already noted. Of course, a miracle shovel cannot replace a mechanical cultivator or walk-behind tractor, but it is many times more productive than the traditional bayonet variety. This is explained not only by the design features, but also by the width of the channel.

On average, using such a shovel you can dig up an area 2 times faster than a regular one. This tool is reliable, multitasking, and durable. This is a device for arable work that can be used for sowing and loosening soil. Moreover, it can cultivate the soil to a depth of 25 cm, which is good for cultivating potatoes. You can also use a miracle shovel to prepare the ground for planting corn and cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and other crops grown on the site.

However, despite a number of obvious advantages, the super shovel also has disadvantages. For example, it is completely unsuitable for gardening. It cannot be used to carefully dig around trees or make holes. As for working in the garden, there are some nuances here too. One of them is the fact that a simple unit cannot perform figured digging. In addition, it is impossible to dig a hole with a miracle shovel.

It is worth noting that only a user whose weight exceeds 80 kg can operate such a shovel, otherwise the work will not be productive. The weight of the shovel is significantly different from the usual bayonet shovel. And although this shovel is lifted during operation only to be installed at the beginning of the row, and then simply moved using the handle, the weight can affect the user’s physical fatigue. Other disadvantages include the difficulty of repair.


The design of a miracle shovel for digging and loosening the earth can be different. For example, not all models are equipped with a front stop. On the one hand, this is good, since a design of this type is less bulky and its weight is reduced. But on the other hand, the absence of a front stop ensures the stability of the tool.

Conventionally, the models can be classified into regular, “Plowman” and “Mole” options. Typically, most modifications of the first type are performed at home. It is these varieties that do not have a front stop. The disadvantages of products of this type include the need for frequent tillage, since they do not solve the problem of piles of earth. Such tools are suitable mainly for black soil.

Modifications "Plowman" were designed with a soil loosening option. The bayonet length ranges on average from 10 to 15 cm. This is convenient because it allows you to process different type soil. The bayonet easily penetrates the ground, regardless of the user’s weight.

Options "Mole" characterized by a longer bayonet length. It is about 25 cm and is designed for deep digging of the earth. Potholes can be immediately used for planting garden crops. However, working with this tool already requires some effort. This will be especially noticeable if you have to cultivate fairly compacted soil or alumina.

Concerning universal option, which could satisfy the needs of a gardener, such shovels have a bayonet length of 15 to 20 cm.

You can use such devices for digging up soil for planting potatoes only in regions of the country where the soil is black soil and freezes no more than 5-10 cm. For a more severe climate, such a bayonet length is not enough. Therefore, a shovel will not be able to process the soil efficiently, which is bad for high-quality soil renewal and ensuring a good harvest.

Regarding the fastenings, it is worth noting: for modifications without a front stop, the rear stop is welded to the comb of the second forks.

The “digger” modifications have an adjustable handle. It is attached with two bolts, and the height must be selected according to the height of a particular person. The stop of such models is movable, attached to the frame. Light-digging analogues are distinguished by rounded stops and an arched non-adjustable handle.

As for miracle snow shovels, such models are designs with an oval-type auger. They come in one- and two-stage types. Single-stage modifications have a screw operating in constant frequency mode. Two-stage analogues operate by capturing snow with an auger and throwing it out through a special device driven by a rotor.

Rating of the best models The modern market offers products to the attention of buyers, producing miracle shovels for gardening and dachas. The issue of choice must be approached thoroughly, since the shelf life and quality of the instrument depend on the technological aspects of manufacturing and the quality of the material used. It must be taken into account that the shovel must be made of alloy tool steel. It will be good if it has a high-quality coating and correct sharpening bayonets. But it is also important that the mechanisms are secured by welding or special hinges. Threaded connections unsuccessful in that they become loose too quickly.

From the huge list of modifications, several options can be noted that are in particular demand among buyers.


The design with a specially designed lever system does not require much manual effort during operation. Loosens the soil to a depth of 23 cm, the width of the processed strip is 50 cm. Suitable for working with rough and rocky soil, uproots the roots of weeds without cutting them. Made from hardened steel and powder coated. A shovel can be used to cultivate even dry soil; it is also suitable for harvesting crops from the garden.

"Vyatka Plowman"

This shovel is a modification of the bayonet shovel; it is used for manual digging of soil under further landing, and also for cleaning shallow trenches. It is asymmetrical and implies calculation for one working leg, although there are options that involve installing a ploughshare under any of the legs. The length of the handle can be adjusted to suit the user's height. This model is suitable for working with dense soil, virgin soil and turfy soil. It is distinguished by ergonomics, is made of STZ steel, and has a bucket width of 30 cm.


A tool for the garden with a penetration depth into the soil of up to 25 cm, combines digging and loosening. Removes efficiently weeds in the process of digging. It has two cuttings, 7 teeth and a digging width of 55 cm, due to which it allows you to create a wide bed in one row. Suitable for cultivating rocky and hard soil, copes with a previously treated area during spring or autumn digging, and is relevant when preparing beds before planting. It differs from other modifications in that the stop is located under the frame and perfectly bulges the ground.


The model with a patented lever system is characterized by an even distribution of the load on the user's back. Does not require tillage of the soil with a harrow, allows you to remove weeds without leaving them in the ground. Can be standard or wide. The first option is distinguished by a processing width of 40 cm, a productivity of 2 hundred square meters per hour, a loosening depth of up to 30 cm and a weight of about 10 kg. Made from steel. The second type is called wide, since the width of the soil in this case is 60 cm. This device is capable of processing 3 acres per hour with a penetration depth into the soil of 30 cm and a unit weight of 15 kg.

Forte QI-JY-50

Miracle auger shovel for snow removal with a blade made of durable plastic. It has a working width of 60 cm and an auger attached to the blade, which rotates when the shovel is pushed in front of the user. An effective tool for removing freshly fallen snow. Characterized by compact dimensions, designed for use in small areas and hard-to-reach places. Customers like it for its ergonomics, ease of use and ease of maintenance.


Model domestic manufacturer, suitable for digging up the ground before planting crops or after harvesting. In fact, it is a type of bayonet shovel, has a blade length of 28 cm and a width of 58 cm. The material of the working part is spring steel, the shovel weighs 5 kg. This miracle shovel has no analogues in the world; it is patented and can even dig up turf. The product is distinguished by its simplicity of design and ergonomics. When working with this shovel, the user’s back remains straight, the forces on the hands are equal, and unnecessary steps by the operator are eliminated. The handles can be adjusted to suit the height of the person working.

Operating rules

Despite the fact that working with a ripper shovel is not difficult, it is worth noting some nuances. It is necessary to start work from the far edge of the cultivated bed. You will have to move backwards (backwards forward), extending the forks as you till the soil. On average, the ripper will move in increments of 10 to 20 cm. This figure will vary depending on the cultivated soil.

If you work with a miracle shovel correctly, labor productivity can be from one to two hundred per hour. After plowing and loosening, the soil becomes soft; it does not require additional breaking up of earth clods. If you need to level it, a classic rake will suffice.

The operating principle will be as follows:

  • the working forks are stuck into the ground so that the back stop touches it;
  • if necessary, add force by pressing the working forks with your foot;
  • then pull the ripper handle towards you;

  • as the tension increases, the working forks will begin to rise along with the layer of captured earth;
  • When passing through the forks of the back support, the collected soil will be crushed, this process will be carried out without turning over, due to which it will be preserved fertile layer soil;
  • after this, you must move the miracle shovel towards you, retreating, then repeat the process of digging the previous section of soil (sticking the tool in, pressing, moving the handle).

One of the features of the processing is the fact that the shovel needs to be moved not sideways, but backwards, when digging and loosening in rows. It is important to note that cultivation must be carried out in a timely manner. There is no need to wait for the weeds to sprout and strengthen, because the efficiency of tillage in this case will significantly decrease. This unit weighs on average just over 5 kg. It's not much, but for female body may seem tangible.

Spring is a wonderful time of year when all nature wakes up and begins to bloom. However, for many, this season is associated with the beginning of field work. Summer residents strive to make their work as easy as possible, and therefore they come up with various devices for cultivating the land, because this is quite hard work. One of these useful devices became a miracle shovel.

Description of the miracle shovel

The most common version of this device is bayonet shovel, which is perfect for processing any type of soil. This tool is a combination of a fork and a sleigh, which greatly facilitates the process of cultivating the land.

Gradually, people come up with more and more new objects of labor that can make work easier and make it more enjoyable and less labor-intensive. The miracle shovel or miracle fork, as this recently appeared device for cultivating the land is called, is designed to help the worker on the farm, to make his work more efficient and productive, without affecting negative influence on his health and well-being.