How to connect a relay to a motion sensor. Connecting a motion sensor to a light bulb

A motion sensor is an electronic infrared device that detects the presence and movement of a person and helps switch power to lighting and other electrical appliances. It is based on a special detector of temperature changes in space (). Nowadays there are a lot of models of various Chinese detectors on sale, which are almost all similar to each other and differ only in the design and power of the switched lamps - the connection diagram itself is usually the same.

If you need to connect several powerful lamps at once through this device, then the best solution There will be a use of a magnetic starter or a powerful relay.

Installation Features

To install it, you must select a location that provides best angles review both horizontally and vertically with a maximum coverage area. Most PIR motion sensors have a dead zone, the location of which should be taken into account when choosing their placement height and angle of inclination.

Motion sensor HC-SR501 with regulators

If the sensor is made in a fixed housing and does not have positioning adjustment, then it is necessary to check the technical data sheet for correct placement devices. Sometimes this device requires the presence of not only phase and neutral wires, but also ground (ground). Although most operate from a regular two-wire 220 V network.

Electrical connection diagrams

How to connect a motion sensor with a switch

An option in which it is installed parallel to a conventional switch.

How to connect a motion sensor without a switch

And this is for connecting it directly to a 220 V network without any other buttons.

How to connect several sensors to the network at once

On long stairs or corridors you may need several pieces controlling one lamp or long LED strip white glow.

Inside the PIR sensor there is usually a terminal block with standard colored and labeled contacts:

  • L, brown or black - phase wire.
  • N, blue - neutral wire.
  • Ls or L’, red - phase return to the lighting lamps.
  • , yellow-green - protective grounding.

Lighting devices should be connected between contacts A and N. Electrical power should be supplied to L and N, strictly observing the polarity of the connection phase. If you are interested circuit diagram detector, then follow the link at the beginning of the article.

Sensor setup and adjustment

After installation, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for adjusting the motion sensor for lighting. After all, the geometry of the room is different for everyone (humidity, lighting, wall material).

  1. LIGHT or LUX - sensitivity threshold for illumination.
  2. TIME - trigger timer.
  3. SENSE - sensitivity.

The usual limits for adjusting the timer response time are set in most devices from a few seconds to ten minutes. The photosensitivity threshold can only be set in devices that have an appropriate light sensor. It determines the daylight brightness at which the device stops supplying voltage to the lighting fixtures. Setting the sensor sensitivity is the most subtle and capricious setting. In any case, the sensor should respond to the appearance of a person in the room, and not small animals. When changing the viewing angle of the device, sensitivity adjustment is often required.


According to experts, the connection diagram for a motion sensor to illuminate a certain space does not differ much from regular switch, which allows you to install such equipment as in country house, and in the squares around it. In addition, both motion-sensitive devices and pass-through switch mechanisms can be used to organize lighting.

In addition, such devices are often connected to other networks, for example:

  • alarm systems;
  • sound notification;
  • other equipment used for the protection and safety of private property.

Ceiling sensors.

For models of ceiling sensors, the protected zone is 360 degrees and is made in the form of a cone with a divergence angle of up to 120 degrees. Thus, a multi-beam barrier is created, when crossed, for example, by a person or animal, the sensor detects a violation and goes into alarm mode.

As a rule, ceiling sensors, depending on the model, are installed at a height of 2.5 - 3 meters from the floor. At the same time, the protected zone in the lower part is from 10 to 20 meters in diameter.

It is better to install them in small rooms, where all four sides need to be monitored simultaneously, and where installing a wall sensor will not be effective.

Standard connection diagrams for motion detection devices

The operating principle of the device is based on detecting movement at a certain distance from the sensor. The device evaluates the light level in the room. If the indicator is below the set value, the light turns on. The light sensor allows you to avoid turning on the device during daylight hours when artificial light is not needed.

A standard device includes elements such as a sensor, photocells and lenses. Switches are usually classified according to a number of criteria: by control method, type of installation, operating principle of sensors, and functional tasks.

According to the control method, switches are divided into 2 types:

  • automatic;
  • with remote control.

Classification by type of installation includes the following devices:

  • ceiling;
  • invoices;
  • built-in

Models are divided according to the operating principle of the sensors:

  • ultrasonic;
  • microwave;
  • infrared (most common).

By functional characteristics The following devices are distinguished:

  • with a sensor that can be switched off manually;
  • with connection by timer and shutdown at a given light level;
  • with the function of manual control over the time of light supply;
  • with shutdown by a timer signal, regardless of the light level.

Products differ in coverage area, signal transmission range, viewing angle (90, 180 or 360 degrees). Switches vary in the class of protection of the housing and the number of simultaneously switched on lighting devices.

Motion sensors are installed not only for lighting local area, but also inside the house itself. For example, a device installed on a staircase will turn on the lights only when it is really necessary - if someone is going up or down it.

Each sensor is designed for a specific sector located in its field of vision. The principle of operation is simple - if movement of objects is detected in this area, then a circuit is closed that supplies power to the lighting fixtures. Therefore, the efficiency of the system is determined by the correct choice of installation location, that is, the creation of a “view” of the controlled area necessary under specific conditions.

Lighting devices connected to the sensor can be turned on only while the object is moving in the sector, or with a subsequent turn-off delay from several seconds to 10÷15 minutes. This parameter is preset by the user.

When starting this section, you should immediately note the following. Despite the variety of models, almost all motion sensors are connected to lighting fixtures in a similar way. The exception is lamps that require voltage conversion. But here the whole difference is that the power supply is included in the circuit.

The standard connection system for the vast majority of motion sensors is a three-pin terminal. Two of them are the usual phase (L) and zero (N). The third contact can be indicated by the letter “A”, “L out” or even just an outgoing arrow →. But in any case, this is also a phase, but already in progress lighting fixture when the sensor is triggered.

A. Here is the simplest diagram for connecting a motion sensor to an LED spotlight.

A few clarifications. Power cable The 220 volt network combines three conductors. Brown (in the diagram, in reality it may have a different color) – phase L, blue – zero N, and green-yellow – protective grounding PE.

PE grounding goes directly to the spotlight - since in most cases there is a metal case, this measure is a necessary condition operational safety.

Zero N is switched equally to the corresponding terminals of both devices.

The phase goes to terminal contact L of the motion sensor.

And finally, from contact A of the sensor terminal, when the device is triggered, the phase will be supplied to contact L of the spotlight. Thus, when the circuit in the motion sensor is closed, the lighting device will turn on.

B. The diagram shown above assumes direct connection of the motion sensor floodlight system to the electrical network. But often a switch is also provided. By the way, there may be different options with it.

So, next diagram demonstrates that the switch can be installed in an open phase going to the motion sensor terminals.

It is quite obvious that when the switch is in the off position, the power is interrupted completely. That is, the motion sensor itself does not work and, accordingly, the phase cannot reach the spotlight. When turned on, the system operates in its characteristic “standby mode”, that is, it reacts by turning on the light to movement in the “sector of responsibility”.

B. But this arrangement of the switch in the circuit, as shown below, has a completely different purpose.

It is clearly visible that the power to the motion sensor is not interrupted. When the switch is in the “off” position, that is, with open contacts, the system operates in its characteristic mode, that is, the sensor controls the activation of the spotlight. But there are often situations when it is necessary to illuminate an area of ​​the yard, so to speak, on an ongoing basis - performing certain chores at dusk, receiving guests, etc.

D. You can apply the scheme with two-button switch. Then, as necessary, you can select the most appropriate operating mode of the system at the current moment.

When both keys are turned off, the system is completely de-energized.

Turning on key No. 1 puts the system into the mode of tracking movement in a given sector and turning on the spotlight based on the sensor.

Turning on key #2 (regardless of the position of key #1) simply turns on the spotlight directly.

D. Sometimes the complex configuration of the territory (premises) forces the installation of two motion sensors, or even more. In this case, they are placed so that the “sector of responsibility” of one intersects with the area of ​​the other. That is, a moving person is constantly in the field of view of the devices.

It is most convenient in such cases to make parallel connection motion sensors. An example is shown in the diagram below.

It is clear that in operation both devices are completely independent of each other, but each of them is equally capable of controlling the spotlight.

A scheme for sequential connection of sensors is less commonly used, when the phase to each subsequent device comes from the control terminal A of the previous one. It is unlikely that this method would be appropriate in the yard in combination with a spotlight. Therefore, there is no particular point in providing a diagram.

A motion sensor is most often used to turn on lights when you pass or are near them. With its help, you can save electricity and save yourself from having to flip the switch. This device is also used in alarm systems to detect unwanted intrusions. In addition, they can also be found on production lines, they are needed there for the automated execution of any technological tasks. Motion sensors are sometimes called presence sensors.

Types of motion sensors

Motion sensors are distinguished by their operating principle; their operation, accuracy and features of use depend on this. Each of them has strengths and weak sides. The final price of such a sensor also depends on the design and type of element used.

The motion sensor can be made in one housing or in different housings (the control unit is separate from the sensor).


The simplest motion sensor option is to use or. Reed switch (sealed contact) is a switch that is activated when magnetic field. The essence of the work is to install limit switch with normally open contacts or a reed switch on the door, when you open it and enter the room, the contacts will close, turn on the relay, and it will turn on the lighting. Such a diagram is shown below.


They are triggered by thermal radiation and react to temperature changes. When you enter the field of view of such a sensor, it is triggered by thermal radiation from your body. The disadvantage of this detection method is false positives. Thermal radiation is inherent in everything that is around. Here are some examples:

1. stands in a room with an electric heater, which periodically turns on and off according to a timer or thermostat. When the heater is turned on, false alarms may occur. You can try to avoid this by taking a long time and carefully adjusting the sensitivity, as well as by trying to direct it so that there is no heater in the direct line of sight.

2. When installed outdoors, it may be triggered by gusts of warm wind.

In general, these sensors work normally, and this is the most cheap option. A PIR sensor is used as a sensitive element, it creates electric field proportional to thermal radiation.

But the sensor itself does not have a wide directionality; a Fresnel lens is installed on top of it.

It would be more correct to say - a multi-segment lens, or a multilens. Pay attention to the window of such a sensor, it is divided into sections; these are lens segments; they focus the incoming radiation into a narrow beam and direct it to the sensitive area of ​​the sensor. As a result, radiation beams from different directions fall on the small receiving window of the pyroelectric sensor.

To increase the efficiency of motion detection, dual or quad sensors or several separate ones can be installed. Thus, the field of view of the device expands.

Based on the above, it should also be noted that the sensor should not be exposed to light from the lamp, and there should be no incandescent lamps in its field of view, this is also a strong source of IR radiation, then the operation of the system as a whole will be unstable and unexpected. IR rays don't travel well through glass, so it won't work if you're walking behind a window or glass door.

This is the most common type of sensor; you can buy it or you can assemble it yourself, so let’s look at its design in detail.

How to assemble an IR motion sensor with your own hands?

The most common option is the HC-SR501. It can be bought at a radio parts store, on Aliexpress, and is often supplied in Arduino kits. Can be used in conjunction with a microcontroller or independently. He is printed circuit board with a microcircuit, harness and one PIR sensor. The latter is covered with a lens, there are two potentiometers on the board, one of them regulates the sensitivity, and the second is the time at which a signal is present at the output of the sensor. When motion is detected, a signal appears at the output and lasts for the set time.

It is powered by a voltage of 5 to 20 volts, operates at a distance of 3 to 7 meters, and the output signal lasts from 5 to 300 seconds, you can extend this period if you use a microcontroller or a time delay relay. The viewing angle is about 120 degrees.

The photo shows the sensor assembly (left), lens (bottom right), reverse side boards (top right).

Let's take a closer look at the board. On its front side there is sensing element. On the back there is a microcircuit, its wiring, on the right there are two trimming resistors, where the top one is the signal delay time, and the bottom one is the sensitivity. In the lower right part there is a jumper for switching between modes H and L. In mode L, the sensor produces an output signal only for the period of time set by the potentiometer. Mode H produces a signal while you are in the range of the sensor, and when you leave it, the signal will disappear after a time set by the upper potentiometer.

If you want to use a sensor without microcontrollers, then assemble this circuit, all elements are labeled. The circuit is powered through a quenching capacitor, the supply voltage is limited at 12V using a zener diode. When a positive signal appears at the sensor output, relay P is turned on through an NPN transistor (for example BC547, mje13001-9, KT815, KT817 and others). You can use a car relay or any other with a 12V coil.

If you need to implement some other functions, you can use it in conjunction with a microcontroller, for example. Below is the connection diagram and program code.


The emitter operates at high frequencies - from 20 kHz to 60 kHz. This leads to one problem - animals, such as dogs, are sensitive to these frequencies, moreover, they are used to scare them away and train them. Such sensors can irritate them and this causes problems.

The ultrasonic motion sensor operates on the Doppler effect. The emitted wave, reflected from a moving object, returns and is received by the receiver, while the wavelength (frequency) changes slightly. This is detected and the sensor produces a signal that is used to control a relay or triac and switch the load.

The sensor processes movements well, but if the movements are very slow, it may not work. The advantage is that they are not sensitive to changes in environmental conditions.

Laser or photo sensors

They have an emitter (for example, an IR LED) and a receiver (a photodiode of a similar spectrum). This is a simple sensor, it can be implemented in two versions:

1. The emitter and photodiode are mounted in the passage (controlled area) opposite each other. When you pass through it, you block the radiation and it does not reach the receiver, then the sensor is triggered and the relay is turned on. This can also be used in alarm systems.

2. The emitter and the photodiode are located next to each other, when you are in the range of the sensor, the radiation is reflected from you and hits the photodiode. This is also called an obstacle sensor and is successfully used in robotics.


It also consists of a transmitter and receiver. The first generates a high-frequency signal, the second receives them. When you pass nearby, the frequency changes. The receiver is configured in such a way that when the frequency changes, the signal is amplified and transmitted to executive agency, for example a relay, and the load is turned on.

Microwave motion sensors are very sensitive, allowing you to “see” an object even behind a door or behind glass, but this also causes problems of false alarms when the object is outside the field of intended visibility.

These are quite expensive sensors, but they respond to even the smallest movements.

Capacitive devices work in a similar way. Such a diagram is shown below.

How to connect a motion sensor?

You can come up with countless options and schemes for connecting a motion sensor depending on your needs; sometimes you need the system to be triggered when you move in different places, For example street lighting along the way from the house to the gate and vice versa, in other cases it is necessary to force the lights on or off, etc. We will look at several options.

Typically a motion sensor has three wires or three terminals to connect to:

1. Coming phase.

2. Phase leaving to power the load.

If you do not have enough sensor power, use an intermediate relay and. To do this, instead of a light bulb in the circuits below, the coil terminals are connected.

The photo below shows the terminals to which the power wires are connected.


Using motion sensors is, as much as it sounds, a step. Firstly, it will help save energy and lamp life. Secondly, it will eliminate the need to flip the switch every time. For outdoor lighting, with the correct settings, you can make the light turn on when you approach the gate of the house.

If the distance from the gate to the house is 7-10, you can get by with one sensor, then you won’t have to lay a cable to the second sensor or assemble a circuit with a pass-through switch.

As already mentioned, IR sensors are most often found; they are sufficient for simple tasks, if you need greater sensitivity or accuracy, take a look at other types of sensors.

The problem of saving energy resources is gaining particular relevance today. Some people try to use electricity more economically for general global purposes, while others simply want to save their own finances and minimize the amount of payments on their electricity bills. One of effective solutions, allowing you to cope with this task, you can safely call a motion sensor to turn on the light. Indeed, in a number of rooms, as well as on open areas that require lighting, it is not at all necessary that the light be on all the time.

In such cases, it is enough to install a motion sensor on the light, which “breaks” the power supply circuit in the normal state. If any movement comes within the device’s coverage area, the contacts close and the lighting turns on. When movements disappear from the sensor’s “coverage” zone, the light automatically turns off.

Light sensors are especially effective and convenient to use in, as well as for places where people are not constantly present; accordingly, there is no need for the light to be on all the time. So, installing a motion sensor to turn on the lights is a great way to reduce your energy costs.

Types of motion sensors for lighting

Speaking about classification criteria, first of all it is worth mentioning various types depending on the conditions of use of the devices:

  1. The installation location, in accordance with the parameter, is distinguished: street motion sensor; sensors intended for indoor installation.
  2. The type of power from which the sensor operates can be: from the electrical network (wired models); from batteries or simple batteries (wireless devices).
  3. The method that underlies the detection of movements by the device.

According to the method of determining movement, they distinguish:

It is also possible to operate a motion sensor based on a combination of methods for detecting movements; such devices are more reliable and accurate in operation, but they are also characterized by a relatively high cost.

Having decided how the motion sensor works, you can easily select best option for installation in the courtyard of a private house, at entrances and on staircase landings V multi-storey buildings, in parking lots.

What to look for when choosing a motion sensor to turn on the light

So that the selected device has simple and clear principle work, and also pleased with its high efficiency - a minimum of false positives. Saving energy as a final result; when selecting motion sensors for turning on lights, it is necessary to pay attention to the following technical specifications, How:

  1. Viewing angle. Depends on the installation location - on a pole or on a wall, indoors or outdoors.
  2. Range. Depends on the type and purpose of the objects on which such a sensor is installed. Installation locations - for indoors, a parameter of 5-7 meters is sufficient, while for the street you can also take options with larger indicators.
  3. How to install a motion sensor. In addition to dividing all sensors into street and for internal use, they also highlight installation methods - on ceilings, on walls in special recesses for hidden installation.
  4. Power and type of connectors. You can find regular motion sensor lamps for your home, or choose more modern and efficient LED, HID or fluorescent sensor lamp models.

It would be a good idea to pay attention to the additional functions that the light sensor can be equipped with:

  • photo relay for protection against activation during daylight hours;
  • animal protection function (the motion sensor does not work if cats or dogs enter the field of view of the device);
  • delay period for turning off the light.

Whether such functions are needed or not, you need to decide at the stage of selecting devices.

Another important criterion is the degree of protection of the sensor housing. If you plan to install it on the face, then you need to choose models with IP from 55 and higher; for indoor installation, it is enough to choose models with IP parameters from 22 and higher (in the range of up to 55).

Where to place the motion sensor switch

In order for the sensor to work correctly and be a truly useful addition to the lighting system, you need to know how to install the motion sensor correctly and what points are important to take into account.

There are a number simple rules, which are required:

  • the device must be installed in a place where there are no other light sources that could simply interfere with the correct operation of the sensor;
  • because the sensors are sensitive to air currents, then there should be no air conditioners or heating devices near their installation site;
  • It is not advisable to have large objects that create a wide area of ​​interference during sensor operation.

Most often, motion sensors for turning on lights are installed on ceilings. The installation location is chosen to minimize the size and area of ​​the “dead” zone.

How the device is installed: possible diagrams

If we talk in simple words, then the sensor is connected to the gap in the “phase” wire going into the lamp. Such a simple and understandable scheme remains optimal, justifying its performance in dark rooms where there are very few or no windows.

The connection diagram for a motion sensor for lighting assumes:

  • the “phase” and “zero” wires are connected to the sensor input;
  • from the output of the sensor “phase” is carried further to the lamp;
  • to “zero” the ground is taken from the panel or a nearby distribution box.

If the installation is carried out outdoors, then it is also assumed that a photo relay or switch will be installed. They prevent the light from turning on and the sensor from responding during daylight hours. The only difference between them is that:

  • photo relay is a device with an automatic operating principle;
  • the switch requires human “intervention” in the work (the desired “mode” is forcibly turned on).

All these schemes are equally practical and effective to use. They allow you to install a motion sensor on a light quickly and easily.

Advantages of installing motion sensors to turn on lights

Preference is given to this type of lighting arrangement where it is convenient and appropriate. Users rely on the following advantages and benefits that result from installing such a sensor at their facilities:

  1. Rational use of electricity.
  2. Now you don’t need to “touch” in the dark to look for a switch, keyhole or elevator button. As soon as you enter the range of the device, the light automatically turns on.
  3. Simple and straightforward installation that does not require special equipment. However, it is recommended to entrust all these issues to experienced electricians. There is no need to try to figure it out on your own, succumbing to the illusion of dubious savings.
  4. Among the variety presented, each client will be able to choose suitable option by type of definition, as well as all other technical parameters.
  5. Most models are equipped with a set of the most useful additional functions. For example, the so-called “immunity” in animals.
  6. It will not be difficult to choose a device. Corresponding to the required parameters.

In order for the installed motion sensor to work properly and delight you with its efficiency, it is necessary correct installation and adjustment of the device itself. Highly qualified specialists can help resolve these issues. Therefore, it is worth turning to the services of professionals, not only when you have to make a choice, but also when you need to correctly configure a device that has already been installed and put into operation.

How to connect a motion sensor - video

Man has come up with a huge number of electronic devices designed to protect his life and property. At the same time, a convenient and reliable tool today is a motion sensor for turning on the light; there is not a single scheme for turning on these devices depending on the parameters of the controlled room.

A motion sensor for lighting reacts to the appearance of a large object in the area of ​​propagation of its rays or waves, depending on the technology used in the device. The first models of these electronic assistants were initially used to improve the quality of security of industrial facilities. Today they are used almost everywhere and not only to ensure order, but also as a convenient means that allows you to turn on the lighting without unnecessary actions, thereby ensuring comfortable conditions for moving. The motion sensor used to turn on the light reacts to the appearance of a person or large animal in its sensitive area. The reaction to the appearance of an object is the switching of power circuits.

Options for using a motion sensor

In addition to lighting devices, the motion sensor can also be used to activate other warning devices. This could be an audible beacon or a system central alarm. Upon addition security complex The sensor is installed at the most important entrances to the building or in corridors. You can also use the sensor as a switch to turn on lighting in dark rooms where you constantly need to turn on the lamp.

It is much easier and more convenient to automate the process. When a person appears in the coverage area, the sensor will automatically close the power supply circuit of the lamp and turn it off after the object leaves the area. Depending on the modification, the sensor can be configured to delay the moment of shutdown after a person disappears from 10 s to 7 m. This will not only provide comfortable travel conditions, but also save electrical energy, because the light will only turn on when a person is in the range of the emitter and receiver.

Functionality and features of the motion sensor

Before you learn how to install a motion sensor on a light, you need to familiarize yourself with its capabilities and varieties. This will allow you to understand what principle needs to be applied when performing installation of one type or another.

Depending on the installation location of the sensor, they are divided into:

  • perimetric - were used as means of monitoring large areas, in particular streets;
  • peripheral;
  • internal.

According to the method of action:

  • ultrasonic;
  • microwave;
  • infrared active;
  • infrared passive.

Based on the type of signal, sensors are divided into:

  • thermal;
  • sound;
  • oscillatory.

Depending on their functionality, sensors are divided into the following types:

  • Universal or multifunctional. They are used not only to detect movement in the controlled area, but also determine the need for switching on. If the illumination level corresponds to the specified value, the lamp does not turn on; if not, it turns on.
  • Indoor. They are mainly used to monitor indoor activity, working as part of an alarm system. Activate alerts.

How to install a motion sensor on a light

Installation of a motion sensor to turn on the light can be done in several ways, depending on the design of the room or some requirements from customers.

Depending on how to install the device, they are distinguished into the following types:

  • Overhead. The sensor is mounted on the wall.
  • Ceiling. The control device is installed on the ceiling; lighting can be integrated with a light motion sensor in a single housing or located directly next to the lamp.
  • Mortise. The device is installed by installing it into a wall; its main purpose is to detect activity in office premises or living rooms.

Variants of motion sensor activation circuits

There are several options for connecting motion sensors to turn on the lights. The choice of a specific one is up to the customer. This is due to the fact that the sensors can be different, that is, with different contact groups. Not all device models can be used to connect devices with high current consumption, for example, spotlights with incandescent lamps. In this case, it is better to use starters as intermediate switching components, and to increase the reliability of the presence monitoring system, use different types sensors, combining their switching circuits. For example, ultrasonic and infrared.

If we consider the models of sensors, depending on the production technology and operating principle, then these can be either ultrasonic or microwave, or infrared. But it should be remembered that the first two types of sensors have a built-in high-frequency generator, which can be excited due to various interferences and powerful electromagnetic waves. Therefore, they must be installed in places remote from all these factors. These could be warehouses, checkpoints and other.

For home use or in environments with a lot of noise, sensors with infrared emitters. In this case, both active and passive ones can be used.

Generalized diagram for switching on motion sensors

The simplest circuit for connecting a motion sensor includes only a few components:

  • sensor;
  • connecting wires;
  • lamp or audio warning system.

Almost all sensor models have a single structural device, which is a housing, a contact block, a scattering sphere or glass. The sensor itself has only 3 contacts, so there are no difficulties with it electrical connection must not be. Moreover, almost every model comes with installation and configuration instructions.

The figure below shows simplest scheme activation of the motion sensor, consisting of the sensor itself and the lamp. Installation of such a sensor can be done in almost any convenient place.

Important points when connecting according to this diagram is to maintain the polarity of the wires. The phase wire from the alternating voltage network must be switched through the sensor to the lamp. You need to pay attention to the color. As a rule, blue is zero, brown is phase, red is the switch output. Color may vary depending on different manufacturers Therefore, it is advisable to use a phase indicator or other devices. As the latter, you can use not only a lighting device, but also sound alarm. When installing a powerful floodlight with a consumption of more than 0.5 kW, it is recommended to use an intermediate starter and install it in a separate installation box. This is necessary to prevent burnout of contacts when switching a low-resistance load.

Combining a motion sensor with a switch

To provide permanent job lamp, regardless of the level of illumination and the presence of a person in the coverage area of ​​the sensor, a switch can be installed in the circuit. A single-key type switch can be used as it. When it is turned on, the switching contacts of the sensor are bypassed, which ensures constant lighting mode.

It is important to remember that in order to enable the sensor according to this scheme, it is necessary to strictly monitor the color of the wires in order to prevent an unexpected short circuit.

The neutral or neutral wire from the switch goes directly to the luminaire (lamp) from the network, the phase wire passes through the switch, the contacts of which are parallel to the switching group of the sensor. If a starter is used in the circuit, then its winding must be powered from the switch.

Connection diagram for several sensors

The first type scheme received wide application in rooms of simple shape. This can be a square, rectangle or circle, in general, something where only one specific area needs to be controlled. If you want to organize automatic switching on of lighting in complexly shaped rooms with additional branches and bends, for example, in curved corridors, then you need to use several sensors. But this scheme also has its own nuances. For example, if you need to organize the comfort of movement along a long corridor, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure maximum savings, then the sensors should be turned on independently of each other, that is, in parallel.

If you need to create a reliable security system, then connecting the motion sensor to the light should be done according to the diagram presented below.

Here the sensors are interconnected by a phase wire from the network. The neutral wire is supplied to all sensors and lamps or alarms without intermediate switching. It is important here not to confuse the colors of the wires and control the phase on all devices so as not to create a short circuit in the circuit. When any of the sensors is triggered, the main signal light or sound warning system will turn on.

When creating a system with controlled lamps, a switch is installed parallel to the contact group of sensors. If the circuit consists of several motion sensors, and it is necessary to ensure that each of the lamps is switched on independently, then a switch is installed on each sensor.

Before checking the motion control device, you should make sure that the colors of the wires are correct and that they are securely clamped in the terminals.

How to properly install a light motion sensor

How to properly install a motion sensor that reacts to light so that the system works reliably without false alarms. The first step is to determine the parameters of the room. It is important that the viewing angle of the sensor is maximum and covers a large area.

If the coverage area of ​​one sensor is not enough, then several are used. At the same time, they are installed in the corners of a curved room of irregular shape. The installed sensor should not overlap its controlled area with the neighboring one. In addition, it is important to remember another installation rule to avoid false alarms of sensors: there should be no plumbing pipes, power and high-frequency cables, trees and shrubs.

To correctly install a lamp with a motion sensor or a separate sensor, you should pay attention to the instructions that come with each sensor. As a rule, manufacturers present various options installation and their combinations in order to ensure the best performance.

When installing motion sensors outdoors, it is necessary to use protective terminal boxes. The sensors themselves must be securely hidden under the canopies of buildings and protected from snow or rain.

Setting up a motion sensor for lighting

There are several types of sensors on sale depending on functionality. Among them we can highlight:

  • Simple. They are used only for switching the power supply circuit of a lamp in constantly dark rooms, reacting to movement in the controlled area.
  • Universal. It is possible to adjust the operating time after automatic switching on (TIME), the sensitivity threshold in infrared sensors(SENS) and the moment of switching on at a certain level of illumination (LUX). Setting up a motion sensor for lighting can be done within 10 seconds to 7 minutes, which is usually required on landings. The staircase lighting circuit with a motion sensor in this case is no different from those given above.

Adjustable sensor allows for better savings electrical energy and provide the most comfortable conditions for movement around the room, depending on the level of illumination.

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