How to measure a window opening. How to measure correctly for a plastic window

To measure a window correctly, it should be noted that the size of the window depends on the opening and size of the window. Panel houses have standard openings, but in brick houses the openings can vary by several centimeters or even non-standard (arbitrary). When brick houses On windows, measurements must be especially careful.

You can measure the window yourself without using a Windows installation company.

Knowing the size of a wooden window will make the calculation easier approximate cost finished product. Of course, it is easier to size windows if the house has just been built and the window openings are empty, but with holes in which old windows are not very difficult, but also possible.

Take the dimensions of windows in a wooden house (new)

IN wooden house there are no blocks (ledges on three sides of the opening to which the window is brought).

You can choose where the wooden window will be placed on the wall. It is most often mounted towed by an external wall.

Video: how to measure a window correctly

As with this option, it will be easier to make external window decorations, for example.

You don't need outside slopes - you can just make a clipper. We proceed directly to taking dimensions and initially measure the window aperture in width.

To do this, we measure the hole from the top and bottom. If the sizes do not match, take the one that is smaller and 50mm away from it (the seam under the foam is 25mm on each side).

We know the width of the window, then measure the height. We remove the size in the same way, take the smaller one and subtract 50 mm from it.

How to take a Windows measurement

There is one shade - the presence and thickness of windows.

Standard milling below the bottom panel threshold of 30 mm. If the window shelf is equal to or slightly smaller, that's ok. If the threshold is thicker, the difference between the thickness of the window shelf and the cutter should be taken from the height of the window.

If a wooden house has a rough frame, the hole under the window is measured inside the box.

The width of the outer casing should be determined taking into account the rough frame. The standard box size is - 5cm, to add the width of the grip body to the wall and on the box 2cm (both sides 4cm), add 5cm (frame) plus 25mm (under the foam seal). We get the result - the width of the casing is 11.5 cm.

How to measure a window in a home board (residential)

The panel house has old windows, which makes it difficult to remove dimensions.

Dismantling of old windows is not possible, since the production of new wooden windows can take one month. Panel houses have quarter-pane window openings - three sides are covered (two on the sides and one on the top).

We need to determine the width of the window opening from the outside (from quarter to next).

To do this through open window(be very careful!) The tape measure measures the distance between blocks. Then measure the hole in the space, from one slope to the other.

From the inner hole we take from the outside, so we get the depth of the quarter. For example, the outer width is 1380 mm, and the inner width is 1500 mm.

The resulting difference of 120 mm is divided into two parts, and the result is 60 mm - the width of the quarter. Now you can measure the width of the window.

Adding 30 mm to the external dimension on each side - 1380 + 30 + 30 = 1440 mm, that is, the width of the window.

The height of the window is measured as follows: Bottom part should be at the level of the outer tide and 30mm added to the top quarter. For example, the height from the top quarter to the blanket is 1400mm and then adding 30mm gives the window height 1430mm. For this reason, the window size you want to order is 1440 x 1430 mm.

How to remove window sizes in a brick house

In built houses, or as they are called "Stalinist", the quarter can be very deep. 10 cm. Modern windows you cannot add more than 3 cm to the fourth, otherwise the window frame will be hidden and the outer walls will fall directly onto the glass.

Thickness of window frame and damper (in closed position) is 110 mm.

Also, according to GOST, the seam seal should not exceed 40 mm. The easiest way out of this situation is to order a wooden window with an increased frame width.

This is very possible when adding a window frame frame adds an extra beam of any width and color along with the window.

The mounting seam replaces the additional beam.

Now you can measure the window, but remember that there are many nuances in this case, since each window is individual.

So it is better to contact a company to install the windows, but then you can be sure that everything is done correctly.

Video: Measuring and installing MONTBLANC PVC windows

Stand profile

Stand profile (basic profile)- a plastic stand on which the window is installed and into which the window sill snaps into place.

How to measure a window opening for installing a plastic window?

As a rule, the stand profile is supplied with the window. WITH inside The base profile has a latch for the window sill. The classic stand profile has a height of 30 mm. When installed, the stand profile is not visible to the eye and is hidden by the window and sill.

On full-fledged window systems, the stand profile is made of white plastic, and on budget window systems, the composition of the plastic can be secondary, i.e.

The stand can be made from used and recycled plastic. Use of recycled plastic in in this case doesn't affect anything.

Do you order windows without measurements? Be sure to understand the need for a stand holder

If you plan to measure windows yourself, then it is extremely important to understand what a window stand is.

Windows are always manufactured to the dimensions provided, which does not include the frame profile. In other words, if you provided the size of a window with a height of 1000 mm, then together with the stand profile its height in the opening will become 1030 mm.

Forgetting such an important window element is the most common mistake made by novice measurers.

Please note that if there is no support profile in the window, then problems with fastening the window sill and drainage appear. The window sill ends up simply leaning against the frame, and not recessed under it.

If you press on such a window sill, it will be torn out of place, and with it the slopes. The problem with installing a drainage system is that in the absence of a support profile, the frame is recessed by a quarter, and there is nowhere to attach it.

In addition, if there is no stand profile, there is no space for mounting mosquito nets, and the tightness of the assembly seam at the bottom of the opening is significantly deteriorated.

If you order windows according to your size, be sure to figure out whether you need a stand profile.

Before starting an excursion about preparing windows for installation, how to correctly measure openings and ultimately install these same windows, I would like to say that there is a standard for plastic windows. This standard contains section D (recommendatory), which provides the procedure for installing plastic windows.

You can get acquainted with this section in more detail by studying GOST 30674-99 - in fact, a document regulating the production and installation of plastic windows.
Unfortunately, this document does not contain step-by-step instructions from start to finish on how to install windows in accordance with GOST, but only the end result. Our article was created to tell you step by step how to mount plastic window and about possible features when installing it.

The time of year favorable for installing a plastic window

You have already guessed what will be discussed in this paragraph.

No, we don't mean to say that winter period construction stops and everyone is waiting for warmer weather. But, it is during the warm period that you can comfortably install a window, restore slopes using wet work(application cement mortars), polyurethane foam has the highest yield and everything like that.

Of course, it is better to install windows in the warm season. And let’s say more, according to the technology, it is generally impossible to install plastic windows in cold weather! (below -10 degrees Celsius).
As a result, incorrect installation can affect the quality of work, and therefore the quality performance characteristics windows In this case, it makes sense to wait for a warm period in order to install the windows as expected and not have to suffer later with distortions, cracks, and adjustments.

Measuring openings for installing a plastic window

To measure you will need a tape measure.

Correct measurement is the first step to successful installation of PVC windows. If the measurement is made in a panel house, then everything is simple here; the measurement is made from the lines of intersection of the slope planes and the walls.

Measuring the opening for the plastic obutton for panel houses.

The peculiarity of the openings of panel houses is the L-shaped section that holds the window in the wall.

When taking measurements in panel houses, it is necessary to pay special attention to the size of the opening on the apartment side. Inside, we measure the distance between the side slopes at the top and bottom, as well as the height from the window sill to the upper slope on the right and left.
The window sill must have a width = wall thickness - window profile width (60mm) - distance from outer wall up to an L-shaped step in the wall + ledge (5-100mm).

Measuring the opening for a plastic window in brick house

When measuring for the installation of windows in a brick house, it is important to determine the boundary of the load-bearing wall, that is, the beginning of the brickwork.

Here, the plaster on the slopes can be of considerable thickness, it is for this thickness that an adjustment should be made, about 1-2 cm plus the size. Inside, we measure the distance between the side slopes at the top and bottom, as well as the height from the window sill to the upper slope on the right and left.

From the outside, we measure the width of the opening from wall to wall from top and bottom, as well as the height from low tide to the top of the opening on the left and right. Measurement outside and inside are necessary to determine possible angle non-prependicular slope of the window relative to the wall.
The window sill should have a width = wall thickness - 50 mm.

50 mm is left for finishing the external slopes.

Measuring the opening for a plastic window in a wooden house

In a wooden house, the opening for windows has parallel slopes and is actually measured in the same way as for brick house. It is also worth noting that when old wooden windows are replaced with new ones, the openings in secondary wooden housing are often widened, since plastic windows are “warmer”.

How to measure a window yourself

In this case, when installing the window, you will need a gas or electric saw to change the geometry of the opening.
The window sill should have a width = the thickness of the wall.

Dimensions of the window and its components after taking measurements

In most cases, after comparing measurements from top and bottom, from right and left, there is a discrepancy in the results.

This is due to the skew of the existing opening, especially in panel houses. To calculate the window size, a regular rectangle with identical opposite sides equal to the smaller value of the measured opening from the outside is used; a smaller size will ensure that the window can pass through the opening without destruction power elements walls.

As a result, taking into account the existing factors, plaster, old frames, etc. it is necessary to strive for the following indicators:

- the width of the window should be 30-40 mm less than the width of the opening relative to the “power” slopes;
- the height of the window must provide a gap between the lower slope and the window equal to the thickness of the window sill (standard plastic window sill has a width of 20 mm) + gap for installing a base block (30-40 mm) + guaranteed gap as for width (30 mm).

Total about 80-90 mm.

After these measurements, you can order the window, window sill and fasteners. On average, it takes 8-10 days to manufacture and deliver a plastic window, major cities— megacities 3-4 days.

Preparations for installation (installation) of plastic windows

remove everything from the windowsill, remove the curtains, clear the approach to the window, provide access to the electrical network, prepare garbage bags, cover the floor and furniture with cloth or thick oilcloth.

Removing old windows

After you have received your window, you can begin dismantling the old window and installing a new window.

It is very difficult to dismantle the old structure without destroying the frame, since it is a labor-intensive and therefore time-consuming process. Most often, after dismantling, only the sashes remain intact. I remove them from the hinges first. They saw the old frame in the middle and knock it out of the opening.
Preparing a place for a new window. We remove the sashes, dismantle the frame, old ebb and window sill.

Clean the opening from debris, old insulation, and large protrusions of wall slopes that stand out and affect the parallelism of the walls. If, on the contrary, deep depressions and peelings are found in a brick and panel house, it would be better to first restore the wall and only then continue installing the window. You don’t have to wait for the cement to completely harden, but initially ensure that it at least fills the depressions.

Installation (installation) of a plastic window

Compliance with technology is the key correct installation window.

Based on the conditions for using professional polyurethane foam, the air temperature should be from - 10 to + 30 ° C, ideal conditions To use foam, a temperature of +20°C and a humidity of 60 to 80% are considered. Depending on the size of the window, we calculate the volume of foam. The weight of one cylinder should be 850-920g. with a foaming agent content of 750 ml. Manufacturers promise foam yield in the range of 45 - 50 liters, but it is necessary to take into account the filled volumes.

With the condition of heterogeneity and large quantity unevenness, you can expect to fill 15-20 liters with one cylinder.

At the same time, you will need a foam gun, PSUL tape (along the outer perimeter of the window), vapor barrier tape (along the inner perimeter of the mounting seam). Also: level, plumb line, hammer drill, drill and nails corresponding to the size of the dowel (more often used, 8x60)
The sashes are removed from the plastic window and the glass units are removed. For more information on how to remove double-glazed windows, see the article “Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows.” Do not forget to mark all the beads of the glass unit being removed so that in the future you can put them exactly in the same place.

During the production process, glazing beads are determined in place with a special ruler and a slight discrepancy (1-2mm) will be noticeable at the junction of horizontal and vertical glazing beads.
The window block is removed from the outside of the box protective film, PSUL tape is glued. This is a vapor-permeable sealing tape that looks like foam rubber impregnated with a special composition.

This allows you to protect the polyurethane foam from exposure to the sun and moisture from the street. At the end plastic frame a vapor barrier tape is glued to protect the installation seam from the inside of the room from moisture.
Load-bearing blocks are installed in the opening; they will take the main weight of the PVC structure. They are aligned to the level and height of the corresponding installed box. Place the box on the blocks close to the outer opening.

Align the frame with a plumb line with absolute axial symmetry and a thin end (often the quality of the level does not allow you to determine the correct position). Next, using a hammer drill, drill a hole through the profile of the window block frame into the wall to the depth of the existing dowel nail. Most often, 4 holes are made, two on the right and left sides of the box.

It is necessary that the dowel and nail go into the wall through the box before pressing the head against the box. But without fanaticism, when the head is pressed against the box, it begins to imperceptibly deform under the applied efforts and turns from rectangular to oval.

There is another way to secure the box using locking plates.

They are also installed, two at a time, on the edges and then fixed in the wall. Depending on the type of window system available, appropriate iron plates are purchased.

After this, the box stands on its own on the blocks and corresponds to the set level.

Please note that the condensate outlet holes should go to the drain and not to the window opening

The gaps between the wall and the frame are filled with foam.

If the volume is large, it is better to foam in several approaches. This will depend on the density of the foam application, taking into account its drying. Pay attention to the outer part of the window; if the PSUL tape somewhere does not adhere to the wall or simply comes loose, such a place must be covered with sealants.

There should be no empty opening or gap between the window frame and the wall from the outside. We wait for it to dry.

The window sill is cut to fit the corresponding opening in width and length.

The window sill protrudes into the room by 5-10 cm, and to the sides of the window opening by 5 cm on each side.

...and is attached to special grooves on the box,

with a slight slope from the window, but strictly horizontal in level.

When choosing the width (depth) of the window sill, it should be taken into account that the window sill is “recessed” under the window frame by 2 cm, so the width of the installed window sill will be 2 cm less)

The ebb is screwed to the box using self-tapping screws, previously cut to fit the opening.

We begin to install the sashes and double-glazed windows, taking into account that the first glazing bead is attached from the top, in order to prevent the double-glazed window from falling.

Cleaning up workplace and getting ready for the next step, installing slopes.

If you need to install a plastic window in a wooden house, then you can see the features and examples of installing windows in a log house in the article “Installing plastic windows in a wooden house made of logs or timber.”

Among many positive points plastic windows are not only their properties, but also the relatively simple method of their installation. Such window systems do not require precise framing down to the millimeter, while modern materials provide almost complete compaction.

But do not think that installing a plastic window with your own hands is a very simple matter.

In this regard, there are many tank points to consider, and ignoring them will affect further work glass unit. Placing plastic guest windows when ordering from a company will be more expensive, but you can do everything without the help of experts. What points should be taken into account when installing a plastic window?

Installation of PVC windows is carried out in several stages:

  • Product measurements and ordering.
  • Dismantling.
  • Preparing holes.
  • Installation.
  • Final design of holes.

All points are interconnected, errors at one of the levels are unacceptable in order to avoid problems with the continuation of the glass unit.


When replacing multiple windows, each hole is measured individually.

Don't miss that they are the same and standard.

Typically the hole is measured in height and width, with gaps removed from the results. On the right and left, in accordance with the accepted standard, the distance should be 20 millimeters, at the top 20 and at the bottom, and 35 mm when setting the threshold (total 50 mm).

But this is for normal window opening; there is also an option for a window with a quarter.

This is when a brick or concrete street is located around the perimeter of the window.

The width of these holes is measured from the edges of the block and added up to 30 millimeters, the height is measured as usual, without any pictures.

It is also necessary to measure the depth and width of the periphery and thresholds.

Window shelves should be slightly wider (50mm on both sides).

Therefore the following results should be obtained:

  • Opening parameters (height and width).
  • Depth and width of window shelf.
  • The same parameters for tidal ones.

Package Contents

When installing window systems, you need to determine the hardware.

Window hardware required. But there should be several contours on the window shelves, as well as a fastening profile and zippers on the glass block. You can also order mosquito nets (to open the windows) or you can order blinds or blinds.


Disassembly should be carried out immediately before installing the double-glazed window. Custom items usually take two weeks to produce, it is very difficult to find pre-made ones in the size you need.

Take off the curtains first, so you need to remove old layer, disconnect or remove the hinges.

The frame is then removed from the hole.

In older private homes, you may need to leave the frame if it is in excellent condition. This is especially true for buildings made from adobe bricks.

If you are not going to use the old design, then remove the glass or door, you can easily sift through the frame and clean up the pieces.

If pvc windows are removed, disassembly should be carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  • Remove the window from the window.

    When the window does not open, you can take a glass so that the plastic balls are separated with a chisel and the glass is removed.

  • Remove old polyurethane foam using a convenient tool.
  • The windows and tides have been dismantled.
  • The anchor plates are cut off or the mounting screws are loose depending on the installation method.
  • The frame is removed from the hole.


To install metal windows, you will need a list of equipment.

  • Drill and screwdriver.
  • Spacers (you can use wood pieces of the same size).
  • Construction class.
  • Seals in the form of foam and a gun (without a gun it is more difficult to make any gaps).
  • Sealing mass.
  • Fasteners (anchor plates, screws, dowels).

Installation materials are selected in accordance with the process method.

Installation of PVC windows with my own hands starts after the preparatory phase you need:

  • Clean away dust and residue.
  • All fragile parts of the hole to be restored.

After installation, the installation of pvc windows is carried out directly.

But only after some manipulations with window systems. Rules for installing plastic windows with minor differences are taken into account in accordance with the following principle.

  1. You need to remove the door from the windows.

    To do this, attach the top pin to the insert and carefully pull out the frame using the glass block.

  2. When installing, blind systems can be left with glass, but if installation is planned through a frame, the glass must be removed. To disassemble the double glazing unit, the small balls are bent with a chisel and carefully removed from the gutters with a knife. After this, the glass is removed from the frame.

Use two types of attachments: on anchor plates or through the frame.

This may require dismantling and assembling plastic windows.

Method 1: Attaching to anchor plates

This installation method is the most common and most suitable as it does not affect the integrity of the window system.

Installation of plastic windows on plates is carried out as follows:

Depending on the height on each side, screws must be secured from two or more plates.

To do this, holes are drilled along the edges into which fasteners will be attached.

Now you need to install double glazed plastic windows.

In this case, the lower part is mounted on a carrier with sufficient space to install the threshold and boss. The level of the structure is checked with a position in two planes.

Make holes for dowels on the left and right under the plates and firmly attach the panels to the slopes.

Check the glass level again.

If double glazing opens, install the wing and close it.

Using pre-assembled foam, all gaps are sealed.

From street carriers.

There is a special groove in the frame. The reflux profile cannot be determined directly except in extreme cases or in quarter openings. Do not block drainage holes. Coastal seams with slopes are sealed.

The previously applied layer of cover foam is attached to the inside of the window on the slope.

The structure itself is located under the frame in a special groove. Place a load of 1-2 kg for the dash on the threshold.

Once the foam has dried, the hole is ready to decorate the slopes.

Method 2: assembly through the frame

This method is used if it is not possible to attach anchor plates (for example, the thickness of the walls and holes is small). Install plastic windows through the frame, you can see this order.

  1. Remove the skirt or glass from the frame.
  2. Depending on the height, several holes for fasteners are drilled from the inside in the middle of the frame.
  3. The pins, which are inserted into the holes in the frame, are inserted into the slots.
  4. The frame is mounted on brackets and screws are attached through the structure directly to the slopes.
  5. Using a level, the position is constantly checked.
  6. All slots are closed.
  7. Installing the window shelf and tin works according to the same requirements as the previous installation method.

What nuances are worth considering?

Instructions for installing vinyl windows may vary, but when you install them yourself, you need to consider some small details about how the technology for installing vinyl windows is performed.

  • Installing plastic windows in a carbonated concrete house has one important point: fastening elements.

    How to measure windows correctly

    To fully support the structure you will need special cells"crocodiles", standard plastic is not suitable, as it will not provide sufficient fastening.

  • If the level is interrupted after interruption, then by connecting the plug you can bend the panels slightly, placing the structure in the desired position.
  • Blind systems cannot be installed outdoors.

    Otherwise, you can simply remove them and remove the glass to gain entry into the house.

  • If you do not select the appropriate level, the windows will not close properly.
  • Once the foam has dried, slopes must be started immediately, otherwise the material will break and gaps will be visible.
  • Installing eurowindow involves the use of fasteners; installing the foam itself will not ensure proper fastening of the window structure.
  • The space under the window shelf is foamy for good thermal insulation.
  • To finish the slopes, you can continue at the end of the day, during which time the foam dries and fills all the gaps.
  • Fittings are installed at the end of the installation, plastic windows are positioned as desired (winter/summer).

    The setting is located inside the window (swivel bracket).

Taking such points into account, you will be able to prolong the operation of the systems, and window repairs will not be needed for a long time.

Measuring the opening for installing a window must be approached very responsibly. After all, an incorrect measurement can lead to the need to carry out additional expensive work or redo the manufactured plastic window. Most window companies do not recommend taking measurements yourself. They are not responsible for the compliance of the dimensions of the manufactured window with the window opening if the measurements are made by the customer and not by a company specialist. But sometimes it becomes necessary to measure the window opening yourself. In this case, you need to carefully follow the instructions for measuring windows correctly.

Measurement of plastic windows

There are two types of window openings: with a quarter and without a quarter. A quarter is a protrusion from the sides and top of a window opening that prevents the window from falling out and protects against the penetration of precipitation and wind into the room. The width of a quarter in a panel house is 50 mm, in a brick house – 65 mm, or ¼ of a brick.

Window measurement occurs in 4 stages:

  • calculating window opening sizes
  • low tide measurement
  • window sill measurement
  • determination of slope dimensions

How to measure plastic windows

Measuring the window opening starts from the street side, then moves to the inside. To do this, open the window and measure the width of the opening between the quarters at the top and bottom. These details may vary. To the smallest result obtained, add 3–5 cm if the house is panel, and 4–6 cm for a brick building. This value will be the width of the window. To check whether the window width was measured correctly, compare the result obtained with the opening width of the inside of the window and with the distance between the places where the slopes touch the window frame. It should be between these values. To calculate the height of the window, you need to measure the distance from the bottom of the window opening to the edge of the upper quarter. To this value you need to add 2-3 cm to overlap the quarter and subtract 2 cm for the thickness of the polyurethane foam. If the window has a sill and a sill, a stand profile will be used when installing it. In this case, the window height value is reduced by another 3 cm. If the measurement is done correctly, then the height value will be almost equal to the distance from the end of the upper quarter to the upper edge of the ebb.

If the window opening does not have quarters, then when calculating the width of the window, subtract 3–8 cm from the width of the opening for the installation gap. The height is calculated by subtracting 5–6 cm from the height of the opening, of which 3 cm is for the stand profile.

The length and width of the ebb are calculated as follows: add 5 cm to the distance between the right and left quarters. This is the length of the ebb. To calculate its width, add 2 cm to the distance from the end of the quarters to the window.

The window sill is measured from the side of the room. It should be taken into account that the new plastic window is only 5–6 cm thick, while the windows that were installed previously are wider. Therefore, to calculate the width of the window sill, subtract 5–6 cm from the distance from the outer sash of the old window to the edge of the window sill. The length of the window sill is the distance from edge to edge of the inner part of the window opening.

The width and length of the slopes are measured along the inside of the window opening.

All values ​​must be recorded in millimeters.

If you are building a wooden log house, do not forget to take into account that the log house will “sit down” for at least two years. If the windows will be installed immediately after the frame is assembled, then when calculating the height of the window from the height of the opening, you need to subtract 10–15% for shrinkage and another 5–6 cm for installation. The window width is measured as described above. If you do not take into account the shrinkage of the frame, then the lowered top rims of the frame can break the window. Experts recommend installing windows in a log house only after it shrinks. The method of installing windows in a log house differs from the usual one, since there should be no rigid fastening of the window to the logs, in order to avoid window breakage or “hanging” of the upper crowns. Used casing, which is attached to a block inserted into a vertical groove sawn at the ends of the logs of the window opening. In this case, the crowns can move down the block without breaking the window or becoming stuck.

If possible, you should entrust the window measurements to an employee of the organization that will produce and install the windows. In this case, you can be sure that the measurement is correct. In addition, the company will be responsible for the manufacture and installation of windows. If the measurement is made independently, then you yourself will be responsible.

Health to everyone!

What else do you need besides health?

Everyone has their own answer to this question. But I know for sure that there are people who, in addition to their health, would also like to forget about those unpleasant minutes when brand new plastic windows were delivered to their home to replace all the old ones.

It would seem that there could be something unpleasant here if new, high-quality windows, for which a considerable amount of money has already been paid, are standing at home and waiting to be installed in window hole?

It turns out that there are cases when everything is fine only until the technicians who came to install it state the fact that the new windows do not fit.

But all the owners of new windows should not refuse the services of a measurer and not give the manufacturer the dimensions taken from a neighbor who installed the same windows.

To avoid such troubles, today we will consider in detail the topic of correct window measurement.

The right approach to window measurements

Where should repairs begin?

Many of those who are starting this battle for comfort think, let’s start, and then everything will go according to the well-worn rails. You can, of course, carry out repair work this way. But only for those who don’t feel sorry for their time or their money.

Any person at least a little familiar with construction knows that real repairs begin with calculations and calculations that should answer the questions: how long will it take? construction works, and how much these planned works will cost.

All calculations can be made based on a detailed project of the upcoming work, in which there can be no details and everything must be taken into account: from installing a door handle to installing new windows.

If door handle choosing is relatively simple, but with windows the situation is somewhat more complicated.

Companies that produce window products can provide information on how much a window of a certain size will cost. But how can these sizes be determined?

You can, of course, make an approximate estimate, but then the price will also be approximate. And if not one, but several windows are to be replaced, then their estimated cost will also be very approximate, which is quite a shame.

The second option is to call a measurer from one of the companies that supply plastic windows to the market. But, again, there will be no guarantee that he will provide you with all the necessary measurements. The maximum that can be expected from his visit is that in a couple of days they will call from the company and announce the cost of the entire set of windows.

The third option to obtain the dimensions of the future window is to find on the Internet data from reference books on standard sizes for houses of certain series.

You can find out which specific series your house belongs to by looking at the relevant information in the technical passport of your apartment. The exact dimensions of your windows can also be indicated there.

If it was not possible to obtain the necessary information from the technical passport, you can contact the organization responsible for the maintenance and repair work taking place in your home.

If your house is brick or block, then actual sizes may not exactly match the standard ones. When constructing them, much depends on the professionalism of the builders who are responsible for the quality of the masonry. In such houses, often the window opening, due to “blocked” slopes, can look like a diamond, in which the dimensions taken at the top and bottom of the window will correspond to each other. But a rectangular window made to these dimensions will not fit into such a window opening.

With panel housing construction, in terms of maintaining the rectangularity of the openings, the situation is much better. Of course, there are certain discrepancies here too, but they are within acceptable limits.

There are not so many standard series of panel houses. This especially applies to houses that were built before the beginning of this century. You can often find twin houses in both Kaliningrad and Sverdlovsk.

Changes that could be present during the construction of panel houses related to the internal layout, the number of floors or entrances. External elements such as balconies and window openings have always remained the same.

In technical documents, the dimensions of the width and height of a window opening (namely the opening, not the window) were indicated in strict order: the first number corresponded to it, the second number corresponded to the height.

Algorithm for measuring a plastic window in the video:

Panel house P-44 series

Construction and installation departments involved in panel housing construction have high-rise buildings, which they build with particular pleasure. These include the standard P-44 series. Good layout rooms at a relatively low cost per square meter makes these houses very popular among those who are planning to buy their own roof over their heads. If in the technical documentation a digital index is added to the series number, for example, 44-1, then it can be ignored, since this index relates only to the number of entrances of a given house.

Apartments in the P-44 series can be one-, two- and three-room.

Window openings in a one-room apartment correspond to the following dimensions:

  • in the room - 1470x1420mm;
  • in the kitchen connected to the balcony, the size of the part of the opening that is located above the window sill is 1160x1420mm. The doorway of the balcony door is 700x2160mm.

In a two-room apartment the dimensions of the openings are as follows:

  • in both rooms they are the same - 1760x1420mm;
  • in the kitchen with a balcony, part of the window with a window sill is 1160x1420mm, the door to the balcony is 700x2160mm.

The dimensions of the openings in a three-room apartment are as follows:

  • in all three rooms they are the same width and height - 1760x1420mm;
  • kitchen window opening – 1460x1420mm, door to the balcony – 700x2160mm.

Panel house P-44-T series

Residential panel high-rise building The P-44-T series differs from the previous series not only in the letter index. Its design has some distinctive features.

Apartments in such houses have a large area and significant changes in the layout of the interior.

Dimensions of window openings in a one-room apartment of this series:

  • in the room – 1460x1420mm;
  • in the kitchen the window opening is 160x1420mm, the door opening is 680x2160mm.

Openings two-room apartment fits sizes:

  • in the hall – 1460x1420mm;
  • in the bedroom with a balcony the part that is in window opening– 1160x1420mm. Balcony door opening – 680x2160mm;
  • in the kitchen the window is 940x1420mm, the bay window is also 940x142mm.

In a three-room apartment:

  • in the kitchen, where the window opening has a three-section bay window, its dimensions are 747x420mm, 2300x1420mm, 740x1420mm;
  • in the living room and bedroom, the rooms are connected to the balcony and have identical openings: the dimensions of the part in which the window is located are 1460x1420mm. The adjacent balcony door opening is 680x2160mm.

About the installation of PVC windows in a panel house in the video:

KOPE series - houses that were built from spatial layout elements

Panel houses, which belong to the KOPE series, are built from non-standard sized elements, therefore, in houses of this series that are identical in appearance, apartments with the same number of rooms may have a difference in area. They may also contain various options sizes of window openings.

In one-room apartments of this series, window openings have the following dimensions:

  • in the room - 1470x1420mm;
  • in the kitchen the window is 1160x1420 mm, and the door leading to the balcony is 700x2160 mm.

In an apartment with two rooms, the dimensions of the openings are:

  • in the bedroom – 1470x1420mm;
  • in the hall – 1470x14204mm;
  • in the kitchen, from which there is access to the balcony, the window opening is 1160x1420mm. The door to the balcony is 700x2160mm.

In a three-room apartment:

  • in all three rooms the window openings are the same size - 1760x1420mm;
  • in the kitchen, which is equipped with access to the loggia, 1460x1420mm is a section with a window sill, and 700x2160mm is balcony door.

The apartment, which contains four rooms, has the following window opening sizes:

  • in the kitchen, the exit to a loggia measuring 700x2160mm is a doorway, 660x1420mm is a window;
  • in one pair of rooms the windows are the same - 2060x1420mm;
  • in the other two rooms the windows are also identical to each other, but smaller in width - 1470x1420mm.

In total, six different modifications of houses in this series were developed.

There are also options in which, according to the design, the loggia does not come from the kitchen, but from the room. In this case, the measurement of this window must be approached individually.

Houses of the P-30 series

Outside of Moscow, houses of this series are not often found, and they are distinguished by the higher height of their living spaces. Their wall thickness is noticeably increased, because the panels themselves consist of three layers: two layers of concrete and a layer effective insulation. The appearance of these high-rise buildings differs from other panel buildings by the loggias, which are recessed into the internal dimensions of the building.

Dimensions of openings in a one-room apartment of this series:

  • in the kitchen - 1470x1420mm;
  • in the room - 2080x1420mm.

In a two-room apartment:

  • in the hall – 2080x1420mm;
  • in the bedroom – 1470x1420mm;
  • the doorway exiting from the kitchen to the loggia is 700x2180mm, the window opening is 870x1420mm.

In a three-room apartment:

  • in the hall – 2080x1420mm;
  • in the bedroom – 1470x1420mm;
  • in the bedroom, which has access to the loggia, the door opening is 700x2180mm, and the window opening is 870x1420mm;
  • in the kitchen - 1470x1420mm.

In an apartment with four rooms:

  • hall – 2080x1420mm;
  • bedroom without a loggia – 1470x1420mm;
  • two bedrooms, from which there is access to the loggia, have the same opening sizes. Door – 700x2180mm, window – 870x1420mm;
  • The kitchen in this apartment also has access to the loggia. Here the opening of the window section is 870x1420mm, the doorway is 700x2180mm.

These dimensions are also suitable for modifications of the P-30 series - P-31 series, which differs from the original only in the attached technical rooms on the ground floor of the building.

Panel houses series P-3

The advantage of these high-rise buildings is their good specifications at a low price per square meter of living space. The disadvantage is that the ceiling height is lower than in the houses of the previous series.

Sometimes the P-3 series is confused with the P-44 series due to their similarity in internal layout premises.

Window openings in a one-room apartment of this series:

  • in the room – 1740x1400mm;
  • in the kitchen - 1460x1400mm.

In an apartment with two living rooms:

  • in the kitchen - 1460x1400mm;
  • in the first room - 1740x1400mm;
  • in the second, which has access to the balcony, the dimensions of the window section are 1160x1400mm, the balcony door opening is 670x2160mm.

The dimensions of the window openings of a three-room apartment, in which there are exits to loggias from two rooms, are equal to:

  • in both bedrooms the opening for the window with a window sill is 1160x1400mm, the doorway to the loggia is 670x2160mm;
  • in the hall – 1740x1400mm;
  • in the kitchen - 1460x140mm.

The largest apartment in this series is a four-room apartment, it has exits to loggias from three rooms.

Dimensions of window openings for this apartment:

  • central room – 1460x1400mm;
  • 770x1400mm and 670x2160mm are the dimensions of the window section and doorway the smallest of the three existing exits to the loggia;
  • 1160x1400mm and 670x2160mm – dimensions of the window and door opening leading to the loggia from the other two living rooms;
  • And finally, 1460x1400mm is the size of the kitchen window opening.

Houses of the P-43 series

Sometimes houses in this series may be designated as P-43/16. This addition does not change anything in the size of the window openings and relates only to the number of floors of the building. A large kitchen and the absence of walk-through rooms give additional comfort to the owners of apartments in this series. But the small living rooms themselves, as well as low ceilings (only 2640 mm), negatively affect the popularity of these apartments among potential buyers of secondary housing.

Dimensions of window openings for a one-room apartment built according to this series:

  • in the room – 1740x1400mm;
  • at the exit from the kitchen to the loggia there is a window section measuring 1160x1400mm, the door opening is 670x2160mm;

In a two-room apartment:

  • hall – 1740x1400mm;
  • bedroom – 1460x1400mm;
  • The exit from the kitchen to the loggia has dimensions of a window opening of 1160x1400mm and a door opening of 670x2160mm.

In a three-room apartment:

  • hall – 1740x1400mm;
  • in two bedrooms the window openings are identical - 1460x1400mm;
  • There is only one loggia in this apartment, and the exit to it is designed from the kitchen. 1160x1400mm is part of the opening with a window sill, the doorway is 670x2160mm.

Nine-story panel house series II-49

In terms of the small square footage of the rooms, this is the most economical panel residential building.

The people living there still cannot get used to the small (only 6m2) kitchen. Since this house was not designed for comfortable living, but rather for compact living, because the number of rooms in one apartment reached up to five.

Window openings in apartments of this series of houses can be as follows:

  • large size – 1760x1520mm;
  • smaller size – 1310x1520mm;
  • exit to the balcony: 1310x1520mm - part of the window with a window sill, 660x2220mm - this is part of the opening in which the balcony door is installed.

Secrets of correct measurement of plastic windows in the video:

How to measure a window opening without outside help

Accurate data for any measurements can only be obtained using an accurate measuring instrument.

Some people do not follow this rule and can take measurements using a regular ruler, marking the required distance with it several times. It is not surprising that with this approach, the obtained sizes may differ significantly from the real figures.

If there is a need to independently measure the dimensions of a window opening and you have a proven tape measure, then you need to take the dimensions, guided by the following mandatory rules:

  • do not use an old wooden frame as a sample for measurements;
  • all measurements should be carried out relative to the outer slope. The outer slope is the main reference point because it has constant dimensions. After installing the window, the side and top sides of the window frame should be hidden by 1.5-2 cm behind the outer slope. Therefore, to find out the width of the future window frame, you need to subtract 3-4 cm from the measurement between the side outer slopes;
  • Since a drip sill is installed under the future window frame from the street side, and a window sill is installed from the room side, the specifics of obtaining the size of the frame height are somewhat different from that used when calculating the width.

The main attention should be paid to ensuring that after installing the frame there is space left underneath it for installing the window sill.

In this case, the upper horizontal crossbar of the frame should be hidden behind the outer slope by at least 1.5 - 2 cm. In accordance with these introductory information, you need to measure the distance from the bottom of the window opening, which is hidden from the inside by the window sill, and from the outside by the ebb (it’s easier to raise the ebb). Then you need to subtract 5-6 centimeters from the result obtained.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the desired size can only be obtained by taking the distance from the concrete on which the lower part is installed old frame, and not from low tide or window sill;

  • deviations from horizontal and vertical at the top, bottom and sides of the window opening can significantly affect the calculation of the dimensions of the future window frame.

The lower and upper lintel of the window frame are installed strictly horizontally, and the side parts of the frame are strictly vertical, so a trapezoidal opening may prevent the frame from entering it if the measurements are not taken from the lines marked by level.

You can easily check your own measurements if you find the series of your home in the information above and compare them with the results obtained.

It is not a fact that these dimensions will coincide down to the millimeter, because concrete plates, in which the window openings are located, are made with certain tolerances.

But if the discrepancies are within one or two centimeters, then the confirmed data can be taken to calculate the future window frame.

At the very least, you can begin to work out options for the cost of future windows, taking the correctly executed dimensions as a reference.

Various types

The height and width of window openings in panel and brick houses depend on the height of the ceiling in interior spaces And square area the premises themselves. There are special sanitary standards applied to the construction of residential premises. According to them, the larger the volume of the room, the greater the amount of daylight it should receive.

Houses of the Brezhnev era

The bulk of the panel and brick five-story buildings, called “Brezhnevka” buildings, were built between 1965 and 1975.

In these houses, the kitchens are very similar in size to those that were built during the time of Khrushchev - they have the same modest dimensions (about 6-7 m2). But, unlike the “Khrushchev” houses, there are no walk-through rooms in Brezhnev’s houses; they all have a separate entrance from a common corridor. Later, in our time, on the roofs of Brezhnevkas major renovation began to install pitched roofs. During construction, all houses of this type were initially designed with a flat combined roof.

During the times of stagnation, extremely insufficient attention was paid to the quality of thermal insulation during the construction of houses. Energy resources at that time cost a penny, so there was no special meaning in their savings.

Now all Brezhnevkas are being gradually repaired, while undergoing mandatory thermal modernization.

Window openings three-room apartments in Brezhnev’s five-story buildings they are usually located on opposite facades of buildings, which distinguishes this type of houses from the same “Khrushchev” buildings.

Brezhnev panels were built mainly according to projects that belonged to the following series: No. 137, No. 504, No. 606, No. 600 and its modernized version - No. 600.11.

A special variety of data houses standard series do not differ, just as their window openings do not differ.

Window openings in Brezhnevkas

Dimensions of standard window openings in houses built between 1965 and 1975 of the last century:

  • where a window with two hinged sashes is installed - 1300x1400mm;
  • where the window is three-leaf - 2100x1400mm;
  • where there is an L-shaped exit to the balcony - a window section with a window sill measuring 1400x1400mm, a balcony door - 750x2150mm;

The balcony in Brezhnev's houses is remote and open on three sides.

The owners (in almost every apartment) eliminate this drawback by installing a U-shaped balcony frame, the standard dimensions of which are:

  • 800x1500mm are the side walls of the balcony;
  • 2500x1500mm is the front part of the balcony.

Modern type houses

Houses with improved layouts began to be built starting in the mid-nineties.

In most cases, residential high-rise buildings built before this time were not particularly different in appearance from each other.

The main task for the architects who designed them was to fit as many residents as possible into one concrete box. Therefore, the external beauty of the building and comfortable accommodation its residents were not considered a priority in the housing policy of the time.

Microdistricts in which housing has been built with improved technical and functional characteristics also differ interesting work architects who created the individual appearance of buildings.

In modern multi-story buildings residential buildings They began to use additional architectural elements (French balconies, bay windows, semicircular windows), which previously had no place in ordinary residential buildings built for ordinary people.

Concrete houses being built these days can not only be made of panels - they can also be monolithic.

Based on typical projects, they are divided into:

  • low- and multi-storey monolithic buildings;
  • panel-block buildings;
  • multi-section panels with row sections;
  • panel houses, erected in the form of a tower.

Standard for window openings in houses modern type next:

  • the opening in which a window with two sashes is installed - 1460x1430mm;
  • opening with a three-leaf window – 1780x1430mm;
  • opening connecting the loggia with the room: window section - 800x1430mm in size, door - 750x2150mm in size.

Depending on the architectural design, modern buildings can have three types of frames installed on their loggias:

  • straight balcony frame – 2500x1500mm;
  • an L-shaped frame with a height of 1500 mm can have a long part width from 2500 mm to 2800 mm and a short part width from 800 mm to 1000 mm;
  • balcony frame in the form of a semicircle, consisting of several identical sections, the size of which is 750x1500mm.

For the intricacies of measuring a plastic window, watch the video:

Stalin's houses

Houses that were built before Khrushchev replaced Stalin as head of government still stand and delight their residents. high ceilings and a large area of ​​living rooms.

The words “Stalin's house” still mean that a building with comfortable premises, built to last. This is confirmed by the high cost of apartments of this type on the secondary housing market.

Typical designs of Stalinist houses are two- or four-story buildings, in which, in addition to large living rooms, there are many spacious utility rooms.

The number of rooms in the apartments of these houses is rarely more or less than three or four.

The dimensions of the openings in Stalin's houses correspond to the height of the ceilings in their rooms:

  • a window with two sashes can be of three sizes - 1080x1800mm, 1500x1900mm, 1500x1900mm;
  • rectangular exit to the balcony – 1500x2700mm.

Houses built under Khrushchev

Today, Khrushchev buildings that have outlived their warranty period are being actively demolished, but this process is typical only for buildings built within Moscow.

During the construction of these 4- and 5-story residential buildings, their residents were promised that they would spend no more than 25 years in these modest rooms, then communism would come, and a separate apartment would be built for each person, corresponding to his needs.

But, unfortunately, communism passed by, and “Khrushchev” apartments will remind their residents of lost prospects for a long time.

Window openings in Khrushchev buildings:

  • where a double-leaf window is installed - 1280x1340mm;
  • where there is a tricuspid one – 2040×1500mm;
  • the block of access to the balcony measuring 680x2070mm is a door, the window is 1350x1340mm.

Residential buildings built in 1990-2000

Nine-story panel houses - transitional type residential buildings, which were more comfortable than the Brezhnevkas, but did not yet reach the modern level.

Standard window openings for houses built in this time period:

  • double-leaf window – 1990x2000mm;
  • a three-leaf window has two options: in the hall where a flower girl was installed under the window - 1760x1400mm, standard window - 2460x1400mm;
  • exit to the balcony in the first bedroom with a window 1400x1400mm, opening 750x2150mm - door;
  • exit to the balcony in the second bedroom: 1760×1400mm – window, 800×2150mm – balcony door opening;
  • exit to the balcony in the version where a flower girl is installed in the hall: 1760x1400mm is the window section, 800x2150mm is the balcony door opening.

ABOUT standard sizes windows in video:

Size of window frames for panel houses

For windows installed in a panel house, there is a state standard that specifies all possible characteristics, including strictly regulated sizes.

During major repairs of buildings related to secondary housing, design engineers who make up project documentation, when replacing old windows, they do not measure each individual window in the house to be reconstructed. For these purposes, they select specific information about which series the house to be repaired belongs to. Based on the information received, all fillings of window and balcony openings are replaced.

What should the window opening be like?

The calculation of the opening required for each individual room for window filling is made on the basis of two data:

  • climatic zone in which the living space will be located;
  • area occupied by residential premises.

In order to find out the area of ​​a window in a room that is in the middle climatic zone, you need to divide the number of square meters of its area by 1.55 - this is the figure of the coefficient approved by Gosstandart.

The result obtained will correspond to the area of ​​the window that will provide sufficient lighting for a given room.


IN state standard, which was used for the construction of residential high-rise buildings during the times Soviet Union, the dimensions of window openings were clearly regulated.

During construction modern buildings all architectural and technical specifications are required to undergo a special examination. But, depending on what the developer wants to offer its clients, the projects and, accordingly, the filling of window openings may differ radically from the standard ones. Therefore, in modern high-rise buildings, measurements to be replaced window frames needs to be approached on an individual basis.

Why measure

Many people believe that in order to find out Exact size For a plastic window that needs to be installed to replace the window filling that has expired, it is enough to measure the dimensions of the old one. This is a serious mistake that you will regret if you order new windows according to the old sizes.

Frames in modern window products made from different types materials (wood, PVC, aluminum) differ from each other in thickness and profile width.

Therefore, when calculating the dimensions of windows to be installed in an opening of the same size, you need to make different tolerances depending on the material from which they are made.

I hope the information contained in this article will help those who want to order and install new windows without additional problems.

Before placing an order with the manufacturer, it is necessary to carefully and, most importantly, correctly take measurements so that the new product fits perfectly in the window opening.

Measuring plastic windows with your own hands will require much more skills than you think. However, if you take into account all possible nuances and listen to the recommendations, you will succeed.

Before you take measurements of plastic windows, you should understand that this should be done if for some reason the installer cannot do it. The optimal solution in this situation would be to trust a specialist who will help avoid a number of inaccuracies and problems.

The design costs quite a lot of money, and it is very important to take into account all the points, because if the delivered window does not fit in size, it will be you who are to blame, and not the contractor, which is natural.

Those who do not know how to correctly measure the size of a plastic window need to pay due attention to this.

If it suddenly happens that errors are made during the measurements, and the window is slightly smaller than the size required, then the resulting cracks will have to be sealed with polyurethane foam or the slopes increased. Naturally, this will waste not only additional finances, but also time.

After a certain period of time, the window will begin to deform, gaps and cracks may appear. The appearance of cold air, greater freezing, and the formation of mold will be noticeable. As a result, the window will not only cease to fulfill its main purpose, but also lose appearance.

However, the real difficulties arise when the structure simply does not fit into the opening. In such a situation, new solutions will be required that will significantly correct the situation. That is why it is important to know how to correctly measure the size of a plastic window.

Well, now, from cautionary advice, we move on to direct recommendations for those who nevertheless decided to fully understand the question: how to determine the size of a plastic window.

And in turn, how to correctly measure openings for plastic windows? The first thing you need to know is that you need to start by determining their depth. We pay attention to both the external and internal sides.

It is not uncommon for panel houses to have errors and distortions in the finished blocks that come from the factory. In this case, even a qualitative measurement will show numbers that will lead to an increase in the future product.

After measuring the internal and external parts, you need to evaluate the results, which may practically coincide, or may have significant differences.

Unevenness can be corrected by slopes, which should be neglected experienced craftsmen they are not recommended, because in addition to the visual function, they also have a number of other advantages. They don't let you into the room excess moisture, which means mold and mildew, the fight against which is not so simple.

Before you learn how to measure your own windows to replace them with plastic ones, you need to pay attention to certain options. According to statistics, most mounted windows are equipped with quarters that prevent the window from falling out. This name comes from among builders, and there is an explanation for this. The size of the protrusion may vary, but if you follow the rule, then 6.5 or, as you can also say, a quarter of a brick - this is the source of the name.

Not every architect's layout takes quarters into account. As practice has shown, real objects are not at all ideal. Also, quarters can be larger or smaller than normal, and even have different lengths on each side. This must be taken into account when figuring out how to correctly measure the opening for a plastic window.

If the measurement is carried out correctly, then in the end the window should be located higher than the lower edge of the quarter by about a couple of centimeters. This gap is left specifically as a place for drainage.

The window should not extend far beyond the projections of the quarters, and the frame itself should not come into contact with the opening.

A gap should be left between the opening and the window for foaming. At the bottom it should be about 4 centimeters, and at the top and sides no more than 5. It is necessary to ensure that the gaps are not wider than the recommended parameters. If it doesn’t work out otherwise, then it’s better to consult a specialist.

Let's figure out how to measure the opening for plastic windows and a quarter. Correct calculation requires accurate information on the width and length of the window. All measurements must begin from the outside.

  • The width of the slope will depend on how far the window extends by a quarter, plus 3-5 centimeters. With the help of such simple mathematical calculations we get the desired size;
  • In width, the window should rest against the slopes, that is, it should be larger than the size of quarters. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand how to measure a window for installing a plastic window; you just need to add 4-6 centimeters to the distance between the quarters.
  • There is nothing complicated in the question of how to take measurements for plastic windows. You need a distance from the quarter at the top to the opening. Subtract 2 centimeters from the number you get and get the assembly seam.

How to measure plastic windows with low tide? It is necessary to subtract from 4 to 6 centimeters from the result of vertical measurement. This distance will be quite enough for the stand profile. The window size should be 7 centimeters smaller than the opening.

  • First measure the width of the window opening. It is advisable to do this at different heights in several places, and then select the smallest indicator and subtract another 4 centimeters from it. The spread between measurements can be very different, and the larger it is, the more will need to be subtracted for the final result;
  • The same must be done with the height, but in this case the subtracted number will be no less than 2.5 centimeters;
  • Remember that the edge of the opening should be lower than the bottom edge of the window, provided that you are going to install a water drain, the penetration of which into the walls can lead to irreversible consequences.

It is not enough to know how to take dimensions for plastic windows; it is important to understand that everything will not be limited to these calculations. Installing a window sill also requires taking correct measurements, and its dimensions will differ from the old one.

In most cases, the standard width of previous window designs is approximately 10 centimeters. The width of the plastic ones is 6.5 centimeters. As a result, a space is created that covers the window sill.

From this we can conclude that the new window sill will be wider than the old one by about 5 centimeters. However, you need to know when to stop and not make it too large, especially if there is a battery underneath it. There is even a certain building code that does not allow the battery to be covered by more than a third.

In order for the measurement to be correct, you will need to calculate its depth, or more precisely, the width of the future element, with an overhang that should be more than 1 centimeter.

Measuring the length of the window sill before measuring the window for a plastic window is not at all difficult. Take the width of the window opening and add it to the openings on the walls.

So, how to measure a plastic window yourself, what is needed for this. The first thing you need to acquire is a tape measure, because, as has already become clear, correct measurement guarantees successful installation and subsequent use of PVC windows. If the measurement is carried out in a panel house, then it must be carried out from the intersection of the slope and the walls.

Measurement in a panel house

How to measure a plastic window in a panel house? It should be understood that main feature Such houses have a unique cross-section in the shape of the letter L, which allows the window to be held in place. Particular attention is paid here to the numbers demonstrating the dimensions of the opening from the inside of the room. We measure the distance between the slopes at the top and bottom, and then the height from the window sill to the slope on both sides.

The width of the window sill in this case will be the result of calculations, where the thickness of the wall, subtract the width of the profile, and the distance of the outer wall to the step in the wall. Add a protrusion (from 05 to 10 cm).

Measurement in a brick house

Next we move on to the question: how to measure a plastic window in a brick house. In this case, it will be necessary to identify the beginning brickwork. The plaster in this situation may have a fairly dense layer, the thickness of which will be the error taken into account.

It is important to determine the angle of perpendicularity of the slope to the wall; for this purpose, measurements will be taken from the outside and inside.

The width of the window sill will be equal to the thickness of the wall minus 5 centimeters. The same indicator is necessary for finishing slopes from the street.

Measurement in a wooden house

For those who do not know how to measure plastic windows in a wooden house, it is important to take into account the fact that the slopes here are parallel, and their measurement is carried out in the same way as in a brick house.

It often happens that in a wooden house you have to modify the opening, expanding it. In this case, a power saw is used to help change the opening. The width of the window sill is equal to the thickness of the wall.

When the decision comes to change windows in the house, people wonder when is the best time to do it, at what time of year? There has long been an opinion that the installation of structures begins with early spring and ends in autumn. However, today this rule is no longer relevant, and here’s why.

Of course, those who know how to measure a window opening for a plastic window, or have already had practical experience in this, will say that it is most comfortable to do the work when it is warm. Besides this, the majority building materials not adapted to work in minus Celsius. For example, foam for installation.

Its features include changes in state depending on temperature and humidity. Foam was the most common material when installing windows.

This is where we can finish talking about the benefits of summer work. One of the significant disadvantages is high demand, and therefore higher costs for products and services.

It is due to this that, with the arrival of spring, all companies specializing in PVC structures the “hot” period begins, and either a decrease in quality or an increase in prices occurs.

In addition, in the summer it is not possible to check how well the windows were installed, whether there is penetration of cold air currents, or whether condensation or frost is forming. While in winter all these shortcomings can be noticed almost immediately.

And if you want to return to construction foam, then we will tell you that this issue is no longer relevant, because science does not stand still. The market saw a product that allows you to work even at sub-zero temperatures. Winter foam kits and special thermal barriers will help you comfortably replace windows whenever you wish.

After studying the information in detail, you should clearly understand how to correctly measure a plastic window. If you do this thoughtfully, without haste, the results will be correct.

And yet, if you have doubts about how to measure a plastic window, and you don’t really believe in your abilities, you should entrust the work to a professional who will take full responsibility for the result.

How to correctly measure a plastic window with your own hands: video

If you decide to replace the old ones wooden windows modern plastic structures, first you need to order finished products according to your measurements. Therefore, before ordering, it is necessary to take all measurements from the window opening. This work should be approached very carefully, because not only the appearance of the future window will depend on the correctness of their implementation, but also the possibility of it performing its direct functions (heat, moisture and sound insulation). Therefore, further we will consider how to correctly measure a plastic window.

General information on measuring windows correctly

Measuring a plastic window must be done both from the outside and from the inside. This is necessary so that you can determine the depth of the window opening. Quite often a situation arises when, when taking measurements, it turns out that the opening is slightly skewed. This happens especially often in panel buildings. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dimensions of the product by the size of the distortion.

After you have measured the dimensions of the window opening from the outside, the obtained values ​​​​need to be compared with its internal dimensions. This will allow you to see possible inaccuracies in the calculations, as well as assess what the lining of internal slopes should be like.

Most window openings have projections that prevent the window from falling out. These projections are called quarters.

Ideally, the protrusion size is 6.5 cm (1/4 brick), but this is only in theory. In practice, the size of the quarter may differ from this value by either less or less. big side, and sometimes quarters may be completely absent. There are often situations when, on one side, a protrusion has one meaning, and on the other, another. When taking measurements, such inaccuracies must be taken into account.

The best option is when the plastic window is installed in such a way that:

  1. It was 1.5-2 cm above the edge of the lower quarter, so that it would be possible to install a drainage system under the frame.
  2. It extended beyond the side protrusions by 2-4 cm.
  3. It extended beyond the upper protrusion by 1.5-2 cm.
  4. The window frame did not touch the walls of the opening, that is, there should be an installation gap between them equal to at least 4 cm from the bottom and 2-5 cm from the top and sides. Wherein maximum size should be no more than 6 cm, but in some buildings where the projections have big size, installation gaps can be more than 6 cm.

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How to measure a window for an opening with a “quarter”?

The window opening is measured by width and height. In the first case, measurement begins from the outside (Fig. 1, A). In this case, it is necessary to take into account the opening of the window by a quarter of 15-25 mm. Based on this, about 30-50 mm should be added to the width of the outer slope, which will be the required value.

Figure 1. Window measurement for an opening with a “quarter”: A – outer side; B – size with external slopes; C is the size of the window opening.

Width plastic product should be no less than the distance between the quarters, and ideally a little more, that is, it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the window rest against external slopes(Fig. 1, B). At the same time, you need to ensure that its width is not larger size opening (Fig. 1, C).

To correctly measure the window height, subtract 20 mm from the distance between the base of the opening and the extreme point of the upper projection. This is done in order to create assembly seams into which the foam will be blown. After this, you need to add 15-25 mm to the obtained value. This will ensure that the plastic window rests on the upper projection.

If you plan to install with a low tide, then 30 mm should be subtracted from the obtained value, because in this case you will need to allocate space for the stand profile. If a stand profile is used to create an assembly seam, the window dimensions should be 30-70 mm smaller than the opening.

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In this case, the process is somewhat different. First, the window opening is measured at several points along the width, from which it is selected smallest value. Then 2-4 cm are subtracted from the resulting width (depending on the width of the window and the evenness of the opening). The same method is used to measure height. In this case, 2.5-4 cm are subtracted from the obtained value.

It should also be possible to install a canopy and low tide on the outside to drain rainwater. Taking this into account, the lower edge of the plastic window should be higher than the outer edge of the window opening.