Why do you dream of a drowning person in water? Why drown in a dream?

It happens that we are visited not only by pleasant visions. We should not despair when we see “bad” dreams - they can foreshadow joyful events or warn us about what needs to be done to turn events in our favor. If you happen to drown in a dream, you need to understand the exact meaning of your vision.

According to Velesov's dream book, drowning in or the ocean - that is, in a large, clean and open water- means that there is a little business concern ahead. Problems may arise in business if you do not resolve official issues “ cool head”, but “with a warm heart”. The dream suggests that in the near future you need to act calmly and thoughtfully.

The gypsy dream book, on the contrary, believes that drowning in clear water in a dream means a quick increase in cash receipts. But this is only if in the dream, despite its plot, you do not experience negative emotions.

If you dreamed that you were drowning, suffocating, and at the same time you were scared, this is already a reason to turn not to dream books, but to doctors to check your respiratory organs and heart. After all, very often our body gives us signals about some kind of “problem” precisely in our sleep.

You will have to gather your will into a fist and hold back your feelings in order to cope with the current situation in business and family circumstances - this is what you dream of drowning in. Flowing water is a symbol of life’s movement, a change in circumstances, and the interpretation of the vision depends on how you behave in a dream when you find yourself in a river.

Drowning in a river - such a dream is a warning that you should not “throw yourself away” on many things, otherwise you risk not completing any of them. If you saw that a person you know is drowning in the river, your subconscious gives you a signal: perhaps this friend of yours has already done something that will make you disappointed in him.

For a girl to see her boyfriend drowning in the river, she may want to break up with him because she considers his behavior unworthy. This interpretation is given, for example, by Miller’s dream book.

If a person sees a lake in a dream, dream books say, this speaks of the calmness and prudence of the sleeper. If you dreamed of drowning in a lake, says the Ancient Dream Book, it awaits you in reality critical situation, from which you can get out precisely thanks to your calmness and prudence.

Why dream of drowning in a shallow but clean body of water - for example, in a small river or stream? A clear mountain river or a talkative stream symbolizes the purity of the sleeper’s thoughts. But if you had to drown in them, and through no fault of your own, you will have to face unfounded accusations - nevertheless, you will be able to repel all verbal and emotional attacks, the dream book interprets.

muddy puddle

If the water in which you had to drown in a dream suddenly turns out to be dirty and cloudy, then you should be wary in this case. Such a dream is a frank warning. And it is precisely such dreams that should be interpreted correctly so as not to make fatal mistakes in reality.

Dirty water is traditionally considered in dream interpretation to be a symbol of difficult experiences or illnesses. If you dream of drowning in dirty and muddy water, the dream warns that a difficult life period lies ahead, which you need to go through with dignity: you can ask friends for help, but blaming others for your troubles is undesirable, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Dream books also warn: if you had to drown in the mud in your visions, in reality you should under no circumstances get involved in adventures, even if your friends offer you such a “gesheft”. Drowning in mud - such a dream warns that fate will test your moral qualities, and your future life will depend on how you withstand it.

But if the sleeper experienced strong fear during such a vision, this is another reason to engage in own health. Dirt, which causes fear and disgust in a person in dreams, usually symbolizes illness. And it is very important to identify them in time.

A swamp is often considered a symbol of stagnation, and getting stuck in a swamp in a dream means that there is some kind of stagnation in your life: you are acting according to an established pattern, but it does not bring you satisfaction. In order not to get bogged down in the swamp of everyday life, you need to at least change your schedule a little: for example, start walking in the evenings if you haven’t done this before.

Drowning in a swamp - such a dream calls on the sleeper to be extremely careful in deeds and actions. If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp, but see that the weather is beautiful around you, this symbolizes that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties of life thanks to your prudence.

Miraculous Rescue

When you dream that you are drowning, but you manage to escape, such a dream says that you will avoid the danger that threatens you. To get to the river bank - to receive an unexpected profit, to swim out of the sea - such a vision portends favorable changes in personal relationships or in a career, to get out of the mud or swamp - the difficulties that threatened you will pass you by.

If in your vision you are drowning, but someone saves you, most likely in reality it will be he who will help you cope with difficulties. If a person in a dream caused you to drown, the dream warns: in reality you should be wary of communicating with him.

To dream that a person is drowning, but you help him to save himself - in reality, your friend may need your help. Seeing a person or people drowning whom you are unable to help - such a dream calls for caution in financial matters.

This dream means that you yourself or someone else may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. Usually a dream book is written by a person drowning when he is in danger or mirrors what could happen to you.

This is a dream in some situations, if a man or woman of the same gender as the dreamer has drowned, dangerous situation, lung disease or misfortune. However, the dream book gives several interpretations here. This is what dreams of a drowning person most often mean.

Sea, river and ocean

Usually a person begins to see storms and various natural disasters before either a collapse or some kind of change occurs in his life. At this time, you may dream that an acquaintance or close person drowning. Or this is happening to you.

The modern dream book writes that a shipwreck, drowning, or someone falling off a boat and starting to drown predicts difficulties in his life and a situation on the brink of survival.

It is possible that such a person will worry about something and will actually feel very bad. If this is your husband or wife, and the marriage is coming apart at the seams, then such a dream predicts difficulties and troubles for you, as well as various life problems.

It is possible that he will have great difficulties in navigating independently through life, or it will happen that you yourself will find yourself in a very precarious position.

Modern books indicate that drowning in the sea, not being able to cope with the onslaught of ocean waves, means troubles, illnesses, as well as enormous difficulties and obstacles in business.

This dream quite often symbolizes various worries, experiences, dangerous and unpredictable situations. In some cases, suffocating from water and being hit by waves is a dream of colds. Exacerbations of tonsillitis and other troubles.

The dream book also indicates that it will be very difficult for you to stay afloat in a difficult life situation and to swim easily and quickly.

What does it mean to see a drowning person in a dream? Such a dream means trouble or that one of your acquaintances or relatives, as well as friends, will find themselves in a very dangerous and unpleasant situation.

If this is your enemy, he cannot do any harm. Also, the modern dream book indicates that you may go too far in putting him in his place.

Drowning in the river means difficulties and obstacles in ordinary life, when you need to solve a lot of pressing problems, at sea - it will be difficult for you to navigate in a wider space, and not coping with ocean waves means problems abroad or in solving very difficult real problems.

Sometimes the dream book writes that this dream predicts trouble for a person when traveling on water. Therefore, you should limit your travel and try to follow all safety rules.

Puddle, bathtub or pool

This dream often predicts illness of the lungs and nasopharynx, especially if the water in the dream was cloudy.

Seeing someone drowning in a puddle or small limited space means trouble and that you can easily get sick yourself.

Unfortunately, sleep is not always sweet dreams. Sometimes fate chooses rather cruel ways to warn about impending events. This phenomenon includes dreams of drowning, which are so real that upon awakening they simply take your breath away.

Since ancient times, water has been considered a mystical element. A vision where a person is drawn to its bottom cannot be ignored: such a dream is an unfavorable sign. But by deciphering it correctly, you can have time to “lay the straw” in the right place in your life.

What does it mean to drown in a dream?

Drowning in a dream speaks of betrayal of loved ones, living in a lie. A person in reality, just like before awakening, is suffocated by the deceit of those around him. The dirtier the water around the dreamer, the big problems promises a vision.

Each dream book interprets in its own way a vision where a person is pulled to the bottom, but they all agree - ahead on life path Expect difficulties:

  • Miller's dream book interprets drowning in water as a warning about an impending accident or loss of property.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book hints at the emergence of some difficulties.
  • The English dream book interprets drowning as impending ruin.
  • According to Morozova’s dream book, a person going under water will become an object of gossip and condemnation, but will avoid the danger that lurks.
  • If you happen to go to the bottom with the ship, then you should abandon the planned long trip. Such a vision may be a warning about a possible accident or natural disaster.

In addition to predicting future events, a dream with drowning can be a reflection of the psycho-emotional state of the sleeper, when everyday life, depression, and worries overwhelm and pull down.

Why do I dream that I am drowning?

Big symbolic meaning there is a place that absorbs the dreamer:

  • If you dream of drowning in water and swimming up, then, despite life’s obstacles, a person will achieve his goal. It means career growth and long-awaited profit.
  • If you dream that you are drowning in mud, it is worth checking your health. This may be a sign of asthma, lung or kidney problems.
  • In a dream, drowning in a swamp is a reflection of everyday life that completely captured the dreamer. Isn't it time to unwind a little, relax, let go of the current state of affairs?
  • To suffocate in troubled waters - gossip and conspiracies await.
  • To be swallowed up by water in a pool or bathtub foreshadows a painful love passion that will bring suffering to the sleeping person or end in disappointment.
  • Going under the ice is a sign of falsehood in relation to others. It's time to stop hiding yourself and your life under the mask of success and reveal your true face.
  • An unsuccessful swim in the sea or lake means a difficult situation is approaching, from which it is difficult to find a way out.

The most important thing when interpreting such a nightmare is its ending.

  • If you dream of drowning and being saved, then progress is guaranteed. career ladder or success at the end of a thorny path.
  • Your own death has exactly the opposite meaning: disappointment, dismissal, health problems.

Why do you dream that a person is drowning?

If you dream that a person is drowning not far from the dreamer, then the dream should be interpreted depending on the person who is drowning and the outcome of the nightmare:

  • a husband or beloved man goes to the bottom - to betrayal and disappointment;
  • seeing a woman in trouble means joy and success await the dreamer;
  • drowning someone - a spoiled mood is guaranteed;
  • dreamed that a man drowned - expect the arrival of uninvited guests;
  • seeing a drowned person foreshadows large but empty waste.
  • If during a vision you save a drowning person and pull him out of the water, then expect good news. Such a dream predicts: the goal towards which the dreamer has been going for so long is already visible on the horizon.
  • Helping a drowned man can mean future hard-won happiness.

Why do you dream about a child drowning?

It happens that the subconscious creates in front of the sleeping person a terrible picture of a drowning child. Children in a dream represent a person’s unconscious desire to take care of someone, a search for the meaning of their existence, the need to be significant and needed.

  • If you dreamed that a child drowned, then be careful when making promises: unforeseen obstacles may stand in the way.
  • Saving a drowning child is a good sign. If he is alive, and the water itself was clean and transparent, then there is nothing to fear. Helping a boy is a harbinger of large profits, and helping a girl is a harbinger of sudden good news or an upcoming event.
  • When, during a vision, the child had to perform artificial respiration, after waking up, think about whether there is a friend nearby who needs advice or help.

Seeing yourself drowning does not bode well. However, such a dream can mean varying degrees of danger depending on the outcome. Complete drowning leading to death - bad sign. Drowning in a dream, but swimming out and being saved contains possible tests with a positive outcome. In a dream about drowning, how clear the water is is important. Clean river, lake, sea - good sign. Dirty - illness, grief, bad omen. IN famous dream books contains an interesting interpretation of what it means to drown in a dream.

What does it mean to see drowning in a dream?

Dream Book of G. Miller

Drowning in a dream means misfortune or bankruptcy, losses. A woman who sees her lover drowning will experience some kind of shock and grief.

To swim, to escape safely from the water means success in professional activity, getting a new position, recognition from others.

If you dream of a drowning person whom you save, expect success and a happy resolution of problems. You may have to provide help to loved ones or friends, for which they will be grateful.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

A dream about drowning in water means loss of property, possible troubles, misfortune. If a person you know drowns in a dream, expect betrayal and disappointment in him.

If you dream that you are drowning in water, swim out and cannot get out, depression and bad mood have pulled you in, you urgently need help from family and friends. It may be worth visiting a psychotherapist.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Dream interpretation for women

Drowning in water in a dream means loss and imminent misfortune. If a friend or even a stranger dies and you save him, expect rewards for past services. Perhaps someone close to you will need help and you will provide it.

Swimming out on your own in a dream foreshadows career growth, improved health, and well-deserved recognition from colleagues.

English dream book

Drowning yourself means troubles and serious difficulties. The friend who saved you in a dream will turn out to be real person who will help you in reality.

Slavic dream book

A person who drowns in a dream himself will receive a substantial profit. If he feels that someone is drowning him, he will suffer losses.

Dream book of the 21st century

This interpreter gives a positive interpretation of such a dream. If a woman drowns, expect success, a man - to improve business.

If you often see dreams of a baby drowning, it’s worth figuring out why you dream about a drowning child. This vision can mean the following:

    someone around you urgently needs help and you must provide it. Successful rescue of a baby means that support will come on time;

    pulling a dead child out of water in a dream portends a quarrel, disappointment and the loss of a loved one;

    everything will work out and end happily if the water in which the baby is drowning is clear and calm. A good sign is a living child.

A dream about a boy drowning in water means monetary gain, for a girl - an unforeseen event or an unexpected letter, news.

Water is a symbol of spiritual purification, joy and happy life. But its interpretation depends on what role water plays in a dream. In dreams where a person is drowning, water warns of troubles and troubles. If the dreamer sees that in his dream a stranger, after trying to swim ashore, goes under the water, then this dream promises trouble.

All endeavors, both at work and in family life, may turn out to be nothing. This could be a frozen project, refusal to cooperate, dismissal or layoff from a favorite job. A drowning stranger in a dream represents good luck that will leave the dreamer. For family people, such a dream promises large debts, which for one reason or another will appear due to a reckless and frivolous attitude towards money.

If for men a dream with a drowning person predicts trouble, then for women and girls it has a completely different meaning. Married woman who saw a person drowning in a dream should be prepared for a quarrel with her friend, who will be the initiator. Disagreements can lead to the fact that communication with the instigator of the quarrel will soon end.

Young girls who see a drowning man in their dreams will become the subject of ridicule from their friends. But fortunately, this dream will not have any consequences. If a mother sees in a dream that her children are drowning, real life you need to give them maximum attention. It is possible that children have problems with school, peers or work. The help and support of parents during this period will be very helpful for children.

If not one person, but several, drowns, then this dream warns of possible injuries. It is possible that the dreamer will become a participant in an accident in which several strangers may be injured. If an acquaintance or friend is drowning, it means that the dreamer will soon meet this person.

But dream books warn that it is not advisable to have any financial affairs with a friend from a dream. Deception and loss of a large amount of money are possible. Many people are interested in why they dream that a person is drowning, but the dreamer cannot help him in any way.

If the dreamer tries to save a drowning man and succeeds, then everything will be fine. During this period, you can even take risks - fate will be favorable to the daredevil. A drowning person is good luck. which the dreamer pulled out with his own hands, which means everything will be fine during this period.

Very difficult to recognize prophetic dream. Often, a dream is empty and means nothing. Therefore, you should not blindly believe dreams and wait with horror for troubles. It is possible that everything seen in a dream is just the work of the subconscious, which analyzed the past day.

Drowning according to the dream book

A tenacious embrace of waves from which it is impossible to get out, a suffocating, oppressive feeling, and you begin to drown, slowly go to the bottom... And suddenly - a sip fresh air– it’s good that it was only in a dream. What is one of the most unpleasant dreams? Our dream book will tell you about this in detail.

Carefully analyze the scene you saw: who was drowning - you, a stranger, or even some object or animal? Did you manage to escape, what sensations accompanied the dream? For a reliable interpretation of the dream book, all these details are of paramount importance.

What does it mean to drown in a dream? Interpretations of different dream books

The interpretation of the dream book may depend on what time of year the dreamer was born. It’s especially sad when you dream about drowning for those born in the fall. This is a sign of serious danger to your life; you may find yourself in an unpredictable situation that will end badly for you.

What does drowning in a dream mean for summer birthday people? This plot is unfavorable for business men. They will face a suspension in their business, and possibly their complete collapse, which will occur due to circumstances beyond your control.

If a person born in spring had to drown, then the interpretation of dreams will be unfavorable. The dream book advises not to maintain relationships with reckless adventurers - they can drag you into bad story, which will unsettle you for a long time.

According to Miller's dream book, drowning in a dream is a bad symbol that predicts an accident, accident or other catastrophe that will happen to the person who saw the dream or to his loved ones. In addition, the dream book advises not to trust unverified individuals; through their fault you may lose your property.

The meaning of the dream where it was the dreamer who had to drown is a bad omen in Azar’s dream book. In reality, you have to overcome serious obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal. But if you escaped safely, then the obstacles will not be as difficult as it seemed.

Unbridled emotions, inability to find peace of mind– this is how Medea’s dream book interprets what it means to dream about drowning. You need to put your feelings in order, or even go to a psychologist - increased excitability can play a bad joke on you.

If, when you open your eyes in the morning, you realize that you dreamed that you were drowning in the sea, esoteric dream book advises you to urgently pay attention to your health. There may be problems with the respiratory system, in particular with the lungs, especially if you have experienced a pressing feeling in the chest.

Drowning in the river is a dream book prediction about obstacles before achieving material security; do not forget about the machinations of competitors, they can affect material well-being. But if you still managed to overcome the rapid flow of the river, then in reality you will become unimaginably rich, you will literally be swimming in gold.

Gives a double interpretation dream book XXI century, if you drown in a pool in a dream, according to Velesov’s small dream book, drowning in a swamp in a dream is a bad omen. In literally all areas of life, losses and failures await you, and only true friends and relatives will help you get out of them. Don't refuse help, you need it more than ever.

Drowning in a dream but being saved is a favorable forecast for absolutely everyone: you will gain well-deserved respect from others, and in business you will be accompanied by unprecedented success, which will help you achieve a stable and secure position in society.

Why dream of sinking and swimming in a dream? According to the interpretation of the dream book, if the water was clean and transparent, then minor and unpleasant troubles await you, which, nevertheless, will lead to harmony in family life.

Why do you dream of a drowning man?

According to the gypsy dream book, despite all the negative meaning of the plot, seeing a person drowning in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will take part in a joyful holiday that will lead to new acquaintances and leave pleasant memories in your soul.

Take a close look at financial situation your friends if you had to save a drowning person in a dream. Friends need outside support more than ever, and if you try your best to help, you will receive immediate rewards and joy for the success of your loved one.

Saving drowning people in a dream is also a harbinger of good luck. All your efforts to achieve your goal will not be in vain: well-deserved happiness will not take long to arrive, and very soon you will feel much better both physically and spiritually.

Freud's dream book interprets what a drowning child dreams of from the perspective of subconscious fears. This dream is especially common among women who have recently given birth and are afraid of losing their newborn miracle. Throw away all fears, remember, thoughts have the ability to materialize.

Saving a drowning child in a dream is a prediction that you will have to take care of someone in need. And if we think from the perspective of psychoanalysis, then this is the dreamer’s desire to show tenderness and care, the need to provide compassion and empathy.

The dream book promises good luck if you had to save a drowning child from clean and clear water. If the dream ends in a successful rescue, then in reality you can expect an upsurge in all areas of life.

Also, if you dreamed that a child was drowning, it could mean that one of your loved ones is in vital need of help, or at least useful advice. Don’t refuse to help, everything will be remembered in the future.

If a woman sees her daughter drowning and she saves her safely, then in real life she will receive unexpected news that will bring positive changes. If it was not possible to save the baby, then the news will bring sadness and grief.

For a man, what a drowning son dreams about is a good omen in the dream book if he managed to pull him out of the water. This plot foreshadows an increase in salary or an unexpected profit. It can also mean a promotion.

Seeing a drowning relative in a dream is a sign that in reality you will help this particular person in solving any problem. If the relative was not pulled out of the water, then your help will be useless.

If a boy drowns in a dream, then in reality you will have to take part in profitable business, which will end with an improvement in your financial and family situation. For a girl, such a dream promises the appearance of a new boyfriend.

Why do you dream of a drowning girl? If a man saw his beloved in a dream, then he can be sure of her feelings - she will never betray, and certainly will not cheat. If a girl saw such a plot, and her friend was the drowned woman, then in reality she would expect the appearance of a rival.

What were you drowning in?

Beware of scammers if you had to drown in mud in a dream. In the near future, with the help of skillful blackmail, a large sum money, but this waste will be in vain - blackmailers simply skillfully manipulate your feelings.

You're not in control life situation, if in a dream you had to drown in a car. It is especially likely that all events will escape your strict control if you were unable to get out of it.

Drowning in sand in a dream is an omen of large financial losses. Under no circumstances agree to take part in adventurous ventures or participate in gambling. There is a high chance that you will be left penniless.

Drowning in shit is a dream associated with money. Seeing feces is always a dream book’s prediction of profit, but if you are drowning in it, then it is likely that in reality the money that you practically had in your hands will literally float away into nowhere.

Why do you dream about a sinking car? This is a bad omen, and the dream book advises against traveling long distances by any means of transport. A car accident cannot be ruled out and can happen at any moment. By listening to advice, you will save the life and health of yourself and your relatives.

If a boat sinks in a dream, then the dream book predicts deterioration in business. Insidious competitors have set their traps on your path, and in order to confidently overcome them, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

When you drown in a dream Submarine, and you are inside and cannot get out - in reality, the dream book’s predictions have a negative connotation. You will meet an unpleasant person who will thoroughly ruin your mood and plans.

If you are currently not in the most favorable period, and minor troubles make you nervous, then do not doubt why you dream of drowning kittens. Soon all annoying disagreements with loved ones will end, the lack of money will disappear by itself. Such a plot promises a significant strengthening of family ties and career growth.

Why does a woman dream about a drowning cat? If at the moment you suspect your spouse of cheating, then soon all your suspicions will be dispelled. And if he really has an outside connection, then it will soon end, and it will be the man who initiates the breakup of relations with his mistress.

The dream book interprets what a drowning dog means in a dream as an unfavorable symbol. A faithful friend will no longer be able to provide you with full support due to personal circumstances. You will have to cope on your own and mobilize all your internal strength to achieve your cherished goal.

Why do you dream of a drowning horse? This strong animal is the personification of freedom of choice and action, and such a sad dream does not carry anything positive. In the future, you will find yourself under the influence of unscrupulous people who will deprive you of your will, manipulate your feelings, and undermine your personality.


Miller's Dream Book

Drowning in a dream- portends an accident or loss of property. But if at the same time you are safely saved- noticeable success awaits you, career advancement, good health, respect from others.

This promises you well-deserved happiness; In addition, you will help your friend in time, contributing to his rise.

If a young lady sees in a dream that her lover is drowning- this foreshadows her sorrows.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Drown- a warning about being too caught up in your emotions.

Drown- difficulties in feelings or affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Drowning in a dream- a sign of your inner insecurity.

The force that pulls you down- this is the burden of your unresolved problems and difficult experiences. It seems that in reality it doesn’t bother you to pull yourself together and sort out your affairs.

If, while drowning, you see yourself safely getting to shore- the dream suggests that difficulties will soon end; if in reality you are able to gather your strength, then you have every chance of achieving significant success.

Seeing drowning people in a dream- portends unforeseen complications in your affairs. Perhaps some extraneous problems will confuse your plans.

Jewish dream book

Drown- you will experience great difficulty

Dream book for a bitch

Drown- difficulties in business activity.

New family dream book

If you were drowning in a dream- in reality some accident may happen to you.

And if you managed to get out of the water- success in service, good health and respect from others await you.

A dream in which you come to the aid of a drowning person- portends happiness. In addition, you will be able to provide the necessary assistance to your friend.

A girl who saw in a dream that her lover was drowning- won't be too happy anytime soon.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are drowning- such a dream portends loss of property and misfortune.

But if you manage to escape- in reality you will achieve wealth and fame.

To dream that others are drowning, and you rush to their aid- means that at the cost of your own happiness you will help your friend achieve a position in society.

A young woman sees her lover drowned- to bereavement and misfortune.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Drown- successfully complete the work you started.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Drown- a reflection of the dreamer’s belief that he (or someone) is in “prison” or is experiencing severe oppression.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Drown- a collapse in business will follow.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Drown- to destruction.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Drown- you risk getting into a bad story.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are drowning in a river or other body of water- means that financially difficult times are coming for you. If they throw you Lifebuoy - in reality, improve your situation thanks to the support of friends. Seeing people drowning while swimming- write off gambling debts.

Drowning in a quagmire, slowly but inevitably dragging you into the middle of a deserted swamp- in reality you will have to fork out money when arranging a gala reception. Saving a drowning man in a dream- to sad events in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Drown- experience difficult moments; save yourself- getting rid of danger.

Women's dream book

Drowning in a dream- a harbinger of an accident or some kind of loss.

If you managed to swim out- promotion, good health, and respect from others await you.

If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to help- this foreshadows the happiness you have suffered; In addition, you can come to the aid of a friend who is in a difficult situation.

If a girl dreams that her lover is drowning- this foreshadows her sorrows and disappointments.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a woman drowning in a dream- to success, drown yourself- to improve the state of affairs, drown something- to a bad mood.

See the drowned man- to a loss.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

If you dream that you are drowning or being drowned- avoid great danger; improve your affairs; serve as a topic of conversation; lose something or die a violent death.

Drown someone or something- free yourself; suffer from remorse.

Seeing a woman drowning- to unexpected success for a man.

See your husband drowning- find out about his affair with a young girl (for a woman).

The drowned man you are trying unsuccessfully to revive- means cooling in family life (love will turn into a boring duty due to everyday troubles.)

English dream book

It's very bad when you dream that you are drowning- such a dream means that you will be crushed by the troubles that will soon befall you: you will go broke and despair.

If in a dream you are pulled out of the water- it means there will be someone who will help you in difficult times.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Drown- loss of consciousness; repress everything into the unconscious, forget. It is impossible to return to the surface. Fear of insanity and destructiveness.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Drowning by yourself- means profit; to drown through the mistake or cunning of another- means loss, loss and ruin; see someone else drown- means joy or triumph.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Drown- life difficulties, obstacles; psychological discomfort; drowning husband- treason; drown something in water- free yourself from it (idioms: “drown or drown in exams”).

Dream book of a gypsy

If you're drowning- you will feel shame.

If someone else is drowning- you will be drawn into a not very painful quarrel.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Drown- to joy, profit / difficulties; deep in clean water - minor hassle; in a swamp- Badly; will save you- getting rid of danger; someone is drowning- joy, triumph; woman- success; husband- will change.

Esoteric dream book

Drown- a sign of illness: pulmonary infection, heart failure, asthma. You or someone else drowns while diving and will suffer a heart attack as a consequence of mistakes in finding solutions to problems.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Drown- difficulties.

Collection of dream books

Drown- difficulties.

Drowning yourself- to profit, but if someone drowns you- to a loss.

If you're drowning- this may portend an accident or loss of property; but if you are saved- success awaits you.

You're drowning, you don't have enough air to breathe- this suggests that you are too rational and do not have enough emotionality to feel and correctly evaluate what is happening to you.

If you dream of drowning

Drowning in a dream is not such a rare occurrence. During illness or a runny nose, when there is not enough air and it is difficult to breathe, such dreams may occur. These visions do not predict anything, it’s just that when a person suffocates in a dream, the sensations are transmitted to the brain and it associates these feelings with immersion in water.

But if, for no apparent reason, a person dreams that he is drowning, then one should think about whether this is a warning or a prediction that can change the dreamer’s real life. As the dream book interprets, drowning in water is a good sign. Water cleanses the body and in this case and soul. A new stage in life begins ahead of the dreamer; everything dirty and unpleasant remains in the past. Perhaps faith in God will lead him to this, or maybe he will meet such a person who will turn everything in the dreamer’s soul and he will want to start a new, correct life.

It’s good when after such a dream a person wakes up calm and peaceful, this is a sign that the dream will really work out. But if the dreamer is frightened by his dream and wakes up in sweat and fear, then real life he will come to the purification of his soul through difficulties, overcoming obstacles and resistance.

In a dream, you can drown in a pond, a fast river, or in the endless sea. It is fundamentally important to remember these, they can interpret the dream differently. Drowning in an old overgrown pond means changes in better side in family life. This may be the final reconciliation of spouses after separation or a long quarrel. Or maybe the children will come to their senses and their parents will stop fearing for their future.

Drowning in a fast mountain river portends positive changes at work in real life. The dreamer can expect rapid advancement up the career ladder or lucrative deals in own business and, accordingly, making a profit.

The endless blue sea predicts great love or creative fulfillment. As the dream book interprets, drowning in the sea means drowning in tender feelings that will capture you in real life. And for creative person this dream may foretell recognition and fame in the art world.

If in a dream rescuers come to the aid of a drowning dreamer, then in real life he has friends who will lend a helping hand at any moment. For a woman, such a dream may mean that in real life she may have a rich patron who will make her life cloudless and happy. He will take on her financial problems and help her realize her abilities and talent in the field of interest to her.

But the dream book does not always interpret the meaning of “drowning in a dream” positively. If a person dreams that he is drowning in a swamp, then this is not a very good sign. In real life, big problems await him. Perhaps he will end up in some kind of sect or criminal company. Everything will happen gradually for the dreamer, he will not even notice how he was sucked into this quagmire. The dream warns of danger and the situation can be corrected. You need to look around your surroundings and analyze your recent acquaintances. You may have to stop communicating with someone.

Drowning in a well in a dream also does not bode well. Such a dream predicts to the dreamer that he is mired in his thoughts, fixated on some problem and does not notice those around him. For him there is no family, no friends, and he can really be left alone. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that the dreamer has been engaged in some narrow specialization for many years, for example, in politics or science. If in the morning, despite such a dream, he is in high spirits, then he is on the right path and will achieve his cherished goal.

There is also a bad meaning that the dream book predicts. Drowning in mud in a dream means getting stuck in some dirty business in real life. This could be fraud, bribery or other crime. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows that in real life dirty rumors and gossip may be spread about her. This would greatly damage her reputation and it would be a long time before she recovered from the shock.

You can drown in a dream even in a puddle. In this case, the prediction is not so ominous; it means the dreamer will find himself in some tricky situation. Negative consequence will not bring much damage to the dreamer’s reputation. For example, a woman’s stocking may tear in the wrong place; this is unpleasant, but not fatal. A man may experience a fiasco on the sexual front, but this is also a one-time problem that will quickly be forgotten.

You can drown in a dream along with the ship. When the dreamer sees a liner crash and a large number of people clinging to all the floating objects, screaming and asking for help, then in real life the dreamer plans to public speaking at a meeting, on stage or in a stadium.

If the dreamer drowned and sees how he is being buried, then this is a very good sign. Such a dream predicts a person will live a long life to a ripe old age in full health. In general, if a person sees himself in a coffin in a dream, then in real life he will be a very respected person, will achieve high goals in his work, and will become an example to follow in society.

When you wake up in the morning, you need to remember your dream in exact detail. You can drown in a dream under different circumstances and in different bodies of water. Every little detail is fundamentally important, since a small detail can radically change the meaning of a dream.

Even the most unpleasant and horrible dream can't ruin your mood for long. If the meaning is positive, then you need to take note of it; if the prediction is not very encouraging, then you don’t need to be too upset, you just have to think - it’s just a dream.

Why does the Drowned Man dream, what does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream?

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about the Drowned Man?

Drowned - Soon you will have to face hypocrisy.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of the Drowned Man, what does it mean:

Drowned - Drowned means drunk money, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Drowned, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Drowned Man in a Dream - If you dreamed of a drowned man, then significant changes await you in real life. Perhaps you are on the threshold of a new stage in your life. If you dreamed that you yourself drowned, then in reality you are afraid of not being able to complete your plans on time. If you saw someone you know drowned, you will receive unexpected news.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Drowned:

Drowned - you will have to express sympathy for a person who was fired from his job.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Interpretation of the dream book: Drowning - can mean a literal warning or can relate to a physical condition, for example it can indicate lung disease, depending on the context. Emotional stress; the sleeper may feel that life is suppressing him, that he is “going to the bottom.”

Grandma's old dream book

Why do I dream about the Drowned Man, what does this mean?

Seeing Drowning in a dream, but not drowning, calling for help: for a woman - to surprise, to unexpected success; to see a drowning husband - to reveal his connection with another woman; to drown yourself - to improve your affairs.

Everyday dream book

What does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream? A drowned man in a dream necessarily predicts to the dreamer some changes in life, whether they will be favorable or not depends on the course of the dream.

So, for example, if you dreamed of a drowned man who was not familiar to you in real life, then you should open yourself to changes and innovations - they will happen in the very near future, but will be so unexpected that you will try to resist them. In fact, all these changes can radically change your life for the better, even if it doesn’t seem so at first.

Seeing a drowned man in a dream, who is familiar to you in reality, predicts that the dreamer will receive some important news. The news will come very soon.

If you dreamed of a drowned man in whom you recognize yourself, then such a dream means that in reality you are afraid of not being able to complete what you have planned on time, these thoughts depress you.

Seeing in a dream a drowned man washed up on the river bank by a current means that changes in life will happen so quickly that you will only have time to state the facts that are happening to you. At the same time, you shouldn’t be afraid of innovations - you are simply entering a new stage of your life, which can make it not only more interesting, but really, better.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation The Drowned Man interprets this as follows:

What does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream? A drowned man whom you are trying unsuccessfully to revive means cooling in family life (love will turn into a boring duty due to everyday troubles).

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about the Drowned Man in a dream?

Seeing a Drowned Man in a dream book means the loss of something. Saturn.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does the Drowned Man dream about according to the dream book?

Seeing a Drowned Man in a Dream - Seeing a drowned man in a dream is an omen of illness or suffering of one of your loved ones. Seeing yourself drowned in a dream means that you are under the influence of others and you need to free yourself from this.

Dream book for girls

Seeing the Drowned Man in a dream:

Drowned - Seeing a drowned person in a dream means illness. But don’t worry: the illness that the dream warns you about will be short-lived and not severe, but you won’t see your friends and classmates for some time. However, this dream may have another interpretation: it is quite possible that you spend too much time in the water and risk catching a cold.

People drowned

Dream Interpretation People drowned dreamed of why people dreamed about drowning? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see people drowned in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - People

See in a dream strangers portends that in reality you will experience fear, fright or fear. Seeing a significant crowd of people, a large crowd of people means that instead of taking decisive and active measures to resolve an urgent issue, you will have to act on the orders of your superiors, who are completely out of control of the situation. Seeing naked people in a dream means that you will become an object of ridicule and slander. Bearded people - in reality show unbridled and unrighteous anger. People in black robes - you will receive bad news. People who are kind to the point of generosity - receive timely help and support from friends. People sitting in silence portend pleasant fun. If people sit in a noisy group at a table with drinks and snacks, this means good income. Cheerful, cheerful people with a sense of humor portend good health. People with a boring, gloomy expression on their face mean that you will perceive someone else’s misfortune as your own and rush to help those in need. Seeing happy, contented people means wealth and prosperity. If you see armed people in a dream, you will experience great joy in reality. If you are attacked by people with spears, this is a sign of an impending threat to your interests. If you dreamed of cross-eyed people, in reality you will be irritated by a society of arrogant upstarts. If in a dream you see around you beautiful people- you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Seeing people sleeping means that in reality your friends will slander you. People hiding their faces under masks - in real life you will try to deceive a person who is friendly towards you. Seeing people lubricated with oil in a dream foreshadows events in which you will play a primary role. People who drink heavily, use foul language and fight - you must be wary of losing the favor of the person on whom your success depends. To see people carried away by a flood in a dream foreshadows heavy losses and reflection that will make life a gloomy and dull existence. To meet people in a dream who they know you, but you don’t or can’t remember when, where and under what circumstances you met them - such a dream means a change for the good if you manage to recognize them; if these people remain mysterious strangers to you, then such a dream does not bode well for you. See people on desert island where they, like you in your dream, ended up as a result of a shipwreck - this foreshadows a severe struggle for the right to take the place of the boss you fully deserve. If you dream that you are communicating with outwardly friendly and accommodating people, about whom you are told that they are two-faced and cunning - you will be pleasantly surprised at how favorably your business will start, and discouraged by its unexpected collapse. Seeing in a dream a certain group of people as official representatives of the authorities or public interests as part of a commission, jury, etc. ., who make decisions on this or that issue or give their assessment to something - such a dream portends you dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Dream Interpretation - People

Buddha speaks to people - there will be great material help. A Buddhist mentor teaches people by reading sutras to them - fortunately. Seeing people singing and dancing - there will soon be a quarrel. Together with people you participate in a feast - wealth and nobility. At the head of many people you break rebels - you will achieve what you are looking for. Force people to sow a field - great happiness. Evil people pull each other - illness. A noble person distributes hats to people - fortunately. People beat you with a mallet - portends illness. People treat you humiliatingly - portends great happiness. People determine your punishment - there will be a promotion. Many people have gathered around the stove in the house - harmony in relationships and happiness. Singing and dancing people - there will soon be a quarrel. Receiving condolences from other people - foretells the birth of a son. Dreams of various nobles , noble people - fortunately. The deceased ancestors of one's respectable people - great happiness. Participating with people in a feast - portends wealth and nobility. Teaching people how to plow and sow is a long trip.

Dream Interpretation - People

Seeing a lot of people in a dream means unexpected news. Seeing a lot of naked people in a dream means that you will receive news that will surprise you. Finding yourself in the company of gloomy people in a dream foreshadows losses, losses, worries, and bad news. Finding yourself in a dream in the company of smartly dressed, decent people is a sign that your situation will improve significantly. Seeing evil people in a dream is a sign of danger. If they threaten you with violence, then you should be more careful and not indulge in risky ventures. People moving against your movement in a dream is an indication that you will be judged or believe slanderers. See interpretation: crowd.

Dream Interpretation - People

People - seeing cheerful people in a dream means sadness. People from the village are happiness and benefit. Old people have a long life. Sad - an unexpected war, skirmish. People in mourning (mourning) are bad news; thin - a hungry year; in shackles - your family and friends are in danger.

Dream Interpretation - People

If in a dream you saw a lot of strangers, this indicates that you are frightened by the publicity of your love relationship. However, all fears and concerns will be in vain. You can completely trust your partner. Familiar people - you are annoyed by the attention of friends and relatives that they pay to your relationship with your loved one. Don't let them interfere in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - People, crowd of people

See also People. A long-awaited meeting with friends. Imagine that the people in the crowd are cheerful and friendly. They dance and sing songs.

Dream Interpretation - People

If a person sees himself in a dream tying up bad people in the night, it is good, his speech will be taken away from his enemies. If a person sees people far away in a dream, it is bad, his death will be nearby.

Dream Interpretation - People

If someone sees in a dream that people are visiting him, then his superiors and superiors will seek rapprochement with him.

Dream Interpretation - People

People (strangers) - Comrades, employees. There will be team communication. They fuss, scurry about - common troubles. Having fun - social events, you have to attend a “party”. They are simply surrounded by processes that captivate many, including you.

Dream Interpretation - People

People (crowd) - loss of independence, humiliating submission.

What does it mean to see drowning people in a dream? one drowned and dragged the other with him


kris vladimirova

To dream of others drowning while you are trying to save them means that you will help a friend succeed to the detriment of your own interests.


collapse of established principles, changes in life, need detailed description water in which they drowned - if it’s clean, it’s good, and vice versa

Samsusaba Samsusabieva

Problems that strangers will create for you.


if drowning people were familiar to you, then you will experience grief because of these people.

Man drowned

Dream Interpretation Man drowned dreamed of why in a dream a man drowned? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a person drown in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Man

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring. A noble noble person is hiding - to recovery. A noble person is leaving on a horse - clarity in an official matter. A sick person is laid on a cart - portends death. A sick person climbing onto a cart - portends a great misfortune. The sick person a person gets up - portends death. A sick person either cries or laughs - portends recovery. A sick person riding in a boat - portends death. A sick person singing songs - portends great misfortune. Taking a mirror belonging to another person - the birth of a noble offspring. See in the reflection of another person in the mirror - trouble with his wife or mistress. Seeing a person being killed is great happiness. Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate. Seeing a person with a government seal - glory, fame. Seeing a person reading a book - a noble offspring will be born .Seeing a noble person come - misfortune will pass you by. If you own the same clothes with some person - your wife has a lover. If you return money to a person - getting rid of an illness. Talk to bad person, a villain - there will be a quarrel. Giving a person some clothes - official matters will arise. Giving a person castanets - a squabble. Giving a person a knife - misfortune. Giving a person silk material - a great misfortune. If you give a person some clothes - official matters will arise, there will be illness , illness, grief. You give a person castanets - portends an altercation. If you give a person a longitudinal flute - portends fame, glory. If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters. Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss. Holding a knife in hands and strike another person - loss. Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent. Another person holds in your hands mirror - portends misfortune with his wife. Another person plays musical instruments- you will be found right in a trial, litigation. Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion. Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler. You give another person a longitudinal flute - portends fame, glory. The smell of rot, carrion from a burning man - portends happiness. A soiled, dirty shirt - portends humiliation, shame. A snake or dragon kills a person - portends great misfortune. A snake bites a person - portends the acquisition of great wealth. A snake follows a person - speaks of his wife’s betrayal. A snake that wraps itself around a turtle - wealth will appear , relative wealth. A noble person gives patterned brocade - the arrival of an official. A noble person distributes hats to people - fortunately. A noble person distributes clothes and hats to people - fortunately. Human speech is heard from a well - there will be joyful events. A rat bites a person on the clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for. If you bite a person - portends loss. Eat honey with a person - portends happiness and benefit. A dead person eats - portends illness. If another person or yourself is dead - fortunately. Stabbing a person with a knife repeatedly - joy and benefit .A sick person climbs onto a cart - a great misfortune. Chopping a person with a knife or saber - portends a loss of wealth. Giving a person an umbrella - parting with this person. Moving to new house, belonging to another person - fortunately. If you lift a basin, a bucket, and the bottom falls off - portends ruin. If you buy a house from a person in a rural area - moving due to a change of duty station. Receiving paper money from a person is great happiness. Receiving from a person knife - soon there will be an appointment to a position. Helping a person go to prison - wealth and happiness. Entrusting a person to do your business is a great misfortune. Approaching a person who is engaged in fortune-telling using the I Ching - a disease, an illness. Inviting a person to enter the government institution - drink and food. If you accept simple clothes made of hemp fabric from another person - it’s unfortunate. If you accept a sword from a person - a person will come from afar. If a noble person comes - misfortune will pass you by. To fight with swords with a person - portends great luck , benefit. Arguing with a person - fortunately. Shooting at a person yourself - portends a long trip. A pig or wild boar turns into a person - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials. Grief and tears about a person from afar - portends misfortune. Dreaming of a person, who learns to write - great wealth, nobility. Shooting a person is a long journey. A person's head is cut into two parts - fortunately. Killing another person - foreshadows wealth and nobility. Killing a person - wealth and nobility. Killing a person so that the blood stains clothes - material gain and wealth. They kill a person - portends great happiness. A person tells you about death - portends longevity. A person says very pleasant things for you - misfortune, grief is approaching. A person gives you a big bucket - benefit. A person gives you ink, ink - progress in writing your work. A person gives a broom, a broom - portends getting a place in the service. A person gives scales - portends the possession of power. A person gives official clothes, a uniform - you will be appointed to an official position. A person gives you a large bucket - portends benefits. A person gives you a comb or comb - you get a wife or concubine. A person gives you ink, ink - speaks of progress in writing your work. a person gives you three swords - you will become the head of a district, a governor. A person gives you a brush - promotion of talent. A person gives you a bow or crossbow - outside help. A person gives silks, taffeta - portends great happiness and prosperity. A person holds your brush, a writing instrument in his hands - your essay, article will not be accepted. A person calls you from the street - portends misfortune. A person plays musical instruments - you will be found right in a trial, litigation. A person pricks himself with a bamboo stick - happiness, prosperity, luck. Breaking an arm - portends an illness. A person catches fish - indicates good luck. A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation. A person supports lying sick - promotion. A person invites you to eat curdled milk - portends joy. A person invites you to drink wine - longevity. A person with a severed head comes to meet you - to great happiness. A person puts you in a very awkward position, you experience humiliation - you will gain wealth .A person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler. A person kicks you - acquiring wealth. A stranger hits you - gaining strength. A person humiliates you - wealth. A person who learns to write - great wealth, nobility. A person with a government seal - portends glory, fame. A person who reads a book - a noble offspring will be born. Human speech comes from a well - there will be joyful events.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life. A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look means a meeting with the Antichrist. Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth. If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw in a dream a large number of poor people, this means that many nations will face poverty in the future. Seeing a rich person in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing many wealthy people in a dream means a happy life for the peoples of the whole world. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, it means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his home, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a person as follows: If you dreamed of a man sitting on a high rock, then in the distant future a great event will happen to you that will radically change your life. If you saw an evil, despotic person in a dream, this means a change of job. If you dreamed of a beggar person , then a big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and faithful friend. A dream about a rich man is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, then someone close to you will face a serious test.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change your job and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be welcome. If the person you dream about stands on some kind of eminence, this means that changes are coming in your life that can radically change it for the better, although this will not happen too soon. A dream in which you see evil man, promises you and your loved ones grief.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A black man comes to you - this is tragic news. If you just communicate with a person - this is upsetting news. A sharp man - you will soon meet such a person in life, do not miss the chance to meet him!

Dream Interpretation - Man under a veil

Symbolizes an ambivalent action or person, the meaning of which is determined by the context of the dream. If a person is under a veil throughout the dream, then the image is negative. When the veil is removed and the subject sees who is hiding under it, it is necessary to establish whose image it is - “death”, “old woman”, child, animal, woman, friend, mouse, etc. Behind the veil there may be an eye or just emptiness. In these cases, the image denotes a mechanical or negative orientation. In other words, such a dream may mean that we are deliberately placing our trust in a situation or people that do not actually live up to our expectations or trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man in Black

The man in black dreams of a difficult, hopeless life.

Dream Interpretation - Man in Black

Seeing a man in black - you will receive power and wealth without happiness.

Dream Interpretation - A person with an unnatural skin color

A person with an unnatural skin color is a conspiracy against you / some kind of lie or flattery.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Man is a great event.

An acquaintance drowned

Dream Interpretation Drowned acquaintance dreamed of why in a dream an acquaintance drowned? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an acquaintance drown in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Friends

A dream about acquaintances whom you see in a dream usually carries information about events or news that are closely related to your everyday life. An unexpected meeting or a chance conversation with them that surprises you in a dream, in reality means unexpected news and an unexpected turn in the relationship. Whatever impression you have about the meeting in a dream, so it will be in life. Quarreling with them in a dream means harm and experiences that will have a detrimental effect on your health. A lively conversation with a familiar person in a dream is a sign that your business, thanks to this person, will go uphill. A rude conversation with an acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business and a breakdown in relationships. Feeling awkward when meeting friends in a dream means that your deception will be revealed. Trying to get to friends in a dream foretells that you will have to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation in order to achieve their level of well-being and equal their status. If you dream that someone you know with whom you are in a quarrel is friendly towards you, then beware of a conspiracy against you for selfish purposes. Seeing your friend handsome in a dream is a sign that he thinks badly of you and will denigrate you anywhere, trying to damage your reputation.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

A dream in which you start a conversation with an acquaintance, having accidentally met him on the street, foreshadows the successful progress of industrial affairs, but unsatisfactory progress in your personal life. Arguing with friends in a raised voice foreshadows about the same thing in reality. Avoiding in a dream meeting with friends to whom you owe a considerable amount of money means that in reality you will be drawn into some kind of scam, from which it will be very difficult to come out of it with an untarnished reputation. invited to visit and see many of your acquaintances there, but not be able to talk to any of them - in reality, your path to true love will be long and winding, but will justify all the efforts expended on it. Meet in a dream an acquaintance whom you know as stingy and a petty person, and be surprised by his kindness and generosity shown in a dream - this portends you joyful discoveries in the people around you who will give you love and respect. If in a dream you find out that your friend was raped, in reality, hurry to your friends in trouble. Hearing a familiar voice calling you for help in a dream means illness in real life of the one who called you.

Dream Interpretation - Meet, acquaintance, acquaintance

Getting acquainted with a person you already know: means that you will soon get to know this person from a new side. This will be a complete discovery for you, because you did not even suspect that the person had such traits, although it is quite difficult to deceive or mislead you. Getting Acquainted with some celebrity: means that in reality you are often seized by the desire to make acquaintance with an artist or musician, but this desire is not destined to come true. Meet a person of the opposite sex: it’s time for you to do this in reality, and the sooner the better. Your the dream indicates that you are still living without your “soul mate”, a chance to meet good man great in the first week after the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

People you know and see: symbolize your usual affairs and activities. Good communication with friends: a sign that your business promises to go without serious problems. Meeting an old acquaintance in a dream whom you have not seen for many years: usually means that soon you will you are going to encounter something that you have already encountered in the past.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

Meeting an acquaintance on the street is a surprise. Seeing wrinkles on his face means making a short-lived new acquaintance. Seeing an acquaintance with a red beard - he is a deceiver. Accepting familiar guests - hatred, hostility / news.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

If you dream that you have met an acquaintance and are having a pleasant conversation with him, then this foreshadows the successful course of your affairs. However, minor domestic disagreements are possible. But if your conversation proceeds in a raised tone, a hurricane of humiliation and disputes awaits you in reality. If you feel awkward at a meeting or you dream that your meeting is inappropriate, you will be expected to rashly participate in something forbidden, which You will not be able to hide. If a young woman sees in a dream many of her acquaintances, the dream promises her several easy hobbies and great love, having won which, she will never regret the efforts spent on it. If in a dream she grieves about the poverty of her circle of acquaintances, then and in reality a prosaic life awaits her, unless she becomes more critical of herself.

Dream Interpretation - Get to know each other

Getting acquainted - If you dream about how you meet someone, it means that in real life you have an extremely modest character and it has always been very difficult for you to start a casual conversation with stranger. For some reason, you tend to underestimate yourself, although there are no objective reasons for this. Most likely, you stubbornly keep in your memory long-past events that are dear to you in your relationship at that time. Understand that it is impossible to return that time and that person, and besides, it is not necessary, because in history nothing repeats itself twice. You should not think that if you meet him now, you will definitely correct the mistake you made several years ago. Delusion and arrogance. You live in the past, although you can and should live in the present and future. Pay attention to that person who has patiently existed next to you all these years as a faithful friend and think about whether he is satisfied with the role of a friend imposed by you and would he like something more from your relationship?

Dream Interpretation - Friends

If you see your friends in a dream, you will have problems, and support will come from the most unexpected quarters. If you see vaguely familiar faces, but cannot remember who they are, the dream foretells you a meeting with your first love or a long-forgotten friend, which will bring variety to your life.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

If a girl dreams that she has many acquaintances, this means that she will have many frivolous hobbies, but someone will come for them. real love, which will require some effort from her. If a woman in a dream experiences sadness because she has few acquaintances, this means that her relationship with her chosen one will be far from romantic and beautiful. It is very possible that she will live a boring, gray life, never experiencing the joy of love.

Dream Interpretation - Familiar

If you dreamed that you met an acquaintance and were having a pleasant conversation with him, then your affairs will go well. But, if your conversation proceeds in a raised tone, then in reality you will be faced with arguments and humiliation. If you feel awkward when meeting someone, you have a rash participation in something forbidden ahead of you. A young woman who saw many of her acquaintances in a dream will have to a few light hobbies or big love.