How to grow begonia from a leaf. Growing in water

It can be planted in universal soil, since special there are no requirements for soil composition. This plant is quite light-loving, but direct sunlight is harmful to it (with the exception of a few special varieties).

Place the flower in a bright place, but not in bright sun; southwest and southeast windows are ideal.

Begonias require average air humidity(50% or slightly higher), however, water should not be allowed to get on the leaves themselves, so spraying them with a spray bottle is not recommended. You need to water the plant twice a week, but do not overdo it - waterlogging will harm the roots and create a fertile environment for the development of harmful fungi.

How to propagate begonia at home?

It is propagated by tuber parts, seeds, cuttings of leaves or stems, as well as leaf parts.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings

Cuttings are quick, easy and reliable method rooting begonias. It allows you to plant a plant without compromising its varietal characteristics.

Propagation of begonia by parts of a tuber

In spring, new shoots appear on the tubers, and if they have not yet turned into full-fledged shoots, the tuber can be safely divided into several parts. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal, to prevent tubers from rotting. This method of propagation is good because it rejuvenates the plant, and it blooms much better. “New” young plants are planted in pots with soil and watered abundantly.

How to plant begonia correctly?

You can grow seedlings from a cut leaf, you can root a stem cutting in water or soil, you can root a begonia leaf in water, or you can grow it from seeds. If you are the owner of a tuberous variety flower, you can plant it, dividing the tuber into several parts with sprouts.

The main thing is to provide the flower proper care during and after transplantation. To do this, follow a few tips:

  • keep the begonia in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight;
  • Water regularly, but never spray the plant;
  • monitor the room temperature: it should not be lower than 20 degrees;
  • Fertilize the flower in early spring and throughout the summer.


Next you will see a photo of Begonia propagation:

Useful video

In this video you can learn about the breeding features of Begonia:

Useful material
Below is a list of articles that may be of interest to you.

    Types of begonias:

Most amateurs ornamental plants They are trying to independently propagate their favorite types of indoor flowers. Begonia is the most common one to grow at home.

Its bright flowers can please the eye for a long time and decorate your living space. Many housewives are concerned with the questions of how to grow begonia and how to propagate it? We will learn about the features and methods of propagation of this popular flower from the article.

Features of growing begonia flowers

In our climatic conditions Begonia in open ground can only grow in warm weather. Mostly her grown at home on windowsills, since many varieties are heat-loving plants.

Many begonia lovers also grow it in open flower beds, alpine roller coaster. With the onset of cold weather, it is again placed in houses.

The total number of begonia species is about 1,000, among them there are annuals and perennials. The plant belongs to the genus Begoniaceae, which, according to the shape of the aerial part, can be:

  • herbaceous plants;
  • semi-shrub;
  • low-growing shrubs.

Begonia everblooming is attractive not only for its bush shape. Its diversity bright colors inflorescences and leaf shapes can amaze any gardener. The sizes of begonias are also surprisingly varied.

The smallest ones can grow up to several centimeters. There are varieties of begonias that reach a height of 3 meters.

Begonia can be decorative-flowering or decorative-deciduous. Due to its popularity, breeders began to breed new hybrid species based on tuberous begonia. After this, large-flowered species began to appear.

Flower care

Decorative flowering begonias love good lighting, but without direct sunlight. Begonias come from the tropics, so they love warmth. She will feel comfortable at 20–25 o C, the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below +15 o C.

The flower must be protected from direct sunlight, creating diffused light. Otherwise, it may cause burns on the deciduous mass during the hot season. It is believed that it is ideal to place pots of begonias in the western or eastern part of the room.

Plants need to be watered warm, settled water, and the air humidity in the room should be at 60%. Required level Humidity can be ensured by placing containers of water nearby or using a humidifier.

Watering and fertilizing

It is necessary to water the plant when the soil in the pot has dried 1–2 cm. The flower reacts poorly to abundant watering and can die if constantly over-watered.

It is advisable that during watering, moisture does not fall on the leaves, which will begin to hurt and disappear. It's best to water under the root or in the tray.

Begonia during the flowering period and before the start of color responds well to fertilizing. It is advisable to use liquid complex fertilizers once every half month for decorative flowering species.

For decorative deciduous leaves it is better to use nitrogenous fertilizers, since this type of feeding will promote the growth of juicy and lush green mass.

How to care for a plant during dormancy

The resting time of begonias varies, depending on the type of plant. It can be noticed by the drying out of the foliage and its shedding after the flowering period. At this time, begonia needs rest. It is necessary water less, and also be sure to remove all dry above-ground parts.

It is advisable to put a flower pot to a shaded place with a temperature of 10–12 o C and water no more than once a month. Basically, the rest period for ever-flowering begonias occurs in winter. For planting, it is better to use a soil mixture of the following components:

  • 1 part sand.
  • 1 part black soil.
  • 1 part peat.
  • 2–3 parts of leaf soil.

The soil mixture should be moderately moist and light. Transplantation can be done in the warm season, when the plant needs a larger container.

Begonia - reproduction

Flower growers divide begonias into two groups - tuberous and root. There are several ways to propagate this indoor flower:

Now it’s worth dwelling in more detail on each of them in order to know how begonia should reproduce correctly. It is worth noting that for each type of begonia you need to select your own method of reproduction.

When using any begonia propagation method, you need to know that spring is most favorable period for this procedure. Considering that such a beauty is not cheap in stores, it can be easily propagated in a convenient way at home.

Division by tubers

This method is the most common among gardeners. Tuber divided into several parts so that each individual has a kidney. The cut areas must be sprinkled with ash.

For planting, only moist soil is used, into which the tuber is lowered vertically. Next, the dishes with the tuber are covered with film and placed in a well-lit place indoors.

After a while, the tuber will take root and take root, after which the film is removed, and the begonia is transplanted into a specially selected pot for growing the flower.

Propagation by leaf cuttings

This method is ideal for those who want to get as much planting material as possible. This method of propagating begonias will require careful handling. Before you start, you need to cut off the most healthy and strong leaf.

It is placed on the glass and the edges are trimmed without affecting the thick veins. The remaining sheet is divided into squares and lowered into sand composition and peat or sand. After 15–20 days they should take root.

The container with seedlings must be covered and cannot be touched during this time. As soon as the shoots appear, the shelter can be removed; young shoots need ventilation. Then the shelter is put back in place. This method of propagating begonias is excellent for a flower with a creeping stem.

Stem cuttings. This method is suitable for bush begonias. Take a cutting with two buds and make two cuts on it. One cut should be at the top and the other at the bottom.

It is also necessary to remove half the large leaves on the cuttings. They are required covered with transparent dishes or polyethylene. The cover is periodically removed so that the cuttings can ventilate.

How to propagate begonia by seeds

For inexperienced gardeners, this method is very difficult, since it requires certain knowledge, experience and patience. You will need to devote a lot of free time and effort to get a positive result.

Winter is considered the most favorable time of year for propagating begonias by seeds. To do this, you need to have a special container and soil mixture. It should be made of sand, earth and peat.

In order for them to rise well and amicably, they need create certain conditions, comfortable for their development:

  • low temperature;
  • high level of humidity;
  • bright daylight.

After sowing the seeds, soil mixture should be well moisturized from a spray bottle. You can also immerse the container with planting material in a container of water. The water should reach the middle. Such access to moisture will have a better effect on seed germination.

The soil should darken from moisture, after which the container with the seeds is removed from the water. You can maintain the humidity level using a glass shelter. Dishes with seedlings should be placed in light, but not on sunny place to avoid drying out the soil.

When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed and the container is placed in a well-lit place. Young shoots are also needed feed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer. To plant seedlings, select a special mixture of sand, peat and leaf soil.

Seedlings require careful handling, they are carefully removed from the container and transferred to the prepared container using pegs so as not to damage root system. A peg is used to make a hole at the depth in which the seedlings grew before the dive.

The distance between them should be at least 2.5 cm. After transplanting, water the soil and place the seedlings in a warm and well-lit place. With the appearance of several leaves, the seedlings can be transplant into separate pots.

Among the most popular plants For lovers of indoor flowers, begonia takes far from last place. There are more than a thousand of its species, but of all of them, only four are common in our country. These flowers cannot winter outside in our latitudes, which is why they are mostly grown as indoor culture. She attracts everyone with her appearance and unpretentiousness. Its flowers are very diverse in shades, and its leaves are also different, and not only in shape. Such beautiful perennial I want to always have it on my windowsill. But not everyone knows how to propagate begonia at home and the specifics of this operation. Moreover, many consider the propagation of begonias stem cuttings complex. This article is intended to help those who feel this way.

Reproduction options

Begonia can be propagated in several ways: leaves, stems, cuttings. And tuberous varieties are also grown from tubers divided into parts. The choice of this option depends on what type of plant is being grown. But it should be remembered that for successful reproduction you must strictly follow the recommendations. And then success is guaranteed.

Most flowers can be propagated like this:

  • stem cuttings;
  • parts of leaves;
  • using seeds;
  • dividing the bush or roots;
  • cuttings.

Decorative leaf crop can be propagated by any of the listed methods. And we must remember that every year this type of begonia is increasingly losing its decorative effect and the beauty of its leaves.

Leaf propagation is not suitable for all begonia varieties. But for the Elatior and Mason varieties, this option is the main, and sometimes the only, option, since the plants do not have stems.

For this method of reproduction you need:

  • Use a sharp knife to cut off the leaf;
  • put it on the glass;
  • cut the leaf so that each part has at least one vein;
  • spread the pieces on wet sand or stick them vertically;
  • cover the pot with a transparent bag;
  • maintain humidity inside by periodically spraying the air under the bag;
  • when young sprouts appear, remove the bag first for a short time, and then increase the time;
  • transplant new plants into the pot without compacting the soil.

Only begonias that have pubescent leaves can be propagated this way. Plant growing time lasts about a quarter.

Stem cuttings

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This cutting option is preferred by most owners of begonia varieties. He is one of the most quick options obtaining new bushes, the most reliable of all methods. In addition, when new plants are obtained in this way, the characteristics of the varieties are preserved.

In order to grow a new plant using stem cuttings, you need:

  1. Using a sharp knife, cut off a part of the stem 10 cm long, on which there are at least two pairs of leaf buds;
  2. Remove the lower pair of leaves, and trim half of the blade from the remaining large leaf blades;
  3. dry the cut areas;
  4. treat the cut with any stimulant, but this is not necessary;
  5. pour soil into a pre-prepared pot;
  6. Make a small hole in the soil using a stick and insert the cutting into it to the depth of the leaves;
  7. then sprinkle the rest of the hole with soil;
  8. cover with a plastic bottle on top.

The first leaves can be seen after a month. After the leaves appear, the cuttings need to be gradually acclimated for a while by removing the bottle. A week later, another bottle is completely removed. No later than in three to four months, the begonia will bloom. Although flowering is possible almost immediately if the stem cutting is strong enough.

Propagation by cuttings is also possible using the lateral stems of the flower, as well as by rooting the cuttings in water. In this case, the sprout is placed in warm water until roots appear, and then planted in the ground.

To cover the plants, you can use a glass jar, or you can cover it with a transparent bag. Optimal soil for rooting, a mixture of peat and sand, taken equally, is used, but if this is not available, any mixture can be used.

Begonias are propagated by dividing the bush or root system in the spring. This is how ever-flowering varieties that grow in bushes are usually propagated. This is done very simply:

  1. the bush is removed from the container in which it grew;
  2. too old stems and peduncles are removed, the largest leaves are cut off;
  3. then, carefully so as not to damage the roots, wash off the soil from them in warm water;
  4. the bush is divided with a sharp knife blade so that a sprout or at least a bud remains on each part;
  5. the division of roots is also performed;
  6. the cut is sprinkled with crushed wood or activated carbon;
  7. if desired and possible, the separated parts of the rhizomes are treated with a means to accelerate growth;
  8. each part is carefully planted in separate containers and watered.

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The separated bushes bloom almost immediately if the divisions already had flower buds.

Seed propagation option

This option is suitable for all flowering begonia varieties . Its seeds can be purchased in stores. But more often this method is used to propagate annual varieties Begoniaceae.

Any soil is suitable, you can even buy it. This soil is mixed with sand in equal parts and slightly moistened. The seeds are evenly laid out on the surface of the soil and pressed slightly. There is no need to sprinkle it with earth, because they are too small. Then the pot with seeds is covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight. The soil in the container should not dry out. It is constantly moistened by drips.

Ventilation of crops is mandatory. Shoots usually appear within two weeks. After this, the container with the seedlings is placed on the windowsill; small begonias love the sun and then do not grow very tall. In this case, the air temperature must be reduced to 18 C.

To prevent drops falling down from the film covering the pot from damaging the plants, you can insert a stick under the film. Then drops of condensate will flow down away from the sprouts and will not break them.

Then the seedlings, as in previous cases, gradually become accustomed to the room atmosphere and the bag is completely removed from the pot.

As soon as the first true leaves appear, the seedlings can be carefully transplanted into separate seedling cups and sprayed with Zircon so that they take root better. You can also feed the tiny nodules with herbal infusions. Such plants bloom only after a year.

Begonias grown in this way bloom in 4-5 months. But this method is not very welcome by flower growers, since it is unreliable and quite troublesome. It is used only in cases where the grower wants to get a lot of seedlings at once, but there is not enough material to get them in another way.

The optimal time for growing begonia from seeds is December.

Propagation by tubers

For a plant like tuberous begonia Reproduction is possible by all the methods described above, but there is another way - dividing the tubers. The procedure for performing reproduction in this way is as follows:

  • in the spring, when the first sprouts appear on the tubers, the strongest nodules are selected;
  • Using a sharp knife blade, they are divided into separate pieces (at least one sprout should remain on each piece);
  • Each section of the tuber is treated with an antiseptic and dried with charcoal;
  • Separate pots with soil are prepared for them and future begonias are planted.

Soil for young crops

After transplanting young begonia seedlings, not only frequent watering is necessary. They require nutritious soil; it is made up of leaf soil, peat, black soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

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A layer of coarse sand should be placed at the bottom of the pot. Half the container is filled with leaf soil, and then a mixture of peat and black soil is laid.

One of the main and important points is proper watering. For example, in hot weather, young plants need to be watered in the morning. In this case, the water should be room temperature and without chlorine.

Small points to consider when planting and caring for propagated begonias:

  • containers for planting a flower should be chosen that are not tall, since the plant has small rhizomes (you can start by using a plastic or glass jar);
  • Drainage is required, for which you can use pieces of red brick or expanded clay;
  • begonias need a room with high air humidity;
  • when planting a grown plant, the root neck of the cutting does not need to be deepened;
  • the bush needs to be sprayed regularly, but watering from above is unacceptable, since a stream or large drops can break the delicate sprouts;
  • It is advisable to feed the tuberous sprouts with potassium nitrate every 1.5 - 2 weeks;
  • to enhance the stability of stems and leaves in the heat, or better before it sets in, it is recommended to spray the plants with solutions of humate, zircon or epin;
  • a large number of nitrogen will lead to strong upward growth, and in bad weather it will contribute to rotting of the rhizomes;
  • the soil should be kept loose;
  • tall varieties, grown in any way, can be planted on terraces and balconies only after the threat of frost has passed and the air temperature is approximately 20 C;
  • timely removal of weeds is also necessary, because they will not allow the young flower to grow and strengthen.

If begonia grows outside, tall varieties need tying to protect them from wind and rain. Ampelous begonias You need to pinch it to form side branches.

Begonias usually prefer to grow without other plants because they like more space around them. They cannot tolerate being touched by other plants or objects. They are touchy-feely.

Many gardeners around the world love to grow this delightful, attractive flower, which has many different varieties and varieties. Sometimes a situation arises when you want to propagate a certain variety of begonia, which is either very dear to your heart or cannot be found in flower shop. In fact, begonia propagation is enough simple procedure which even a novice gardener can do after reading this article.

Basic breeding methods

How to propagate begonia at home? There are 5 main methods of breeding and growing of this flower:

  1. Propagation of begonias by cuttings.
  2. Using stem cuttings.
  3. Rooting leaf parts.
  4. Planting seeds.
  5. Dividing a rhizome or bush.

Planting a twig

Cuttings are suitable for any variety of indoor begonia that has a stem. Begonia cuttings begin with the fact that you need to cut the cutting with a sharp, disinfected knife, blade or scissors; its height should be approximately 10 centimeters. The cuttings should have two or three pairs of leaves. The lower leaves need to be removed, and the upper ones need to be cut in half. After this, you need to wait a few hours for all the sections to dry.
How to root begonia cuttings correctly? First you need to prepare a pot with a substrate; any soil for begonia will do, which must be mixed in equal proportions with river sand. Dali needs to make a hole in the soil and insert a cutting into it. It is advisable to bury the branch right up to the leaves. Before planting, a cut of the cutting can be treated with a root formation stimulator to make propagation faster. After this, you need to compact the soil around the cutting tightly and cover it on top. glass jar or a cut plastic bottle so that the rooted branch is in a mini-greenhouse, so growing a new flower will go much faster.
Begonia is propagated by cuttings at home quite simply; after about a month you can see young leaves on the cuttings. Young begonias need to be gradually accustomed to room air, for this, the mini-greenhouse is ventilated 2-3 times a day, and when the flower takes root, the jar or bottle must be removed altogether. In three to four months young plant should bloom.

Leaf method

Propagating begonias by leaves at home is also an easy way to grow new flowers. How to propagate begonia by leaf? It is necessary to cut off one leaf without traces of disease using a sharp, clean blade. It needs to be placed on glass or some other hard surface. Then, from the central vein to the edges of the sheet, you need to cut pieces in the form of triangles, so that each of them has one or two veins. Further propagation of begonia by leaf involves laying these small triangles on the surface of moistened river sand. Some gardeners, answering the question of how to root begonia, recommend sticking leaf fragments vertically into the ground. Then you need to cover the container with a bag; for some time, growing young plants from leaves will take place in greenhouse conditions.
The basic rule when propagating begonia from a leaf is to maintain high humidity in a mini-greenhouse. From time to time it is necessary to spray the air under the bag with a spray bottle. And when young leaves appear, you need to slowly accustom the young begonias to the air in the room; to do this, you need to remove the bag first for 5-10 minutes, and gradually this time needs to be increased.
When young plants are planted in separate containers, they need to be planted in loose soil; it does not need to be compacted. Propagating begonias at home using this method makes it possible to obtain plants ready for replanting in 3 months.

Rooting branches in water

Many gardeners believe that propagating begonias by cuttings in water is a very quick and easy way to get healthy, mature plants. Propagation by cuttings in water begins with the prepared branches being placed in a container with soft, filtered and slightly warmed water. It is not recommended to use cold and hard water. The container should be placed in a room with a temperature of about 20 degrees. The room should be light, but the cuttings should not be allowed to be in the sun. It is advisable to use a transparent jar so that the appearance of the roots can be clearly seen. If the cutting begins to rot, the damaged area must be removed, the branch dried and placed again in fresh water.
When the size of the roots on the branch reaches 1-2 centimeters, it is necessary to plant such a cutting in soil suitable for begonias. You can use moistened peat or sand as soil.

Planting seed

Any variety of begonia can be propagated by seeds. However, many believe that growing begonia from seeds is a very time-consuming and unreliable method. It is suitable when there is no mature plant for propagation by cuttings, or when you need to quickly grow a lot of begonias.
How to grow begonia from seeds? To begin with, you need to purchase seeds and special soil for begonias at a flower shop. It is advisable to mix the substrate in half with river sand, after which the resulting mixture must be moistened with settled water. The seeds must be spread evenly over the surface of the soil and lightly pressed into the substrate. Due to the fact that the seeds are very small, they do not need to be sprinkled with soil on top. How does begonia reproduce further? It is necessary to cover the container with seeds with a plastic bag and place it in warm room. Crops need to be ventilated periodically and condensation removed. In about a couple of weeks the first shoots will appear.
After young sprouts have emerged from the ground, the container with them should be placed on the eastern or western windowsill closer to the glass, where it is cooler, so that the seedlings do not stretch out very quickly. The bag must be removed from the container first for a short period of time, and the ventilation time must gradually be increased. When a couple of true leaves appear, the begonias can be transplanted into small plastic cups in the same soil as when planting the seeds. Often, if you plant flowers in winter period, then in mid-summer they should already bloom.

Propagation by dividing the bush

Begonia can be propagated by dividing the rhizome or bush. This is probably one of the most simple ways growing a new plant. To do this, you need to remove the plant from the pot, remove overgrown flower stalks, very large leaves and stems, after which you need to very carefully wash the roots from the soil with water.
With a well-sharpened knife, it is necessary to divide the bush with the root system into several parts, so that each part contains both roots and twigs. The cut area must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. To make cultivation go faster, you can treat all the roots with a special preparation - Kornevin, then you need to plant parts of the bush according to different pots, and pour slightly warmed water over them.

Propagation of tuberous plants

Tuberous begonias can be propagated by dividing the tuber. To do this in the spring, you need to wait until several sprouts appear on the tuber. Then, using a sharp blade, divide the tuber into several parts so that each of them has one sprout. The cut areas must be treated with foundation and dried.
Each part of the tuber needs to be planted in a separate pot, but only half deepened. It is advisable to cover the pots with bags or cut plastic bottles. When the sprouts rise above the ground by about 7 centimeters, the tubers must be completely covered with soil and then grown as adult plants.

Begonia is especially loved by flower growers. This culture has about 1000 varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. The most popular types of plants are: ever-flowering, Elatior, Royal, tuberous, Mason. Begonia is not able to overwinter in open ground, so it is grown as a perennial indoor plant, which, with proper care, fully develops and blooms regularly.

Often a situation arises when you want to keep the crop variety you like, replace old bush to a new one or propagate a certain type of begonia in sufficient quantities. Methods for propagating begonias vary depending on the specific type of flower, but if you follow the recommendations, this procedure will not be difficult.

It is necessary to adhere to some general rules, ignoring which can complicate the rooting process of the plant:

  1. 1. When further transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to choose small containers, which will allow moisture not to stagnate at the roots and eliminate the occurrence of root rot during the growth and development of plants.
  2. 2. The soil for planting must be pre-moistened, but so that it is not too wet.
  3. 3. When dividing a tuber, containers should be no more than 2 cm wider than the diameter of the bulb.
  4. 4. A drainage layer of 1–1.5 cm should be placed at the bottom of the planting pots, which will help remove excess water.
  5. 5. When transplanting root collar seedlings should be at soil level, since its deepening leads to slower growth and further development.
  6. 6. After planting, the plant must be placed in a shaded place for 2-3 days to recuperate.

When propagating begonias on initial stage It is necessary to use a substrate for seedlings, which can be purchased in a store or prepare a soil mixture yourself at home. It requires mixing the following components:

  • 1 part each of peat, turf soil and coconut substrate;
  • 2 parts sand.

As the plants grow, they will need to be transplanted into separate containers and more nutritious soil. Therefore, it is necessary to use the substrate for begonias in the following proportion:

  • 1 part each of sand, humus, coconut substrate and peat;
  • 2 parts turf soil.

You can make your task easier by purchasing a substrate for begonias in a specialized store.

Reproduction methods

Experts identify several main methods for propagating begonias, but some of them are used only for certain types of plants:

  1. 1. Cuttings. It is a universal method, as it is used for all types. The downside is that you can grow a limited number of young begonias.
  2. 2. Leaves. Suitable for growing all decorative deciduous begonias: Royal, Mason, Metal, Griffith, Diadem. Tiger, Imperial, Cleopatra, as well as flowering species that are pubescent with reverse side leaf.
  3. 3. By dividing the tuber. Applicable to all tuberous begonias.
  4. 4. Seeds. It is recommended to use for all flowering varieties, which allows you to obtain a large number of young seedlings.
  5. 5. Dividing the bush. Suitable for bush and ever-flowering species.


Propagation of begonia by cuttings is one of the simplest and most effective ways. It is acceptable for all types of plants that have a stem.

Cuttings must be cut with a disinfected knife or blade, which will prevent infection from entering fresh wounds.

The further procedure proceeds as follows:

  • it is necessary to cut the apical shoots about 10 cm long with two pairs of leaves;
  • delete lower leaves, and cut the top ones in half, since the cuttings are not able to provide them with the necessary nutrition;
  • put planting material in a glass of water for 1–2 weeks until roots form on the lower cut;
  • plant the cuttings in a moist substrate, deepening to the point of growth of the removed leaves;
  • After 2 months, the stronger plants must be transplanted into separate containers.

The optimal time for cuttings is April, since during this period growth processes in begonia tissues intensify.


This method is not suitable for all types of begonias. It can be used for all stemless varieties with pubescent undersides of leaves.

Experts distinguish three methods of propagation by leaves. Which one to choose, each gardener decides for himself.

Sheet division

Select a sufficiently developed leaf without obvious defects. Cut it into segments from the middle to the edge, but so that each of them has one vein. You can get up to 10 fragments from one sheet.

Plant them in prepared containers with the bottom cut down, 1/4 deep into the soil. Create a mini-greenhouse for the seedlings with an optimal microclimate. The leaves must be periodically ventilated, the substrate must be kept moist, and condensation must be removed from the lid.

Within a month, babies will appear at the base of the fragments. When they grow up and get stronger, it is necessary to adapt them to external conditions. To do this, it is recommended to remove the lid for 30 minutes on the first day, and with each subsequent day increase this period by 20–30 minutes. A week after the start of the procedure, the seedlings can be completely opened.

It is necessary to plant young plants in separate containers after 3 months.

Growing from mother leaf

Take a large leaf from the mother plant and make cuts along the veins along the entire perimeter. Place it face up and press it slightly to the ground. If necessary, to improve contact, you can use small stones or other available means. Cover the container with glass or film and leave for rooting in a bright place at a temperature of 25 degrees.

Periodically, the container should be ventilated and moistened with a spray bottle, and do not forget to remove the accumulated condensation on the lid with a paper napkin.

In 25–30 days, the begonia babies will germinate. When they get stronger and begin to grow, they should adapt to external conditions and plant them in separate pots.

Growing in water

This method is the simplest. For rooting, it is necessary to cut off the leaf with the stem under the base and place it in water for 7–15 days, but it cannot be changed during the entire period, but only refilled if necessary.

When roots appear, the leaf should be planted in a plastic cup with substrate. After 2–3 months, when the seedling has strengthened and begins to grow, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger container and provide full care.


Seeds must be purchased from trusted producers.

The seed method of propagating begonia is labor-intensive, but allows you to obtain a large number of young seedlings at the same time. This method is used for flowering plants, since the resulting bushes are characterized by high immunity and abundant flowering throughout the season. This is explained by the fact that during the growth process the seedlings fully adapt to existing conditions.

To obtain flowering plants in late May - early June, sowing should be carried out in late December - early January, since at the initial stage the seedlings grow rather slowly.

Step-by-step guide to seed propagation:

  • 3 days before planting, the soil must be disinfected using a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or Previkur (10 ml per 7 liters of water), which will reduce the risk of developing root rot during the growth of seedlings;
  • put a 1 cm layer of drainage on the bottom of the container;
  • fill the containers with prepared soil and water;
  • wait until the moisture is completely absorbed;
  • level and compact the soil surface;
  • place the seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, pressing them slightly to the ground;
  • cover containers with glass or film;
  • place for germination in a bright place at a temperature of 23–25 degrees;
  • Periodically ventilate containers and remove accumulated condensation.

Sprouts will appear within 10–12 days.

When the seedlings appear promptly, the temperature must be lowered to 20 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch. In the future, it is necessary to control soil moisture, avoiding overwatering or drying out of the roots. Moisturizing the soil when the top layer dries out must be done from a spray bottle, not forgetting to remove condensation on the lid daily.

When 2 true leaves appear, it is necessary to adapt the seedlings to new conditions. To do this, on the first day you should open them for 30–40 minutes, and every day increase this period by 30 minutes. A week after the start of the procedure, the cover must be completely removed. After another 2 weeks, you can transplant the plants into separate containers.

The more often you replant begonias as the seedlings grow, the faster they will grow and develop.

By dividing the tuber

Tuberous begonia species can be propagated by dividing the tuber. This procedure should be carried out at the end of winter or early spring, after waiting for the sprouts to appear.

You cannot separate the tubers in the fall, otherwise they will die.

To divide the onion, it is necessary to sharpen and disinfect the knife, which will prevent infection from entering fresh wounds. Cut the tuber into segments. Each of them must have a sprout. Sprinkle the fresh cut with wood ash or Fundazol. Plant each resulting fragment in a moist substrate, deepening it halfway. Make a transparent cap on top so that the soil does not dry out as it takes root.

As soon as the plants take root, become stronger and begin to grow, it is necessary to adapt them to external conditions and remove the cover. As the soil dries, it is recommended to moisten it with a spray bottle.

When the growth of the seedlings reaches 7 cm, it is necessary to completely cover the bulbs with soil. In the future, the plants will need the same care as for an adult begonia.

Dividing the bush

The flower is also propagated by dividing the bush, which does not present any particular difficulties and is suitable not only for professional flower growers, but also for beginners. To do this you need to pull out mother plant, remove all flower stalks, large leaves and stems, shake off some soil from the roots and cut the rhizome into pieces with a sharp knife. Each of them should have roots and a growing point.

It is necessary to powder the cuts with crushed activated carbon to exclude the possibility of the development of pathogens, and plant the seedlings in separate containers. For better rooting, experts recommend watering the plants with Kornevin’s working solution in a proportion of 4 g per 4 liters of water. In the future, maintain soil moisture and, when the top layer dries out, water, avoiding overwatering or drying out of the root system.

When propagating begonias by any means, you must understand that strict adherence to the rules and recommendations will help you get the desired result: a beautiful flowering plant.