Why do you dream of a severed pig's head? Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about a pig’s head” from professionals for people.

A pig seen in a dream is the personification of human vices and needs. You can find out in more detail why this animal is dreamed of by contacting several interpreters at once. But, before this, the dream book recommends reproducing in detail the plot you saw, its emotional coloring and completion.

Pig head

A dreamed pig's head is interpreted as a call to action. This plot can be a hint for the dreamer, calling him to reflect on some situation or on his way of life.

A pig's head can also dream of improving your material well-being. Aesop's Dream Book warns of possible arrogance and rudeness on the part of acquaintances and people from one's inner circle.

You can also dream of a pig's head as a sign of carelessness in everyday life and disasters associated with housekeeping.

Dead animal

If you dreamed of a dead pig, it means that you will soon have to look for a new source of income. For businessmen, such a plot foreshadows the imminent collapse of the business or its takeover by competitors.

The Eastern dream book says that for a woman to see a dead pig means avoiding deception and cleverly placed nets.

Skin color

If you dream of a black pig, be extremely careful when dealing with strangers. Universal dream book warns that a new acquaintance may turn out to be a rather vile person.

Lots of pigs

Grishina talks about why you dream about several pigs at once. A dream in which you are surrounded by many pigs has two meanings. The first portends great prospects in business, perhaps the emergence good partners or concluding a lucrative contract. The second meaning is a warning that people who depend on you do not take orders seriously.


Shereminskaya's dream book states that slaughtering a skinny pig in a dream means long time suffer from hardships and attacks from ill-wishers and business rivals.

Miller also gives a description of why such dreams occur. If you dreamed of a clean, healthy and well-fed pig, it means that in reality favorable changes in business and future lucrative contracts are expected.

If in a dream the pig was fat and big, this indicates that the dreamer is at the peak of his success and new ideas in business will bring considerable profit.


If a pig attacks in a dream, it means that you will soon have to face your enemy.

A dream in which a pig was covered in blood is interpreted as visible superiority over ill-wishers. Modern dream book warns that in the race for truth the dreamer will be forced to resort to radical measures, otherwise all the acquired goods may fall into the hands of enemies.

Did you dream of an angry and aggressive wild pig? The universal dream book warns of a grudge harbored against you for the insults inflicted and planned revenge in the future.

If you were bitten by a wild boar in a dream, then in the near future you should expect meanness on the part of obvious enemies, the results of whose actions will be much worse than expected.

It is not for nothing that the Dream Book of the Seasons warns in advance about possible danger. You should carefully prepare for possible attacks so as not to lose your workplace or a carefully configured business structure.

Various interpretations

If in a dream the piglets behave actively (eat and walk), then all undertakings will take place without any particular difficulties, and the plan will soon begin to come true.

The wanderer believes that in order to find out in more detail what this animal is dreaming about, one should pay attention to the emotions experienced in night dreams. If the dream was accompanied by a light and cheerful mood, it means that future events will bring joy and success. A dream, after which a person experiences anxiety and unconscious fear, promises the appearance of problems related to finances and material well-being in the near future.

Shereminskaya's dream book believes that slaughtering a pig means prosperity. IN real life you will be provided with everything necessary for work and material existence for a long time.

If you dreamed that you were cutting up a carcass, you are a person who is able to correctly and clearly plan your expenses and clearly outline future plans.

Feeding pigs in a dream means increasing your own well-being.

Why do you dream about a Pig? Pig grunting: Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Pig Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Pig Pig: Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation of Pigs Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation Pig Universal family dream book

If you had to kill a black pig, it means you will be able to avoid cleverly invented and placed traps.

Did you dream that you were bitten by a black or gray pig? Be careful, the ill-wisher is very close (perhaps even part of the immediate environment) and is preparing for decisive action.

Lots of pigs

Pig head


Russian dream book Pig»›

Pig: ingratitude, meeting a bad person.




Pig at the trough:

A pig bathes in a puddle:

anticipation of family difficulties.

Islamic dream book Pig»›

Pig grunting: announces victory over the enemy and the seizure of his wealth.

Idiomatic dream book Pig»›

"Put the pig":

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about it pig With piglets pig Pig, But necessary interpretation sleep Pigindream indreamsaw this symbol.

Dream book "sonnik.guru"

Seeindreampig pigs Seeindreampig

Dream Interpretation "children's garden"

Why do you dream pig. Seeindreampig pig who feeds pig

Dream Interpretation "listname"

Dream book of the 21st century. Dream Interpretation PigPigs indreampig Pigs indreampig indream pig porkhead

Dream Interpretation ""

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

Eat indreamporkhead head head head

Dream Interpretation "listname"

Freud's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does Pig mean:

A head in a dream symbolically reflects consciousness, the ability to perceive information and analyze it, and is also a symbol of “dominance.”

A large head signifies various aspects of life in which one can succeed: from greatness, talent, ability and fame to wealth and power in a certain aspect. As a rule, this can be seen from the accompanying dream symbols.

A small head means dishonor due to one’s own mistakes and mistakes, the inability to make decisions.

A beautiful head is a positive symbol for the dreamer of any sign. Disfigured, crippled, sick - negative.

Having two, three or more heads is the ability to make extraordinary decisions and find a way out of a difficult situation. After such a dream, you can know that you will come out of any unpleasant situation with dignity.

However, there are a number of meanings when a pig in a dream relates to the financial sector. Perhaps not coincidentally, piggy banks are given the image of pigs. Slaughtering a pig means profitable investments and other operations that involve future profits. Watching a pig being slaughtered means in reality you can count on receiving monetary benefits. According to the dream book, money symbols are also: a pig with piglets; a pig bathing in mud; feeling the pig's snout; have a pig snout instead of a nose.

Why do you dream of a live pig? If you see active, running pigs in a dream, this dream can be considered good. Profit awaits you. But you must definitely show ingenuity and the desire to get rich, otherwise the money will go to competitors.

Why do you dream about a lot of pigs? This dream may have different interpretations. If the animals are clean and behave calmly, this portends abundance and wealth. If pigs show aggression or impudence, they are dirty or skinny, then the sleeper will find himself in the company of arrogant and arrogant people who can do a lot of harm.

Why do you dream about a Pig? Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Pig Pig: ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, gluttony. It may indicate recognition by the individual’s self of these qualities within himself. Without this recognition, neither transformation nor domination is possible. Pearls before swine: failure to assess spiritual values. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Pig Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation of Pigs PIGS are a rude and unpleasant society. Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation Pig Seeing a pig in a dream means huge profits or a newborn. Universal family dream book

If you had to kill a black pig, it means you will be able to avoid cleverly invented and placed traps.

Did you dream that you were bitten by a black or gray pig? Be careful, the ill-wisher is very close (perhaps even part of the immediate environment) and is preparing for decisive action.

Lots of pigs

Some dream books tend to claim that we're talking about not about a person, but about a hidden disease that will soon make itself known. It would be a good idea to think about your health and undergo a medical examination.

Pig head

you are confident of success. Now is a good time for financial investments. Whatever you do, you will prosper.

Russian dream book Pig»›

Pig: ingratitude, meeting a bad person.

ABC of dream interpretation Pig»›

Pig: reflection of a person's physical needs.

Pig: It can also be a symbol of an acquaintance whom you do not respect.

Pig at the trough: a hint of someone’s (maybe yours) gluttony and untidiness.

A pig bathes in a puddle: there is a useless lazy person around you

anticipation of family difficulties.

Islamic dream book Pig»›

Pig grunting: announces victory over the enemy and the seizure of his wealth.

Idiomatic dream book Pig»›

"Put the pig": catch, harm from another person

“Well, you’re a pig!”, “behave like a pig”: impudence, impudence, rudeness

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about it pig With piglets- it means that everything you plan will succeed. If you heard her squealing, annoying news awaits you. According to the dream book, feed pig - good sign, you can improve your financial situation. I dreamed about Pig, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Pigindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indreamsaw this symbol.

Dream book "sonnik.guru"

Seeindreampig who holds on to his big tail pigs and moves forward unhindered, you will be faced with the insolence of a shameless person who does not pay attention to any principles and does not suffer from remorse; a more cunning one will get ahead of you; Remember that patronage is a very powerful means of achieving a goal. Seeindreampig smeared from head to toe with fresh mud - to gossip, empty rumors, intrigues.

Dream Interpretation "children's garden"

Why do you dream pig. Seeindreampig- a favorable sign that promises you prosperity in business and strengthening your financial situation. If you dreamed pig who feeds pig, then in reality an influential person will soon appear in your life who will patronize you.

Dream Interpretation "listname"

Dream book of the 21st century. Dream Interpretation PigPigs dream of slander, theft, weakness, gossip. See indreampig, digging the earth, means in reality to meet an idle, stingy person. Pigs to feed - to a meeting with an ill-wisher. Iron indreampig- means to flatter the pride of others. Girl see indream hog - to a marriage proposal. Score pig- to demotion, dismissal. Eat porkhead- to the road or a sober lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation ""

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

Eat indreamporkhead- go on the road, lamb - make a profit, lion's head- to loss. See on your head dark and light hair at the same time - portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake. All blonde hair head- a sign of complaisance and kindness, dark ones - a love trap.

Dream Interpretation "listname"

If in a dream you are offered to buy pork horns,– beware of deception and participation in events that violate the law.

Dreaming that you are feeding pigs from a golden tray, although you are wearing an expensive formal suit, is a warning that you are wasting money and energy; this will not bring peace of mind, but threatens severe disappointment.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, riding a pig - to an unusual pastime when, on the one hand, you will be pleased,” on the other hand, you simply won’t know how to feel about what happened.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does Pig mean:

Pig - You see a large, fat pig in a dream - after such a dream, do not doubt: success in business is guaranteed to you. You see a pig lying in the mud - the dream suggests that you will have reason to suspect your business partners of dishonesty. A girl dreams of a pig lying in the mud!.. - this girl’s new admirer will be a miser; but the wealth he has accumulated is too attractive to immediately, without weighing all the pros and cons, break off relations with him.

People usually disdain pigs because they are associated with dirt and grunting. To know exactly why a pig is dreaming, you should look into a book of dream interpretations and analyze such important details, like the type of animal, the number of pigs and piglets, where they are, their behavior, the actions of the owner of the vision.

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1 Key values

In general, the image of a pig in a dream is a favorable sign that promises success in all endeavors.

However, there are some details of night visions that you must definitely pay attention to.

The night vision of a pig that a young girl had in her dream is a hint to the dreamer that her chosen one will soon reveal a new side. Despite her financial stability, he will show himself to be a rather stingy and jealous person. Perhaps you should think about the advisability of continuing a relationship with such a gentleman.

A dream about a wild boar warns a person that his ill-wishers and enemies are making cunning plans in order to undermine the dreamer’s reputation. You should be more careful in communicating with people and watch your words and actions. Otherwise, envious people may have a chance to realize their evil intentions.

Seeing a lot of wild boars and pigs in a dream is not a very favorable symbol, which indicates that the dreamer is surrounded by many gossipers and envious people. They spread untrue rumors and false information about a person.

A large boar warns a person that he may fall under the influence of ignorant and ill-mannered people. You should avoid such society and behave with dignity in any situation. For a girl, such a night vision promises a quick marriage. Meeting your future groom will happen spontaneously. The young man will quickly propose to the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a young man you like?

2 How does Wang interpret a dream?

The great soothsayer Vanga says that if the dreamer heard an animal grunting, then great disappointment in life awaits him.

Seeing fat animals in a dream foreshadows the signing of a profitable contract that will bring big profits. If the pigs are skinny, then you should expect problems due to the behavior of children.

If you dreamed of a lot of piglets, then Vanga’s dream book promises rapid business development and big profits.

If the dreamer dreamed that he was feeding animals, then this promises wealth and a comfortable existence.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

3 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dreamed of a pig that was all covered in dirt, then this indicates that someone is spreading false information about the dreamer.

Seeing an animal in a pile of manure means problems with your boss at work due to different views on fundamentally important things for advancement successful work enterprises.

Riding an animal, like a horse, is an interesting pastime that will leave pleasant memories.

A dirty animal symbolizes uncleanliness in relationships with your other half. The possibility of treason or betrayal on the part of the young man cannot be ruled out.

Why do mice dream?

4 Interpretation according to Miller

Gustav Miller claims that seeing a pig warns that the dreamer’s frivolous attitude towards his immediate responsibilities at work can lead to dismissal.

Grunting in a dream like an animal - soon a person will want to change his field of activity, because same place At work, he feels that he is not fully realizing his potential. Seeing a man with a pig's head and communicating with him promises a difficult period in material terms.

Looking at an animal at home means stagnation and the emergence of unexpected obstacles in all matters. Such night vision can promise disappointment in best friends. These people will let you down in a difficult life situation. Driving an animal out of your home means solving old problems.

A dirty animal predicts a visit to the doctors for a preventive examination.

A pig bite promises a significant increase in salary or a large bonus.

Seeing an animal next to piglets is a sign of a series of minor troubles that will be easily resolved, however, will require significant physical, emotional and material costs.

5 How does S. Karatov explain the dream?

According to the dream book, a pig in night visions symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and success in financial matters.

See animals in large quantities- to gossip and untrue rumors about the dreamer.

If you dream of a pig in water, then this foreshadows scandals between family members or attacks of jealousy between lovers.

If an animal in a dream is a circus performer, then this promises a positive assessment by the boss of the dreamer’s extraordinary abilities and a promotion up the career ladder.

6 Actions towards a pig

Decoding the dreamer's behavior in night vision can tell a lot. To do this, you should remember exactly what actions the person performed in the dream:

  1. 1. Feeding animals in your home means that a person spends too much money on completely unnecessary things. You should reconsider your budget expenses. Otherwise, the possibility of ruin in the near future cannot be ruled out.
  2. 2. If the dreamer dreamed that in a dream he was the owner of a pigsty, then this promises him great happiness. You should expect improvement in all areas of life.
  3. 3. Eating a pig threatens a sharp deterioration in a person’s financial stability. You need to start thinking about additional types earnings. This will help avoid poverty and lack of money. Another interpretation of such a dream is a warning about the need to take care of your health.
  4. 4. Buying a large animal in a dream predicts deception on the part of strangers. You should be especially careful when communicating with unfamiliar people who may try to drag the dreamer into some kind of scam or deception.
  5. 5. Riding a wild boar promises an imminent noisy event, which a person will greatly regret in the future. You need to watch your actions and words.
  6. 6. If you dreamed of an animal carcass being butchered by the dreamer, this characterizes him as a person who knows how to manage his finances and plan a budget correctly. Cutting a pig carcass is a warning about the possible development of obesity. The cause of the disease will be a person’s laziness and lack of physical activity. Grilling piglets foreshadows the imminent visit of guests. The meeting will leave only pleasant memories.

The behavior of the animal in the dream is of great importance for the correct interpretation of sleep. If a pig wants to bite the dreamer, then this means a one-on-one meeting with his enemy.

An aggressive wild animal indicates that in the dreamer’s immediate circle there is a person who is offended for something and plans to take revenge.

The bite of a wild animal warns that manifestations of meanness and hypocrisy on the part of good friends are possible. Another interpretation of this dream is imminent dismissal from work.

7 Appearance of the animal

Seeing a dirty animal covered in mud in a dream soon promises big trouble for one of your relatives or gossip or intrigue. Another interpretation of such a night vision is a family scandal. However, if a person shows patience and wisdom towards his other half, then the relationship will be saved.

If you dreamed of a black pig, then this is a warning that you should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people. This will help the dreamer avoid deception and meanness. If you happen to kill a black animal, this means that it will be easy to solve old problems. The bite of a black or gray pig foreshadows the appearance of gossips and envious people in the dreamer's close circle.

A large and clean pig promises the signing of a rather profitable contract, which will bring considerable income. A skinny animal portends problems due to the actions of competitors. Cutting a thin animal symbolizes victory over enemies. A pig in blood is also a symbol of revealing the secret plans of the dreamer’s ill-wishers.

If you see a dead pig in a dream, then this foreshadows the dreamer's bankruptcy. You should start looking for additional sources of income as soon as possible. For a woman, dead piglets foreshadow the revelation of a secret about her lover’s infidelity.

8 Presence of piglets

Little piglets promise a serious salary increase or bonus. It is possible to receive a large income as a result of signing a profitable contract, winning the lottery, or rising through the ranks. The more piglets, the larger the expected profit.

Seeing a pig feeding piglets is a sign of improvement financial situation dreamer Another interpretation of this night vision is the presence in the dreamer’s life of slackers, people who like to live at the expense of others. These could be colleagues or one of your close relatives. You should not allow yourself to be treated this way.

If you dreamed of a pig with piglets in a village, then this promises financial security for the dreamer’s family. Perhaps returning a monetary debt or receiving a big bonus at work.

Seeing piglets and a pig in your home predicts some pleasant surprise. If a woman had this dream, then this symbolizes a quarrel with one of her relatives or friends. If a person lives alone, then misunderstandings with neighbors should be expected.

A dream about ornamental piglets promises a major scandal. If animals were dreamed of by a person who really needs money or hopes for repayment of a debt, then he will be disappointed and annoyed.

9 Other meanings

If you dream of a pig's head, then this portends a trip abroad. The outcome of the trip depends on how the head looked. If it was fresh, then the road will bring only positive emotions and pleasant memories. The presence of worms and flies symbolizes great difficulties and obstacles that the dreamer will have to face during his journey. Perhaps you should postpone your plans indefinitely. The pig's snout is a symbol of injury. You should be as careful and attentive as possible.

Seeing a pig in your home means the recovery of a sick person and the improvement of the dreamer’s financial situation.

If you dreamed that a living and healthy pig suddenly died, then this promises extremely unpleasant news from afar.

If you dreamed of animals itching, you should be prepared for minor quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.

Each person decides for himself whether to believe dream books. But sometimes in some life situations they should be listened to.

The very sight of a pig's head can be frightening during night visions, but you should not be afraid of this dream. A pig's head in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It can mean wealth and prosperity, or trouble.

But still there are fewer dreams with a negative meaning than with a positive one, and bad dreams They carry more warnings about troubles than the troubles themselves, so it is possible to correct all mistakes in real life. However, to find out in more detail what you dream about pig head, we need to consider the dream in more detail.

Buying a pig's head in a dream is a positive sign, it predicts that you may have a chance for success in your destiny: making a profit or a new job. When you sell a pig's head, such a dream gives a warning that if you do not change your lifestyle, you will have to pay for it.

Cooking jellied meat from a pig's head is a rather rare dream; it warns that you are successfully solving all problems and soon everything will be fine with you.

If in a dream you independently separated the head of a pig from the body, this is a very good dream, it promises victory over all competitors and success in all areas of life. Seeing a pig's head without blood on the table - such a dream promises hard work, but it will be generously paid. Buying it at the market is a symbol of the fact that an interesting and profitable job offer will unexpectedly arrive.

If you see a head cut off with blood - a warning. The vision promises health problems or troubles with relatives. In reality, you should take care of your health and have a good rest. A boiled pig's head in a dream suggests that everything in your life is under control and no minor setbacks will lead you astray.

A young girl dreamed of a pig's head promises a quick marriage and the marriage will be strong. If a man dreams of a head, such a dream portends prosperity, profit or new job. A pig's head on the table as a festive dish - such a dream indicates that a very good event will happen to your family. Eating such a dish in a dream means such a dream promises a long business trip or a lot of work.

Stroking a pig's head in dreams - a sure symbol that a meeting with a very influential person awaits in reality. If you saw several pig heads in a dream, this is a very rare dream; it foretells that you will find yourself in the company of unpleasant people and perhaps one of them will turn out to be a fraudster.

To see a pig's head in a dream - this dream has a negative interpretation. According to white dream book, He portends losses, troubles and health problems. Clean head pigs symbolize a difficult choice in reality. Buying a pig's head means that in real life you will find success and an easy solution to pressing problems.

Seeing a pig's head and experiencing strong fear or disgust - such a dream promises unexpected problems, waste and troubles. The head of a wild pig in a dream is a sign that you have a secret enemy who can damage your reputation. A pig's head without eyes - a dream foretells that you may become a victim of deception for a very large sum of money; losses and troubles are also expected on the road.

If you see a pig's head with blood, it's a symbol that it is better for you and your loved ones to avoid a long trip. Cooking a pig's head for a guest is a harbinger of success in business. Throwing away a spoiled pig's head - such a dream promises a quick solution to problems in a very painful way. You were given a pig's head - in reality you should beware of betrayal.

A head cut in half is a rare dream, it promises a solution to old problems in an unusual way . Hiding your head in a bag means you yourself will miss your opportunities. Seeing the head of an animal in someone else’s hands, such a dream foreshadows failure in business, this will happen due to the betrayal of acquaintances.

Such a dream has positive interpretation. In the White Dream Book, such a dream is interpreted as victory over enemies and success in business. In the Family Dream Book there is a pig's head, this is a harbinger of well-being and prosperity. The modern dream book interprets such a dream as a sign of success and victories in all matters. Especially good are those dreams where you eat the head not alone, but in the company of loved ones; this is a sign of friendship and good health.

Eating a pig's head in a dream means that you have enemies who are plotting evil against you. Picking up a pig's head and biting off pieces means that you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation and, as a result, suffer losses. Buying a pig's head in a dream for food - such a dream warns of wasteful spending or unnecessary troubles.

Eating the head of a pig or pig for a holiday - such a dream promises problems in your personal life. Eating a pig's head and it is tasty is a sign of victory and success in business. The man saw himself eating such a dish - such a vision suggests that the dreamer will be able to avoid troubles in reality.

The head of a black pig on the table foreshadows family quarrels, conflicts at work and other troubles. Buying a pork head at the market and preparing jellied meat means that in reality you will experience changes at work and a possible promotion.

A young girl eating the head of a pig or pig - such a dream portends that she risks getting into an unpleasant situation. Old man eats such a dish - this dream is a harbinger of victories in all matters. A pig's head with blood for dinner - such a dream promises health problems for family members.

To cook a dish from a pig's head means in real life you should expect a visit from guests. Serving on a platter to guests is a bad sign, it means an imminent illness close relative. A young girl eats it for a wedding - to a quarrel with the groom, troubles in her personal life, tears and loss of property. A man eating a head at a party means victory over a strong enemy, a symbol of strength and courage.

The pig, despite our impartial attitude towards it, has always been revered. She was a symbol of fertility and honesty. This is a representative of the twelfth zodiac sign. The pig was and is a sacred animal for many peoples. And the boar was a symbol of belligerence and masculinity. But why do you dream about a pig's head? Let's figure it out.

Such a trophy in a dream is associated with something bad. But dream books do not always interpret such a dream negatively. Under certain circumstances, it can promise both trouble and wealth. It is important to remember the details of the dream.

The severed head of a pig foreshadows:

  • Confusion, confusion, peace of mind.
  • Long road.
  • The need to remember the health of body and soul, getting rid of bad habits.
  • Problems at work.
  • Quarrels, squabbles with others and loved ones.
  • You may start to feel disappointed more often.

It is important to consider in a dream the action performed in relation to the pig’s head:

  1. Cooking jellied meat from a pig's head means illness.
  2. Buying a pig's head for a man at the market in a dream promises an addition to the family.
  3. Eating is explained positively, let’s describe such a dream in more detail.

A dream where the sleeper eats a head more often promises well-being, victory of enemies, and success. Eating in company means the health and friendship of loved ones.

Some dream books interpret with negative side: appearance of enemies, difficult situations, losses.

Eating on a holiday means a tense relationship with your loved one. For a man, such a dream predicts avoidance of unpleasant situations.

Serving it on the table means the illness of a loved one.

For a girl to eat such a dish at a wedding means a quarrel with her loved one, for a man it means victory over the enemy.

Seeing a black head on a table in a dream means a quarrel with relatives.

Buying a pig's head for jellied meat promises a waste of money.

The interpretation depends on the place where the dreamer saw his head in a dream:

  • On the threshold of the house - to troubles, squabbles.
  • In the house - to a serious illness, a dead person.
  • In a forest area, in an open field, on an empty road - to vain strong fear.
  • A market with pigs' heads promises an evil, frightening disease.

Which head exactly?

Often such an animal is associated with dirt. It is necessary to remember which pig’s head appeared in the dream, what it represented, its appearance:

  1. Dirty snout - to hostile others.
  2. The stigma sticks out of the dirt - expect condemnation from others for the merits of others you have appropriated.
  3. Pork head with eyes closed portends poverty, you will have to run around looking for money.
  4. Blood on the skin - to victory over the enemy.
  5. The head smiles with open eyes - money is on the doorstep and good news.
  6. A lot of pig heads means changes at work, and one promises a smooth life.
  7. The head bites and roars - a symbol of an attack by loved ones.
  8. Dark head - to loss in profitable business, problems cannot be avoided.
  9. Pink pig's head for a man - you will find love; for a woman - waiting for replenishment.
  10. A huge nickel and ears are a symbol of respect for the dreamer by others.

No blood

IN in this case the presence of blood mainly carries negative information. You should worry more if you saw a picture without a hint of red liquid. If it was, then you should expect an unexpected illness. Try to take care of your immunity and prevent the problem in advance. But a dream without blood promises great trouble, a catastrophe, a disaster with relatives. There is no need to panic - sometimes such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s processing and hard work.

With worms

The dream of a pig's head with worms has different interpretations, often bad:

  • Invisible health problems.
  • There is an evil man nearby.
  • For a girl, the dream promises separation from her beloved.
  • Quarrel with the team at work.

A dream where the dreamer takes worms out of a pig's head symbolizes getting rid of all the above problems.

What dream books say

Different dream books interpret a dream involving a pig's head in their own way.

Kananita's dream book interprets a dream with a clean stigma, which the dreamer feeds, as favorable. Expect good luck and help from people you know.

Hosse considers the dream book as a sign of poverty and satiety. A pig's head at a feast promises income. Seeing a head on someone else's table means you will be invited to a feast.

The Russian dream book warns of imminent unpleasant communication with an incompetent person.

The family dream book believes that the purchase of this trophy will bring profitable work to the dreamer.

Selling - warns you that your lifestyle is not right, you need to change or pay for it. Cooking jellied meat from it promises a successful solution to the problem.

The lunar dream book foretells a lot of good things for a person:

  • For a girl - marriage.
  • For a man - profit.
  • Seeing it in a dream as a holiday dish is fortunate for the family.
  • Eating a pig dish means going on a business trip.
  • Ironing means meeting an influential person.
  • A lot of pig heads in a dream promise an unpleasant meeting with scammers.

The white dream book foretells troubles and troubles for the dreamer who sees a pig’s head:

  1. Purchasing is a recipe for success.
  2. A clean head means a difficult choice.
  3. Fear and disgust at the sight of her - to troublesome affairs, wasteful expenses.
  4. The head of a wild boar indicates a hidden enemy.
  5. Seeing this part of the body without eyes means loss large sum money.

A wanderer's dream book advises against traveling when seeing a pig's head with blood in a dream. The dream book interprets dreams based on actions with a pig's head:

  • Cooking is a sign of success.
  • Throw it away - the problems will go away, not painlessly.
  • The head is presented as a gift for you - there is a traitor nearby.
  • Chop - to non-standard solution Problems.
  • Hide - opportunities will pass by.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller said that seeing such a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s uncertainty, weak-willedness and confusion. The dreamer who saw such a picture in reality felt a betrayal that changed his life. It is difficult to start trusting again and accepting help. Rather, we are talking about experiences of domestic violence. It is necessary to get rid of unpleasant thoughts and learn to live again.

Modern dream book

It foretells the destruction of competitors when seeing a dream where the dreamer cuts off the head of a pig. If there is no blood, then get ready to change your job to a better paid and harder one. Buying on the market - to the offer you are interested in.

A dream with a bloody head portends illness. Take care of your health and that of your loved ones. Cooked in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s complete control over all matters.

Explaining why a pig's head is dreamed of, the dream book gives several contradictory explanations. To understand what exactly fate has in store for you, remember the details of the plot you saw in a dream: where you saw the head, what it looked like, what you did with it, and how you reacted to it.

Troubles won't keep you waiting long

The pig is a symbol of dirt, sloppiness and gluttony. It is not surprising that the head of this animal, when dreamed of, promises complete troubles, assures the Eastern Dream Book.

Seeing a pig's head in your workplace in a dream is a sign that management at work may change, and the new bosses will not favor you.

Did you dream of a firebrand with a dirty mouth? This may mean that you will hear a lot of dirty rumors about yourself.

From spirituality to soulfulness

But Nostradamus’s dream book interprets dreams differently, the main character of which is the head of a pig. According to this interpreter, if you dreamed of a pig’s head, it means you should forget about material joys and think about the soul.

It's time to change your lifestyle, habits, and attitude towards others. This is also a hint that you need to become a more sincere and flexible person.

A ringing coin will amuse the ear

It’s very nice to see in a dream a boar’s head in the form of a hunting trophy. This suggests that doing what you love will bring good income, says Pastor D. Loff.

Even better predicted is the plot in which you cook jellied meat from a pig's head. Money will flow in an endless stream. You will "extract" money from almost any little thing.

Victory will be yours

But when deciphering why you dream of a pig’s head, which you personally separate from the carcass, the dream books are encouraging: you will defeat competitors and rivals, win an argument or a bet.

Success and prosperity are predicted by a vision in which you see a bunch of pig heads on a counter in a meat aisle, Miller’s dream book suggests.

Remember your health

The Wanderer's Dream Book also willingly shares interpretations of what a pig's head promises in a dream, but does this with the aim of warning about possible threat health.

If you dreamed of a pig carcass or its “head” part bleeding, this means that in the near future your chronic illness will worsen. Take care of your own well-being.

Did you dream that a person close to you was taking the brain out of a boar’s skull? Advise this person to go to the hospital for a routine check-up.

Marriage, recognition and other joys

The Gypsy Dream Book offers its interpretations of pork burnt. This, in his opinion, is what this part of the carcass is dreamed of, depending on the gender and age of the sleeping person. So:

  • for an unmarried girl - to a quick marriage and a strong marriage;
  • for a young guy - creativity and spontaneity will help him gain authority;
  • for a woman - caring for family and children will bring pleasure;
  • for a man - to a new profitable job;
  • for an elderly person - to clarity of mind and strength of memory.

Ally or rival?

Some dream interpreters consider dreams in which a pig's head appears as the appearance in the dreamer's life of either a like-minded person or a competitor.

During for long years it was accepted that if you dreamed of a pig’s head, then nothing good could be expected, since losses, disappointments and tears lay ahead. Sometimes such an interpretation actually comes true, but first it is worth remembering all the details, perhaps they will change the prediction.

What if you dream about a pig's head?

If the pig's head is on a tray, they are frequent, there are no traces of dirt and blood, then such a dream can be considered as a call to action. That is why it is worth remembering unfinished business both at work and in your personal life.

A pig's head seen in a dream can also indicate the appearance of an influential patron or ally who will help in solving financial issues and will give confidence in one's abilities. It is also interesting why a pig's head is dreamed of, which is cut off by the person seeing the dream. In the near future he will be threatened, so you should pay attention to this and not agree to risky business.

Particular attention should be paid if the pig’s head is bloody; in this case, the dream warns of disappointments and collapses of all plans and hopes.

It is also a warning sign that makes it clear to a person that his desires are too base or petty.

If the pig's head is not stained with blood, but there is a lot of dirt on it, then a person will not be able to avoid gossip and provocations addressed to him. Also, such a dream can predict a meeting with a vile person who will cause a lot of trouble and problems. If the head is heavily smeared with dirt, then a terrible misfortune will happen that will turn your whole life upside down.

Sometimes this is a symbol of troubles that will be beyond a person’s control. However, if by the end of the dream it was possible to clear it, then a solution will still be found. Cleaning a pig's head from dirt in a dream means a change in opinion about a loved one V better side.

What does it portend?

Quite rarely, but still you dream of feeding a pig’s head, this is a symbol that tries to warn about the presence of unreliable people near a person, to whom he helps and gives protection.

A pig's head can also tell about the gullibility that ill-wishers take advantage of. A lot of pig's heads are a sign of anxiety and dangers that a person often invents for himself.

However, sometimes you should be wary of the gossipers and envious people around you. The main thing is to behave carefully and not trust untrusted people.

People often dream of a pig's head before completing an important transaction or project. She talks about success and material profit, which will be a reward for your work. If you dream of a pig’s head before a trip abroad, then there is no doubt that it will definitely take place.

A dream in which you dreamed of a pig’s head must be learned to interpret correctly, since it can be both positive and warning in nature. Often with the help of such dreams it is possible to prevent misfortunes and problems at work and in family life.