Basal temperature was 37 now 36.8. What is the basal temperature during early pregnancy?

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Body temperature at pregnancy may differ from a woman’s usual indicators. It can be associated both with the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body, and it can be increased or decreased due to pathological reasons.

The concept of basal temperature

Basal temperature These are indicators obtained at rest in the mouth, vagina or rectum. Based on these data, one can judge a woman’s menstrual function.

Basal temperature measurement is used for:

  • detecting the presence of ovulation;
  • determining pregnancy by temperature;
  • contraception;
  • assessing the condition and identifying abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system.
It is recommended to especially monitor basal temperature for women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time, who have previously experienced miscarriages or threatened miscarriages during current or previous pregnancies.

Measuring basal temperature for the purpose of contraception is possible, since the most dangerous days are identified, on which the likelihood of becoming pregnant is highest. However, all modern contraceptives protect against unwanted conception much more effectively, and also prevent sexual transmission infectious diseases. Therefore, at present, experts do not encourage contraception in this way.

Indicators of basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy

For those who are just dreaming of motherhood, measuring basal temperature is a simple and fairly reliable way to determine ovulation. This method can detect the onset auspicious days to conceive a child. By changing these data, you can determine pregnancy at the earliest early stages, almost immediately after conception.

Both with an increase or decrease in basal temperature, you should immediately contact a specialist.

A temperature chart during pregnancy is drawn up to visually monitor fluctuations in indicators in the first four months. In this case, the obtained measurement results are entered into the table and also marked on the finished template, so that a temperature curve is obtained.

Fever during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy, body temperature may increase due to various reasons. A change in its indicators can be physiological, being a consequence of a change hormonal levels and thermoregulation processes in the expectant mother, may also be a manifestation of a variety of diseases.

Increased body temperature during pregnancy may have the following reasons:
1. Individual characteristics of the pregnant woman's body.
2. Infectious diseases (ARVI, intestinal infections).
3. Other, more rare causes (allergic reactions, acute surgical pathology, non-infectious inflammatory processes).

Let's look at them in more detail:

Individual characteristics of the body

Normal temperature during pregnancy may be slightly elevated. As mentioned earlier, due to the new state of a woman’s body, hormonal levels and thermoregulation processes change. Many expectant mothers constantly feel feverish, but feel well and have no symptoms of any illness.

Distinctive features of this condition:

  • usually the temperature fluctuates within small subfebrile numbers (approximately 37-37.5 o C);
  • during pregnancy, this temperature lasts for a long time (sometimes until childbirth);
  • there are no symptoms of any diseases.
However, if the expectant mother discovers elevated temperature, this should be reported to a specialist. Whether this is a variant of the norm, or a manifestation of any disease, can only be judged by a doctor after conducting the necessary examination. Only after receiving negative results, a temperature of 37 o C or slightly higher during pregnancy can be considered physiological. When all causes of low-grade fever are excluded, there is no need to worry or take any measures.

Infectious diseases

Often, elevated temperature during pregnancy is associated with the occurrence of ARVI. Expectant mothers are generally more susceptible to infectious processes than women in the normal state. This is caused by the additional stress on the immune system associated with bearing a child. All this leads to a secondary immunodeficiency state.

Distinctive features of elevated temperature during infectious processes:
1. With ARVI and other infectious diseases, the temperature during pregnancy can rise to 38 o C and higher.
2. There are other symptoms of the disease, for example, a pregnant woman may have a sore throat, it is noted heat, cough, runny nose.

Both in early and late stages of pregnancy, elevated temperature and the infectious diseases that cause it can lead to miscarriages and premature birth, the occurrence of various malformations in the child, and become the cause of intrauterine infection of the fetus. Therefore, if fever and other symptoms of the disease appear, it is extremely important to consult a doctor promptly.

When the temperature rises, the expectant mother should adhere to a number of rules:

  • See a doctor promptly. Treatment and diagnosis of diseases in a pregnant woman should be carried out by a therapist together with an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Even if the signs of the disease are not clearly expressed (for example, a temperature of 37 o C and a runny nose during pregnancy), they must be reported to a specialist.
  • It is better to avoid visiting clinics, especially during epidemics - call a doctor at home.
  • Under no circumstances should you take medications on your own, as most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • It is also better not to abuse “home” methods of therapy. So, drinking plenty of water later may contribute to the occurrence of edema, and many medicinal herbs contraindicated.
In addition to ARVI, elevated temperature in a pregnant woman can be associated with other infectious diseases. Fever and upset stool may be a symptom intestinal infection. In some cases, there is even a need to treat the disease in a hospital, using infusion (i.e. intravenous) administration medicines. At the same time, nausea, vomiting and slight low-grade fever may be the norm in the early stages and indicate toxicosis.

Frequent targets for pathogenic microorganisms are the urinary tract and kidneys. Diseases such as pyelonephritis and cystitis occur. Their appearance is especially typical in later stages, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the nearby urinary tract. As a result, a violation of the outflow of urine may occur, and favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms. Therefore, an increase in body temperature during pregnancy may well be associated, for example, with an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, or an acute process. In addition to fever, this disease is accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower back, painful urination and some other symptoms.

We should not forget about such a cause of fever in pregnant women as childhood infectious diseases. Expectant mothers, like everyone else, are susceptible to diseases such as chicken pox, measles and others. Moreover, some of them (for example, rubella) can pose a serious danger to the fetus. All these infections are accompanied by severe fever (temperature may be 38.5 o C or higher) and the appearance of skin rashes. Therefore, pregnant women, especially those who, for personal reasons or for some other reason, have not received preventive vaccination, should avoid sick people, as well as places of quarantine for these diseases.

Other reasons

Fever can be caused by a variety of illnesses. This may include allergic conditions, exacerbation of systemic inflammatory diseases (rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus and others), acute surgical pathology.

Fever during pregnancy: treatment

Of course, it would be best if you don’t have to take medications for fever and other manifestations of the disease during pregnancy. However, very often there is a need to prescribe medications.

To bring down a high temperature during pregnancy, you can use the following remedies:
1. Traditional methods treatment.
2. Medicines.
3. Other adjuvant therapies (eg, physiotherapy).

Traditional methods

Non-pharmacological measures for elevated temperature in a pregnant woman include:
  • Drinking plenty of warm fluids, usually recommended during infectious diseases, often has to be limited during pregnancy. This is especially true in later stages, when excess fluid can contribute to the occurrence of edema. You should also limit fluid intake when a high temperature in a pregnant woman is associated with pyelonephritis or other urinary tract diseases.
  • For drinking, you can use warm herbal teas (chamomile, linden) with raspberries, milk with honey and butter. The liquid should not be too hot.
  • You should not wrap up and dress too much, or install a heater near you, otherwise a slight fever may rise to febrile levels (38 o C and above).
  • If the temperature has risen to subfebrile levels, then physical cooling methods are used. However, you should not get carried away with them - hypothermia during pregnancy is also useless. You can apply compresses to the forehead using towels moistened with water. room temperature. As they dry or warm up, they can be re-wetted.
  • Hot baths, including foot baths, are contraindicated, as they can reflexively increase the tone of the uterus, contributing to bleeding and premature birth, and a lack of oxygen to the fetus. Also hot water may contribute to a rush of blood into the venous vessels and the occurrence of edema.

You should be very careful about traditional medicines from temperature during pregnancy, recipes for which can be found on the Internet, reference books, or from familiar grandmothers. They may contain herbs and other substances that are not currently used by expectant mothers. Therefore, before asking for advice on the Internet, you should first consult with your doctor. Under no circumstances should you treat yourself. Remember: we're talking about not only about the health of the mother, but also the fetus.

If the increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman is insignificant, then the methods listed above will be sufficient to reduce it. If the fever reaches high levels or persists for a long time (more than 3 days), drug therapy is prescribed.

In cases where the temperature has not risen much, but there are other signs of a serious condition of the pregnant woman (for example, intense headache, a feeling of heaviness in the frontal area, plaque in the throat, thick purulent or bloody issues from the nose, the appearance of cloudy or dark urine, etc.) - immediate consultation with a doctor is indicated.


Tablets for fever during pregnancy, as well as other forms of antipyretics medicines(syrups, suppositories, powders) are prescribed for fever above 38.5 o C.

Rules for prescribing medications during pregnancy:

  • When choosing medications, choose those that are safe for the fetus.
  • Most drugs can have Negative influence per child, or do not have sufficient information regarding use during pregnancy. Therefore, under no circumstances should you take medications without the advice of a doctor.
  • Antipyretic drugs are prescribed when body temperature rises above 38 o C, and in the later stages - at 37.5 o C.
  • There is often a need to prescribe several medications (for fever, cough, nasal congestion and other symptoms of the disease); sometimes they resort to the use of antibiotics (for sore throat, pyelonephritis and a number of other severe infectious conditions).
  • Usually, along with drugs to treat the underlying disease, the doctor prescribes drugs to stimulate the immune system (for example, Viferon) and vitamin complexes.
  • In some cases, if the disease is life-threatening for the mother or fetus, medications that are not usually used in pregnant women may be prescribed. But this is done only as directed and under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
Most effective method reducing temperature during pregnancy - taking antipyretic drugs. Currently the most by safe means paracetamol-based drugs are considered for expectant mothers. However, long-term and uncontrolled use is undesirable, as they can have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, cause hematopoietic disorders and bleeding. Paracetamol can be taken no more often than every 6 hours (maximum 4 times a day).

It is possible to use homeopathic antipyretic drugs, such as Viburkol (release form - suppositories for rectal use). However, there is not enough data on its use in pregnant women, so it is better to refrain from taking the medicine yourself.

Medicines containing aspirin, indomethacin, ibuprofen, metamizole sodium (Analgin) have a large amount side effects on the fetus, therefore they are prescribed to pregnant women in extreme cases (in case of intolerance to other drugs).

The ideal option is to take paracetamol once at a temperature above 38 o C, after which you should call a doctor to determine further treatment tactics.

If, while using medications, a pregnant woman develops any adverse reactions, pain, pulling or discomfort in the uterine area - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Other methods

In some cases, with elevated temperature during pregnancy, other treatment methods are resorted to. For example, if fever is associated with acute surgical pathology, it is indicated surgery. Some physiotherapy procedures may also be prescribed.

Fever during pregnancy: consequences

Usually, a slight increase in body temperature during pregnancy does not pose a danger to the fetus. It is also believed that a short-term increase in temperature by 1-1.5 o C (for example, as a result of overheating) also does not affect the child. But this only applies to cases where the temperature is not associated with severe pathology.

Fever above 38 o C is dangerous, especially if it occurs due to the course of an infectious disease. A pathogenic microorganism can negatively affect the fetus, causing intrauterine infection, birth defects and even fetal death.

Why is high temperature dangerous during pregnancy?

  • Elevated temperature can have a negative effect on the condition of the placenta, causing its premature aging and detachment, increased tone and premature birth.
  • In conditions of high fever, it may be disrupted protein metabolism, which leads to developmental disorders of fetal organs and systems, and the formation of congenital defects and intrauterine growth retardation.
  • Intoxication of the body as a result of elevated temperature and underlying disease can lead to pathology in the functioning of the cardiovascular system in the mother or fetus (thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome and other conditions).
  • Temperatures above 38 o C have a detrimental effect on nervous system fetus, may affect mental capacity child, development of the facial skeleton.
Measures to prevent the occurrence of fever during pregnancy include:
  • avoid crowded places, especially such as a clinic, during cold season;
  • frequent ventilation and cleaning of the apartment;
  • washing hands with soap upon arrival home;
  • use of individual dishes, towels, if there are patients with infectious diseases in the house;
  • during the cold season - regularly rinse your mouth and rinse your nose with boiled water.

Low temperature during pregnancy

Changes in body temperature during pregnancy do not always increase. For some expectant mothers it is possible decrease in temperature.

The reasons for low temperature may be:
1. Individual characteristics of the body that are accidentally revealed during pregnancy.
2. Some diseases (for example, endocrine pathology, toxicosis of a pregnant woman).

Pregnancy at low temperatures may not cause concern for the health of the child if it is physiological for the mother. However, in any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary to exclude possible pathological causes of this phenomenon.

Often low temperature associated with toxicosis during pregnancy. It usually appears when the expectant mother is in serious condition associated with dehydration and electrolyte disturbances as a result of loss of fluid and trace elements through vomiting. This course of toxicosis requires treatment in a hospital setting.

Sometimes a decrease in body temperature during pregnancy can appear against the background of acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases. Such a reaction of the body may indicate the presence of an immunodeficiency state and the need to consult a specialist.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The menstrual cycle is divided into phases that successively replace each other. Depending on the phase, the content of hormones in a woman’s body can either increase or decrease, and along with this, basal temperature indicators also change.

Normal basal temperature values

Each person's body has individual characteristics. Therefore, the normal values ​​of basal temperature are different for each woman. In this case, the main criterion is not the temperature indicator, but the difference in temperature values ​​between the phases of the cycle.

If female body operates in normal mode, the minimum difference between the temperatures in the first and second phases is at least 0.4 degrees.

IN in good condition in the follicular phase (immediately after menstruation), the level of estrogen in the blood increases, as a result of which the basal temperature is determined to be 36.7 degrees. In some situations, the values ​​may be slightly lower, for example, a basal temperature of 36.4 degrees in the follicular phase is not a violation. However, if during this period the basal temperature is 36.1 degrees, this is already a pathology that requires consultation with a specialist.

Before ovulation begins, the basal temperature is 36.6 degrees. What does a basal temperature of 36.8 mean during this period? A basal temperature of 36.8 at this stage of the cycle is also normal. On the day of egg maturation, temperature values ​​increase, and a basal temperature of 36.9 is determined.

What does it mean? This indicates that the level of hormones has increased, and the body is ready for fertilization and consolidation ovum in the wall of the uterus. At the time of ovulation, temperature readings can reach 37.2 degrees. After ovulation, the basal temperature is 36.9 degrees.

Then a decrease in temperature values ​​is observed. But here, too, everything is individual - some women have a basal temperature in the second phase of 36.8 degrees, others have a basal temperature of 36.9 in the second phase. Sometimes, just before menstruation, the basal temperature is 36.9 degrees - this also does not go beyond the normal range.

However, in some cases, a basal temperature of 36.9 degrees before the onset of menstruation may indicate pathology, so a consultation with a gynecologist will not be superfluous.

Low basal temperature values

As noted above, basal temperature values ​​are a purely individual indicator and there is no strict standard. So, for example, a basal temperature of 36 degrees and a basal temperature of 36.5 degrees is a normal individual phenomenon, provided that the difference between the phases remains at least 0.4 degrees.

If the difference in temperature values ​​is less than 0.4 degrees or the average basal temperature is low, this may indicate a violation.

For example, low temperature readings are observed with the following pathologies:

Basal temperature data during pregnancy

During pregnancy, basal temperature is the most important indicator with which you can identify possible disorders at an early stage, up to the threat of miscarriage. Temperature readings are of particular importance when menstruation is delayed.

A basal temperature of 36.7 during a delay usually means that conception has not occurred. The reason for the absence of menstruation in this case may be a gynecological disorder. A symptom of a disorder may also be a basal temperature of 36.8 with a delay.

However, the cause of the delay is not always pathology. Shift menstrual cycle may be associated, for example, with climate change. Therefore, when drawing up a graph of temperature values, it is necessary to take into account all factors.

If conception has occurred, the temperature will be 37 degrees or more. In a normal state, a basal temperature of 36.7 cannot be achieved during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the content of progesterone is increased, which means that temperature readings also increase. However, in certain situations the temperature may be lower.

It should be noted that this refers to a persistent decrease in temperature values. If a basal temperature of 36.8 during pregnancy was detected once, this is not yet a symptom of a disorder. This phenomenon rather speaks about the general condition of the woman’s body.

The expectant mother should be wary of low temperature values ​​that are detected over a period of time. A basal temperature of 36.6 during pregnancy, in most cases, indicates a threat of miscarriage.

In such a situation, you must immediately contact a medical facility, especially if low temperatures are accompanied by symptoms such as pain, persistent uterine tone, and spotting.

A basal temperature of 36.9 during pregnancy may be associated with a deficiency of sex hormones. A decrease in the production of progesterone in the body of the expectant mother can lead to miscarriage.

After all, it is progesterone that prevents uterine contractions and, as a result, detachment of the fertilized egg.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a blood test is required. If the reason for the decrease in temperature is progesterone deficiency, to the expectant mother special medications containing progesterone are prescribed.

With timely detection of abnormalities and appropriate medical procedures, pregnancy can be maintained in most cases.

In order to obtain accurate data, it is necessary to measure temperature taking into account the following recommendations:

When should you contact a specialist?

If, subject to correct temperature measurements, significant deviations from the norm are observed for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist to perform an additional medical examination and make a correct diagnosis.

Consultation with a specialist is necessary in the following situations:

Monitoring basal temperature is an effective diagnostic method when planning pregnancy.

Also, graphs of temperature indicators allow you to identify hormonal disorders in a woman’s body (subject to correct temperature measurement). Therefore, many specialists today use this simple, but at the same time reliable way research.

It is important to take your temperature at approximately the same time every morning. To measure basal temperature, you can use a regular one, or you can use a special basal thermometer (it is more accurate). Using daily measurements, a woman can build her own basal temperature chart.

Before ovulation begins, the basal temperature will be low (marked 36 on the chart). After ovulation, the basal temperature will be 36.6 or higher, although, as a rule, no higher than 36.8.

Continue to chart and remember that your temperature won't start to rise until ovulation is complete. Ovulation begins when basal temperature is still low, for example - 36 degrees.

Changes in basal temperature and ovulation

If your basal temperature is 36.6 degrees, then there is a high probability that ovulation has already occurred. If the readings are 36.7 degrees or higher, then ovulation has probably already taken place. Typically, basal temperature rises for a couple of days after ovulation has occurred. If the basal temperature remains high for a long time, there is a possibility of pregnancy.

The luteal (post-ovulation) phase is the last 14 days of the cycle for most women. If the basal body temperature is above 36.7 degrees for more than 16 days in a row, then the probability of pregnancy is high. The earliest pregnancy tests can be used are 10 days after ovulation. A basal temperature of 36.9 degrees is typical for pregnant women.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

Basal body temperature during pregnancy is 36.8 and above. It will remain slightly elevated from the time of conception until the end of the first trimester. In most cases, this small increase in temperature is not noticeable, except when using a basal thermometer, which can accurately detect body temperature by 0.18 degrees.

A persistently elevated temperature for two or more weeks since the last ovulation is an indication that a woman is pregnant. At this time, pregnancy tests are often unreliable, so for many women, a basal temperature during pregnancy of 36 degrees is an assistant in determining pregnancy. At the end of the first trimester, the basal temperature during pregnancy of 36 degrees returns to normal indicators. A sharp increase in temperature is a sign that the body is fighting an infection.

One of important indicators body condition is body temperature. After pregnancy, temperature values ​​can increase to 37.2 ºС. This is the norm. If the body temperature reaches 38 ºС and other symptoms are observed (cough, rhinitis, pain in the lower abdomen), consultation with a specialist is necessary. Perhaps an increase in temperature indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the body and timely seeking medical help will avoid serious consequences.

During the period of bearing a child, temperature values ​​may decrease slightly. What does, for example, a temperature of 36 in pregnant women indicate? Is it required in in this case medical intervention? Let's figure it out.

You should know that low temperature body maybe individual feature organism, which a woman detects only during pregnancy.

Therefore, a temperature of 36.5 during pregnancy may be the norm for a particular woman. There is no reason to worry in this case. However, it is still necessary to consult with your doctor, since a temperature of 36-36.9 during pregnancy may be a manifestation of the disease. Next, we will consider the most common reasons for a decrease in temperature indicators during the period of bearing a child.

Pathologies of the endocrine system

If the temperature is 36.2 during pregnancy, this may indicate a dysfunction thyroid gland. One of the diseases of the endocrine system is hypothyroidism. This pathology develops due to iodine deficiency in the body and is accompanied by symptoms such as:

Hypothyroidism requires appropriate treatment, since in the absence of adequate therapy, involuntary termination of pregnancy is possible. Therefore, when the temperature decreases, you need to visit your doctor, who will conduct a thorough examination and, if necessary, give a referral to an endocrinologist.

Decreased immune system function

In order to maintain pregnancy, the activity of progesterone is inhibited immune system. In this regard, a woman’s body is more susceptible to colds and ARVI.

As a result of infectious diseases, accompanied by an increase in temperature, the body of a pregnant woman is depleted, and the thermoregulation of the body is disrupted. As a result, a temperature of 36.4 may be observed during pregnancy. In such a situation, you need to immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and carry out the necessary therapeutic measures.

Lack of sex hormones

Low temperature during pregnancy (36.6 and below) may be due to a lack of sex hormones in a woman’s body. In such a situation, there is a risk of miscarriage. It is the hormone progesterone that is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy - it prevents uterine contractions, which lead to detachment of the fertilized egg. If, in addition to a decrease in temperature values, there is pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature, bloody discharge from the vagina, the pregnant woman needs emergency medical care. Treatment in this case is carried out using drugs containing progesterone (Utrozhestan, Duphaston).


In the first trimester of pregnancy, many women suffer from toxicosis. With this disorder, appetite decreases, nausea and vomiting often occur. As a result, the pregnant woman’s body may experience a deficiency of essential nutrients. Consequently, general state the body deteriorates, temperature values ​​may decrease. Other symptomatic manifestations of this pathology are:

  • tachycardia;
  • intense sweating;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • headache;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

After regular nutrition is established, body temperature returns to normal. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you should contact a specialist who will select the appropriate diet.

Poor nutrition can lead to the development of anemia. This pathology is also characterized by a decrease in temperature values.

In addition, this disease is manifested by increased weakness, tachycardia, dry mouth, deterioration of the condition of nails, hair, and skin. A decrease in hemoglobin interferes with the normal development of the fetus. The child may be born with iron deficiency and other pathologies.

Overwork of the body

A temperature of 36.7 during pregnancy may be the result of frequent emotional stress or lack of sleep. Excessive psychological or physical exercise provide negative impact for the work of the whole organism. Overwork, in the absence of compensatory recovery, leads to exhaustion of the body, which can threaten the further course of pregnancy.

A low temperature during pregnancy (36.8 and below) does not always indicate a disorder in the body of the expectant mother. If you notice such a phenomenon, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will conduct a thorough medical examination, the results of which will confirm or deny the presence of pathology.

Timely implementation of adequate therapeutic measures will prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Basal temperature during pregnancy is measured by many women. What kind of parameter is this and what can be learned from these measurements?

This “type” of temperature, if you can call it that, is one of the classic, oldest methods determination of ovulation and hormonal imbalances in women. That is, measurements are usually carried out by women planning a child, who want to speed up the onset of conception and predict the most favorable days for this. If there is no ovulation according to the BT schedule for several months in a row, this is a reason to conduct a gynecological and, possibly, endocrinological examination.

Since the basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay usually rises to 37 degrees or higher, based on this you can suspect an interesting situation even when it is too early to do tests. Approximately 3-5 days beyond the expected start of the delay. On the other hand, it will be much more effective for this purpose to take a blood test for hCG. HCG begins to be produced after implantation of a fertilized egg. That is, approximately 7-10 days after sexual intercourse.

But let's return to the BT level. The basal temperature during pregnancy is considered normal: 37.0, 37.1 degrees. This increase occurs due to the influence of the hormone progesterone, the main one responsible for the preservation and development of the embryo. If there is a lack of this hormone, there are threats of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. This is why a basal temperature during pregnancy of 36.6, 36.7, 36.8, 36.9 degrees makes many people panic, since it would be logical to assume that not everything is in order.

What do doctors say about this? Soviet-trained doctors, many of whom still work in Russian antenatal clinics and hospitals, advise their patients (future mothers) to measure BT if they have previously had miscarriages or have any reason to suspect pathology (for example, the increase in hCG is lower norms).

Modern doctors are of the opinion that basal temperature during pregnancy cannot tell us anything. There are categories of women who have a high risk of miscarriage, but these are subject to special control. This control consists of conducting transvaginal ultrasound examinations and monitoring the dynamics of hCG growth. But BT is uninformative, since there is a huge probability of errors, its accuracy depends on too many factors. In a word, it is better not to search on the Internet for “basal temperature during pregnancy graph is normal,” but to listen more carefully to the tangible signals of your body and be sure to follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

If you can’t help but think about finding out your BT, then be sure to follow the rules that will help minimize measurement errors. Thus, measurements are carried out exclusively after a night's sleep and before getting out of bed, rectally. The thermometer can be used either mercury or electronic. But the second one has more possible errors. Basal temperature during pregnancy in the evening is not informative, since after physical activity it tends to increase. And don't forget about the factors that can also affect the result. These are various diseases, the symptoms of which are fever, sexual intercourse, severe anxiety, etc.

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