Spotting brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy. First trimester of pregnancy and spotting

Even in the absence of additional symptoms brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy you should be wary. Their causes are often very serious and can threaten the health and even the life of the mother and child. And although the doctor may not reveal any pathologies during the consultation, you still need to play it safe.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, the baby resembles the letter “C”. Its limbs are already beginning to develop and it has gills. By the end of the 6th week, the auricles begin to form instead. There are already the rudiments of the circulatory system, small vessels are gradually developing, which in the future, with the formation of the umbilical cord, will connect the fetus with the maternal body.

The heart begins to form. Two heart tubes are already pulsating. Over time, they will merge together and form a two-chambered heart. From neural tube The brain and spinal cord begin to form. The intestinal tube is already divided into three. In the future it is the thyroid, parathyroid gland and pituitary gland. There are rudiments of the respiratory system, liver, and pancreas.

At the full 6 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo has already grown in length by more than 1 cm. It can tilt to the right and left. At the same time, the fetal bladder develops, inside which amniotic fluid gradually forms.

How does the expectant mother feel?

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body increasingly adapts to the needs of the fetus. Gradually changing hormonal background; The amount of pregnancy hormone progesterone increases in the body. Under its influence, the muscle tone of all organs changes. The mammary glands swell; nipples become increasingly sensitive.


The muscles of the uterus relax and blood vessels dilate. As a result of changes in the condition of the blood vessels, the pressure sometimes decreases. As a result, dizziness, drowsiness, and fatigue are common.

Heartburn often occurs due to relaxation of the esophageal muscles. In addition, early toxicosis begins. It is expressed in frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting. Often, 6 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by a slight decrease in a woman’s weight. She is losing weight because frequent vomiting causes her body to receive fewer calories than usual.

The muscles of the ureters weaken, which is why a pregnant woman can easily catch cystitis. You need to be very careful, as the infection comes from Bladder can easily spread to the kidneys and cause pyelonephritis.

Under the influence of hormones, pregnancy can manifest itself in various unusual symptoms: body hair begins to grow, profuse acne or red spots appear on the face. All these phenomena are temporary; after childbirth, when the hormonal levels stabilize and change, all visible ugly manifestations will disappear without a trace.

What do the symptoms mean?

It is common for pregnant women to experience periodic discharge during the 6th week of pregnancy. Light, slightly gelatinous discharge without color or specific odor is considered normal. In addition, there is a whitish daub. The reason for such discharge is hormonal changes in the body, preparing it for pregnancy and bearing a child.

But at 6 weeks of pregnancy there may sometimes be colored discharge. Among these, light brown spotting and pink discharge are not dangerous. They may be slightly slimy. They go during the period when they should have their periods. In addition, they are caused by hormones.

If every hour the pad turns more and more red, the discharge is similar to that which occurs during menstruation, it is likely that a spontaneous miscarriage begins. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is not a pathology in cases where it is painless and not accompanied by a burning sensation; no feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.


If spotting appears after sex or a visit to a gynecologist during an examination gynecological chair, most likely, these are manifestations of cervical erosion. There is no need to fear for the health of the unborn child. The woman carries and gives birth to a healthy baby without any problems.

But some time after giving birth, you need to see a doctor, undergo a course of treatment and get rid of this unpleasant problem.

At 6 weeks, brown discharge in pregnant women is sometimes the cause of placenta previa. This does not mean at all that you need to terminate the pregnancy. Even in this case, it is quite possible to give birth to a healthy baby.

With inferior placenta previa, any physical exercise, it is forbidden to have sex. In some cases, if the presentation has not changed at a later date, in the third trimester the pregnant woman should be under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. The baby is born by caesarean section.

Abnormal discharge is intense Brown. They may indicate that the pregnancy is ectopic. In addition, the woman feels severe throbbing pain in the lower abdomen.

Brown discharge may also indicate a threat of miscarriage. They are accompanied by severe attacks and heaviness in the lower abdomen. The woman requires immediate hospitalization.

Dark brown spotting may indicate blood accumulating in the uterus due to the gradual detachment of the placenta. The more time passes, the more the process worsens. As a result, the placenta may completely separate from the walls of the uterus; there will be a miscarriage.

Excessive brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy can cause missed abortion and fetal death.

A spot that starts out light brown and becomes thicker and darker over time sometimes indicates a sexually transmitted infection during or before pregnancy. In cases where the discharge begins to smell bad, the genitals itch, or an unpleasant burning sensation is felt during urination, you should consult a doctor. The pregnancy may have to be terminated.

Reasons to see a doctor

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes there is a feeling of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, tingling. If there is no bloody or brown discharge, then there is no need to worry. Such sensations often occur towards the end of the 6th week due to the fact that the uterus begins to grow and the muscles stretch.

The stomach may hurt due to anxiety, physical stress, poor nutrition, and constant vomiting due to toxicosis.

There are rare cases when a woman at 6 weeks of bearing a child experiences pain in the abdomen and lower back, has brown discharge, but the pregnancy does not end. In the end, everything ends well and a healthy baby is born. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

The sixth week of pregnancy is one of the most important periods.

It is at this time that the fetus and placenta are formed. You should constantly monitor your condition: avoid stress, try not to overexert yourself physically, give yourself rest during the day. You need to pay attention to the color and amount of discharge.

If the pain has become frequent and there is brown discharge, you should go to the antenatal clinic and have an ultrasound done. In cases where the present symptoms confirm the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital.

It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the following alarming symptoms are present:

  • severe colic or a feeling of constant pain in the side;
  • suddenly my stomach became stone;
  • blood or discharge is brown;
  • heat;
  • abrupt cessation of toxicosis;
  • fainting due to a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Under no circumstances should you neglect your condition if you have at least a few of these symptoms. Moreover, swallowing pills without a doctor’s prescription, doing heavy physical labor, do not pay attention to the discharge for a long time.

In some cases, there may be no physical sensations at all. The woman feels well. Her belly is enlarged and her mammary glands are fuller. But if there is a brown spot present, you need to be wary and go for a consultation. After all, this kind of discharge can be not only a sign of placental abruption. In some cases, they indicate pathologies in the development of the child.

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is an alarming signal. However, like many other common circumstances and complications. Experiences begin from the very first trip to the doctor and do not end until the birth. Even the most trivial change in the body can throw the expectant mother into panic. But not everyone can adequately respond to the body’s alarming signals in the hope that it just seemed or “maybe it will go away on its own if you wait.”

What to do if vaginal discharge appears in the first weeks of pregnancy? Naturally, this is scary, but not every pregnant woman will decide to seek help. emergency care. Someone will say that there is no time to stay in the hospital, someone will decide to wait, suddenly they will pass and everything will be “normal” again. The outcome in such cases is overwhelmingly sad.

When the discharge cannot be ignored during the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy, this is a signal that the pregnancy is proceeding abnormally. There may be several reasons. First of all, this is a sign that the expectant mother did not take her health seriously even at the stage of planning a child.

Pregnancy must be approached responsibly if the goal is birth healthy child. But not every woman, dreaming of a baby, will go to the gynecologist and be checked for inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, cervical cancer or hidden infections. Such diseases are dangerous to treat during pregnancy, and if left untreated, they will cause miscarriage or disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may occur due to the so-called burdened gynecological history(OGA). This definition includes not only female diseases suffered before or during pregnancy, but also a number of other unfavorable factors in the anamnesis. Such as: abortion, ectopic and frozen pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, uterine development abnormalities, bad habits, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases, stress and much more.

Spotting at week 6, accompanied by severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, may be a signal of the onset of a miscarriage. When the fertilized egg begins to separate from the endometrium. Most often, this is due to an insufficient amount of female sex hormones. Tragic consequences can be avoided if you seek help immediately.

There are frequent cases of spontaneous miscarriage if spotting appears at 6 weeks of pregnancy. It may all be due to the principle natural selection. The fetus cannot develop due to genetic mutation, an unsuccessful combination of the genes of the mother and father, and the body itself rejects it.

Bloody, brown, pink discharge during pregnancy at 6 weeks against the background of OGA and severe pain, as if shooting in the tailbone, fainting, dizziness can be a symptom ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you cannot wait; a ruptured fallopian tube is a serious threat not only to health, but also to life.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about frozen pregnancy. Doctors still cannot really say about the reasons for its appearance. The reasons may be different, from genetic abnormalities of fetal development to using a laptop on the stomach (harm has not been proven, but not refuted). But no one can say for sure why the death of the fetus does not lead to a miscarriage; in some cases, they go for weeks with such a pregnancy.

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The first trimester during pregnancy is the most important. During this period, the formation of internal organs, facial features and general silhouette occurs. The sixth week of pregnancy for many expectant mothers is the time for registration.

However, already in the first trimester, a pregnant woman will face many problems, and one of them is discharge from the genital tract. In order not to be scared for no reason and, on the contrary, to understand about the danger in time, you need to know the nature of these secretions and in what cases they are a normal process.

Colorless discharge

Most often, a woman at 6 weeks of pregnancy experiences clear, liquid discharge. They do not pose a threat to the fetus and cause virtually no discomfort to the woman. Such discharge occurs in pregnant women due to the fact that the body begins a completely different job - now it needs to preserve a fertile egg and provide everything necessary for its full development. Against this background, the level of hormones changes, which is reflected by colorless discharge. If they are separated from the vagina within normal limits, then there is no need to worry. If the amount of discharge increases, you should consult your doctor. What is the normal discharge in pregnant women - colorless and odorless rejection in small quantities.

Mucus discharge

Normal discharge in pregnant women is those that have a mucous consistency. They are a physiological process and are necessary for the full functioning of the internal genital organs. For example, sperm will not be able to enter the uterus without such mucus. And if a pregnant woman has discharge during the second phase menstrual cycle, then this is also the norm. They are similar in color to raw protein. chicken egg. The consistency is the same.

Yellow discharge

Light yellow or creamy discharge indicates an inflammatory process. A pregnant woman should not be surprised that with the beginning of this wonderful period, her chronic diseases will begin to worsen. This is especially true for the genitals. When wondering why pregnant women have discharge, the most optimal answer would be changes in the functioning of the body. The immune system becomes weaker and finds it difficult to resist viruses and germs. Due to this, the body begins to suffer from the same diseases that existed before fertilization. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend undergoing a full examination before planning motherhood. Inflammatory processes not only cause pain and discomfort, but also pose a direct threat to the fetus.

White discharge

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may be white. This is considered the norm and is called “leucorrhoea,” which accompanies a woman almost her entire life. But this is only if they are not abundant, do not cause itching, pain or burning, and do not separate after or during abdominal pain. If at least one of the listed signs is present, then this indicates thrush, which must be cured as early as possible. It is not so important why a pregnant woman has discharge, but rather the risk of transmitting the infection to the fetus.

Green discharge

Another type of discharge that pregnant women have at 6 weeks is green or bright yellow. This is a dangerous signal indicating the presence of serious infectious diseases type HIV. It is important to get tested and check for active pathogens. A pregnant woman should remember that in 90% of cases the child becomes a carrier of HIV, which can turn out very sadly.

Like any discharge during the 6th or other week of pregnancy, green vaginal discharge should be immediately shown to a specialist. The doctor will ask you to take the first HIV tests immediately upon registration. If a woman has not yet been seen by a gynecologist, then she needs to do so.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge during pregnancy indicates placental abruption and possible miscarriage. Especially if they are accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, bleeding is very dangerous.

If brown discharge occurs, the woman must be urgently sent to the hospital to prevent miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage occurs with increased uterine tone, as evidenced by bleeding at 6 weeks of pregnancy. To normalize the functioning of the reproductive organs, doctors use special drugs and hemostatic drugs.

If a woman is 6 weeks pregnant and has bleeding suddenly, for no apparent reason, this may indicate ectopic fertilization. In this case, the body will try to reject the fertile egg, resulting in bleeding and severe pain. We must not forget that an ectopic pregnancy is a serious threat to a woman’s life, so under no circumstances should you delay visiting a doctor.

Discharge is normal

Pregnant women almost always have discharge. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, women experience discomfort in the genitals. Most often, they are colorless and odorless, separated in small portions, for which it is enough to wear a panty liner.

Pregnant women should not use tampons! This type of hygiene product is essentially not used outside of menstrual periods, and a pregnant woman should completely exclude them from methods of combating discharge.

If a pregnant woman's discharge deviates from the norm, then she needs to find out why this is happening. This will help prevent fetal infection and miscarriage. It is strictly forbidden to delay this.

In any case, no matter what the color, consistency and smell of the discharge, you should consult a specialist about its occurrence. He will conduct an examination using ultrasound and take tests to determine the presence of infectious diseases. It is easier and faster to cure the disease early than to delay it until the last month and pass the infection on to the baby.

2013-01-04 09:28:55

Julia asks:

Hello! On 11/28/12 I had a laparoscopy and the brushes were removed from the pipes. About a week later, spotting started, and a week later my period came, it was a little more than usual, and then again there was spotting and sometimes even pink water. Today, 01/04/13, I have it again My period has arrived. This worries me very much. I am 27 years old and we are planning a pregnancy.

Answers Khometa Taras Arsenovich:

There is nothing terrible in the manifestations you described. From 4.01. Your normal cycle should be fully restored. In most of these cases, we allow patients to become pregnant, but you should definitely ask the doctor who performed the operation about this.

2016-11-22 12:30:27

Julia asks:

I'm 9 weeks pregnant. At 5-6 weeks I had uterine tone and brown discharge, they prescribed Duphaston, Crinone vaginally, magnesium b6, papaverine and tranexam. After taking all these medications for the first time, the brown discharge stopped the next day. Now the situation has repeated itself. At 9 weeks I started to smear brown again and had severe back pain and stabbing pain in the groin. Yesterday I had an ultrasound, there is a heartbeat, but there is also tone. They again prescribed papaverine, duphaston, tranexam and magnesium b6. I’ve been taking tranex for the second day, but the discharge doesn’t stop. Could it be that this time they didn’t prescribe extreme medicine and therefore there is no improvement? Or can the thyroid pills somehow affect the secretions (I take l-thyroxine)? After how many days of taking tranexam should the discharge decrease?
Thank you for your reply.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Duphaston did not need to be stopped.... If you started taking it, then you should have taken it for up to 12-16 weeks, without abrupt withdrawal, under monitoring the level of progesterone in the blood. In addition, if treatment is prescribed, this does not mean that everything will work and go away immediately and quickly. Pregnancy is not a disease - it is a physiological condition, but an unprepared woman’s body can have complications. Bloody discharge in a short term can manifest itself as placental dysfunction in long periods of pregnancy. Therefore, you don’t cancel anything yourself. I can’t say when the bleeding will stop, because we are all different and each pregnancy proceeds differently.

2016-09-24 08:27:10

Reseda asks:

Hello This is my second pregnancy, the first was a cesarean section. The second pregnancy began with a delay, showed 2 stripes from the second day of the delay. From the 1st day of delay, a tugging (without pain) began in the perineum, constant discomfort in the perineum and frequent urination. I thought it was related to cystitis. I started taking Canferon. On the 4th day of the delay, spotting brown discharge began once a day and nagging pain periodically throughout the day. I went to the doctor and was prescribed utrazhestan t hexicon for thrush (based on the results of a smear). On the sixth day of the delay, red blood began to appear, an ambulance was called. They admitted me to the hospital. The ultrasound said there was a threat of miscarriage, but they didn’t explain why. They prescribed dicinone 2 times a day, noshpa 2 times a day - injections. Duphaston tablets 3 times a day. On the 10th day of the delay, I underwent an ultrasound scan at a specialized clinic, and a low attachment was placed in the scar area. There is no hematoma, no detachment. When asked why the discharge was caused, they said it was due to low attachment ovum. After 5 days of punctured dicinone, the picture did not change, periodically nagging pain and brown discharge, mainly during stool or passing gas. They prescribed Trenax. A day after taking trenkasama, the nagging pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the perineum went away. The discharge became beige-cream in color. Questions: is it possible that the pain and discharge will recur after stopping Trenaxam (prescribed 1 t. Three times a day for 5 days), what is the reason for the discharge and nagging pain, if there is no detachment or hematoma, how dangerous is this for the child. Are there many chances of carrying a pregnancy to term if the fertilized egg is attached in the area of ​​the scar, but the chorion is thickened to the side? back wall uterus. What does it mean? Pregnancy is now 5-6 weeks. The pregnancy was desired, planned for 10 months. Two and a half years have passed since the cesarean. HCG on the 7th day of delay is 5695, on the 13th day of delay 26203.

Answers Gerevich Yuri Iosifovich:

Hello. Recurrence of pain is not excluded, the detachment was just small, but now there is no fresh bloody discharge, which means it is not progressing, there may still be beige/brown discharge, but it is not dangerous, do an ultrasound at 6-7 weeks.

2016-04-10 14:10:36

Elena asks:

Hello. I'm 8 weeks pregnant and I'm currently in the hospital. I was admitted with pink discharge. I was injected with papaverine 2 times a day and hemostatic etamsylate. After 2 days the discharge stopped. The hemostatic agent was discontinued, but after 2 days the discharge resumed and now has a reddish-orange color. Today is a day off and the doctor on duty told me to just lie down in the chair without examining me. Should I worry?

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elena! Have you undergone ultrasound? If not, then this definitely needs to be done. Are you taking anything other than papaverine? Have you had a blood test done to check your progesterone levels? If you wish, please write more specifically.

2016-02-22 13:31:42

Natalya asks:

Hello. I had my period on January 11, 2016, when I was late, I took pregnancy tests and they were all positive. One fine day I started bleeding and had brown discharge, I went to an ultrasound specialist, I didn’t see the pregnancy, but she told me to take a hCG test, I took it, the first result was 63.8, after three days 324, after a week I went for an ultrasound again and still can’t find the fertilized egg

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! I suspect an ectopic pregnancy. I advise you to further take an hCG test and undergo a control ultrasound scan. In case of tubal pregnancy, the fallopian tube should be visualized on ultrasound. You should contact a gynecologist with the results of the examinations.

2015-12-01 03:03:07

Natalya asks:

Please tell me whether pregnancy can develop safely if bleeding starts at 9 weeks. They immediately did an ultrasound, there were no detachments or hematomas, there was a heartbeat. The bleeding stopped, but spotting remained. Is it worth repeating the ultrasound after 3 days?

2015-11-06 13:58:54

Lilia asks:

Hello! I am 24 years old. For a week now I have been experiencing discomfort and pain in the area of ​​my right ovary. I really feel it. Appeared after sexual intercourse. They will appear and then disappear. Mostly they appear in the second half of the day. The pain is sometimes aching, sometimes it just stings, and now there is also a burning sensation. There are no other symptoms. Now my husband and I are trying to get pregnant. We started in October during the ovulation period. They took a pregnancy test - the result was negative. We are not using any protection now. I had my period from October 19-22. It's day 19 of my cycle now. Just 2-3 days before ovulation the pain began. They did a second test, but again the result was negative. About 5 years ago I started having severe pain in my lower abdomen. The examination diagnosed chronic salpingoophoritis and also revealed a polyp in the uterus. She underwent a long course of treatment. The ovaries stopped bothering me and the polyp disappeared without surgical intervention. And in February of this year, a tug in the side began again, and about a week after my period, spotting appeared. I was examined and an endometrial polyp formed again. I took Duphaston for 3 months and had intravaginal ultrasound 3 times. Thank God, the polyp has resolved again. There were no problems with the ovaries. They said that I have them (despite chronic inflammation) in ideal condition, and I can easily get pregnant and give birth. And it’s unclear where these pains come from. Now I can’t get to the doctor for an appointment. Help, please, what could this be? Surely a cyst cannot grow in these 5 months and bother me? It’s just that when they started trying to conceive a child, these problems appeared. P.S. Appendicitis was removed 13 years ago, 2 years ago there was an operation to eliminate it inguinal hernia(also on the right side).

Answers Gerevich Yuri Iosifovich:

Hello, do an ultrasound, maybe you have a follicular cyst or a luteinized non-ovulated follicle, if so, then you need to do so-called folliculometry - to understand how often you have such problems, this can explain the polyps and make it difficult to get pregnant.

2015-07-22 10:43:12

Elina asks:

Good afternoon the child is 9 months old and has not yet had a menstrual cycle after the birth of her son, I breastfeed on demand, 35 days ago I became pregnant again, but at five weeks the pregnancy turned out to be frozen, they had an abortion, on the day of the abortion there was spotting, then on the fifth day there was spotting again , I was lubricating for about 7 days, I would like to know if the cycle will start and when? I continue to breastfeed. Thank you.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! Since you continue to feed your baby on demand, it is impossible to predict when your next period will start. However, lactational amenorrhea does not protect you from unwanted pregnancy properly. Therefore, be sure to protect every sexual act with a condom. Take care of your health!

2015-06-11 10:00:53

Natasha asks:

Hello! Daughter is 23 years old. September 2014 ST for a period of 7 weeks. During pregnancy at week 5, cytology was of the inflammatory type and there were 70 leukocytes in the smear. After curettage, Ofloxin was prescribed for 7 days. Two months later I tested for secondary infections. Ig-positive, and Im-negative. Toxoplasma is all negative. No sexually transmitted infections were detected. Many types of HPV have not been identified. Homocysteine ​​is normal. Thyroid hormones are normal. Coagulogram is normal. Dysplasia was discovered. February 2015 radio wave treatment. Histology: mild dysplasia. Four months after the radio wave, control cytology again showed the inflammatory type. The doctor who performed the radio wave said that everything had healed well and was embarrassed by such cytology. After cauterization, she and her husband use condoms, because... The doctor said not to get pregnant for 6 months. What else needs to be tested to find the cause of this inflammation. The doctor does not prescribe an ultrasound. My daughter started to have scanty spotting before her period for 5 days. The gynecologist said that it was from the cavity and there was nothing wrong with me. I am a nurse myself and I have one daughter. I think that another ultrasound is needed on the 5-7th day of the MC .How to exclude chronic endometritis, after all, there was curettage and this daub? Please advise what to do?

I went to take out the trash. I took 2 packages at once so that I wouldn’t have to run around 100 times. A bit heavy. I came home and found the discharge described above. It leaked out a little bit... a few drops. I’m sitting warming myself, I don’t know what to do. It doesn’t seem to hurt anything, it doesn’t drag anywhere.


Pink is not normal, especially if it coincides with the removal of weight... If I were you, I would go to the doctor, in theory they should do an ultrasound and see if there is a detachment. Still, pink means there is an admixture of blood..


It could be anything; this is how erosion manifested itself on early stages, maybe the blood vessel burst or maybe there’s a threat, lie still, if it happens again, I’d go for an ultrasound.


Not very good! Definitely see a doctor! Now take a candle with papaverine and lie down!!


Ultrasound and papaverine suppositories in the butt, and there you can have 200 grams. In the morning it is placed overnight in the vagina for prevention. I also had it at this stage, only the discharge was beige and without pain. It turned out that the fertilized egg was deformed - according to ultrasound in the hospital. In the hospital, everyone is given progesterone and papaverine injections in the butt only. So don't procrastinate, lie down more.


During this period I had pink discharge and a drop of blood. Nothing hurt either, nothing was tight. But I was freaking scared and 2 minutes later I called an ambulance! They put him in the hospital. The truth turned out to be cervical erosion. But I advise you to do the same! Even if nothing hurts! The weekend is ahead, you won't be able to see a doctor.


yes, we need an ultrasound, let them confirm that everything is fine with the little one


If possible, consult a doctor. You never know. There should be no pink discharge(((


I forgot to say that I take Duphaston 2 tablets a day. I've never had erosion.


I've never had erosion either! And then it appeared and then disappeared


It’s better to take an ambulance to the hospital - they’ll check you inside and out, and let you go home if everything is fine! Good luck!!


if it doesn’t hurt, then it’s normal...there’s also discharge on days X, every month (that’s how it was for me at first). I did an ultrasound at 7-8 weeks, but my sister didn’t do it at all...she’s already 11 weeks. Try not to do an ultrasound until at least 14 weeks... after all, even normal doctors do not recommend ultrasounds at short notice. My BT dropped after the ultrasound... and the discharge changed. then everything was restored. And there was pink-beige discharge... it spoiled my mood, but my stomach didn’t hurt. It’s better not to go anywhere with such discharge... and relax as much as possible!

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is an alarming signal. However, like many other common circumstances and complications. Experiences begin from the very first trip to the doctor and do not end until the birth. Even the most trivial change in the body can throw the expectant mother into panic. But not everyone can adequately respond to the body’s alarming signals in the hope that it just seemed or “maybe it will go away on its own if you wait.”

What to do if vaginal discharge appears in the first weeks of pregnancy? Naturally, this is scary, but not every pregnant woman will decide to seek emergency help. Someone will say that there is no time to stay in the hospital, someone will decide to wait, suddenly they will pass and everything will be “normal” again. The outcome in such cases is overwhelmingly sad.

When the discharge cannot be ignored during the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy, this is a signal that the pregnancy is proceeding abnormally. There may be several reasons. First of all, this is a sign that the expectant mother did not take her health seriously even at the stage of planning a child.

Pregnancy must be approached responsibly if the goal is the birth of a healthy child. But not every woman, dreaming of a baby, will go to the gynecologist and be checked for inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, cervical cancer or hidden infections. Such diseases are dangerous to treat during pregnancy, and if left untreated, they will cause miscarriage or disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may occur due to the so-called burdened gynecological history (GHA). This definition includes not only female diseases suffered before or during pregnancy, but also a number of other unfavorable factors in the anamnesis. Such as: abortion, ectopic and frozen pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, uterine development abnormalities, bad habits, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases, stress and much more.

Spotting at week 6, accompanied by severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, may be a signal of the onset of a miscarriage. When the fertilized egg begins to separate from the endometrium. Most often, this is due to an insufficient amount of female sex hormones. Tragic consequences can be avoided if you seek help immediately.

There are frequent cases of spontaneous miscarriage if spotting appears at 6 weeks of pregnancy. The principle of natural selection may be to blame. The fetus cannot develop due to a genetic mutation, an unsuccessful combination of the genes of the mother and father, and the body itself rejects it.

Bloody, brown, at 6 weeks against the background of OGA and severe pain, as if shooting in the tailbone, fainting, dizziness, can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you cannot wait; a ruptured fallopian tube is a serious threat not only to health, but also to life.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about frozen pregnancy. Doctors still cannot really say about the reasons for its appearance. The reasons may be different, from genetic abnormalities of fetal development to using a laptop on the stomach (harm has not been proven, but not refuted). But no one can say for sure why the death of the fetus does not lead to a miscarriage; in some cases, they go for weeks with such a pregnancy.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

Pink discharge is common during pregnancy and can be frightening, as it is often associated with the threat of miscarriage. But they do not always talk about a real existing danger.

Any discharge Pink colour have an admixture of blood in their composition, and it does not matter what specific shade they have. Pink-white or yellow-pink discharge becomes so because an admixture of red blood cells colors the normal discharge.

Pink discharge in women during pregnancy is associated with many factors. The mucous membrane of the genital organs becomes loose and vulnerable under the influence of pregnancy hormones, and the rush of blood to the uterus due to the progressive development of the fetus causes increased blood circulation here. Any microtrauma to the mucous membrane of the genital tract leads to the appearance of bloody discharge. So the main reason for pink discharge is not pathology, but only physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Very often for the first time future mom sees pink vaginal discharge after examination by a gynecologist. This led to the birth of the myth that examining a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy is simply dangerous. Women put off visiting a consultation as long as they can, sometimes up to 10-12 weeks, fearing a miscarriage after an examination in the chair.

Why does pink discharge appear after a visit to the doctor and is it dangerous?

When examining the cervix and vagina on speculum and taking smears from the urethra and genital organs, in most cases, damage to the mucous membranes, microcracks and scratches occurs, which is what causes bleeding. This is not dangerous at all and does not pose a threat to the unborn baby. After examination, the pink mucous discharge is stained with this particular blood and disappears within a few hours.

Pink discharge and conception

Any woman can have smears on a sanitary pad in the middle of her cycle, in the form of literally a couple of spots on her underwear, and they do not indicate any pathology. They are only evidence that ovulation has occurred. During ovulation, pink discharge is colored with blood from a ruptured follicle, and this is normal. There are small vessels in the follicle shell; damage to them leads to bleeding, which normally stops quickly. So pink discharge after ovulation is only a clear indication that it has occurred and you are ready to conceive.

However, during the cycle, women may have pink discharge for other, and not always harmless, reasons.

They often occur in the presence of cervical erosion. It is highly undesirable to become pregnant with it, since erosion is a source of infection and can also cause cancer. Pink spots, which are caused by cervical erosion, appear after sexual intercourse and are of a contact nature. They can be very different, since blood is mixed with normal secretions, and occur regardless of the phase of the cycle.

By their nature, one can guess the presence of underlying diseases or problems in the sexual sphere, for example, pink discharge with unpleasant smell discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse and that smells bad may indicate the presence of vaginosis; watery pink discharge may indicate endometritis; white-pink discharge may be due to thrush.

In general, you need to understand that only at the moment when ovulation occurs, any accompanying substance can be normal. In all other cases, they should alert you and force you to visit a doctor. Why there is pink discharge at the end of the cycle, at its beginning, why it occurs after PA - can only be determined during an examination by a gynecologist, and the reasons may not be harmless.

Pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy (early stages)

After sex, pink discharge does not yet indicate conception; it can occur as a contact discharge in the presence of erosion or as a result of traumatic sexual intercourse.

Pink vaginal discharge at the beginning of pregnancy in the early stages, before the delay, may appear several days before the expected menstruation. This spotting may appear as a slight yellow-pink, creamy pink, or dirty pink discharge and indicates implantation of the embryo, known as implantation bleeding.

This does not happen to all women, and occurs because when the embryo immerses itself in the lining of the uterus, the small vessels of the endometrium are damaged. As a rule, this is a one-time pink discharge that lasts several hours. Pink discharge quickly stops after conception, and then the woman discovers a delay in menstruation.

Every eighth woman during early pregnancy at the time when menstruation should have arrived, menstrual-like, bright pink discharge appears. This is due to a slight progesterone deficiency, which is not critical for maintaining pregnancy.

Gynecologists recommend that all pregnant women avoid stress, physical and emotional stress, hot baths and sex these days, regardless of whether there is anything unusual in their health or not. The fetus is most vulnerable at this time.

What does pink discharge from the uterus mean during this period?

Due to a lack of progesterone, partial detachment of the endometrium occurs, as during menstruation, only during normal periods the uterine cavity is completely freed from the endometrium, and during pregnancy these are microdamages that do not lead to rejection of the uterine mucosa.

Weak pink discharge at a time approximately corresponding to menstruation should not greatly alarm you, provided there is no pain in the lower abdomen and tone of the uterus, but it is still worth informing the gynecologist about them. A delay in menstruation in the first month of pregnancy and against this background, slightly tinted spots occur very often, so often that sometimes it is qualified as a sign of pregnancy; by the 8th obstetric week the likelihood of this decreases significantly. Take a pregnancy test and positive result consult a gynecologist.

Pink-brown discharge during early pregnancy may appear with the formation of a retroplacental hematoma and detachment of the ovum. This is a clear threat of termination of pregnancy, requiring immediate medical attention. As a rule, the stomach hurts, pale spots turn scarlet and become more abundant, and there may be nagging pain in the lower back. Wasting time and delaying contacting a doctor leads to the death of the child.

Pink-brown discharge can also occur during a frozen pregnancy.

In general, it must be said that brown discharge is more dangerous than light pink discharge, and more often indicates serious problems.

With a frozen pregnancy, nothing can bother you at all, the baby dies and remains in the uterine cavity, there is no pain, nothing. And even daubing is not necessary.

Abdominal pain, severe weakness and fainting, dizziness and even slight spotting red-pink discharge are symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy with quite possibly an already existing rupture fallopian tube. This is dangerous for your life, we are not talking about the child, call ambulance.

Sometimes you may notice unusual white-pink, pink-orange, beige, thick, transparent or liquid discharge at a time when it can be considered physiological. Why is their color so dirty? Because they mix with other vaginal secretions, representing only an admixture of red blood cells to them.

Remember the main thing: any bloody vaginal discharge in a pregnant woman may indicate danger and requires at least a consultation with a gynecologist.

Pink discharge in the second and third trimester (in later stages)

Pink discharge in the second and third trimester and up to the due date is not normal and may indicate the presence of severe obstetric pathology. Even very scanty pink, weak discharge can indicate that a pregnant woman has placenta previa or its abruption.

Pale pink discharge that occurs after sex during pregnancy may indicate the presence of cervical erosion.

Mucous transparent pink discharge or mucus streaked with blood in combination with lower back pain, uterine tone, a feeling that the abdomen is turning to stone and pulling, indicates a threat of premature birth or late miscarriage.

What to do if there is pink discharge? later pregnant, but far from giving birth?

You cannot ignore them; you need to immediately report them to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Pink discharge before childbirth

Pink discharge before childbirth is more the norm than a pathology. You've probably already heard that the plug comes off before giving birth. It is a lump of mucus that closes the cervical canal throughout pregnancy. As the cervix matures before childbirth, it softens and shortens, which leads to the removal of the plug.

Cork can be any color, but most often it is pink or brown, both of which are normal.

Pink discharge at the end of pregnancy, at 38, 39, 40 weeks, which is a viscous mucus or just a jelly-like lump with pink streaks in most cases and indicates the passage of the plug and the imminent onset of labor.

Of course, this does not mean that labor will begin tomorrow; many people need another 1-2 weeks before contractions begin.

Thus, pale pink discharge, small and light, even if they are liquid and abundant, but are simply streaks of blood in the mucus, they should not scare you. You understand what this pink discharge means, tell your gynecologist about what happened and get ready to go to the maternity hospital.

The exception is if the discharge becomes brighter and larger, this can happen with placental abruption or placental previa. This is dangerous, call an ambulance without delay.

And last, important advice. In order to be able to adequately assess the nature of any discharge during pregnancy, use panty liners with a cotton surface or pads made of white regular fabric. This way you can always understand what they are.

6 weeks of pregnancy – fetal size, ultrasound, discharge

The sixth week after conception is the beginning of the second month of pregnancy. At this time, the woman already knows for sure that she will become a mother, understands her situation and prepares for her future motherhood, following the recommendations of doctors.

Symptoms of 6 weeks of pregnancy

By this time, a pregnant woman has already experienced the main symptoms of pregnancy. These include morning sickness, mood swings, and increased fatigue. All this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, nausea becomes especially pronounced.. It usually occurs in the morning, intensifying when brushing your teeth, as it affects the areas of the oral cavity responsible for the gag reflex. Some women experience nausea throughout the day. A woman can react to different smells and even the sight of food. This reaction is completely normal during pregnancy.

With toxicosis, pregnant women often vomit. If it causes weakness and exhaustion, when a woman cannot eat normally, then she must consult a doctor to choose the necessary treatment.

The breast continues to prepare for the future feeding of the baby. Therefore it becomes very sensitive and painful. The nipples darken and become rough. At this stage, you can already purchase a special bra that will properly support your breasts without squeezing them. Moreover, such bras have fasteners with which you can adjust its size throughout pregnancy.

The uterus has already expanded to the size of a small apple. Of course, the belly at 6 weeks of pregnancy does not yet begin to grow. Therefore, the enlargement of the uterus does not yet affect the figure in any way.

Also during this period, progesterone is actively produced to prevent uterine contractions. Lack of the hormone leads to increased uterine tone, which is quite common in women today.

Fetal development at 6 weeks of pregnancy

In the sixth week, the fetus begins to form a face. Blood begins to circulate through the blood vessels. The heart beats 140 beats per minute. The arms and legs are not yet separated from the body and represent one whole with it. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is already 10 mm.

At this stage, the baby develops a tail - this is the spinal column. As the baby grows, this column will occupy correct position. Then the tail will disappear and turn into a full-fledged spine. Besides, In the 6th week of pregnancy, internal organs are formed– liver, stomach, lungs and some parts of the brain.

At this time, the placenta is already there, but it has not yet begun to function fully. Therefore, some women have to use hormonal drugs containing placenta or progesterone.

Ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy

At the beginning of the second month of pregnancy, namely in the sixth week of fetal development, an ultrasound examination can already be performed, according to the results of which it will be possible to see a picture of the embryo. At the moment, it will be an embryo, similar to a small bean grain with tubercles in those places where the arms and legs will later be.

If the office has it in stock modern equipment, then during an ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy you can even listen to the little heart of the unborn baby beat.

The need for an ultrasound at this time may be caused by suspicion of multiple pregnancy. Because by the 6th week of pregnancy it will be possible to see how many embryos were born in the uterus of the expectant mother. If multiple pregnancy is confirmed, the doctor will develop a special pregnancy management plan, since a pregnancy of this nature involves increased risks.

Pain in the lower back and abdomen

The norm in the sixth week is slight pain in the lumbar area. They are caused by changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus under the influence of hormones. Minor pain in the lower back should not worry a pregnant woman. But this pain needs to be controlled, because it can also be caused by inflammation of the bladder, which must be treated immediately to prevent the spread of infection in the body. In addition, severe pain in the lower back can be a sign of increased uterine tone.

As stated above, if your stomach hurts a little at 6 weeks of pregnancy, then this should not cause concern for a pregnant woman. Short-term pain that does not cause much discomfort to the woman is the norm for this period. Also, the expectant mother may feel cramping pain due to sprained ligaments in the pelvis.

But constant pain in the lower abdomen with a feeling of a lump is a sign of a threatened miscarriage, so you need to urgently consult a doctor.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge may be milky, odorless, and in small quantities. There should be no pain or itching.

If the discharge is greenish, bloody or veiny, then we can talk about pathology. The doctor must be informed about this, since such discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may indicate colpitis or other infectious diseases.

At this stage, any discharge containing even a drop of blood is a sign of a threat of miscarriage, so if it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What discharge is considered normal at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

The first trimester during pregnancy is the most important. During this period, the formation of internal organs, facial features and general silhouette occurs. The sixth week of pregnancy for many expectant mothers is the time for registration.

However, already in the first trimester, a pregnant woman will face many problems, and one of them is discharge from the genital tract. In order not to be scared for no reason and, on the contrary, to understand about the danger in time, you need to know the nature of these secretions and in what cases they are a normal process.

Colorless discharge

Most often, a woman at 6 weeks of pregnancy experiences clear, liquid discharge. They do not pose a threat to the fetus and cause virtually no discomfort to the woman. Such discharge occurs in pregnant women due to the fact that the body begins a completely different job - now it needs to preserve a fertile egg and provide everything necessary for its full development. Against this background, the level of hormones changes, which is reflected by colorless discharge. If they are separated from the vagina within normal limits, then there is no need to worry. If the amount of discharge increases, you should consult your doctor. What is the normal discharge in pregnant women - colorless and odorless rejection in small quantities.

Mucus discharge

Normal discharge in pregnant women is those that have a mucous consistency. They are a physiological process and are necessary for the full functioning of the internal genital organs. For example, sperm will not be able to enter the uterus without such mucus. And if a pregnant woman has discharge during the second phase of the menstrual cycle, then this is also the norm. Their color resembles that of a raw chicken egg white. The consistency is the same.

Yellow discharge

Light yellow or creamy discharge indicates an inflammatory process. A pregnant woman should not be surprised that with the beginning of this wonderful period, her chronic diseases will begin to worsen. This is especially true for the genitals. When wondering why pregnant women have discharge, the most optimal answer would be changes in the functioning of the body. The immune system becomes weaker and finds it difficult to resist viruses and germs. Due to this, the body begins to suffer from the same diseases that existed before fertilization. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend undergoing a full examination before planning motherhood. Inflammatory processes not only cause pain and discomfort, but also pose a direct threat to the fetus.

White discharge

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may be white. This is considered the norm and is called “leucorrhoea,” which accompanies a woman almost her entire life. But this is only if they are not abundant, do not cause itching, pain or burning, and do not separate after or during abdominal pain. If at least one of the listed signs is present, then this indicates thrush, which must be cured as early as possible. It is not so important why a pregnant woman has discharge, but rather the risk of transmitting the infection to the fetus.

Green discharge

Another type of discharge that pregnant women have at 6 weeks is green or bright yellow. This is a dangerous signal indicating the presence of serious infectious diseases such as HIV. It is important to get tested and check for active pathogens. A pregnant woman should remember that in 90% of cases the child becomes a carrier of HIV, which can turn out very sadly.

Like any discharge during the 6th or other week of pregnancy, green vaginal discharge should be immediately shown to a specialist. The doctor will ask you to take the first HIV tests immediately upon registration. If a woman has not yet been seen by a gynecologist, then she needs to do so.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge during pregnancy indicates placental abruption and possible miscarriage. Especially if they are accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, bleeding is very dangerous.

If brown discharge occurs, the woman must be urgently sent to the hospital to prevent miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage occurs with increased uterine tone, as evidenced by bleeding at 6 weeks of pregnancy. To normalize the functioning of the reproductive organs, doctors use special drugs and hemostatic drugs.

If a woman is 6 weeks pregnant and has bleeding suddenly, for no apparent reason, this may indicate ectopic fertilization. In this case, the body will try to reject the fertile egg, resulting in bleeding and severe pain. We must not forget that an ectopic pregnancy is a serious threat to a woman’s life, so under no circumstances should you delay visiting a doctor.

Discharge is normal

Pregnant women almost always have discharge. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, women experience discomfort in the genitals. Most often, they are colorless and odorless, separated in small portions, for which it is enough to wear a panty liner.

Pregnant women should not use tampons! This type of hygiene product is essentially not used outside of menstrual periods, and a pregnant woman should completely exclude them from methods of combating discharge.

If a pregnant woman's discharge deviates from the norm, then she needs to find out why this is happening. This will help prevent fetal infection and miscarriage. It is strictly forbidden to delay this.

In any case, no matter what the color, consistency and smell of the discharge, you should consult a specialist about its occurrence. He will conduct an examination using ultrasound and take tests to determine the presence of infectious diseases. It is easier and faster to cure the disease early than to delay it until the last month and pass the infection on to the baby.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

Everyone knows that during pregnancy women are advised to rest. But how can you be calm if some changes in your body are scary? For example, leucorrhoea appears. And if white discharge during pregnancy does not frighten the expectant mother very much, then pink discharge makes her worry. And for good reason! Often, pink discharge during pregnancy is a sign of various pathologies.

Why does pink discharge occur in the early stages?

In the early stages, pink discharge during pregnancy may not conceal anything terrifying. Most often the reason for their appearance is microcracks, which form on the walls of the vagina after sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist using a mirror or douching.

Of course, many ladies now have a question about why there was no such discharge before. It's very simple: in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes greatly. Under the influence of hormones, the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus loosens. At the same time, the number of small blood vessels - capillaries - increases. So they bleed even with minor injuries.

White-pink discharge during pregnancy can also be caused by: embryo implantation. This happens 6-12 days after conception. More often future baby firmly attached to the walls of the uterus on the 8th day. However, sometimes this process can take a long time. As a rule, it is accompanied by slight pink discharge, which disappears within a day, and sometimes after a few hours.

Also, pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy may appear on the day when, according to the calendar, pregnancy should have occurred. period. This means that the mother's body produces less progesterone than necessary. Therefore, detachment of a small part of the endometrium begins.

Usually, during menstruation, the endometrium peels off completely from the uterus and comes out along with the blood. But due to the action of progesterone, this does not happen. Therefore, it is not at all necessary that pink discharge during pregnancy be followed by spontaneous abortion.

Quite often, such discharge lasts only a few hours, and then completely stops, or is replaced by white discharge. In this case, there is no threat of pregnancy failure, but you need to inform the doctor. The gynecologist will prescribe a hormone test for the woman, and if the progesterone level is critical, he will select a hormonal drug that will allow her to maintain the pregnancy.

However, sometimes pink discharge that appears in the early stages may indicate placental abruption. In these cases, with each passing hour, the discharge becomes more abundant, and blood is more clearly visible in it. Remember, bloody discharge during pregnancy in most cases indicates the need for medical attention. Not feeling well? Call an ambulance! It’s better to pay for a “false call” than to lose a child!

What are the dangers of pink discharge in the second half of pregnancy?

In the second half of pregnancy, there should be no pink discharge, but sometimes they still appear. Moreover, light pink discharge during pregnancy may indicate cervical erosion. It’s unpleasant, of course, and this disease can add problems during childbirth, but practically nothing can be done. Erosion should be treated either before planning a pregnancy or after childbirth.

However, the obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing you should know that pink discharge appeared during pregnancy! If the cause is erosion, the doctor will select harmless drugs that can strengthen the cervix and stop the process of ulceration. This supportive therapy will allow you to carry your baby to term.

Sometimes in the second half of pregnancy, women experience pinkish-brown discharge. This fact should be scary, because a brown tint indicates that the exudate contains a significant amount of coagulated blood. It could have appeared due to partial placental abruption, which means there is a threat of premature birth. Especially if such pink-brown discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the lower back or lower abdomen.

In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, it is advisable to do this through a special vehicle - an ambulance. Sometimes the issue of continuing pregnancy is resolved within a few hours. Your baby’s life depends on how quickly you get to the hospital, so don’t delay and call the emergency room as soon as you feel unwell and notice pink-brown marks on the pad.

In addition, pink discharge during pregnancy may indicate the presence of infections in the vagina. Only a timely smear test will help determine the disease. After this, a gentle treatment is usually prescribed that cannot harm the health of the unborn child. There is no need to be embarrassed or put off visiting a doctor.

An untreated infection can cause fetal development defects and even the death of the baby.

Also, pink discharge often acts as a harbinger of labor. This happens in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the cervix begins to ripen, and then the mucous plug that closed the entrance to the “holy of holies” comes off.

But in any case, the doctor should be notified immediately about the appearance of pink discharge!


Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy | Competently about health on iLive

If whitish or transparent vaginal discharge appears at 6 weeks of pregnancy, which does not have a specific odor, there is no reason to worry. Such discharge is completely natural and appears as a result of hormonal changes.

6th week of pregnancy, during which yellowish, greenish, brown discharge appears should alert the woman, so in this case we're talking about about infection. Most often, during pregnancy, a woman can get candidiasis (popularly thrush). With this disease, the discharge is profuse, cheesy, and accompanied by severe itching, burning, swelling of the genitals. Also during pregnancy, a woman may be affected by colpitis, in which the discharge is quite profuse and has a purulent, mucous or curdled nature.

The pathology is mostly bloody discharge from the genitals in the early stages of pregnancy. Even very scanty discharge of this type can be associated with rejection of the fetus by the woman’s body, resulting in a miscarriage.

Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

At the 6th week of pregnancy, brownish discharge worries about 60% of expectant mothers. First of all, this is due to the colossal adaptive work of the body of both the mother and the unborn child. The 6th week of pregnancy is exactly the period when you should be extremely careful about your health, since the life of your unborn baby depends on it. First of all, a pregnant woman should take more outdoor walks, eliminate negative emotions and experiences, and eat healthy and natural food. It is also necessary to completely eliminate the uncontrolled use of pills, as this can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

If at 6 weeks of pregnancy your stomach begins to hurt, the pain increases every day, brown discharge and vaginal discharge appear - this indicates possible threat spontaneous abortion. As a rule, brown discharge is associated with a lack of pregnancy hormone; usually in such cases, pregnancy-supporting drugs (utrozhestan, duphaston) are prescribed.

Such drugs can be used up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, in some cases it is recommended to continue taking the drug. When using hormonal drugs, it is necessary to take into account that you cannot suddenly stop taking them; it is necessary to discontinue the drug gradually, in accordance with the regimen proposed by the doctor.

When there is a threat of miscarriage, the fertilized egg separates from the wall of the uterus, which causes discharge. If there is a threat, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness may occur. Pregnancy can be saved if the woman is provided with timely medical care; if there is a threat, be sure to observe bed rest and complete rest (especially sexual rest).

Brown discharge may appear during an ectopic pregnancy, which is characterized by nagging pain of a cramping nature. To preserve the fallopian tube, you need to seek treatment as early as possible. medical care, in this case it is assigned surgery, which will help maintain the ability to conceive.

Bloody discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Bloody discharge, which can appear in the first weeks of pregnancy, is a fairly common condition, especially often observed in the first three months of pregnancy. According to statistics, 80% of women experience discharge with blood, while the vast majority quietly bear and give birth to healthy children without abnormalities.

There are many reasons for the appearance of this type of discharge. For example, blood may appear due to increased sensitivity or active blood supply to the genital organs. Usually this can be observed after an ultrasound using a vaginal sensor, after examination using a gynecological speculum. In some cases, bleeding may occur after sex as a result of irritation of the vagina or cervix.

Discharge may appear with minor placental abruption. Quite often, discharge in pregnant women appears on menstrual days; such discharge can occur with moderate or severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. This happens as a result of hormonal changes in the body at the beginning of pregnancy and is completely safe. The 6th week of pregnancy is quite often accompanied by discharge associated with active work hormones. Usually, discharge of this nature at the 6th week of pregnancy is insignificant and disappears after a couple of days.

Heavy bloody discharge should be an alarming signal for a woman. If blood clots appear during the discharge, or your stomach hurts, you need to call an ambulance, as this indicates that a miscarriage has begun. Bloody discharge that has a brown tint indicates the release of coagulated blood, so the formation of an internal hematoma cannot be ruled out.

An ectopic pregnancy can also cause bloody discharge. In this case, a pregnant woman may experience absolutely no discomfort.

One of the reasons for bleeding may be a frozen pregnancy, as a result of which after about a week the woman’s body begins to independently get rid of the dead fetus.

Among other things, bleeding can occur due to polyps of the cervical canal, cervical erosion, and injuries to the genital organs.