Erectile dysfunction after spinal injuries. Questions

Spinal impotence is understood primarily as a primary lesion of nerve regulatory points (functional or organic in nature) responsible for erectile function and localized in the spinal cord.

In the early stages, the centers of erection and ejaculation may experience pathological excitability, which is soon replaced by functional exhaustion.

Depending on the degree of damage, the following types of spinocortical impotence are distinguished:

  • With simultaneous excitability of both centers (ejaculation and erection).
  • With the prevalence of excitability of the ejaculatory center, while the erection center is in a state of depression.
  • With areflexia of the ejaculatory center and simultaneous hyperexcitability of the erectile center.
  • With simultaneous hypoexcitability of both centers.

Vascular, psychogenic, neurogenic, endocrine, medicinal, mixed - all these, due to appropriate reasons, are forms of erectile dysfunction, which is described as a state of a man’s inability to perform sexual intercourse.

An alternative name for sexual impotence is the term “impotence,” which in the professional medical community is gradually being replaced by the more correct term “erectile dysfunction.” Sexual dysfunction can take various forms and often becomes a manifestation of another disease, the cure of which also eliminates the state of dysfunction.

What is erectile dysfunction, how to treat impotence in men and whether impotence can be treated at all or not, we will consider in this article.

Physiology of erection

First of all, when defining what impotence is, you should understand: erectile dysfunction in men is not directly related to ejaculation - the ability to ejaculate. Physiological processes affecting the process of erection and detumescence (“cessation of swelling”) are associated with the work of the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies, as well as the condition of the walls of arterioles and arteries.

Both processes are controlled by the medial preoptic zone of the hypothalamus, which triggers a complex multi-stage algorithm, leading to different concentrations of stimulating (dopamine-like) and suppressive (seratonin-like) substances.

To understand how they work and what they are, let’s look at the entire physiological algorithm in more detail.

The smooth muscles of the penis at rest are influenced by sympathetic nerve endings. With the onset of stimulation of the penis (reflexogenic type of erection) and/or during periods of sexual arousal (psychogenic type), impulses that travel along the parasympathetic nerve fibers, when transmitted, lead to the release of neurotransmitters that cause erection.

Nitric oxide plays an important role in the ongoing chemical process. As a result, the cavernous bodies of the penis fill with blood from a group of arteries in the scrotum, as well as from the dorsal artery.

Inside the trunk of the male genital organ there is one unpaired spongy body and two paired cavernous (or cavernous) cylindrical bodies that grow together. These bodies are called cavernous because they are formed by the structure of cave cells (sinusoids).

These caves are lined from the inside with vascular tissue, and their walls are partitions of connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers that contribute to the compression and expansion of the sinusoids. The caves are connected to each other by ducts that expand during erection.

Age-related changes lead to an increase in the volume of connective tissue, which somewhat worsens the extensibility of the penis, but does not automatically make elderly men impotent.

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative process in articular cartilage. This process is characterized by a decrease in the elasticity and resilience of articular cartilage and intervertebral discs due to malnutrition of the cartilaginous connective tissue.

Osteochondrosis can affect almost any joint in the human body. And yet, this process is most often observed in the cartilage tissue and ligaments of large joints (knees, hips), as well as in the cartilage of intervertebral discs.

Causes and symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back

In the lumbar and sacral region

It is not always possible to determine that a patient has a pinched nerve based solely on his complaints. However, the key symptoms of a pinched nerve in the back can be identified:

  • The patient cannot actively move;
  • In an upright position, the patient often complains of pain;
  • Sharp shooting painful sensations;
  • Problems with urine flow;
  • Susceptibility to constipation;

Just a few decades ago, problems with potency were diagnosed exclusively in older men, and very rarely in men over 40 years of age. Today topical issues medicine are such as the causes of early impotence and why men become impotent not due to natural processes and aging of the body, but earlier.

The term impotence means that a man experiences not temporary, but permanent erectile dysfunction.

Due to erectile dysfunction, a man becomes unable to perform sexual intercourse, and if at the age of 60 this scares few people, that for men of reproductive age impotence becomes a complete collapse.

To protect yourself from sexual impotence, it is important to know the causes of impotence, and then eradicate them. It is known that male impotence will not be curable without an accurate determination of its causes.

Impotence is the inability of a man to perform sexual intercourse due to several reasons, such as erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire and arousal. Impotence is a sexual disorder that is not perceived as an independent disease, but rather refers to a syndrome of other disorders in the body.

And only by identifying concomitant disorders and diseases can a doctor indicate the type of impotence, its degree, as well as the proposed method of treatment.

Today, almost all men of reproductive and elderly age are at risk; statistics indicate 35% of men with sexual disorders aged 18 to 60 years. The situation is worsening against the backdrop of the fact that many men, due to shyness, prefer to hush up problems, allowing pathologies in the body to develop and develop into a chronic form.

Depending on the prerequisites and causes, impotence can be of three types:

  1. Organic - due to impaired sexual arousal, a man experiences sexual dysfunction, but at the same time the level of libido maintains its normal level. With this form of impotence in a man, the shape and size of the penis remain the same, but it is not possible to achieve an erect state.
  2. Psychogenic - with this type of impotence, a man experiences disruptions in the development of the excitation impulse, without which the onset of an erect state is not possible.
  3. Mixed form - in this case, men become impotent based on mixed causes of impotence, when one pathological mechanism triggers the onset of the second.

Psychogenic impotence implies exclusively psychological reasons that require consultation with an appropriate specialist. While the organic and mixed forms require long-term diagnosis and complex treatment.


In any case, it should be understood that men become impotent only if there are certain reasons and prerequisites, in particular, pathologies and diseases within the body. The causes of impotence that exist today significantly affect the mechanisms and levels of bringing the penis into an erect state.

And if erectile disorders are temporary, they do not require treatment, but if they last longer than 3 months, diagnostics are necessary to identify the causes.

Almost all men in the world have experienced rapid ejaculation. This kind of situation may not indicate the presence of any pathologies.

In adolescence, during the first sexual intercourse, rapid ejaculation is inevitable. This indicates that the reproductive system of the stronger sex has just begun to develop and a man is not yet able to fully control this process.

But, soon, sexual intercourse becomes more and more prolonged.

But what to do if instant ejaculation in men occurs already in adulthood? We will tell you in this article what reasons influence this situation and how to deal with premature ejaculation.

Causes of rapid ejaculation: what could it be?

Clinical picture of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis with a predominant lesion of the cervical spine

To understand the variety of symptoms of this disease, you first need to understand the essence of the pathological changes that occur with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. As a result of metabolic disorders, the intervertebral discs become thinner.

Over time, the vertebral bodies are also involved in the degenerative process. The consequence of this is a narrowing of the lumen of the holes through which the roots of the spinal nerves exit.

This leads to pinching of the root and the appearance of pain in the area of ​​innervation of the affected nerve.

Osteochondrosis is a complex process, and damage to the cervicothoracic region has its own characteristics. Here, along with pinching of the nerve roots of the cervicothoracic region, compression of the vertebral artery occurs by so-called osteophytes - overgrown fragments of bone and cartilage tissue.

As a result, the lumen of the artery narrows and the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Due to nonspecific cerebral symptoms, cervical osteochondrosis can easily be confused with brain pathology - vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebrovascular accident, and even a brain tumor.

Here are the main symptoms of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis with a predominant lesion of the cervical spine:

  1. Frequent headaches.
  2. Sleep disorders. Characterized by insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day against the background of decreased performance.
  3. Personality changes – tearfulness, irritability.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the form of flies flashing before the eyes and ringing in the ears.
  5. Sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.
  6. Impaired coordination of movements. Gait disorders. Inability to perform complex movements. Loss of some professional skills.
  7. Decreased sensitivity and movement in the upper extremities, sometimes focally (on one side).
  8. Pain in the neck, teeth, shoulder girdle.

Hernia: how does it affect potency in men?

Protrusion of the nucleus pulposus into the cracks of the fibrous ring leads to compression of the nerve processes and the spinal cord. In this case, tissue nutrition and the transmission of nerve impulses, which are responsible for the functioning of internal organs, are disrupted.

Delaying treatment for a herniated disc is dangerous to your health. Diseases of the heart, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract are associated with problems in the vertebrae.

Violations nervous system organism may have irreversible consequences.

So how can a piece of cartilage tissue protruding beyond the spinal column, called a vertebral hernia, affect a man’s sexual potential?

This question is easy to answer if you imagine what deformation processes can occur in the spinal region.

The pathology occurring in the cartilage tissue does not allow the vertebrae to perform the functions assigned to them by nature, just like in a healthy person.

Displacement of the vertebrae can occur as a result of sudden movements, injury received during training, etc. Compression of nerves, blood vessels, or any part of the spinal cord occurs.

Next, there is a disruption in the filling of adjacent muscles, vertebrae, and internal organs with blood. Any deteriorated circulation directly affects the filling of the penis with blood, which means that intervertebral hernia and potency are very intertwined.

Blood stagnation leads to disruption of organ nutrition, oxygen deficiency, and subsequently to the development of inflammatory processes. It is at this stage that most patients experience the described problems, which force them to seek qualified medical help.

Throughout human history, men have taken pride in their physical, mental and sexual strength. However, the rapid progress observed over the past few decades has introduced both positive and negative aspects into men's lives.

Environmental degradation, decreased food quality, sedentary work, obesity, bad habits and new diseases - all this negatively affects male potency. The concept of “potency” includes not only erection, but also the duration and quality of sexual contact, attraction to representatives of the opposite sex and a number of other factors that are important for normal sexual life.

It has been proven that it is not only age that negatively affects male potency. And you need to start worrying about this long before you retire. To do this, you must first of all know what affects male sexual power.

The main factors that have a negative impact on potency

Age-related changes that occur in the body greatly affect a man’s potency. However, age is far from the only thing that affects potency.

First of all, this is temperament, which depends on innate qualities. A man's relationship with his partner has a great influence on potency.

Various doping agents, such as drugs, alcohol, steroids, etc., are very harmful. And, of course, potency in men is weakened by various diseases, not only those that are transmitted during sexual contacts.

The degree of influence on the potency of a man’s relationship with a woman cannot be underestimated. For some men, just before the moment of sexual intimacy, animal desire turns on.

In most cases, male lust prevails over tenderness, which makes you completely forget about caresses. Along with this, many women really enjoy foreplay.

And it is important to achieve harmony with your partner. The degree of its influence on potency cannot be underestimated.

Male potency is directly related to obesity. An overweight man has a decreased sex drive.

This can easily be explained by the fact that fat suppresses male hormones and stimulates the production of female ones. Excess weight creates an increased load on the cardiovascular system, which directly affects the quality of sexual life in general and erection in particular.

In addition to affecting potency, obesity leads to the development of many other diseases and generally worsens the quality of life.

The degree of influence on potency exerted by alcohol-containing drinks should not be underestimated. It is known that alcohol primarily affects the liver.

How can the liver be connected with male potency? In reality the connection is quite strong. Alcohol disrupts the normal functioning of the liver, because of this the level of testosterone in the body decreases, and in the case of regular abuse of alcoholic beverages, various disorders of the reproductive system gradually develop, which significantly impairs male potency.

In addition, alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the sensory centers of the spinal cord, which are also associated with erection and ejaculation.

Various narcotic substances, as well as alcohol, have a negative effect on the spinal cord, which also reduces potency and leads to ejaculation disorders, i.e. it may be too fast or not occur at all.

The most common disease among drug addicts is not AIDS, as many believe, but hepatitis C. This disease has an extremely negative effect on the liver, leading to disruption of the production of male sexual hormones and the development of impotence.

Even those drugs that are usually classified as “light” (marijuana, etc.) disrupt hormonal levels, suppressing the production of testosterone. Taking drugs for a long time contributes to the development of depression.

And it is already a psychological obstacle to a normal sex life. And the more often a person is depressed, the less he thinks about sexual contacts, which as a result also negatively affects male potency.

Negative Impact Potency is affected by low-quality proteins and various types of steroids. People involved in strength sports often use protein supplements and steroids to accelerate muscle growth.

Most existing proteins are harmless to the body. However, there are low-quality soybean counterfeits on the market.

As is known, its composition includes phytoestrogen - this is a plant analogue of estrogen, i.e. female hormone. Men who regularly take such low-quality cocktails may experience increased levels of female hormones.

They will suppress sex hormones in a man, which will definitely lead to a decrease in libido and a deterioration in potency. Steroids also lead to various hormonal disruptions, due to which potency may be impaired.

What diseases reduce potency?

Diseases of a very different nature can lead to weakening of male potency. First of all, these are various endocrine diseases in which disturbances in the synthesis of sex hormones are observed.

This can be caused by genetic disorders, chronic diseases, injuries and tumors. An endocrinologist diagnoses such diseases.

To treat such diseases, they are usually used hormonal drugs. You can begin a course of treatment only as prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable here, because This can only make the problem even worse.

Diseases of the spinal cord, brain, and various neurological disorders lead to a decrease in male potency. Such ailments include:

  • epilepsy;
  • injuries of the perineum and pelvis, including postoperative ones;
  • chronic and autoimmune diseases;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • Parkinson's disease.

In young men, potency disorders can develop against the background of various psychological problems, such as:

  • prolonged depression and constant stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • neuroses;
  • dissatisfaction with yourself or your partner;
  • general malaise.

Various infectious and other diseases often lead to a decrease in potency:

  • coli;
  • chlamydia;
  • syphilis;
  • staphylococcus;
  • fungal infections;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea.

The effect of medications on potency

Some medications can cause sexual dysfunction and reduce potency. These drugs include various hormonal pills, for example, female hormones, which are often used in the treatment of cancer.

Potency is also negatively affected by any drugs that lead to brain depression (antidepressants, narcotic substances, alcoholic drinks).

Even those pills that people consider absolutely harmless (diuretics, drugs to reduce acidity, etc.) can provoke potency disorders. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, before using any medications you need to carefully study the instructions, consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

The doctor will be able to assess the ratio of benefits and side effects of a particular drug and, if necessary, select an analogue that will not affect reproductive function.

What foods affect potency?

In addition to negative factors, there are many substances that have a positive effect on male sexual power. First of all, these are healthy and high-quality food products. However, it is important to know that not all food has a positive effect on the reproductive system.

First of all, you need to give up foods that contain animal fat. Carbohydrate consumption should also be kept to a minimum.

This especially applies to bachelors, whose diet consists mainly of sandwiches, pasta, mayonnaise and sauces. Excess animal fats can provoke the development of atherosclerosis and impotence.

Organic impotence can be a consequence of any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Thus, it has been scientifically proven that intervertebral and inguinal hernias lead to the development of erectile dysfunction.

Pinched nerve in the lower back during pregnancy: features

Pregnancy is not insurance against such a nuisance as a pinched nerve in the lower back. On the contrary, many women during the period of bearing a child face this problem due to the physiological characteristics of the body during this period.

The processes of nerve pinching are ensured by physiological mechanisms: the load on the spinal column increases, and along with it the ligamentous apparatus, which ensures the attachment of the pelvic bones to each other, relaxes.

Many women in the second half of the term experience characteristic aching pain, which indicates that there is still slight pressure on the nerve. The pressure rarely increases to the point of full-fledged compression, but sometimes it does happen.

In pregnant women, pinching symptoms will be similar to those seen in ordinary people. Acute pain that intensifies with movement, possibly a pathology from any internal organs (depending on what type of nerve is pinched).

Pinching of the autonomic branches of the nerve is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Vegetative branches control the functioning of internal organs and can negatively affect not only the condition of the woman herself, but also the condition of the fetus. That is why, at the first signs of pinching, it is important to calm down, provide the patient with the opportunity to lie still and seek help from a specialist.

Treatment of pinching in pregnant women has its own characteristics. During this period, strong physical activity is contraindicated, so gymnastics is performed according to an individual course and only in the presence of a doctor. Independent training according to the standard list of exercises is unacceptable.

Separately also selected medicines. Many NSAIDs negatively affect the condition of the fetus, and the use of glucocorticosteroids during pregnancy is generally contraindicated in most cases, which significantly complicates the treatment of the pathology.

Pregnant women should not use traditional medicine or conventional medications without consulting a doctor, as the reaction of the body and the fetus may be negative.

Signs of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis with predominant damage to the thoracic region

Clinical symptoms spinal impotence depend on its type and therefore differ somewhat from each other.

With increased excitability of both genital centers, a normal adequate erection is observed, but most often it is caused by factors not related to sexual life, which significantly interferes with the man.

As for ejaculation, it occurs extremely quickly and often even before sexual intercourse. Also among the patients' complaints are frequent nocturnal and rare daytime emissions (uncontrolled ejaculation mainly during sleep).


The symptom depends directly on the degree of infringement and the cause of the pathology. Common signs indicating nerve compression are:

  • acute pain;
  • restriction in movements;
  • decreased or increased sensitivity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in internal organs.

In case of infringement in cervical spine weakness of the arms and pain when turning and tilting the head may appear. If the thoracic nerve is damaged, then chest pain manifests itself even when inhaling and coughing. When the nerve roots in the lumbar region are damaged, the pain moves from the lower back to the buttocks and thighs, and weakness appears in the legs.

During a pinched nerve, the patient primarily suffers from sharp, burning pain. The nature of the pain is determined based on where the pathology is localized.

The pain syndrome can occur irregularly, with powerful shooting pains, or it can be lingering, long-lasting and so unpleasant. The pain becomes more intense during active physical activity.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the back can be multifaceted, namely:

  • Headache;
  • Impaired mobility and function of the organs of hearing and vision;
  • General poor health;
  • Paleness of the skin or vice versa - a feeling of a sharp rush of blood to the head.


As a rule, when a doctor suspects a pinched nerve in a patient, diagnosis involves x-ray examination. After which the patient will learn how to treat a pinched nerve in the back. Thanks to x-rays, you can see the entire clinical picture. After the initial examination, the doctor refers the patient to fluoroscopy.

In specific cases, magnetic resonance imaging may be required, and in addition, examination of internal organs whose functioning has been negatively affected by the infringement. How much your back hurts after a pinched sciatic nerve depends on the specific case and the course of the disease. If your back hurts in the lumbar region, a pinched nerve can be determined by a doctor.

To successfully diagnose the cause of the disease, use various ways, among which special attention is given to:

  1. MRI. Allows you to detect even minimal damage. This method is also aimed at determining general condition spinal column.
  2. Nerve conduction study. This is a special test to detect nerve damage. During the procedure, electrodes are attached to the skin, which begin to stimulate the nerves using weak impulses.
  3. Blood test for biochemistry.
  4. Electromyography. Using this method, it is quite possible to find out if there is damage to the nerve that is responsible for the motor function of the muscles. During the examination, a needle-electrode is inserted into the muscles, then the patient tries to tense and relax the muscles.
  5. Manual examination.
  6. General analysis of urine and blood.

In case of a pinched nerve, a neurologist specializing in the human nervous system can provide qualified assistance. Acute pain that restricts movement causes a lot of discomfort, so it is very important to consult a specialist.

Before choosing the appropriate therapy, the doctor must conduct a diagnostic examination. Diagnosis of pinching has two main goals.

First, it is necessary to confirm the previously made diagnosis. Secondly, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. Treatment can only be effective if it addresses the cause of the disease, and not just relieves the symptoms.

Treatment regimen

Tablets for pinched nerves:

  • painkillers that are available without a doctor's prescription;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - aimed at combating edema (Aspirin, Ibuprofen);
  • It is best to buy medications created specifically to alleviate the condition of nerve compression;
  • muscle relaxants – Mydocalm.

Pinched nerve in the lower back, pain radiates to the leg - injections

When the pain has been eliminated and the main cause of the injury has been identified, you need to treat your back at home, that is, generally change your lifestyle. Many back problems do not go away without leaving a trace, and you have to constantly make efforts to achieve long-term remission.

Light exercises

How to treat a pinched nerve? First of all, you need to undergo an examination. Based on this, the doctor will decide which method is suitable in a particular case. Self-treatment is contraindicated; the human nervous system is too complex.

When a patient has a pinched nerve in his back, what should the doctor do? Prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which will include both manual remedies and medications.

Most often, doctors resort to gentle manual therapy technologies that avoid surgical intervention. It could be:

  • Massage. It relieves tension in the pinch zone. Often this method allows you to remove the very cause of the disease.
  • Electrophoresis. It relieves pain and improves blood circulation.
  • Acupuncture. This method is used during the recovery phase of treatment.
  • Ozone therapy improves general nutrition tissue at the pinched site.

At the same time, the doctor prescribes bed rest to the patient, as well as a moderate diet. He can only lie on his back. In this case, the pinching will not increase, nor will the pain increase. He is not allowed to eat spicy or irritating foods. Spicy, sour, and even excessively rich food can worsen the patient's condition.

Manual therapy and folk remedies are accompanied by taking medications. To cure a pinched nerve, treatment must be comprehensive.

At the initial stage of treatment, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed, which relieve acute pain and reduce the main symptoms of strangulation. But this is not enough; it is important to discover the very cause of the disease.

A pinched nerve can cause suffering and significantly disrupt a person’s normal life. The nerves are covered by various materials, in particular bones, cartilage, muscles, which provide a “trap” and can compress the nerve. Let's look at treatment options, from medication to home therapy.


  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naproxen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Celecoxib
  • Etodolac;
  • Meloxicam.

Pain relief for a pinched nerve in the back is used when other means no longer help. If the pain gets worse, then injections are prescribed for a pinched nerve in the back along with hormonal substances.

Ointment for the back for a pinched nerve is also prescribed by the doctor. When you need effective means for rapid entry into the body, then the best option ointments are considered. Ointments for back pain affect the root cause of the disease and contribute to the rapid restoration of the functions of the pinched nerve.

Due to the intensity of the symptoms, the level of damage and the duration of the disease, painkillers are used to treat a pinched nerve in the back. Thus, treatment is carried out in a complex, covering physiotherapeutic procedures, pinching medications and exercises. In some cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Orthopedic corsets

What methods are used to treat a pinched nerve? First of all, the patient is advised to undergo a general examination. Thanks to their results, the doctor will decide on suitable treatment methods.

It is strictly forbidden to resort to self-treatment, as this threatens negative consequences, the human nervous system is very complex.

Complex treatment is the best, optimal option that will help get rid of a pinched nerve without the need for surgical intervention. In some cases, the symptoms of the disease are successfully relieved medicines.

Soft methods of manual therapy include:

  1. Massage. Designed to relax the muscles and increase blood circulation in the pinched area. Sometimes this method is also good for eliminating the cause of the disease.
  2. Ozone therapy. This method is aimed at enhancing the supply of oxygen to all tissues. In addition, be sure to follow bed rest and a special diet. The patient is shown to lie on the bed, preferably on a hard surface. During this period, it is not recommended to abuse overly spicy savory dishes. Taste preferences with an emphasis on sour and spicy foods can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

After relieving the burning annoying pain, the patient is recommended for a sanatorium-resort holiday, which includes healing water and mud therapy. You should also give preference to reflexology, experiment with therapeutic exercises and, of course, attend massage courses.

In addition to manual therapy, it is advisable to opt for taking medications and using folk remedies. At the first stages of treatment, the patient is prescribed medications that have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They are needed to eliminate acute pain and suppress symptoms of pinching.

In order to relieve severe pain, injections with the medications “Ibuprofen” or “Voltaren” will help. In some cases, novocaine blockade will be the best. In addition to painkillers, ointments and gels are actively used, for example, “Fastum-gel”. Healing properties have drugs containing venom from bees or snakes.

Physical therapy is also a popular treatment for pinched nerves. If the pain reaches critical levels, then a blockade procedure is used, which is based on the injection of an anesthetic into the disturbing area.

In advanced cases it is only suitable surgery.

Many patients wonder what to do if they suddenly develop an acute attack of pain caused by a pinched lumbar nerve. The first thing worth remembering for patients who sometimes experience such attacks is a complete ban on warming up the painful area.

It is believed that a warm compress will relax the muscles and relieve spasm, but the main mechanism of pain in this case lies not in the spasm, but in the compression of the nerve by a hard structure. Due to the use of heat, the already developed swelling will only increase in size, causing the pain to intensify.

Warming up during an acute attack has only a temporary effect, relieving the pain for a short period, and then returning it with even greater force.

During an acute attack, the patient is first given any analgesic to relieve pain. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can be an analogue of an analgesic, especially if its use has already been discussed with a specialist.

After providing pain relief, the patient is advised to take a supine position. For this it is best to use some kind of hard surface. Limiting movement will help reduce the intensity of the pain attack.

You can also immobilize the area causing discomfort using a wide scarf or a special belt.

Not only traditional modern medicine offers its patients ways to solve problems with pinched lumbar nerves. Even before the development of the medical industry, this problem existed, and our ancestors found several ways to combat the disease.

Traditional medicine recipes involve the use of natural ingredients to make tinctures, rubs, poultices and other treatments. Here are the most common recipes that will help fight pinching:

  1. An infusion of bay leaves is prepared (a few tablespoons of dry leaves are poured with 200 ml of vodka). The infusion is left in a dark place for several days, and then the resulting liquid is rubbed daily into the place where the pain syndrome is projected.
  2. You can prepare a honey-flour compress. To do this, mix honey and flour in a 1:1 ratio (the amount is calculated based on the size of the affected area). The resulting cake is wrapped with a bandage at night to the location of the pain, and wrapped with a warm scarf on top. In the morning the cake is removed.
  3. For a pinched nerve, a variety of warm baths have shown their effectiveness. So, for example, the patient is asked to spend 10-15 minutes in water to which calamus oil, oil horse chestnut or oak bark.
  4. Celery is another remedy that has a good effect on the nervous system. You can either drink a tablespoon of the juice of this plant before meals, or rub oil made from celery into the lower back.
  5. Treatment can be carried out using fir oil or valerian. All that is necessary is to rub a little of the liquid used into the lower back, and then wrap the affected area with a warm and thick cloth.
  6. Honey can be used as compresses in combination with radish juice or horseradish.

It is important to remember that all traditional medicine recipes are aimed at coping with the symptoms of the disease, and not at influencing the cause. They will not help if the patient suffers from a tumor disease or intervertebral hernia. They will only smooth out the symptoms. This is why traditional medicine should not be used as the main method of treatment.

Patients are also advised to consult a doctor before using prescriptions. Traditional medicine recipes are generally safe, but since they use natural remedies, they can provoke allergic reactions. Because of this, you should not choose a treatment, for example, based on honey, if the patient is allergic to it.

Spinal impotence is curable. The first thing to do is to eliminate the root cause of sexual weakness. The treatment tactics are selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the injury/disease of the ODS.

Treatment with folk remedies

It's important to remember that correct selection Drug therapy becomes possible only when the cause of the disease is established. On initial stages Any analgesic that he tolerates well will be suitable for the patient, but then the treatment regimen will need to be adjusted so as to act not only on the symptom.

Drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are delivered to the problem area in two main ways. The most basic and most often used is local, which involves the use of creams, ointments, and gels.

In the second case, the person is given an intramuscular injection with similar drug. The intramuscular route of administration has a faster effect, but is not always pleasant and possible.

Of the drugs used intramuscularly or locally, the following can be used:

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen, etc.

In cases where the pain is very severe, novocaine blockade is recommended. Despite the effectiveness of this method, experts recommend repeating blockades no more than three times, and then selecting other treatment methods.

If the doctor is able to diagnose a severe inflammatory reaction that cannot be controlled by other means, injections of drugs based on glucocorticosteroids may be used. These drugs have good anti-inflammatory activity, at the same time due to this and partially reducing the intensity of the pain syndrome (swelling subsides, pressure on the nerve becomes less).

If severe muscle spasm is diagnosed, which must be eliminated for further effective treatment, it is possible to use muscle relaxants.

In addition to remedies aimed specifically at eliminating the problem, doctors may recommend taking general health-improving medications. B vitamins are especially often prescribed for these purposes.

To improve blood flow in the affected limb, drugs that have an effect on the intensity of blood circulation can be prescribed. These are most often warming ointments that are approved for use in remission of the disease.

Consequences of erectile dysfunction

Dysfunction of the reproductive system leads to impotence. Erectile dysfunction can be cured. If the disease is correctly identified, then potency returns. The ability to have full sexual intercourse is influenced not by age, but by the presence of diseases.

Despite the variety of pathological manifestations, cervicothoracic osteochondrosis in itself is not a serious disease. It becomes such in the presence of complications due to untimely initiation and irrational treatment.


Operation and conservative treatment There is no guarantee that the disease will disappear forever. To finally solve the problem, you need to change your lifestyle.

Main risk factors:

  • sedentary work;
  • bad habits;
  • incorrect posture;
  • excess weight;
  • injury.

When a person has a pinched nerve in his back, what should he do after treatment? Of course, prevention is required. It is based on regular physical activity. Sports activities can be carried out only after they are approved by a doctor. You need to contact a specialist who, taking into account the disease, will select the optimal loads and frequency of training.

To prevent nerve pinching, you should do exercises, swimming and yoga. These workouts help reduce stress on your back, relax your muscles, and straighten your posture. At the same time, they strengthen the back muscles. The main thing is that training is regular. This is the only way the results will be quick and lasting.

It would also be useful to have a therapeutic massage. But even in this case it is important to choose good specialist. It happens that it is not possible to find the right doctor for a patient the first time. The massage should be completed in full, only then the result will be visible.

As a preventive measure, you should also remember to take care of your back. You need to avoid heavy loads, try to maintain correct posture and normalize your own weight if it is in excess.

To avoid misfortunes and avoid such a terrible condition as a pinched back, follow the following series of tips:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to frost and drafts;
  • Do not neglect healthy eating, give up unhealthy high-calorie foods;
  • For sleeping, it is advisable to use an orthopedic mattress;
  • Don't overdo it physical activity;
  • Don't make sudden movements. If you want to pick up an object from the floor, do not bend over, but squat;
  • Say yes to physical therapy;
  • If you have osteochondrosis, visit your doctor’s office at least 2 times a year;
  • Women who are in an “interesting” position are advised to use a bandage;
  • If a cold is detected, eradicate it in a timely manner;
  • Pain in the neck and lower back can be a result of nervous overload. To prevent this condition from overtaking you, avoid monotonous work and do not expose yourself to stressful situations.

The spine is a conductor of nerve impulses from the brain to other organs and systems of the body. Nerve centers in the sacral spinal cord are responsible for sexual reflexes: mechanisms of arousal, erection, orgasm and ejaculation. Depending on the location of the injury and its strength, an erection after a spinal injury remains at the same level, becomes weaker, or disappears altogether.

It happens that a man retains the ability to have one type of erection out of the existing two - reflex or psychogenic. Reflex appears from touching and stimulation of the genitals and erogenous zones, psychogenic - from erotic fantasies or visual images.

The nerve centers of the spinal cord are responsible for both types of erection: the reflex one is controlled by the area in the S2-S4 spinal segment, and the psychogenic one is controlled by the T10-L2 area. In the case when these areas are not affected, the ability to have sexual intercourse is preserved, provided that the injury is located below them. If the damage is higher, the man is likely to have problems with sex, because the passage of the arousal signal from the brain through the injured area is difficult.

An erection with an injured spine may occur, but be insufficient for normal sexual intercourse. The condition where the penis loses its stiffness during sexual intercourse or does not become hard enough is called erectile dysfunction. Then, for full sex, a man needs special stimulants.

Ways to restore an erection after a spinal injury:

  • medications - Viagra and its analogues,
  • with erection ring,
  • injections into the corpora cavernosa of the penis, causing blood flow,
  • administration of suppositories with a similar effect,
  • vibration stimulation.

Viagra and its generics help with spinal injuries only at the T6 - L5 level.
Vacuum pumps with a clamping ring allow you to achieve an erection, but if you have problems with ejaculation, the pump will not help. Needed special means, helping to ejaculate. Erection and ejaculation devices such as Viberect or Viberect X3 have been developed especially for men with back injuries and other severe pathologies.

The Viberect device is indicated after moderate to severe back injuries to create an erection and activate sexual reflexes. Andrologists have found that the receptors on the head of the penis are very sensitive to high-frequency vibration. A powerful signal of sexual arousal arises and is transmitted along the chain to the spinal cord and brain. As a result, a powerful reflex erection appears even with serious back injuries.

If a man loses the ability not only to erection, but also to ejaculate, and he needs to obtain sperm for analysis or artificial insemination, a type of vibration stimulator is used.

Manufacturers claim: Viberect is recommended not only for men suffering from partial or complete impotence, but also for physically healthy men to enhance erection. For example, when there is psychogenic erectile dysfunction or fatigue, interest in sex has disappeared.

I specifically purchased the device to test it. I don’t have any particular problems with potency, but I decided to see if it would create an erection at the end of a long working day in a state of fatigue, as well as during several sexual acts in a row.

Having placed my penis between the pads of the vibrator, I turned it on to minimum speed. After 2 minutes I felt quite strong sexual arousal, my penis became erect. My summary: if you want to have a sex marathon or arrange a night of love, when your energy is spent on labor feats, Viberect is perfect as a stimulant.

Any disorders associated with the spine have a negative impact on a man’s health. A disease in which the spinal column is gradually affected is called osteochondrosis. Potency suffers during the course of the disease. One of the reasons is a violation of the blood supply to the spinal tissues.

Description of the disease

The development of osteochondrosis occurs according to the following scheme:

  • Mineral salts are deposited in the vertebrae and surrounding tissues;
  • The destruction of the bone structure begins;
  • The discs begin to shift in horizontal projection.

Such disorders provoke compression of the spinal cord nerves. In especially severe forms, nerve processes are pinched. Such processes negatively affect the functioning of many body systems.

The disease also contributes to changes in blood counts. The concentration of a number of microelements decreases, including in women. The disease requires quick action. Except negative influence The disease is accompanied by severe pain on the body.

The main causes of degenerative spine disease:

  • Low physical activity;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Bad habits;
  • Irregular and uneven sports loads.

Does osteochondrosis affect potency?

Spinal disease disrupts the functioning of the spinal cord, which is responsible for the production of nerve impulses necessary for. Pinched nerves caused by osteochondrosis negatively affect potency due to the fact that the ability to experience arousal decreases and the transmission of signals that activate sexual function deteriorates.

Depending on the part of the spine that is affected by the disease, they change. In the lumbar region there are centers responsible for the normal functioning of organs located in the pelvis, including the reproductive system.

According to medical research, lumbar osteochondrosis and potency are related as follows:

  • Defeat nerve centers, responsible for the functioning of the prostate, leads to disruption of its functioning;
  • The sensitivity of the erogenous zones of the genitals decreases, which reduces the possibility of achieving an erect state;
  • The process of ejaculation is disrupted;
  • Severe pain in the spine interferes with sexual intercourse;
  • Congestion occurs, leading to the development of one of the forms of prostatitis.

Disease of the cervical spine negatively affects blood circulation to the brain. The consequence is a sharp decrease in testosterone production. With a lack of sex hormones, the ability to arousal and achieve a vivid orgasm is lost.

Preventing negative consequences

The negative impact of osteochondrosis on potency can be prevented if you take preventive measures in advance to avoid the disease.

  • When working sedentarily, get up regularly and do a short warm-up;
  • Balance your diet according to nutritionist recommendations;
  • Train in gym only under the supervision of a professional instructor;
  • Control your back position so as not to slouch and keep your shoulders straight.

What can be done?

The best way to restore potency in osteochondrosis is to cure the underlying disease. The use of drugs that enhance erection will help cope with the immediate problem, however, worsening the disease will only increase sexual dysfunction.

dietary supplements

When diagnosed with osteochondrosis, special treatments are often indicated to speed up the healing process.

The main active component of drugs that help improve sexual performance is omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and also normalize emotional condition, which often prevents sexual intercourse due to fear of strength or failure.

In addition, you can resort to methods aimed directly at enhancing male power. Before starting therapy, you should consult with your doctor to select or that activate the transmission capacity of nerve endings and increase the passage of nerve impulses responsible for sexual arousal.

Among the most popular and effective are the following dietary supplements:


When osteochondrosis is diagnosed, the erection weakens due to poor circulation or decreased testosterone production.

As part of drug therapy, the following are prescribed:

  • Local and systemic painkillers to cope with pain in the back;
  • Drugs that activate the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • , helping to achieve an erection in a situation conducive to intimacy.

It is important to understand that taking drugs to enhance erection is a symptomatic treatment that temporarily relieves sexual dysfunction. It is necessary to undergo complex therapy for osteochondrosis. After the disease is cured, sexual viability also normalizes.

Folk remedies

The following recipes are useful for the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  • A solution of citric acid in a ratio of 2-3 g per glass of water. Compresses should be applied if the cervical spine is affected;
  • Grind fresh quinoa in a meat grinder and add the same amount of liquid honey. Take a tablespoon half an hour before each main meal;
  • Pour 5 g of dried into a cup of green. Drink with half;
  • Finely chop the lilac leaves and take 30 g. Mix with 1.5 cups of radish juice, the same amount of honey, 100 ml of vodka. Leave overnight. Apply the resulting ointment to areas where pain is felt.

Drugs can be combined with and. To prepare drinks you need:

  • Pour 20 g of powder into 1.5 cups of medical alcohol. Place in a dark and cool room for 3 days. Add water in a 1:1 ratio. Leave in the same room for the same period of time. Strain and drink a teaspoon in the evenings;
  • Take fresh ginger root, peel and chop. Mix 350 g of raw materials with the same amount of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in cold and dark, shaking regularly. After the expiration date, strain and pour into a bottle, where you should add a spoonful of flower honey. Dosage regimen: ½ teaspoon of the product, diluted with water, morning and evening before meals;
  • Grind 3 tablespoons of dry powder into powder. Pour a cup of boiling water and cook for an hour. Drink 10 ml every day.

Special gymnastics

The fight against osteochondrosis includes certain types of physical activity. First of all, any kind of sport that strengthens the back has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine.

This includes yoga, swimming and a special set of exercises, including:

  • Turns and rotations of the head with damage to the cervical spine;
  • Writing out numbers with the chin for the treatment of diseases of the same department;
  • Bends back if the problem is related to the thoracic region;
  • Twisting the body, allowing you to develop top part backs;
  • for diseases of the cross zone;
  • Exercise with maximum lifting of the pelvis upward if you have the same problem.

We must not forget about special massage, the intricacies of which every professional massage therapist is familiar with.

Nutrition and sleep

– an important point in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

To combat the disease, it is important to consume:

    In addition, it is important to monitor the quality and position of the body. You must choose one of three poses:

    • Lying on your back. Only the head should be on the pillow, and the thoracic and lumbar regions should be in contact with the mattress. It is recommended to place a cushion under your feet;
    • On the stomach. The position is useful in case of damage to the lumbar region. If osteochondrosis is localized in the cervical region, then turning the head in this position has a negative effect on health;
    • Side pose. It is comfortable provided that only the head is placed on the pillow, and an additional cushion is placed between the legs. Your shoulder should rest against the mattress.

    It is important to choose the right sleeping accessories:

    • It is necessary to purchase an orthopedic mattress, a regular soft one causes additional stress on the spine, and an excessively hard one provokes muscle tension;
    • The pillow should be rectangular with additional bolsters on the sides, elastic and medium hard.

    The quality of your sleep should be analyzed. According to medical research, people who suffer from insomnia are much more prone to spinal injuries. And finally, it is necessary to regularly visit the clinic to monitor your health status and timely treatment of diseases.

In the life of every man, sooner or later, problems arise in the intimate sphere of life. Many young people claim that erectile dysfunction is characteristic only of mature men. Of course this is not true. These problems are increasingly being diagnosed in men under the age of 25. Of course, impotence does not occur immediately. In many cases, impotence becomes a consequence of certain diseases over a long period of time. And the longer you ignore the disorder, the less chance there is of solving it. There are many reasons for the development of impotence.

Today you can often hear the phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves. And even impotence can occur due to nervousness. So, we have to talk about the psychological causes of sexual impotence in men. Very often, impotence occurs when the normal work and rest schedule is not observed. In pursuit of achievements and a career ladder, young people overload themselves with excessive work. There is practically not enough time to sleep. The body does not receive proper rest and is in constant tension.

Under such conditions, the supply of oxygen to the brain is disrupted and blood circulation in the pelvic area worsens. Such fatigue affects, first of all, potency. Sexual dysfunction leads to stagnation, and this in turn is a direct road to prostatitis. Therefore, it is very important to allow the body to rest in the form of eight hours of sleep. And this is the minimum that is necessary for health and a full life.

Psychological causes of impotence include the following phenomena:

  • Frequent stress;
  • Conflict situations;
  • Depression;
  • Diffidence;
  • Unsuccessful first sexual experience;
  • Overwork;
  • General malaise;
  • Excessive mental and physical stress;
  • Insomnia;
  • Dissatisfaction with sexual partner.

Causes of impotence

At first, the frequency of sexual intercourse is reduced due to fatigue. Then the disease begins to take on a chronic form. Even if desired, the erection becomes weak, which is a form of impotence. Therefore, a man should take care of his health from an early age. Almost all young people are ashamed of their problems in bed and do not share them with their significant other. This depressed state only makes the situation worse. Regular rest, a healthy balanced diet, exercise, and the absence of bad habits are the key good condition potency.

The situation is more serious with impotence, which has developed as a result of organic problems. These include many diseases of the systems and organs of the male body. Even increased or decreased arterial pressure may cause problems in bed. Also, this number should include the following diseases: cardiovascular, genital injuries, endocrine system disorders, hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, frequent injections into the penis, back injuries, infectious and inflammatory processes, sexually transmitted diseases.

The most common causes are vascular. The fact is that the entire reproductive system of young people is full of vessels and arteries. When arousal is stimulated, blood begins to actively flow through the arteries to the cavernous bodies of the penis. The outflow of venous blood is automatically blocked. This gives a full normal erection. If some vessels are obstructed, blood flow does not occur and an erection cannot be achieved. And because the vessels are too narrow, ejaculation may not occur, which is also considered impotence.

If an erection does occur, but disappears very quickly, this indicates a dysfunction of the mechanism for blocking the outflow of blood. All these are signs of vascular impotence. This disease is curable. As a rule, they resort to help surgical interventions, depending on specific cases. Spinal impotence is quite rare and develops under certain circumstances.

Real impotence is manifested by certain symptoms:

  • Complete absence of erection;
  • Complete absence of ejaculation;
  • Premature ejaculation (even before sexual intercourse).

This type of violation in the sphere of intimate life is less common than others. Spinal impotence is provoked by injury to the spine and other centers of the back. The spinal centers of erection and ejaculation are damaged. Also, spinal impotence can occur against the background of trauma to the centers of the central nervous system. Pathologies of these two centers simultaneously are no exception.

When the spinal centers are damaged, impotence can be expressed in various manifestations. Most often, depletion of the erection centers, which are more sensitive, occurs. But the ejaculation center, which is normally stable, enters the stage of severe irritation. This manifests itself in the form of very rare weak erections, while ejaculation occurs very often and prematurely. All this makes a full sex life impossible.

With spinal impotence, other manifestations may also occur: when the erectile center is depleted, the ejaculatory center functions normally. That is, the erection is weak, but ejaculation is normal. During overstimulation, an erection is difficult to achieve. If spinal impotence is caused by excessive excitability of both centers, an erection occurs very often, even with the slightest touch to the penis. Very often, with spinal impotence, men suffer from frequent emissions, which can occur soon after sexual intercourse.

If, as a result of spinal cord injuries, both centers are depleted simultaneously, erection and ejaculation simply do not occur. At the same time, sexual desire, as such, remains. It is worth noting that spinal impotence can develop not only as a result of back injuries. The following factors can lead to such a pathology:

  • Delaying sexual intercourse;
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • Masturbation over a long period of time;
  • Prolonged sexual overstimulation;
  • Prolonged erections without sexual intercourse.

All these phenomena cause stagnation in the pelvic organs. Basically, these congestion phenomena are observed in the prostate, seminal tubercle, and posterior urethra. At this time, various forms of prostatitis and other diseases of the reproductive system cause inflammation and severe irritation of peripheral nerve endings. Such changes are reflexively transmitted to the spinal centers, which causes depletion of these same centers. This process leads to erectile dysfunction and spinal impotence.

Deterioration of sexual function with spinal impotence develops gradually long time. Sexual desire decreases, erection centers are depleted. Therefore, spinal impotence is closely related to the health of not only the spine, but also the pelvic organs. In addition, in the presence of physiological lesions of the central nervous system, the functioning of the spinal genital centers in men is also disrupted. Based on this, the following types of spinal impotence in young people are distinguished:

  • Increased excitability of both centers - ejaculation and erection;
  • Increased excitability of the ejaculation center, decreased excitability of the erection center;
  • Reduced excitability of both centers;
  • Lack of excitability of the ejaculatory center, normal functioning of the erection center.

Such lesions are caused by diseases of the spinal cord, myelitis, spinal dryness, trauma, and sclerosis. With spinal impotence, a type of impotence such as spinal aspermatism is rarely diagnosed. Erection and sexual desire are fully preserved. But ejaculation is completely absent. The spinal genital centers responsible for ejaculation are completely depleted. Some organic disorders in the urethra is not observed so that we can talk about an obstacle to ejaculation. At the same time, a man does not get a full orgasm with spinal impotence.

This type of spinal impotence is also characterized by the absence of spontaneous night arousal. Not receiving pleasure from sexual intercourse, a man begins to lose interest in sexual intercourse and sexual desire. The number of sexual intercourses with spinal impotence is sharply reduced. As a rule, intimacy occurs only with a feeling of obligation. It is spinal aspermatism that is the main cause of male infertility in childless families.

Among other types of impotence, it is worth noting cortical impotence. It is a rather complex type, as it occurs against the background of psychological trauma. The treatment of such a pathology requires serious, long-term work by specialist psychotherapists. The centers of the brain that are responsible for excitability are disrupted. Very often, diseases of the genital organs lead to impotence. If the endocrine system is disrupted, the testicles stop producing required amount male sex hormones.

In this case, diseases such as orchitis and diabetes. That's what they become. Next, it is worth noting the inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. It is worth noting that prostatitis does not necessarily guarantee the occurrence of impotence. With timely treatment of any deviations in the sphere of intimate life, impotence can be easily avoided.

When diagnosing spinal impotence, specialists prescribe treatment. Therapy is usually aimed at strengthening the (genital) centers of the spinal cord. For this purpose, restorative therapy is prescribed in the form of injections of immunomodulators. The drug Alfarekin is considered the most powerful and popular. The powder is dissolved in plain water for injection and administered intramuscularly for at least ten days.


Next, it is mandatory to take B vitamins. It is advisable to also administer them intramuscularly. But, since vitamin preparations are too painful, it is allowed to take vitamin complex inside in the form of capsules. For spinal impotence, some tranquilizers are always prescribed. The drugs are selected exclusively by the doctor, based on the clinical picture of the patient and the individual tolerance of the patient’s body.

During the treatment period, complete sexual rest is a prerequisite. In the absence of excitation of individual centers of the spinal cord, a positive result can be achieved. Experts often recommend injecting a solution of magnesium sulfate intramuscularly every other day. The dosage is determined only by the attending physician. As a rule, the course duration is 14 injections.


In case of spinal injury, sometimes special devices can help cope with the problem of spinal impotence. These include corsets and bandages aimed at supporting the spinal discs. Such devices are worn directly during sex. Some young people are embarrassed by such devices and take them off during sexual intercourse. This is strictly forbidden.

For any type of impotence, including spinal impotence, it is worth adjusting your diet. It is very important to saturate your diet with foods rich in calcium. This will help support the skeleton and establish metabolic processes in the body. You can increase potency by cleansing blood vessels with the following diet: garlic, avocado, citrus fruits, green onions, parsley, seafood, celery, vegetables. But, with spinal impotence healthy image life is not enough. Qualified medical care is very important. Of course, bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited. This can make the situation even worse.

Vladimirov Anton Vyacheslavovich

Andrologist, 21 years of experience.