At 6 weeks of pregnancy, brown discharge appeared. What kind of discharge may occur in early pregnancy?

11.07.2017 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

The first trimester is considered a responsible and anxious period. This is the time when the unborn baby is very vulnerable to the effects of adverse factors. That's why future mom should be especially attentive to your condition in the first weeks of pregnancy. One of the indicators of potential well-being (or ill-being) is allocation to early stages pregnancy.

The type of discharge during pregnancy can change significantly. In some cases, secretion becomes abnormal, which means that the normal development of a small life is at risk.

In this article we will look at which discharges are explained by natural changes occurring in the mother’s body and are completely acceptable, and which ones signal a danger to the health of the woman herself and her unborn baby.

Expectant mothers, as a rule, are concerned about similar questions; we will try to find answers to the most common ones by considering the stories and reviews of real women.

Discharge during early pregnancy: normal options

Effect of progesterone

Inna T. (Samara): “About 18 days have passed since conception. The test is positive. . I never noticed this before before my period. Can there be such discharge at 2 weeks of pregnancy or not? What could they mean?

There are a lot of options for occurrence yellow discharge during early pregnancy, two can be named: inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system and the proliferation of infection (ureaplasmosis, gardenellosis, chlamydial infection). At the same time, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen and sacral area. Itching and irritation are also sometimes present. Such discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous, as it can provoke spontaneous abortion, slowdown in fetal development and intrauterine infection, and subsequently premature birth.

Yellow-green Dark yellow Yellow Abundant yellow

Brown discharge in the early stages

Freezing of embryonic development

Larisa V. (Sochi): “When there was a delay of 2 weeks, the test showed two stripes. It was a busy period at work, so I didn’t go to the doctor right away. Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy made me come to my senses. They were brown and smearing in nature. Doubts involuntarily arose: maybe the first test was wrong? I bought a second one and it gave a negative result. Is it possible? The smearing does not stop, toxicosis has disappeared completely. Did I really come up with everything and there was just a delay?”

In some cases, a brown secretion may indicate that the development of the embryo is fading. If a woman initially had all the signs of gestation, and then they suddenly stopped, and at the same time brown marks appeared on her underwear, then intrauterine death of the embryo may have occurred. And its gradual peeling off from the walls of the uterus provokes the appearance of a brownish secretion. To dispel doubts, you should undergo an examination.

Smearing Smear

Cervical erosion

Anna Z. (Kirov): “. This is a brownish daub. After a couple of hours everything went away. Before conception, I did not have time to cure the erosion. Could discharge in the fourth week be a consequence of old erosion?

Indeed, erosion can cause the appearance of brown secretion, which is explained by mechanical damage surface of the affected area. A similar secretion can be observed, for example, after an examination in a gynecological office. Treatment of erosion is not provided during the period of pregnancy; it will have to be postponed until delivery. Details of future therapy should be discussed with your doctor.

Dark beige Spotting for VB

Dark discharge during pregnancy

Yana S. (Voronezh): “Suddenly dark discharge began at 6 weeks of pregnancy. Not very strong, with blood clots. At the same time it hurts right side. Weakness appeared. My husband insists on calling an ambulance, but I don’t like to panic. Maybe it's not so scary? Is dark discharge normal?

Discharge at the 6th week of pregnancy, which is dark in color and accompanied by acute pain and general malaise, can hardly be considered natural. Such symptoms are characteristic of the ectopic localization of the fertilized egg, that is, a condition when it is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but, for example, in a tube, ovary, or even the peritoneum. This pathology can be extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman, since as the fertilized egg grows, the likelihood of organ rupture and heavy bleeding increases.

Even in the absence of additional symptoms brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy you should be wary. Their causes are often very serious and can threaten the health and even the life of the mother and child. And although the doctor may not reveal any pathologies during the consultation, you still need to play it safe.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, the baby resembles the letter “C”. Its limbs are already beginning to develop and it has gills. By the end of the 6th week, the auricles begin to form instead. There are already the rudiments of the circulatory system, small vessels are gradually developing, which in the future, with the formation of the umbilical cord, will connect the fetus with the maternal body.

The heart begins to form. Two heart tubes are already pulsating. Over time, they will merge together and form a two-chambered heart. From neural tube The brain and spinal cord begin to form. The intestinal tube is already divided into three. In the future it is the thyroid, parathyroid gland and pituitary gland. There are rudiments of the respiratory system, liver, and pancreas.

At the full 6 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo has already grown in length by more than 1 cm. It can tilt to the right and left. At the same time, the fetal bladder develops, inside which amniotic fluid gradually forms.

How does the expectant mother feel?

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body increasingly adapts to the needs of the fetus. Gradually changing hormonal background; The amount of pregnancy hormone progesterone increases in the body. Under its influence, the muscle tone of all organs changes. The mammary glands swell; nipples become increasingly sensitive.


The muscles of the uterus relax and blood vessels dilate. As a result of changes in the condition of the blood vessels, the pressure sometimes decreases. As a result, dizziness, drowsiness, and fatigue are common.

Heartburn often occurs due to relaxation of the esophageal muscles. In addition, early toxicosis begins. It is expressed in frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting. Often, 6 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by a slight decrease in a woman’s weight. She is losing weight because frequent vomiting causes her body to receive fewer calories than usual.

The muscles of the ureters weaken, which is why a pregnant woman can easily catch cystitis. You need to be very careful, as the infection comes from Bladder can easily spread to the kidneys and cause pyelonephritis.

Under the influence of hormones, pregnancy can manifest itself in various unusual symptoms: body hair begins to grow, profuse acne or red spots appear on the face. All these phenomena are temporary; after childbirth, when the hormonal levels stabilize and change, all visible ugly manifestations will disappear without a trace.

What do the symptoms mean?

It is common for pregnant women to experience periodic discharge during the 6th week of pregnancy. Light, slightly gelatinous discharge without color or specific odor is considered normal. In addition, there is a whitish daub. The reason for such discharge is hormonal changes in the body, preparing it for pregnancy and bearing a child.

But at 6 weeks of pregnancy there may sometimes be colored discharge. Among these, light brown spotting and pink discharge are not dangerous. They may be slightly slimy. They go during the period when they should have their periods. In addition, they are caused by hormones.

If every hour the pad turns more and more red, the discharge is similar to that which occurs during menstruation, it is likely that a spontaneous miscarriage begins. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is not a pathology in cases where it is painless and not accompanied by a burning sensation; no feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.


If spotting appears after sex or a visit to a gynecologist during an examination gynecological chair, most likely, these are manifestations of cervical erosion. There is no need to fear for the health of the unborn child. The woman carries and gives birth to a healthy baby without any problems.

But some time after giving birth, you need to see a doctor, undergo a course of treatment and get rid of this unpleasant problem.

At 6 weeks, brown discharge in pregnant women is sometimes the cause of placenta previa. This does not mean at all that you need to terminate the pregnancy. Even in this case, it is quite possible to give birth to a healthy baby.

With inferior placenta previa, any physical exercise, it is forbidden to have sex. In some cases, if the presentation has not changed at a later date, in the third trimester the pregnant woman should be under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. The baby is born by caesarean section.

Abnormal discharge is intense Brown. They may indicate that the pregnancy is ectopic. In addition, the woman feels severe throbbing pain in the lower abdomen.

Brown discharge may also indicate a threat of miscarriage. They are accompanied by severe attacks and heaviness in the lower abdomen. The woman requires immediate hospitalization.

Dark brown spotting may indicate blood accumulating in the uterus due to the gradual detachment of the placenta. The more time passes, the more the process worsens. As a result, the placenta may completely separate from the walls of the uterus; there will be a miscarriage.

Excessive brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy can cause missed abortion and fetal death.

A spot that starts out light brown and becomes thicker and darker over time sometimes indicates a sexually transmitted infection during or before pregnancy. In cases where the discharge begins to smell bad, the genitals itch, or an unpleasant burning sensation is felt during urination, you should consult a doctor. The pregnancy may have to be terminated.

Reasons to see a doctor

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes there is a feeling of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, tingling. If there is no bloody or brown discharge, then there is no need to worry. Such sensations often occur towards the end of the 6th week due to the fact that the uterus begins to grow and the muscles stretch.

The stomach may hurt due to anxiety, physical stress, poor nutrition, and constant vomiting due to toxicosis.

There are rare cases when a woman at 6 weeks of bearing a child experiences pain in the abdomen and lower back, has brown discharge, but the pregnancy does not end. In the end, everything ends well and a healthy baby is born. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

The sixth week of pregnancy is one of the most important periods.

It is at this time that the fetus and placenta are formed. You should constantly monitor your condition: avoid stress, try not to overexert yourself physically, give yourself rest during the day. You need to pay attention to the color and amount of discharge.

If the pain has become frequent and there is brown discharge, you should go to the antenatal clinic and have an ultrasound done. In cases where the present symptoms confirm the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital.

It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the following alarming symptoms are present:

  • severe colic or a feeling of constant pain in the side;
  • suddenly my stomach became stone;
  • blood or discharge is brown;
  • heat;
  • abrupt cessation of toxicosis;
  • fainting due to a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Under no circumstances should you neglect your condition if you have at least a few of these symptoms. Moreover, swallowing pills without a doctor’s prescription, doing heavy physical labor, do not pay attention to the discharge for a long time.

In some cases, there may be no physical sensations at all. The woman feels well. Her belly is enlarged and her mammary glands are fuller. But if there is a brown spot present, you need to be wary and go for a consultation. After all, this kind of discharge can be not only a sign of placental abruption. In some cases, they indicate pathologies in the development of the child.

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is an alarming signal. However, like many other common circumstances and complications. Experiences begin from the very first trip to the doctor and do not end until the birth. Even the most trivial change in the body can throw the expectant mother into panic. But not everyone can adequately respond to the body’s alarming signals in the hope that it just seemed or “maybe it will go away on its own if you wait.”

What to do if vaginal discharge appears in the first weeks of pregnancy? Naturally, this is scary, but not every pregnant woman will decide to seek help. emergency care. Someone will say that there is no time to stay in the hospital, someone will decide to wait, suddenly they will pass and everything will be “normal” again. The outcome in such cases is overwhelmingly sad.

When the discharge cannot be ignored during the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy, this is a signal that the pregnancy is proceeding abnormally. There may be several reasons. First of all, this is a sign that the expectant mother did not take her health seriously even at the stage of planning a child.

Pregnancy must be approached responsibly if the goal is birth healthy child. But not every woman, dreaming of a baby, will go to the gynecologist and be checked for the presence of inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, cervical cancer or hidden infections. Such diseases are dangerous to treat during pregnancy, and if left untreated, they will cause miscarriage or disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may occur due to the so-called burdened gynecological history(OGA). This definition includes not only female diseases suffered before or during pregnancy, but also a number of other unfavorable factors in the anamnesis. Such as: abortion, ectopic and frozen pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, uterine development abnormalities, bad habits, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases, stress and much more.

Spotting at week 6, accompanied by severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, may be a signal of the onset of a miscarriage. When the fertilized egg begins to separate from the endometrium. Most often, this is due to an insufficient amount of female sex hormones. Tragic consequences can be avoided if you seek help immediately.

There are frequent cases of spontaneous miscarriage if the pregnancy is 6 weeks bloody issues appear. It may all be due to the principle natural selection. The fetus cannot develop due to genetic mutation, an unsuccessful combination of the genes of the mother and father, and the body itself rejects it.

Bloody, brown, pink discharge during pregnancy at 6 weeks against the background of OGA and severe pain, as if shooting in the tailbone, fainting, dizziness can be a symptom ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you can’t wait, the torn oviduct- a serious threat not only to health, but also to life.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about frozen pregnancy. Doctors still cannot really say about the reasons for its appearance. The reasons may be different, from genetic abnormalities of fetal development to using a laptop on the stomach (harm has not been proven, but not refuted). But no one can say for sure why the death of the fetus does not lead to a miscarriage; in some cases, they go for weeks with such a pregnancy.

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The first trimester is the most important and turbulent time during pregnancy. During this period, the formation of organs and systems occurs, which largely determines the health and vitality of the child in the future. Most miscarriages occur in the early stages, so the occurrence of brownish discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is regarded as dangerous. But what other reasons lead to this symptom, you will learn from our article.

What happens at week 6?

During this period, the embryo resembles a kitten curled up in a ball. His limbs begin to grow, and there is still a tail left. The foundations of the systems from which organs are subsequently formed are laid. In addition, the amniotic sac appears, the chorion gradually becomes a full-fledged placenta.

During this period, a woman experiences significant changes in her condition. Hormonal changes make her drowsy, weak and very emotional. Strange desires for food and aversion to certain smells appear. The breasts ache and thicken, the areola darkens. Symptoms of toxicosis are observed to one degree or another.

Carefully! Majority acceptance medicines prohibited in the 1st trimester. Their action can negatively affect the development of the child’s body.

What discharge is normally present in early pregnancy?

If 10-14 days after conception there is an increase in the amount of vaginal mucus, then by 5-6 weeks the secretion is practically absent. This is due to the formation of a plug of thick mucus in the cervical canal, which protects the fetus from infection from the vagina.

A small amount of vaginal secretion may appear in the following way:

  • in a scanty volume without odor - the norm for the first trimester;
  • Light yellow substances are explained by the action of progesterone and also do not indicate illness. But if an unpleasant odor and itching occurs, then inflammation or infection of the genital tract can be assumed. With STIs, the discharge is yellow-green;
  • Transparent mucus with a white turbidity is also a normal sign, but if the leucorrhoea is glassy - completely colorless, with a shine and sticky consistency, then a chlamydial infection can be suspected.

Bloody fluids at 6 weeks

The presence of blood in the vaginal secretion when carrying a child indicates an injury, disease or pathology of pregnancy. These discharges differ in shade:

  • Beige and light brown occur when a small number of red blood cells enter the mucus;
  • Brown - exit of coagulated blood;
  • Red - bleeding.

These options can replace each other as a problem progresses or when it is eliminated. But for a doctor, the presence of even a small amount of blood is a risk of miscarriage.

Attention! If there is a threat of miscarriage, in addition to pathological discharge, the woman will periodically have stomach and back pain.

What reasons lead to brown spotting in the early stages?

There are prerequisites for pathological discharge that are not associated with pregnancy. Others have a direct bearing on the interesting position of women.

Diseases not related to childbearing

Hormonal changes and physiological transformations in the body can activate existing and dormant problems:

  • Polyps of the cervix or uterus. These formations are soft like jelly, which is why they are easily damaged. Therefore, if they are present, a woman experiences bloody smears or red-brown streaks in the mucus after intimacy and simply for no apparent reason. A large polyp in the early stages can provoke embryo rejection, as it causes contractions of the muscle layer of the organ. The degree of danger is assessed using ultrasound and the presence of alarming symptoms. Sometimes growths are removed directly during pregnancy, but only from the 2nd trimester;
  • Erosion of the cervix often progresses during pregnancy, and a brown or reddish spot appears after sexual intercourse or examination. It is considered a condition that does not directly threaten the mother and fetus. However, advanced cases can lead to problems on later and during childbirth;
  • Chronic infection is characterized by abdominal, moderate itching of the genitals and unpleasant smell. When pathogenic bacteria damage the surface of the vagina and cervix, microbleeding occurs in the form of beige or brown leucorrhoea. Pathology is treated with antibacterial drugs. However, the doctor may decide to postpone drug therapy to the 2nd trimester, since many drugs are contraindicated in the 6th week;
  • Inflammation of the appendages is also characterized by dark spotting and pain on one side of the abdomen and in the lower back, as well as increased body temperature. Long-term treatment in a hospital setting using approved antimicrobial agents;
  • An ovarian cyst causes pain on one side of the abdomen, constipation and bloating, problems with urination, and abnormal brown discharge. Some species are capable of reaching large sizes. Therefore, if the formation grows quickly and begins to put pressure on the uterus during pregnancy, then it is removed laparoscopically at any stage. Small cysts are simply observed until delivery.

Attention! According to reviews from women, many experienced detachment, hematomas and the risk of miscarriage at a period of 6 to 12 weeks. In about 80% everything ended in a normal birth.

Threat of pregnancy

It can be smeared with brown, pink or red if severe disorders develop during pregnancy. They usually reveal themselves precisely at 6-7 weeks of gestation:

  1. Hematoma or partial detachment of the chorion. The gap between fertilized egg and the uterus fills with blood. An ultrasound shows a capsule with liquid contents. This happens in about a quarter of pregnant women. The reason is insufficient progesterone. If over time the hormone increases, the hematoma heals, and the contents are emptied in the form of brown vaginal discharge, sometimes with clots, for several days to a month. If the process is not stopped, the spotting will become profuse bleeding, and the placenta (until the chorion) will be completely rejected. A miscarriage will occur. Used for treatment dosage forms progesterone - Utrozhestan, Duphaston, as well as hemostatic agents - Dicynon, Tranexam and others.
  2. Frozen pregnancy is a condition in which the fetus stops developing. The woman may not understand what happened. However, when a dead embryo decomposes, toxins will enter the bloodstream, and the body will reject the dead baby. Then more noticeable bleeding with clots and cramping pain in the abdomen occur. If the woman freezes, she undergoes curettage or vacuum aspiration to clean out the organ.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy - localization of the fetus in the appendages or in the abdominal cavity. The tubal variant occurs more often. Then the growth of the embryo will lead to damage to the walls of the fallopian tube and excessive internal bleeding. At week 6, the fetus reaches such a size that it begins to stretch the surrounding tissues. The woman has scanty brown discharge and aching and cutting pain in one side of the abdomen. The embryo is removed during surgery because a successful outcome is impossible in this case.
  4. The low location of the placenta, when the fetus is initially fixed at the very bottom at the entrance to the cervical canal, provokes brown spotting. This condition is called previa. There are different degrees of severity. If, as the placenta grows, it grows onto the internal os of the uterus, then detachment occurs, the fetus may die or will grow and develop poorly. In most cases, pregnancy is maintained until delivery. The woman is prescribed sexual rest, minimal physical activity, bed rest and no stress.

The first months of pregnancy are very important. During this period, multiple changes begin to occur in the expectant mother's body. So, pregnancy at 5-6 weeks may have its own peculiarities.

What time period is this?

By the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy, the baby has been developing in the mother’s womb for a whole month. This period also corresponds to 4 weeks from the date of conception. This difference in determining the age of the baby is not accidental. The fact is that doctors use a special counting system. In this case, the term “obstetric month” is used.

The calendar counting system, carried out from the moment of conception, will be somewhat different from the obstetric system. The period from the moment of conception of the child is less than the obstetric period used.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

What does the belly look like?

At this stage of pregnancy, the weight of the expectant mother does not change significantly. This is due to the fact that the baby is still very small.

From the outside, pregnancy is also not visible. Only a doctor can discover that an expectant mother is expecting a baby during a series of studies. Also during this period of time, hormone levels in the blood change.

The appearance of the abdomen remains the same. Many women during this period, already knowing that they are pregnant, begin to twirl in front of the mirror more often, trying to see some changes. However, there are still no clear external signs of an increase in abdominal circumference.

Discharge from the genital tract

IN this period A pregnant woman may be worried about the appearance of various vaginal discharge. The occurrence of this symptom is due to for various reasons, and not only pathological. A number of specific hormonal changes that occur at this time in the female body can also cause the appearance of discharge from the genital tract.

There may be light discharge or mucus from the vagina. Such discharge is a variant of the norm and does not require any medical correction. As a rule, the expectant mother notices the occurrence of such discharge on her underwear or panty liner when going to the toilet.

The color of such physiological secretions may vary. Most often it is a clear or slightly whitish liquid. Its consistency varies.

An important clinical sign to be assessed is the presence of a foul odor. Normally it should be absent. The appearance of an unfavorable odor from discharge from the genital tract is a sign of possible bacterial infection of the reproductive organs.

The appearance of a specific vaginal discharge at this stage of pregnancy is preceded by specific changes that occur in the female reproductive system under the influence of pregnancy hormones. When glycogen accumulates in the cellular lining of the female genital organs, light or beige discharge occurs. This substance has a beneficial effect on the growth of lactic acid bacteria, which normally live in the vagina and provide optimal pH intimate area.

A normal amount of lactic acid bacteria is necessary to ensure an optimal level of local immunity. This helps protect female body from various dangerous infections.

A shift in the pH of the intimate area and impaired growth of beneficial bacteria contribute to the disruption of the natural defense process. This contributes to the fact that a pregnant woman may develop various pathologies. An example of such a disease is thrush or candidiasis, familiar to many women.

This disease is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast-like fungus Candida. Their excessive reproduction contributes to the fact that a woman begins to experience uncomfortable symptoms. An important diagnostic sign of genital candidiasis is the appearance of white cheesy discharge and, as a rule, severe itching in the intimate area.

If a pregnant woman experiences these uncomfortable symptoms, she should contact her doctor immediately. Doctors do not recommend treating candidiasis yourself during pregnancy, as it can harm the baby.

In this situation, the doctor will definitely select the correct scheme therapy. The basis of its choice in pregnant women in initial period their pregnancy are means of local therapy.

Such drugs normalize the disturbed pH of the vagina and also have a good antiseptic effect. In the early stages of pregnancy, as a rule, systemic therapies are not prescribed, since they can have an adverse effect on the actively occurring organogenesis of the fetus.

Some women notice a few drops of blood or pink discharge on their underwear after having sex at this stage of pregnancy. Usually this symptom occurs on the first day after sexual intercourse.

It comes as a real shock to many expectant mothers. The appearance of such bloody discharge may be associated with trauma to the delicate mucous membranes of the vagina and genital tract.

If such a symptom appears, the expectant mother should definitely consult her doctor. When having sex during pregnancy, couples should choose more gentle positions.

The appearance of bloody discharge is an extremely alarming sign. Quite often it happens that it is accompanied by increased pain in the lower abdomen, as well as increasing weakness. The severity of manifestations may vary. For some women, it all starts with the appearance of regular spotting red or brown discharge from the genital tract.

Expectant mothers should remember that the appearance of such a symptom may be a sign of bleeding. This, in turn, also happens with spontaneous miscarriage. Crimson, light brown and dark discharge should also be a warning sign for a woman.

In this situation, timely provision of medical care is very important. If the expectant mother has alarming bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, then you should not hesitate to contact your doctor.

In some cases, a woman may develop bright yellow thick discharge. Such discharge can appear due to various bacterial infections of the intimate organs. It is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

To diagnose the disease that caused the appearance of such discharge, auxiliary tests will be required. They are prescribed to the expectant mother by a gynecologist after a clinical examination of the genital organs.

In such a situation, a vaginal smear must be taken to identify pathogenic microflora. If, after a bacteriological examination, microbes were identified, the doctor will prescribe appropriate local treatment.

Feelings in the lower abdomen

In most cases, the well-being of the expectant mother at this stage of pregnancy changes slightly. Some women even note that at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy they did not feel any serious changes in their body.

The appearance of symptoms that occur in the abdomen of a pregnant woman at this stage of pregnancy occurs due to the increase in the size of the uterus. This is caused by various hormonal changes occurring in the female body.

By 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus acquires the size of a large apple. Gradually its walls begin to thicken. This is necessary in order to protect the baby’s body from the effects of various external factors and impacts.

The condition of the reproductive organs of the expectant mother at this time is very important. To assess the main parameters women's health Doctors always use several criteria. Among these clinical signs, uterine tone stands out, which shows how functional the uterine walls are.

Healthy myometrium (the muscle layer of the uterus) has the ability to contract. This layer is formed by smooth muscle fibers and connective tissue. It has a certain structural feature: its constituent muscle fibers are located in different directions, which ensures good contraction of the uterine wall.

An excessive increase in uterine tone contributes to the development of conditions dangerous to the fetus, which experts call hypertonicity - it can contribute to the risk of spontaneous miscarriage and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Hypertonicity of the uterus is the trigger for increased pressure inside the reproductive organ. Such violations contribute to the fact that the baby may experience various problems in intrauterine development.

Normotonus is optimal, in which the uterine walls are in a physiological state, and the intrauterine pressure remains within normal limits. Normotonus promotes optimal growth and development of the baby in the womb.

Some women experience discomfort in the lower abdomen during this period of pregnancy. They may feel a tugging in the lower abdomen or an ache and pain in the ovary. Such adverse symptoms can develop on one or both sides.

These clinical signs significantly worsen the well-being of the expectant mother. Soreness leads to the fact that a woman tries to take a more advantageous position in which she does not feel that her stomach hurts. To do this, she can sit on a sofa or chair and lean towards its back. This position helps reduce the load on the lumbar spine, also helping to reduce pain in the lower abdomen.

Some women noted that at 6 weeks of pregnancy they had a “pulling” sensation in the lower abdomen, like during menstruation. These disorders can be caused by changes in the level of hormones in the blood.

If the expectant mother has a pain in her lower abdomen, she should definitely notify her obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

Frequent pathologies

Even with a physiological course of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience some changes in her health status in the sixth week. They are facilitated by altered hormonal levels.

Thus, during pregnancy the functioning immune system undergoes a number of specific changes. This contributes to the fact that women's immunity is somewhat reduced. This feature leads to the fact that the expectant mother becomes more vulnerable to various infectious diseases. The risk of catching a cold also increases significantly.

The severity of the resulting catarrhal symptoms may vary. This is largely determined by the woman’s initial health status. Thus, the presence of chronic diseases of the ENT organs in most cases significantly worsens the course and prognosis of the developed disease.

In most cases, ordinary hypothermia leads to the appearance of unfavorable cold symptoms. Discomfortable manifestations, as a rule, begin to bother a woman within a few hours or by the end of the first day after she caught a cold.

If the onset of a cold occurred in the sixth week of pregnancy, then the pregnant woman should definitely seek help from a doctor. Treating a disease, especially one accompanied by a high fever, is simply dangerous on your own.

Decreased immune function can also lead to a pregnant woman experiencing an exacerbation of herpes. This disease occurs more and more frequently in the female population every year.

The most common clinical variant of herpes infection is herpes labialis. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of watery blisters on the border of the lips. As a rule, the process is one-way. However, bilateral inflammation can also develop.

The genital version of herpetic infection is characterized by the appearance of characteristic rashes in the genital tract. Such bubbles can burst with the flow of liquid. In this situation, it is very important to prevent the possibility of secondary infection, when bacteria can penetrate the wound surface.

Various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract at this stage of pregnancy worry expectant mothers quite often. The most common of these is nausea. Some women even develop vomiting.

These uncomfortable symptoms are most pronounced in the morning. The female sex hormone “progesterone” is largely responsible for the development of these unfavorable signs. In the first trimester of pregnancy, its concentration in the blood increases greatly.

Some women also experience a feeling of bloating in the abdomen. As a rule, this symptom occurs due to various errors in nutrition and imbalance of the diet. Also, expectant mothers may experience various irregular bowel movements, manifested by the appearance of diarrhea or constipation. The development of these conditions is facilitated by changes in intestinal motor function, as well as hormonal disorders.

To learn why your stomach hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, watch the following video.

  • What's happening
  • Fetal development
  • Discharge and pain