Scientific intimate contouring with fillers. Contour plastic surgery of the intimate area

Medicines for contour plastic surgery They have firmly entered our lives and even won their positions in the intimate sphere. They help in the treatment of some urogynecological pathologies, improve the quality of sexual life, and increase confidence in the attractiveness of women and men.

A gel based on hyaluronic acid. It fills the space, thereby correcting the area, enlarging it, making it more attractive in appearance or relieving the symptoms of the disease. There is also a rejuvenating effect - the skin becomes more hydrated and elastic.

Indications for women:

  • desire to enlarge the G-spot or clitoris in order to improve sensitivity;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • sagging skin in the delicate area;
  • desire to enlarge the labia;
  • dilated vagina;
  • asymmetry or other deformations of the labia;
  • vulvar atrophy;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • recurrent postcoital cystitis.

Indications for men:

  • urinary incontinence due to urethral hypermotility;
  • the need to enlarge the male genital organ;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • retrograde ejaculation.

The procedure is possible from the age of 18 and even earlier if the parents or guardians of the minor have given written consent to this.

Stages of the procedure

Plastic surgery is performed only by a gynecologist. A cosmetologist does not have sufficient knowledge and authority for this. It is important to carefully choose a specialist before entrusting your most secret things.

Be sure to attend a consultation to talk about your health status, medications you are taking and the desired result. Tests may be required.

The correction itself usually takes no more than 40 minutes. It is carried out in stages:

  1. Antiseptic treatment.
  2. Pain relief (injection or cream).
  3. Administration of the drug.
  4. Repeated treatment with antiseptic.


Bellcontour GVISC (Belcontour Dzhivisk)– Swiss hyaluronic filler of the latest generation. Suitable for men and women. The concentration of hyaluronic acid is 24 mg/ml.

Intimate (Amaline Intimate)– Russian filler for patients of both sexes. Viscoelastic agent that gives good results for solving many problems in sensitive areas. The concentration of HA is 20 mg/ml.

Reneall Secret Life- biphasic gel Russian production density 20 mg/ml. Designed to increase and replenish soft tissue in the intimate area. The duration of the effect is 9-12 months.

Revi Reform is a biorevitalizant intended for use in urology and gynecology. Increases local immunity, accelerates natural renewal processes, restores barrier, trophic and plastic function of tissues, protects against viral and bacterial infections.

Rehabilitation period

Some rules should be followed for 2 weeks after injections:

  • abstain from sexual activity;
  • give up alcohol;
  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium;

After intimate filling it is possible to:

Reduced sensitivity for up to 7 days;
enlarged lymph nodes in the pelvic, iliac, or groin areas;
the occurrence of herpes;
hematomas, itching, feeling of “fullness” during the first days.


  • allergy to hyaluronic acid or anesthesia components;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the skin in the genital area;
  • colpitis;
  • exacerbation of genital herpes;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • the presence of tumors in the body;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • high temperature.

Photo "Before and After"

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Intimate contour plastic surgery: photo, price, preparations, video

IN last years There has been a noticeable increase in the number of women who want to improve their appearance and sensitivity intimate area, for many, the perfection of the intimate area means no less than the beauty of the face, hair and body. If previously aesthetic medicine could only offer women surgery, which not everyone could decide on, now the so-called “correction of intimate areas” can be carried out on an outpatient basis using injection techniques, i.e. without carrying out surgical intervention.

An obstetrician-gynecologist at the “Childhood Plus” family medical clinic, Elena Ivanovna Podmarkova, talks about this.

Elena Ivanovna, today creating an ideal intimate zone has become a popular procedure among women. What is this connected with?

I would like to point out right away that intimate contouring is not just a woman’s whim. The healthy and normal appearance of the genital organs are important components of the life and self-esteem of any person. Often, trauma, the birth of children, sudden changes in weight, and often simply age-related changes provoke weakening intimate places. In turn, problems in the intimate area force a woman to come up with another complex. Intimate contouring is a simple solution to delicate problems without surgical intervention. The intimate contouring procedure allows you to solve many aesthetic and functional problems painlessly and for a fairly long period.

Tell us in more detail what problems intimate contouring helps solve?

Some believe that contour intimate plastic surgery is a procedure that is aimed solely at achieving cosmetic improvement in the appearance of the genitals. This is not entirely true. Indications for intimate contouring procedure are:

  • aesthetic correction of the labia majora and minora (involutional changes, asymmetries, loose and sagging skin);
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa, discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased G-spot sensitivity;
  • decreased or absent orgasm and sexual satisfaction;
  • birth and postoperative defects of soft tissues of the anogenital area, deformations of the mucosa;
  • urinary incontinence and involuntary urination due to urethral hypermotility;
  • signs of atrophic vaginitis;
  • age-related involutive changes (stretching and ptosis of the vaginal walls, decreased muscle tone);
  • chronic often recurrent cystitis;
  • postcoital cystitis;

Elena Ivanovna, tell us what the non-surgical method of intimate contouring consists of?

Intimate contouring is a modern, minimally invasive technique of introducing drugs based on hyaluronic acid into the intimate area, which is independently synthesized in our body, but becomes less abundant over time. Hyaluronic acid not only replenishes the deficit in tissue volume, but also provides required level hydration, has excellent moisturizing, healing and rejuvenating properties. Its introduction under the skin and mucous membrane helps normalize metabolism and stimulates the production of collagen, on which firmness and elasticity depend, and also exacerbates the reaction to tactile influence and increases the level of hydration. For intimate contouring, our clinic uses special certified preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid preparations are not synthetic, are not rejected by the body, do not cause allergic reactions and do not migrate.

Elena Ivanovna, how is the procedure carried out and are there any restrictions after it?

To eliminate the possibility of an inflammatory process in the body and guarantee the safety of the procedure, preliminary consultation The doctor will prescribe and determine the procedure technique for the patient.

Before administering the hyaluronic acid drug, the doctor, if necessary, applies topical anesthesia in the form of a cream or spray, making the procedure absolutely painless and comfortable for the patient. The duration of the procedures is about 30 minutes. After the procedure, moderate discomfort may be felt in the correction area for several days; swelling (disappears within 2–4 days) and bruises (disappears after a week) is possible.

Restrictions after intimate contouring are not burdensome: it is recommended to adhere to sexual rest for 2–3 days, limit for 7 days physical exercise(fitness, swimming pool, etc.), do not carry out any warming procedures (bath, sauna, hot bath) for 2–3 weeks.
The intimate contouring procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times. At any time, additional correction or a repeat procedure can be carried out, since hyaluronic acid is gradually completely eliminated from the body.

Intimate contouring today allows you to quickly and painlessly resolve many problems related to aesthetic issues, restore harmony in your personal life and, quite possibly, open up new dimensions of sexual pleasure.

You can sign up for a consultation with Elena Ivanovna Podmarkova, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the family medical clinic “Childhood Plus”, and the procedure by calling 8499-502-50-05, 8800-234-58-34.

For intimate contouring, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used that have a certificate of conformity and a registration certificate: AMALAIN intimate (Russia), AMALAIN Inconti (Russia), REVI Reform (Russia), Uro-hyal (Russia).

Cost of intimate contouring using fillers:

  1. Labiaplasty - correction of the volume and shape of the labia majora and minora, category 1 of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  2. Labiaplasty - correction of the volume and shape of the labia majora and minora, category 2 of complexity - 20,000 rubles.
  3. Perineoplasty - correction of the vaginal vestibule and posterior commissure - category 1 of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  4. Perineoplasty - correction of the vaginal vestibule and posterior commissure - 2nd category of complexity - 20,000 rubles.
  5. Correction of age-related and postpartum involutional changes - 1st category of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  6. Correction of age-related and postpartum involutional changes - 1st category of complexity - 20,000 rubles.
  7. Augmentation of zone G-12500 rubles.
  8. Biorevitalization of the vagina - 1 category of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  9. Biorevitalization of the vagina - 2 categories of complexity - 20,000 rubles
  10. Clitoroplasty - increasing the volume of the head and hood of the clitoris - 12,500 rubles.
  11. Correction of urethral hypermobility - 20,000 rubles.
  12. Correction of postcoital cystitis - 20,000 rubles
  13. Correction of stress urinary incontinence - 20,000 rubles
  14. Treatment of chronic cystitis - 8500 rubles.

The inability to completely relax in bed and trust your soulmate often leads to the separation of a couple in love. In half of the cases, this phenomenon is explained by complexes regarding own body. Today, with the help of a procedure such as intimate contouring, it is possible to eliminate any imperfections even in such a delicate area. It is carried out on the basis of injections of hyaluronic acid, which can give the genitals necessary forms and volumes.

Indications and results

Contour plastic surgery of intimate areas is in demand in modern society procedure. Indications for its implementation are:

  • asymmetry or external deformation of the labia;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the need to enlarge the G-spot and the head of the clitoris (due to its low sensitivity);
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • increased dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • perineal defects (including a significant genital gap);
  • sagging and low skin tone in the intimate area;
  • insufficient volume of the labia (labiaplasty);
  • increased vaginal size (after childbirth and age-related changes).

Correction with hyaluronic acid can eliminate these shortcomings . It has a beneficial effect on intimate life patient, increasing orgasm and arousal during sexual intercourse. In addition, eliminating visual defects improves self-esteem. The injections have a general rejuvenating effect on the problem area, making the skin more toned and elastic.

Carrying out the procedure

Basic manipulations take 30-40 minutes and involve local anesthesia (injections or anesthetic cream). For the procedure, a special HA with increased density is used. This product is certified and has the following properties:

  • High level of purification (does not reject, does not cause allergies).
  • Biocompatible and 100% biodegradable.
  • Stability and lack of migration of the substance under the skin.

Most often, specialists carry out intimate filling using Repleri products (optimally with Repleri 3 filler). The drug is a viscous gel with large particles, introduced into the deep layers of the dermis. It is easy to use, practical and provides immediate results without causing significant complications.

The introduced composition fills the problem area and attracts water molecules, which create the necessary volume, simultaneously improving the condition of the skin. The duration of the result is about 9 – 10 months.

Period after the procedure

In the first hours after the procedure, temporary side effects. They manifest themselves in swelling, redness of the skin and mild itching. To prevent the development of complications and consolidate the achieved result, a rehabilitation regime is observed during the week after the procedure. It consists of following the recommendations:

  • Ban on visiting baths, saunas and steam rooms. It is not recommended to visit a solarium, swimming pool, sunbathe on beaches or swim in open water (up to 3 weeks).
  • Limiting physical activity (up to 2 weeks).
  • Complete refusal of intimacy (up to 2 weeks).
  • Antiseptic treatment, regular change of linen and other general recommendations.

Even a small physical defect in the genital area can cause uncertainty, isolation and closedness in front of your partner. Intimate plastic surgery is modern solution many problems that are not usually discussed in society.

Women and men may be embarrassed to visit the appropriate doctor for a long time. Understanding the benefits of correction of the intimate area, the technologies and techniques used, helps you decide to radically change your sex life.

Read in this article

Reasons for intimate contouring

The aesthetic appearance of the genitals has a significant psychological impact on a person. Due to individual characteristics the appearance and condition of the genitals may deteriorate or have a less than desirable appearance.

Among women

The following main reasons for carrying out correction in women can be identified:

  • tissue ruptures due to childbirth or surgery;
  • presence of defects on the surface of the skin;
  • age-related changes in the appearance of the genitals (flabbiness, tissue stretching, decreased muscle tone);
  • asymmetrical arrangement of the labia, noticeable underdevelopment or their complete absence;
  • lipodystrophy (lack of subcutaneous fat);
  • a strong feeling of dryness in the vagina during intimate relationships;
  • decreased sensitivity, lack of orgasm and sexual pleasure;
  • the clitoris is located in an area inaccessible to stimulation;
  • hypermotility of the urethra, which leads to involuntary urination;
  • dissatisfaction appearance genitals.
  • vulvar atrophy.

All these reasons can have a strong psychological impact on women who are often embarrassed to ask for help.

In men

Problems with the genitals also occur in men. Reasons to apply for professional help often look like this:

  • premature ejaculation;
  • dissatisfaction with the appearance, size or shape of the penis.

Benefits of correction of the intimate area

A set of necessary manipulations can radically change the genitals and eliminate the problem. The contouring procedure has its advantages:

The results of the correction are the achievement of the desired aesthetic appearance and functionality of the genitals. Plastic surgery improves muscle tone, receptor sensitivity, and promotes closer contact with a partner. Such procedures take the sexual life of a woman or man to a completely different level.

Contraindications for use

If a person is determined to see a doctor for professional help, it is necessary to have information about possible contraindications. The presence of certain pathologies, congenital and individual characteristics of the body may cause refusal to undergo the procedure. Highlight
the following restrictions:

  • period breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • presence of epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • inflammation of the genitals, genital infections;
  • allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid;
  • tendency to form rough scars, including keloids.

Such subtleties should be taken into account, which may affect the desired result and bring additional complications.

Preparations for intimate contouring

To achieve the desired effect, organic substances are used that do not harm the body. Maximum ergonomics and absence of allergic manifestations are main feature means used.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Fillers are the main tools for correcting the intimate area. List the best drugs The following well-known brands make up:

  • Bellcontour GVISC. The Swiss-made product has been used in Russia for eight years and has increased elasticity.
  • Restylane Perlane. The consistency of the filler models soft tissues and eliminates numerous defects.
  • Repleri №3. Thanks to its viscosity, the filler is able to retain its shape and replenish its volume.

Own fat

Used as a natural filler for soft tissue correction fat layer patients from other areas - buttocks, thighs, abdomen. This procedure is called lipofilling. The method has many advantages:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • the native tissue takes root well after the injection;
  • Longer duration of preservation of the result in comparison with other fillers - from 6 months to two years.

Correction technique

Correction of the intimate area can be performed in beauty salons or clinics plastic surgery subject to the sterility and professionalism of the doctor. Before visiting a specialist, you must undergo a series of tests to determine the presence of inflammation in the body. After consultation, the woman or man should, as preparation, remove hair from the bikini area by any available method.

Before the injection, the doctor applies local anesthesia to the surface of the skin. To do this, he simply lubricates it with cream or gel. The manipulations are completely painless and comfortable for the patient. After the procedure, the person can go home immediately. There is often discomfort for a few days, but it goes away fairly quickly.

To learn what intimate contouring is, watch this video:

Recovery period

After the procedure, there is no need to observe any special restrictions. For better fixation of the material in soft tissues, patients should follow simple recommendations:

Compliance simple recommendations during recovery period allows you to achieve the desired result and successful fixation of the filler, prevents rapid resorption of the drug in soft tissues. Seven days after the injection, the doctor performs an objective assessment of the result obtained. If necessary, additional correction is carried out.

The effect of intimate plastic surgery

The result after the injection appears instantly. The dense and viscous consistency of the drug allows you to maintain the effect for 1 - 2 years. The filler is gradually absorbed in the body, but the patient has the opportunity to make additional corrections. Thanks to simple manipulations with soft tissues The following effects can be achieved:

  • increase the volume of the labia minora and majora;
  • correct the shape of the genitals;
  • restore libido;
  • restore normal hydration of the walls of the vaginal mucosa;
  • eliminate postpartum and age-related defects;
  • restore receptor sensitivity.

A person improves his sex life. Thanks to aesthetic changes in the intimate area, a feeling of confidence returns and isolation disappears. The procedure eliminates psychological stress which most patients experience due to defects in the genital area.

Possible complications

Within 2 - 3 days after injection of the drug, slight swelling may appear. In this case, the patient experiences slight discomfort, but the discomfort quickly passes.

Side effects may occur due to unprofessional actions of the doctor. The result is inflammation of the soft tissues as a result of their infection, and the appearance of unsightly scars. You should choose a specialist wisely to eliminate the possibility of such complications. Adequate reactions of the body to an injection are:

  • slight itching in the treatment area;
  • minor inflammation and redness;
  • mild swelling;
  • small hematomas.

After 3 days, such manifestations completely disappear on their own.

Cost of intimate plastic surgery

The price of the issue varies depending on the city and the beauty salon. The average cost for correction of intimate areas in Moscow is presented in the table.

The level of the clinic and the professionalism of the doctor also affect the prices. Questionable establishments and specialists should be avoided to prevent possible complications.

It has become easy to get rid of an unpleasant problem in the genital area. Intimate plastic surgery provides a wide range of services that will help give a person back his natural beauty. A painless and quick injection will radically change your sex life, restore a sense of self-confidence, and eliminate most individual defects. Safe fillers are in perfect harmony with the human body.

Even in ancient times, the philosopher Confucius said that he had never met a person who “valued virtue above bodily beauty.” And even the most naive have no doubt that a man loves with his eyes. This is why women perceive their physiological shortcomings so painfully. As for aesthetic defects in the intimate area, they often become a reason for a woman to sign an unappealable verdict on her own sexuality. Meanwhile, getting rid of the problem is not so difficult, because in the arsenal of modern doctors there is contour plastic surgery of the intimate area - a well-proven procedure.

Today, doctors widely use advanced cosmetology techniques to correct the intimate area. One of them is intimate filling - a technique that can restore a woman’s comfort in her intimate life, self-confidence and satisfaction with her sexual life.

Contour plastic surgery of the intimate area is an aesthetic and at the same time therapeutic procedure, during which a drug based on hyaluronic acid is injected into the genital area.

This manipulation makes it possible to achieve replenishment of the missing volumes of soft tissue in the anogenital area, thereby eliminating both congenital defects and those that appeared as a result of aging or under the influence of other factors.


The drug used for contouring of the intimate area must meet a number of requirements. It is unacceptable that the material from which the product is made is toxic, saturates the body with carcinogenic substances, provokes inflammation, allergic reactions or infection, or has a cytotoxic effect (causes changes in cells leading to their death). At the same time, it is important that the substance retains functional activity for the entire period that it remains in the tissues.

All of the above conditions are met by hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, preparations based on which are considered the most preferable for contouring the intimate area. Such products are easily administered by injection, are stable and do not migrate under the skin, are convenient for modeling soft tissues and replenishing volume deficits, and allow you to achieve results that will last for a long time.


“To enhance the sensations, I had the G-spot enlarged at the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic using intimate contouring. I liked the effect. When necessary, I will come for the procedure again.”



Aging, injuries, deformations caused by childbirth, sudden weight loss, genetic and other factors can cause the labia majora and/or minora to sag, lose volume and tone, while simultaneously becoming flabby and asymmetrical. Not only aesthetics, but also physiology suffers from such changes. The fact is that lipodystrophy of the labia majora leads to the fact that they lose the ability to sufficiently cover the labia minora, and this inevitably entails an increased risk of germs and any other irritants entering the vagina and disrupting the normal temperature of the genitals. A deficiency in the volume of the labia minora is fraught with the fact that they cease to fully perform both barrier and secretory functions.

Labiaplasty is designed to solve the above problems by replenishing the volume and correcting the shape of the labia majora and/or minora. This technique is aimed at maintaining physical and mental health beautiful ladies, and in addition it gives a pronounced rejuvenating aesthetic result.


In cases where insufficient volume of the clitoris entails inaccessibility of this organ and, as a result, prevents a woman from achieving clitoral orgasm, clitoroplasty is used. During the procedure, the doctor injects filler into the head and pocket of the clitoris, which increases the volume of this anatomical area and eliminates excessive folding of the “hood” (flap of skin) covering the clitoris. As a result, it is possible to eliminate the obstacle that interferes with clitoral stimulation and make it more sensitive to stimulation. In addition, under the influence of injected hyaluronic acid, the mucous membrane in the treated anatomical area acquires a normal level of moisture.


G-zone augmentation is a technique, the essence of which is to inject a gel created on the basis of hyaluronic acid under the mucous membrane into the area located in the middle third of the anterior wall of the vagina in order to fill this erogenous area, increase its size and increase susceptibility to G-spot stimulation. In addition, a filling session provides the effect of slightly reducing the volume of the vagina.

As a result of contouring of the intimate area in this anatomical area, it is possible to make the G-spot easily accessible during sexual intercourse, due to the fact that it begins to protrude above the protruding area of ​​the anterior wall of the vagina. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem of reduced libido and insufficient sexual satisfaction of women.

The procedure is used in cases where there is a physiological feature - a curved configuration of the vagina, in which access to the G-spot is impossible or difficult. Filling makes it possible to give such patients an increase in the brightness of sensations during intimate intercourse.

Augmentation of this anatomical zone is also relevant in the presence of such a problem as hypermotility of the urinary tract, which leads to involuntary urination in women after menopause. Therefore, the procedure can effectively solve several important problems.


In the process of bearing a child and as a result of significant weight gain, the superficial fascial system (SFS) of the body is often weakened and large reserves of fat are formed. At the same time, with age, the subcutaneous fat layer also thins. These changes do not have the best effect on the female intimate area.

The skin of the labia majora becomes thinner and atrophic, and the size of the labia minora is reduced to 1.5 cm (and in some cases even to smaller sizes). To others age-related changes It is worth including a decrease in the volume of the clitoris, as well as the loss of vivid sensations from stimulation of this area. The vaginal walls also undergo involution: they become less firm and elastic, acquire smoothness and density, and the number of folds on them is reduced. In addition, irritation easily occurs on the walls of the vagina. Gradually in female body less and less estrogen is produced, which leads to thinning of the vaginal epithelium, insufficient secretion of the body’s own lubricant and, as a consequence, to the progression of atrophic vaginitis.

Thanks to contouring of the intimate area using hyaluronic acid, the tissues of the intimate organs regain their former volume and elasticity. The rejuvenating effect is also due to the fact that the introduction of hyaluronic acid helps restore the water balance in the tissues, their deep nutrition, activation of the process of cell regeneration, and the emergence of new blood vessels. This effect ensures the ability of 1 molecule of the active substance to accumulate and retain about 500 molecules of H2O.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • taking anticoagulants (anti-clotting substances that prevent the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


  • rejuvenating aesthetic effect;
  • promoting the achievement of vaginal orgasm;
  • increased libido;
  • increased brightness of sensations during intimate acts;
  • elimination of psychological discomfort;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • increased muscle tone in the treated area;
  • normalization of the level of moisture in the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

Carrying out contour plastic surgery of the intimate area allows not only to eliminate aesthetic defects of the “delicate female area”, but also to eliminate discomfort and consequences pathological changes in this area. Thus, thanks to augmentation, it is possible to successfully combat atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, hypermobility of the urethra, cicatricial deformities and a decrease in sexual excitability when women of reproductive age take contraceptives.

The health and quality of sexual life of a representative of the fair sex are very important factors that determine her mood, self-esteem and achievements. Functional disorders associated with the genital area, dissatisfaction with the appearance of one’s own genitals, sometimes cause a woman not only discomfort, but also psychological and even physical pain. Modern method intimate contouring can return the patient to a full life and help her love herself again.