Carnation - the best varieties and hybrids. Video about the variety of clove varieties

  1. Properly selected conditions will help them reproduce by self-seeding.
  2. They are cold-resistant.
  3. Strong seedlings and good flowers from seeds can be grown not only in open ground, but also in balcony flowerpots.
  4. Unpretentious.
  5. Virtually no moisture is needed.
  6. Undemanding.

Propagation by seeds

Soil preparation is a crucial moment on which the speed at which sprouts appear depends. You need to take care of the soil for the seeds about a week or a week and a half before sowing, for which you need to dig it up and cover it plastic film. After a day, you can remove the polyethylene and start sowing the seeds.

The optimal time for planting is selected depending on the climatic conditions of your region - it could be the last month of spring or the first days of summer. It is better to choose a non-hot day for this task, but if one is not expected during the specified period, then sow the seeds in the morning or evening. Growing Turkish carnation from seeds should be done in partial shade, especially if it will grow in this place constantly.

Landing Features

There are several rules for planting Turkish carnations that should be followed to obtain high-quality seedlings and magnificent plants in the future. Here they are:

  • there should be at least 3 cm between two adjacent bushes;
  • between rows at least 15 cm;
  • planting depth – 1 cm.

Before planting seeds in the soil, it should be slightly moistened with warm water. It can also be water at room temperature. When the seeds are in the ground, cover it all with any non-woven material that can be purchased at any specialized store. After waiting just 10 days, you will be able to see the first shoots, which are reflected in the photo of the Turkish carnation.

You can plant seedlings on the 20th day after planting the seeds. When leaving some sprouts in the container, do not forget about the recommended distance between them, which is 6–7 cm. For transplanting seedlings, it is best to choose the evening, when the sun is not so hot, or on a cloudy day. After picking, cover all seedlings again with non-woven material.

In the first year, the Turkish carnation throws out only leaves, so you should not torment yourself or look for mistakes during the planting process. Flowers on the plant will appear only in the second season. Around mid-August, the seedlings should be transplanted to their “own” place, that is, where they will grow constantly, leaving 15 cm between neighboring bushes. If you cannot transplant the plant at the recommended time, you can postpone this until the beginning of autumn.

Growing seedlings

Turkish cloves can be grown at home on a window, and no special conditions are required. The prepared soil (the process is described above) must be treated with diluted potassium permanganate.

It is best to plant seeds in March, but if difficulties arise, it can be postponed to the first days of April. The flower will not suffer much from these manipulations, and growing Turkish carnations from seeds will proceed without any special changes.


Growing any plant requires regular watering, and our beauty is no exception. In dry weather, you need to bring water to the plant at least 2 times a week. You also need to know how to water a flower. Features of watering can be seen in the photo of Turkish carnation. Do not forget that only the root system needs moisture, but it will only harm the leaves and inflorescences, attracting all kinds of diseases.

With heavy rainfall, the soil becomes overly moist, which contributes to the emergence of putrefactive processes. It is worth examining not only the root system, but also the vegetative part. Water may remain in the rosettes of leaves, and this can cause a dangerous disease - root rot.

Timely treatment of the plant with special preparations and regular loosening of the soil will help prevent the occurrence of root rot and other diseases. If you have chosen chemicals to combat diseases, you should carefully read the included instructions, since it is there that the manufacturer indicates the optimal amount of additional substances and the recommended amount of solution per square meter. m. area.

Top dressing

If the soil in your region is not very rich in minerals, you should help the plant by feeding it with an organic solution or special fertilizers. You should start no earlier than the Turkish carnation grows 10 cm.

The process of applying fertilizers has its own characteristics, which we will discuss further. The first replenishment should be in the spring, because at this time Turkish carnations, which have been planted and cared for for so long, are only gaining strength after a long rest.

The plant will need the next dose of fertilizer when flower buds are setting, because at this time the flower will not be hindered by additional strength. The last time the Turkish carnation is fed is during the flowering period. To feed the soil, you can use superphosphate, potassium sulfate or special fertilizers from stores.

Preparing for winter

Turkish cloves can withstand cold weather, but don't take risks. Cover the plant with spruce branches to protect it from frost. For the same purposes, you can take any moisture-permeable fabric.

In regions with harsh winters, you should take care of additional protection of the Turkish carnation by covering the root system with peat, which should be poured in a layer of at least 10 cm. With the arrival of spring and warmth, do not rush to remove the protective layer, because under it the plant is still “sleeping”, and a sudden change temperature can harm it.

There is probably no person who, having garden plot, I wouldn’t plant flowers on it. These can be large flower beds or small bright islands. After all, even the smallest flower meadow adds beauty and uniqueness to the surrounding landscape. Many, especially novice gardeners, try decorate the space near the house with bright and unpretentious plants , which do not require complex maintenance and at the same time have excellent decorative qualities. For example, plant a plant such as carnation grass.

Dianthus grass belongs to the carnation family. Thanks to its popularity in landscape design and the painstaking work of breeders, new varieties of flowers appear.

All of them are characterized by bright colors and the ability to create a dense grass carpet. Does not require complex care and winter well even in harsh climates.

Dianthus grass is correctly called Dianthus deltoid. A herbaceous perennial with a branched, knotty and slightly pubescent stem. The plant has hard, narrow leaves.

The flower is formed by five petals with teeth along the edge. Bright flowers can be of all shades of red and in some varieties are collected in inflorescences. Bush height 20-40 cm.

The contrast of the lush green stems and leaves, with many brightly colored flowers, looks very picturesque.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of carnation grass are its unpretentiousness and ease of caring for the plant, quite long flowering period, high stability to the cold.

In addition, self-seeding propagation allows for several years without replanting plants in the selected area.

A small perennial with bright flowers will perfectly decorate the lawn or add beauty cozy corner garden

Features of growing weed from seeds

Choice of time and place

Travyanka prefers well-lit sunny places, which are protected from direct sunlight. Planting is carried out when the air temperature rises above +15°C.

Carnations begin to bloom at the end of June and for a month and a half it serves as a decoration for the summer cottage. After flowering ends, ripe seeds often spread by self-sowing.

Where to plant the plant:


Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, this is done in May, when the air and soil are warm enough.

Experienced gardeners sometimes sow seeds in the fall in order to sprout in the spring. However, more often the grass is sown as seedlings and the already grown seedlings are transplanted to permanent place.

In this case, at the beginning of spring, the seeds are sown in boxes with soil. Carnation grass loves fertile, loose soil. At the bottom of the boxes it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of expanded clay or shards.

Remember: carnation grass does not tolerate stagnant moisture. If you overwater or have poor drainage, the flower may become sick or even die.

Soil composition most suitable for sowing flower seeds:

  • turf soil 1 part;
  • peat 1 part;
  • sand 0.5 parts.

Seeds are sown in rows, watered and covered and sprinkle with a layer of sand. The boxes are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

How to quickly sow small seeds:

For the seeds to germinate well, containers with soil are placed in a well-lit place. It is necessary to water and ventilate the seeds while avoiding excessive waterlogging.

After emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. Several sprouts are placed in each pot.

It is also necessary to begin hardening off the seedlings in order to accustom them to the conditions environment. It is transferred to open ground in mid-May..

Watering, lighting and fertilizing the flower

An open clearing with plenty of sunlight will be the optimal place to grow the plant. Besides, Carnation grass needs infrequent watering.

The plant also needs fertilizers. Once a season, the flower is fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer and organic matter can be added once.

The plant tolerates temperature changes well, even in winter time does not need shelter. In winter, grass tolerates frosts down to -35°C.

Methods for propagating herbal cloves

In addition to propagation by seeds, grass is propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush. In addition, you can transplant young bushes obtained by self-sowing seeds to the desired location.


Before planting, the soil for the cuttings is disinfected. A solution of potassium permanganate or calcination of the soil is suitable for this. The vegetative shoot of the carnation is cut off under the node.

The lower part of the cutting is carefully cut lengthwise with a sharp knife. The cutting is placed in the ground and covered from above, creating a greenhouse. After 2-3 weeks you can expect roots to appear.

Dividing the bush

The bush is divided in the spring, in March. It is carefully removed from the soil, separated using a sharp knife, and the cut area is powdered charcoal and plant the plant.

When dividing a carnation bush, the grass takes a long time to take root.

Sometimes young flower bushes obtained by self-sowing seeds are carefully dug up using a scoop and transferred to the desired location.

Diseases and pests

Carnation grass, with all its resistance to disease, susceptible to fungal diseases. In addition, you should not place grass in the countryside next to tulips. These plants can become infected from each other.


A fungal disease in which the leaves turn yellow but do not fall off. The carnation stops blooming, and the stems and roots of the plant begin to rot.

If a diseased plant is detected, it immediately removed, the soil is treated twice with a suitable fungicide.

The interval between treatments is 10-15 days. It is better not to plant cloves in this place for the next 5 years.

Alternaria blight

Black-greenish spots appear on the leaves and stems of the plant. It is necessary to get rid of diseased plants, treat the soil and remaining flowers with a fungicide.

When this disease occurs, also it is necessary to change the place where the carnation is planted.


Next fungal disease, which can affect the flower. Brown swellings on the leaves are characteristic of this disease. Treatment methods are the same as for other fungal infections.

To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to mulch the soil. and application of phosphorus- and potassium-based fertilizers. In addition, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds before planting.

Mole crickets and earwigs

These pests can destroy carnation grass. For effective fight with them nessesary to use special means purchased in flower shops.

When using purchased products, you should carefully follow the instructions for use.



A variety with small bright red flowers. It has excellent frost resistance. Great decoration for alpine slides.

Diamond is used as border plant, looks nice with small islands.

Dianthus perennial

The color of the flowers, depending on the variety, can be white, all shades of pink and red. Often used in landscape design.

Unpretentious and resistant to low winter temperatures. This is the common name for Dianthus grass.

You can decorate your garden plot with different plants. Even the simplest and most unpretentious ones can make a country corner inviting and unique. They bring beauty and comfort to the home, and joy to the hearts. Let it always be like this.

Turkish carnation or bearded carnation (Dianthus barbatus)- a perennial, beautifully flowering plant from the genus of carnations of the carnation family, cultivated as a biennial.

  • Family: cloves
  • Homeland: Southern Europe.
  • Rhizome: root system fibrous.
  • Stem: straight, knotty.
  • Leaves: sessile, lanceolate or linear.
  • Fetus: box.
  • Reproductive capacity: propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.
  • Illumination: sun, partial shade.
  • Watering: moderate without stagnation of water.
  • Content temperature: frost-resistant.
  • Flowering duration: from mid-June 1 -1.5 months.

Description of the Turkish carnation flower

Herbaceous perennial that grows wild in mountainous areas Southern Europe. In the first year of life, it forms a rosette of light green leaves, petiolate, lanceolate or linear in shape. The following year, straight, knotty stems appear, 10 to 50 cm long, ending in dense corymbose inflorescences 10 to 12 cm in diameter. The Turkish carnation flower can be simple or double, of a wide variety of colors, plain or variegated, with an eye or border, and has a delicate aroma. Each of them has 4 bracts, along the edges with cilia resembling a beard, for which the plant received its second name, bearded carnation. Up to 20-30 flowers can open in an inflorescence at the same time

Fruit – single-cavity capsule with small dark brown seeds.

Below are photos of Turkish cloves of various varieties.

Growing and propagating Turkish cloves

For growing Turkish cloves choose sunny place and humus-rich soil. In such conditions, it blooms profusely and for a long time, although it tolerates partial shade well. The plant is drought-resistant; it is watered moderately in dry weather 1-2 times a week, avoiding water getting on the rosettes and flowers. If there is a lack of nutrition, they are fed with mineral fertilizer, at the beginning of the season - with a higher proportion of nitrogen, after flowering - with complex fertilizer, and at the end of summer - mainly with potassium and phosphorus.

Turkish cloves in the photo.

With excess humidity and stagnant water, the rosettes can rot, so the soil around the plants is kept loose and the affected shoots are removed in a timely manner. It is useful to treat with fungicides, such as Hom or Bordeaux mixture, throughout the season.

This carnation is cold-resistant and frost-resistant, middle lane Overwinters without shelter; in places with harsh winters, plantings are mulched and additionally covered with spruce paws. In spring, the cover is removed after the rosettes begin to grow, which will prevent damage due to sunburn And sharp changes temperatures

When propagated by seeds, sowing is done directly into the ground in June, at a distance of 1-2 cm in a row, 15 cm between rows, planted to a depth of 1 cm. Shoots appear on the 8-10th day, after 3 weeks they are planted at a distance of 6 cm, at a permanent place is planted in August. Carnation produces abundant self-seeding, but the offspring do not inherit the characteristics of the mother plant.

To preserve the variety, cuttings or propagation by layering are carried out. Cuttings are harvested in June and rooted in the shade in moist soil. After 3 weeks they begin to grow, and in the fall they are transplanted into the flower garden.

In July, after flowering, the plant is pruned, loosened and fed. After a month, new shoots grow, and by autumn they can bloom again.

To obtain layering in August, the stems are laid out around the bush, sprinkled with damp soil, and the tips are tied to a support, giving them a vertical position. After 5-6 weeks, the rooted cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

"Turkish clove"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Turkish clove"

"Turkish clove"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.


The soil:


Winter hardiness:

"Clove Grenadine yellow"


"Chinese carnation"

"Chinese carnation"

"Carnation pinnate"

"Carnation plumata "Maggie"

"Double plumose carnation"


The most commonly grown Perennial Carnations in our gardens are Carnations - Grassworts. Forms a cushion of slightly lodging thin shoots. The flowers of modern hybrids are quite large, in all shades of pink, with different patterns. Main advantages - good germination, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, bright flowers. Disadvantages include lodging of flower stalks and fragility.

"Carnation grass"

"Carnation grass"

"Carnation grass"


Team group. Most varieties and hybrids were produced by Dutch Carnation breeders. They are very diverse and for convenience they were combined into 5 garden groups: 1. Carnation Shabo (see above), 2. Carnation Grenadine (see above), 3. Carnation American group, 4. Dwarf Carnation group and 5. Carnation "Souvenir de" group Malmaison." There are more than a thousand varieties of Carnations and new ones appear every year. Compared to old varieties, new varieties have repeat flowering, have stronger peduncles and different stem heights, which determines their place in the flower garden and the purpose of the flower in the design. By carefully studying flower labels, you must immediately decide on the location in the garden.

"Carnation pinnate "Rainbow of love"
PHOTO: Gorshenina A www.flower-onego

"Carnation Grenadine"
PHOTO: Severyakova E.

PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Carnation pinnate"
PHOTO: Dubrovina T.

"Chinese carnation"

PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

Growing Perennial Carnation - planting and care:


Best of all - sunny, stretches in partial shade.

PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

Growing Shabot Carnation, in my opinion, is the most labor-intensive: seedlings, picking, pinching, hardening, gartering. But whoever is not deterred by this - the result exceeds all expectations. The flowers are huge and come in a wide variety of colors. I grew soft lemon and pink ones. Peduncles require a mandatory garter. Growing Turkish and Chinese Carnations, as well as Herbal Carnations, does not present any great difficulties. Although terry varieties may fall out in winter without shelter


"Chinese annual carnation"

Clove or dianthus - a very large genus beautiful flowering plants. It includes both Perennial, Biennial and Annual Carnations. Many Perennial species We grow them as letniki or biennial plants, although in favorable winters with high snow cover they can grow in one place for several years. All of them are herbaceous plants.

Carnation has a smooth, gnarled stem. Linear narrow leaves, bluish-green, or even bluish. Species Carnations have simple, non-double flowers, mostly pink, and have 5 petals.

Garden carnations are most often grown in cultivation. The color of Garden Carnations is amazing!

There are both bright, saturated tones and fawn in all shades of pink, yellow, lilac, white and combinations: intensifying the pattern towards the center of the flower, or, conversely, with a contrasting border around the edges, with dots and strokes on the petals.

The most popular types of Carnation:


"Turkish clove"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Turkish clove"

In places of natural growth in southern Europe, the Caucasus, perennial herbaceous plant. In our climate it is often grown as a biennial. In warm, snowy winters and with good mulching, it can overwinter and grow for several years in one place. Named bearded for its pubescent bracts. The stems are straight, quite strong, up to half a meter high. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate. Flowers of the most different shades red and purple, as well as white with very beautiful drawings in the form of a border, spots, streaks, collected in a fairly large hemispherical or corymbose inflorescence. Flowering in mid-summer in the second year from sowing, long lasting. If done in a timely manner, removal of faded inflorescences can be repeated. Gives self-seeding.

Has a huge number of varieties. Modern series can bloom in the first year after sowing.

"Turkish clove"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Turkish clove"

Growing Carnation Shabo - planting and care:


Sunny. In shade or partial shade it becomes very elongated and blooms poorly.

The soil:

Soil requirements are neutral, well-drained, rich in nutrients.


Seeds through seedlings, left whole on the most favorite bushes mother plant for growing in winter garden(or storage in a damp cellar) and root side shoots in the spring by cuttings. Seeds of terry varieties often do not produce terry in subsequent generations, being hybrids.

Winter hardiness:

Low. In the Urals, Carnation Shabo does not overwinter in open ground.


"Clove Grenadine yellow"

A modern hybrid up to half a meter tall with a thin but quite strong stem and several flowers of various colors. Grown through seedlings, flowering in the second year, long lasting. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed, which must be mulched with compost or humus. Flowers can be single or double in all shades of pink, cherry, yellow or white, with different patterns on the petals. The flowers are fragrant, with a delicate aroma. IN good conditions, for example, in greenhouses the number of flowers on one bush can be several dozen at a time.


Perennial herbaceous plant native to the south Far East, China and Japan. We grow it as an annual. Has a lot garden forms and hybrids with simple and double flowers. Species plants have lodging shoots up to half a meter long. Hybrids have more compact cushion-shaped forms with larger flowers. The flowers are most often single in pink and purple shades. Not winter-resistant. Beautiful specimens You can put it in the cellar for the winter and keep it moist until spring. Take cuttings in spring.

"Chinese carnation "Diana Scarlet"

"Chinese carnation"

"Chinese carnation"

5. Clove pinnate or Hungarian:

Mountain perennial herbaceous plant, prefers calcareous soils on mountain slopes. Quickly forms a dense cushion of shoots. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate, and have a bluish tint. The flowers have highly irregular petals and often look like feathers. They can come in a variety of colors from white to all shades of pink and purple, single or double. Very winter-hardy. It falls out more often due to getting wet, so it is best to plant it slightly at an angle so that moisture does not stagnate in the spring.

The flower that will be discussed in the article, translated from Latin, sounds like “flower of Zeus”, or “divine flower”. For many peoples, it is a symbol of valor and bravery, tenderness and love, a talisman and amulet against evil forces. It is familiar to us as the flower of official holidays, male flower, probably because of its strict and laconic, but elegant form. All this is about him, or rather, about her, such a familiar and unknown, easily recognizable and at the same time delightfully different beauty carnation!

Despite the fact that most of us know carnation as a cut crop, there are many varieties in its arsenal. garden species and varieties that can make our flower garden indescribably attractive. This is a very common and favorite garden culture, which is quite understandable. Spectacular double and single flowers of various colors, wonderful aroma, long flowering and ease of care are just a small part of its advantages.

IN wildlife different kinds Carnations have a wide distribution area - from steppes and lowland meadows to grassy mountain slopes and rocky embankments. This is probably why this flower is also popularly called stars, sparkles and field dawns. Also, do not confuse cloves with a well-known spice; it is different plants. The spice clove is the fruit of the clove tree, and it only has in common with the clove flower the name, and perhaps some similarity in aromas.

Do not confuse cloves with the well-known spice; they are different plants. The spice clove is the fruit of the clove tree, and it only has a common name with the clove flower.

So, carnation (lat. Dianthus) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs from the clove family, widespread throughout Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and North America. Today there are approximately 350 species and a huge number of magnificent varieties in the world. Tall varieties large-flowered forms are often grown for cutting, and medium- and low-growing ones are grown as garden ornamental crops. Some types of carnations are cultivated as annuals and biennials, while others are grown as perennials.

Carnations are characterized by a smooth, knotty stem, herbaceous or semi-lignified, and oppositely arranged elongated leaves of a green, bluish or bluish hue. The flowers are single or collected in inflorescences, small or relatively large, simple or double, with fringed or smooth petals, depending on the species. There are not only red or white carnations, but also yellow, pink, cream, and purple.

Some varieties have flowers with colored strokes and dots and a contrasting border. The fruit of the clove is a capsule with many small black seeds. Different species and varieties differ significantly in the height of the peduncle, the shape and size of the flowers, the timing and duration of flowering, as well as the maintenance conditions.

In the wild, various types of carnations have a wide distribution range - from steppes and lowland meadows to grassy mountain slopes and rocky embankments.

And it should be noted that the species and varietal diversity This plant is so large that it could become material for a separate book. Therefore, in this article we will consider only a few of the most known species carnations.

Garden carnation, or Dutch carnation (D. caryophyllus)

Garden carnation, or Dutch carnation, is a perennial herbaceous plant, usually cultivated as a biennial. The tallest (up to 80 cm) of all types of carnations. Large, often double flowers can be arranged either singly or collected in inflorescences. Prefers fertile, moist soils. Many spectacular varieties have been developed based on garden carnations, and the most famous of them are the Chabot and Grenadine carnations.

Carnation Shabo(Dianthus caryophyllus var.scabaud) is one of the most famous varieties, bred in the 19th century by the French pharmacist Chabot, whose name this magnificent flower received. This is a small compact bush from 30 to 60 cm in height, with articulated stems, leaves with a bluish bloom and double or simple large flowers - up to 7 cm in diameter. The color scheme leaves room for imagination - the buds come in red, white, pink, purple, yellow flowers. A remontant variety, flowering lasts almost the entire summer, from late June to late autumn.

Clove Grenadine(Dianthus caryophyllus var. grenadine) - a spectacular plant with stems up to 70 cm high. Leaves with a silvery tint. The flowers are large, either simple or double, some with fringed edges. The flower has a pleasant strong aroma. The color scheme is very diverse, and the flowers themselves are white, red, pink, both plain and variegated. Blooms from late June to August. Ideal for cutting, carnations can last about ten days in a vase. In the garden it will decorate lawns, mixborders, rockeries. Light-loving plant, prefers moist fertile soils without stagnation of moisture.

clove Grenadine

Turkish clove (Dianthus barbatus)

Turkish carnation, or bearded carnation, is the most popular garden plant that can be found in almost every second garden. And this is understandable! After all, the Turkish carnation has very spectacular flowers, moreover, it has a long flowering period - for one and a half months, starting in mid-June. This perennial, usually grown as a biennial. It grows in the form of small bushes 20–35 cm tall, and in the first year only a rosette of flowers appears, and the plant blooms in the second year, in June. Large inflorescences resembling caps have a diameter of up to 12 cm and consist of double or simple small flowers of various colors with a diameter of 1 cm. There are varieties with flowers of the same tone - white, pink, lilac, scarlet - and varieties with variegated colors, two - or three-color, with a border or eye. Turkish cloves have a very delicate aroma.

This carnation can grow not only in the sun, but also in partial shade. Quite cold-resistant. There are two varieties of Turkish carnation - low-growing and tall (15–20 cm and 60–80 cm, respectively).

The most popular and decorative varieties:

- a medium-sized bush with charming dark flowers with a snow-white center.
- a plant 45 cm high with delightful large inflorescences of deep red color with a white eye.
– carnation 50 cm high with luxurious large white inflorescences, characterized by long flowering time.

Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis)

An herbaceous perennial, most often grown as an annual or biennial. It grows in the form of a small bush up to 50 cm high. Dwarf forms reach 15 cm. In nature it grows in Korea, Mongolia and northern China, as ornamental plant cultivated throughout the world. The leaves are narrow, long, paired, pointed, sometimes curled. Over the years of selection, many spectacular varieties with bright flowers– white, crimson, lilac, red, purple, which open throughout the season. Flowers are single-colored, bicolored and variegated, with a contrasting border and eye. The petals are serrated, sometimes fringed. There are terry, semi-double and non-double varieties. The flowering period is almost all summer, from June to August. There are remontant varieties that bloom continuously, and there are varieties that bloom once.

Chinese carnation

Thanks to their compact root system, low-growing Chinese carnation bushes can be successfully grown not only in the garden, but also at home on balconies, in pots and containers.

Dianthus chinensis Heddeviga(Dianthus chinensis var. heddewigii) is a variety of Chinese carnation. A very decorative plant 20–40 cm high, with large flowers up to 5–7 cm in diameter, single or two-, three-color, white, red, pink, lilac. Flowering - from July to October.

– a particularly compact variety, plants no more than 20 cm in height. The flowers are purple-pink in color and have a long flowering period.
– bushes up to 30 cm high, flowers of red and pink colors interspersed with white zones.
Dianaunpretentious variety, a plant of small height with a variety of flower colors - white, red, crimson, etc.

Dianthus deltoides

This type of carnation is quite widespread throughout Europe in the wild. A small perennial plant, 15–25 cm tall, forms a dense ground cover, during flowering it is covered with a spectacular scattering of delicate flowers 1.5 cm in size, red, crimson, crimson, carmine or white with a pink border. The leaves of this carnation are small, narrow, and dark green in color. It blooms profusely and for a long time, about 2 months, blooms in June. Gives abundant self-seeding.

carnation grass

In gardening, grass is often used as a ground cover plant; it also looks great in rock gardens. At the moment, many varieties of this carnation have been bred with different colors of flowers, differing in terms and duration of flowering.

Popular varieties:

- an elegant carnation with white flowers that look like stars. Blooms throughout the summer.
– a plant 20–25 cm high with bright crimson flowers, flowering lasts from June to August.
– shoot height 15–30 cm, five-petalled white flowers with a pink center.

Dianthus plumaris

An unpretentious herbaceous ornamental perennial with knotty stems about 30 cm high, one of the most popular types of carnations in gardening. The fragrant flowers are medium in size, about 3 cm, can be simple or double, and come in a variety of colors - from white to dark red. It blooms in May, flowering lasts about a month. There are also remontant varieties, blooming in autumn again.

Popular varieties:

- carnation with very beautiful double flowers of dark pink color.
– double white flowers 3–4 cm in size, leaves with a bluish tint.
Sonata- a variety with double flowers of pink and crimson color. Blooms from July to September.

Sandy carnation (Dianthus arenarius)

A perennial plant 10–30 cm high, it has numerous shoots and forms dense turf. Stems are green or bluish. The flowers are solitary, approximately 2.5 cm in size, the petals are white or pink, dissected, fringe-like, and have a pleasant aroma. Blooms in June – July.

IN natural conditions sand carnation can be found in sandy meadows or pine forests.

Popular variety Nostalgia- miniature bushes with numerous wonderful white flowers that resemble a white cloud.

Alpine carnation (Dianthus alpinus)

Another species belonging to the low-growing carnations. Plant height is 10–25 cm, fragrant flowers of white, pink, crimson flowers, with a red circle in the middle. The petals are serrated. Blooms in June – July. Since the plant's homeland is the Eastern Alps, alpine carnation grows well in rocky areas and on rock screes. In the garden, they will naturally feel great in rock gardens and alpine slides.

Popular varieties:

Rubin- a variety with charming flowers of pink, crimson or lilac shades. Blooms in June–July, may bloom again in August.
Weiss– a plant 15–25 cm high with snow-white flowers with jagged petals, blooms almost all summer, can bloom again in August.

Optimal growing conditions

The huge number of species and varieties of this flower (we tried to talk about some of them in a nutshell above) makes it clear that each of them has its own characteristics of cultivation and care. But there are still some general rules, which can be attributed to almost all carnations.

Place. If you want to achieve from your clove lush flowering, it must be planted in open, well-lit, sunny places.

The soil. Carnations love fertile loamy, well-drained soil and do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Watering. Carnations should be watered regularly and abundantly, but overwatering should not be allowed. When watering, avoid getting water on the flowering buds.

Fertilizers. Plants are responsive to feeding mineral fertilizers. During the season they are fed twice or three times: a month after planting, in the budding phase and during flowering.

Care. Carnation is a non-capricious plant and, as a rule, caring for it is easy. You should regularly destroy weeds and loosen the soil after rains. Faded buds must be removed promptly.

Periodic pinching stimulates tillering. To obtain larger buds, the stepsons in the leaf axils should be removed. Tall varieties need support to prevent them from being bent or broken by the wind.

Reproduction. Cloves are propagated by seeds and vegetatively by cuttings or layering. As a rule, perennial varieties are propagated vegetatively; this does not make sense with annual varieties. Carnations should be propagated regularly, since many species are classified as juveniles, and even perennial varieties lose their decorative properties in the 3rd–4th year.

Carnation in the garden landscape

Carnations are flowers that will look great in a vase, in a separate flower bed, or in overall design garden Huge range of varieties different sizes, shapes and colors opens ample opportunities the use of carnations in the planning of flower beds, rock gardens, rockeries, flower beds, allows you to create various shapes landscape.

Low-growing perennials are used in decoration garden paths, they make spectacular borders. The lights of carnation flowers look great surrounded by stones on alpine slide and in rockeries. Using carnations you can very effectively decorate steps or plant flowers between stone slabs.

Bright variegated carnation flowers will look delightful against the backdrop of green lawns. Some types of cloves, such as cloves, can be used as ground cover plants. The compact root system allows you to grow certain varieties of carnations not only in open ground, but also in tubs, boxes, flowerpots, with which you can decorate gazebos and open terraces in an original way.

Tall varieties are often grown for cutting, but they will also fit perfectly into any flower garden and will look great in separate plantings. Single-color varieties look impressive paired with roses and against the background of coniferous plants.

The scope of using carnations in the garden landscape is very wide and largely depends on your imagination!

In a word, the scope of using carnations in the garden landscape is very wide and largely depends on your imagination! Just remember that carnations can easily cross-pollinate with each other, so different varieties It is advisable to grow them in isolation from each other.

If your garden does not yet have these wonderful delicate flowers, you should definitely get them. Indeed, among the many spectacular types and varieties of carnations, every gardener will be able to choose a plant to suit his taste, which will ideally fit into the appearance of the garden and add bright colors to it. summer colors, giving yourself and the world a drop of harmony and beauty. Bright carnations fit the definition of “summer flowers” ​​perfectly, which are not yet so common in the world. summer cottages. So why not become a garden fashion trendsetter, at least within the confines of your dacha? Inspiration to you!