Mandarin: planting, growing, care and propagation at home. We care for the tangerine tree to get a beautiful specimen Decorative tangerines care

Mandarin, like the lemon tree, is quite common and popular. A houseplant is grown directly indoors. Botanists suggest that it was first grown in China or Japan.

Where did the plant get its name? In the past, it was grown in the gardens of mandarins, who were wealthy dignitaries at that time. At the beginning of the 19th century, tangerines began to appear in Europe. They were transported to Italy in 1840. After which the whole Mediterranean learned about this fruit.

The tangerine tree is distinguished by the fact that it ripens quickly and bears big harvest. It also has quite sweet fruits that do not have seeds. When did Ukraine see this beautiful tree? At the beginning of the 20th century, where the Black Sea is located. It is in this place that tangerine is most common at home.

The fruit tree can be called weak-growing. Its height reaches 3 meters. It has beautiful, eye-catching leaves. Their color is dark green, and their structure is quite dense and has small wings in the petiole area. The flowers have a wonderful aroma and white color - they are beautifully arranged in clusters. The fruits of the tree are spherical, flattened and have a diameter of up to 6 cm. Their weight is about 100 g.

The fruit has a thin orange peel that is easy to separate from the pulp. There are “plump” tangerines, the peel of which practically does not come into contact with the pulp, but has air gap. The sweet yellow-orange pulp is easy to divide into slices.

The fruit of the tree is rich in sugar, organic acids, and vitamins. It is rare to find seeds in the fruit. If you decide to plant a tangerine at home, then it requires a limited amount of light and fresh air. Not every variety of tangerine can grow indoors, so it is necessary to distinguish between these types. So, you can get early ripening tangerine trees, which are of Japanese origin. They are undersized and unpretentious.

Among the most common options is the Unshiu variety, which means seedless. He is short in stature - up to 1.5 meters. It has a spreading crown and the branches do not have thorns. The leaves are wide, leathery and dark green in color. The tree blooms profusely once a year. Tangerine from seeds at home has small white flowers with a pleasant aroma. When the tree is already 3 years old, it begins to bear fruit. If you take good care of an adult tree, you can get up to 50 fruits within a year.

This decorative look plants characterized by low growth. They are indoor varieties of tangerines. Mature trees are usually no higher than 80 cm. This has made them popular among plants that are kept on the windowsill.

For an indoor tangerine tree there is no need to form a crown. However, from time to time it is necessary to remove branches that have dried out or grown incorrectly. The peculiarity of the dwarf mandarin is that it begins to bear fruit after two years of life. However, the size and taste of the fruit is the same as that of ordinary fruit trees.

Basics of planting and transplanting

In order to plant a plant, you need to take a suitable pot. Its material doesn't matter. But there is an important condition that the upper part of the diameter does not exceed 15 cm, and it should be the same in height. The bottom of the container should have one or more small holes, so that during watering excess water could have flowed off it.

The pot can be in the form of a plastic bucket, wooden, ceramic or glass container. It is necessary to place drainage at its bottom, which can be expanded clay or sand. Practice shows that charcoal after a fire acts best as drainage. You should not make drainage more than 5 cm in height.

After selecting the drainage, you need to take a little soil to sprinkle it. Any soil will not work in this case. There are specially prepared types of soil, for example “Mandarin”. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

In some cases, you can do the soil preparation yourself. Where the old ones grow deciduous trees in the forest, take some soil. However, avoid areas where oak, poplar or chestnut trees grow. The soil is most fertile in the upper layers, the thickness of which is 10 cm. Additionally, you need to add sand, river sand, ash, humus, if available, will do. Dilute a glass of earth with a glass of sand, three tablespoons of humus and a tablespoon of ash, as well as a small amount of water. You should end up with a thick, sour cream-like mass. This will help avoid air voids near the root of the tree.

When six months have passed, you need to take a container that is 5 cm larger and transplant small tangerines there. When you have planted a tree, you need to spray it and water it with a weak potassium permanganate agent from time to time.

Prepare a place for the plant in advance. A window sill that is directed towards the light is suitable for this, so that enough sunlight falls on the leaves.

Propagation occurs when seedlings are grafted from other citrus fruits such as orange and lemon. Air layering is also used using this method. If you want to take cuttings from plants using amateur conditions, you will not succeed.

Important attention should be paid to lighting. The window where you will keep the plant should be on the southern sunny side. When summer comes, take it outside to breathe. fresh air. This could be a veranda, garden or balcony. However, it is important that this place is protected from the wind.

It is good if the plant grows on the south side, but it is important not to forget to protect it from direct sunlight in the summer. This can damage the roots and crowns, and also cause burns on the tangerine itself from the seed at home. How to avoid this? Make a curtain of gauze and place it on the window where the tree stands. When you plan to leave the house, make it a rule to cover the glass with a curtain, especially on sunny days.

Temperature and watering the plant

Have you placed a tangerine on the windowsill? Then in winter you should take care of it by properly insulating the window. The pot with the tree itself is also insulated. In order for the tangerine to shoot buds and bloom, it is important to maintain the temperature to 18 degrees. There should also be suitable humidity - 60%. At the same time, you should not be afraid of high temperatures, because the plant has the ability to withstand up to 40 degrees of heat.

Now let's move on to the basics of watering. As it dries upper layer soil, it is necessary to water the plant. Under no circumstances should the lump of earth dry out in the pot. Every day determine how much wet soil checking with fingers surface layer land. If during the inspection you notice that the soil sticks together, then it does not need watering, but if it begins to crumble, then watering is required.

Especially in the summer, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. Indeed, due to the fact that the tree is exposed to high temperatures and bright sun, the soil often dries out. It is also worth remembering that not all water is suitable for irrigation.

If you have city ​​apartment, then the water from it is not suitable for watering tangerines. This is explained by the fact that it contains alkaline earth metals, as well as chlorine. Such substances will only harm the plant. As a result, its leaves will suffer from chlorosis, and metabolic processes in the soil will be disrupted.

It's a good idea to boil the water every time, but you probably don't need that much trouble. Another good option is to use hot water from the tap, which contains less chlorine and, moreover, it is soft. Before watering the tree, leave the water in an open container for a day - then the chlorine will be completely removed from it. After all, this substance is destructive for any citrus fruit.

If you own a private home, then water from wells will do. However, the water found in a lake or stream is even better. Let it warm up a little at room temperature before watering. Rainwater is not suitable for irrigation, because it contains harmful impurities. What is the best way to care for tangerines in winter? Heat the water until it reaches 35 degrees. Then the tree will grow and bear fruit better. In summer, it is easier to deal with this issue by simply placing water on a window where there is more sun.

Watering alone is not enough for a tangerine tree. It must be sprayed with clean water once every day. You need to take care of this especially in the summer. Use a spray bottle or other means to create moisture. Thanks to this, there will be no dust on the leaves and they will be able to breathe. Also, once a month it is necessary to carry out the following procedure: place the plant in the bathtub, cover an area of ​​soil with plastic film, while treating the entire plant with cotton wool and soap suds. This will allow you to forget about the hard work of pest control. However, remember that you need to take gauze or a bandage to bandage the tree trunk. This will prevent soapy water from getting into the soil.

What can you say about fertilizer? IN winter time there is no need to fertilize the tangerine. But in the summer and spring time this is done every two weeks. There are features that show how to properly fertilize. Do not start doing this before you have watered the plant, otherwise you will burn the roots. Moist soil is suitable for fertilizing.

How much should a tree be fertilized? Make sure there is enough of it and that it flows straight out of the drainage hole. In specialized stores you will see big choice fertilizers You can also use regular fish soup, which is suitable for a plant that is taller than one meter. Thanks to this feeding, it will begin to bear fruit better. But at the same time, do not neglect special fertilizers, such as Mandarin.

Mandarins can be damaged by sucking and gnawing pests, as well as fungi and viruses. You can often encounter spider mites and scale insects. To combat them, chemical and biological drugs. However, this is the case if you plant the plant on open ground. It is better not to use pesticides within the apartment.

How can you determine that a plant needs care? For example, it may become covered with white dots. You may also see a reddish tick on it that moves quickly if you touch it. In addition, white cobwebs may appear on white leaves.

To combat such pests, use tobacco dust, garlic and laundry soap. One tablespoon of tobacco dust is poured with boiling water (one glass). All this must be insisted for 6 days. Then add laundry soap to this. Spray the plant every 6 days. However, take a break for 6 days.

How to use garlic against pests? Mash the plant head and pour it hot water. Wait 2 days and strain the broth. You can spray the tangerine according to the same previous scheme.

What if you notice that your plant is covered in brownish-gray shiny growths? This means it is a scale insect infection. This can be dealt with using water-oil emulsions. Mix machine oil (1 teaspoon) with warm water (1 cup). To this add laundry soap (40 g) and washing powder (2 large spoons). When you treat a plant with this, be sure to use plastic film to cover the soil. Also use a bandage to bandage the trunk. Thanks to this, the emulsion will not get on the ground and damage it. For processing, you can use a cotton or gauze swab. Treat the entire surface and leaves of the plant. Then wait 4 hours and wash everything off. This procedure also needs to be done 3 times.

Thanks to such simple tips you will grow a beautiful plant.

Many people probably associate the word “tangerine” with anticipation and a feeling of celebration. However, this is not only one of the most festive fruits. Of all the tropical fruits, tangerine is second only to lemon in popularity, and its limited natural growing area (Transcaucasia, the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia and the Sochi region are considered the northernmost areas of distribution of this crop) makes it one of the most desirable citrus fruits in any home. With all this, tangerine is used in cooking, in the food industry, and in medicine.

It is not surprising that with such demand, many people seek to grow it at home. And I must say that they have all the possibilities for this: there are special varieties of tangerines that can be grown in winter gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses or in an ordinary room. Depending on growing conditions, they can reach a height of one and a half or two to three meters. This tangerine is called “decorative” or home, indoor.

Varieties of decorative tangerine

Thanks to the appearance of its fruits, dense dark green leaves and the aroma of flowering indoor tangerine is recognized as a very spectacular plant, and if it is also grown as a bonsai, then without exaggeration it can be called a work of art. The most popular are the following varieties and groups:

  1. Unshiu. It is considered the most unpretentious, early-fruiting, fast-growing and productive variety of all available. It branches well, has a spreading crown, thornless branches and wide leathery leaves. IN room conditions It grows to a maximum of one and a half meters, bears fruit already in the third or fourth year. Flowering time is spring, the beginning of fruiting is the end of October/November. The fruits are small, yellowish-orange in color, thin-barked, pear-shaped, without seeds.
  2. Wase is a group of low-growing, low-growing varieties, in which three varieties are distinguished: Kowano, Mikha, Miyagawa. Next to these names, the general name of the entire group is usually indicated with a hyphen, so they look like this: Kowano-Wase, Mikha-Wase, Miyagawa-Wase. They reach a height of 40-80 cm, so they are very convenient to grow on a regular windowsill. Flowering is abundant, fruiting begins in the second year of cultivation, the fruits have a rich orange-yellow color.
  3. Shiva-Mikan. An early compact fast-growing small-fruited variety weighing no more than 30 grams. and with large, fleshy, dark green foliage.
  4. Murcott. A rare compact variety whose fruits are distinguished by their extraordinary sweetness. Ripening time is summer.

The following varieties of decorative tangerine are also known: Tangier, Robinson, Tardivo di Chiakulli.

There are also hybrids of tangerine and some other citrus fruits. For example, Clementine is a very popular hybrid of tangerine and orange. At home, it begins to bear fruit depending on the height it has reached. Fruiting is abundant: one mature tree can produce up to fifty medium-sized orange-red, slightly flattened fruits with a good aroma and shiny skin. In addition to this hybrid, Ellendale, Tangor, Minneola, Tangelo, Santin and Agli are also known.

In many varieties, fruiting directly depends on the height of the plant. The dependency is:

  1. With a height of 20 cm, tangerine begins to bear fruit after 60 months.
  2. At 21 - 30 cm - in four years.
  3. At 31 - 40 cm - in three years.
  4. At 41 - 50 cm - in two years.
  5. At 51 - 75 cm - in a year and a half.
  6. From 76 cm to 1 meter - in the second year after the start of cultivation.

General principles for growing ornamental tangerines

Purchasing any variety of decorative tangerine is not difficult: this can be done both on the Internet and in specialized stores. However, you should not buy a plant with already existing fruits: no matter how appetizing they may look, they should not be eaten because of the too much fertilizer that such a plant receives. The best way to get a tasty and edible ornamental tangerine is to grow it yourself.

The key to successful cultivation of this plant is right choice place - well lit, with a small amount of direct sunlight. Insufficient lighting leads to slower plant growth, the formation of a small number of flowers, or a complete cessation of flowering; a severe lack of light causes fading of the leaves, thinning and elongation of new shoots and their painful appearance. That's why best place For decorative mandarin, southern, south-eastern and eastern windows are recognized, shaded from the sun by an ordinary gauze curtain attached to the frame. If the windows are not shaded, the leaves may get burned, the crown and roots may overheat, and as a result the plant may develop chlorosis.

In summer, the decorative tangerine can be placed on the balcony, veranda or garden, but it should be protected from the wind. In winter, it should be placed in the most illuminated place (if it is a window, then it should be well insulated beforehand) with direct rays of the sun and artificial lighting, for which they use a regular phytolight bulb or special fluorescent lamps. The tangerine should be switched to additional lighting gradually, otherwise, with a sharp change in daylight hours, it may shed its leaves.

The next factor influencing the growth of decorative tangerines is temperature. In summer it should reach +20-25, but during budding and flowering (in some varieties it can last almost all year round) it is better to keep it at a level of +16-18 so that the color does not fall off. In winter, like other indoor plants, it needs a dormant temperature - that is, approximately +5-10. Under such conditions, it will rest over the winter and will bloom and bear fruit better.

The problem of watering should be solved very carefully and carefully. In its unpretentiousness and ability to tolerate drought, the decorative tangerine is no different from its relatives growing in nature, so it should be watered moderately, depending on the drying of the top layer of soil, so as not to cause the development of fungal diseases and at the same time to prevent the soil from drying out completely. coma. The frequency of watering depends on:

  1. The size of the plant, especially its leaves (the larger their surface, the more moisture evaporates and the more the plant needs watering).
  2. The size of the container in which it grows.
  3. Room temperatures.
  4. Length of daylight and lighting intensity.

Determining the frequency of watering is easy: you just need to take a pinch of soil in a container and squeeze it. If it sticks together, then there is no need to water, but if it crumbles, then watering is necessary. It is advisable to check the soil in this way every day, especially in the summer, so that the earth ball does not dry out. Water for irrigation should be chosen carefully - for example, it is not recommended to use rainwater, since it contains too many impurities harmful to citrus fruits. Before using water, it should be allowed to stand, left in an open container at room temperature for at least one day, and only then water the tree with it.

The plant is usually watered before noon, when it “woke up” and its life processes became more active. As the temperature drops, the frequency of watering should be reduced until it stops for several days if the temperature drops to +12-15. In this case, it should be watered only in such a volume as to maintain vital activity. Some experts advise at this time to heat the water intended for irrigation to a temperature of +30-35. In summer there is no need to heat the water; just leave it on a sunny windowsill for a while.

In addition to watering, you should also spray the leaves with a spray bottle. This procedure is especially important in the summer. It kills several birds with one stone: it prevents the tangerine from becoming infected with spider mites, creates the humidity it needs, and washes away household dust from branches and leaves. In general, the level of humidity should be controlled in the same way as watering, and to better provide it, you can place a bowl of water next to the plant. The frequency of spraying is at least once a day, but if it is carried out during flowering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the flowers. About once a month, it is advisable to treat the tangerine crown with cotton wool and soap suds to prevent the appearance of pests. It is best to do this in the bathroom, covering the substrate with plastic wrap and tying the plant trunk at the bottom so that soapy water does not get into the substrate and is absorbed into the fabric.

Another element of successfully growing a plant is feeding it. This is all the more important at home, since the soil in the container is quickly depleted and washed away, and almost no recreational processes occur in it. Fertilizer application is best done according to this principle:

  1. Use only soluble or dry fertilizers.
  2. Apply fertilizing only before noon at a temperature of at least +18-19.
  3. The frequency of application is no more than once every two weeks, and then only during growth (i.e., from March to September). The rest of the time, medications can be administered even less frequently.

If soluble fertilizers are used, then they must be dissolved in soft or settled water at room temperature strictly according to the instructions, without in any case increasing the dosage. Top dressing is oil, which, as you know, cannot spoil the porridge: even with a slight overdose, a burn or poisoning of the tree is possible. Dry fertilizers should be applied even more carefully, keeping in mind one of their features. The fact is that the spring application of dry fertilizer will allow you to forget about fertilizing for a long time, but it is quite difficult to guess that the fertilizer was used by the tangerine. An additional contribution will lead to its poisoning.

To what has been said, it only remains to add that the best option for the plant is a complex nitrogen-, phosphorus- and potassium-containing preparation. In low concentrations, you can even spray the leaves with it. It is also acceptable to use organic matter such as infused cow manure diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 or organic matter in combination with mineral remedy. You only need to feed the plant the next day after watering, so as not to burn the root system. It is also practiced to feed decorative tangerines with fish soup prepared according to this recipe: 200 gr. fish waste or small unsalted fish should be boiled in two liters of water for half an hour, then dilute the solution cold water and strain through cheesecloth. This soup is used once a month along with complex fertilizer to feed adult plants at least one meter high. According to experts, this enhances their fruiting. Regular drunken tea is also used as fertilizer.

Finally, another element of growing decorative tangerines is:

  1. Pinching the tops of its branches.
  2. Removing dried leaves and elongated, improperly growing branches.
  3. Removing some of the flowers young plant so as not to deplete it and allow several fruits to ripen. The fewer fruits grow on it, the larger they will be, so the most optimal ratio of ovary to leaves is 1 ovary per 15-20 leaves.
  4. Tying the fruiting branches of a plant to some kind of support so that they do not break under their weight.

What is wrong with the decorative tangerine?

Like many other plants, especially those growing in a climate that is not very favorable for them, the decorative tangerine is susceptible to some diseases. It is most often affected by:

  1. Shield.
  2. Red spider mite.
  3. Mealybug.
  4. Leaf spotting followed by leaf drop.

If the pest infestation of a tangerine is protracted and persistent, then to cure it they resort to potent chemicals, but their use within an apartment can lead to unpleasant consequences, so it is better not to bring the situation to such a level. If the initial stage of the disease is recorded, you can get by with improvised means. For example, scale insects can be removed by spraying with a soap solution diluted in 3 liters. water 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or “Fary”, before cleaning off the insects. The solution should remain on the plant for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. Water-oil emulsion is also very effective: 1 tsp. machine oil is stirred in a glass of warm water, 40 g is added to it. household soap and 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. All this should be applied with a cotton-gauze swab, left for three to four hours, and then rinsed off in the shower so that the drug does not get into the ground. Before processing, the soil should be covered with a film, and the trunk should be tied at the bottom with a bandage - this will help prevent the product used from getting into it. Treatment frequency is three times with an interval of six days.

How to fight spider mites:

  1. It is collected by hand.
  2. Wipe leaves and branches with a cotton swab dipped in cold water or in alcohol.
  3. Spray three times with a two-day strained infusion of crushed garlic or onion (no more than 200 grams), poured with warm boiled water, with an interval of six days. You can also use a mixture of soap and tobacco dust according to this recipe: pour 1 tbsp. l. dust with boiling water, leave for six days, add 10 g. household soap and spray the “patient” three times with a six-day interval between treatments.

You can also remove the scale insects manually, and then spray the plant with garlic infusion three times (once a week), or wipe its parts with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or calendula infusion.

Well, to avoid leaf spotting and falling off, you just need to follow the watering rules, because it is their violation that causes spots to appear.

Transplantation and propagation of decorative tangerine

If the plant is properly cared for, then over time it becomes cramped in the “cradle” container, and the need arises to replant it. Young plants are replanted annually, but if the roots have not yet entwined the earthen ball, it is better to refrain from replanting - just change the drainage and top layer of soil. If the plant is three years old, it is replanted once every three to four years, while a seven-year-old plant requires replanting once every two years. No replanting should be carried out during flowering, otherwise the tree will simply die. When replanting, use a ready-made soil mixture for citrus fruits or form it yourself using the following calculation: 50% (3 parts) turf soil, the remaining 50% - equal parts of leaf soil, humus, river sand and a small amount of fatty clay. Sometimes it is recommended to add a little ash to this mixture. For young tangerines, the same soil composition is recommended, only without clay, and instead of three parts of turf soil, two parts are usually taken. The resulting substrate should be light and slightly acidic.

To prevent stagnation of water and the appearance of root rot, before laying the soil at the bottom of the container, be sure to place drainage three to five centimeters thick in the form of expanded clay, small stones, pieces of foam plastic, or even fragments of ceramic dishes and charcoal. The pot into which the tangerine will be transplanted should be 5-8 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It is not recommended to plant the plant immediately large capacity: This is impractical, unsightly and can lead to root rot. Therefore, if you want your tangerine to please you for as long as possible, you cannot do without regular replanting.

The best time to replant a tangerine is the beginning of spring, when it comes out of dormancy. It is recommended to refrain from applying fertilizers, stopping feeding two to three days before transplanting and resuming them only two weeks after the plant finds a new home.

The process itself is no different from replanting any other indoor plant, except that immediately after replanting it should be lightly watered, after 30-40 minutes, if necessary, add the substrate and water again. Some experts advise using a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate when watering a transplanted plant for the first time, after which the plant can be placed on the windowsill so that the surface of the leaves is directed towards the light.

Decorative tangerines can be propagated by rooting branches or growing from seeds. In the first case, the use of a rooting agent will increase the survival rate several times. It is used like this: a cutting with two or three leaves is dipped in a rooting agent and, planted in moist soil, covered with film or a cut plastic bottle with holes for ventilation. And although in some sources you can find the statement that decorative tangerines are practically impossible to take cuttings at home, many amateur gardeners, from their own experience, claim that with the use of a rooting agent, cuttings take root within a few months.

The second case is not suitable for every variety of decorative tangerine. For example, they will not be able to propagate unshiu because it is a seedless variety. In addition, a plant grown in this way will need to be grafted with indoor lemon, orange or grapefruit grown from a grain, otherwise it will not bloom.

Some amateurs claim that there is a third way to propagate this plant - by air layering.


The main advantage of the decorative tangerine is not only a piece of exoticism in a city apartment or in the countryside, but also the almost year-round availability of tasty and edible fruits in your diet, the purchase of which will no longer be necessary. And the appearance of it beautiful plant will surely decorate not only your home, but also your life.

Kira Stoletova

Tangerines are delicious citrus fruits rich in vitamins. Recently, they are often planted in apartments. Caring for a tangerine tree at home is not difficult, so even inexperienced flower lovers can grow a bush. The delicious tropical fruits are harvested within a couple of years after the seeds are planted.

Variety selection

The homeland of mandarin is China. From there it spread to India, Japan and other regions of southeast Asia. The plant belongs to the Rutov family, the Citrus genus. Under natural conditions it grows up to 3-4 m, the crown has a diameter of 2-3.5 m, the branches are strewn with thorns. Trees live in nature for more than 50 years, at home - 10-20 years.

Now dwarf varieties have been bred that are easy to grow at home. The most popular of them:

  • Willow leaf. This is a compact tree with elongated lanceolate leaves. The flower of this tangerine has a diameter of up to 4 cm, the fruit is 6-7 cm.
  • Kovano-Vase. A large tree with thick branches, at home it grows up to 1 m. The leaves are small, fleshy, the fruits are up to 6 cm in diameter. The harvest is harvested 2 years after planting, when good care get up to 100 tangerines from a bush.
  • Clemnetine. This is the name of the hybrid of tangerine and orange; the fruits are small, with a red-orange peel and numerous seeds. It produces a harvest already in the second year after planting.
  • Pioneer. The fruits are large, weighing 70-90 g. The crown is slightly flattened and compact. Early ripening: early November.
  • Unshiu. Japanese dwarf mandarin with thin branches and ruffled leaves. The fruits are seedless and pear-shaped. It is possible to grow such a tangerine at home only from cuttings.
  • Shiva-mikan. Compact small tree with large leaves. The fruits are small, weighing up to 30 g. Ripening time is October or November. Up to 100 mini-fruits are collected from one tree.
  • Honey or Murcott. A small bush with small sweet fruits and a taste of honey. This is where the name of the variety comes from.
  • Sochi. plant with large fruits, more than 80 g in weight. The peel is thin and easily removed. Tangerines ripen at the very beginning of November.
  • Calamondin or citrofortunella. Citrus fruit with green fruits, hybrid with kumquat. Bred in the Philippines. In our climate, the fruits ripen if you grow the tree at home or in a greenhouse. The fruit looks unusual, it is tasty and sweet.

When choosing an indoor tangerine, you should look at the yield, the plant’s requirements for conditions, and care. To begin with, they try to plant different varieties to choose the most suitable one. The trees will have to be pollinated manually when they bloom. Some varieties reproduce without this procedure.

Planting and propagation

Citrus fruit is propagated by seeds or seedlings. In the first case, the varietal properties are not preserved, so the tree is recommended to be grafted. After planting the seed, you have to wait 3-4 years for the harvest. But this method allows you to save money. The price of tangerine seedlings is from 100 rubles. and higher.

An alternative propagation option is layering. It does not require material costs and helps preserve the quality of the variety.

Growing from seed

Growing a tangerine from a seed is not difficult. The fruits are easy to buy in winter at any supermarket. This is done in December, while the citrus fruits are still fresh. The seeds are removed from the pulp, washed, placed on a saucer and covered with a wet cloth. Place in a warm place for the seeds to germinate. The rag is constantly moistened. Sometimes a special hydrogel is used instead of fabric; it does not need to be watered.

  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • river sand - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part.

Indoor tangerine does not tolerate acidic soil, so peat cannot be added to the mixture. The soil is poured into a 4 liter pot or container. Drainage made of expanded clay or coarse sand is placed at the bottom. The grain is deepened into the ground by 3-4 cm, and the ground is watered. Place in a warm place with a temperature of 20°C-22°C.

The plant sprouts in 2-3 weeks. To be safe, 4-5 grains are planted in one container, then they are transferred to other pots or cache-pots. The harvest will have to wait a long time, 3-4 years, the bushes are replanted annually.

Growing from seedlings

Growing indoor tangerines from cuttings is also not difficult. They buy the material in a specialized store or order it online. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the bushes: there should be no stains or mold on them. It is advisable to purchase a seedling with leaves and a lump of earth at the roots: it will germinate more successfully. If there are any at home old bush, the cuttings are cut and placed in water for rooting. After 3-4 weeks, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the ground. The optimal pot volume for propagating a tree is 4-5 liters. The harvest after planting is harvested quickly, within 1-2 years.

The tangerine tree is also bought home already grown. This option is suitable for those with no planting experience. After purchasing a bush in a tub, all that remains is to properly care for it: water, spray, fertilize.

Growing from cuttings

Reproduction by layering of tangerine - simple and effective method root the cutting. Choose a one-year-old twig, about 20 cm long and 4-6 mm thick. Using a sharp knife, make 2 circular cuts on the bark, remove it in a ring to force the roots to grow. At a distance of 5 cm above and below the cut, all leaves are removed and the top is pinched.

After this, cut a small plastic container in half: take a bottle or an old pot. A twig is placed in it so that the place with the removed bark is in the center. A layer of sand or expanded clay is poured onto the bottom, and nutrient soil (ready-made mixture or the same composition as for planting seeds) is placed on top.

After 3-4 weeks the twig produces roots. All this time it is watered, applied twice mineral fertilizers. When the branch takes root, all that remains is to carefully transplant it into a flowerpot with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Reproduction by shoots is simple, even beginners can do it.

Tangerine grafting

Growing tangerines at home from seeds is always combined with grafting. Without this procedure, sour, inedible fruits are obtained. It is allowed to graft the plant approximately 2 years after planting. The scion trunk by that time is about 6 mm thick. The grafting is carried out either in the split or under the bark. Sometimes cuttings are replaced by budding.

For any method, the following tools are prepared:

  • sharp knife;
  • adhesive tape, electrical tape or a strip of fabric;
  • garden var.

Hands are washed thoroughly to avoid infection. The procedure is done quickly so that the contact of the sections with air is minimal.

Grafting into cleft

The technique is suitable for beginners and is carried out on mature 3-year-old trunks. A cutting of the selected variety with 2-4 buds is cut obliquely on both sides to form a wedge. The length of the cuts is approximately 3-4 cm.

Then the trunk is cut in two, the depth of the split is 5 cm. The cutting is inserted so that its cambium is in contact with the cambium of the scion on at least one side. The trunk is wrapped with tape or cloth, and covered with garden pitch. The tree is placed in a greenhouse made of a plastic bottle or film until the cutting takes root.

Bark grafting

To graft a tangerine plant under the bark at home, you need experience. This technique is considered more advanced. First, make a 3 cm long cut in the bark. Carefully separate it from the trunk of the tangerine tree. The cutting is cut obliquely and inserted between the wood and the bark of the rootstock. Wrap it with electrical tape and cover it with garden varnish.

For the grafting to be successful, use 3-4 cuttings at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. As in the previous case, a greenhouse is built, the tree is regularly watered and mineral fertilizers are applied.


It is easy to plant indoor tangerine at home using a cutting with one bud. The technique is called “budding”. Step by step it consists of the following stages:

  • The trunk of the tangerine tree is wiped with a damp sponge at a height of 10 cm from the ground surface.
  • A bud with a piece of wood is separated from the cutting.
  • An incision is made in the shape of the letter T on the bark of the rootstock trunk. The height of the cut is 2.5 cm, the width is 1 cm.
  • The cut is carefully expanded, a bud with wood is inserted there, and covered with bark on top.
  • Wrap with tape and treat with garden varnish, leaving the bud free.
  • It is good to place indoor tangerines in a greenhouse made of a plastic bottle or plastic film.

The greenhouse is constantly ventilated so that the moisture does not stagnate. When the cutting takes root and sends out the first shoots, the scion trunk is cut by a third at a distance of 5-10 cm from the graft. The top of the cut is covered with garden varnish. It is advisable to tie the indoor tangerine tree to a small peg.

Tangerine care

Caring for a tangerine at home consists of the usual techniques. It is advised to provide the plant with:

  • optimal temperature;
  • lighting;
  • watering and moistening;
  • feeding.


In summer, the tangerine tree feels good at temperatures of 20°C-25°C. During the day it is taken out into the open air. If the nights are warm, the bush is left outside. When the temperature drops, it is better to take the tree into the house so that it does not freeze.

In spring, when flowering begins, the temperature drops to 18°C-20°C. If it is higher or lower, the flowers will fall off and the fruit will not set. In winter, indoor mandarins are provided with peace. The optimal temperature for it at this time of year is 5°C-10°C. At any time of the year, the plant must be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes.


The tangerine tree loves light and is safely left in the sun. It is good to place the plant on a south, east or south-east window sill. Direct sunlight is not harmful, but it is still recommended to shade the plant at midday. Lack of light causes growth to slow down, leaves become smaller, take on an unhealthy appearance, and fall off.

Growing tangerine trees in winter has its own characteristics. At this time of year, the days are short, so the plants are provided with additional lighting. Use a phyto light bulb, which is connected to a chandelier or table lamp. The length of daylight is increased gradually so that the tangerine tree does not lose its leaves.

Watering and moistening

Tangerines at home should be watered frequently. In summer you will need several waterings a day. In winter, this is done 3-4 times a week at a room temperature of 10°C-12°C.

The following factors influence the volume of water:

  • tangerine tree sizes;
  • pot size;
  • air temperature;
  • length of daylight and lighting intensity.

Watering is controlled according to the condition of the earthen coma. It should not be too wet; stagnation of water in the pot is unacceptable. Indoor tangerine tolerates drought normally and does not die, but lack of liquid causes the leaves to drop.

Mandarin is a moisture-loving houseplant. Water is sprayed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the crown. The procedure is carried out extremely carefully when the tangerine is in bloom. Make sure that the liquid does not get on the flowers. It is recommended to spray with a special sprayer. It is most convenient to keep it on the windowsill.


It is impossible to grow a healthy tangerine at home without feeding. The soil of a small box contains few nutrients; additional nutrients must be added. Complex mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are suitable. They come in liquid and powder. Before feeding, the concentrate is diluted with settled water according to the instructions. The tree is then watered or the concentrate is sprayed over its crown.

The indoor mandarin is starting to be fed in early spring, after increasing daylight hours. This is done once every 2 weeks. First, apply the minimum amount of fertilizer. When flowering begins, the amount is gradually increased. Fertilizing ends at the end of September.

Transplanting and pruning tangerines

Young indoor tangerines are replanted annually. From 4-6 years, the procedure is repeated once every 2 years, and after 8 years - once every 3 years. Soil for replanting can be purchased at the store or prepared independently. Compound:

  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 3 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • fatty clay - 2-3 tbsp. l.

The volume of the new pot is increased by 100-200 ml. Replanting tangerines at home is carried out carefully so as not to damage the root collar and the roots themselves. Do not remove the lump of earth; carefully transfer the indoor tangerine to a new container along with it. After replanting, the soil is compacted and watered.

The crown must be formed annually, otherwise the tree will not grow properly. They begin to pinch off the tops in March, when young shoots appear.

Sometimes pruning is done at the end of the growing season. The formation of the crown is carried out according to plan, then they turn out beautiful ornamental trees, even with bansai elements. Growing an indoor tangerine is possible even if you do not pinch or prune the tree. But the appearance of such a bush is not very aesthetic.

Diseases of homemade tangerine

Tangerines, which bear fruit well at home, are susceptible to disease. They are threatened by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Some symptoms are associated with improper care, lack or excess of nutrients in the soil.

Diseases caused by microorganisms

Most often, tangerines at home suffer from fungi, less often they are ambushed by bacterial and viral diseases.

Here are the pathologies that citrus tree owners face:

  • Anthracosis. Fungal disease, which develops with high humidity and overwatering. First, the plant becomes covered with light green spots, then turns black. All organs are affected: leaves, stems, flowers and fruits.
  • Wartiness. This disease is also caused by a fungus. First, transparent spots appear on the leaves, then they thicken and turn into warts. Flowering stops, the ovaries fall off, and the bush is no longer able to bear fruit. With later damage, the fruits have orange spots and form a kind of tuberosity.
  • Gommoz. A fungal infection affects the trunk and root neck. Over time, it completely destroys the bark, the circulation of juices stops and the plant dies. The disease occurs when there is a lack of calcium and phosphorus, an excess of nitrogen, overwatering, or lack of drainage. The cause is often deep planting of the seedling and damage to the trunk.
  • Citrus cancer. Bacteriosis appears as dark brown spots. If such symptoms appear, it is impossible to save and revive the plant - it is destroyed.
  • Root rot. For a long time the disease goes unnoticed until the plant begins to dry out and the leaves turn yellow and fall off. ABOUT fungal infection speaks bad smell, darkening of the lower part of the trunk.
  • Tristeza. A viral disease that attacks large old trees. The leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off, then the entire bush dries out.
  • Xylopsorosis. Another viral pathology characteristic of old plants. The manifestations are similar to gommosis, only the trunk is affected.
  • Malsecco. It affects tangerines at home in the winter-autumn period. It manifests itself as a characteristic leaf fall: the plates fall off, and the petioles remain on the branches. Then the shoots begin to dry out until the plant dies completely.

Any fungicide is suitable to combat fungal diseases. Viral and bacterial lesions, unfortunately, cannot be treated. To avoid diseases, the bush should be properly fertilized and watered. Of great importance optimal temperature in room.

Diseases associated with improper care

Lack of fertilizer, over or under water, draft, changes temperature regime cause the death of citrus plants. Main symptoms associated with improper care:

  • The bush is shedding its leaves. This phenomenon is physiological. Leaf fall begins at the end of September and lasts until February. Excessive leaf loss indicates a problem. The reason for this is dry air, planting too deep, lack of potassium in the soil, draft, bad light, overflow
  • The leaves are turning yellow. The main reason is a lack of nitrogen. In this case, yellowing begins from the bottom until it covers the entire tree. It stops bearing fruit and dies over time. The symptom is also associated with insufficient watering, then the leaves first turn yellow, then brown, and dry at the tips. Sometimes the cause of yellowness is spider mites.
  • Pests of homemade tangerine

    • scale insect;
    • spider mite;
    • greenhouse thrips;
    • whitefly;
    • mealybug;
    • citrus nematode.

    Pests are easy to spot. Insects most often hide on the lower surface of the leaves. Aphids prefer to occupy the petioles of leaves; the pest attacks plants when they bloom. The spider mite is enveloped in a white film, hence its name. There are difficulties with the citrus nematode: it lives in the soil and damages the roots.

    Pests are removed from the branches by hand and sprayed with a soap, alcohol or vinegar solution. Spraying with used machine oil and even regular vegetable oil helps. Insecticides are used only in extreme cases: they accumulate in fruits and are harmful to health. Spraying such substances is allowed only in a respirator; after the procedure, leave the room for several hours. If a citrus nematode is damaged, it is recommended to replant the bush.


    Growing homemade tangerines is an interesting and even profitable activity. The plant is not only decorative. It produces edible and tasty fruits that ripen in winter, during a period of scarcity of fresh fruit. When the tree blooms in the spring, it fills the house with an excellent aroma, so it is worth planting this tropical bush in your apartment.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Among the abundance of plants, the indoor tangerine, according to many florists, occupies a special place. Decorative bush pleases with the cheerful and bright colors of the fruits and leaves. The leaves are leathery and wide. It is believed that a light and subtle aroma can help get rid of headaches, relieve anxiety, irritation, give a feeling of vigor and improve mood. Find out how to grow a tangerine tree, which is a citrus plant.

How to grow tangerine at home

If you are planning to grow a tangerine tree at home, check out two ways to solve this problem. IN farms Citrus fruit trees are produced by grafting. If you want to enjoy juicy tangerines, you can perform this procedure yourself. At home, you can prepare seeds and grow a tangerine tree from them, remembering to follow all the rules of care. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made seedling.

Buying a ready-made seedling

Having decided to grow homemade tangerine at home, buy in a specialized online store garden crops or a fruit nursery ready-made seedling. Plants that have a closed root system are often sold, i.e. immediately in an earthen coma or pot, packed in a bag. In the first case, a mandatory transplant into a container will be required. If you are looking for more economical option, then it is best to use the second method, i.e. growing a citrus tree from a ripe fruit seed.

Growing tangerine from seed

This method of growing an ornamental citrus tree at home can bring some moral satisfaction. Although, this will take an order of magnitude longer than buying and replanting a ready-made seedling. To sprout, you will need to select a few seeds from the juicy, sweet and ripe fruits to increase your chances of success. Pre-soak the selected seeds in warm water. To do this, place them between 2-3 layers of gauze and place them on a saucer.

As the gauze dries, be sure to keep it moist for several days until the bones swell. If you don’t have the opportunity to wait several days, then try soaking ordinary seeds in water for 2-3 hours, adding a few drops of Epin, which is a growth stimulant. As soon as the first shoots hatch, you can plant the bush in the ground. In general, it is wise to prepare the seeds of this exotic plant Any novice florist can do it.

Land for tangerine tree

Prepare a pot or regular seedling box and fill it with a layer of soil to transplant the hatched seeds into. Despite the fact that indoor mandarin is unpretentious in relation to the soil, experts still strongly recommend taking this point seriously. It is best to use a mixture consisting of:

  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 3 parts turf soil;
  • 1 part rotted cow manure;
  • clay;
  • sand.

How to plant a tangerine in a pot correctly

To grow decorative tangerines, do not use peat, which often turns sour, dries quickly and does not have any special nutritional properties. This component is available in almost all those mixtures that can be bought in specialized stores. Don't forget about the drainage layer. Place expanded clay or small ordinary pebbles on the bottom of a dry container, then fill the pot with the composition of the above components. Then place the swollen seeds into the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm. The pot with the planted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place.

Soil drainage

To form a lush and bright bush, you will need to pay attention to the drainage of the container in which it will grow. As already mentioned, place crushed stone, small pebbles and expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, but if you don’t have any of the above on hand, then use fragments of ceramic dishes. Before planting the tangerine and laying the soil, be sure to thoroughly rinse the drainage. In general, it is necessary to ensure that excess liquid from the soil is drained into the pan. Thanks to this, effective prevention of fluid stagnation and root rot is carried out.

Where to place a flower pot with a shoot

Caring for a tangerine at home requires a competent approach; the location of the tree, which will delight you with its beautiful leaves and flowers, is of particular importance. The period of flowering and growth activity will depend on the conditions created. Indoor plants need bright and good lighting. When daylight hours become shorter, add artificial light. Do not make a sudden transition, because... the plant can shed its young leaves.

How to care for a tangerine tree

An actively growing and beautiful tangerine tree is the result of systematic and proper care. For an indoor ornamental plant, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions with a certain temperature and humidity level. We should also not forget about the peculiarities of watering, because... V difficult situation a bush can shed its foliage to reduce the amount of moisture evaporating from the surface. When the branches begin to bear fruit, they need to be tied to a support. We should not forget about possible pests and diseases.

Air temperature and humidity

The best temperature regime for a tangerine seedling is a temperature of +15-18 degrees in the warm season and +12 degrees in the winter. In hotter weather, the plant begins to bear fruit and bloom worse - buds and ovaries form weakly at this time. At the same time, it is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, but in order for the plant to become stronger, it must be hardened, i.e. help him adapt to changes in lighting and temperature. To do this in the spring, take the plant outside for a short time during the day. closed veranda or balcony.

Air humidity is also very important for tangerines. On hot, dry days and in winter, when heating dries out the air in the room, you need to spray frequently. ornamental plant- sometimes up to three times a day. You can place a bowl of water or some other air humidifier on the windowsill, for example, an imitation of a fountain or waterfall. When the bush begins to bloom, spray carefully to avoid moisture getting on the flowers and buds. It is better to replace this procedure with regular wiping of the leaves.


Without enough light, a decorative indoor tangerine will not grow large. The easiest way is to place the container with the plant on the windowsill of the southern part of the house, but this is fraught with burns to the leaves. A more acceptable option is the side of the eastern or south-eastern windows. If the south side turns out to be the only possible choice, then in spring and summer you will have to shade the plant. In winter, the south window will be the best place for the seedling. When daylight hours become shorter, add artificial lighting using special phytolamps.

How to water indoor tangerine

The tree needs regular and frequent watering. In hot weather, water 2-3 times a day. IN winter period years, while maintaining good moisture, watering twice a week will be sufficient. It is better to first pour water for this procedure into a container, for example, a bottle, so that it has time to settle and warm up to room temperature.

With a short-term lack of moisture, the tangerine tree will not die, but it may shed some or all of its leaves. Fresh greenery will no longer appear in “bald” places, so try to avoid unexpected leaf fall. Leaves will appear only on new branches. Frequently transfusing the plant with water will not be beneficial either, because... this will lead to the appearance of fungal diseases.

How to feed a tangerine tree at home

The entire growing season, i.e. from April to September, the tree needs feeding. Every week it must be fertilized with organic or mineral fertilizers, which can be alternated. This is especially necessary for mature trees growing in cramped containers, without replanting or renewing the soil. One week the plant can be watered with a solution of liquid mullein, and a week later it can be treated with a complex garden fertilizer specially designed for citrus trees. Before fertilizing, you should water the soil.

Mineral mixtures based on potassium phosphorus and nitrogen

In a specialized garden store you can already purchase ready-made composition for citrus fruits. Make sure that the solution includes minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It is recommended to fertilize in the first half of the day. The temperature of the solution should not be less than +20 degrees. Follow the recommended recipe for preparing the nutrient solution exactly. The rule here is that it is better not to top up than to overfill. Excessive concentration or excess fertilizer can lead to burns of the stem or leaves and even death of the plant.

Organic fertilizers

The tangerine tree can be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers, and it is best to alternate them. To prepare a natural nutritional composition, you will need cow manure or bird droppings. Dilute part of the dry component in 10-12 parts of water, leave the resulting composition for 2 to 4 days, then add in small portions. Be sure to moisten the soil before doing this.

Rules for caring for homemade tangerine

To ensure that your tangerine tree is as bright and pleasing to the eye as in the photo of one of the gardening magazines, attach special importance to caring for it. Many of the rules listed above for a plant seedling also apply to a grown tree. Additionally, it is necessary to periodically trim the branches and pinch the tips of the shoots. In addition, remove all dried twigs, leaves and shoots from the tree. Such measures will help to form a compact tangerine with a lush and dense crown. We should not forget about the need for replanting.

Partial removal of flowers

To avoid unnecessary stress on the tree in the first years of fruiting, it is recommended to pinch the flowers. Leave only a few flowers on the trunk of the tangerine tree. In this way, you can achieve fragrant and large fruits without depleting the plant itself. Let there be only a few beautiful and fragrant flowers on the stem of the plant, but later you will enjoy beautiful and large fruits.

Pinching the tops of branches

As the tree grows, it is necessary to periodically pinch the tips of the shoots. This is necessary for the tree to form a thick and lush crown. If formed correctly, it will turn into a real decoration of the room. This can be achieved by controlling the growth of the apex and shoots, which must be removed from time to time, i.e. pinch. When each new sprout appears, pinch the top to form 5-6 leaves. It is also necessary to get rid of tops (strong shoots) that grow quickly from the very root.

Removing stretched branches and dried leaves

Remove elongated branches and dried leaves in a timely manner so that your exotic tree grows truly lush and fruit-bearing. Often they try to grow homemade tangerine as a dwarf tree. For this purpose, remove the growing tips of the shoots to the desired length. As a result, your efforts will not be in vain - you will get tasty fruits with thin skin that easily separates from the pulp.

Why does the tangerine shed its leaves?

If the basic rules of care are not followed, the tangerine tree may develop diseases. Don't ignore the threat that different pests can pose. These include red spider mites, scale insects, and citrus whiteflies. Dropping leaves does not always indicate the presence of a disease, because... This can also happen during a period of relative rest on cold days.

What to do

If pests are the cause of the shedding of leaves, then wipe all the leaves of the tree with special solutions. A few procedures are enough to get rid of all the unwanted “guests”. Yellowing foliage may be a signal that the plant is lacking minerals. During nitrogen deficiency, yellowing begins with lower leaves. In addition, tangerine can react this way to the lack of the required amount of moisture or lack of light. Move the plant to a well-lit place and remember to water regularly.

Methods for propagating a tangerine tree

Most economical way to get a tangerine seedling is to grow it from a seed. This approach will take a lot of time and patience. If there is already a tree and you want to get offspring from it, then choose one of the following methods:

  • Reproduction by layering, which are well-formed tree branches. Select a branch from an adult tangerine that is at least 4 mm thick and long enough to bend the branch and pin it to the ground. There is no need to separate the branch from the bush, just cover it with earth. The top will protrude on the surface of the soil. Keep the digging area moist. When the cuttings form new roots, separate the branch from the mother plant.
  • Reproduction is carried out by cuttings. For this, so-called air layering is used - the cuttings take root “in weight”. An adult shoot is cut in a circle, cutting off the bark about 1 cm wide, after which the wound is treated and wrapped with sphagnum moss and polyethylene (loosely). The resulting “pupa” must be kept moist until roots form – it will take several months.

How to replant a tangerine at home

The plant begins to need replanting when the container becomes crowded. For young tangerines, this procedure should be carried out annually, and for trees over 7 years old – once every two years. Do not replant the plant during flowering; it is better to do this in early spring. New pot should be a few centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. The root collar should not be deepened during transplantation, because The bark may be damaged. The excess bud is crushed and then moved to a new container with drainage and soil.

Pest Control

Pest control is of particular importance when caring for a tangerine tree. Citrus fruits are more susceptible to them. This is due to the fact that they have a very attractive aroma. More details about how to fight:

  • Aphid. If there are few insects, wash the stem and leaves with a solution of laundry soap.
  • Leaves damaged by aphids can be treated with a decoction of wormwood or nettle.
  • A good way to combat aphids is garlic water.
  • To combat spider mites at home, use garlic water, laundry soap, and tobacco dust. Create a spray mixture based on them.


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Mandarin comes from southern China and Cochin China (as South Vietnam was called during the period of French rule there). Currently, tangerine is not found growing wild. In India, Indochina, China, South Korea and Japan - now these are the most widespread citrus crops. Mandarin was brought to Europe only in early XIX century, but is currently cultivated throughout the Mediterranean - in Spain, southern France, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Turkey. It is also grown in Abkhazia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as in the USA (Florida), Brazil and Argentina.

Mandarin is a generalized name for several species evergreens genus Citrus ( Citrus) family Rutaceae ( Rutaceae). The same word is used to call the fruits of these plants. You can read more about the types of tangerines in the “Types and Varieties of Tangerines” section of this article.

In many countries, mandarin is traditionally associated with New Year's holidays, since the harvest time falls in the month of December. In northern Vietnam and China, tangerines are placed on festive tables when celebrating the New Year according to the lunar calendar, however, in the form of a tree with fruits, which can be considered some kind of analogue of our New Year tree.

The word “mandarin” was borrowed into Russian from the Spanish language, where the word mandarino is derived from se mondar (“easy to peel”) and refers to the property of the peel of the plant fruit to be easily separated from the pulp.

Description of mandarin

Mandarin ( Citrus reticulata) - a tree not exceeding 4 meters in height, or shrub. Young shoots are dark green. Cases are described when, by the age of 30, a tangerine reached a height of five meters, and the harvest from such a tree amounted to 5-7 thousand fruits.

Mandarin leaves are relatively small, ovate or elliptical, with petioles almost without wings or slightly winged.

Mandarin flowers are single or two in the leaf axils, the petals are matte white, the stamens mostly have underdeveloped anthers and pollen.

Mandarin fruits are 4-6 cm in diameter and slightly flattened from the base to the top, so that their width is greater than their height. The peel is thin, does not grow tightly to the pulp (in some varieties the peel is separated from the pulp by an air layer), there are 10-12 lobes, well separated, the pulp is yellow-orange; The strong aroma of these fruits is different from other citrus fruits, and the pulp is usually sweeter than orange.

Tangerine tree. © Michael Coghlan

Features of caring for tangerine at home

Temperature: Tangerines are demanding of light and warmth. Budding, flowering and fruit set occur best at an average air and soil temperature of + 15..18 °C.

Lighting: Bright diffused light. It will be good near the east and west windows, as well as on the north window. Shading from direct sun is needed in spring and summer during the hottest hours.

Watering: In summer and spring, generously 1-2 times a day with warm water; in winter, watering is rare and moderate - 1-2 times a week, also with warm water. However, even in winter, the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out, as this leads to curling of the leaves and falling of not only the leaves, but also the fruits. On the other hand, we must not forget that plants die from excess moisture. Starting in October, watering is reduced.

Air humidity: Tangerines are regularly sprayed in the summer, but if they are kept indoors in winter central heating, then they spray it in winter. When kept in a room with dry air, oranges are susceptible to attack by pests (mites and scale insects).

Transfer: Young trees must be replanted annually. Transplantation should not be carried out if the roots of the plant have not yet entwined the earthen ball. In this case, it is enough to change the drainage and top layers of soil in the pot. Fruit-bearing trees are replanted no more than once every 2-3 years.

Replant before growth begins. It is not recommended to replant the plants after growth has finished. When transplanting, do not greatly destroy the earthen ball. It is necessary to ensure good drainage. The root collar in the new container should be at the same level as it was in the old container.

Soil for young tangerines: 2 parts turf, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus from cow manure and 1 part sand.

Soil for adult tangerines: 3 parts turf, 1 part leaf, 1 part cow manure humus, 1 part sand and a small amount of fatty clay.

Fertilizing tangerines: In the first half of summer, fertilizing irrigation is used. It increases the sugar content of fruits and reduces the bitter taste that is characteristic of citrus fruits when indoor culture. The plant needs more fertilizer the older it is and the longer it stays in one container. Fertilizers are applied after watering.

With additional artificial lighting of tangerines in winter, they also need to be fertilized. Recommended for tangerines organic fertilizers(slurry from cow manure) and combined mineral fertilizers; you can also buy special fertilizers for citrus fruits in flower shops.

Reproduction: Reproduction of tangerines, as well as lemons, is usually carried out by grafting, cuttings, layering and seeds. In indoor conditions, the most common method of propagating citrus fruits is cuttings.

Calamondin, or citrofortunella (Calamondin) is a fast-growing and well-branching evergreen tree - a hybrid of mandarin with kumquat (fortunella). © Luigi Strano

If you love citrus fruits and decide to make a holiday for yourself at home, then you can think about how to grow tangerines at home. Tangerines are usually propagated by grafting or layering (the second method is more difficult). In the first case, you need to worry about the rootstock in advance, for which any citrus- orange, lemon or grapefruit grown at home from a seed.

Mandarin propagation by grafting

It is best to take 2-4 year old specimens with stems as thick as a pencil. The selected variety is grafted onto them with an eye or cutting. The operation is carried out during the period of sap flow, when the bark is easily separated from the wood of the seedling, exposing the cambium. Therefore, budding can be done 2 times a year during intensive growth - in spring and at the end of summer. To activate sap flow, the plant is watered abundantly a few days before grafting. Then they check how the bark is separated by slightly cutting it above the place intended for budding.

For beginners, it is better to first practice on the branches of other plants, for example, linden. To prevent water evaporation, all leaf blades are first cut off from the scion, leaving the petioles (they are held by shields with eyes during the operation).

On the stem of the seedling, 5-10 cm from the ground, select a place for grafting with smooth bark, without buds or thorns. Very carefully, with one movement of the knife, first make a transverse incision of the bark (no more than 1 cm), and from its middle, from top to bottom, make a shallow longitudinal one (2-3 cm). Using the bone of a budding knife, lightly pry up the corners of the cut bark and “plow open” it a little. Then immediately return it to its original position, only do not press it tightly at the top (the peephole will be inserted in this place).

After preparing the rootstock, without delay, they begin the most important procedure - cutting off a bud from a scion branch that was previously in a plastic bag. First, the scion is cut into pieces, each of which has a petiole and a bud. The top cut should be 0.5 cm above the bud, and the bottom cut should be 1 cm below. Such a “stump” is placed on the butt and the peephole with the thinnest layer of wood is cut off with a blade.

Having used a knife bone to spread the corners of the bark on the rootstock, quickly insert the eye into the T-shaped cut, like into a pocket, pressing from top to bottom. Then the grafting site is tightly tied with polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride tape, starting from the bottom, to prevent further water from flowing in. You can apply garden varnish over the tape.

If after 2-3 weeks the scion petiole turns yellow and falls off, then everything is in order. And if it dries up and remains, you have to start over.

A month after successful budding, the upper part of the rootstock is cut off. This is done in two steps. At first, 10 cm above the grafting, so as not to cause the eye to dry out, and when it germinates, then directly above it - on a thorn. At the same time, remove the bandage. Old trees are often grafted in this way, but not on the trunk, but on the branches of the crown. The operating technique is the same.

The survival rate of cuttings increases significantly if the stem below the grafting is wrapped in wet cotton wool, and a plastic bag is placed on top of the tree, which creates its own microclimate inside with high humidity air.

In the future, it is necessary to remove shoots coming from the rootstock, otherwise they can drown out the scion. Grafted plants begin to bear fruit in the second or third year.

Green (unripe) tangerines. © Mamoto46

Further care for tangerines

In indoor conditions, tangerines, as a rule, are short-growing and gradually turn into original dwarf trees. When flowering, the fruits set without artificial pollination and ripen after a few months, usually by the end of the year.

Their taste depends on proper care of the plants, which must be replanted annually in containers bigger size with good fertile soil, being careful not to damage the roots. In addition, the trees are regularly fed with fertilizers - mineral and organic. It is best to use an infusion of manure, diluted 10 times before use. Sleeping tea, which is embedded in the top layer of soil, can also serve as a good fertilizer.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the air humidity in the “citrus garden”. You can place a wide bowl of water next to the plants. It is useful to spray the crown of tangerines daily with water at room temperature.

Lighting is of great importance. The trees should stand near the brightest window. In late autumn and winter, it is advisable to install conventional fluorescent lamps above them. They are turned on early in the morning and in the evening, extending daylight hours to 12 hours.

In summer, if possible, it is better to keep tangerines outdoors, but where there is no strong wind and direct sunlight. Plants are accustomed to new conditions gradually - in the first days they are taken out only for a few hours, and if it is cool outside, the earthen ball is moistened with warm (up to 40 ºС) water. When kept at home, water almost daily, making sure that the soil in the pot is always slightly damp. It is advisable to use rain or snow water rather than tap water.

Types and varieties of tangerine

Mandarin is characterized by strong polymorphism, as a result of which groups of its varieties (or even individual varieties) are described by different authors as independent species. The fruits of tropical varieties are particularly diverse.

Typically, tangerine varieties are divided into three groups:

  • in the first group - very thermophilic noble tangerines (Citrus nobilis), having large leaves and relatively large yellowish-orange fruits with coarse lumpy skin;
  • the second group consists of heat-loving and smaller-leaved tangerines, or Italian tangerines ( Citrus reticulata) with rather large orange-red fruits of a slightly elongated shape, covered with a plump peel (its smell in some varieties is sharp and not very pleasant);
  • the third group includes satsumas(or unshiu) ( Citrus unshiu) native to Japan, characterized by cold resistance, large leaves and small thin-skinned yellowish-orange fruits (often with green on the skin). It is satsumas that can withstand short-term light frosts (down to -7 degrees) that are successfully grown on the Black Sea coast.

Unlike noble mandarins and tangerines, satsuma fruits very rarely contain seeds - which is probably why this variety is also called seedless mandarin. Its varieties, when grown in containers, usually grow up to 1-1.5 m. Slender tangerine trees with a beautiful crown of slightly drooping branches, covered with numerous dark green leaves, during abundant flowering and fruiting especially decorates the house and fills it with wonderful smells.

As a result of crossing tangerines with other citrus fruits, various hybrids have been obtained:

  • clementines (Clementina) - (mandarin x orange) - with small or medium-sized, flattened, very fragrant orange-red fruits, covered with a shiny thin peel (multi-seeded clementines are called Montreals);
  • Ellendale (Ellendale) - (tangerine x tangerine x orange) - with orange-red seedless fruits ranging in size from medium to large, with a refined taste and aroma;
  • tangors (Tangors) - (orange x tangerine) - have large (10-15 cm in diameter), flattened, red-orange fruits with a relatively thick, large-porous peel;
  • Minneola (Minneola) - (tangerine x grapefruit) - are distinguished by a variety of sizes of red-orange fruits (from small to very large), elongated-round in shape, with a “tubercle” and a “neck” at the top;
  • tangelo, or tangelo (Tangelo) - (tangerine x pomelo) - have large red-orange fruits the size of an average orange;
  • santina (Suntina, or Sun Tina) - (clementine x orlando) - with fruits that look like noble tangerines and have an exquisite sweet taste and aroma;
  • agli (Ugli, Ugly) - (tangerine x orange x grapefruit) - the largest among the hybrids (fruits with a diameter of 16 -18 cm), flattened, with a rough, large-pore yellow-green, orange or yellow-brown peel.

Tangerine tree in a pot. © Marco
  • "Unshiu"- frost-resistant, early fruiting, very productive variety. The tree is low-growing, with a spreading crown of thin, very flexible branches covered with corrugated leaves. This tangerine branches beautifully, grows quickly, blooms profusely and readily. The fruits are pear-shaped, without seeds. At artificial lighting grows without ceasing.
  • "Kowane-wasse"- a strong tree with thick branches; branches reluctantly. This tangerine variety can grow quite large for the size of an apartment. The leaves are fleshy and tough. Blooms profusely. The fruits are medium in size, orange-yellow.
  • "Shiva-Mikan"- a compact, fast-growing tree with large, fleshy, dark green foliage. Early, blooms well. Productivity is average; fruit weighing up to 30 g.
  • "Murcott"(Honey) - a very rare variety with compact bush. The pulp of this tangerine, which ripens in summer, is as sweet as honey.

Mandarin orange