The indoor tangerine disappears. Other Possible Problems

My son gave me a store-bought tangerine with small fruits. But now the flowers and leaves are falling off and there is no ovary. How to care for a tangerine? Is it possible to eat its fruits?

Galina Kuleshova, Gomel region.

Tangerines, oranges and all indoor citrus fruits are whimsical plants. It is necessary to create appropriate conditions for them. The air temperature in winter should not be higher than +15 degrees, humidity - more than 70%.

In winter, it is difficult to maintain such conditions in apartments. That's why citrus fruits shed flowers, ovaries, and then leaves first. WITH store-bought plants more more problems. They have come a long way from where they were grown to your home. This is a stressful situation for them. In addition, the peat in which purchased plants are usually planted is not intended for long-term cultivation of not only citrus fruits, but also other indoor flowers - quantity and set nutrients it is minimal.

Read also: Lemon in a pot - growing and care

Measures to save tangerine

Urgently replant the tangerine in good nutrient soil. The composition is approximately this: 1-2 parts turf soil, 1 part humus soil, 1 part sand. You can also take special soil for citrus fruits.

The pot for the tree must match the volume of the root system. Citrus fruits do not like overly large dishes. It is advisable to transplant them into a large container, gradually increasing the size of the pot.

During the period of active growth (for tangerine this is March-April) and in the summer (in August), feed with complex mineral and organic fertilizers once every 2 weeks. The rest of the time - less often.

Water moderately, avoiding stagnation of water in the pan, and only after it dries out. upper layer soil. Spray frequently. Avoid drafts and cold air.

Watch for pests (premature leaf fall can also cause severe mite damage).

Is it possible to eat fruits from indoor tangerines?

I wouldn't recommend it. They are unlikely to be useful, since they were grown using large amounts of pesticides during treatments against pests and diseases and have accumulated a lot of harmful substances. Miniature tangerine trees are kept more for beauty.

Champagne, Olivier, tangerines - the invariable trio at the New Year's celebrations in our country. It's funny that all these components came to us from abroad. Champagne was invented in France, and Maitre Olivier, the author of the famous salad, is of French origin, and tangerines, as you know, grow in hot countries.


Nevertheless, foreign dishes have fully adapted to local conditions. Crimean winemakers have mastered the production of champagne. The housewives replaced the quail and capers in the salad with chicken and pickles. And delicate citrus fruits began to be grown in the northernmost subtropics of the world, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the subtropical zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

Attempts to grow citrus fruits in Georgia began in the Middle Ages. By historical information, in the 17th century, lemons and oranges grew in the Batumi region. The first industrial plantations were founded in the middle of the 19th century under the patronage of Prince M. S. Vorontsov, the Tsar’s governor in the Caucasus. During the same period, scientific centers for the acclimatization of subtropical crops were founded: the Sukhumi Botanical Garden, the Kutaisi and Gagra nurseries, and a little later the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea.

Gradually, an assortment of citrus fruits was selected that could grow and produce stable yields in local conditions. By the middle of the 20th century, it was Abkhaz tangerines that decorated New Year’s tables in the USSR. Unfortunately, with the collapse Soviet Union Citrus plantations went into decline. The situation was aggravated by several harsh winters. Therefore, now we mainly eat tangerines from Morocco, Turkey, and Israel.


In fact, the name “mandarin” is more of a trade name than a botanical definition. Any small citrus fruit with orange, yellow or greenish peel is sold in trade under the name tangerines. Their shape can be round, flattened, with an elongated nose. Some varieties have no seeds, others have many seeds.

Strictly speaking, real tangerines grow in India and Indochina; they have small, highly flattened fruits that do not tolerate transportation well. When grown in other countries, tangerines were crossed with local forms of citrus fruits, trying to increase resistance to natural conditions and consumer qualities.

Tangerine, mineola, capamondia, clementine, limandrine, kinnow, rangpur- this is not a complete list Citrus hybrids based on tangerine.

In our country, they grow a frost-resistant form of tangerine - unshiu (or unshu). This plant is characterized by short growth and early ripening. On its basis, varieties zoned for Georgia, Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory were bred: Pioneer 80, Sochinsky 23, Kavano-Vase, Iberia, Michurinets,

Amateur gardeners are trying to grow tangerines even north of the subtropics. With some effort, grow tangerines in open ground it is possible even in the Donetsk, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

Dwarf tangerines of the Unshiu group are chosen for cultivation, and to increase winter hardiness they are grafted onto wild lemon Pontsirus trifoliate. It is a deciduous plant and goes dormant during the winter. At the same time, the evergreen scion also slows down physiological processes and tolerates winter more easily. The main tasks in these places: protection of evergreen plants from winter frosts and providing a long growing season for fruit ripening and wood formation.

Back in the mid-70s, scientists developed many agricultural techniques. For example, a film with a nylon fishing net thrown over top is used as a winter shelter. These materials rub against each other under the influence of the wind, and an electrostatic field arises that retains the heat of the earth. Under such a strange roof in winter the temperature is 5-8″ higher than outside.

Another method that has become more widespread is growing in trenches. For planting, pit-trenches are prepared 1 m wide and about 1.5 m deep. The walls are strengthened against collapse, and supports for shelter are installed on top. It turns out something like a dugout greenhouse. Fertile soil is placed at the bottom and seedlings are planted in such a way that the crowns of adult plants do not rise above ground level. In autumn, as cold weather sets in, a film is first stretched on top, and then the wooden boards with windows. The ends are first left open and then closed. Before complete cover, rotting manure is thrown into the trench and the plantings are watered abundantly. In the spring, as the weather warms, the shelter is gradually removed.

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    Garden and cottage › Questions and answers › If a tangerine's flowers and leaves fall off

    Indoor tangerine leaves are falling: causes and treatment

    During the dormant period, leaves curl and fall.

    It must be said right away that the leaves of indoor tangerines fall off quite often, and this does not always indicate disease. The most common reason for leaf drop is that the plant has gone dormant. What can I do to stop the leaves from falling? You need to move the tree to a room where the temperature is cooler, and also reduce watering and stop applying fertilizers, and if you apply them, then in small quantities. This period usually begins in late autumn and ends in late winter or in early spring. Those people who indoor tangerine it has been in the house for several years, they know its “habits”, and therefore they take the tree to a cool place in advance and avoid the fact that too many leaves fall off.

    Leaves can fall for the most banal reason that every gardener should know about: the plant is simply hot, the air in the room is dry. If it is not possible to move the plant to a colder place, then you need to spray the leaves and crown of the plant from a sprayer daily, or better yet several times a day, in order to create additional air humidification. Next to the pot or tub where the tree sits, you need to place a basin or bottle of water. The water will evaporate, which will create additional humidity in the air. The soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out. Typically, the period when the air is too dry and the plant requires additional care occurs in the summer and heating season in winter.

    Mandarin diseases: why do mandarin leaves turn yellow, dry or fall off?

    Another reason why a tangerine turns yellow may be an invasion spider mite. The pest attacks the leaf blade and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and falling of the leaves. To see spider mites, you should use a magnifying glass. If this pest is present, you need to wipe the plant with a soapy solution.

    To prepare it in warm water add a small amount of laundry soap, make a thick foam, then use a cloth or cotton swab to wipe the leaves and stems of the citrus with foam. This removes the tick and its oviposition.

    Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the wood in the shower. After this procedure, most of the insect will be washed away. The next day after soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. To completely destroy spider mites, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with a soap solution. The place where the affected tangerine stood is thoroughly washed.

    Mandarin leaves are drying up

    Sometimes it happens that tangerine leaves dry out and then fall off. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges of the leaf blade, the reason is excess moisture in the soil. IN in this case The tree should be replanted in fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.

    Often citrus leaves dry out due to lack of moisture. You can revive a sick plant in the following way. Place the pot in a bowl of water room temperature so that the water is flush with the edge of the pot. After this, you need to start watering the soil from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain excess water. Then spray the tree with Epin at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to revive even a very dried out plant.

    Many tangerine diseases develop due to improper care and lack of microelements in the soil. To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to maintain this tropical crop in its usual conditions, to monitor the slightest external changes and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.

    Mandarin leaves and fruit fall off why

    Citrus fruits, when changing conditions, often react to this by dropping leaves and fruits, after adaptation and when proper care it stops. Analyze the conditions in which the tangerine is kept to detect possible errors in care. Mandarin is light-loving, but requires shading from the hot midday sun. Water tangerines throughout the year regularly, but moderately, allowing the top layer of soil to dry slightly before the next watering. Excessive watering leads to acidification of the soil (especially with poor drainage) and death of roots, and lack of moisture leads to curling and falling leaves. Mandarin does not like drafts, so when taken out into the fresh air in the summer, it is placed in a place protected from the wind. If there is no opportunity to give the plant a “vacation in the garden”, then the tangerine standing in the room is provided with a constant influx of fresh air, regularly spray the crown with water at room temperature.
    Do not fertilize the plant until the leaf fall stops. To maintain immunity, carry out a cycle of spraying the tree with bioregulatory growth preparations (Epin, Epin-extra, Zircon).

    Ziborova E. Yu.

    All about citrus fruits on the Gardenia website. ru

    All about exotics on the Gardenia website. ru

    Mandarin care rules, growing problems, pests and measures to combat them, as well as useful healing properties

    Rutaceae family. The most famous is the Unshiu (seedless) mandarin. The plants have corrugated, leathery leaves. Unshiu mandarin does not have a clearly defined dormant period. The leaves that fall off throughout the year are replaced by newly formed leaves. Mandarins are propagated by grafting and air layering, very rarely by seeds, since its fruits have almost none.

    Mandarin is a perennial woody Evergreen , reaching at room conditions height 1 m, with a well-leafed compact crown. The leaves are dark green, leathery, lanceolate. Flowers with a delicate wonderful aroma, white, appear in the spring. Tangerines ripen by autumn and can hang on the plant for several months. One tangerine tree can grow up to 50 - 70 fruits.

    Rules of care behind the plant:

    Temperature: Tangerines are demanding of light and warmth. Budding, flowering and fruit set best occur at average air and soil temperatures of + 15-18°C.

    Lighting: Bright diffused light. It will be good near the east and west windows, as well as on the north window. Shading from direct sun is needed in spring and summer during the hottest hours.

    Watering: In summer and spring, generously 1-2 times a day warm water, in winter, watering is rare and moderate - 1-2 times a week and also with warm water. However, even in winter, the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out, as this leads to curling of the leaves and falling of not only the leaves, but also the fruits. On the other hand, we must not forget that plants die from excess moisture. Starting in October, watering is reduced.

    Air humidity: Tangerines are regularly sprayed summer period, but if they are kept in a room with central heating in winter, then they are sprayed in winter. When kept in a room with dry air, oranges are susceptible to attack by pests (mites and scale insects).

    Transfer: Young trees must be replanted annually. Transplantation should not be carried out if the roots of the plant have not yet entwined the earthen ball. In this case, it is enough to change the drainage and top layers of soil in the pot. Fruit-bearing trees are replanted no more than once every 2-3 years. Replant before growth begins. It is not recommended to replant the plants after growth has finished. When transplanting, do not greatly destroy the earthen ball. It is necessary to ensure good drainage. Root collar in the new dish should be at the same level as it was in old dishes. It is not recommended to replant tangerine trees with flowers or fruits, as this leads to the fall of both. Young plants need light soil, and larger ones need heavier soil. The acidity of the soil for citrus fruits should be pH = 6.5-7.

    The soil for young tangerines: 2 parts turf, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus cow dung and 1 part sand.

    Soil for adult tangerines: 3 parts turf, 1 part leaf, 1 part cow manure humus, 1 part sand and a small amount of fatty clay.

    Fertilizer tangerines: In the first half of summer, fertilizing watering is used. It increases the sugar content of fruits and reduces the bitter taste that is characteristic of citrus fruits when indoor culture. The plant needs more fertilizer the older it is and the longer it stays in one container. Fertilizers are applied after watering. With additional artificial lighting of tangerines in winter, they also need to be fertilized. Recommended for tangerines organic fertilizers(cow dung slurry) and combined mineral fertilizers, you can also buy special fertilizers for citrus fruits in flower shops.

    Reproduction: Reproduction of tangerines, as well as lemons, is usually carried out by grafting, cuttings, layering and seeds. In indoor conditions, the most common method of propagating citrus fruits is cuttings, but in order to obtain varieties of oranges fully adapted to indoor cultivation, you need to breed them from seeds sown indoors and grow them indoors.

    Growing problems:

    • New the leaves are getting smaller, Old turn yellow and fall off, there is no flowering, fruits are not set- the plant does not have enough nutrients, it needs to be replanted in nutritious soil.
    • appear on the leaves Yellow spots Or the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall off prematurely- in case of excessive watering, watering should be moderate, i.e. the soil should have time to dry out. Also with irregular watering, when you water either more or very little.
    • Dry wrinkled leavessunburn, pest damage.
    • Sudden Leaf fall- waterlogging of the soil, lack of light in winter, watering cold water, low temperature indoors in winter, excess nutrients in the soil or cold drafts.

    Good results in such cases are obtained by spraying with a solution of Epin, Narcissus, Immunocytophyte


    Shchitovka: brown plaques on the surface of leaves and stems, suck out cell sap. The leaves lose color, dry out and fall off. The buds and flowers dry out, the fruits fall off.

    Control measures. It is difficult to mechanically remove scale insects from a large tree, so you need to spray it with an insecticide as thoroughly as possible. A 0.15% Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water) gives good results; you can use karbofos or deciss.

    Spider mite: appears when the air is too dry - cobwebs appear in the internodes on the stems, leaves and buds become sluggish and fall off. The fruits fall off.

    Control measures. The plant is washed with soapy water, and after it has dried, washed under a warm shower. If the defeat is not severe, then this is enough. In case of very severe damage, the tangerine can be sprayed with a 0.15% Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

    Healthy, healing and tasty: The peel of the fruit has essential oil, flavonoid hesperidin. Tangerine fruits are an excellent dietary product. They contain sugar, organic acids, proteins, fats, fiber, carotene, mineral salts, and especially a lot of potassium, which is beneficial for cardiac patients. WITH therapeutic purpose They will use fresh pulp and freshly prepared juice. Infusions and decoctions of tangerine peels can be used for coughs, as an expectorant. Tangerines can also be very useful for gastrointestinal diseases, especially if you are predisposed to intestinal disorders. They can be used for nausea and to improve digestion. External use of the juice can help fight fungal skin diseases.

    Mandarin is also used in cooking as a fruit that is wonderful in its taste and healthy qualities, which is pleasant to eat in fresh and in the form of jam, jam, drink in the form of tincture, liqueur, etc.

    A decoction of tangerine peel will soften cough, 1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over crushed dry peel, leave covered in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Take no l/4 - 1/3 glass three times a day before meals.

    Tangerine jam

    Blanch whole tangerine fruits (with peel) in water for 15 minutes at a temperature of 90°C. Next, the fruits are cooled and kept in cold water within 10 - 12 hours. After cooling, cut into halves and pour hot syrup. Keep in it for 6-8 hours. Cook the jam in 4 steps. Sugar consumption for 1 kg of tangerines is 1.2 kg.

    Materials used in this article: iplants. ru, www. domflowers. ru

  • There are many resources on the Internet dedicated to citrus fruits. Studying the most popular of them, I constantly come across newbies who are trying to find the answer to the same question: " Why are my lemon leaves turning yellow and falling off?". To each such question, I answer that most of the problems of citrus fruits are associated with the root system. If the loss of foliage becomes widespread, it is necessary to check the root system. I have already described all this in the topic "", but today I want to touch on this topic again and describe everything in more detail, especially since we had to save a seemingly healthy plant again.

    Background of leaf fall

    A few months ago I was delighted with the acquisition of an adult and very beautiful citrus- . It came with ripe fruit, which I picked for tasting. At that moment I was very alarmed by the wet “heavy” soil, which seemed to have been taken right next to the store. However, after several days of acclimatization, he not only did not show any discomfort, but also gave a good increase in . The flowers successfully set fruit and the plant as a whole made me very happy.

    The only sad thing was that along with the plant in this store I also acquired a formidable pest -. After discovery, the tree was immediately moved to a new location so as not to endanger the entire collection. And then the problems began: 1-2 leaves flew around per day, which looked healthy, and only upon careful examination was a slightly yellowed vein visible. There was no massive leaf fall, but the leaves gradually fell over the course of several weeks. I associated all this with a change in living conditions and a pest. But when I stopped noticing the scale insect for a long time and acclimatization was about to be completed, I began to worry, but could not guess what was the reason for the falling leaves on the citrus tree.

    Detecting the problem

    At the store, Chinotto was placed in an ugly black bucket. Today I decided to buy a normal white pot and replant it, replacing part of the soil if necessary and at the same time inspecting the roots. What could be assumed by looking at the plant, which has sprouted young shoots and set fruit:

    But, having taken the tree out of the pot, I began to be horrified: the earthen ball was not braided, and the roots that were adjacent to the walls were rotten:

    Taken measures

    I realized that the matter would definitely not end with a simple transshipment. I had to free the roots from bad soil, but in the center there was an incomprehensible mixture, similar to fossilized clay with sand, which could not be gotten rid of so easily:

    The picture is scary, isn't it? I still don’t understand how, with such a state of the root system, the tree not only did not die, but also tried to produce growth, as well as bear fruit.

    To remove the fossilized clay, I had to soak the roots in water for half an hour, adding four caps of the Rooter preparation (manufactured by Gileya). I don’t have anything else, but at least it didn’t interfere with such a kumquat resuscitation.

    While the soil was soaking, I prepared a light soil mixture consisting of leaf humus and chernozem in a ratio of approximately 4:1:

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    Why do indoor tangerine leaves fall?

    All those who grow tangerines at home have probably at least once in their lives encountered the problem that the leaves of indoor tangerines are falling off. Unfortunately, this is not the only disease that can overtake this beautiful tree.

    Growing a tangerine tree is possible at home if you take the necessary care.

    Indoor tangerine is valued by gardeners not only as a fruit-bearing tree, but also as a plant that has an incredible aesthetic effect. It looks very beautiful during the flowering period, its flowers smell very delicate and attractive, and when it is covered with fragrant orange fruits, then all eyes are focused only on it.

    Modern breeding scientists also bred the dwarf tangerine, especially so that it could be kept not only on the street, but also in a city apartment. Its leaves can various reasons dry out, curl, turn yellow, fall off in very large quantities. The ovary, which was formed for the further appearance of the fruit, may fall off even before the fruit has time to ripen, and if the fruits appear, then their color, shape, size, and taste change significantly for the worse. In order to prevent this from happening, the owner of the plant, when buying an indoor tangerine, needs to be prepared for the fact that the tree will require careful daily care. If a person, due to life circumstances, forgetfulness, laziness or something else, cannot carry out this care, then it is better to leave such a plant in the store.

    Since tangerines require long daylight hours, it is better to use a phytolamp.

    As soon as an indoor mandarin is purchased, caring for it will have to begin from the very first day it appears in an apartment or house.

    First, you will have to choose the right place where the tangerine will stand. This is very difficult to do. This raises another problem. The indoor mandarin loves it very much sunlight, And daylight hours which happens in middle lane Russia, it is clearly not enough for normal growth, development and fruiting, so the mandarin will have to provide additional lighting and extend daylight hours so that he feels good and does not get sick. Also, caring for a tangerine requires proper watering, which will have to be done only in time for the health of the tree. In addition, such a plant, like many others, will have to be fertilized, otherwise it may lead to various diseases.

    Causes of the disease

    During the dormant period, leaves curl and fall.

    It must be said right away that the leaves of indoor tangerines fall off quite often, and this does not always indicate disease. The most common reason for leaf drop is that the plant has gone dormant. What can I do to stop the leaves from falling? You need to move the tree to a room where the temperature is cooler, and also reduce watering and stop applying fertilizers, and if you apply them, then in small quantities. This period usually begins in late autumn and ends in late winter or early spring. Those people who have had an indoor tangerine in their house for many years already know its “habits”, and therefore take the tree to a cool place in advance and avoid the fact that too many leaves fall off.

    Leaves can fall for the most banal reason that every gardener should know about: the plant is simply hot, the air in the room is dry. If it is not possible to move the plant to a colder place, then you need to spray the leaves and crown of the plant from a sprayer daily, or better yet several times a day, in order to create additional air humidification. Next to the pot or tub where the tree sits, you need to place a basin or bottle of water. The water will evaporate, which will create additional humidity in the air. The soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out. Typically, the period when the air is too dry and the plant requires additional care occurs in the summer and during the heating season in winter.

    The reason that the leaves of an indoor tangerine fall off may also be that the plant was replanted incorrectly. Therefore, it is worth remembering whether the transplant was carried out in Lately? What mistakes can be made when transplanting indoor tangerines? First of all, an inexperienced gardener may plant a tree too deep in the soil, but this should not be done. Or perhaps small plant was placed in a pot too large for him. If the plant has indeed recently been replanted and there is a risk that it was done incorrectly, then it must be replanted again, observing these requirements. And if everything is done correctly, the leaves should stop falling.

    Very often, “leaf fall” is caused by the fact that the plant lacks potassium in the soil. In order to replenish it, you need to buy a special fertilizer called potassium nitrate. You need to ask him flower shop, carefully study the instructions and apply in a timely manner.

    The leaves of an indoor tangerine may turn yellow and fall off because there are often cold drafts in the room where it stands, or because the plant is flooded and does not need as much moisture. In addition, this can happen because the plant is not provided with the additional lighting it needs.

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    Leaves turn yellow

    If the leaves of a tangerine turn yellow and fall off in large quantities, then you need to think about the fact that the plant could be attacked by a spider mite. In order to verify this, you need to take a magnifying glass and look at the leaves of the plant. Most likely, you will be able to see the pests with your own eyes. How to deal with them and how to help the plant?

    To do this, you do not need to poison the tick with special solutions; you just need a large piece of laundry soap. Before destroying spider mites, the tangerine should be taken to the bathroom and its crown and leaves should be washed thoroughly in the shower - this procedure alone will wash away the bulk of the pests from the plant. But that is not all.

    Next, you need to take a bucket or basin and dilute laundry soap in it so that you get a saturated solution and a lot of foam. You need to take a cloth or cotton pad and wipe each leaf of the plant, trying not to miss a single one, with a soapy solution and foam. This will destroy the spider mite and its egg laying. The next day, the plant should be washed again in the shower and the remaining soap should be washed off. After a few days, the procedure will have to be repeated. In order to completely destroy spider mites from your indoor tangerine, three procedures will be enough, and the place where the tangerine stood must be thoroughly washed using the same laundry soap, and the plant should recover.

    Even if you planted it correctly tangerine tree, there is no guarantee that it will not hurt. This is confirmed by the fact that the tangerine leaves are falling. Read why this happens and how to treat it?

    The tangerine tree sheds its leaves when stressed. Why? Most likely, the leaves fall during the transition period - winter-spring or summer-autumn, - or if other care has been introduced. There are growing basics that keep the tangerine alive and must be followed without deviation.

    Why do tangerine leaves fall?

    • shaded;
    • drafts;
    • poured;
    • overdried (+dry air);

    In the note, we looked at the basic preparation of the plant and the necessary procedures to ensure that development does not stop. It is worth noting that plants are often placed on window sills, where they seem to be most comfortable. You need to be careful in winter periodwindow open for ventilation or an uninsulated location for the tangerine will lead to the plant catching a cold from drafts. In addition, if the tree was watered and the water was left in the tray, root system is rotting.

    The problem with the roots manifests itself and when drying out, both soil and air. It is possible that the heat from the battery makes normal development conditions impossible. Also, do not flood the soil, shade the tangerine and overdry the leaves in the summer.

    How to help a tangerine if its leaves fall?

    If the plant is compact, you can replant it renew the soil in the pot. During the replanting process, you can clearly see what happened to the roots and, if necessary, trim them or treat them with a fungicide if there are problems.

    New land for the mandarin:

    • 1 part turf;
    • 1 part humus;
    • 1 part sand;

    You don’t need to steam store-bought sand, but river sand is a must. Mix turf and humus in equal quantities, then add sand, then mix the ingredients, make a hole for the roots, transfer the tangerine to the pot after processing.

    Reanimation of the Mandarin: starting in April, start feeding with a mineral complex. To prevent leaves from falling, there must be a balanced amount of nitrogen, but not without potassium and phosphorus, which strengthen both the surface and root systems. Organic matter is added until August. If the tangerine bears fruit, then exclude it.

    How to care in summer: after transplantation and restoration, the tangerine needs supporting procedures, one of which will be spraying. To begin with, they humidify the air around the plant, slightly touching the leaves, then begin to direct a stream of water to the leaves, lightly moistening the tips. Spraying tangerines is carried out in the summer to reduce stress from rising temperatures and active sun.

    ↓ Have you identified the problem with tangerine? Write in the comments why your citrus tree's leaves were falling off?

    Indoor citrus plants require maintaining a microclimate similar to the natural one. If the rules of care are not followed, the trees begin to hurt. It is important to figure out why the tangerine leaves are falling off and take action, otherwise the plant may die.

    Physiological features

    In late autumn, the tangerine enters the dormant stage. This period lasts until the end of winter or the beginning of spring. If at this time you do not provide optimal temperature and the correct watering regime, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.

    To prevent this problem, the pot with the tree is moved to a cooler place (temperature +14-17 °C). Watering is reduced, because citrus without leaves does not need large quantities water. Stop feeding completely.

    Incorrect conditions of detention

    If it’s summer outside and the tangerine is dropping its leaves, the reason may be that the habitat is not suitable for the crop.


    Under natural conditions, tangerine grows in warm countries, so it’s worth making sure he’s comfortable at home temperature regime. Indicators should be at +20-25 °C. When the crop begins to form buds, the temperature is maintained at about +20 °C.


    Tangerines can shed leaves if the air is too dry. This situation is often observed in summer during the heat or in winter during the heating season. For supporting optimal humidity Place a container of water near the plant and spray it regularly (morning or evening). You can also increase humidity by using indoor fountain, aquarium or humidifier.

    A humidifier installed in the room has a beneficial effect on tangerine


    Lack of light is one of the most common factors in leaf fall. Sometimes the plant does not have enough light after rearranging furniture or during the cold season.

    Actions in this case:

    • install the tangerine tree in a place with high level natural lighting: balcony, loggia, window sill of a south or south-east window;
    • add light using phytolamps or daylight lamps with short daylight hours.

    The plant is protected from direct sunlight by shading it. Otherwise, the leaves will get burned, become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system overheats and does not consume moisture well, which also affects the condition of the tree.

    Improper care

    The tangerine leaves turn yellow and then wither, including due to improper care of the plant.


    Excess moisture is indicated by dry leaves along the edges with a brown crust. An abundance of moisture often provokes rotting of the roots. To check, the plant is carefully removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. If the root system is sick, the citrus should be replanted and the rotten parts removed. The soil is changed and drainage is provided.

    If the tangerine has dried up from lack of water, you can try to revive it:

    • water at room temperature is taken into the basin;
    • place the plant in it so that the liquid is at the level of the edge of the pot;
    • watering is carried out from above until bubbles stop forming in the soil;
    • remove, allow excess liquid to drain;
    • The tangerine tree is treated with the stimulating agent “Epin” (1 ml per 2 liters of water) 2 times a week.

    If the tangerine has dried out from lack of water, the drug "Epin" will help.

    At home, citrus is watered 1-2 times a day in the warm season. Deviations in one direction or another lead to bad consequences. The top layer of soil should dry out between waterings.

    Top dressing

    Yellowing and falling leaves are often associated with a lack of nutrients in the soil:

    1. Nitrogen – first change color lower leaves, then the top ones. To eliminate the problem, nitrogen-containing substances are added: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.
    2. Gland - a disease called chlorosis develops. Young leaves become light yellow, after a while the old ones are also affected. To prevent the problem, the crop is treated with iron chelate once a month.
    3. Potassium - leaves begin to fall. In this case, potassium nitrate must be added according to the attached instructions.
    4. Phosphorus - leaf blades become small and narrow, lose their gloss, tangerine does not bloom. It is good to fertilize with complex mineral products.

    Excess fertilizer is also harmful to tangerines. Store-bought preparations for citrus must be used strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the phases of plant development. It is important to use boiled and settled water for irrigation, otherwise calcium accumulates in the soil (this is evidenced by white coating on its surface), which prevents the tree from absorbing nutrients.

    Mandarin oranges should only be watered with settled water.


    If after transplantation the plant begins to lose leaves, the process was performed incorrectly. You need to repeat the procedure, taking into account the recommendations:

    1. The soil must have certain composition: turf soil (50%), equal parts leaf soil, humus, sand.
    2. Drainage should be laid at the bottom.
    3. The pot must match the size of the root system. Growing citrus in too cramped or large capacity causes leaves to fall. The container size is increased gradually.

    If the root system is damaged, it is washed and treated with heteroauxin or another antiseptic. The plant is placed in a smaller pot with improved drainage.

    A young, healthy tree should be replanted every year. Starting from 7 years of age - 2 times a year. Be sure to replant after purchase, because store-bought tangerines are planted in peat, in which the supply of nutrients is minimal.

    Incorrect reproduction

    Inexperienced gardeners can graft healthy citrus onto trifoliate. Then the plant will definitely shed its leaves, since a deciduous tree was chosen as a rootstock. The tangerine may even die.

    Trifoliata with scion has different biorhythms. In winter, it requires complete rest, while cultivated citrus carries out vital processes in indoor conditions, although at a slower rate. Trifoliate is suitable for vaccination at home only when the temperature environment lower to +5-10 °C.


    To find out the reason why tangerine leaves turn yellow, you should carefully examine the plant for the presence of pests:

    1. Spider mite. You can only see it under a magnifying glass. The insect is recognized by the web that forms on the leaves. The mite sucks the juices from the plant.
    2. Shield. Resembles aphids, but poses a great danger to the plant. As a result of the lesions, leaves appear dark spots, and over time, sticky discharge.

    To combat mites, the plant is placed under warm shower. The remaining pests are neutralized with a soap solution using a sponge, wiping the stems and leaf blades with it. The next day, the culture is again placed under the shower - this way the remaining soap is removed.

    To completely destroy insects, about 3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 2-3 days. You also need to thoroughly wash the place where the flowerpot stands. Insecticides that are bought in flower shops are used against pests.


    Often tangerine leaves fall under the influence of several factors at once. This fact should be taken into account when diagnosing the disease and choosing a method to combat it.

    Measures must be taken immediately, because the plant feeds and breathes with the help of leaves. It is worth ensuring that the crop is not exposed to drafts, which adversely affect the health of the tree.