How to care for a tangerine tree in a pot at home. Tangerine tree - how to properly care for it at home, soil and fertilizers

Exotic plants can become a real decoration for your home. Of course, growing them on your own from seeds is not at all easy, but you can purchase an already grown seedling of such a tree or flower and simply organize proper balanced care for it. Thus, home-grown citrus fruits are extremely popular among lovers: tangerines and oranges, as well as laurels, etc. And growing them in an ordinary apartment is not so difficult. Today we will talk about how to care for a homemade tangerine in a pot.

So, indoor tangerine is a representative of the Rutaceae family, evergreen, which grows successfully in greenhouses and various winter gardens. Although this tree can reach quite large sizes, it can be grown on a windowsill. In addition, you can now find dwarf and low-growing tangerines on sale, the height of which does not exceed sixty centimeters - one meter.

How to care for tangerine at home?

Optimal lighting

In order for this exotic tree to feel good, readers of Popular About Health need to organize it correct lighting– quite good, but with a minimum amount of direct sunlight. If the plant feels a lack of light, it may practically not bloom, and if there is a strong lack of lighting, its leaves will become pale, the shoots will begin to stretch and weaken. So it is best to place a pot with a plant on the windowsill of an eastern or south-eastern window; when growing on the south side, it is advisable to provide shading for the indoor pet from direct rays of the sun. In the hot season, it is quite possible to take the tree outside, but you should gradually accustom it to open space.

In cold weather, it is extremely important to place the pot of tangerine in the most illuminated place, and it is better to even provide it with additional lighting.

Optimal temperature indicators

It is best to grow indoor tangerine in the summer at temperatures from twenty to twenty-five degrees. At the budding stage, as well as during the flowering period, it is advisable to slightly reduce the temperature - to twenty degrees or even slightly lower. With more high temperature the tree may shed flowers or buds. In cold weather, in order to organize a period of short rest for your pet, it is worth lowering the temperature to five to ten degrees. If the tree has the opportunity to rest during the winter, it will bloom and bear fruit much better.

How to properly water a homemade tangerine?

Indoor tangerines at home are quite resistant to a lack of life-giving moisture. They successfully tolerate a lack of watering, and in severe drought they can only shed their leaves. Quite often, such plants suffer from excess moisture, which can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

So you should water the tree only after the soil in the pot has dried out somewhat. It is advisable to carry out this manipulation in the first half of the day. When temperatures drop (in winter), watering is reduced, performing it only to maintain life.


Despite their drought resistance, indoor tangerines really do not like dry air. Therefore, they should be sprayed systematically. In case of lack of humidity environment plants may suffer from spider mites. But during the flowering period, it is extremely important to ensure that droplets of water do not fall on the tangerine flowers.

Top dressing

In order to exotic trees looked attractive and remained healthy, it is necessary to feed them. After all, the soil in the pot is depleted quite quickly. For fertilizing it is worth using soluble fertilizers; they can be used for both watering and spraying, but in the second case the concentration should be very weak. As fertilizers, you can use any complex mixtures that contain basic particles, needed by plants, they are represented by phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

Tangerines are fed starting from March and ending in September, once every two weeks. In autumn, it is worth carrying out such manipulations less often - once a month.
Experienced flower growers also recommend feeding indoor tangerines organic fertilizers. In this case, it is necessary to dilute well-infused cow manure, maintaining a ratio of 1:10.


Young trees need to be replanted annually, and adults - at intervals of two years. For replanting, it is best to purchase special soil intended for citrus fruits. It is advisable to move the plant into a pot whose diameter is no more than five centimeters larger than before. The organization of a sufficiently good drainage layer in the new container also plays an extremely important role.

Best time for replanting tangerines - early spring, when the active growing season is just beginning. A couple of days before this procedure, you should stop using fertilizers. Fertilizing is not carried out within two weeks after transplantation. At the end of this procedure, you need to water the tree, and after half an hour, add soil (if necessary) and water again.

Additional Information

In order to get a lush tree in a pot in a home flower garden, the indoor mandarin needs to pinch out the branches. It is also worth periodically removing dried leaves, elongated branches and excess flowers. For every fifteen leaves you should leave no more than one ovary. And when bearing fruit, the branches must be tied to a support so that they do not break.

Tangerine trees take root in city apartments more easily than lemon or orange trees. They do not wither when the room temperature drops to +14, and can produce up to 70 juicy and sweet fruits per year. Citruses clean and disinfect the air, protecting apartment residents from colds and viral diseases, delight the eye with a thick dark green crown and soft white flowers that smell much better than any freshener.

Rules for buying tangerine

On the Internet or specialized nurseries they sell already mature fruit-bearing trees, which you just need to bring home, water and feed. Formed citrus fruits will cost a hefty sum, so it’s easier to grow your own tangerine from a sprout or seed.

The first option is less troublesome, but when buying a young tree you should ask the seller for a certificate. Some traders pass off calamondins as tangerines, which smell like citrus and bear fruit, but the orange fruit is completely tasteless. They cheat mainly in markets or supermarkets, because nurseries value their reputation, but even when visiting a specialized center, you should ask the employees for documents.

Land preparation

Citrus fruits do not tolerate acidic soils that contain peat. The soil for growing tangerines should be light and nutritious, allow air to pass through and retain moisture. To prepare the right soil for young trees, you need to mix 4 components:

  • leaf and turf soil in equal proportions;
  • coarse-grained river sand, which must be disinfected;
  • humus obtained from cow dung.

The last ingredient can be replaced with compost, which has no less nutrients. When the tangerine is 3–4 years old, rich clay is added to the soil, which will retain moisture and protect the root system from drying out.

Pour a drainage layer 3–5 cm thick into a pot or tub intended for citrus. Expanded clay, small pebbles or clay shards are suitable. Use large pebbles that allow air to pass through better and prevent water from stagnating at the bottom.

Do I need to replant the tangerine?

Every year the citrus tree is moved from a smaller pot to a larger one, because the growing tree needs more space. It is recommended to transplant a four-year-old tangerine immediately into a wooden tub, where it will live and bear fruit over the next 2-3 years.

Relocate a plant better in spring when citrus wakes up and actively develops. First, they make a small dig to check the condition of the root system. If the tangerine tightly entwines the earthen ball, it is replanted. If not, change it upper layer soil and leave in the old pot until next year.

How to relocate citrus without injuring it?

  1. Moisten the soil around the edges so that it better comes away from the walls of the pot.
  2. Lightly tap the container with a spatula or hand. This makes it easier to separate the roots and soil from the clay or wooden walls.
  3. Take the tangerine by the trunk and remove it along with the soil. There is no need to remove old soil from the plant so as not to damage it.
  4. Prepare in advance new pot with drainage and a layer of soil. Place a tangerine in it and cover it with soil on top.
  5. Compact the soil, but not too much. Water the citrus and place in the sun.

When replanting a tree, you cannot completely cover the root collar with soil. Her top part should remain on the surface so that the citrus takes root faster.

Reference: Root collar in mandarin, this is the line separating the trunk and skeletal roots. In this place the tree has a small compaction, which is half covered with earth.


Tangerines need sunlight. The more, the healthier the tree and the juicier the fruit. Mature citrus trees are placed next to western or eastern windows. Pots with young trees are placed on the northern windowsill.

Plants also do well next to south-facing windows if they have blinds or translucent curtains installed to diffuse the light. It is undesirable for citrus leaves to be exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light burns the crown of tangerines and dries out the soil.

In summer, it is useful to take citrus fruits out onto the balcony or leave them in the garden. The tub is placed under tall, spreading trees, which will diffuse and soften the light. Plants located in an apartment near a window should be protected from the sun at noon, and opened in the evening, closer to 4–5 o’clock.

In winter, tangerines must be illuminated with phytolamps. The duration of daylight hours is 8–12 hours, no less, otherwise the citrus weakens, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The tree's recovery is long and difficult, spending a lot of energy and nutrients, and some specimens cannot cope with the shock and die.

Tip: When using special lamps, the citrus tub needs to be rotated around its own axis from time to time so that all sides of the plant receive approximately the same amount of light.

Temperature and humidity

In spring, the first buds appear on the tangerine tree, and it is important that the temperature in the room does not fall below +20–25 degrees. When the thermometer drops to +17–15, the citrus is covered with barren flowers, which smell pleasant, but do not produce a harvest.

In winter, the plant is moved to a cool room. The temperature in the room is reduced gradually; due to the sudden cold snap, the tree may shed its leaves. The room should first be +18, then +16–14, and some gardeners drop it to +10. Why keep citrus in a cool room? So that the mandarin has time to rest a little and gain strength. After a short winter holiday, more buds bloom on the tree, and the fruits become juicier and sweeter.

Mandarins need to be prepared for hibernation after harvesting. In mid-January, the temperature in the room begins to gradually increase so that the citrus “wake up” and have time to prepare for spring flowering.

tangerine tree loves warmth and moisture, so in hot weather it needs to be sprayed twice or thrice a day with a spray bottle. In summer, a bucket or bowl of water is left next to the plant to prevent the air from drying out. In winter, it is recommended to install special humidifiers or ionizers. If the tub of tangerine is located close to the radiator or radiator, cover the heater with a damp towel.

The room in which the citrus tree is located is regularly ventilated. But the tree is moved away from the window, because the tangerine does not tolerate drafts.

Watering citrus

When the soil in a tub of tangerine dries out, spider mites may appear on the plant. The soil should always be slightly moist, but not wet, so in summer the tree is watered daily, and in winter it is reduced to 2-3 times a week.

You need to test the soil with your finger, and if it seems crumbly and too dry, add a little water. Before watering, look into the pan. Accumulated liquid indicates that there is too much water and the tree does not have time to absorb it. Watering must be stopped before the tray dries, otherwise root system will begin to rot or fungus will appear.

Use only purified melt or rain water. The liquid is allowed to sit for 3-4 days in a large saucepan or plastic bucket and then passed through a kitchen filter. You can’t just water the tangerine with tap water, because heavy impurities and salts settle in the soil, inhibiting the plant.

Liquid volumes depend on the size of the tree and air temperature. The hotter the room, the more moisture evaporates. If 0.5–1 liter is enough for a small tangerine, then an adult tree will need three or four.

The water must be heated to +35–40 degrees. How to check the temperature of a liquid without a thermometer? Dip your finger into it. It should be pleasant, but not hot.

Pour water onto the root, being careful not to let droplets fall on the leaves and trunk. Moisten the crown separately from a spray bottle so that the liquid is distributed evenly. During the flowering period, make sure that water does not get on the buds. If a few drops fall on green or ripe fruit, it's okay.

It is better to water the tree in the morning. Water helps the plant wake up and starts metabolic processes.


In winter, tangerine does not need feeding, but from April to September-October, when the buds bloom and the fruits ripen, the tree needs to be fertilized. Nutrients deposit twice a month. Buy complex fertilizers containing:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

Find suitable fertilizers possible in flower shops. We recommend stopping at:

  • Uniflor bud during flowering;
  • Kemira Suite;
  • Uniflor growth during fruit ripening.

Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones. Natural nutrient solutions are prepared from cow manure or poultry droppings. Part of the dry matter is diluted in 10–12 parts of water, left for 2–4 days, and then added in small portions.

The soil is moistened before fertilizing. Using chemicals It is important to follow the instructions. If you increase the dosage, you can burn the tangerine roots or poison the tree. Citrus leaves are also treated with a weak solution. Mineral fertilizers should not get on the fruits.

In the spring, before flowering begins, the tree is pruned. Remove dry and thin branches, pick off yellowed leaves. Garden shears must be sharpened and disinfected before pruning. Treat the cuts with tree resin to help them heal faster.

It’s easy to form an oval crown on a tangerine. It is enough to pinch the tops of the branches and trim off excess shoots that are not capable of bearing fruit and only draw nutrients from the tree.

When the plant first blooms, you need to leave only 10-15 buds. The rest are carefully cut off so that they do not deplete the young tree. The older the tangerine becomes, the more ovaries can be left.

Install one or more in a tub wooden supports, to which branches with fruits are tied. Large fruits are attracted to the ground, and the tangerine may break or split into several pieces.

Citrus needs to be bathed monthly. Cover the pot and soil plastic film and take the plant to the bath. The leaves are first moistened and then soaped. You can gently rub them with a soft cloth to remove dust and cobwebs. Turn on low pressure and rinse off the soap suds. The water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer.

All that remains is to blot the leaves and branches with a dry towel. Let the tangerine sit in the bathroom until it dries completely, and then you can return it to its old place and remove the film.

Caring for a citrus tree is no more difficult than caring for an apple tree in the garden or an orchid growing on the windowsill. Lots of light, a little water and fertilizer - and the tangerine will stretch out, covered with dark green leaves and delicate buds. In summer, citrus will delight you with its rich aroma, and in winter it will reward you with sweet and healthy fruits that are associated with the New Year and magic.

Video: how to grow a tangerine from a seed

Breeding indoor citrus at home - although a troublesome, but worthwhile task. By growing a tangerine tree on a windowsill, you get not only a fragrant and colorful plant, but also delicious, useful fruits. You are required to plant correctly and provide the plant with competent and timely care.

Mandarin looks great as an ornamental plant

Features of citrus

Mandarin belongs to plants of the Rutaceae family. Homeland of growth - China. Today, citrus is grown in many tropical countries- Israel, Turkey, Africa, Thailand, Spain.

The evergreen tree reaches 2-4 m in height. The leaves are dense, leathery, with a glossy surface, dark green in color. The leaf blade is lanceolate in shape with a pointed end.

Citrus flowers bloom during early spring and lasts throughout the entire growing season. Mandarin flowers are snow-white, small, formed singly or in groups of several pieces.

The shoots are smooth, erect, dark green. The crown is medium dense, oval or spherical in shape.

The fruits, with thick orange skin, are in no way inferior in taste to industrially grown citrus fruits.

A dwarf species is grown at home, maximum height which is 1-1.3 m.

Indoor varieties

There are several varieties of tangerine tree for home cultivation.

  1. Winshiu. Seedless hybrid form, in wildlife reaches 2-3 m in height, in apartment conditions - from 0.8 to 1.3 m. It is a frost-resistant crop, characterized by early ripening and productivity. At home, tangerine blooms profusely with small white flowers. The first fruits are born at the age of 3-4 years.
  2. Kovano-Vase. This dwarf mandarin begins to bear fruit in its second year. low growing plant with a compact crown at home it reaches 40-70 cm in height, so it is grown in a pot on the windowsill. Blooms profusely with snow-white flowers. Citrus variety Kovano-Vase is valued for its long flowering, which lasts throughout the year. Indoor tangerine produces juicy, orange fruits that are well preserved on the tree and may not fall off for several months.

Secrets of growing

To achieve high decorativeness and high-quality fruiting, the plant should be provided with growth conditions that are as close as possible to natural growing conditions.

Selection of soil mixture

For the tangerine tree, which is grown mainly in tropical climates, it is necessary to choose a balanced soil composition. In a specialized store you can purchase ready-made soil mixture for indoor tangerines. You can also prepare it yourself by mixing several ingredients:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • rotted manure - 1 part;
  • river sand - 1 part.

In such nutritious and loose soil, the plant takes root well and grows intensively.

Preparation of material

To grow a full-fledged tangerine tree at home, you will need a ripe fruit seed. The seed is removed from the pulp, washed and wrapped in damp gauze. The fabric is irrigated daily warm water to prevent the seed from drying out.

First, the seed should swell, then hatch and produce a small sprout. This is a sign that it is time to plant it in the ground.

The best option for planting tangerines is clay pot for 3 liters

Landing Features

It is better to plant an ornamental plant in a pot made of natural material- ceramics or clay. The container is filled with a nutrient mixture, the recipe for which is described above. Then they make a small depression - 2-3 cm and lower the bone into the hole with the sprout facing up. Afterwards, the seed is buried and generously sprayed with a spray bottle.

Rules of care

After planting, tangerines at home require careful care, especially in the first years of life. Indoor citrus does not require much cost or effort, so even a novice gardener can grow it.


This is one of the main conditions for caring for tangerines at home. Tropical crops require good and continuous daylight throughout the year. Therefore, a tub or flowerpot with a tree is placed on a south, southwest or southeast window sill.

Homemade tangerine reacts poorly to sharp changes temperatures and does not tolerate drafts. Under such conditions, the plant sheds its leaves en masse and may die.

With the onset of warm spring days, the plant can be placed on a balcony or loggia; in the summer, it can be placed outside, where there is protection from the scorching sun.


For tangerine at home, a certain amount of temperature regime- from +16 to +18 °C. Then the plant begins to bloom and bear fruit successfully.

IN summer period indoor tangerines easily tolerate heat and temperature increases up to +40 °C.

IN winter time years, the plant is given the opportunity to rest - it is moved to a room with a temperature no higher than 14 °C. In such conditions, the growth and flowering of citrus is suspended until spring.


The basis for caring for tangerines at home is optimizing the humidity level - at the level of 65-70%. To provide high humidity, you should regularly irrigate the tree, place trays with water or containers with moistened expanded clay next to the pot.


IN winter period For indoor tangerine plants, you should use settled water at room temperature. Water the tree no more than once every two weeks. In spring and summer, the frequency of watering is increased and moisture is produced as the earthen clod dries out.

Indoor tangerine does not react well to overwatering, so the plant should be watered in small doses. The water flowing into the pan should be poured out to prevent the appearance of mold in the lower layer of soil and rotting of the roots.

The citrus plant responds well to showers with warm water. Washing of foliage is carried out once a month. Before irrigation, the soil is covered with polyethylene. Additionally, the plant is sprayed with warm water every day from a spray bottle.


For tangerines at home, care includes regular fertilization. Citrus requires organic and mineral supplements, which are applied to well-moistened soil. Slurry or ready-made complex fertilizers for citrus fruits are suitable as food.

Feed the tree throughout the growing season no more than once every two weeks. In winter, feeding the plants is stopped, because during this period the resting phase begins.

To enhance fruiting, the tree can be fed with fish soup. 200 g of fish products are poured with two liters of water and boiled for half an hour. Then cool, filter and water the soil around trunk circle. This fertilizing is applied in combination with the preparation “Mandarin”. Suitable for plants with a height of at least 1 m.

The Unshiu variety bears fruit at home in the 3rd year of life


As you grow decorative tangerine at home, it should be regularly replanted into a new container 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod with the addition of fresh nutritious soil mixture.

The first transplant procedure is carried out 3-4 years after planting, once a year. Adult plants are not disturbed; they only periodically replace the surface layer with a new nutritional composition.

Trimming and pinching

The pinching procedure stimulates fruiting and the growth of young shoots. Perform pinching in early spring, shortening the apical shoots by a third of the length.

Growing at home, a tangerine in a pot can bloom endlessly without entering the fruiting phase. To stimulate this process, part of the flower buds And fruit ovaries, which take strength and energy from the tree. This procedure is carried out on the basis that there should be at least 15 leaves per 1 fruit.

Reproduction methods

Get indoor plant can be done in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • vaccination.

Seed cultivation is used if you do not have your own specimens at home. Propagation by layering is suitable for old trees. Cuttings are used only for some varieties of indoor tangerines in order to obtain a varietal fruit-bearing plant. The grafting is suitable for those who already have a sprouted tangerine sprout and any other citrus on which it can be grafted.

Tree grafting

Indoor tangerine can grow and develop for a long time at home without bearing fruit. To speed up the process of formation of fruit ovaries, gardeners carry out the grafting procedure.

Before vaccination is carried out abundant watering tree to speed up the process of sap flow in the shoots. This way the bark will move away from the trunk better. For grafting, a well-ripened shoot with several vegetative buds is used. All foliage is removed to prevent the process of moisture evaporation and drying out of the branch. Optimal height grafting on a tree - 7-10 cm from the soil level. The bark in this area should be healthy, smooth, without buds or leaves.

A T-shaped incision is made in this area with a sharp knife. The bark at the incision sites is lifted and a prepared cutting or bud with a heel is inserted into it so that the bud remains on the surface. The raised bark on the rootstock is pressed tightly and wrapped with insulating tape. After the kidney has taken root, the tape is removed.

You can understand that the grafting of a tangerine tree was successful after three weeks - at the grafting site the petiole should turn yellow and fall off. If it has dried out and remained in place, the grafting procedure should be repeated.

After successful budding, after about 3-4 weeks, it is necessary to trim the apical shoots on the rootstock, and also remove the insulating tape. Pruning of shoots is carried out in two stages - first, the branch is shortened 10 cm above the eye, then after its germination - at a distance from the thorn up from it.

Subsequently, after vaccination, home care for tangerines is the same as for adult specimens.

Diseases and pests

If affected in winter, the use of pesticides is not recommended. For spider mites, folk infusions and solutions based on garlic, tobacco dust, soap and ash are used.

In the fight against scale insects or false scale insects, water-oil emulsions are very helpful.

To prevent diseases and pests, it is necessary to carry out regular treatments of the crown - with a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate at least once a month.

Difficulties in growing

Many gardeners, especially beginners, do not know how to care for tangerines at home, as a result of which it is not always possible to grow a strong, beautiful and fruit-bearing tree.


Growing an indoor tangerine on a windowsill is not difficult. The main thing is to plant the plant correctly and on time and choose a quality plant for cultivation. planting material. In conditions of literate home care tangerines will regularly bloom, bear fruit and delight with their beauty.

- one of the most favorite treats on New Year's Eve. The aroma of citrus lifts your spirits, gives the body many beneficial microelements and delights with a pleasant, sweet taste. It is possible to grow a “homemade” tangerine. Moreover, it's simple. The plant will decorate the interior of the room and refresh the air with delicate floral and citrus notes.

Citrus tree small sizes specially bred for cultivation in greenhouses, winter gardens and rooms. Beautiful ornamental plant can not only brighten up the decor of the room, but also bear fruit. The process of growing a tangerine is very interesting, and what pride appears after the first taste of a sweet fruit grown independently! Growing conditions, planting and caring for citrus - all this can be found in useful material for the grower.

Mandarin orange originally grew wild in China. In nature, it reaches a height of 4 to 5 m and grows as a lush tree. Citrus leaves are bright green, juicy and glossy. Interestingly, the plant changes its crown only once every four years. The plant blooms with white inflorescences in May. Tangerine begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years of age. The fruits are round in shape, slightly flattened in the center, bright orange or yellow color, ripen in October. The peel is easily removed, thin or compacted, depending on the variety and type.

The tangerine tree belongs to the mulberry family and has many species and varieties.

The house plant belongs to the group called "satsumas". They are usually grown indoors. This is a frost-resistant tree, reaching a height of no more than 2 m. It begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years of age, the fruits are sweet or moderately sweet, depending on the variety in this group. Many gardeners grow tangerines from seeds they get from store-bought fruit. But such seeds are not able to produce sweet and tasty fruits in the future. Fruits from the store are tangerines from the “tangerine” or “noble” group, which cannot be grown at home; they need a good climate and a lot of space.

To grow tangerines at home, it is advisable to find seed material from the satsum group and a variety intended for growing indoors. This way you won’t have to bother with grafting tangerine or a noble species planted and grown from a “store-bought” seed. Having understood the intricacies of citrus, you can decide which tangerine to grow at home.

Whatever type of tangerine the gardener chooses to grow, it is necessary to comply with the conditions under which the plant will feel comfortable. For successful development, you need to choose a good place and provide the tangerine with lighting, humidity and select.

Lighting and air temperature:

  • Citrus fruits love bright areas with a lot of diffused sunlight. Twelve hours of daylight - necessary conditions for tangerine.
  • At home, choose windows facing south. You can also place the seeds on the windowsill, but protect the already grown sprouts from sunburn– place the flowerpot a little further from the window.
  • In winter, keep your distance from radiators. Do not expose the tangerine to dry air or currents coming from batteries. It is more advisable to choose a place near the wall of the room, not far from the window, but at a sufficient distance from the radiators. Lighting plays an important role in growing a plant; it should not be ignored.
  • The air temperature in the room should not fall below 15° in winter and below 18° in summer. Varieties of the "satsuma", "tangerine" and "noble" group can withstand temperature changes down to -7°.

Citrus loves nutritious soils rich in microelements. Moreover, for seeds you need one mixture, and when transplanting adult plants - another.

Main condition - good drainage and soil nutrition.

For seeds and their germination, a substrate is prepared from turf soil, sand, humus and leaf soil. Ratio 2:1:1:1. Peat cannot be added to the soil; it acidifies the soil. For a tree aged one year or more, a substrate is prepared from turf, humus, sand, clay and leaf soil. Ratio 3:1:1:1:1. If there is no clay available, no problem. This is not a mandatory component of the substrate. Having properly prepared the soil, you can safely plant seeds or replant an already mature tree.

It is very important to provide the plant with sufficient air humidity. This condition is quite difficult to implement at home, especially if the heating system is equipped with conventional radiators. Experienced plant growers place containers of water next to pots of tangerines, and in winter they place wet towels on the radiators. Required condition is a regular sprinkling procedure - this will maintain high humidity air and will not allow the citrus to dry out. As often as possible, you just need to spray water into the air in the room where the tangerine is located.

Mandarin from the seed: planting rules

Tangerine seeds are the most common plant method. You can always get it from purchased fruit or purchase it at a garden store. Seedlings are bought less often. The process of growing an exotic fruit from a seed is very interesting. It's always nice to know that the resulting fruit was grown "from scratch" - from a seed.

Planting the seed:

  1. The available seed material must first be prepared. To do this, the bones are placed in damp gauze for several days. should swell and hatch a little. This way they will sprout faster, in 3-4 weeks, and not in the prescribed 5-6. Mandarin takes a long time to grow. Therefore, be patient from the very beginning.
  2. Place a drainage layer in a flowerpot or any other container. It can be expanded clay, broken brick or pebbles.
  3. Then the pot is filled with substrate for young plants (see above).
  4. Plant the seed shallowly - to a depth of 1-2 cm.
  5. Cover the container with film to create a greenhouse climate.
  6. The container with seeds can be placed on the windowsill.

The air temperature must be at least 15°. The soil must be periodically moistened, but not flooded. Remove condensation from the film so that the young sprouts are not affected by the fungus. Initially, the seeds soaked in gauze will sprout in 3-4 weeks.

Caring for the plant is simple and requires minimal effort, mainly associated with watering and fertilizing. Mandarin will not cause any trouble if all growing conditions were initially met and provided.

  • IN summer time Citrus should be watered and sprinkled frequently. The earthen clod must not be allowed to dry out.
  • Make sure the soil is evenly moistened but not waterlogged.
  • Use only settled, warm water. You can’t take it straight from the tap. All sediments that are invariably present in the water will settle in the soil. This adversely affects the health of the plant and the nutritional value of the soil.
  • Sprinkling procedures are also carried out with warm, settled water. In the hot season, the plant is sprayed 1-2 times a day so that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves.
  • In winter, watering and sprinkling are reduced by 2-3 times.
  • Feeding:
  • In spring, it is necessary to add and to the soil. The first feeding is carried out after 5-6 full-fledged leaves have formed on the sprout. It is better to give preference to mineral complexes for citrus fruits. Well-rotted humus is added from organic matter.
  • In autumn, fertilizing is reduced.
  • In winter it is better to avoid them.

It is important to apply fertilizer before - May-June and before the fruits ripen - September. Always observe moderation and adhere to the gardener’s golden rule: in the spring, apply fertilizers with nitrogen compounds, and closer to autumn with phosphorus-potassium compounds.

Every year, in the spring, the young tree needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

After 8 years of life, the tangerine is replanted once every 2-3 years. The method is transshipment of an earthen clod. Fresh substrate is distributed in a circle into a free space along the diameter of the pot. Young plants should be moved from one flowerpot to another with extreme caution, since the tangerine root system is very fragile. Many gardeners do young tree so that the fruits are sweet and tasty. However, if the variety and group are selected correctly, this procedure is not necessary. Basically, it is provided if the seeds were taken from a purchased fruit of an unknown variety and group.

At home, tangerines are more often affected by spider mites, scale insects or mealy worms. Pests are removed with cotton wool, and the plant is treated either with plant solutions or with insecticides of chemical origin. Solutions can be prepared from soap shavings, as well. As for chemicals, “Fitoverm” or “Aktellika” will help here. Remember that the use of chemicals is justified in case of severe damage to the plant, which rarely happens at home.

Pests are more likely to attack tangerines when the room is hot and low humidity air.

If done incorrectly, the leaves of the tree become stained and fall off. Therefore, it is very important to water the citrus tree in a timely manner, but not to waterlog the soil. Otherwise, the mandarin no longer has enemies or diseases.

Growing an indoor tangerine at home is easy if you follow the rules and the tree has enough light and moisture. At the 3-4th year of life of the exotic, the first tasty fruits will appear - the pride of the grower. Good luck growing your tangerine!

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What is it - indoor tangerine?

Indoor tangerine is an exotic plant. And probably every house has flowers on the windowsill, but for lovers of the exotic, simple aloe or violet may not seem enough. In this case, think about a plant such as indoor tangerine. First of all, it should be said that this plant belongs to the citrus genus and is on a par with grapefruits, lemons, oranges, and limes. Indoor tangerine is an evergreen plant of the Rutaceae class. Why is this exotic plant? The thing is that its appearance is very specific: indoor tangerine grows in the form of a shrub or tree that can reach a height of five meters. Of course, this feature of the development and growth of the tangerine tree will repel many from the desire to purchase the plant, but today breeders have provided for this feature. Many people are interested in the question of how to make a tree fruitful and whether it is possible to eat fruits grown with one’s own hands. Most often, stores sell indoor tangerines already hung with fruits. It is not difficult to achieve fruit set at home.

Indoor tangerine grows as a shrub or tree that can reach 5 meters.

What is an indoor tangerine?

If you are planning to place a tangerine tree on a windowsill or balcony at home, then pay attention to low-growing or dwarf varieties that do not exceed a height of 1 meter. Of course, for the owner of greenhouses or private houses it will not be a problem to purchase a real tangerine tree. Otherwise, due to lack of space, you will have to constantly trim off excess branches and adjust the size of the plant. You don't need artificial pollination. But it is still not recommended to eat hanging fruits, because this result is obtained through the use of all kinds of fertilizers and fertilizers for the plant. Although even a non-blooming tangerine without bright fruits can attract you with beautiful leathery corrugated leaves that remain green all year round. IN in this case the survival rate of the plant will immediately increase several times. You need to take a cutting you like that has at least two leaves, dip it in the rooting agent and plant it in prepared moist soil.

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About the history of indoor tangerine

Indoor tangerine is not very demanding on moisture; frequent watering can lead to the development of various diseases.

If we talk about the popularity of this tree, it is second only to indoor lemon. If you believe the assumptions, then the tangerine tree comes from China or Japan. Long years this plant grew in the gardens of China, and was brought to Europe only closer to the 19th century. After this, indoor tangerines became extremely popular, because they were distinguished by their early fruitfulness and productivity. Moreover, unlike lemon tree Tangerine fruits have a sweet taste and are completely seedless.

So, you bought a houseplant you liked and brought it home. Now you need to choose the right place for the further growth of the tangerine and create the necessary climatic conditions. After this, the planted sprout must be covered with half plastic bottle or film, but it is important to leave a few holes in the homemade greenhouse for ventilation.

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What is indoor tangerine?

This tree lives in an ordinary flower pot and has a very impressive appearance. First of all, this indoor plant owes its popularity to its bright fruits, which look very appetizing and decorate the tree for several months. Decorative tangerines attract gardeners during the flowering period: soft white flowers bloom on the branches of the dwarf tree, which have a wonderful aroma. There are varieties that begin to bloom in spring and continue to delight the owner all year round. Besides, experienced flower growers They love to experiment and grow decorative tangerines using the bonsai technique, resulting in a whole work of art from an ordinary plant.

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Caring for decorative tangerines at home

The optimal temperature for growth and development of indoor tangerine is 20-25 degrees.

There are standards that are accepted for both real and ornamental plant varieties. For example, both need good lighting and a moderate amount of direct sunlight. If there is insufficient light, the plant will begin to wither and noticeably slow down its growth and development. A sign of an incorrectly selected place for indoor tangerine is the absence of flowers or poor flowering. You can notice the malaise of the plant by the leaves that change color green color faded, and new tangerine shoots look sickly. The optimal place for indoor tangerine is considered to be southern, south-eastern and eastern windows, while in the summer the plant must be protected from strong direct rays. In the summer, many housewives take the decorative tangerine to the balcony, where the plant will do just as well provided there is moderate lighting and temperature.

As for winter time, during this period try to choose for indoor flower the most illuminated place in the apartment, with direct sunlight for a short time daylight hours will not harm the tangerine, but will only contribute to its development. Of course, not every day in winter there is sunshine, so flower growers recommend using artificial lighting as a regular phytobulb. But it is necessary to prepare the decorative tangerine for such a procedure gradually, otherwise, if after a cloudy day you place the plant under a lamp for a long period, it may shed its leaves due to a sharp change in the length of daylight hours.

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Watering indoor tangerine

Indoor mandarin is demanding on lighting. In winter, artificial lighting is required.

One more an important condition The content of decorative tangerine is soil moisture. This indoor plant has adopted from its wild relatives such a feature as tolerance to dry periods. If the period without watering lasts for a long time, then in extreme cases the tangerine will shed some of its leaves in order to retain moisture in the roots and reduce the area of ​​evaporation. Therefore, the biggest mistake when growing indoor tangerines is over-watering. This can cause not only the loss of beautiful appearance plants, but also the development of all kinds of diseases.

To determine the exact amount of liquid you will need to water a tangerine, consider the following characteristics of the plant:

  • size of tree or shrub;
  • the size of the pot in which the tangerine is planted;
  • room temperature;
  • lighting intensity;
  • season.

Most of all, an adult plant needs moisture, which has a large number of leaves, grows in large capacity, and the temperature constantly stays above twenty degrees. It is recommended to water indoor tangerine in the first half of the day: it is at this time that it becomes more active. If the room temperature has dropped significantly, it is recommended to stop watering for several days until the soil is completely dry and the moisture has evaporated.

But not only the roots of the plant should receive moisture, it is necessary to regularly spray the leaves: in dry air, the decorative tangerine can wither and wither, and the risk of infection of the plant also greatly increases spider mite. But during the flowering period, when watering, make sure that the water does not fall directly on the flowers.