Money tree in the southeast pot. What you should know about the money tree or description of Crassula

There are many different names for the money tree: Crassula, monkey tree, crassula, tree of happiness... But regardless of the name, it has been proven that this plant brings well-being, success and prosperity to the house. How to properly care for this crop and what varieties exist? Let's figure it out.


Crassula leaves have a shape similar to coins. Foliage color varies from light green to rich dark green.

In accordance with the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, Crassula helps to attract wealth and money into the family. The flower pot is placed on the south or east side of the house.

According to another teaching, it is believed that a tree can attract positive energy into the house. Its rounded crown shape is repulsive bad influence and fills the house with harmony.

I note that you cannot buy a tree, you need to grow it yourself, invest strength and emotions into it. You can purchase a sprout from friends or neighbors for a nominal fee.

Today, gardeners know certain varieties of Crassula. All species differ from each other in the shape of foliage, crown, flowering and color.

Some varieties have a silvery coating that forms on the leaves and trunk as the tree grows and matures.

What varieties are successfully grown on windowsills:

Photo Description

Type 1. Tree-like

It has a lush crown with a lot of leaves.

The foliage is dark green and fleshy.

Flowering is numerous and is achieved with balanced feeding and sufficient light.

Inflorescences are white and beige.

Type 2. Silver

At home it can reach up to 1.5 m in height.

The species differs from others in its pronounced silvering of foliage. It blooms extremely rarely.

The leaves are light green in the upper part of the tree, and dark green in the lower part.

Excellent for decorative growing.

Type 3. Oval

The species is low, with a lot of foliage.

It is noteworthy that the fleshy leaves have a double color, which varies from dark green to light green.

Foliage with red border.

All types of money tree come from warm regions. At home, they can grow up to two meters in height.

Air conditioners, which literally take nutrient moisture from the foliage, have an extremely negative impact on the development and growth of the money tree.

Features of planting and growing

Money Tree prefers an earthen substrate, which is made specifically for cacti and other succulents. If you want to make your own planting soil, you need to mix:

  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 3 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

If possible, brick chips, clay and ash are added to the soil in small quantities. Important condition for growing Crassula - the presence of drainage.

The monkey tree is replanted once every three years. The need arises as a result of the growth of the trunk and crown.

It is possible to regulate the growth rate of a crop using a flower pot. The larger the capacity, the more dynamic the tree will grow.

Reproduction methods

The money tree reproduces quite easily:

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Method 1. Leaf cuttings

Leaf cuttings are dried in the open air for two days before planting.

Then the prepared cuttings are planted in nutritious soil and watered.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the cuttings, since excess moisture can have a detrimental effect on general condition future tree.

Method 2. With shoots

The shoot chosen is strong, with a low stem.

Rooting occurs in the ground.

A week after planting the shoot in a container with soil, it must be fed with mineral fertilizer.

The method of germinating roots using water is considered the most effective, but time-consuming. To speed up the formation of the root system, you can add a means to accelerate the growth of the root system to the water.

Growing: 5 rules

What are the principles of growing a money tree:

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Rule 1. Moderate watering

Watering the money tree is allowed once a week.

Do not allow water to stagnate in the flower pot.

It is also necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

During the dormant period, which begins in mid-November, the amount of watering is reduced - once every two weeks.

Rule 2. Spraying

It is not necessary to spray the bush regularly, but wipe the foliage clean water costs weekly.

Such manipulations will remove dust and dirt formed on the leaves.

In addition, additional oxygen will be supplied to the leaves.

Regular ventilation will help increase the humidity level in the room.

Rule 3. Sunlight

Crassula is a fairly light-loving plant; it is not afraid of direct sunlight.

Excessive exposure to the scorching sun can cause burns on the foliage.

Rule 4. Air temperature

The optimal room temperature is considered to be from 20 to 25 °C.

Rule 5. Nutrition

The indoor flower loves a balanced diet.

It is necessary to feed the plant in sufficient quantities during the period of active growth - from May to September.

Pests and diseases

At proper care Pests and diseases are practically not found on the money tree.

It has been proven that the condition of a tree depends entirely on the condition of the person who cares for it. If the owner of a money tree falls ill, then the flower itself begins to fade.

Crassual encounters diseases when improper care. Often the cause of illnesses is excessive watering.

  • The appearance of numerous brown spots on the foliage and trunk- indicates that it has appeared fungal disease. An antifungal agent will help cope with the disease.
  • Blackening of the trunk- This root rot. First of all it suffers root system. In this case, it will only help surgical intervention. The tree is twisted out of the ground, after which all damaged roots are removed. The cured tree must be replanted in new soil.
  • Trunk curvature- the cause of excessive winter watering. In addition, the reason may be hidden in insufficient lighting.

Crown formation

Crassula has a unique feature: its crown can be shaped according to your wishes. You can grow straight and tall tree, or you can grow an elegant indoor bonsai.

It is necessary to form a decorative crown from the first day of planting. First of all, it is selected flower pot required size: the narrower the container is in diameter, the lower and more compact the tree will be.

Removed during growth side shoots, they also allow you to reduce the growth rate of the trunk and give the shrub a decorative appearance. Most often, the height of the stem when forming a bonsai is 20–25 cm.

There are no leaves on half the trunk. At this stage, the top is pinched, after which the removal of side shoots continues.

The sun's rays play a very important role in the crown formation process. When there is insufficient lighting, the trunk of the money tree can stretch towards the light source, thereby creating a tilt and curvature.


The money tree is an unpretentious indoor plant that has an attractive appearance and unusual foliage shape. The name of the plant comes from ancient teaching. If your family lacks financial wealth, then you need to bring this tree into the house and grow a chic and lush shrub from a small cutting.

Watch the video in this article, and if you have questions, leave them in the comments and we’ll discuss them!

In order for a green indoor plant with round leaves that look like coins to please the eyes of its owners with its freshness and vitality, it is important to choose the right place. Crassula prefers illuminated warm rooms.

Important! Crassula does not tolerate direct sunlight. The money tree dies from the burn!

In summer, shade the flower, and in winter, place it closer to the light. To make the fat plant feel free, do not place other plants close together. And if there is such a need, make sure that your neighbors are well hydrated. Wet air has a beneficial effect on Crassula.

Observe the temperature regime: in spring and summer the range is 20-25 degrees, and in winter - 15-18 degrees. The fat woman loves air. Therefore, choose a place where there is air flow: windows and the balcony should have a “ventilation” function. Compliance with these rules is the key to health!

Where is the best place to place a flower in an apartment and can it be kept in the bedroom?

  • Where is it better to place the plant in the apartment and where will Crassula feel comfortable? It is better to place the pot with the plant on windows facing southeast. If the windows are located on the south or southwest side, then this is also acceptable. In this case window glass shade for spring and summer.
  • In the warm season, Crassula feels great in the fresh air. It is worth taking it out to the balcony and placing it on the floor. But where is the best place to keep Crassula? Can it be placed on the floor or is it better on a windowsill? The answer is simple. It is important to consider the size: a window sill will suit a small tree, a floor stand will suit a large tree.
  • A good solution is to place the plant in the bedroom. The plant purifies the air and absorbs odors. Crassula is often called a filter plant. Contraindications: - individual intolerance, allergic reactions to money tree.

    When placing a plant in the bedroom, remember the basic principles for choosing a place. If the bedroom is a dark room, then the Crassula will die due to lack of light.

Is it possible or not to take it out into the yard if the fat plant grows in a country house?

The money tree feels at ease in a spacious house. If you are growing Crassula in country house, then be sure to take advantage of the opportunity: take the pot of Crassula out into the yard for the summer! Crassula loves ventilation. Just don't plant in open ground, Is it dangerous! The soil at the dacha is not suitable for Crassula!

Principles of soil selection: light and loose structure, saturated with moisture and air. Required good drainage. Expanded clay, pebbles, and brick chips are suitable. The drainage layer is 4-5 cm. Place the plant under diffused light, in the shade of trees, avoiding sunlight. In winter, keep cool near a window facing east or southwest.

How to position the fat woman to prevent its diseases?

Crassula - unpretentious plant, rarely gets sick. But illnesses happen. If the location for the money tree is chosen incorrectly, the Crassula leaves will turn red, wither and fall off, black spots and spots will appear, and the plant will become sick. More often than not, plants get sick due to the wrong location!

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This principle is also relevant for Crassula. The plant loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Select soil intended for Crassula, create acceptable light conditions, carefully choosing a place. Let the money tree take air baths! And then diseases will pass by.

The money tree lives for half a century. At good care and patience, the plant is viable for decades. Summarizing the above, a brief reminder to the gardener:

  • place the Crassula on windows facing east or southwest; the flower loves diffused light;
  • keeping it in the bedroom is a good solution, it is a filter plant;
  • if the tree big size, place the green friend on the floor near the window;
  • keep a small Crassula on the windowsill;
  • avoid drafts, but maintain ventilation;
  • Shade south-facing windows in summer;
  • In winter, keep the crassula in a cool place;
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves;
  • in the warm season, take it out to the balcony or area near the house.

Choose the right place for your green friend and he will delight you for the rest of his life!

The money tree, which is called the tree of happiness, is grown in almost every home. Let's take a closer look at this mysterious indoor flower.

Flower growers who grow various varieties of succulents do not always know what the money tree actually is called. According to botanical reference books, scientific name money tree Crassula or Crassula.

The Crassula flower belongs to the Crassulaceae family of succulent varieties. This deciduous and ornamental crop received its name due to the fleshy structure of the leaves and stems. Translated from Latin language"crassus" means "thick".

The plant is popularly called the money flower. Origin story of this name has several versions. Some flower growers, having carefully looked at the shape and size of the leaves, noticed a resemblance to coins. Other houseplant enthusiasts claim that the money tree houseplant is a source of financial stability and independence. By absorbing the energy of thoughts aimed at increasing well-being, Crassula helps improve a person’s income. It’s up to you to decide what to correctly name this amazing indoor flower.

Where does the money tree houseplant come from? The homeland of Crassula is called South Africa, Arabian Peninsula and the island of Madagascar. Countries with a tropical, arid climate are rich in a variety of succulents. Most plants naturally grow in arid desert conditions, but there are some that can grow among rocks or near natural bodies of water.

Video “Caring for the Money Tree”

Video about the features of caring for a money tree, planting and propagation.

general description

According to the scientific description and history of the development of this foliage and ornamental plant, there are more than 350 varieties of Crassula in nature.

Representatives of the Crassulaceae family are very diverse in appearance, color, size and growing conditions. Some species grow 3–4 m, others are less impressive. The latter are more suitable for indoor floriculture.

One of the most popular succulents among gardeners is Crassula oval, which can be called Crassula ovata. Many people are interested in what this culture will look like.

Money Tree ( we're talking about about Crassula oval) is an ordinary perennial tree-like evergreen, which is widely known in home floriculture. With proper care and compliance with certain growing conditions, this crop reaches 1-1.5 m in height. For this reason, Crassula oval often acts as a real element of the interior.

Trunk indoor flower and the main shoots are thick and very fleshy, while Bottom part Over time, the stem becomes covered with a brownish bark. The leaves of the succulent are fleshy, thick, obovate or round in shape.

Depending on the variety and growing conditions, the color of the leaf blade can vary from light green with a whitish coating to dark green.

With proper care, the money tree grows quickly and lives for quite a long time. Many gardeners, including beginners, note the ease of care and rapid growth rate of indoor flowers.

Some species of Crassula that live in their natural environment periodically throw out flower stalks and bloom. Why doesn't your home money tree bloom, you ask? According to experts in the field of indoor floriculture, the reason for this is artificially created growing conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of a flower

In addition to attracting money and improving well-being, the money tree is used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds, abrasions, cuts, abscesses.

If we talk about the disadvantages, it is worth noting that this crop is demanding on watering. How many times to water the fat plant depends on the type of succulent grown on the windowsill. Please note that with inappropriate watering, Crassula sheds its leaves, begins to rot and smell unpleasant.

Crassula, or money tree.

The plant known to many as the money tree is called Crassula. The Crassula genus belongs to the Crassula family, uniting annual and perennial succulents, distributed mainly in the southern hemisphere. The homeland of various species of Crassula is Africa, more precisely its arid southern and southwestern regions, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar.

The inhabitants of arid regions have an unusual decorative appearance, and therefore many of them are bred at home. Let's find out how to care for a money tree, what problems you may encounter during cultivation, and what ways to solve them.

According to various sources, the genus Crassula includes from 300 to 500 varieties. Among them there are dwarfs, whose height does not exceed a few centimeters, and large trees, towering 3–4 meters. Most species are perennials, but there are also annual specimens that die immediately after flowering.

Most representatives have erect or creeping herbaceous stems. There are shrubs with succulent, fleshy or woody trunks, and tall tree-like representatives. Juicy and fleshy, covered with a waxy coating, Crassula leaves with yellowish, greenish or blue tint in the sun they take on a red or cherry tint.

The plant was named Crassula for the characteristic structure of its leaves and stems: the word “crassus” is translated from Latin as “thick”. Hence another name for Crassula - Crassula. Original appearance, unpretentiousness to conditions environment, simple care at home have made Crassula popular among gardeners.

Beneficial features

For its healing properties, the money flower is sometimes called a living tree.

Many people know that the fat woman has positive energy. But not everyone knows what a money tree has healing properties, is a filter plant. The phytoncides secreted by Crassula have pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and disinfect indoor air.

Crassula juice is used to treat:

  • herpes, insect bites, cuts, abscesses, bruises (as lotions);
  • sore throats, gum inflammation (in the form of rinses);
  • arthritis, other joint diseases (rubbing before bedtime).

Parts of the plant are strictly forbidden to be taken orally as medicine - they contain a large number of arsenic.


The common tree-like Crassulas include three species.

  1. Crassula oval (or ovoid). The most common type of tree, which in nature reaches a height of 3 m, in an apartment it does not exceed 1.5 m. This money tree is unpretentious in care and tolerates shade better than others.
  2. Crassula arborescens. Plant with bare branches and trunk, fleshy flat leaves egg-shaped. The plant's white or pale pink flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences. But the money tree (otherwise known as crassula tree) blooms very rarely when grown at home and does not tolerate shade.
  3. Crassula silvery (purslane). Unlike the two previous types of tree, this money flower is much smaller in size. Otherwise, the silver crassula is very similar to the oval and tree varieties.

Of the creeping plants, Crassulas are the most common:

  1. mossy;
  2. pseudomosquiform;
  3. milky;
  4. point;
  5. tetrahedral;
  6. Cooper.

The genus Crassula is distinguished by a variety of species, among which there are even specimens for the aquarium. However, the most widespread in home floriculture is the tree crassula.

Home care

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult. Essentially, caring for a money tree includes moderate watering, periodic feeding, removing dust from the leaves, pruning and shaping the crown.


The shape of the fat plant can change depending on the intensity of light: with a lack of light, the trunks stretch out and become thin; with too much light, on the contrary, they thicken.

Crassula, or money tree, should be placed in places with sufficient lighting, optimally on the southeast side. This rule is recommended not only by flower growers, but also by Feng Shui experts.

It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, which causes the plant’s foliage to turn red, wither and fall. In summer, Crassula arborescens feels good and comfortable on the balcony, and in the cold season, it is better to move the plant to windows facing south.


How often to water depends on the temperature. You need to water the money tree:

  • twice a week - in hot weather;
  • once every 7 days – at normal temperature;
  • once every 20–30 days – in winter.

The person caring for the plant must ensure that the soil is not excessively wet, but also does not dry out. It is better to water the plant in the evening, with warm, settled water.


Crassula tolerates moisture deficit well and does not require regular spraying. Dust accumulated on the surface of the sheet plates can be removed with a damp cloth. Crassula responds well to warm souls, which are carried out once every 2–3 months, covering the ground with film.


In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for the plant is from 20 to 25 ° C; it is advisable for the flower to be on the balcony or street - a living tree does not tolerate a lack of fresh air. In winter, the plant is comfortable at a temperature of about 15 ° C or lower, but not less than 4 ° C.

At room temperature the flower can also overwinter, but its leaves will most likely begin to wither and fall off. It is better not to place the money tree flower near heating radiators.

How to replant a money tree

You can learn how to replant a money tree from experienced flower growers. Transplantation is carried out once every 2-3 years, not more often, and only if necessary - if the flower has grown greatly.

The plant is transplanted in the spring (preferably in May) into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for replanting Crassula is taken from ordinary purchased soil, intended for planting cacti and succulents.

You can prepare such a soil substrate yourself by mixing part turf soil and sand with three parts leaf soil. If you add a handful of humus, clay, or ash to the ground, the nutritional value soil. In order for the transplanted flower to grow well, it is important not to forget about drainage - expanded clay or crushed shards.

In a pot filled drainage material and a quarter of the soil, place the roots of the plant along with a lump of earth. Then the voids are filled with new soil substrate. After transplanting, the flower is watered well. The soil is periodically loosened to improve oxygen supply to the roots, and if the soil sags, the top layer is added to the pot.

If the root has become too long, it needs to be shortened before planting the plant.

How to trim Crassula

To create a beautiful decorative look The money tree needs to be pruned. The formation of the flower crown begins while the tree is still young. When the height of the fat plant reaches 15–20 cm, pinch off the two small top leaves. As a result, branching will begin in this place, and four leaves will appear instead of two. As Crassula grows top sheets removed in places where branching of shoots is expected.

Is it possible to trim the stems and leaves of an adult plant? It is possible, but in this case, stumps remain in place of the truncated shoots, spoiling the appearance of the Crassula.

How to grow a money tree?

In order for the plant to grow well and please the eye, it is important to know some of the features of Crassula and the rules of cultivation.


To grow a beautiful money tree, you need not only to properly care for the plant, but also to plant it correctly. The pot for Crassula needs to be small and shallow, but wide, heavy and stable. In a deep container, the root of the plant tends downward, and the Crassula itself stretches upward, which is why the trunk becomes thin and weak.

What kind of land is needed to plant Crassula? The soil for a money tree should consist of equal amounts of leaf soil, turf soil and sand. You can use soil containing three parts of turf soil, one part each of humus and leaf soil, sand, brick chips or small gravel. After planting the plant, the small fat plant is kept at a temperature of 16 to 18 °C and watered once a day.

Top dressing

A living tree is fed with liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In summer, feeding is carried out twice a month, the rest of the time - once a month. The concentration of fertilizers is also halved. Fertilizers are applied to wet soil– immediately after watering.

Other Important Points

  1. The fat woman loves constancy, so you should not often move the pot from one place to another.
  2. Lack of light can lead to lengthening of the trunk and massive loss of leaves.
  3. In winter, Crassula begins a period of rest. At this time, it is better to place the plant in a room with a temperature of about 5 ° C, and water it no more than once every 20 days.
  4. When placing Crassula on a windowsill, it is important to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with the glass.

Problems in growing

Spots on the leaves are a sign of scale infestation.

  1. Spider mite. When a tick attacks, the leaves and stems of the plant become covered with a thin web. A soap solution, Actellik, Fitoverm, Fufanon will help cure a living tree.
  2. Shchitovka. Infestation with scale insects can be identified by yellow and brown spots appearing on the surface of the leaves. The fight against scale insects is carried out in the same way as the destruction of spider mites.
  3. Mealybug. To destroy the pest, a solution of laundry soap and insecticides are used. If there are few insects, they can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

In addition to pest attacks, other problems may arise when growing a money tree:

  • rotting of the roots and base of the trunk - with an excess of moisture (crassula should not be watered frequently);
  • wilting of leaves - in case of moisture deficiency;
  • shedding of leaves - when watering cold water, in a draft, with a lack of fresh air.

Crassula reacts poorly to drafts, which can cause all the leaves of the plant to dry out and fall off.

How it blooms

Crassula blooms very rarely even among experienced gardeners.

It turns out that a living tree can bloom. However, getting flowers to appear is very difficult even for professional florists who know exactly how to properly care for the plant.

Most often, beautiful white flowers appear on the plant when the fat plant is actively growing. Delicate flowers emit pollen, and therefore some people may develop allergies during the flowering period of the crassula.


Money tree propagation is carried out:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.


Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate a money tree. Crassula reproduces by stem cuttings and leaves. A large leaf or shoot is cut with a sharp knife. The cuttings are placed in a container with water until the roots grow. To ensure that the root system forms faster and the stem does not rot, you can add charcoal to the water.

If you wish, you can immediately plant the cuttings in the ground, but in order for the living tree to take root better, it is recommended to germinate the cuttings. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot with a diameter of 5–7 cm with a soil substrate consisting of equal quantities of turf and leaf soil and sand.


The Crassula flower can reproduce by seeds. They are sown in wide containers filled with a mixture of leaf soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part), covered with glass. The crops are ventilated daily and condensation is wiped off the glass. Two weeks after planting, the seeds germinate.

The seedlings are planted in soil consisting of leaf soil (1 part), turf soil and sand (½ part each). The container with seedlings is placed under bright, diffused lighting. Grown-up Crassulas are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm in soil consisting of equal parts of leaf and turf soil and sand. Until the sprouts take root, they are kept at a temperature of 16–18 ° C. Then the Crassula is moved to a permanent place.

Where can I buy

Money tree can be purchased at specialized flower shops, greenhouses and online stores. The cost of Crassula varies widely, depending on the type of plant, its age and size.

Average prices for Crassula:

  • Crassula Ovata (height 20 cm) – 600 rubles;
  • Crassula Ovata (35 cm) – 1,390;
  • money tree (70 cm) – 8,500;
  • Crassula Hobbit (50 cm) – 3,700 rubles.

The money tree is unpretentious, and caring for the fat tree will not cause any problems. But in order for the plant not only to grow well, but also to attract financial well-being, you cannot just buy a crassula - you need to grow a money tree yourself from a small shoot. Caring for plants is very simple - even novice gardeners can grow money flowers.

The money tree can often be found in home flower beds, on window sills and balconies. It has several names - Crassula and Crassula. This tree plant The succulent comes from Africa and therefore all its parts are able to accumulate moisture in order to survive drought.

This plant is called money because its leaves resemble coins, and for centuries many signs and superstitions have been associated with it. The theory of Feng Shui, which has become quite popular in Russia, describes its properties especially widely. It is often used when choosing a place for plants. It is believed to help attract money and wealth.

But for this it must stand in right place. Therefore, plant owners often face the question of where to place it so that it brings wealth. Those who adhere to Feng Shui can place Crassula in accordance with its rules, for example, it can be placed in the bedroom, but the plant must be in comfortable conditions for it.

Then not only a spectacular interior element will appear in the room, but also a living talisman to attract money to the family.

Choosing a place for a tree

The money tree prefers bright, warm rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In an apartment, you can keep the plant not on the windowsill, but on floor stand near the window. If there is such an opportunity, you can place the flower in a room located on the southeast side.

The plant does well on the south or southwest side. But in this case, you need to place the plant not right under the window, but a little to the side, and shade the glass for spring and summer. Compliance with these rules is the biological need of the plant.

But besides this, many are interested in Feng Shui, and in this theory, the money tree is a very popular subject. Therefore, in order for the family to receive wealth and for the plant to be comfortable, the place for it needs to be selected more carefully. Guided by the following rules.

Wealth Zone

First, you need to determine the wealth zone in the house. It is determined using the Bagua grid. It is a square divided into nine parts. The central square, which is responsible for health, is taken as the main landmark.

The wealth zone will be in the lower right corner of it. The grid is superimposed on a pre-drawn floor plan, with certain cardinal directions. The wealth zone is on the southeast side. But sometimes it turns out that the room where this zone is located is not suitable for keeping a flower there.

Then you can choose another room in the apartment that suits the parameters. If the bedroom is in a favorable money flower location, in the southeast, this means that there is a zone of wealth in the bedroom. This tree can be kept in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, and it will feel comfortable.

At the same time, it is advisable to do the right thing in the bedroom color design. Under no circumstances should you use red; shades of green, lilac and violet are suitable. The money tree in this case is the main item in the room and will bring not only wealth.

Fresh air

In addition to good lighting, the money tree loves clean Fresh air. Therefore, the room where they plan to place it should be well ventilated. The plant tolerates drafts well, but heat and stuffiness in the room affect it much worse.

Crassula does not do well in dusty rooms, so it should be removed to a place where the minimum amount of dust accumulates. Access to the flower should be open so that it is easy to care for.


A location near the aquarium will be an excellent interior solution and will benefit the plant. The flower can be kept near water and evaporation from the aquarium will create the necessary air humidity.


You can put a money tree in the bathroom. But before that, you need to fix faulty and leaking taps, then, according to the sign, money will not flow away.


Temperature conditions also play an important role in the question of where to place the flower. In private homes, the temperature is usually different rooms varies slightly and there may be drafts here and there. Therefore, it is better to keep the tree in a room where there are no strong drafts and the temperature is from +19 to +24 degrees. Sudden changes The plant tolerates temperatures, but poorly, and this affects its condition.

In an apartment, such a problem usually does not exist, but in such a room the disadvantage is dry air, which also affects the well-being of the plant. You should not place the flower near radiators, there heat, dry air and more dust is attracted to this place.

Signs about the money tree

There are many different signs associated with this plant, most of them, of course, relate to material well-being, but besides this,...

  1. A bad sign is the falling of leaves from a tree. It is believed that the place where it has bad energy can sometimes cause leaves to fall poor care, but in some cases the problem comes out of nowhere. Then you need to put the tree in another place. According to the sign, such a phenomenon can mean a quick loss of money, a reduction in income and financial difficulties.
  2. Not all signs are related to money. The plant is also considered medicinal. According to signs, the plant, with the help of its fleshy leaves, promotes the production of vital energy and in a house where there is such a flower, all family members feel full of strength and more efficient.
  3. The condition of the plant in the house is considered to reflect the financial condition of the family. The more leaves a plant has, the more money in family.
  4. It is recommended to plant a tree in a red pot, and put a few coins at the bottom. Some people place a saucer with coins near the pot, constantly adding them there.
  5. If there are bills hanging on the money tree, which many place there to attract wealth, then in order for money to be kept in the house, these bills must be changed periodically. Waste the old ones and hang up the new ones.

Where to put the plant if you want to not only create comfortable conditions content of the money tree, but also to take advantage of it magical properties and increase wealth in the home.

Then the money tree should be placed in a well-lit, ventilated place where optimal conditions are created for it. temperature conditions, and at the same time . If these placement rules are followed, happiness and material wealth will definitely increase in the house.

Where to put the money tree (crassula) according to Feng Shui? Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions Indoor plant money tree (crassula): useful, medicinal and medicinal properties How to properly prune a money tree at home