Cuttings of Laurel nobilis. Bay tree from a leaf: growing features

Rooting cuttings is a very interesting activity. Special costs is not required, but in the end you can get joy by finding white roots through the walls of the glass.

I have always wanted to have laurel in my collection. Cool! A plant was growing in the kitchen on the windowsill, I tore off a leaf and threw it into the soup.

But seriously, laurel is a noble plant. It has long been believed that a laurel wreath and a laurel branch are symbols of glory, victory, and greatness.

Moreover, the laurel evergreen and loves haircuts! When growing laurel at home, you can experiment, giving it any shape, whether you want it pyramidal, whether you want it spherical, whether you want it to grow as a bole, or whether you want it as a bush.

Laurel can easily tolerate direct sunlight. Considering that every year the summer gets hotter and hotter and shading all the plants is a labor-intensive task, growing laurels is a real pleasure.

So, I will describe my experience of rooting laurel cuttings.

I acquired laurel cuttings completely by accident. Maybe not entirely by accident, since while walking around the market in the fall, I kept looking out to see if they were selling laurel branches. Usually they are sold already slightly dried or dried, and it is immediately clear that there will be no benefit from rooting such cuttings. And then, lo and behold, I met a Georgian woman who had the last two bunches of laurel branches.

If you purchase cuttings using my method, look carefully at the cuttings!

Laurel is often damaged by scale insects, so scale insects can be seen on cuttings. One bunch seemed suspicious to me, since I saw some growths on some branches of the laurel. I didn’t see anything dangerous or unfamiliar to me on the branches from the other bunch. However, just in case, during the rooting period of the laurel, I spilled the soil with aktara a couple of times. It’s better to play it safe so you don’t get “unpleasant surprises” in the form of some insects later.

It is also desirable that the twigs are not very dry, since if you plant a herbarium, it is unlikely that anything green will hatch.

So here is my bunch of laurel branches

And this is the branch itself with the eyes

To take root, I tore off all this beauty. I left 3-4 leaves on each cutting. I cut the leaves in half. I renewed the cut at the tip of the cutting and dipped it in root.

The cuttings were planted in peat with perlite and placed in a greenhouse in a bright place. This happened at the end of November. Periodically, the cuttings were examined and ventilated (for a short time, literally for half a minute). The greenhouse was opened and future laurels were sprayed with water. As I already wrote, I treated the laurels with actara a couple of times.

Sometimes this was found

The black leg has done its disastrous job. There is no point in re-rooting the plant. Perhaps the laurel stalk is still too young and green, which is why it rotted.

A month later, closer to the New Year, swollen buds were discovered on some laurel cuttings. I would like to note that this does not mean that the plant has taken root. However, we are already sure that it is green and viable to produce anything)

And on one laurel root this was found:

The roots are not yet visible through the glass, but there is hope that they will take root.

A month and a week have passed since rooting. The experiment continues...

Didenko Victoria



I wonder if the laurels have taken root or not?



To root, laurel must be “caught” during the growth period, and laurel has several periods (cut from mature but not lignified shoots and rooted in April and June-July).



I am now rooting laurel in boiled water, also around mid-November. In boiled water, the cuttings rot less, the beginnings of roots have now appeared, and a transparent bag is placed on the glass with the laurel to prevent drying out and create a microclimate.



I bought a bay broom with seeds at the market and buried these seeds in a flower pot. I add tea leaves to the top of the pot. I dug it up and forgot, and a few months later a laurel shoot started growing, all that was left was to replant it. In this way I grew lemon, tangerine, pomegranate and laurel.



Elena, cool!
I also planted pomegranates from seeds, they grew well, but did not bear fruit :-)



My laurel cuttings took root in water, it took a month or more. The roots are small, so I’m thinking, should I plant them in the ground or wait?



Lyudmila, I would wait for the roots to grow more, or if I can’t wait, I would stick it in the ground, but I would place the plant under a cover.



I have a laurel tree growing in a flowerpot at home, I think your advice will be useful to me in propagating laurel by cuttings



thanks a lot of interesting things



My laurel leaves are sticky, but not everything I can do, I don’t know how to contact you, I’m writing, but will it get there? I ask a question, but they don’t give me the same answer.



Valya, this is a scale insect, such a “beast”. How to deal with it can be found on the Internet.



Girls, my leaves have started to turn black and dry out, what should I do?



Hopefully it's due to excessive waterlogging. There's a fungus in the ground! need to change the soil!



I learned a lot of useful things from your notes, thank you everyone, I want to grow laurel at home, thank you everyone



In Sochi, laurel grows like grass and now tons of laurel trees and bushes were cut out at the cleanup event



Thanks for the information. I will root the laurel. I bought a bunch of laurel from Sukhumi at the market. but it's the end of January. I hope it works out. Katerina Cherkassy.

The bay leaf grows in a warm Mediterranean climate, but it is very interesting to talk about whether it is acceptable Bay leaf growing at home? After all, today there is a large number of opportunities to create a microclimate on your windowsill that will completely suit this plant. Moreover, it is widely known that laurel is not considered a very demanding plant. It easily tolerates temperature changes and is not very demanding on moisture. Therefore, growing a tasty, fragrant seasoning at home is quite simple. And when the shoots grow enough, you can delight your family and guests with rich borscht, spreading the mouth-watering aromas of your own bay leaves!

The subtropical climate of the Mediterranean is ideal for good growth laurel tree. In our country, the plant feels good in the natural environment of the Krasnodar region. However, there are many known cases when own plots gardeners grow good bushes and middle lane. The leaves are quite fragrant and are perfect for seasoning homemade broths.

Laurel trees belong to the Laurel family. Today three types of these plants are known. They are evergreen, for home grown Noble laurel is best suited.

Growing homemade bay leaves

In general, we can say that laurel is not a picky plant, therefore, with proper care, moisturizing and feeding, it is not even the most experienced gardener can grow a big tree Houses. Not only can its leaves be used in the kitchen for all types of dishes: both first and second, the incredible fragrant aromas of the growing tree will soar in all rooms.

It is known that growing laurel secretes phytoncides, which very effectively fight bacteria and fungi. So we can say with confidence that home tree will protect the family from frequent illnesses and colds.

Location and lighting

Laurel - rightfully refers to unpretentious species vegetation. It easily tolerates even difficult conditions. But, still, if you want to see a fragrant, healthy and beautiful tree, then it is better to create the most good pleasant conditions.

Thus, many gardeners note that a flower pot can be placed in any part of the room: be it the south or even the north side. The plant will grow in both limited light and excessive sun exposure. The only thing is that the size of the pet depends on the conditions. On the south side you will become the owner of a large and stately bush that can easily overcome even a two-meter height. In different lighting, your bush is unlikely to please the eye with its lush growth.

Watering and fertilizing

Lavrushka is good at frequent moisturizing. In general, you should try to thoroughly water the soil in the pot about once every 5 days in winter and at least once every 3 days during hot days. To prevent the soil from becoming too moist, it is better to organize it at the bottom of the pot. good drainage, allowing excess liquid to pass into the saucer. However, it will not be superfluous to water the plant even every day during particularly hot seasons. Monitor the need to moisten the soil based on the degree of drying upper layers soil.

It is advisable to settle the water in advance, because most often in our country the liquid contains a lot of iron. Hard water is unlikely to please any flora, especially those grown at home.

Please note that laurel bushes will be very happy if you sprinkle a small drop over them warm water. Let it fall on the leaves, trunk, top layer of soil. You shouldn’t do this frequently, but in the warm season it is better to spray water at least once a month.

Very good decision A container of water placed next to the pot will serve. In the warm season, the liquid will evaporate and moisten the surrounding air, creating pleasant conditions for the normal growth of the bush.


Laurel grows slowly, but can grow to quite impressive sizes. In wildlife, trees easily reach six meters or more. Of course, a home specimen is unlikely to boast such growth. But this does not mean that over time your compact bush will not outgrow the room’s capabilities.

The first pruning procedure is best done on a fully grown plant. When it reaches two years, the upper shoot of the crown is carefully cut off from the bush. Then, when the top acquires side shoots, they are also carefully thinned out.
It is best to prune in late summer, when the plant has finished growing. There is no point in not working on flower formation at all. Otherwise, you will end up with an untidy tree.

Air temperature and humidity

Laurel is extremely unpretentious to temperature conditions. Few pets can boast of resistance to quite low temperatures winter, and this tree will happily overwinter at 10 degrees Celsius. Of course, such a regime is not typical for a living room, but, anyway, try not to keep laurel in winter at high temperatures.

Advice. As soon as the cold weather passes and the average temperature at night stops dropping below zero, you can safely send the tree to Fresh air. For example, a balcony or summer garden is a good choice.

In summer, try not to overheat the bush. 20-25 degrees will be enough. Laurel does not like dry air. Therefore, artificially increase the humidity by spraying. Place a saucer of water near the flower.

The soil

Absolutely any soil will be suitable for your bay leaf. The main thing is to ensure good drainage of the pot and try to feed the flower so that it grows beautifully, with the correct shape.

Reproduction methods

Many gardeners advise using one of three simple types bay leaf dilutions:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • bends.


Most reliable method Growing laurel involves using seeds. Many stores offer bay leaves. Today it is not a problem to place an order online. The right time for sowing is January. This is due to the fact that the seed can lie in the ground for quite a long time. The first shoots appear no earlier than a month later, but may not emerge for up to six months. Therefore, planting in winter will result in plant growth occurring in spring and summer: the most favorable time in terms of temperature and humidity.

Attention! Many gardeners advise propagating laurel using seeds. This is explained by the fact that from the very beginning the bush will grow and form in the same conditions and will not experience stress from changes in temperature or humidity environment. In addition, purchase required amount seeds can be affordable price and in almost any store.

Store seeds in a cool place until sowing time. For example, a refrigerator or a shaded buffet. Before planting the seeds, they must be soaked because they have a thick skin. This will significantly speed up the process of new shoots appearing.

There are no special soil requirements for seed growth. Any fertile soil will do, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a flower shop. The only thing is very important condition: the top layer should be laid out 2-3 centimeters with calcined sand. This is very important for the seeds to be accepted.

By the way, many people advise thoroughly calcining the entire soil before planting seeds in the ground to kill bacteria and pests. It is believed that this recommendation is useful not only for propagation by seeds, but also for cuttings and layering.

The seed is sunk about 1 cm. A mini-greenhouse is arranged above the pot. A plastic bag or even glass jar. The greenhouse must be ventilated periodically.

Ripening occurs in different ways and depends on temperature. But when the shoot throws out the first two leaves, the new plant can be replanted separately. Doesn't have to be used purchased pots. First time ideal home A yogurt cup will serve as a container for your baby.


Growing a bay leaf from a cutting is more difficult than from a seed. For cuttings, usually choose medium or bottom part twigs. It is best to take a young bush, the stem of which has not yet been covered with wooden bark. The most important condition is that the new shoot has three free areas between the bases of the leaves (the so-called internodes).

The bottom cut must be made oblique. The leaves at the base of the cutting are removed, and the top ones are cut to about half so that they do not evaporate too much moisture.

The soil can be enriched with special additives that will promote rapid development of roots. Of course, a greenhouse is being built over the shoot. New laurel trees need to be watered frequently. Spray 4-5 times every day. After the root system appears (usually after a month), the shoot is transplanted to a permanent location.

By layering

It's pretty easy to get an escape young plant using a method that is very often used to propagate grapes. To do this, layering is done from a young shoot. The lower branch is lowered and buried in the prepared small groove. There the stem is securely fastened so that it for a long time remained in the ground. In the place where the branch will be covered with earth, an incision is made in the bark.

It is important to provide the sprinkled ditch with very good watering. After some time, a young shoot will emerge from the ground. It is dug up, carefully separated from the lower branch at the base and transplanted into its own pot.
Then, as with cuttings: at first, good watering and greenhouse conditions.

How and when to replant laurel?

bay tree It doesn't grow fast. At good conditions maintenance, bushes are replanted every two years. New dishes are taken so that the width exceeds the previous one by several centimeters. Older plants are replanted every 3-4 years, as they grow. It is important to try to use the same soil for the same shoot.

In order for the bush to form as healthy and beautiful as possible, already for annual plants It is customary to generously fertilize the soil. Manure is good for this purpose. The main thing is to dilute it with water so as not to burn the roots. You can enrich the soil no more than once a month. But fertilizing rarely, less than twice a year, will also not benefit the formation of a noble appearance of the pet.
Laurel also prefers mineral fertilizers, which can be selected in flower shops. It's good if you make it a rule to alternate different types fertilizers

Diseases and pests

Laurel does not tolerate dry air very well, as it historically grows near sea coasts. Therefore, when humidity is low, the bush begins to dry out and shed its leaves.

The unpretentiousness of the plant allows almost any owner to grow a full-fledged bush. In fact, the bay tree does not require anything other than good moisture. And few flowers do not require watering. You also need to fertilize the soil at least sometimes, since bay bushes are replanted quite infrequently.


Growing bay leaves at home is a very good idea. There are no particular difficulties with care or reproduction. Laurel most often develops well on its own. And if you monitor your pet’s growth especially carefully, then you can safely talk about a lot of advantages that the owner of this wonderful bush will receive.

(Laurus nobilis) - this is the full name of a popular indoor and tub plant.

In Ancient Greece, laurel was considered the sacred tree of the god Apollo. This veneration is based on the myth of the nymph Daphne ( daphne- "laurel" in ancient Greek), which was turned into this tree in an attempt to escape the amorous pursuit of Apollo. To prove his love, God wove a wreath of laurel and never parted with it. So the laurel wreath became a symbol of triumph. A wreath of laurel branches was awarded to the winner sports games, held in honor of Apollo. This symbolism was transferred to Roman culture, where the laurel branch was also identified with victory. Such titles as “bachelor” and “laureate” also come from the word laurel. In the Bible, laurel is mentioned as a symbol of prosperity and glory.

Laurus nobilis is one of the species of the genus Laurus ( Laurus), part of the Lavrov family ( Lauraceae). The number of species in the genus is not precisely established; according to some sources there are 3, but morphological characteristics species are largely the same.

Laurel is native to the Mediterranean, where it grows in a subtropical climate. During times when the climate was wetter, laurel forests covered much of the Mediterranean basin. But as the climate changed, these areas were populated by more drought-resistant vegetation, the last laurel forest disappeared about 10 thousand years ago, only its remains remained in the form of small groves in Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Syria, the Canary Islands and Madeira. Laurel also grows in Russia, in the southwestern regions of the Krasnodar Territory, and is also widely cultivated in many countries with a subtropical climate.

Laurel grows as a pyramidal evergreen tree or large shrub, reaching 10-18 m in height. The leaves are located on the shoots alternately on short petioles, elliptical, entire, leathery, dark green and shiny on top and whitish below, up to 10-20 cm long, have a well-known aroma.

The plant is dioecious, male and female flowers are formed on different plants, monoecious specimens are occasionally found. Numerous umbrella-shaped inflorescences are collected mainly at the ends of the shoots. Before flowering begins, they are enclosed in spherical wrappers of 4 elliptical scales. Flowering occurs in spring. The flowers are yellowish and small, male flowers are collected in 6-12 groups, female flowers - in 2-3 groups. After pollination female plants Dark blue, egg-shaped drupes, about 1 cm long, are produced and ripen in October-November.

Laurel is grown in industrial scale, the leaf is widely used as a spice in cooking, and bay oil is extracted from the fruit, which is used for medicinal purposes.

All parts of the plant contain laurel essential oil, which gives them their famous aroma. This oil contains eucalyptol, lineare, myrcene, camphor, limonene, linalool, organic acids and other valuable components. Thanks to this set of useful substances, laurel has been used in medicine since ancient times. Laurel essential oil is a good disinfectant and insecticide, it was used when there was a threat of epidemics of cholera, dysentery, malaria, and the smoke from burning wood served to repel mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

Laurel was used to treat coughs, digestive problems, urolithiasis, and to relieve arthritis. Currently, preparations based on laurel essential oil are used only externally. In massage therapy they help relieve pain from arthritis and rheumatism, and in aromatherapy they are used to lower blood pressure. Ointments are effective in treating scabies mites and rheumatism and as a remedy for wrinkles. There is evidence that a compound obtained from laurel leaves inhibits human skin cancer - melanoma. Laurel leaves are placed in bags of cereal to repel harmful insects. However, laurel, when in contact with it, can cause allergies in sensitive people.

Laurel laurel is widely grown for purely decorative purposes. It was introduced into culture in Britain by at least the early 1650s, and in 1993 won a Royal horticultural society. This small and bushy tree with a slow growth rate is ideal for patio decoration and can be grown as a container plant in harsher climates. Thanks to its thick, dense crown, which lends itself well to pruning, laurel can be used as a hedge, for making topiary figures; it also forms perfectly as a standard tree. How small potted plant, laurel is often present in kitchens in many countries, being both a decorative living element of the interior, and a ready-made fresh spice, and at the same time saturating the air with beneficial essential oils.

Several ornamental varieties of laurel have been obtained through selection, including:

  • Aurea- with yellowish young foliage;
  • Angustifolia- with narrow, spear-shaped leaves;
  • Undulata- with a wavy edge of the leaf blade.

Home care

The subtropical nature of this plant imposes certain care requirements. First of all, this concerns the organization of cool wintering. Laurel grows well in tub culture, spending the summer outdoors and the winter in a cool, bright greenhouse. At home, it is important to provide the laurel with a constant flow of fresh air.

Lighting. Laurel prefers bright light and tolerates direct sunlight well. In the warm season, he prefers to spend time in the garden in the open sun or in the light shade of trees. This is a good tub plant that will decorate a gazebo, veranda or patio, giving them a Mediterranean flavor. If it is not possible to take the plant to the dacha in the summer, it is advisable to place it outdoors. sunny balcony. When moving a plant from indoors to outdoors or immediately after purchase, accustom it to the sun gradually, otherwise the leaves will get burned. IN winter time Find him a very bright place.

Temperature regime. In summer, the optimal temperature for laurel is within +18+26 o C; in winter, a plant from the subtropics definitely needs coolness, it rests. At a temperature of +5+12 o C, wintering is least painful. Laurel is quite resistant to frost; growing in the ground, it can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature down to -10 o C. When grown in a pot, the temperature should not fall below 0 o C so that the roots are not damaged.

Watering depends on the time of year. In summer, laurel is watered abundantly after the top layer of soil has dried, without causing it to become waterlogged. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter, when the plant is resting in the cool, it is minimized, but not allowed to dry out completely, so that the roots are not damaged.

Details about watering indoor plants- in the article Rules for watering indoor plants.

Air humidity increased is preferred. It is advisable to spray the plant with boiled water several times a day in warm weather, especially in hot weather.

Soil and transplants. Young plants are replanted once every 1-2 years, as the roots fill the volume of soil. Adult specimens require transplantation no more than once every 3-5 years. For young plants, ready-made peat is quite suitable. universal primer, for older ones, during subsequent transplants, it is advisable to gradually increase the proportion of turf soil. For adult tub plants that spend the summer outdoors, turf soil must be present in the soil mixture, this will prevent the coma from drying out too quickly.

Read more about replanting indoor plants in the article. Replanting indoor plants.

Feeding are applied from February, when the plant begins to grow, until the end of October, when the rest period begins. For fertilizing you can use universal complex fertilizers with microelements, at the beginning and end of the vegetative period, the dose is reduced by 2 times. During the winter holidays, feeding is canceled.

Haircut and shaping. Laurel tolerates pruning well; thanks to its thick crown, it can be given any shape. It is best to prune in the fall. But the growth rate of the plant is slow, so growing a large specimen will take many years. To maintain it as a tub plant, it is better to immediately purchase a large one.

Reproduction perhaps by sowing seeds, root layering and rooting cuttings. Seeds for sowing must be fresh; they germinate slowly, sometimes up to 6-12 months. They germinate best at a temperature of +20 o C in the light.

Semi-lignified apical shoots with 4-5 leaves are taken for cuttings. They take root reluctantly and for a long time, up to 3-6 or more months. It is advisable to use rooting stimulants (Kornevin, Heteroauxin or Zircon) and bottom heating.

Read more about plant cuttings in the article Cuttings from indoor plants at home.

Sometimes the laurel gives root suckers, which can be carefully separated during transplantation.

Diseases and pests. Laurel is very susceptible to attack by scale insects. Mealybugs can often be found on it.

About pest control measures - in the article Pests of indoor plants and measures to combat them.

If the conditions of detention are not observed (too dark a place, lack of coolness and waterlogging in winter, over-drying of the coma in summer, low humidity air) the laurel leaves begin to turn yellow and brown dry spots form on them. In this case, you should try to optimize living conditions and care.

It is always present at home - as part of our culinary arsenal. When putting the prosaic “laurel” into the pan, few people think about its origin. Meanwhile, dried leaves are a gift from a tree that was considered sacred by the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean.

Laurus nobilis, the noble laurel, does not bear the title in vain. In his homeland, he is a stately, handsome man, almost twenty meters in height, who lives over three hundred years. In addition to its exquisite aroma, its leaves have a number of healing properties. By planting the cult tree of the Hellenes at home, we will gain, in addition to the freshest seasoning, a bit of health. And at the same time - an interesting detail of the interior: a laurel, properly maintained, looks very stylish.

Unpampered patrician

Despite its noble status, the laurel is not distinguished by excessive claims to living conditions. Compared to, for example, citrus fruits, caring for it is quite simple.

Laurel is a plastic plant. Woody form, as it moves into the mountains, it turns into squat bushes and, instead of rich soils, is content with rocky soil. But since the room conditions themselves are an uncharacteristic environment for a tree that loves space, it would be a good idea to bring all other parameters closer to the comfort zone.

Light for the tree of peace

IN natural conditions The laurels are open to all winds and receive a full dose of insolation. The home laurel will willingly settle near the south window and will not mind direct rays. Western and eastern exposure are also acceptable, except that the tree’s branching will become somewhat weaker.

Is laurel shade-tolerant? Many sources claim that yes. And in a sense it is true:

  • Young laurel is more shade-tolerant than an adult.
  • When the plant is dormant, it can be placed near northern windows.

The laurel can spend the entire warm period in the open air. When moving a seedling to brighter light, you should take care of a light screen, otherwise the leaves and even the bark will get burned.

You should not rotate the pot of laurel, trying to ensure that all parts of the crown receive their dose of light: the trees are oriented relative to the magnetic poles of the planet and perceive the displacement as stress.


A seasonal schedule is more natural and preferable than keeping it flat room conditions. Daily fluctuations are also welcome. Generally temperature regime is:

  • winter – from 7 to 10 degrees Celsius;
  • spring-summer period - 17 °C at night and 25 °C or slightly higher during the day (that is, the usual midrange range).

If possible, in the spring the laurel is placed on the terrace, balcony or taken out into the garden. They return it under the roof when night temperatures drop below plus three.

Even the subtropics are occasionally harsh. Especially in the mountains. Laurels easily tolerate low temperatures, up to minus five degrees, for quite a long time. In regions with mild climates, they winter in unheated greenhouses. They can withstand short-term drops to minus ten and below. The main thing is that the wind, which brings dehydration and death, does not join the cold: dormant roots do not drive moisture upward, and the leaves continue to evaporate, at least little by little.

Soil and fertilizers

The main condition is that the soil should be light and well-drained. Any universal soil that is commercially available is suitable for laurel. To make the soil mixture yourself, you will need:

  • leaf soil - one part;
  • turf land - one part;
  • quartz sand – two parts;
  • humus or compost - one part.

The substrate reaction must be neutral. If peat is used as a leavening agent, the pH should be balanced by adding a little wood ash.

Laurel does not easily succumb to root rot, but still better soil disinfect by heating for about twenty minutes in the oven. The temperature is close to the boiling point, but not higher, so as not to destroy all the beneficial microflora.

When choosing a container, take into account that its size directly affects the growth rate of the tree. The larger it is, the higher the annual growth. If you plan to keep the laurel miniature, there is no need for excessive space for the roots.

Replant when the roots completely fill the available volume and appear in the drainage holes. The next pot is taken with a diameter only two centimeters wider than the previous one.

The frequency of transplants depends on age:

  • from one to three years - annually, in early spring or at the end of the growing season;
  • from three to five years - once every two years, at the same time.

The root ball is cut from below, removing about a third. For laurel, the loss of the lower part of the root system is not particularly noticeable, since its bulk is based in the upper horizons. Not forgetting about drainage, fill the remaining space with fresh soil. It is useful to immediately enrich it with organic matter - for example, add a tablespoon of fish bone meal.

Please note: the roots of the laurel are shallow. Loosening is done carefully, and it’s even better to cover trunk circle mulch. For some reason, pots of laurel are particularly attractive to cats. Colored pebbles will serve as an additional decoration, and at the same time protect against four-legged “diggers”.

Laurel is a slow growing tree. Starting from the sixth year of life, it can not be replanted at all, but only replace the top (2-3 cm) layer of soil.

The indication for an extraordinary transplant is the loss of a pleasant leathery gloss by the leaves - a sign that the substrate is “tired”.

Depletion will not occur if the tree’s strength is maintained in a timely manner with fertilizers. During intensive growing season, universal complexes are used for deciduous plants according to instructions. The laurel seedling is fed once every two weeks, mature tree– once a month.

In laurel, the growing season has a pause, which initially occurred during the summer drought. This time-out must be taken into account when carrying out all maintenance operations, including when applying fertilizers.


Drought-resistant laurel is not particularly picky about the watering regime. We must assume that a lack of water is easier to tolerate than its excess. If, after plunging your finger into the soil, you don’t feel any moisture, it’s time to water. Seasonality is also important. In spring and early summer, young shoots consume more water, but in winter the earthen ball is only slightly moistened.

Stagnation at the roots should be completely avoided.

Excess water from the pan is removed immediately. Or fill the tray with gravel so that the bottom of the container rests on its layer.

Spraying will benefit the laurel - the leaves will be glossy, with a beautiful texture. Use soft water so that it does not leave a whitish deposit of lime. You can diversify the “water procedures” - in the heat, along with sprinkling, pamper the tree with a shower room temperature. The above is true if the plant gets enough sunlight. For those kept in the shade, wipe the leaves as they become dusty. wet wipe, and that's enough.

Where the air is dry (in air-conditioned rooms), it is advisable to provide the laurel with a minimum “water mirror”. Whether it will be an aquarium or a tray filled with wet pebbles depends on the taste and ingenuity of the owner.

Reproduction: one laurel – good...

...And two, if you weave their stems into a spiral, turn into a fashionable topiary.

Get planting material laurel can be done in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • air layering;
  • seeds;
  • vaccination.

Laurel cuttings

The most effective way is cuttings. The material can be parts of branches removed during the pruning process. Or fatty shoots (tops, or “suckers” in English), which periodically form at the base of the trunk. Semi-lignified shoots are cut obliquely so that each has 2-3 healthy buds. Lower leaves removed, the upper leaf blades are cut in half.

Root in wet sand, sphagnum or calcined soil. You can use perlite, vermiculite and other artificial substrates. An acidic environment is undesirable - roots will appear, but will develop sluggishly. It is recommended to pre-soak the peat. Good idea– fertile soil under a layer of sand. The roots, having grown stronger in a safe environment, will penetrate into a more nutritious area.

Plant at an angle, having previously dusted the cut with a root formation stimulator. Without using heteroauxin, root or zircon, you will have to wait three to four months. The drugs will save a third of your time, or even half.

Keep the cuttings warm and in diffused light, protected from drafts and evenly moistened. The best way is to cover it with a mini-greenhouse. After six months, young plants are ready to occupy personal flowerpots.

Dividing the bush and layering

Dividing the bush is carried out in the fall or early spring, when the plant is in the dormant phase. They divide fairly - so that each of the branches gets a part of the viable roots.

An interesting way is air layering. Several cuts are made on a healthy shoot and, sprinkled with growth hormone, it is wrapped in sphagnum. Alternatively, attach it to the stem plastic bag with substrate. Roots will appear in the area of ​​the cuts. When the substrate is penetrated by them, the cuttings are separated from the main stem.

Laurel from seeds

Home laurel may bloom, but it is unlikely to produce seeds. It is a dioecious plant, and it is not a fact that there will be a specimen of the opposite sex nearby. Nevertheless, the seeds of the noble laurel (fresh, after two to three months they lose their viability) can be brought back from the trip. They take what is called a painfully long time to germinate. From six months or more. However, patience will be rewarded. Laurel of seed origin is long-lasting (fifty years of life versus twenty for those obtained vegetatively). In addition, having emerged from a seed in a room environment, it is maximally adapted to it.

When is a vaccination needed?

Laurel propagation by grafting is used when replicating its decorative forms. There are not many of them, but they are there:

  • Laurus nobilis f. Aurea – young leaves are painted in a soft golden color;
  • Angustifolia - with narrow long leaves reminiscent of willow or fireweed;
  • Undulata - with grooved leaf edges.

There is another type of laurel, Laurus azorica (Azorean, or Canarian). Its leaves are somewhat smaller and its shoots are pubescent. For enthusiasts: you can try grafting L. azorica onto its less fastidious Mediterranean cousin.

Pests and diseases

There is little threat to a healthy laurel - its fresh leaves are so saturated with essential oils that there are no hunters to taste them. On the contrary, they themselves serve as a repellent.

The scale insect settles where insufficient hydration. Colonies of scale insects are cleaned off and the plant is washed with garlic infusion. They normalize the conditions, feed the laurel, and then it will cope on its own. Do the same if a whitefly is detected.

Infected specimens are subject to mandatory isolation!

Fungal infections in the form of various spots affect laurel with a lack of sunlight and fresh air, in an excessively humid environment. And also if the soil is acidified. It is recommended to remove the affected leaves (it’s okay if the tree is completely bare), change the substrate and optimize the conditions.

Noble, stylish and useful

Laurel is a true interior decoration. Organically, as it should, fits into the Mediterranean style.

With the help of pruning, and the laurel bears it stoically, the young tree can be given any shape you like. The classic ones are spherical and cone-shaped. The laurel in the shape of a ball, on a high stem, looks especially elegant.

Laurel pruning should begin from a young age - then its crown will be dense and symmetrical. The timing is not strictly limited, but it is best to work with pruning shears in the spring, before the buds awaken. Or at the end of the current growth.

It is easier for the plant to tolerate more frequent but less intense pruning.

The stem can be formed either straight (for this it is tied to a peg) or spiral-shaped. The second is achieved using a special wire. By weaving, you can turn a curtain of several laurels into an art object.

It will set the tone in the “garden of aromas”. It is enough to plant rosemary, lavender and oregano (that is, oregano) nearby. Its dark green foliage makes a great backdrop for other plants.

Laurel is a powerful source of phytoncides. Moreover, the characteristic aroma is not detectable in normal circumstances - for this the seasoning needs to be dried. If you rub a living leaf, it will emit a subtle scent, slightly sweet and with a nutmeg tint. IN Western Europe laurel is often called “sweet”.

We look after him, and he, in return, looks after us. The presence of laurel in the house will reduce the likelihood of migraines. And - it’s not for nothing that talent is associated with a laurel wreath - it will improve blood supply to the brain, gently influencing blood vessels through the same phytoncides. Its infusion will soothe pain in the joints, and mashed fresh leaves will heal the wound better than plantain. There are hundreds folk recipes based on laurel.

But the most interesting thing is that this laconic tree, having neither elaborate leaves nor exquisite flowers, creates a good mood in itself.

A bay leaf from a store and one grown with your own hands are, as they say, heaven and earth. Leaves that have been dried for 48 hours should be used to remove excess bitterness. The older the leaf, the richer its bouquet.

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of bay leaf seasoning. The native habitat of the spicy culture is the subtropics. In the Russian Federation, its cultivation in open ground is possible only in the south. In other regions, the plant is cultivated under normal indoor conditions. Experts share their experience on how to get fragrant homemade laurel without any problems: growing it from seeds, preventing diseases and properly pruning the leaves. For clarity, the tips are illustrated with photos.

Bay tree: description of the plant. Features of cultivation

An excellent seasoning for first and second courses, sauces and marinades with a strong and unique aroma is bay leaf. It also has disinfecting and diuretic properties, so it is also used in folk medicine. The leaves are rich useful substances, acids and essential oils. In ancient mythology, laurel branches were a talisman for the home against all bad things.

Attention! It has been scientifically proven that the tree purifies the air in the room, prevents the formation of fungus and the development of bacteria.

Another property of the home form of the laurel tree is decorativeness. Always fresh greenery can decorate any corner of the room. Even the northern side, because the plant is unpretentious to the abundance of sunlight, although near the southern window the bush will be denser and more luxuriant.

Laurel is a useful and ornamental plant

The seeds of the Mediterranean guest are easy to purchase on the Internet or find in flower shops. The fresher the seed, the higher its germination rates will be. The only correct planting dates are spring (end of winter) or autumn.

Step-by-step technology for planting laurel

The process consists of the following stages:

  1. Before starting work, store the seeds in the refrigerator.
  2. Soak the material for 2-3 days. This will help the sprout break through the thick seed coat. Floated seeds are unsuitable for propagation.
  3. Soak the seeds in a growth stimulator for several hours. For example, in Epin.
  4. Plant in regular large pots or containers with good drainage system. Use any neutral color as a base. fertile soil. However, the top layer 2-3 cm thick should consist of disinfected sand.
  5. Deepen the seeds 1 cm and cover the planting with film. The greenhouse is designed to support high level moisture in the soil.

Be prepared that even under ideal conditions and proper care You will see seedlings no earlier than in 3-6 months. Therefore, flower growers recommend sowing laurel in January or February. In this case, even with the slowest development, seedlings will appear in the summer, and this is the best time for their active development and growth. Favorable temperature for germination is not lower than +12 °C. After the seeds hatch, remove the film. At the stage when a pair of true leaves appear, pick the seedlings into separate pots.

Laurel seeds

Caring for a bay tree indoors

Unlike other immigrant plants from the Mediterranean subtropics, laurel is unpretentious and hardy. In addition to the ability to grow in the shade, it has the following features:

  • The plant does not like dry air. Regular spraying and bathing once a month under a warm shower are supplemented by installing a container with water. Place it on the windowsill next door. A mini lake can be decorated and made into a room decor element.
  • Approximately once every 3 weeks, feed the laurel with fertilizers. From the second season, focus on organic matter (pigeon droppings have worked well). Throughout the life of the plant, mineral fertilizers work effectively.
  • Water the tree only with settled water at room temperature. From May to September - once every 3 days, the rest of the time - once every 5 days. During the hottest summer days Watering can be increased. However, beware of excess moisture in the soil.
  • Young bushes up to 3 years of age need to be transplanted every 2 years into a larger pot. Best time- spring. Older trees are replanted no more than once every 5 years. Sometimes old laurels are not replanted, but simply replace the top layer of soil with a new one. After the procedure, add organic fertilizer and stop feeding for six months.

Spray the plant regularly

  • In summer, the laurel will benefit from fresh air. Take the plant out onto the balcony, veranda or even into the garden. But beware of cool drafts.
  • Prune the tree. The best time is between summer and autumn. This will encourage the laurel to grow outward rather than upward. Starting from the age of 2 years, use garden shears to form a crown in the form of a ball or any other shape.
  • Loosening is also necessary for this plant. Work carefully - the roots lie shallow.

Advice. In winter, during the dormant period, it is advisable to provide the laurel tree with a cool atmosphere with a temperature within +10...15 °C.

Alternative ways to propagate bay trees

Get new copy Laurel can also be grown by horizontal layering and cuttings. The first method is only relevant for open ground, and the second one is suitable for indoor culture. Cuttings should be harvested in March or April:

  • only shoots are suitable healthy plant, which have not yet crusted over, but have already ripened;
  • get pieces of 6-8 cm: make a cut half the thickness of the twig, tear off the rest with a small piece of bark;
  • the cutting must have a heel, which is located below the first node;
  • Remove the leaves at the bottom of the segment.

Laurel can be propagated by cuttings

Be prepared for difficulties because cuttings do not root well. To increase the chances of success, soak the section first in water, then in any root stimulant. Deepen the cutting 2 cm into the cleaned sand and cover with film. Spray the soil to maintain the greenhouse high humidity. Under normal development conditions, the branch will sprout roots in about 1 month. After this, it can be planted in open ground.

The bay tree has a specific aroma and antimicrobial substances in its sap, therefore it is quite resistant to pests and fungal infections. A plant can become infected only if it is neglected too much. In this case, use standard methods against specific ailments. An external sign of poor health of a tree is yellowed leaves. In general, caring for laurel is simple. Even a beginner can grow it on a windowsill.