Improve my life in a comfortable, pleasant environment. Don't give in to apathy

— What you need to start doing now to make life better
— 7 ways to instantly improve your quality of life!
- List of things not to do if you want to improve your life

1) Do 10-15 minutes of exercise every morning.
Such a small warm-up will give you energy in the morning and the whole day will pass on a positive note. You can do it not only in the morning, but also during the day if you have the opportunity and desire.

2) Start doing cardio.
Cardio exercises are good because you will help yourself relieve the stress of a difficult day, let off steam, one might say, and you will also keep your body in good physical shape.

3) Regulate your sleep.
Go to bed and get up at a certain time, set an alarm for this.

4) Reduce your intake of junk food.
You can gradually switch to more healthy food and see for yourself how tasty and healthy it is. And also do not forget about drinking water throughout the day, we all remember that the human body consists of 80% water, and this balance must be maintained.

5) Set aside time for self-development. Try to read different literature: scientific, fiction (in poetry and prose) in order to develop comprehensively, because the information received from books can always be useful to you.

6) Work on irritability and anger.
For any irritation that appears, try to understand and realize that this emotion causes irreparable harm to health. Only with positive emotions do people feel good.

7) Make an action plan for each day.
Any physical training, reading, or work on emotional state take time. To do this, you need to plan your day so that you have time not only to work, devote time to your family, but also to engage in your self-development, both physical and moral.

8) Face your fears.
List, remember everything that you are afraid of, that worries you and makes you insecure, that interferes with your life, and then destroy these barriers one by one.

9) Work on solving your problems.
Make a list of the most big problems in life, and in addition to problems, there may also be bad habits that it is desirable to get rid of. And then focus most of your internal energy on one item on the list until you solve it, or at least make it less of a problem.

10) Spend 10-20 minutes every day on meditation.
At the end of the day or whenever you feel tired or overwhelmed, find a quiet place, sit comfortably with your back straight, close your eyes and stabilize your breathing so that it is calm and even.

11) Clean your house - clear the space.
Do a thorough cleaning of your home. Throw away all the trash that has accumulated over the course of for a long time. Don't feel sorry for old things that are sitting idle.

12) Meet new people and don't forget about your loved ones.
New meetings will bring interesting events into your life, good connections, which, perhaps, can have a very good impact on your destiny in the future.
Don't forget about your loved one. Spend more time together, give each other warm emotions.

13) Start saying words like “No”, “I’m sorry” and “This is interesting, continue” more often.

a) Saying “No” means that you want to set boundaries that do not allow people to deceive themselves, to apply all sorts of negative pressure.
b) “I’m sorry” - means that sometimes you can make mistakes, you admit it and apologize in time.

c) The last statement means that you are always open interesting ideas and advice from others.

— 7 ways to instantly improve your quality of life!

1) Simplify.
Get rid of everything that no longer brings you benefit or joy. Stop watching TV (except for humorous, educational and inspiring programs, everything else is a waste of precious time). Make time for what really matters and ignore everything else.

2) Start your day with positivity and end it with gratitude.
This simple meditation practice will take no more than 30 minutes a day (15 in the morning and 15 in the evening), but will radically change your worldview.

3) Do what you love every day.
Most of us are so overwhelmed with obligations to others that we forget about the one person trying to “do it all” - ourselves. Is “everything” really that important? Do something you enjoy every day.

4) Work on your goals every day.
Spend at least a few minutes on something that brings you closer to your goal, and you will feel that you are not marking time, that you are doing something important.

5) Be more lenient with yourself.
You can’t do everything, and you need to leave some time and energy for personal needs. It's impossible to do everything perfectly. Therefore, it is very important to be able to simplify.

6) Look at communicating with people in a new way.
We often feel that our quality of life is diminished by the unpleasant people we deal with every day. Instead of feeling stressed about this, imagine that these people are actors. Imagine that both they and you are starring in a film about your life - after all, someone needs to play negative characters!

7) Visualize your ideal life.
Spend a few minutes every day visualizing the ideal development of your life. Do this constantly, with feeling, and you will be surprised how quickly the “right” people and “right” situations will begin to appear on your path. everything is in the present tense.

- List of things not to do if you want to improve your life

1) Look at your phone during meetings.
The phone doesn't care when exactly you give it a second of attention. The phone will not appreciate it anyway, and this is its difference from people.

2) Be distracted in meetings.
Focus on what is happening here and now and you will be surprised how much new and important you will take away from the most everyday meeting.

3) Think about the fates of people who have nothing to do with your life.
It’s better to turn it on your loved ones: wife, children, parents, friends. Devote your time and thoughts to them. They deserve it much more.

5) Live in the past.
Of course, the past is an important part of our experience. The mistakes we have made teach us to be stronger and not repeat them, but it is very important not to dwell on them. Learn to forgive: yourself and others.

6) Wait for the perfect moment.
The perfect moment will never come. There are no ideal moments at all. Instead of waiting for a mysterious set of circumstances to happen, take a chance.

7) Gossip.
It's not worth it. Spend this time on productive and meaningful conversations - it will be useful for your business, and you will not be known as a gossip.

8) Agree out of politeness.
By saying “no,” you will, of course, survive a few unpleasant minutes, but nothing more. And if you sign up for something that makes you painfully want to run to the ends of the earth, you will suffer for at least as long as this damn thing takes. Or maybe longer.

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The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

1. Never doubt anything.

2. Take action.

3. Surround yourself with people with whom you are interested, and exclude from your environment those who oppress and irritate you, as well as any skeptics.

4. Read good motivational books.

5. Watch interesting educational films.

6. Do only things that give you pleasure, if possible. If it is not possible, strive for it.

7. Delegate all routine work.

8. Run beyond the red flags (beyond the ordinary).

9. Give freedom to your Self. Let your creativity manifest itself.

10. Be confident.

11. Be proud of yourself.

12. Get enough sleep.

13. Reason and justification are different things. If there is a reason, don’t do it; if you are looking for an excuse, do it.

14. If you feel bad, selflessly help someone who is even worse.

15. Just help someone from time to time.

16. If you work from home, do not lie in your underpants with your laptop in bed. Work at your desk, but not in your pajamas.

17. Don't read news, blogs and email more than necessary for work.

18. Do something that you have long wanted to do, but for some reason you never did it.

19. Eat in a calm environment and on time. There is no need to chew sandwiches on the go too often.

20. Spend the day off with family or friends.

21. Plan.

22. Set goals, long-term and short-term.

23. Make a list of tasks for every day.

24. Before starting work, remember your current goals.

24. Don't be distracted by other things.

26. Your goals should be achievable, but a little exaggerated.

27. Set a deadline for achieving your goal. This deadline should be realistic, but a little approximate.

28. Dream.

29. Dream big!

30. Dream even bigger, global!

31. Remember that dreaming is not harmful, it is even very useful.

32. Take full responsibility for unachieved goals upon yourself. Remember this responsibility.

33. Studying boring work, remember that it is necessary - this is a step towards achieving the goal. If this is not the case, do not engage in this work under any circumstances.

34. In the evening of every day, write a short report on the work done during the day.

35. Summarize preliminary results.

36. Adjust goals if necessary. But the adjustment should be caused by a real need, and not because something has led you astray.

37. Constantly imagine your goals, imagine that you have already achieved them, think how you feel.

38. Hang it on the wall marker board and write down your immediate goals on it, make plans.

39. Let your goals be visual. Keep them in front of you at all times. Make a collage.

40. Forget about past failures, but remember past victories, so that that joyful feeling is transferred to the present and helps you achieve new goals.

41. When you don’t feel like doing anything, do at least something (something current work or charging, finally).

42. If you don’t feel like doing anything at all, go to bed. This The best decision in a situation like this.

43. Get rid of the TV.

44. Don't drink alcohol. Become a total teetotaler!

45. And, of course, don’t smoke.

46. ​​Teach someone something you are good at. This is a useful practice.

47. Never give up!

48. Don’t give up, even if you run out of strength and patience! Where patience ends, endurance begins.

49. Sometimes it’s good to just laugh (at some joke or problem).

50. Take five even, deep breaths.

51. Study other people's success stories.

52. Take action!

53. Work, constantly take action towards your goal. If you do not retreat, sooner or later a critical mass will be reached and your goal will be achieved.

54. Ask for help loved one, if you really need it.

55. Live your biggest and most powerful dream.

56. Every time you imagine that the goal has already been achieved, you should feel awe and delight. If this is not the case, change the goal.

57. Tell your loved ones “I love you!”

58. Enjoy mistakes as much as successes.

59. Don't miss opportunities that arise.

60. Forgive the person with whom you were angry or even considered your enemy.

61. Do your own thing, don’t copy someone else’s. You can model someone's business, but you don't have to copy someone's life.

62. Memorize good aphorisms.

63. Read classic literature.

64. Learn by heart several poems that you like.

65. Take one step per unit of time. Don't spray yourself.

66. Believe in yourself!

67. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

68. Stay organized.

69. There is no need to complicate things. Some points need to be taken more simply.

70. You are the luckiest person. Remember this.

71. Love yourself, but don't be selfish.

72. Take care of your appearance.

73. Watch your health.

74. Stay physically fit.

75. Eat healthy foods, not preservatives.

76. Be in nature more often.

77. Live in the village for a while if you are tired and want to collect your thoughts.

78. Change your surroundings.

79. Clean up yours workplace.

80. Read for 15 minutes before bed fiction, in no way related to your main activity or achieving success.

81. Look out the window. What do you see there?

82. Never envy anyone. To envy others with black envy means not to respect yourself.

83. Respect yourself!

84. Relax.

85. Watch your posture.

86. Do not work forcefully unless absolutely necessary. Sometimes it’s better to rest a little, and then do everything twice as fast and with interest.

87. Don't let your soul be lazy.

88. Don't let circumstances control you.

89. Nothing should lead you astray from your chosen path.

90. Your problems are temporary.

91. Remember that in any situation there are at least two ways out.

92. Take a walk outside.

93. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room.

94. Get indoor plants near your workplace, as well as in any other place.

95. Take a break and eat some chocolate

96. Be grateful for what you have.

97. Remember that there are millions of people in the world who live much worse than you.

98. Forget about what is done. Look only forward.

99. Remember that success is not just about money. This includes family, friends, health, harmony, etc.

100. Be patient.

101. Be resilient if you run out of patience.

102. Think about the eternal.

103. Don't sit at the computer for too long. Every half hour, get up from your chair and walk around the room for three to five minutes, drink water, or just look out the window.

104. Listen to your favorite music.

105. Don't forget about rest.

106. Remember that frequent rest and a loose lifestyle corrupt a person.

107. Demand more from yourself.

108. Constantly learn something new.

109. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

110. Do something in your life for eternity.

111. Make a dream board. Place collages there with images of your desires. Visualize your dreams this way.

112. Remember that the motto “take everything from life” is very dubious. Think before you take something.

113. Bet something with someone that you will do something, achieve something. This is a great way to motivate.

114. State your goals publicly. Motivates even more than the previous point.

115. Compete with someone (not with someone who is obviously weaker than you; better with someone who is a little stronger). Competition is a great motivation to do better than him.

116. Go through life with ease.

117. But do not be frivolous.

118. Take regular breaks from work.

119. Know exactly what you want your life to be.

120. Do something for the good of your Motherland.

121. If you devote your entire life to the previous point, your life will definitely not be in vain.

122. Don't say bad words.

123. Don't swear.

124. Believe. Believe a lot.

125. Find a person or people to be your role model. Just don't make idols out of them.

126. Look for opportunities to network with successful people, especially the people from the previous point.

127. Have a good breakfast in the morning.

128. Love!

129. Travel.

130. Keep a diary regularly.

131. Show others what you are capable of.

132. Smile.

133. If more than one piece of advice doesn’t help, go to a monastery (seriously).

P.S. Do a good deed for others right now: add your tips for a better life in the comments. :)


I can give one more piece of advice: if you live in Spain, then to lift your spirits, organize shopping in Barcelona; the main thing is to stick to the budget, and pleasure is guaranteed.

There is probably no such person who would be completely satisfied with his life. Some are not satisfied financial position and want more, others - appearance and health, others - relationships with family and friends. Our lives can be improved, but for this we must take specific actions. This article will talk about 20 steps that can help change it in positive side, and in all areas.

  1. Stop criticizing other people. When a person is busy discussing the shortcomings of strangers, he does not see his own problems. Getting rid of this habit will allow you to make a real breakthrough in life.
  2. Analyze your actions. You don't need to set aside a lot of time for this. It is enough to do this while standing in a traffic jam on the way to work, before going to bed, while taking a shower, etc.
  3. Do a 20-minute warm-up or jog every morning. This will allow you to recharge yourself with energy for the whole day, and after two or three weeks you will simply recognize yourself. Productivity and well-being will be on a completely different level.
  4. Buy a notebook and write down new ideas in it. Re-read them from time to time. This habit can change your life beyond recognition, since all great endeavors begin with ideas.
  5. Leave all grievances in the past. To do this, you can take a piece of paper and write down all such cases on it. After this, you should demonstratively burn it, saying words of forgiveness out loud. It works and yours psychological condition will definitely improve.
  6. Clear your home of old junk. Remove from it broken cups and plates, torn things, various old clothes, etc. The energy of the house or apartment will improve and make room for new acquisitions.
  7. Make a plan for your life for 5 years. This will help you concentrate on your main goals and avoid doing unnecessary actions.
  8. Constantly gain new in-demand knowledge, skills and improve yourself, as this will definitely come in handy in life. To do this, you can attend English courses on the website, which will allow you to increase your value in the labor market, subscribe to various literature, purchase trainings and seminars.
  9. To improve your life, get plenty of sleep every day. Lack of sleep leads to decreased energy levels and low productivity during the day.
  10. Start getting up one hour earlier. This habit will give you extra time for self-development and learning.
  11. At least once a week, do good deeds that will definitely count towards you. This could be helping children and the homeless, charity, supporting others with words and actions, and so on.
  12. Smile. Start every morning with a smile at your own reflection in the mirror. This will allow you to always have a positive outlook on life.
  13. Get into the habit of preparing everything for tomorrow the evening before. It will allow you to start a new day without stress, which will have a positive impact on productivity.
  14. Appreciate your body. Avoid eating fast food and other empty calories. Give preference to natural food and products.
  15. Improve your relationships with other people. Give your beloved a pleasant surprise or gift, help your colleagues at work in any of their affairs.
  16. Learn at least one relaxation and meditation technique. In our turbulent times, it will help calm your nerves in order to more effectively solve emerging problems.
  17. Don't put things off until later. Your efficiency will increase significantly, which will have a positive impact on achieving your goals.
  18. Create sources of income that will bring you money when you are on vacation. All truly rich people get their millions this way.
  19. On weekends, go to another city or nature. Such trips diversify life and remove routine from it.
  20. Learn to say “no” when necessary. This will allow you to oust from your environment energy vampires and those individuals who are accustomed to doing everything with someone else’s hands.

These fairly simple steps will help improve your life and make it much more vibrant and memorable. Subscribe to blog updates and receive new useful tips.

Human nature is such that we always strive to improve our lives. Even those who have already achieved many of the goals they have set for themselves, from time to time ask themselves the question - how else can you change your life? And people who value stability will never refuse, for example, a salary increase, a pleasant acquaintance, or any other change in life for the better.

Why is this necessary - to change life? Is it bad when it flows as usual, measuredly and smoothly? Having achieved favorable conditions - stable work, own apartment, a beautiful family - people often fold their arms and begin to think that there is nowhere to improve their life even more, and there is no need. What's the end result? After some time, work begins to get boring, a period of misunderstanding begins in the family, and the apartment, it turns out, could have been larger and more comfortable. A person simply becomes bored, because in order to get joy from life and be successful, it is important to develop and not stand still.

Therefore, no matter how successful life may seem, there are always ways to improve it. We'll suggest several different areas in which you can make progress - take your pick and decide what you could do today!

How to change your life

To improve your life, first decide what exactly you would like to change. Someone might say - everything is fine with me, I don’t need to change anything. But don’t such people, deep down, want progress? After all, a change in life is not necessarily a rejection of existing benefits, it is also the emergence of something new. Career growth or the birth of a long-awaited child are also changes, and pleasant ones at that.

Are you determined to change your life for the better? Then let's figure out which direction to move. First, decide on your goals and aspirations. Some people have known for a long time exactly what they want and are striving for. But it would be a good idea for such purposeful individuals to take a little closer look at themselves - just to make sure that they are moving in the right direction.

1. Ask yourself questions.

What is my life like now and how much do I like it? What do I want her to be like? What do I like to do and what can I do now? What concessions am I willing to make for this, and what will I not make? This will set the stage for future changes and will let the brain know that its owner is serious.

2. Understand yourself.

Take two sheets of paper, write down your strengths on one, and your weaknesses on the other. Now, on the first page opposite each item, write down what you would like to improve and develop - for example, not only read English, but also speak fluently with native speakers. And the second is what can be done to mitigate or eliminate these shortcomings. You will immediately see the future scope of work.

3. Build an action plan for the coming year based on these two lists.

Each month, focus on one item from each. A new habit is established in 21 days - this way, every month you can develop and consolidate one useful one and find a replacement for one harmful one. Think about how to combine these points: for example, in April you can start going for morning runs, and for this you will have to learn to get up early and, accordingly, not stay late in the evening. And before that, you can learn to devote not two hours a day to social networks, but one, and in the free time, write in your diary, cook, do your hobbies or do household chores.

4. Take responsibility for your life.

Tell yourself: from now on, my life is changing through my own strength. Even for those who blame their failures on the severity of their parents and an unhappy childhood, it is important to realize that changes in life are their business. own hands. Give up the idea of ​​waiting for outside help and looking for someone to blame. This is a change in mindset that frees your hands and makes you much freer.

5. Learn to look at life with optimism.

In everything that happens, highlight the positive side. Were you sold a low-quality product? You now have experience communicating with the store manager, and in addition, you know how important it is to collect the receipt. Make the most of everything you encounter.

6. Be prepared for a not-so-favorable outcome.

This does not contradict the previous point: in the same case with a purchase, you can hope that everything will be fine with it, but you can also take into account the unpleasant option and reserve the opportunity to return the money. An optimist is not someone who looks at life through pink glasses, but the one who sees both sides of the issue, consciously choosing the positive one.

7. Replace apology with gratitude.

This does not apply to the case if you step on someone's toe, but in many cases it is useful to replace self-deprecation and attempts to see your guilt with respect for yourself and at the same time understanding for others. Instead of “sorry for bothering me with my problems” - “thank you for your concern.” Instead of “sorry for waking you up” - “thank you for your attention, I remember that you are sleeping at this time, but this was an exceptional case.”

8. And at the same time, train yourself to be attentive to people.

No amount of gratitude will protect those who regularly wake you up with phone calls or overload you with their problems from conflict.

9. Start keeping time.

Spend the day writing down each of your activities—even brushing your teeth—and the time it takes. You can discover the most interesting facts: a frighteningly complex task, which takes half a day to persuade yourself to complete, in fact takes only twenty minutes, and innocent surfing on the Internet takes two hours, flying by like five minutes. Regulate your time, use it wisely.

10. If the results of the previous paragraph showed that time is really going in the wrong direction, master time management.

How exactly can this technique be applied? Here are some ways to get your life in order with its help.

11. Develop a sense of time.

Take one minute, close your eyes and try to determine when it will pass. When you feel that the right moment has arrived, open your eyes and compare your result with a stopwatch. You will most likely see that time as we experience it differs from the actual passage. We think that only an hour has passed, but in reality - “oh, how late it is!”

Practice this exercise more often - in a queue, in an elevator, and it is especially convenient when you are waiting for a metro train and see a stopwatch. Gradually increase the interval from a minute to two, five, ten. It will also be useful to learn to guess what time it is. All this will help you become the master of your time.

12. Get rid of tasks that take an unreasonably long time to complete, to the detriment of other things.

If you can find a faster replacement, try to do so. Or delegate the task altogether.

Do you really need to cook a three-course meal every day? Maybe you can get by with more simple recipes or get family help? Are you sure that you need to go to the store across the city - maybe it’s more rational to make a purchase near your home or order delivery?

Wasted time should always be compensated with something - if not with money, then with pleasure, good health or benefits in the future. Where you can reduce the amount of time, do so.

13. Determine what extraneous factors “eat up” time.

Maybe a chat with a neighbor or a co-worker who came over for a minute and started talking for half an hour? Or work meetings? Highlight what happens more than once a week, and talk to the “culprits”, explain that you can give them no more than a certain period of time - five to ten minutes.

14. Try to use every minute of your time wisely.

Do squats while the cutlets are frying, solve Sudoku or memorize English words while waiting for the elevator.

The next few tips are not directly related to time management, but certainly have something to do with time and improving your quality of life.

15. Allocate the required 7-8 hours for sleep.

This is the same necessary procedure for the body as a technical inspection for a car or cleaning the registry for a computer - it will help you work faster and better and protect you from more serious and expensive repairs.

16. Go to bed at the same time.

This will make it easier for the body to get used to and adjust.

17. If you feel exhausted in the morning, try not to increase the duration of sleep, but rather, reduce it by half an hour.

This is due to the change of fast and slow phases of sleep: by moving from one to another, you can make it easier to get up.

18. If you decide to rest and take a nap during the day, allocate no more than fifteen minutes for this.

Longer sleep will bring a feeling of exhaustion instead of a feeling of rest.

Fifteen minutes is not so little if you change your life during this period and do it day after day. Here are some examples.

19. Make it a habit to do something for your home every day.

Wipe dust or floors, put things away or vacuum, and weekly spring-cleaning will be reduced by an hour and a half. It’s the same here as in sports: short-term, but regular exercise is more effective than long-term exercise once every 2 months. First we feed our home - then it feeds us.

20. Play sports.

What can you accomplish in 15 minutes? For example, stand in a plank position, do a few push-ups or pull-ups, or perform a set of therapeutic exercises.

21. Dance.

If you think you don’t know how, just move to your favorite music. The body will figure out what it needs to relax tense areas.

Brainstorm a problem.

23. Read.

Fifteen minutes is not enough to concentrate on a serious book, but it is enough for a short story or Wikipedia article.

24. Meditate.

Relax your mind and body, listen to the sensations - pressures, persistent thoughts.

25. Draw.

Don't be afraid that you won't get a masterpiece - do it for your own pleasure.

26. Call friends or relatives you rarely see.

27. Write a blog or diary entry.

Often people don't do what they would like to do because they think they don't have time for it. A task that seems massive is daunting. But try to do it in small portions, and within a week you will see the first results.

How to improve your life

Let’s move on from simple daily tasks to more serious practices. What can and should be changed in consciousness to make life better?

28. Develop critical thinking.

Check the information you receive.

29. Listen first to the advice you asked for.

30. And don’t give advice yourself if you haven’t been asked.

And if you decide to offer something, ask the person if he is ready to listen. If someone's decision seems strange and wrong, find out the situation before giving your opinion.

31. Avoid generalizations, talk only about the present moment.

Instead of “you constantly throw things around” - “you took this book and didn’t put it on the shelf, and I couldn’t find it for a long time.” This will help avoid many conflicts.

32. And do not allow yourself to be drawn into generalized expressions.

If someone approaches you in the manner of “you are always late,” do not enter into a reciprocal conflict. Answer something you can agree with: “Yes, I really don’t always manage my time.” The interlocutor will not have the resources to maintain the conflict. You will get food for thought: maybe it’s really worth thinking through your schedule more carefully?

To the one who says: “it won’t work out anyway,” “there’s not enough money for this,” “there are a lot of other things to do.”

This is not about the voice of reason that opposes spending time on social networks or making the tenth unnecessary purchase. We are talking about that internal censor, because of whom many important and successful projects did not take place and who seeks to deprive one of self-confidence.

34. When the “nothing will work out anyway” mechanism turns on, find counterarguments!

No time? But you can always set aside at least an hour. What will others say? Perhaps they will say: “How good it turned out!” Fight, don't fold your arms.

35. Put yourself in the shoes of your inner critic.

Imagine that you are preventing someone else from making and executing a decision. Think about what intentions are driving this, what makes you do this? This will help you find counterarguments and understand yourself.

36. If some quality of another person causes irritation, this is a signal to take a closer look at yourself.

Often what irritates us in other people is what we don’t like about ourselves, but are afraid to admit.

37. If possible, avoid making value judgments about people - this will allow you to focus more on your development rather than on criticizing others.

38. Study psychology.

Knowing people and their motives will change life for the better, and understanding how best to behave in a given situation - even more so.

39. Don't be attached to money.

They are needed so as not to think about them. Feel free to spend what you earn, use your finances for your own pleasure.

40. And if you already like to spend your entire salary in a week, try to change your habits and save.

41. Conquer procrastination.

This quality hinders the most different people V different areas activities. Start doing it here and now, without putting it off until the mythical “later”.

42. Give up conflicts.

Don’t get into an argument for the sake of arguing, avoid conflicting personalities.

43. Stop kicking yourself like a careless subordinate.

Start working with yourself as a polite and professional business partner who doesn’t let you down.

44. Master the Pareto rule: 20% of efforts bring 80% of results.

Do the important things first, which will solve most of the issues, and then the details. Here are some examples of how you can apply this rule in life.

45. Determine your circle of closest friends.

There may be many pleasant acquaintances, but only a few are worth counting on seriously. Stay close to those who matter and don't have sky-high expectations from random friends.

46. ​​Pick up minimum required clothes that are suitable for most situations.

Provide your wardrobe with a few durable, high-quality, versatile pieces that you can accessorize with.

47. Find your work niche in which you will develop, and go deeper in this direction.

Don't spread yourself thin: one main activity should bring in the largest portion of your income. If you find something more profitable, focus on this new activity.

48. A small number of mentors provide the bulk of knowledge.

One omniscient guru is good, two are very good, three are careful not to get confused in their advice. Find someone who will be supportive, but don't expect advice from everyone at once. Listen to different people, trust proven ones.

But let’s assume that both procrastination and conflicts have long been defeated. You glanced at all the previous points, which are already a passed stage or something completely unknown. What advice can you give to those who are successful, happy and still strive for more?

49. Conquer Everest.

Or, for starters, at least Goverla. Reaching the top in the literal sense - The best way fill life with new colors.

50. Jump with a parachute.

51. Spend your vacation hitchhiking.

52. Buy a bike.

Ride it to work, on weekend trips. You will get not only an active lifestyle, but also new acquaintances with the same people.

53. Try scuba diving.

54. Travel to an unfamiliar country without money in your wallet.

Find a part-time job there to earn a living, meet the locals and find out how they live, try your hand. Not everyone decides to do this, but they return from such trips as completely different people.

55. Create your own project in which you can share knowledge and skills in those areas where you have accumulated solid experience.

Think: what do you like to do in your free time, what do you feel like a professional at? This is not necessarily something that brings money or practical benefits now. If you find people who are interested in the same thing and who need valuable advice, you can later monetize your “useless” hobby.

56. Have a child.

This is the most effective method make changes in your life for many years to come.

What can you come up with that is less extreme, but also important?

57. Enter family traditions: Dinner together or weekend hikes.

58. Visit relatives you haven’t seen for a long time.

59. Love sports.

It will help develop discipline, stress resistance, willpower - you can never have enough of these qualities. Among all the variety of its types, there is sure to be something that you will like. Here are some options.

60. Sign up for a swimming pool.

This is not only swimming, but also diving, and if you like to work in a team, then synchronized swimming or water polo. In water there is less risk of injury, and at the same time, all muscle groups receive a suitable load.

61. Those who love team sports probably already play football or basketball.

But they are also worth trying for those who consider themselves an introvert. Such a shift can reveal unknown facets of personality and show what teamwork is like.

62. And for those who cannot imagine themselves outside the team, it will be useful to play several games of table tennis or badminton, where you have to rely only on your own strength.

63. Try yourself in martial arts.

Each of them has their own philosophy, from which something important can be gleaned. And besides, such skills can be useful outside the gym.

64. Learn to play chess.

And if you already know how, there is no limit to perfection! Find a partner with whom you can practice regularly, or start creating your own challenges.

65. Hang a horizontal bar in the doorway of your room.

Do pull-ups every time you leave or enter. This also applies to girls - such exercises will not make your shoulders look masculine, but they will strengthen your muscles and self-confidence.

66. Walk more - to and from work, at least part of the way. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

67. Go on a hike.

Travel agencies offer many options - hiking home country and through foreign landscapes, mountain, water and even bicycle tours. This is a type of holiday that you need to try at least once in your life. Even one such vacation changes life in better side– this is an opportunity to spend time in an active and cheerful company, to see breathtakingly Beautiful places and test your strength. There is plenty to choose from here too.

68. Rafting – on kayaks or catamarans, along a mountain stream or a calm river.

It will leave a pleasant impression on those who love water and provide incomparable rowing pleasure. And on such a hike you won’t have to carry a heavy backpack.

69. Hiking - on the plains or mountains, in any case invigorates and strengthens.

And a heavy backpack is nothing compared to the light-hearted nature of experienced tourists, unforgettable places and adventures, and satisfaction at the end of the journey.

70. Winter forays.

Those who have tried summer outdoor activities may be interested in seeing familiar places in winter: frozen waterfalls and rivers or caves in which all year round constant temperature. Not to mention such a traditional winter entertainment as skiing. If you haven't tried it, discover it for yourself.

What to do at home?

You returned from rafting or from the mountains, full of determination to continue changing your usual way of life. Where to apply it?

71. Rearrange your room.

This will be a kind of sip fresh air for the brain - it benefits from such shocks and the need to change the usual course of action.

72. Try it new kitchen: Italian (and this is not only pizza), Georgian, Brazilian...

73. Love mornings and Mondays.

It sounds like a mockery, but in fact there is no need to be aggressive about a new beginning and a clean slate.

74. Every evening, make a plan for the next day.

75. Get a pet.

Let's take a closer look here.

76. Having a dog will be useful for those who are not against daily walks and an active lifestyle.

And for those who are against it, it is especially useful. The need to get out of the house and pay attention to an active animal will change your life for the better - even if it doesn’t seem so at first. And the friendliness and devotion of the beast will show that all this is not in vain.

77. Cats are owned by those who want to find an affectionate friend, but are ready for the friend to turn out to be headstrong and self-confident.

And if you adopt an animal from a shelter, then pride in a good deed done will be added to the pleasant impressions.

78. For those for whom both a cat and a dog are too large an acquisition, you can get rats.

It is in the plural - these animals are especially cheerful and playful in groups (of course, same-sex ones, although you can also change the usual way of life by establishing a rat nursery). Decorative rat pups differ from their wild relatives - they are sociable and not at all malicious. Communication with them will bring many pleasant moments. And their tails are not hairless at all.

79. Place an aquarium at home.

He will become great decoration rooms, not to mention the opportunity to admire living creatures, which, moreover, do not need to be bathed.

80. Take photos.

At least on the phone. At least for myself. This will help you see how multifaceted the world is around. You will begin to notice different unique moments in life.

81. Learn something new, related to your main activity.

Something you haven’t dealt with yet, but want to try. If you sew, try embroidery as well. If you program, learn to test programs - at least just to get an idea. This will expand your horizons and knowledge, and can also be a bonus for employers.

82. And a similar method with a significant difference: try to learn something you are not sure about.

To what you think is not for you. If you consider yourself a humanist, understand the basics of mathematics or physics. If you think you can't sing, take a few vocal lessons. To change your lifestyle, change yourself.

83. Travel more often.

This could be either the opposite continent or another area of ​​the city. Or a neighboring city where you can go for the weekend.

84. Study your city: its history, architecture.

You will recognize familiar places from an unknown perspective and begin to appreciate the places in which you live.

85. Read more.

Make it a habit to read one book a week. Or two weeks if your schedule doesn’t allow it.

86. Take out the trash.

Give it to those who need it most, or recycle it.

87. Clean your computer.

Work will become faster and more efficient.

88. Cross off things you can’t complete..

Refuse or complete, but don’t procrastinate – make life easier.

89. Find a part-time job.

Anything that will please and inspire. This will open up new horizons.

90. Make new acquaintances.

91. Volunteer.

Philanthropy will help you find the individual meaning of life and give you confidence that you are not living in vain.

What exactly can you apply yourself to?

92. Help an animal shelter.

You can foster an animal, find a new family for it, buy medicine or food, or help with actions - in any way. big city There is a problem of homeless animals, and workers are always needed there. If you cannot be indifferent to our smaller brothers, but do not have time, help with finances, this is also always relevant.

93. Cooperate with an orphanage.

Children always need toys, new clothes, hygiene products, and even more - attention and care. Volunteers often organize trips to show children deprived of parental love that the world is not indifferent to them. They also organize programs for teenagers, helping them adapt to society. You can become a mentor for someone who is just starting to live - this will be invaluable to his life, and he will certainly be grateful.

94. Work with people with disabilities.

There are programs that offer them help - everyday help or simple communication, which these people often lack.

95. Just transfer money to trusted charities from time to time.

On bank cards you can turn on the feature to do this automatically and change for the better every month.

And a few more simple tips.

96. Correct your handwriting.

97. Master calligraphy if your handwriting is already beautiful.

98. Visit the dentist: It's a health benefit and a step towards courage.

99. Have a dream. Even if it’s impossible.

100. Get off the Internet! You won't change your life until you take action.

If you increasingly begin to think that anxieties, fears and stress have filled your life and there is little that pleases you, then something urgently needs to change. And to be more precise, improve your life and make positive changes to it.

In this article you will find 120 tips, listening to which you will significantly improve your life. Believe me, as soon as you begin to put the recommendations into practice, you will be able to see the results soon.

1. Doubt. Conquer your fears and doubts. Listen to your inner voice and never doubt.

2. Environment. Work on your environment. Think about people. Who surround you, and exclude communication with those people who oppress you and do not bring anything positive into your life.

3. Action. Do not delay the implementation of plans and tasks, but act today and now.

4. . Watch educational films and videos.

5. Read books. But read not just any books, but ones that are useful and motivate you to succeed.

6. Pleasure. Do only what brings you pleasure. If for some reason this is impossible, then strive for it.

7. Delegate. Learn to delegate affairs and tasks to other people, especially when it comes to routine work.

8. Live. Don’t be afraid of something new, remove all restrictions in your life, unless of course this does not contradict your moral principles and is aimed only for good.

9. Express yourself. Release your dreams and be creative.

10. Confidence. Learn to be a confident person, this is an excellent quality of a successful person.

11. Pride. This means being proud of yourself, don’t be afraid of that. But as for pride in relationships with other people, be careful.

12. Good sleep. Of course, the saying “he who sleeps little gets more done” has a right to exist. But under one condition, if your body and well-being do not suffer from this.

13. Excuses. Never make excuses. First do it to understand the reason and move on. And you need to give up excuses forever; this will not make you a successful and respected person.

14. Bad. Perhaps you often think that you feel bad and your life leaves much to be desired. Think that there are people who are worse off than you. But it’s better to focus on those who live better than you and try to move forward.

15. Help. Help other people more often. This will increase your self-esteem and self-respect.

16. Work from home. If you work from home, don't let yourself get complacent. Get ready every morning as if you were going to work and work at your desk, not on the couch.

17. Distractions. Eliminate them from your life altogether, or at least during the work process. Give up social networks, reading news and blogs, mail, communicating in ICQ.

18. Do it. If you have any dream or business that you have been thinking about for a long time, now is the time to do it.

19. Eating. Take care of yourself and your health. Eat only in a calm environment and at the same time.

20. Weekend. Spend your weekend with your loved ones, family or friends. Don't burden yourself with work these days.

21. Plans. Learn to make plans. The first and most important thing you must do is make a plan for the day, week, month, year.

22. Goals. Don't be afraid to set realistic goals that you can achieve.

23. Task lists. Don't ignore this point. Make a list of tasks for each new day and follow it as much as possible.

24. List - analysis. Every morning, before starting your work day, analyze and adjust your task list.

25. Extraneous. Make it a habit to ignore everything that doesn't matter to you. Don't be distracted by these things, remember, you have more important things to do.

26. Dreams. Always dream about positive and joyful things.

27. Dreams and reality. Don’t be afraid to dream about something global, who knows, maybe if you make every effort, your dream will become your real life.

28. Dream diary. Get yourself a notebook and dream every day. Write down one dream at a time and read what you wrote down earlier. Maybe it's time for dreams to become goals.

29. Stopping goals. Set global goals for yourself, but only those that you can achieve.

30. Deadlines. For each goal, determine specific deadlines and remember that earlier is possible, but later is not possible.

31. Dreaming is not at all harmful, but it is very necessary in your dull life.

32. Responsibility. Only you are responsible for your life, as well as for its quality.

33. Routine work. Understand that if this work is very boring for you and does not bring you pleasure, then do not do it, but look for self-expression in other activities.

34. Report. Every evening, write down a short report about what you did today to make your life even better.

35. Results. Regarding your goals, summarize preliminary results to understand how much closer you have become to your goal.

36. Adjustment. If there is a need for this, then analyze and adjust all your goals.

37. Visualize. Imagine your goals, your feelings, when the goal is already achievable, think about it and draw pictures in your imagination.

38. Marker board. Hang it on your wall and write down your goals regularly. Write something down as you pass by.

39. Collage. A little creativity. Make a map of your desires and your goals. May she always be before your eyes.

40. Failures. Forget this word forever. There is only experience and it is always positive.

41. I don’t want to. You shouldn't ever say those words at all. If you don’t want to do anything at all, then get over yourself and do at least something.

42. Sleep. If you can’t overcome yourself, then it’s better to go to bed and gain strength.

43. TV. Stop watching series and television programs.

44. Alcohol. Give up this bad habit, do not drink alcohol even in small quantities.

45. Smoking. Similar to the previous point.

46. ​​Teach. If you are good at something or know something, teach it to another person. And you will do a good job and this is excellent practice for you.

47. Don't give up. If something doesn't work out for you, try again. Try again and again, but never give up.

48. Endurance. Never lose hope and if you run out of energy, then take a break and then go again and achieve your goals.

49. Laugh. Laugh more often. To do this, you can watch a good and kind comedy.

50. Breathe. Do breathing exercises, both good for your health and for self-improvement.

51. Biographies. Get acquainted with the stories of successful people, study their biography.

52. Facts. Write down interesting and important facts for yourself.

53. Work. Don’t forget about your goals, constantly work with them, think through tasks, analyze.

54. Help. Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for help if you really need it.

55. Find the meaning of life. It is different for each person. But there are also people who do not know the meaning of their life. Find it, and life will become simpler and easier.

56. Delight. The feelings that goals should ultimately evoke in you are joy, awe, and delight. If there are no such feelings, then this is no longer a goal, but a duty.

57. Words of love. Tell your loved ones more often that you love them.

58. Mistakes. There is no need to treat mistakes as something negative. Enjoy your experience and move on with your life.

59. Chance. Don't miss opportunities, it's better to try than to regret later that you didn't do it.

60. Forgiveness. If you harbor grudges against someone, then forgive that person in your soul. Don't hold on to bad memories, let them go.

61. Don't copy. You can take something good from a person, but do not copy his life and behavior. You can use the idea for a business, but not run it either.

62. Aphorisms and quotes. Memorize them or keep a notebook and write them down.

63. Classic. Read good classical literature and listen to classical music.

64. Poems. Learn poems, train your memory.

65. Time. Take care of your time and do not waste it on empty conversations on the phone or idleness.

66. Believe in yourself. Learn to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

67. Everything is in your hands. Understand that no one will make your life more beautiful and happier for you. Who, if not you?

68. Organized. Develop this skill in yourself.

69. Be simpler. There is no need to complicate life; on the contrary, make it simpler and more transparent.

70. Luck. Remember that luck is on your side and believe in it.

71. Self-love. Reasonable selfishness should be present in your life, love yourself.

72. Appearance. Watch how you look, take care of yourself and your body.

73. Health. Eat right and visit doctors regularly.

74. Physical form. Keeping your body in good physical shape will give you confidence and improve your self-esteem.

75. Watch your diet. Eat only good foods and avoid preservatives.

76. Nature. Get outdoors more often.

77. Solitude. Take time for yourself and your thoughts.

78. Setting. Change your environment if possible.

79. Workplace. Always keep your work area clean and tidy, this will help you get into the right mindset.

80. Read before bed. Just choose literature that is easy to digest, for example, fiction.

81. Look around. Pay attention to beautiful things, to nature, to what is happening near you.

82. Envy. Free yourself from this illness forever and never envy, but do even better.

83. Respect. Learn to respect yourself and never change your principles. Respect other people.

84. Relaxation. Don't forget to relax and rest.

85. Posture. Watch your posture, develop the habit of sitting and walking upright.

86. Don't force yourself. Don’t work too hard, it’s better to rest or get distracted.

87. Laziness. There is no such thing as laziness, there is reluctance.

88. Circumstances. Never let circumstances control you or your emotions.

89. Path. You must know exactly where you are going and in what direction, nothing should lead you astray.

90. Problems. Remember that all your problems are temporary and will end soon.

91. Exit. Know that no matter what the situation is, there are at least two ways out of it.

92. Walks. Don't limit yourself to this. Take a walk before bed or during breaks while working.

93. Ventilate the room before going to bed. You and your brain need oxygen. If possible, sleep with open window.

94. Indoor plants. They will not only decorate your apartment and bring a piece of beauty into your life.

95. Sweets. Treat yourself to a bar of chocolate sometimes, just like when you were a child.

96. Gratitude. Be grateful today for everything you already have.

97. Comparison. Compare yourself only with those who achieve and strive for good results. Try not to catch up with them, but to overtake them.

98. Past. Remember only the good things from the past, and forget all the negative ones. Look only forward.

99. Success. A successful person must be successful in everything. These are family, money, true friends, inner harmony and health.

100. Patience. Be patient with yourself and with the people around you.

101. Endurance. If you run out of patience, then be resilient and treat the shortcomings of other people and situations in life more simply.

102. Eternal. Think about the fact that nothing lasts forever. This applies to loved ones, to whom you owe your love more often. This also applies to money and problems, they also do not last forever.

103. Working at the computer. Spend less time in front of a computer monitor, relax more often and walk in the fresh air.

104. Music. Listen to your favorite music that will lift your spirits.

105. Travel. Explore the world, visit new countries and cities.

106. Self-discipline. Don't relax or allow yourself to rest too much.

107. Demandingness. Understand that you are capable of more, so demand it from yourself.

108. Self-education. Constantly educate yourself, study, learn something new, read books.

109. Practice. Apply all the advice and knowledge gained in practice, including the recommendations in this article.

110. Gifts. Give people not only your joy and smile, but also small gifts for no reason.

111. Card of wishes. Use it to achieve your goals.

112. Take not everything from life, but only what will be useful to you and what is really important to you.

113. Dispute. Make a bet with someone you know. For example, that you will complete a goal by a certain date. Not only will this motivate you to succeed, but the taste of victory will be much sweeter.

114. Publicity. Don't be afraid to talk about your goals to other people and don't forget to talk about your achievements.

115. Motivation. Don't forget to motivate yourself. This could be various pictures, music, success stories, your wish map.

116. Take life easier and always smile at it.

117. Frivolity. Taking a simpler approach to life does not mean being frivolous and letting your life take its course.

118. Bad words. Do not use bad and negative words in your speech, talk about positive and beautiful things.

119. Cleaning. Clean your home, your desk, and your life more often. Throw away everything unnecessary and useless.

120. Success Diary. Keep your diary every day and write down your victories there, even small ones.