Bugs in household appliances shorten their service life. Reasons for failure and service life of modern electronics

The legal concept of “service life” is not quite what it is imagined to be a common person. By law, this is the time during which the manufacturer is obliged to ensure the possibility of using the product. For example, he will have to supply spare parts and consumables (how can he use them without them?). And he, the manufacturer, is responsible during the service life for damage caused by low-quality goods.

In general, establishing the service life of a product is a voluntary matter for the manufacturer. But there is a list of goods for which this period must be established, since then such goods can become dangerous to humans or to nature. Electrical appliances are included in this list.

Basically, ahead of schedule services were also regulated by GOSTs and regulations: e.g. service life gas stoves was 20 years, electric stoves - 16.5 years (these are the data of the standards of 1982, and they were respected for a long time), refrigerators - 15 years (GOST 16317-87, complied with since 1988). Moreover, the concepts of “established service life” and “average service life” were separated: that is, the period during which the manufacturer is obliged to produce spare parts and consumables, and the service life for which the device is approximately designed. Now the manufacturer has the right to follow or not follow GOSTs at his own discretion. For example, instead of complying with GOST, he can comply with technical specifications -technical conditions. Therefore, we can talk about the service life of a particular type of equipment only by analyzing the period for which categories of goods the manufacturers themselves set (usually this information is in the user manuals). That's what we did.

Approximate service life of household appliances

Electrical hobs, ovens and slabs: 7-10 years

Induction cookers: 10 years.

Gas hobs and stoves: 10 years.

Washing machines: 7–8 years. Washing machines with an inverter motor sometimes have a longer service life - from 10 years. Sometimes the service life is 7 years, and the warranty on the motor is 10 years. What does it mean? Only that the motor will be produced, repaired or replaced under warranty for 10 years (if the car does not “die” first).

Refrigerators and freezers: 7–10 years. As a rule, inverter compressors also have a separate warranty.

microwaves: 7 years (then it is recommended to change it, as the camera may begin to transmit radiation).

Vacuum cleaners: 3–7 years. The cheapest “cyclones” and “sticks” for 3000–5000 rubles usually last 3 years. And it also depends on the engine and the manufacturer, because vacuum cleaners with inverter engines and digitally controlled engines have appeared. This increases service life and safety margin.

Dishwashers: average 5 years.

Kitchen air purifiers (hoods): 7–10 years.

Multicookers: 2–3 years with heating element, 5–7 years with induction heater.

Meat grinders: 3–5 years.

Kettles, hair dryers, small household appliances: 3 years. Blenders, hair dryers and some other equipment are sometimes equipped with professional motors (AC, DC) - and then the service life is 5–7 years.

Household appliances have always been among the goods that are bought, if not for centuries, then at least for a long period - for several years or even decades. However new Age made a change in the reputation of such products. People began to notice that the service life of modern household appliances became much shorter, and we thought about the reasons.

Today many Russian citizens They remember how long washing machines, for example, served in the old days. The first “washing machines” imported into Russia, without serious damage, carried their cross for more than fifteen to twenty years, until the owners took them to the landfill due to wear and tear. In addition, our fellow citizens still remember with warmth in their hearts the irons produced at Soviet factories, some of which, perhaps, are still used for their intended purpose in remote corners of Russia. So why modern Appliances do they fail so quickly? Of course, the point is not that equipment manufacturers suddenly forgot how to assemble long-lasting equipment.

There is a version that is very close to adherents of the universal conspiracy theory, according to which manufacturers, when assembling equipment, program it in advance to break down. Moreover, the sooner this breakdown occurs, the sooner the buyer will be forced to buy a new household appliance. The logic is obvious - if all household appliances work for decades, then the players in this market industry will be left without constant profit, and as a result will wither away from boredom. Of course, technical innovations and developments will attract certain representatives of society to household appliance stores, but that part of humanity that values ​​reliability more than technical innovations, or simply cannot boast of greater financial resources, will be irretrievably lost to manufacturers. If household appliances break down often... The essence of this theory lies in the fact that market figures are gradually turning modern civil society into that same “consumer society.” And, it should be noted, they convert it successfully.

But there is also a serious contradiction here. After all, the household appliances market, like any other, cannot exist without competition. And one of the main guarantors of the quality of household appliances is a long service life. With an emphasis on this point, for example, the Indesit company advertises its products, whose marketers have chosen the loud slogan “Indesit will last a long time!” How can people in this industry create short-lived technology while remaining competitive and in demand? And is there at least some truth in the theory of programmed breakdown? With this question, the editors of Pravda. Ru turned to the experts.

“I think that this is just a version, absolutely unconfirmed by anything,” Igor Zverev, a lawyer for the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, shared his opinion. “No one will specifically produce goods that are perishable, breakable, or have a short shelf life. This is not beneficial for the seller. On the contrary , they will make demands on him, if he suddenly sells a low-quality product, he will have to bear his own costs - replace, return the product. This is just someone’s speculation.”

The expert also agrees with Mr. Zverev consumer market Marina Petrukhina. “It is purely theoretically difficult to say that such a disregard for quality exists. I don’t really believe it, because neglect of quality affects the development of the brand. That is, if you once made a low-quality product under an already well-known brand, then the consumer loses trust in the brand. In marketing It’s becoming more and more difficult to rank,” Marina Petrukhina explained to Pravda.Ru correspondent, “The manufacturer, for example, can make cheaper things, but there is a question of price. There are cheaper things where they are used. plastic parts, which fail faster than metal ones. And the thing with metal parts, like the same blender, will cost much more than a blender with quickly erasable plastic parts. And the manufacturer plays from this price difference."

In order to finally debunk the myth that the rapid breakdown of equipment is deliberately planned by modern manufacturers, a consumer market expert revealed the secret of why in the old days more durable household appliances were produced than today.

“20-30 years ago, plastic was not used so widely; there were completely different materials. Naturally, metal was used more. That is, these things last longer simply because they used materials that were known at that time. And it was mostly metal. And today there is more modern plastic that can be used in parts, including mechanisms, but, unfortunately, it is not as durable as metal. And everything with metal is already extremely expensive, the difference is not even twofold. sometimes three, four or five times in price. Therefore, I do not trust the theory that the manufacturer does it on purpose to break faster. No, he makes things in different price categories: economy class, premium class. It depends on this. how long things last,” concludes Marina Petrukhina.

How long will a refrigerator last, and why change the kettle every two years?

In Blagoveshchensk there are several large chains selling household appliances. New products, useful and not so useful, appear regularly. However, as well as complaints from city residents that home electronics are no longer what they used to be - and one can hardly argue with this. Washing machines are increasingly breaking down due to scale and televisions are burning out. But less equipment people didn't buy it. Based on the survey results All-Russian Center Studying public opinion, we can conclude that there are more owners of household appliances in the country compared to the end of the last century: almost every family today has a TV and a refrigerator (96% each, in 1990 - 87 and 85%, respectively). Also, more than 80% of respondents own a washing machine (their number increased from 73% to 89%) and a vacuum cleaner (from 66% to 80%).

Deadline for future use

When buying an expensive refrigerator or air conditioner, we, of course, want them to serve us long years. But it has long become unprofitable to produce the “good old eternal” - who will then buy new products? So there is nowhere to go. You certainly won’t be able to live without a refrigerator and stove.

Different manufacturing companies set their own service life for household appliances; for large-sized appliances - about 10 years. Small household items, such as kettles, irons and microwaves, last even less.

Most manufacturing companies rarely give a warranty of more than seven years on their equipment, says manager of a household appliances store Igor Chuguevsky.- The only exceptions are some components, such as compressors and motors for refrigerators. Their service life is 10 years. Although, as practice shows, good technique can last much longer than the manufacturer's recommended period. Therefore, if your automatic machine has been washing regularly for 7 - 10 years, you should not send it to the trash bin just because it is outdated. It’s better to contact a service center, and if any deficiencies are found during diagnostics, they will be eliminated - and your old refrigerator, machine or stove will last another ten years, or even more.

True, you shouldn’t rely on the specified service life and quality service if you use the equipment and forget about caring for it. After all, careful handling is a kind of investment in the durability of expensive devices.

Defrost your refrigerator at least once every six months.

Refrigerator (service life 7 - 10 years)

The most necessary appliance in everyday life, as a rule, breaks down due to a burnout of the compressor motor. The main reason for such a breakdown is power surges.

The refrigerator will last longer if you defrost it at least once every six months (with the exception of appliances with the No frost system) and follow a number of simple rules:

    Do not place the refrigerator next to a gas or electric stove

  • do not put hot foods in the refrigerator
  • Keep water containers closed
  • wash at least once a month without using acidic substances

Washing machine (service life 7 - 8 years)

Main enemy all washing machines - scale, which is talked about so much on TV. But there is no point in being afraid of it for the residents of the region, our water is very soft,” he said specialist service center Evgeny Podlinov.

When using the washing machine:

  • do not forget to open the tank of the car to dry it
  • do not overload the machine with extra kilos of laundry
  • Use low temperature wash programs whenever possible
  • systematically clean filters

Kitchen stoves (service life 10 - 15 years)

The service life is the same for electric and gas stoves. WITH gas problems less, but electric ones may burn out burners and switches. By the way, sockets for electric stoves also do not last forever - they need to be changed every 10 years. Caring for the slabs is simple:

  • After each use, the stove should be wiped with a dry cloth.
  • Unplug before cleaning
  • do not use abrasive or chemical cleaning agents
  • After each cooking in the oven, leave it open for ventilation.
  • don't keep the stove on long time- the enamel coating may crack
  • do not use the surface of the slab as cutting board, as the enamel or glass-ceramic coating can be damaged
  • use dishes with a flat and dry bottom

Air conditioners (service life 10 years)

Trust air conditioner maintenance only to professionals

Photo: depositphotos.com

The lifespan of a cooling device often depends on the brand.

Japanese air conditioners last longer than Korean and Chinese ones, says installation and repair specialist refrigeration equipment and air conditioners Alexander Ivanov. - But it’s easier to find spare parts for the latter, and you only have to wait about a week for them from the state beyond the river. The main cause of breakdown is dirt, so air conditioners need to be cleaned of dust and poplar fluff regularly, especially for those who live on the lower floors. The service life also depends on the quality of installation, which should only be trusted by a professional. And before the start of summer, you should call specialists to carry out scheduled maintenance - cleaning, diagnosing the air conditioner and refilling with freon.

Microwave oven (service life 7 years)

The most important condition safe work- refusal of metal utensils, as well as porcelain and earthenware with golden edges or rims. Getting into the microwave chamber of anyone metal object may lead to failure of the main part device - magnetron. It is also worth remembering that:

  • the oven should be no closer than 40 cm from the refrigerator
  • ventilation holes must be open
  • The microwave must be promptly cleaned of contaminants.
  • The touchscreen and other control panels can only be wiped with a slightly damp cloth

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

To avoid damage, it is important to remember that a vacuum cleaner running for an hour can easily burn out. Engine combustion is the main problem for this technique. The reason is simple - the engine is clogged with dust and the same power surges. To prevent this from happening, it is important:

  • When cleaning, do not press the brush too hard against the surface to be cleaned.
  • do not forget about timely cleaning of the dust collector and remember that the fabric bag must not be washed under any circumstances, otherwise it will be damaged forever
  • To prevent dust from entering the engine compartment, you need to periodically clean all filters.

Iron (service life 3 - 5 years)

Such necessary thing, like an iron, most often breaks for a banal reason - it burns out a heating element(ten). It is unlikely that this will be prevented. This item is also sensitive to voltage changes in the electrical network.

Kettle (service life 2 years)

An electric kettle is perhaps the most short-lived household appliance. It has the same problem as with the iron - the heating element often burns out. And for reasons that are often unclear. That's why teapots don't last long. Moreover, over time, plastic begins to release toxic substances. This device is not worth it washing machine, so there is no need to risk your health and use it for more than two years. But you still shouldn’t forget about care:

  • you need to remove scale in time
  • do not turn on the kettle with a small amount of water
  • do not pour a hot kettle into an empty one cold water
  • Do not pour water on the kettle and stand

A big problem

Voltage surges are dangerous for any equipment, it says disappointingly electrician Andrey Samostin.- You can protect household appliances from them, but only if the changes are not very strong. Small jumps can be “smoothed out” by new wiring or special devices, which dampen voltage surges. They can be installed in any apartment.


Some large stores sometimes hold promotions to recycle old but still working household appliances. This is an excellent opportunity to replace boring or simply outdated stoves, refrigerators, and cars with new ones. The scheme is this: yours old equipment They take it out for free and give you a big discount on buying a new one. Quite profitable if you have extra funds to upgrade your electronics.

Less than ten minutes pass after turning on, and the laptop, which recently turned three years old, freezes. Its owner notices that the cooling fan is not working and brings the computer to a service center for diagnostics.

There it turns out that the processor cooler blows from the inside through a radiator grill that is too narrow, on which thick layers of dust accumulate over time, which leads to blocking of the fan blades and subsequently overheating of the CPU.

In addition, the service center engineer sees that the screws that secure the display hinge to the case are torn out on one side due to frequent opening of the laptop.

Cooling system. This laptop cooler, which is very difficult to access, blows air through a narrow outlet grille, so under daily loads the fan quickly becomes clogged with dust, which eventually causes the CPU to overheat.

The cost of repairs at a computer repair shop may exceed the residual value of the device, which means that its owner might be better off simply buying a new laptop. But if the manufacturer had used a different radiator grille in the cooling system and had not made the lid hinges too tight, the laptop would simply continue to work normally for a long time.

Wear or intent?

Many owners of various electronic devices have had to endure cases like this. And if a defect is detected immediately after the end of the warranty period, the suspicion inevitably arises that the manufacturer deliberately introduced weak links into the design, which reduce the service life of the equipment and force users to buy new devices.

However, this idea is easy to formulate, but it is not easy to prove it reasonably. After all, all devices are subject to wear and tear: displays lose their brightness, batteries lose their capacity, and flash memory cells in solid-state drives can only withstand a certain number of write cycles.

Measured wear. In the CHIP test laboratory, we found that the decrease in brightness of LCD displays of modern TVs or monitors after two years of operation is up to 45%.

We observed similar symptoms of "aging" in the CHIP test lab, taking repeated measurements on devices we had already tested after they had been in operation for several years.

To take into account the causes and failure rates of certain models, a huge database is needed. One way or another, creating “eternal” technology is unprofitable for any manufacturer. This would increase development, testing, materials and manufacturing costs.

And the level of sales would decrease, as users would buy new devices less and less. Every manufacturer that wants to remain a competitive market participant is forced, already at the development stage of its products, to strive to ensure that its devices look quite attractive and are sold at a high price, but at the same time, sooner or later users want or have to purchase new ones.

In addition, buyers want more and more functions, and smaller device sizes (smartphones, on the contrary, are becoming larger). This is facilitated by companies with their short development cycles for new models and aggressive advertising. Design and a large range of unnecessary features are often valued more highly in marketing than quality and longevity.

What shortens the service life

Vendors can influence the service life of equipment in the most different ways. Thus, the manufacturer makes long-lived and easily repaired devices, but at the same time regularly releases more productive and functional new models. As a result, the old device still works flawlessly, and the buyer already wants to get a new one.

Planned aging. Electrolytic capacitors are particularly sensitive to heat, but despite this, they are often installed in areas with high temperatures.

This kind of strategy is to be expected primarily when producing products intended for professionals or premium devices, although there is no guarantee that such equipment will actually last long.

Another variation of this strategy is used by mobile device manufacturers who constantly update software. With each improvement they increase system requirements, and perfectly serviceable old gadgets over time begin to function more and more slowly until they become completely unusable.

It is unlikely that any user will agree to work without updates, on which the security of the device and personal information depends. For mobile gadgets from Apple, this effect is observed after about three years. Inexpensive Android smartphones, on the other hand, often receive updates infrequently. In this case, the device continues to function normally, but its safety is steadily reduced.

Replacing the iPad battery. The case of Apple's iPad tablet is glued so tightly that not every professional can open it, as a result inexpensive repair impossible

The next way to significantly reduce the life of devices is this: components that are most susceptible to wear are installed so that they cannot be replaced. The simplest example is batteries, access to which is either impossible or can only be achieved using special tools.

However, models such as Samsung Galaxy The S III and the S4 or the BlackBerry Z10 prove that “flat” and “easily replaceable” are not mutually exclusive terms when it comes to battery life.

Unusable due to updates. As of February 1, 2014, Apple required app developers to support iOS 7. Any programs created using older versions of Xcode will not be accepted in the App Store.

Tightly built-in parts subject to wear are, of course, bad, but even worse is the new engineering ploy: in the most problematic areas, components with an insufficient service life are installed, which, after being determined,
divided time fail.

An example is the laptop already mentioned at the beginning of the article with a deteriorated cooler and too weak display hinge mounts. There are monitors in which capacitors are placed in particularly hot areas of the power supply, so that the electrolyte evaporates after a short time (which can be accurately measured).

The printer fails as planned
Counters are often built into the print heads of modern printers, which, after printing a certain number of pages, display messages about non-existent errors.

Manufacturers often make the mechanics of the power buttons so weak that after a while they stop being pressed altogether. A classic example of the use of this method, to which many posts on Internet forums are devoted, are Canon inkjet printers.

After printing a certain number of pages, they stop working and display an error message: the power button is faulty. It is enough to reset the internal counter in the secret service menu, and such a device, as a rule, continues to work without problems.

Minor faults

Equipment that fails prematurely not only upsets its owners. The additional costs of production, transportation and disposal place a heavy burden on the people who make these products, on our resources and on the environment.

Thus, the German economist Professor Christian Kreiss in his study “Planned Aging” came to the conclusion that in Europe the planned aging of technology causes 2.6% of all waste (which is millions of tons per year) and 7% of all energy costs in private households.

If there were no planned wear and tear, the professor argues, five of the seventeen waste disposal plants could be closed in Europe alone.
Anyone who thinks that an artificially reduced shelf life of products will activate the economy is mistaken.

If human labor and diligence are put into a product that quickly deteriorates, it is an irresponsible waste of resources that, from a societal perspective, harms us all while benefiting very few. If planned premature aging of technology could be legally prohibited, productive forces and purchasing power would be freed up, which could be used to raise living standards.

Repair of equipment

The fight against the planned aging of technology at the level of the entire society is necessary, but little depends on ordinary buyers. If one of your devices fails suspiciously early, you should first start searching for a description of the problem on the Internet.

Trying to repair cheap or old equipment yourself can also be fun and educational. Sometimes you can find advice on how to bring equipment back to life yourself and for free. If the warranty is still valid, consider yourself lucky.

If the warranty period has expired, you should think carefully before taking the device to a service center. The main interest of both manufacturers and sellers is to sell you new technology rather than repairing the old one. This is evident from the high prices for service and repair work.

Before sending, check exactly what costs await you - even if the gadget is returned to you without repair or disposed of. Contacting an independent workshop promises less hassle. If, for example, you find on motherboard laptop or PC has a burst electrolytic capacitor, then a service center employee will probably be able to help you.

But in many cases, aging is planned so carefully that even in an independent workshop, repairs will be too expensive due to their labor intensity.
When purchasing a new device, it is always difficult to determine by eye possible deadline its service and complexity of repair.

Kyle Vince, founder of online repair service ifixit.com, explains how he evaluates new equipment in an interview with CBC radio: “I just wonder: How can I take this apart?”

If the case is closed with screws, and the battery can be removed without going to a workshop, this is already good.

If not, you might want to look for other mechanical fasteners. When they are missing, everything indicates that the body is sealed, and this can seriously complicate future repairs.

Before carefully examining the device, you can get information about the possibility of repairing it, for example, on YouTube. Those who are especially concerned about service life should take into account the fact that devices for business or for professionals are often stronger, easier to repair and longer supplied with spare parts than products for the mass consumer.

The reason is that manufacturers of such equipment have to fulfill the terms of long-term contracts with large trading companies. That is why, instead of a “sophisticated” designer laptop with a super-fast processor and powerful graphics system, it is better to choose a discreet but reliable business model.

Such a computer gives the user more hope, that he will not have to waste time and nerves due to a faulty fan or broken hinges.

Measured wear

CHIP engineers took repeated measurements on old devices that were once winners of our tests and worked for several years after that, and determined the degree of wear and tear.

LG IP S225V. Contrast decreases

The LG IP S225V LED-backlit monitor withstood intensive two-year work in an office environment with almost no losses - only the contrast decreased slightly.

This device can last for many years, if the mechanics and electronics (power supply) allow.

However, power supply is not the most reliable component of monitors.

APPLE IPAD first generation. Small memory capacity

Modern applications often cannot work properly on the first iPad - the amount of memory is too small (256 MB), and operating system it remained in version 5.1.

Our test device was used intensively only in 2010, then not so often. This explains the fact that the battery capacity decreased only slightly.

The display also darkened a little - only 4%. Unlike newer models, the case of the first iPad opens without a heat gun, and the battery can be removed freely. Despite the long-lived and easy-to-repair hardware, this gadget is already outdated today - primarily due to insufficient memory, which cannot be increased.

GOOGLE NEXUS 7. Operating time

Time battery life The battery life of the Google Nexus 7, which was used quite intensively for a year and a half, was reduced by 10% compared to the results of our previous measurements, but is still at high level: 8 hours 33 minutes. The display brightness has decreased slightly.

At the same time, the contrast, due to the fact that dark areas became even darker, became higher by 10%. The Nexus 7 case is easy to open with a fingernail or a screwdriver.

Unlike newer iPads, the battery is attached without the use of glue and can be easily replaced.

The only downside is that the cracked glass cover can only be replaced along with the display. This is expensive, but this solution is justified because it prevents dust from getting under the glass.

PHILIPS 42PFL9900D. Brightness suffers

A 42-inch LCD TV from Philips worked fine in the CHIP editorial lobby every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for four years.

However, the maximum brightness of this display, which is usually backlit with fluorescent elements, decreased by almost a quarter - 23%.

Repair options this TV today they are already limited - primarily by the unavailability of spare parts. The fact is that due to the short production cycles of televisions, the availability of spare parts is usually limited to two years maximum.

The results of testing we conducted in 2008 cannot certainly be compared with the indicators current solutions from Philips, since since then the development and production of the company’s equipment has been completely transferred to the Taiwanese concern TPV.

SAMSUNG GALAXY NEXUS. The weak point is the screen

Screen of this smartphone, made using AMOLED technology, demonstrates excellent color reproduction and has high contrast.

However, the brightness, which was already quite modest, suffered greatly during regular use of this device: the screen became darker by 40%.

Today's 177 cd/m2 is objectively not enough for comfortable work in daylight. The battery also did not stand up well to long-term intensive use - this is probably due to the Android OS update to version 4.3.

At the same time upgrade software definitely had a positive effect on productivity. In Vellamo's JavaScript browser benchmark, our Galaxy Nexus now scores nearly 1.5 times higher than before.

APPLE IPHONE 4. Brightness decreases

Our iPhone 4 was used very often at first, then much less often. This explains the slight reduction in battery life, which was only two percent.

The display, despite very moderate loads, is much more worn out: it has darkened by almost 17%.

iPhone 4 repair options also leave much to be desired. Replacing the battery is not difficult, but in order to disassemble the iPhone case, you need a special pentalobe screwdriver. The front glass can only be replaced together with the display.

OCZ VERTEX 3. Slow recording

On our 1.5-terabyte OCZ Vertex 3 SSD, after two years of intensive work on the test bench, performance dropped significantly:

The data writing speed decreased by almost 40%, as well as the number of I/O operations per second.

Moreover, this is true for both compressible and incompressible data. Firmware update to latest versions doesn't help here because the reason is
in wear and tear of memory cells.

EPSON EH-TW6000W. Lamp wear

The Epson projector worked for a year and a half in a regular conference room with long presentations.

As you would expect, the brightness of the lamp decreased (the decrease was 25%).

Unlike LCD displays, this results in almost the same loss of contrast for projectors.

After replacing the lamp, the results were again the same as during the first test. However original lamp costs one fifth of the price of a new device.

PHOTO: manufacturing companies; Sony Pictures Releasing

The service life of a device is the period of time during which the manufacturer undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the device for its intended purpose and is responsible for significant deficiencies that may arise in the device.

During the service life of the device, the consumer has every right on the:

  • possibility of using the device;
  • repair and related maintenance of the device;
  • presenting demands for the free elimination of significant defects of the device, even if the warranty period has expired;
  • compensation for damage caused by the device.

If the service life of the device is not set

If the service life of the device is not established, then the manufacturer is obliged to ensure the above consumer rights for 10 years. Thus, as a rule, it is much more profitable for the manufacturer to set a service life than not to set it.

How to find out the service life of the device

The service life of the product is established by the manufacturer, and the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information regarding the device, which must necessarily contain information about the service life of the device.

When is the manufacturer required to set a service life?

The manufacturer is obliged to establish the service life of durable goods, including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which after a certain period may:

  • pose a danger to the life and health of the consumer,
  • cause damage to his property or environment.

The list of durable goods, including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which after a certain period may pose a danger to the life and health of the consumer, cause harm to his property or the environment, is contained in, approved by the Government Russian Federation.

When the manufacturer is not required to specify a service life

In all other cases, establishing the service life is the right of the manufacturer, i.e. it may not set a service life.

calculating the service life of the device

The service life can be calculated in units of time, as well as other units of measurement - kilometers, meters, etc., based on the functional purpose of the product.

The service life of the device begins to flow from the moment the device is handed over to the consumer, unless otherwise provided by the contract.