Strawberry tree how to grow seeds. How to grow a strawberry tree

Strawberry tree (Arbutus) is an evergreen heat-loving plant with high decorative qualities. It is especially attractive during the period of flowering and ripening of fruits that look like berries garden strawberries. It’s easy to verify this just by looking at a photo of a tree with ripening fruits. The plant got its name for this similarity.

Description of the plant, variety and variety

Arbutus is a slow growing plant. At the age of 10 years they reach a height of only 2.5 m, and by the age of 50 - 5 m. They are long-lived. They belong to the Heather family. They grow as a large shrub or low-growing tree.

There are about 14 species of this plant. The most famous are two of them:

  • Arbutus unedo– Common strawberry, or large-fruited strawberry tree;

Large-fruited strawberry tree

  • Arbutus andrachne– The red strawberry tree is a crop with small fruits.

Red strawberry tree

Large-fruited arbutus is more common in cultivation. The culture is not frost-resistant; in severe winters the plant may freeze. Therefore, in the climatic zone of the Middle Zone and Moscow region, it is grown in closed ground, greenhouses, winter gardens and residential premises.

The strawberry tree is valued for its decorative qualities. The trunk of the plant is red-brown, the branches are oddly shaped, the leaves are leathery, oval, emerald green. White, cream or pale pink lantern-shaped flowers are collected in panicles. The flowers of the “Rubra” variety have a more saturated pink hue.

Flowering variety Rubra

The fruits are edible, red-orange when ripe, which in combination with bright green foliage looks very attractive, just look at the photo of the plant during the period of fruit ripening. Characteristic feature The strawberry plant sheds its bark every year. She falls, exposing the trunk with the young one, pistachio color bark, with some rustling and crackling, for which the plant was nicknamed “whisperer”.

The strawberry tree tends to shed its bark

Planting a strawberry tree

In outskirts of Moscow arbutus grown mainly as a potted crop. The plant can withstand only minor and short-term frosts, but is not able to tolerate severe frosts. You can purchase a ready-made arbutus seedling or grow a tree from the seeds of ripened fruits.

The process of planting and growing from seeds consists of several stages:

  • within 2 months, the seeds are stratified in a substrate consisting of 7 parts of high-moor peat mixed with 3 parts of river sand;
  • then soak the seeds for a week in warm water;
  • plant in the soil to a depth of 1.5 cm, place the container in a warm and shaded place;
  • With the emergence of seedlings (within 2-3 months), sometimes spray the sprouts and, without allowing the soil to completely dry out, water.

Strawberry tree seedlings

The strawberry tree can grow well in almost any soil - dense and loose, acidic and alkaline. Any universal soil is quite suitable for growing it indoors.

Advice. For better survival of strawberries, a good option would be to plant them in soil collected from under woody plants.

Strawberry tree: care

This plant is surprisingly unpretentious. Caring for it consists of:

  • regular watering during the growing season with soft, settled water;
  • sufficient feeding;
  • ensuring a period of rest in winter.

The optimal temperature for growing strawberries is 20-25 degrees. This is a light-loving plant and requires good lighting. When kept indoors, it is advisable to place the tree in the fresh air for the summer, placing it in a sunny, wind-free place (a gazebo or balcony is suitable). IN winter time After the end of fruiting, he needs to be provided with rest. The most favorable temperature for it during this period is from 3 to 10 degrees.

Strawberry tree with winter garden

Watering during flowering and fruit formation should be regular, moderately abundant, without excessive waterlogging of the soil. The plant is considered drought-resistant and does not need additional spraying. In the cool winter, watering is significantly limited.

Pruning to form the strawberry crown is usually not done, only sanitary pruning is done - in order to remove weak, damaged, dried branches.

Attention! This culture loves Fresh air. The room where the plant is located must be ventilated periodically.

Fertilizer and feeding

In spring and summer, feed the plant with compost or manure 2 times a month. When maintaining a home, they usually use complex fertilizer. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are used to stimulate growth. In winter, at temperatures below 10-12 degrees, fertilizing is not carried out.

Strawberry propagation

This culture uses 2 methods of propagation - seed and apical cuttings young plant. They are cut in August and kept in the greenhouse for the first winter, planting them in the ground in the spring after the end of frost. Cuttings taken from an old tree practically do not take root.

Strawberry tree sprouts

Pests and diseases

The strawberry tree is disease resistant. If the watering regime is not followed and the soil is excessively moistened, there is a possibility of fungal diseases; they are determined by brown spots on the foliage. The main pest is the spider mite. He loves to settle on this plant, which adversely affects its development.

Strawberry - beautiful ornamental plant with edible fruits, during the ripening of which it looks especially picturesque. At proper cultivation and care of the tree long years will serve as a decoration for a winter garden or living space.

How to grow a strawberry tree: video

Strawberry tree: photo

The strawberry tree (lat. Arbutus) is classified as a member of the heather genus. The evergreen plant has smooth brownish bark and oddly shaped branches. A low-growing shrub or small tree, usually reaching 3-5 meters. Some varieties grow up to 12 meters.

The leaves are bright green, ovate. The plant got its name because of the fruits that resemble strawberries. You can eat them. Moreover, the fruits have a strawberry smell. It is allowed to eat the fruits fresh or make jam. When grown at home, their taste will not be as bright. The plant is considered long-lived. It can bear fruit for 200 years.

Flowers white or yellow color. They form drooping panicles, somewhat similar to blueberry flowers.

The plant is considered a true relic. During excavations in Jordan, fossilized strawberry trunks were discovered. Among other things, its description is present in the works of Theophastus, who lived in 300 AD. At the moment this plant is a symbol of Madrid. It is depicted on the city's coat of arms, along with a bear eating the fruit of a tree.

One of the key characteristics of the strawberry tree is that it constantly sheds its bark. That is why the plant has many original names: “shameless”, “whisperer”, “resort woman”. As the tree sheds its bark, it makes rustling sounds.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of strawberries has not been fully studied.

The fruits contain:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B;
  • organic acids;
  • carotenoids;
  • Sahara.

In leaves:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins.


Like any heather crops, strawberry feels great both on loamy soils and on fertile drained soils. Frost resistance is average - can tolerate temperatures down to -15 degrees. Loves sunny areas, drought-resistant.

Benefits and Applications

Almost all parts of the plant are used by humans.

  1. Furniture, watch cases, and boxes are made from the bark. The wood is strong and heavy and does not rot.
  2. The flowers are used as a diaphoretic.
  3. Extract from the bark is actively used for tanning leather. Previously, it was used to dye wool for tapestries.
  4. The roots and leaves are used to treat the genitourinary system.

The shelf life is a couple of years.

Due to its undemanding conditions, artubus is often planted in park area and in the gardens.

Growing from seeds

You can grow a strawberry tree at home from seeds. In this case, planting material is stocked in the fall, and sowing can be done all year round.

  • To begin with, stratification is carried out in a mixture that includes sand (30%) and high-moor peat (70%). The process lasts 2 months.
  • Then the plants are left in warm water for a week.
  • Next, you can sow into the soil to a depth of one and a half centimeters.
  • After a couple of months, sprouts will appear.
  • Watering is done as the soil dries.

In winter, leave in a cool room. Care is simple. During the growing season, watering is required. Feeding with compost is carried out - a couple of times a month. In winter, fertilizing is carried out once every 30 days, provided that the room temperature is above 10 degrees.

A strawberry tree grown from seeds reaches a height of only 1 meter. Flowering can be expected in the second year from September. The plant can also be propagated by cuttings obtained from young trees. At the same time, they are first planted in a greenhouse, and only then in the ground. Tree pests include: spider mite.

Growing in a winter garden

IN middle lane Strawberries are grown only in winter gardens or greenhouses. The plant can also be used as a plant crop.

This means that in winter it is kept indoors, and in summer it is taken outside in tubs.

Let's consider a description of caring for a plant in a winter garden or at home.

  • The optimal temperature for growing is +22 degrees.
  • Watering should be moderate, the water should be soft.
  • Crown pruning is carried out in the spring.
  • Fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers is carried out 2 times, in spring or summer.
  • Reproduction occurs in two ways - apical cuttings or seeds.
  • In winter, the temperature should be from +3 to +10 degrees. With more high temperature environment the plant may produce unsightly growths.
  • The room in which the strawberry plant is kept, whether winter Garden, greenhouse or house, must be ventilated periodically.
  • The soil for a strawberry tree can be anything - from acidic to alkaline, from dense to loose. When growing at home, you can purchase regular soil for indoor plants.

Strawberry tree - ornamental shrub, characterized by ease of care. Its fruits are edible and are used as medicinal products. Since the plant is heat-loving, it is recommended to grow it in winter gardens, greenhouses and at home. Propagation is done by cuttings and seeds.

The strawberry tree (Arbutus, strawberry) is a heat-loving tree, the cultivation of which is beyond the power of both an experienced florist and a novice gardener. During the flowering period it is difficult to take your eyes off, and during fruiting it will delight you with berries that resemble ordinary strawberries. It is for this similarity that it got its name.

In our area, this plant is grown indoors in two ways: by purchasing it in a nursery or by planting seed material.

Requirements for planting material

There are no special requirements for strawberry seeds, the main thing is that they are fresh (not older than a year).

Did you know? Today, strawberry trees can often be found on the streets of most European cities. However, it initially grew only in the Mediterranean region and parts of Ireland and France.

Seed stratification and preparation

It is not difficult to grow a strawberry tree at home. To do this, before sowing planting material stratified for about two months in a special mixture consisting of:

  • peat – 70%;
  • sand – 30%.
Then, the dry seeds are placed in a container with warm water and leave for a week.

For stratification, the planting plant is placed in the prepared mixture to a depth of 10-15 cm and watered well. Cover the container with a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 3 months (not in freezer). If available glass balcony or loggia, you can take the container with the seedlings there too.

Sometimes seeds can begin to germinate already in the refrigerator. In this case, the container is placed on the window on the north side (so that there is no direct sunlight and so that it is warm, but not hot).

If the seeds have not sprouted after 3 months, they are removed from the refrigerator and placed on the same north window, but the bags are not removed.

Did you know? The strawberry has its own peculiarity - the plant sheds its bark every year. It falls with a bizarre rustling sound, for which the tree is nicknamed “the whisperer.”

Growing substrate

By and large, the following may be suitable for strawberries:

  • ordinary land with ;
  • composition of perlite, vermiculite and for;
  • soil for , sand and .
However, before you grow a strawberry tree at home, you should remember that this crop grows well when paired with a special fungus. Therefore, it will feel much more comfortable in an earthen mixture taken from under adult strawberries.

Important! Adding vermiculite to the soil increases the chances of success.

Sowing seeds

Prepared seeds are sown in well-drained soil to a depth of about 1.5-2 cm. The container is placed in a shaded, warm place.

Conditions and care of crops

Although the strawberry tree is not too capricious in planting and caring for, you will need patience, because the first shoots will appear only after 2-3 months. All this time, watering is carried out as the soil dries.

Did you know? There are cases where seeds germinate after 10 months. Therefore, it is worth being patient and carefully caring for the crops for a long time.

Conditions and care of seedlings

When the seeds germinate, the bags are removed from the containers. At this stage, all care for strawberry tree seedlings consists of maintaining comfortable temperature in room.

Important! Excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots, as a result of which dark spots may appear on the leaves and they droop. When there is a lack of moisture, the plant sheds its leaves.


The optimal temperature for growing strawberries is considered to be +20...+22°C.


Watering the seedlings should be moderate and regular.


After the seedlings grow by 5 cm, they can be pruned. They do this as carefully as possible, trying not to disturb the earthen lump: the strawberry tree has a too delicate and vulnerable root system.

The strawberry tree is an exotic member of the mulberry family with fruits similar to strawberries. It occurs in wildlife and can be cultivated.

The second name of the plant is “curls”. In natural habitats it grows no higher than 6 m in height. Leaves - with sparse teeth, emerald on the front and gray-green - on the reverse side. The flowers are white, less often pink. They consist of 4 petals and are collected in spherical inflorescences. The fruiting period begins in autumn. The photo of a strawberry tree shows how bountiful the harvest can be.

Source: Depositphotos Strawberry tree berries taste like persimmons

The tree bark of young shoots is colored green color. The trunk of cultivated varieties is always lighter than that of wild ones. Straight branches are located at an angle relative to the trunk. A dense plant crown is easy to form.

Fruits do not grow individually, but in fruit clusters. Each is 3 - 5 cm in diameter, with red flesh and small brown seeds. Main characteristics of berries:

  • juiciness;
  • delicate texture;
  • Availability white juice inside;
  • sweet taste reminiscent of persimmon;
  • pleasant aroma.

Due to their softness, the fruits are difficult to transport. Cultivation of Cornus capitata for the purpose of harvesting fruits is not economically feasible - the yield of the exotic plant is low.

Growing a Strawberry Tree

The culture takes root well after cuttings. The rooting process in this case lasts up to 4 months. Key stages of the method:

  1. Fill your planting containers with vermiculite.
  2. Add coarse sand to them.
  3. Plant cuttings 1 pc. into each container.
  4. Spray them with growth stimulants.
  5. Water with Planta fertilizer solution.

Additional stimulants are necessary, since seedlings are sensitive to changes in location.

For another method of propagation, curls are used root shoots: daughters are separated from the mother specimen, then planted in small containers. Young plants take root in short time and begin to actively grow. Over the course of a year, they grow 1 m. For better results, the shoots are watered with Kornevin.

Excessively long branches growing inside the crown are removed. This needs to be done in the spring. The plant is formed in the summer. In the hot season, spraying and good watering are necessary. If the tree is planted at home, it is placed in the illuminated part of the room. From June to August, kudrania is buried in the area along with a pot or placed on the veranda.

Regular care is the key to the successful growth of exotic crops at home.

The strawberry tree has adapted to the climate of southern Russia, but has not become widespread due to its meager yield. the main objective its cultivation is the decoration of interiors and areas with exotic fruits.

Watch the video: How to grow a Strawberry tree or Kudrania at home

The strawberry tree is an exotic, which not everyone is lucky enough to see, because this plant is very picky about temperature conditions and has a limited natural habitat. Very decorative and unusual, the strawberry tree in our latitudes will become a real decoration for a winter garden or home greenhouse. How to properly plant a strawberry tree and care for it will be discussed further.

Strawberry tree: biological features and habitat

Arbutus, strawberry tree or strawberry - evergreen from the Heather family, which is a low-growing tree or low shrub.

Strawberries usually reach a height of 3-5 meters, which can take them up to 50 years, but individual species grow up to 12 meters. The arbutus trunk is covered with smooth orange, reddish or Brown, in some species (small-fruited strawberry) it changes annually, and the plant makes a rustling sound. The branches of the tree are curved, the leaves are dark green, wide, entire, up to 8 cm long. The plant blooms in May with white or yellowish flowers in the shape of a jug, collected in panicles.

Strawberry fruits are rounded drupes no more than 3 cm in diameter, covered with small growths. Inside the berries there is a mealy, sweet and sour pulp with a large number of small seeds. Fruits according to appearance and smell like strawberries, they taste like exotic fruit, have a characteristic bitterness due to the presence of tannin.

In the wild, the plant is found in America, Mexico, the Mediterranean, Western Europe, Tyrol, where it grows on hills and rocky slopes, and in cultivation the strawberry tree can be seen on European streets and parks.

There are 11 plant species in total. Usually in general characteristics strawberry tree and the description in the scientific literature refers to the large-fruited arbutus.

Did you know? The coat of arms of Madrid looks like a shield topped with a golden crown with an azure border, inside which a bear and a strawberry tree are depicted. Mine modern look acquired the coat of arms in 1997. In the center of Madrid, in Puerta del Sol, there is a monument to a bear eating fruit from a strawberry tree.

Where can you grow a strawberry tree in open ground conditions: strawberry frost resistance

The strawberry tree is heat-loving plant with average frost resistance, which feels good in summer at an air temperature of 25-30° C, and in winter does not tolerate temperatures below -12° C. Short-term frosts down to -15°C are acceptable. At low temperatures young shoots of plants freeze, inflorescences and leaves of adult trees die.

Considering these features of the strawberry tree, growing crops in open ground recommended for regions of frost resistance zones 8-10. Kyiv, Minsk, the Baltic countries, northeastern Poland, Moscow, St. Petersburg are areas of the 5th frost resistance zone. Therefore, in this strip Strawberry trees are recommended to be grown in winter gardens, greenhouses, on open terraces and at home in pots. It is also possible for the plant to overwinter indoors and in the summer it is placed outside.

Did you know? The strawberry was one of the species described in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus in his work Species plantarum (Species of Plants).

Seeds are much more often available for sale; seedlings are difficult to obtain. But if you still succeed, purchase a seedling in a pot with a closed root system. It may already be bearing fruit.

Choosing a planting site: soil and lighting

Any soil is suitable for strawberries. It will grow equally well on loamy and fertile, acidic and alkaline, loose and dense soils, but it is still preferable to choose acidic soil. The plant is drought tolerant and loves well-lit areas.

Planting strawberry seedlings

On permanent place The plants are moved when 6-8 full-fledged leaves appear, and they are planted at a distance of three meters.

The strawberry root system is very fragile; sprouts must be replanted carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball.

You should create conditions similar to those in nature, for example, mulch them with pine needles and pebbles. This will help retain moisture and the desired acidity of the soil.

Did you know? « Garden with Strawberry Tree" is another name for the triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by the early Netherlandish artist Hieronymus Bosch.

The room in which the strawberry plant is kept (winter garden, greenhouse or house) must be ventilated periodically.


Watering strawberries is done with soft, settled water., it should be regular, especially during the growing season and fruiting. Excessive watering can cause root rot and dark spots on the leaves.

Top dressing

In spring or summer, the strawberry tree is fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, in autumn and winter this should be done only if the plant is in a warm room; at temperatures below 12 degrees, fertilizing is not carried out. During the growth period, strawberries are fed twice a month with compost or fertilizers intended for heathers. For older plants, granular potassium or nitrogen fertilizers are more suitable, which are applied to the soil once every 3-4 months. At the end of winter, manure can be added to the soil.

Important! If a strawberry sheds its leaves, it does not have enough moisture. Give the plant a good drink and monitor the air humidity. Spraying may be necessary.

Crown trimming

Since strawberries grow very slowly, pruning is done when necessary. In order to form a crown in the spring, branches that interfere with the appearance of the tree are cut off. Sanitary pruning is also carried out (removal of dry and damaged branches).


Did you know? For the amazing ability of the strawberry plant to shed its bark, people called it the “resort woman” or “shameless woman.”

Possible diseases and pests of strawberries

Diseases characteristic of strawberries - This root rot, late blight, rust, anthracnose, which can be avoided if the plant is provided the right conditions content. In case of infection, appropriate medications are used.

Strawberry tree may be under attack spider mite. This pest does not tolerate high humidity– spraying and abundant watering.

To combat it, spray a soap solution on the plants, and then wipe the surface of the leaves.

Important! In enclosed spaces, strawberries may not bear fruit due to lack of pollination. You can try transferring pollen from flower to flower with a brush.

Benefits and uses of strawberry tree berries

The fruits of the strawberry tree are consumed both fresh and processed. The berries are used to make jam, jam, jelly, and candied fruits.

Alcoholic drinks are produced from the fruit, such as the Portuguese brandy “medronho”.

For long-term storage, the fruits can be dried or frozen. Dried berries in an airtight container at room temperature can be stored for 1-2 years.

In addition to the berries, other parts of the strawberry have also been used, having beneficial properties. IN folk medicine decoctions and tinctures from flowers are used to treat diseases of the throat and oral cavity, from leaves - for diseases of the digestive system, a decoction of the bark or roots is used externally for dermatological diseases, wounds and burns. Leaves, roots and flowers have antiseptic, astringent and diuretic effects.

Strawberry is a honey plant, the honey from it is bitter.

Important! Only ripe fruits are suitable for food purposes. Unripe ones are not only tasteless, but can also cause food poisoning.

Strawberry propagation methods

For strawberry trees, propagation methods such as seed and vegetative (cuttings) are acceptable.


To grow a strawberry tree from seeds, purchased seed material or seeds of fully ripened fruits collected in the fall are used.

At this method propagation seeds must first undergo a 2-month stratification process.
To do this, they need to be placed in a mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 3:7 or in rotted pine needles and kept at a low, but not negative, temperature. Seeds ready for sowing have a cracked shell. Next, the seeds are soaked for a week in warm water. Sowing is done to a depth of 1.5 cm in a container with well-drained strawberry tree soil or palm soil mixture, which is then placed in a shaded, warm place.