Protection of perennial flowers from diseases and pests. Who eats rose leaves

In addition to pests, garden flowers are affected by diseases, both fungal and viral. In addition, flowering plants are susceptible to bacterial infections - bacteria remain on flowers for several years and can spread throughout the garden, transmitted from diseased plants to healthy ones by wind, water drops and insects. Why flowers get sick and how to treat them - read in this material.

Flower diseases powdery mildew and peronosporosis

Powdery mildew- the most common disease of garden flowers, caused by several types of pathogenic fungi.

The disease is characterized by the formation of a white or brownish-gray powdery coating on the surface of shoots, leaves, buds, and twigs.

Affected leaves curl, sometimes fall off, shoots stop growing and, if the disease develops severely, die. This fungal disease flowers spreads very quickly, primarily affecting young shoots and leaves. The pathogen overwinters on dead parts of plants.

How to treat this flower disease on garden plot? Along with the creation optimal conditions For the development of plants in the fight against powdery mildew, it is necessary to use special preparations with curative, eradicating and preventive effects. These are Topaz and Skor. It is important not to “start” the disease and spray when the first signs appear. If necessary, treatment with pesticides is repeated after two weeks. In the summer months, at air temperatures above +22...+23 °C, treating plants with garden sulfur, colloidal sulfur or “Tpobit” gives good results.

The intensity of development of the flower disease powdery mildew is somewhat restrained by spraying plants with copper-containing preparations.

Downy mildew (peronospora) affects various plants, but flower crops The greatest danger is for tobacco.

The infection develops on the leaves: Light yellow angular oily spots appear on their upper side, which subsequently turn brown on the lower side.

As can be seen in the photo, the flower disease peronosporosis provokes the formation of a grayish-purple coating consisting of pathogenic conidia in spots:

The spots gradually increase in size, merge, and the leaf dries out.

The causative agent of false powdery mildew is preserved in the remains of diseased leaves in the form of zoospores, which can be viable for six years. In wet soil they germinate and the tobacco seedlings become infected.

To protect against this disease when planting summer crops, it is necessary to return tobacco no earlier than six years later in case of disease of this crop in the previous year. Do not plant seedlings too thickly. When sowing seeds in the soil of a flower garden or regenerating plants from self-seeding, break through the seedlings in a timely manner.

How to treat flowers for this disease? When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to spray the plants with Profit Gold twice with an interval of 10-14 days.

Severely affected plants that have lost their decorative properties must be removed from the flower garden and subsequently destroyed.

Why flowers get sick and remedies for diseases

Fusarium- a plant disease that is caused by various types of fusarium fungus. This disease is most dangerous for one-year-olds; they get sick at any age. In diseased young plants, the leaves turn pale, droop and dry out. In adults they turn yellow first lower leaves, then the whole plant.

Look at the photo - with this flower disease, the leaves curl and wither:

The stem at the root collar acquires a brown color, which gradually spreads upward; in the area of ​​the root collar, the stem often rots. In this case, the outside of the stem becomes covered with a pink coating of spores of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease.

Plants are infected through the roots. Penetrating into the vascular system and releasing toxic substances, the fungus disrupts the normal flow into the plant nutrients and water. This leads to withering. The disease manifests itself more quickly on weakened plants. The disease is promoted by high air humidity and temperatures above 25...27 °C.

The infection is transmitted through soil and seeds.

It is necessary to observe the correct alternation, return to old place no earlier than in 4-5 years. When the first signs of fusarium appear, diseased plants should be pulled out and destroyed. The best remedies for flowers against this disease are solutions of Fitosporin-M or Maxim. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen phosphorus-potassium fertilizing and periodically, until September, at intervals of 10-12 days, spray the plants with “Abiga-Peak” or “Oxychom”.

Diseases of flower leaves: rust and spotting

Some of the most dangerous diseases of flower leaves are rust and spotting.

Rust- a fungal disease that severely affects calendula, antirrhinum, asters and other annual plants.

Leaves and stems are affected. Initially, light brown small pads (pustules) filled with summer spores appear on them. As the pads mature, the epidermis ruptures and a mass of brown spores disperses from the pustules. Later, towards autumn, winter fruiting develops on these same leaves - flat orange pads filled with brown spores. They overwinter and germinate in the spring.

The spores are easily carried by the wind, sometimes over long distances, and, falling on the leaves, continue their development.

When a rust disease occurs, the leaves gradually wither and dry out. Plants lose their decorative properties.

Control measures:

High agricultural technology promotes development healthy plants, increases their resistance to various diseases, including rust. If rust does appear on the plants, to treat this flower disease you need to spray the plants with copper-containing preparations (“Abiga-Pik”, “Ordan” or “Oxychom”).

Leaf spot occurs on many flowering plants and is caused by various types of pathogenic fungi. There are gray, white, brown, brown, black spots. As a rule, the spots are initially round, then oblong or angular with concentric zones, sometimes with a rim of brighter color.

Gradually, the spots increase in size, the leaves turn yellow and die prematurely. This weakens the plant, the buds develop poorly, and with severe development of spotting, flowering stops. Plant death is also possible. The development of the disease is facilitated by dense planting, high humidity air, unilateral fertilization with nitrogen and other factors causing a general weakening of the plant.

Control measures:

Avoid weakening the plants. Remove fallen and heavily damaged leaves. At the first signs of disease, spray the plants with any copper-containing preparation (Abiga-Pik, Oksikhom, Copper Oxychloride, Khom, Ordan, Bordeaux mixture, etc.). If necessary, repeat treatment after 8-10 days, alternating medications.

Viral and bacterial infections of flowers

Viral diseases of flowers have characteristic features, by which they can be distinguished from others. Most often this is mosaic, curling and curling of leaves, variegation and growth of flowers. Viruses enter healthy plants through cuttings or cutting flowers and infect them. Main carriers viral diseases are sucking insects (aphids, thrips, cicadas).

Measures to combat viral diseases of flowers are the destruction of diseased plants at the onset of the disease, the fight against sucking insects.

Bacterial diseases of flowers. Bacteria are tiny single-celled organisms that, under favorable conditions, multiply extremely quickly, affecting cultivated plants. Bacteria develop especially quickly at temperatures +20...+30°C and high humidity.

Bacterial diseases are transmitted from diseased plants to healthy ones by insects, wind, drops of water and humans. Bacteria persist on roots, seeds and affected plant debris, without losing their viability for several years.

To the most common bacterial diseases annual leaf spot refers to leaf spot, which differs from mushroom leaf spot by the presence of an oily halo around the spot.

And in order to protect the entire garden from the spread of infections. After all, disease spores and larvae of flower pests, with the connivance of gardeners, can move to fruit crops, and then there will be a threat of death of all crops on the site.

Flower crops grown with great love often get sick and are infested with various pests that damage flowers, leaves, stems and roots, and sometimes even get sick. To grow healthy, full-fledged plants, it is necessary to minimize the risk of flowers being damaged by diseases and pests, and to create normal development conditions for the crops.

Timely and correct measures to combat diseases and pests of flowering plants preserve the decorative qualities of crops and prevent their death. Give great effect preventive measures, which consist of strict adherence to agrotechnical rules.

Weakened plants growing in poor conditions are more often affected by diseases and attacked by pests.

To treat this flower disease you must:

  • in the fall, prune plants, remove and destroy affected parts of crops;
  • in autumn or early spring, after pruning affected shoots and removing fallen leaves, spray perennial plants(in leafless state) 1-2% iron or copper sulfate. If plants overwinter with green leaves, they are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture;
  • During the growing season, excluding the time when signs of the disease appear, plants are sprayed with “Topaz” or “Skorom”. Fundazol and Raek products give good results in treating flowers from diseases. Drugs should be alternated and added to working solutions water soluble fertilizers for simultaneous foliar feeding.

Flower leaf rust disease and means to combat it

Rust is a disease of flower plants that affects many crops. In some, only the leaves become diseased, in others - leaves, shoots and flowers.

Small pads appear on the affected parts of plants, the colors of which are varied. These are pustules with spores of the rust fungus.

With severe development of this disease of flower leaves, pustules can occupy most of the surface of the affected plant organ. The tissue around the pustules becomes pale green, yellow or brown. Rust causes premature leaf fall, deformation of stems, shoots and fruits; with severe development of the disease, plants die.

Among flowering plants, and is especially strongly affected. White phlox is rust resistant.

In the process of treating this flower disease, you must:

  • maximum use of rust-resistant species and flowering plants;
  • pruning affected shoots, removing fallen leaves and other debris and then burning them;
  • preventive spraying of Abiga-Pik or any other copper-containing preparation (1% Bordeaux mixture, Ordan, Hom, copper oxychloride, etc.) in the first days of regrowth of flower plants that were sick last year. During the growing season, if signs of rust appear, repeat the treatment, alternating the preparations;
  • when feeding, use fertilizers containing large percentage potassium, which increases plant resistance to rust.

Disease of garden flowers gray rot and disease control

Gray rot is a disease of flowers and plants without peduncles, caused by microscopic fungi and affects the above-ground and underground organs of many flowering plants. The disease can be detected during any growing season, but is more often observed in the second half of summer.

Pay attention to the photo - this disease of flowers is characterized by browning of the tissue of the affected plants, their softening and rotting, with the formation on the surface, especially with high air humidity, of a thick gray coating consisting of mycelium and sporulation of the fungus.

The appearance of a gray coating on the affected plant organs gave rise to the name of the disease as gray rot or gray mold.

Later, small, initially white, later black sclerotia develop in the affected areas, which serve to overwinter the pathogen. The disease can gradually cover the entire plant, as a result of which it dies.

First of all, this disease of perennial flowers affects weakened plants, from which the disease can quickly spread throughout the entire area.

Gray rot affects almost all types of flowers, persisting from year to year on their plant debris. The favorable temperature for the development of the disease is +4…+30°С, and the optimal temperature is +15…+22ᵒС. Dry air inhibits the spread of rot. With high air humidity, as well as in dense, poorly ventilated areas, conditions are created for the intensive development and spread of the disease.

Flower plants are affected:, dahlias, gladioli, lupins, daffodils, peonies, primroses, geraniums, roses, chrysanthemums, etc. These plants do not have varieties resistant to gray rot.

Above you can see the photo of this flower disease and learn about the treatment of the disease.

Measures to combat gray mold should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for plant life and unfavorable for the development of the gray rot pathogen:

  • creating good ventilation through sparse plantings and sowings, timely thinning of thickened seedlings;
  • When caring for flowers, avoid mechanical damage leaves, inflorescences and stem breakage;
  • When watering, do not over-moisten the soil;
  • fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which increase plant resistance to rot;
  • regular loosening of the soil;
  • pruning and destruction of affected branches, stems and other plant organs (cut them 5-10 cm below the visible lesion, if the whole plant is diseased, remove it);
  • collection and destruction of plant residues by burning, burying them in the soil or composting them, layering them with earth mixed with manure;
  • preventive spraying of plants at intervals of 10-12 days, excluding the flowering period, with any copper-containing preparation Abiga-Pik, Oksikhom or Ordan. During the flowering period, when signs of disease appear, plants can be watered with Profit Gold at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water, 0.2 liters of working solution per bush.

Only healthy material should be used for planting. Before planting, treat it with any growth stimulant (Albit, Ecopin, Obereg, etc.) that increases resistance to disease.

Flower spotting disease: photo of the disease and treatment of plants

Garden flower spotting disease is characterized by tissue death within small plots affected leaves and shoots. The most characteristic manifestation of spots is observed on the leaves. Initially, single, barely noticeable spots appear, and later their number and size increase and can cover the entire surface of the sheet. With severe development of the disease, the leaves dry out and fall off. The shape of the spots can be varied. Their color is mostly brown or brown, sometimes with a pronounced border. In some cases, the affected tissue falls out, leaving holes in the leaf blades.

Spotting is caused by fungi, bacteria, unfavorable conditions external environment, mechanical damage.

The causative agents of infectious spots (fungi and bacteria) persist on the remains of affected plants, some on seeds and planting material. They spread during the summer in different ways (water, air currents, insects).

Among flowering plants, spots of fungal and bacterial origin affect chrysanthemums, peonies, lupines, primroses, etc., developing on them in the garden and indoors.

Control measures:

  • preventative - maintaining the rotation of crops in flower beds, destroying the remains of diseased plants and weeds, combating insect carriers of pathogens;
  • active - spraying plants with Skor, Abiga-Peak, Hom, copper oxychloride, copper oxychloride, Ordan or Fundazol.

Various tumor-like diseases (cancer, clubroot) and viral diseases (mosaic, jaundice, curl, growths, etc.) pose a certain danger to flower crops, as well as to other plants in the garden.

The main thing when growing healthy plants is high level agricultural technology.

Agricultural technology can create conditions under which plants acquire the ability to resist disease. And then special measures to combat diseases are carried out as an exception, on a limited scale.

Flower pest aphids and how to treat plants against these insects

The most common insect pest of flowers, affecting almost all flower plants, it's an aphid. She settles in in large groups(in colonies) on young shoots, leaves, buds, flowers. By sucking out the juice, it causes curling of the leaves and ugly development of shoots and flowers. Plants lose their decorative properties, and their flowering period is shortened. In the absence of timely pest control, plant growth stops and their premature death is often observed.

Aphids have a green, slightly yellowish color. Some types of them are covered with waxy secretions in the form of pollen or fluff.

Look at the photo of these flower pests - they represent small insects from 0.1 to 0.7 mm, ovoid, oval or oblong in shape with a soft outer covering, some with two pairs of transparent wings.

Many species of aphids produce honeydew, which contaminates plant leaves and attracts ants. The presence of the latter on plants indicates the presence of aphids.

As sucking insects, aphids are the main carriers of viral plant diseases.

The development of one generation of aphids in summer ends within 7-9 days. During the growing season, the pest can produce up to 15-17 generations. Some generations of aphids move from one plant to another.

The number of this pest in the garden usually increases in June, and it harms flower plants until the end of summer. The eggs overwinter on plant remains of flowers or trees and shrubs.

How to treat flowers against these pests at the first signs of damage? It is necessary to spray the plants with one of the preparations: Zubr, Tanrek, Alatpar, Biotplin, Fufanon, Actpellic, Intpa-Vir or Iskra Double Effect, Iskra Zolotaya, Iskra-M, Konfidor, Komandor (in concentrations strictly according to the instructions). Repeated treatment of flowers against pests when the aphid population is restored - after 10-14 days, alternating pesticides.

If there is a strong infestation of aphids, you can remove some of the damaged shoots and reduce the proportion of nitrogen fertilizers in fertilizing.

Poutine mite, a pest of flowers in the garden and how to deal with it

Spider mite- the most common and dangerous pest garden flowers, especially when heat air combined with low humidity. Distributed everywhere and inhabits many flower crops. The size of this mite is so small (0.3-0.5 mm) that it is barely noticeable with the naked eye.

Mites damage leaves from the underside and live there under the cover of the cobwebs they produce. This pest of flowers in the garden sucks the sap of plants. As a result of damage, a characteristic leaf color appears. It becomes as if marbled due to small light spots - ticks, the leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off prematurely. Tick ​​colonies are woven into thin webs, making it difficult to combat this pest.

During the season, the tick produces several generations. Its mass reproduction is observed in years with dry and hot summers. Determined that optimal temperature for tick development is +29…+31 °C and air humidity is 35-50%. Under such conditions, it reproduces continuously throughout the warm period of the year and in southern region manages to produce 12-15 generations. The entire cycle of its development is completed in 7-9 days.

The tick overwinters mainly as adult females under various plant debris, in crevices and cracks in the bark, and under debris. In spring, the pest first multiplies on weeds, then moves on to cultivated plants.

To protect flowers from these pests, it is necessary to keep the flower beds (especially in spring) free of weeds. Careful cleaning of plant debris and debris is required. How can you spray flowers against these pests to protect your plantings? Fufanon and Iskra-M are especially effective. Also, during particularly hot periods, it is recommended to use “Tiovit Jet” or colloidal sulfur (40 g per 5 liters of water), which acts in pairs. To achieve the desired effect, the treatment must be repeated every 8-10 days.

Wireworm, a pest of garden flowers, and plant treatment products

These are the larvae of click beetles that live in the ground and damage roots, bulbs, and gnaw through stems. Distributed everywhere. They cause great harm to many flowering plants.

The body of the larvae is narrow, long, yellow or Brown. The beetles are black or brownish-brown, with an elongated flat body. Beetles placed on their backs are able to jump and roll over, making a rather loud sound similar to a click.

The larvae, developing in the soil for several years, feed on plant roots. In addition, they eat away sown seeds and bite into young seedlings. Young plants damaged by wireworms die, and older plants, even if they survive, lag behind healthy ones in development; the corms often rot. The presence of 10-12 larvae per 1 sq.m is dangerous for flower plants.

Due to the fact that wireworms live in moist soil, they move deeper when it dries out. In spring and wet summer they cause damage in surface layer soil.

Some species of click beetles overwinter in the beetle phase, others in the larval phase. Overwintered beetles fly in early spring, and overwintered larvae pupate in the spring and the beetles fly out in the summer. Females lay eggs in the soil, and after 20-40 days the eggs hatch into larvae that develop over the course of 3-4 years. During this time, they reach 15-25 mm in length and become the most harmful.

The favorite plant of wireworms is wheatgrass, so flower plants cannot be planted on soils under wheatgrass thickets.

Control measures include the destruction of weeds, especially wheatgrass. By the best means from these flower pests are “Provotox”, “Bazudin”, “Pochin” and “Zemlin” (10 g per 30 sq. m). When planting perennials in contaminated areas, one of their preparations mixed with sand is applied to the planting holes or along the furrows.

How to spray flowers against pests such as thrips, flies and pennies?

Thrips- these are numerous small (0.5-3.0 mm) insects with an elongated body, especially often living on flowers. They suck juices from plants, damage stamens and pistils, disrupting the pollination process. As a result, plants lose their decorative properties and do not produce full-fledged seeds; leaves become discolored and ugly.

Thrips live on the underside of leaves. Adult insects can fly to other plants. Eggs are laid directly on plants. The development of one generation occurs within 10-15 days. Thrips overwinter under plant debris, under dry scales of stems and in top layer soil. Some types of thrips are carriers of viral and bacterial diseases.

How to deal with these flower pests personal plot? To protect plants, they are sprayed with insecticides, the same as those used against aphids. Treatment should begin when the pest appears, and subsequent treatments should be carried out after 8-10 days, alternating medications.

Mining flies damage many flowering plants. They lay eggs on leaves. The hatched larvae of the pest eat away the inner tissue of the leaf, forming winding passages that are clearly visible on the leaf. The larvae themselves are white, without legs and heads, 3-5 mm long. Pupation occurs inside the mine on the underside of the leaf.

Control measures: spraying plants with insecticidal preparations, the same as for aphids, when damage appears.

Slobbering Penny widespread everywhere. Pennywort is polyphagous and damages various flower perennials. The larvae are yellow-green, with red eyes, live in foamy secretions on leaves and stems and suck cell sap from plants. Often kept in folded leaves. As a result of damage by pentilica, numerous whitish spots appear on the leaves and the leaves curl.

Control measures - as with other pests. If the pennie appears in single copies, you can simply crush it with your hands.

Harmful to flower plants:

Delphinium fly.

Common earwig , eating flower petals.

Medvedka gnaws the roots of plants.

Various types of nematodes.

Naked slugs.


And different kinds weevil , eating the edges of the leaves.

Greetings, dear readers!

Every summer resident strives to create an oasis of beauty and splendor on his site. Flowers add charming touches and accents to the original landscape. Planting perennials and annuals in flower beds, gardens, front gardens, along alleys and paths, experienced flower growers reach vigorous flowering and a variety of colors throughout the warm season of staying in country estates.

It turns out that many types of plants are not only a way to please the eye and smell. A number of flower crops can rightfully be considered biological crop protectors and property guardians from pests and rodents. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely rid your area of ​​their proximity to them, but plants are quite capable of significantly reducing the population of insects and scaring away small animals.

The easiest way to protect beds and cultural plantings from dangerous insects is to plant certain colors along the perimeter of plantings or between rows. Flowering plants, releasing phytoncides and essential oils, will not only repel pests, but will also create original splashes of color in the design of your garden.

So what plants help reduce the infestation of dangerous insects?

Marigold flowers against pests

These unpretentious flowers protect nightshade plantings (peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes) from roundworms, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, radishes, mustard) from cabbage whites, onions from onion fly, and garden strawberries from the ubiquitous raspberry-strawberry weevil.

Calendula against garden pests

Experienced summer residents plant calendula in all accessible places on the site, noting that its flowering makes the garden healthier. Calendula is especially valued in the vicinity of potato and eggplant plantings, since its mere presence effectively repels the Colorado potato beetle. The plant is also effective against all types of ticks and bedbugs in the garden.

What pests can tansy be planted against?

Tansy (Tanacetum). Phytoncides and a high concentration of esters in tansy leaves can clear your property of onion flies and the ubiquitous ants that carry aphids throughout the entire area.

How nasturtium flowers help against garden pests

It is useful to plant flowers near pumpkin crop beds. Biologically active compounds of nasturtium are effective against pumpkin bugs and aphids. Placing plants near cabbage beds will also help, from which it will repel whiteflies, cabbage whites and other caterpillars that eat juicy green leaves.

Petunia flowers in pest control

This amazing beauty, so beloved by summer residents, not only elegantly decorates any flowerbed and looks graceful in flowerpots placed in different parts of the garden, terrace and veranda, but also prevents almost all types of diseases of legumes. The help of petunia is invaluable in the fight against cruciferous flea beetle, causing irreparable damage to plantings of cabbage, daikon, turnips, radishes, and mustard.

Chamomile flowers will help fight garden pests

Pyrethrum or Dalmatian chamomile. These sunny flowers can lift your spirits in an instant and also protect your cabbage beds from all types of caterpillars. This type of chamomile cannot be tolerated by aphids. Planting flowers to prevent rodents and codling moths is effective. Therefore, it is advisable to place it both in the garden and in the garden.

Beautiful lavender against garden pests

The aromatic mountain plant, along with thyme (Thymus) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), repels ants and aphids. The spicy aroma is also unbearable for shellfish - slugs and snails. But beneficial pollinating insects will be happy to visit your site if they feel the presence of the lilac beauty lavender.

Basil will help in the fight against harmful insects

Green, purple or combination leaves of spicy basil are not only a unique seasoning for your favorite dishes and a beauty in flower beds. By planting basil near your home, you can repel blood-sucking insects, in particular mosquitoes. It is useful to alternate beds of tomatoes and other nightshade crops with several rows of basil, since the plant does not tolerate cutworms well.

Imperial hazel grouse flower against rodents

(Fritillaria imperialis). Beautiful inflorescences from yellow to red, delighting owners from March to May, are not tolerated by small rodents. Therefore, it is advisable to plant perennials near the house, in ridges and under trees that are susceptible to invasion by these creatures in the spring.

Decorate your plot with new flowers, change the landscape from year to year, placing colorful and useful flowers in different parts of the garden, and enjoy a wonderful summer holiday every season!

Good day, dear readers. How to save the vegetable harvest by protecting it from pests? Wherever the plants are grown: in open ground, under a film or exclusively in a greenhouse, it is not possible to completely solve the pest problem. Using insecticides (various chemical sprays) is a last resort option. There is a way out - these are useful flowers and plants, let's get to know them a little closer.

If you can use products that are safe for humans and beneficial animals and insects, then it is better to do so. There are quite a few plants that, due to their natural properties, repel harmful insects with a specific smell.

They are also used to make decoctions and infusions that are poisonous to pests. If you plant some flowers correctly at your dacha, they will decorate the dacha and protect the plantings.

Yellow and orange marigolds bring joy to many, but they are usually planted in flower beds near country house. Not everyone knows that marigolds are very useful in the fight against various pests.

They should be planted near strawberries, cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes. Flowers repel cabbage whites, nematodes, weevils, onion fly and a scoop. As an infusion to protect against aphids, it can be used for currants, gooseberries, apple trees, plums, cherries, cabbage and peas.

Calendula is a reliable defender against the Colorado potato beetle, which eats not only potatoes, but also eggplants and tomatoes. It is recommended to alternate beds of vegetables and calendula.


Nasturtium should be placed near cabbage, because it perfectly repels whiteflies and cabbage. These flowers are good fertilizer, so they can be planted under apple and cherry trees, and in the fall, crushed, buried near the trunks.

Multi-colored, unpretentious petunia will protect legumes from many pests, but the flower itself is afraid of the Colorado potato beetle. You can plant calendula next to it.


Fragrant lavender will repel aphids and...


You can rid apple and pear trees of the codling moth with the help of this chamomile. It is necessary to plant it around trees closer to the trunk. This flower can save cabbage from aphids, cabbage cutworms and white moths.


This plant with yellow flowers can often be found in the forest. It is also a source of phytoncides, like the six previous ones. It is better to plant it near berries and fruit trees.

On the blog there is useful article O money tree, read .

Thus, summer cottage you can add brightness and beauty to flowers and at the same time preserve the future harvest.

Let beautiful, healthy flowers bloom in your garden, and let pests avoid you.

Lettuce, as the earliest and most unpretentious green crop, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Spring planting Most gardeners usually start by sowing lettuce, parsley and radishes. IN Lately desire for healthy eating And big choice greens in supermarkets make gardeners wonder which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article we will talk about nine of the most interesting, in our opinion, varieties of salad.

Despite the fact that calendar spring begins in March, you can truly feel the awakening of nature only with the advent of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing signals the arrival of spring as eloquently as clearings of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small celebration, because winter has receded and a new gardening season awaits us. But, besides the spring primroses, there is still something to see and admire in the garden in the month of April.

Carrots come in different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Orange carrots contain beta-carotene and lycopene, yellow due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); white carrots has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose carrot varieties for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. About the best early, middle and late varieties we will tell you in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy pie recipe with a delicious chicken and potato filling. Open chicken and potato pie is great hearty dish, which is suitable for a hearty snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this pastry on the road. The pie is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that we put it on wooden surface, having previously released it from the mold. It is enough to slightly cool the baked goods and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is the period of the start of active growing season, and for the majority - the return of their decorative effect. While admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a great stress for all indoor plants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and universal, all indoor crops are faced with much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily prepare homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruits, even without any pastry experience. You can bake Easter cake not only in special form or in a paper form. For your first culinary experiences (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. Easter cake in a frying pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow pan, but it never burns and is always well baked inside! Cottage cheese dough made with yeast turns out airy and aromatic.

It is also interesting because its fruits (pumpkins) are used for food by young, not ripe ones (greens). This means that you don’t have to wait for the harvest to ripen, and from late spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables on your menu. In your garden beds, it is better to grow varieties and hybrids of zucchini that are resistant to diseases and changes in weather conditions. This eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest in any weather. It is these varieties of zucchini that will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is the time when the first flowering of plants in gardens and parks begins. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are the bulbous primroses. But even among the ornamental shrubs you can find those that will delight you with fragrant flowers that enliven the still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of beautifully flowering ornamental shrubs occurs in the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

Salad "Uzbekistan" with green radish, boiled meat and eggs - a classic dish of Uzbek cuisine, known to many since the times of the USSR. In any Uzbek restaurant you could order this simple but very tasty salad with meat and radish as an appetizer. If you have never cooked this dish before, I advise you to try it - you will like it and fall into the category of favorites! You can diversify the taste a little and add finely chopped cilantro, parsley and a pod of red chili pepper.

We are offered such a huge number of different drugs that, at times, even experienced summer resident. In this article, we invite the reader to get acquainted with OMU - a complex granular organomineral fertilizer of prolonged action, which compares favorably with other modern complex fertilizers. Why is WMD the best nutrition you can offer your plants and how does it work?

The group of medicinal plants that have a general calming (sedative) effect includes a large number of aromatic herbs and shrubs. When used correctly, teas and infusions from these plants help cope with stressful situations, improve mood, eliminate or reduce nervous overexcitation. In this article we will talk about nine of the most interesting, in our opinion, medicinal plants, which can be grown on the site without much difficulty.

Fragrance is not the most important feature and is not at all associated with orchids. But for some species and individual varieties, the smell is a significant addition to their main “image”. Favorite sweets, confectionery and spicy aromas are not uncommon among orchids. Vanilla aromas or more original spices in the aroma notes add a delightful bright flowers even more exotic. And you can choose spicy fragrant orchids from both popular and rare species.

Easy pear and nut muffins - sweet, juicy and delicious! The birthplace of muffins is considered to be Great Britain and America. In England, such cupcakes are made from butter yeast dough, in America, from a buttery, yeast-free dough that is leavened with baking soda or baking powder, or both. The basic muffin recipe looks something like this: 200 g flour, 200 ml milk or kefir, 100 g eggs, 100 g butter, baking powder and soda.

What do you need to get good harvest potatoes? Many gardeners will say - good seed material, fertile soil, timely watering and fertilizing. But there is one negative factor that can significantly reduce the potato yield, despite the fulfillment of the above conditions - weeds. On plantations overgrown with weeds, it is not possible to obtain a rich potato harvest, and repeated weeding is one of the most labor-intensive procedures in caring for the crop.

Some of the summer residents are lucky and they acquire an estate with several mature spreading trees that create shade and cozy corners. But ours new dacha there were practically no such plantings. And the half-empty area behind the chain-link mesh turned out to be completely open to prying eyes. That's why this interesting design arose, which meets the specific requirements of our family. I think our experience in constructing multifunctional plant supports will be interesting to you too.