Clearing the dacha area of ​​weeds. Country comfort

It is not always the case that the owners get the plots in excellent condition with the beds dug up and trimmed. Basically, the new owner simply gets a plot overgrown with weeds and weeds with fruit trees and bushes that had gone wild and began to bear completely different large and juicy fruits than they had previously produced in a well-groomed state. However, sometimes a plot of land is inherited from grandparents, or it is simply forgotten about for a while, during which time it becomes overgrown with weeds and thickets of grass as tall as a man. Of course, it is impossible to plant anything in such an area without first clearing it. The first task facing the owner of the site is to clear the territory and prepare it for the next season.

In general, smart and zealous gardeners have long come up with many ways that allow them to quickly and efficiently develop virgin soil in order to use the land for their needs. After all, land that has rested for several years and is overgrown with weeds is excellent for any planting, since it has accumulated all the necessary nutrients. All that remains is to bring it into proper condition and begin to implement your plan. But this sounds simple only in words. In fact, this is a huge amount of work that requires a lot of effort and time. But the result is worth it.

In general, all methods of developing virgin soil can be divided into those that allow you to plant some plants in the first season after processing and those that do not allow you to do this.

Radical changes

This method is considered quite simple in concept and labor-intensive in execution. In the process of clearing a site from thickets, it is necessary to remove the top layer of earth, called turf, in which numerous roots are intertwined. The cut layers are placed in a designated area with the roots facing up and covered with material that does not transmit light. Periodically, this pile should be treated with urea so that after a few years it turns into excellent compost.

As for the soil itself, a new layer of soil is poured on top of the cleared soil, which is ordered on several machines. The main thing is to know the origin of the soil and its quality. Otherwise, you risk wasting money and getting a new layer of soil rich in weeds and pathogens and even pests.

The simpler the better

The first method is relatively easier, since it involves digging up the area manually without removing the weed roots. Another thing is that with this method you will not be able to sow a lot of things on the site for a long time. Cabbage and potatoes will come to the rescue. Cabbage is planted as seedlings, but as it grows it will bring powerful shade from its leaves, just like cabbage. This shade will cover the ground and begin to suppress weed growth. In addition, you will need to periodically hill up the beds, which will also help destroy weeds.

For greater effect, you can mulch between rows with grass clippings, manure or compost.

Useful waste paper

This one is very original way It will work if you follow the instructions carefully. To make it a reality, you will need rotted manure (you can use chicken manure, compost or humus). This composition must be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the developed area and covered on top with black and white newspaper 5-7 layers thick. If you find this difficult, you can replace the newspaper with thick cardboard. Top on paper layer compost mixed with manure is poured out.

The advantage of this method is that you can make holes in newspapers in which you can plant any crops grown through seedlings. This is perfect for those who don’t want to wait a long time, being content with only potatoes and cabbage. At the end of the season, in addition to an excellent harvest of the crops you grow, you will also receive a clean area with soil enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Black bedspread

Black film is a fairly well-known way to get rid of weeds. You can cover the entire area with it, so that under the hot summer sun a real hell will be created for all living plants. Not a single weed can survive the absence of sunlight and this steam room, so by the end of the season the film can be removed, the soil can be dug up and you will feel like a winner. Alas, with this method there is no talk of any plantings this season.

Green manure comes to the rescue (video - site planning)

Many nice words have been said about green manure plants, which have a lot of benefits. Including during the development of the site. Among all the crops in this series, there are three that will cope with the task better than others.

Winter rye is the first of these three helper crops that will rid the area of ​​weeds. Rye itself perfectly suppresses the growth of other plants, and winter rye is used for a reason. Rye seeds are planted in spring instead of autumn. Thus, the gardener deceives the plant, which will not be able to bloom during the season and will not form an ear.

You can enhance the effect if you cut wheat several times a season without damaging the growing part of the plant. In the spring of the next season, the rye will go into the ground, and in its place you can plant potatoes or other crops, depending on how overgrown your area is.

Sunflower is a much easier job for a summer resident, but no less ruthless in relation to weeds. In early May, its seeds are planted in the ground after digging as thick as possible. When the seedlings emerge from the ground, other plants simply have no chance to survive under such pressure.

At the beginning of autumn, sunflowers can be mowed and chopped into pieces of twenty centimeters, and then thrown into the soil. During the fall, these parts will decompose and well fertilize the ground, preparing it for planting new crops next season.

Bush beans are not only effective, but also delicious. You just need to sow it thicker than is usually prescribed for it. A distance of 5-10 cm is maintained between plants, and 20-30 cm between rows. During the first month, you will still have to weed between the plants, and then the beans will cover the entire bed with their leaves, and in this shade it is unlikely that anything will be able to grow. When the season comes to an end, the tops of the beans will go into compost, and you should go through the area with a hoe to remove the most tenacious weeds.

As you can see, the methods are very different in nature. You can choose any of them, depending on whether you are in a hurry to plant something on your site or are ready to wait for time and the sun to do their job. In any case, if you take up this task and bring it to the end, you can then enjoy the pleasures of working on your weed-free plot.

Immediately before building a house or other structure, it is necessary to clear the site and prepare it for development. Depending on the complexity of the work performed, its duration can reach several days. This may require special equipment to help clear the area of ​​all excess.

Clearing the site for construction - main stages

The preparation of a site for construction includes the following stages:

  • cleaning the area from small debris and various waste;
  • removal of small stones and large boulders from the land;
  • cutting down bushes and mowing grass;
  • removal of trees by climbers;
  • sawing trees and removing them from the territory;
  • uprooting stumps and removing roots;
  • the created earthen pits should be filled up and, if necessary, compacted;
  • dismantling and demolition of old buildings on the territory;
  • planning of the area for construction and its marking.

What does it take to clear a tree plot?

Clearing an area of ​​trees can take not only several days, but even weeks. Small plants can be removed by two methods: uproot them along with the roots or cut down the trunks, and then remove the stump directly. The first method is suitable for clearing an area of ​​trees whose trunk diameter does not exceed 10-15 cm. It is not suitable for removing adult plants.

Tall trees are removed using the following methods:

  • cutting the trunk with a fall towards the natural slope;
  • cutting down the entire tree using a guy;
  • removing the plant in parts and dumping them on the ground;
  • cutting down trees in parts and hanging them;
  • use of special equipment to remove plants.

On building plots, the first two methods are usually used. This is due to the fact that in most cases they have enough space for plants to fall. These methods require minimal costs. The trees are first cut a little on the side in which they will fall. If it coincides with the natural slope of the plant, then you simply need to finish the plant from the opposite side. When required with high accuracy design the place where it will fall; a cable is fixed to the upper section of the tree and pulled in the desired direction.

If construction site is located in a highly built-up area, both of the first methods are not suitable. A falling tree can damage standing nearby building. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the branches of the plant, after which its trunk is sawn into pieces. Sections can simply be dropped to the ground or lowered by cables. The last method is the safest, but also the most expensive.

The final step in tree removal is stump removal. For this purpose, special equipment can be used that will allow you to quickly and effectively remove plant remains from the soil. Otherwise, they may cause damage and destroy buildings in the future.

Involvement of third-party specialists for clearing

Often, clearing a site involves felling emergency trees and removing stumps; this may require special permits. It is better to entrust this work to specialists. Hitreeworkers provides full complex services for clearing building sites. Its specialists are highly qualified; they have special equipment and modern equipment. By contacting Hitreeworkers, you can be completely confident that the area will be prepared for development by the agreed date.

from 1.5 rubles per m2

Employees of "Gardener-VIP complex clearing summer cottages on the territory of Moscow, Moscow region. Our company offers services for clearing the site of trees and shrubs, small forests, grass thickets, garbage collection, as well as stump uprooting services. We do seasonal cleaning of the site. Cleaning country house. Plowing the land. Assistance in the development of new areas. Clearing the site for construction.

Clearing a site for construction

Having purchased a plot of land, or received it as an inheritance, especially if these are new plots in SNT and DNT. Many people are faced with the need to simply clear the area of ​​unnecessary wild vegetation, thin out the trees and take out what has been cut down or fallen, uproot and level the area. Also remove debris left by construction workers.

What is included in site clearance

Into the clearing garden plot includes cutting grass, cutting down old and broken trees, cutting down bushes, collecting grass and leaves. Site cleaning also includes uprooting stumps and leveling the ground. Electricity on the site is not necessary, since all work is carried out with gasoline tools. If necessary, we carry out dismantling (demolition) of dilapidated or unnecessary buildings (houses, sheds, rickety bathhouses) buildings are calculated based on the volume of garbage. When cleaning a site, in most cases we organize waste removal in containers of various sizes.

Price for site clearing

How is the price for clearing a site determined?

Pricing is directly affected by the height, density and number of plantings on the site that need to be removed (scope of work), buildings that need to be demolished (if any), the use of special equipment, its dimensions, and garbage removal. The method that can be used to eliminate unnecessary trees is affected. Outside the city, in private areas, if there are no buildings nearby, then felling is used. If there are buildings nearby, then you need to cut it down in parts, in which the removed fragments are lowered down on safety cables - this is a more expensive method.

Seasonal site cleaning service

In the summer, care for flower beds, lawns, and gardens is necessary. Pruning trees, bushes, sweeping the area. Wash off dirt, sand, you can whitewash curbs and tree trunks.

In autumn, remove fallen leaves, sticks, and debris. Necessary

In winter, clear the area of ​​snow debris, clean the roofs, and remove icicles. In winter, the surface must be treated to prevent icing with special solutions. In the spring, carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the site, remove garbage after the winter period, and remove it off site.

Why is it worth ordering site clearing from our company?

    Affordable prices;

    We work under a contract;

    Guarantee for the work done;

    Flexible system discounts;

    Efficiency (engineer will arrive on the day of your request);

    Discount for pensioners 10%;

    Completion of work exactly on time:

    We work by cash and non-cash payments:

    We use our equipment to perform complex work;

    Experienced employees and proprietary tools

Plowing the site

After comprehensive cleaning of the site, we suggest plowing the land. Plowing the land is necessary for sowing grains, vegetable seeds, potatoes, etc. Plowing the soil saturates the soil with oxygen, nutrients, helps get rid of weeds. If it is necessary to remove small irregularities from the surface, plowing the area is also necessary. After plowing, cultivation is usually done, the surface is finished with a rake and the output is smooth and beautiful plot. The RusDirect company provides services for professional plowing and cultivation of land at summer cottages in the Moscow region. Our specialists carry out work with a walk-behind tractor or a walk-behind tractor.

Price for plowing land

Pricing is directly affected by the condition of the soil and the size of the cultivated area. And also if there is a need to carry out additional work- uprooting stumps, removing stones, grass and wood waste, leveling the area. In any case, the final price for services is determined individually. Our engineers will advise you in detail and calculate the exact price.

How to plow

To plow the land we use different types equipment (motoblock, tractor) and various mounted plows. The RusDirect company offers our customers moldboard-less and moldboard plowing using various types plows. We select equipment depending on the customer’s wishes, and also offer different methods of plowing the land depending on the type and condition of the soil. In addition to deep tillage using plows, we will also offer you surface tillage - discing (or harrowing).

How deep should you plow?

The goal when plowing is to loosen the top fertile layer of soil and cut off the roots of the weeds located in it. In this case, there is absolutely no need to raise the underlying layers of soil. Therefore, to level the area and sow the lawn, 15 centimeters of plowing will be enough.

What is better to plow the plot - with a tractor or walk-behind tractor?

First of all, you need to consider the size of the area. If there are more than 10 acres, then it is better to plow with a tractor. In this case the price will be more favorable. A walk-behind tractor can easily handle a plot of up to 10 acres. Any modern walk-behind tractor or walk-behind tractor can plow the ground to a depth of 15 or even 20 centimeters. We use equipment with active rototillers, for us simple task- plowing to a depth of 15-20cm.

What is a rototiller for plowing

The active rototiller rotates independently of the rotation of the equipment wheels. This allows her to develop great force and plow even virgin lands.

What is disking

Disking (harrowing) is, in contrast to plowing, shallow cultivation of the land. Disking is carried out using disc harrows and is carried out if there is a high risk of soil erosion, as well as in case of low thickness of the fertile layer. Disking is also done to loosen the soil after plowing. The cost of soil disking is lower than plowing due to lower requirements for traction and equipment models. To know approximate cost You can disk on the pages of our website. For an accurate calculation for your property, please call the contact numbers.

When to plow

The best time for this is, of course, from spring to autumn, in dry weather, when the air temperature at night is above +5.