Homemade garden disc harrow K t 25. How to make a disc harrow with your own hands

Agricultural work cannot be done without the use of a functional harrow. It is impossible to carry out sowing without destroying the top crust of the earth and without digging up the soil to a loose consistency, thereby destroying all the weeds. That is why the presence of a disc harrow in every farming- an urgent need.

Organize own production disc harrows can be used at home if you have a garage, welding machine And additional tools. Farmers are clients with good solvency. If you make your offer with a lower price but the same quality, then you can easily sell an expensive disc harrow unit. After all, this type of agricultural equipment brings large incomes to farmers.

DIY disc harrow

What does the design of the harrow consist of, which we propose to make with our own hands for use on the MTZ-80 tractor?

Trailed disc harrow 2.6x2N on MTZ-80 (KOMPAS-3D):

  1. Frame.
  2. Front section of cutting units.
  3. Rear section of cutting units.
  4. Left turning axle.
  5. Right turning axle.
  6. Hinge bracket.
  7. Cleaner.
  8. Front beam.
  9. Rear beam.
  10. Adjustment rod of the mechanism for adjusting the angle of attack of the disks.
  11. Train roller.

The harrow's working width is 2.6 meters. It can be aggregated with tractors from 1.4 to 2nd traction class. The weight of the structure is 1150 kg. Operating speed up to 12 km/h. Productivity - 3 hectares/hour. The number of working bodies (discs) is 16 pcs., disc diameter is 560 mm.

Attention! This 3D model assembly was created in the KOMPAS-3D program version 14.1 and contains 122 parts. To view it in detail you can use free program KOMPAS-3D Viewer.

Trailed disc harrow on MTZ-82 with a working width of 2.2 meters (PTC Creo Elements/Pro):

This Alternative option 3D models of a mounted diskator for tractors of 1.4 traction class (LTZ-60AV, MTZ-50/52, MTZ-80/82, Belarus-921 and YuMZ-6). Attention! This model contains 117 parts and was made in PTC Creo Elements/Pro, but can be opened with the free PTC Creo View Express.

This mounted tillage disc unit consists of metal discs mounted on an axle at a certain angle. Depending on the type of field work being carried out, the depth of penetration of the structure into the soil is regulated. Maximum depth processing up to 12cm.

A mandatory requirement for the manufactured harrow will be high stability metal to corrosion, so choose only quality materials, which we recommend to further process by special means from rust.

So, first you need to weld a strong rectangular frame (1400 by 650 millimeters) from metal profiles. You can use iron corners measuring 450 by 450 mm. An independent axle with 8 spherical disks with a diameter of about 500 mm and a thickness of about 5 mm will be attached to the resulting base using special bushings. They are installed on a horizontal pipe with the same spacing between them. The number of discs may vary depending on the power of your tractor.

The width of the area to be processed usually does not exceed 1-2 meters. There is no point in making a wider harrow. In this case, efficiency will significantly decrease and the load on the tractor will also greatly increase. Please note that the angle of soil attack in a disc harrow must be adjustable.

You can easily buy all materials and components for the manufacture of a harrow via the Internet on specialized websites, as well as at local industrial markets. Their total cost (taking into account the labor invested in subsequent assembly) will be an order of magnitude less than the purchase of ready-made factory equipment. Here the efforts spent will pay off many times over!

The resulting harrow is connected to the tractor linkage at the top of the stand, as well as via two axles. When the tractor moves, the discs should rotate freely, loosening the ground and grinding the remains of weeds, as well as stems of cultivated plants.

Trailed disc harrow ABD 4x2PG (hydraulic) on T-150 (KOMPAS-3D):

This is a 3D model of an ABD 4x2PG disk drive. The trailed unit is designed for tractors of traction class no lower than 3. Brief characteristics:

  • working width - 4 meters;
  • operating speed - up to 12 km/h;
  • productivity - up to 4.4 hectares/hour;
  • processing depth - from 8cm to 18cm;
  • weight of the structure - 2130 kg.

Attention! The 3D model was created in the KOMPAS-3D program version 14.1 and contains 181 parts. To study the design, you can use the free KOMPAS-3D Viewer.

Note. When opening a file, the program may ask you to replace the path to a file that it cannot read, then simply specify the path (for example, working body).

Advantages of a disc harrow

A disc harrow is an excellent unit that can be successfully used instead of a plow, cultivator or hoe. It is perfect even for soils with extremely low moisture content.

Harrowing is carried out in the following cases:

  1. When it is necessary to destroy the upper crust-like layer of the earth, which was formed under the influence of moisture, sun and wind over a long period of time.
  2. To mix the soil with applied fertilizers.
  3. If you want to level the surface of the area.
  4. If it is necessary to thin out densely growing cultivated plants.
  5. To destroy weeds in the garden or field, as well as chop dead wood. Any disc harrow crushes sunflower and corn.

Only a high-quality disc harrow manufactured taking into account all technical nuances can cope with such tasks. Using our free 3D models of disc harrows, you can make them yourself to sell. By adhering to all the details of the samples, your harrows will be in no way inferior to their factory counterparts!

Important! The harrow must be used at speeds exceeding 7 kilometers per hour. This way the harrowing process will be as efficient as possible.

Manufacturing of disc harrows as a business

A properly made harrow will cope well not only with the densest layers of soil, but will also perfectly counteract weeds and dead wood. It will also be able to grind sunflowers and corn, which is not possible for other types of agricultural equipment.

By making your own disc harrow, you will save a lot cash. In addition to the many other advantages that this unit has, we can also highlight the fact that the disc harrow has high productivity and does not clog. This means that you can quickly process the entire field with it without any problems!

Having mastered your own production of disc harrows for MTZ-80, T-150 tractors and other types of tractors, you can get started profitable business. Experts estimate its profitability at 50 percent (it all depends on the cost of the materials you will use in production).

By setting up the production of disc harrows, you can achieve a monthly profit of $1000. Despite the fact that you are selling expensive equipment, its demand is ensured by the good solvency of the target consumer (farmer). There's nothing to wait for! Time to open own business!

- a branch of the national economy that is engaged in growing plants (crop farming) and breeding animals (livestock farming), is the leading branch of the Russian agro-industrial complex (AIC). The agro-industrial complex includes industries serving Agriculture(agricultural engineering, equipment repair, production of mineral fertilizers, reclamation construction, etc.), industries providing processing, storage, transportation and sale of products.

Designed to destroy weeds on light soils.

A homemade disc harrow consists of 4 batteries with 6 discs each. Assembled entirely from scrap metal. The frame is welded from rectangular pipes, to which the battery racks are screwed. In a similar factory design, 8 plates are installed, they are in the middle with square holes for the square battery shaft. But in the midst of tillage, it happens that the tractor driver fails to tighten the battery shaft nut in time and this square hole breaks down to round. After this, such a plate is thrown into scrap metal. It is from such unusable plates that this husk is assembled. The broken hole in the plates is welded with round washers with a round hole in the middle x 35-40mm. Accordingly, the battery shafts are round. One side of the shaft is welded with a washer, a section of the shaft with an x ​​30mm thread is welded to the second. The batteries are tightened with a nut. At the same time, the same nut also clamps a powerful spring installed right there on the battery shaft. As a result, the tightening force of the nut and the compression force of the spring protects the plate from turning, which together increases the service life of the unit as a whole several times. It’s a pity that the factories didn’t think of this before.
There is no bearing assembly in the usual sense in this huller either. Here, a piece of pipe 10 cm long with a diameter of 110 mm is welded to the rectangular pipe of the battery stand; a spacer sleeve 2 mm longer is installed on the shaft in this place. On both sides, all this is limited in movement by washers of sufficient diameter. And inside, as a bearing, there is a piece of a plastic water pipe. In some farms, you can find the use of a turned wooden bushing as factory bearings; anyway, the factory ones don’t last long here. To ensure better loosening of the soil, the batteries are located at a slight angle to each other. Using With this unit, I never plow my garden in the winter. In the West, this is called soil mulching, that is, mixing the top layer with various plant and other waste. However, once upon a time we also talked about dump-free technologies.

Amazone expands the Catros disc harrow family. At the end of the month, a new trailed flagship with a working width of 12 m, called CATROS+ 12003-2TS, will be presented at the LAMMA-2016 exhibition. It provides the ability to connect a skating rink - the latest tool for cultivating soil with fine stubble, which creates ideal conditions for the fastest germination of weeds and carrion. Read more...

Tags: How to make a disc harrow with your own hands

homemade disc harrow

instructions for making a harrow for a mini tractor with your own hands. ... and in order to make the soil fluffy and loose, you need to destroy its crust, weed it out...



Ruslan, along the way, not only the bosses, but also everyone said goodbye to their heads a long time ago, but they didn’t meet with their brains at all. Does anyone know what a rotary harrow is for? Paul.
The BIG-3 Vyacheslav harrow is designed for spring and autumn surface loosening of the soil to a depth of 4 - 6 centimeters in order to seal moisture, embed seeds in the soil, destroy weeds, and also to level the microrelief that formed after previous tillage. no more.

Eduard  Borona. Purpose:
1. Loosen large pieces of soil remaining after plowing the field
2. Harrow the seeds Peter

Valentin  I don’t know. I have the same one, only small, like a skating rink. I tear up their lawn so they can breathe.

Stanislav  looks like a harrow, of course I saw a disc harrow for a combine harvester, not with such sharp sticks, but you need a harrow to break up clods before sowing, apparently your purpose is loosening, as they said above about the manual one

Denis  Actually, this looks a lot like a Dominator. But the dominator is used to prepare for sowing small-seeded crops, that is, when a very flat surface is required.

Victor is right Guru, but it’s called: scarifier-aerator

Artyom  cultivator

Egor  Cultivator I think it’s good for loosening before sowing

Artem  disc harrow

Do-it-yourself harrow for walk-behind tractor: drawings, video

1 Traditional harrow; 2 Rotary type equipment; 3 Disc harrow... You can also make a walk-behind tooth harrow with your own hands and...

Do-it-yourself harrow for the Neva walk-behind tractor - Agrolain.ru

How to make a rotary harrow for a walk-behind tractor... so making it capable of working, and with your own hands, is as easy as shelling pears. ... The disc harrow is used where the soil moisture is low and where it often dries out.

People involved in agricultural activities have probably come across the concept of “diskator”. However, most farmers do not attach due importance to this type of equipment, preferring to use more conventional harrows for cultivating the land.

Let's figure out what the advantage of disk drives is over similar types of trailed equipment.

Features and Benefits

What is a diskator? This is a disc harrow, where a separate mounting post is used for each cutting element. This design allows you to completely eliminate clogging of the cutting discs, which has a positive effect on labor productivity.

In addition, the disk drives show good performance in conditions high humidity and dense vegetation. The main purpose of this type of agricultural equipment is to prepare the land for sowing without prior plowing.

It is worth noting that individual fastening of the discs allows for better control of weeds by mixing the soil with plant residues. However, these are not the only advantages of PM.

Diskators can perform the following operations:

  1. Prepare the soil for planting all varieties of agricultural crops, including industrial and fodder.
  2. Preparation of small-contour areas and fields with complex geometry.
  3. Peeling stubble and forming a mulch layer.
  4. Preparation for planting of turfed areas of the field and land allocated for pastures and meadows.

It is worth noting that in one pass across the field, the disker performs several operations at once: it crushes the soil, levels the surface and mixes the soil with weed residues.

Moreover, each of the installed disks has individual adjustment, allowing you to smoothly change the processing width or angle of attack.

Thanks to their versatility, diskers help save up to 12 liters of diesel fuel per hectare processed. Accordingly, this type of agricultural equipment pays for itself already in the second season of operation.

Diskators also have design flaws. For example: a rigid rack mounting option often leads to mechanical damage hubs.

To avoid breakdowns, the bearing must be lubricated regularly, which causes additional maintenance time.

It is typical that such problems occur only with disk drives. Russian production. Imported models use a spring-loaded rack mounting system.

Popular models

On the domestic market of agricultural equipment, there are diskers designed to work with any tractors. This is how disk drives for MTZ-82 are classified:

  1. For light tractors. Such models are designed for surface cultivation of the ground, to a depth of no more than 10 centimeters. The weight of the disker is about 800 kilograms for each meter of surface being processed.
  2. For heavy vehicles. This category optimally suited for processing neglected areas, fields after planting sunflowers or corn. Diskator models performed well in regions with arid climates. Cutting elements are usually mounted on spring-loaded or double-spiral stands.
  3. For super-heavy equipment. Such models are used to treat large areas prone to soil erosion. In addition, the equipment copes well with processing turf fields with complex geometry and topography. The structural weight of the diskator varies between 1,200-1,400 kilograms per meter of covered area.

Among the popular models are two-row trailed diskers PM 4*2 PKS and PM 5*2 PKS. These modifications are suitable for working with tractors of 3-4 traction class, with power from 130 to 170 hp. With.

The number of installed discs varies from 26 to 32, which gives a coverage area of ​​4.8 m. The ground is opened to a depth of 15 centimeters; note that this parameter is adjustable, as is the angle of attack of the discs.

The semi-mounted model BDK-2.5 stands out in terms of its performance. This modification is optimally suited for deep loosening of the soil in drought conditions. The productivity of the unit is 3.5 hectares, with working speed at 12 km/h.

Please note that you can find a more modernized BDK-3.5 disker on the market. This unit is used on complex fields with a lot of vegetation. The productivity of the equipment is 4.2 hectares/hour.

Mounted diskers of the APN series are popular among Russian farmers. The design of such models includes a mulching roller, which forms a moisture-retaining layer.

One more distinctive feature The equipment is a rigid frame with 11-12 discs (depending on the modification). The depth of tillage changes stepwise from three to twelve centimeters, which makes it possible to cultivate fields with stubble.

Please note that depending on intended purpose Diskators can be divided into garden and field. The first category is intended for work in orchards and vineyards.

Among the features we can highlight the asymmetrical arrangement of the cutting elements. The second group is suitable for cultivating large areas of land. To increase ground pressure, each field model is equipped with boxes for placing ballast weight.


In contact with

To increase work efficiency, and therefore increase yield, the following is used attachments like harrows. Previously, horses were used to perform work on the land, but today the harrow is mounted on a walk-behind tractor (if the area is small) or to a tractor (if the area being cultivated is impressive). Therefore, a harrow for a walk-behind tractor is a very important device for any knowledgeable landowner, and if it is made with your own hands, then it is a source of pride. Let's tell you in more detail how harrowing is done using a walk-behind tractor, and how to make this device yourself.

Types of harrows for walk-behind tractors and their design

There are several types of harrows that differ in design and have a number of special features.

- Rotary

- Disk

- Dental

Rotary harrow

As for the rotary harrow for walk-behind tractors, its main advantage is good removal of the top layer of soil (soil). Using it to level the soil is also not a problem. The depth of processing with a harrow varies from 4 to 8 centimeters; the depth can be adjusted based on the specifics of the work.

The width of the harrow is also important; it takes into account not only the power of the walk-behind tractor, but also the size of the area being processed. Typically, this value ranges from 800 to 1400 mm. Such dimensions are due to the ability to work comfortably while maneuvering in a small area.

Rotary harrows from honest manufacturers are made of high-quality metal alloy, which allows you to operate the equipment for decades (with proper care and maintenance).

On high-quality harrows, the blade has an oblique shape, and the teeth are located at an angle to the soil, having an optimal angle of attack, for better cutting through the soil, leveling it and removing weed roots.

Disc harrow

A disc harrow is used on dry soil; functionally, it does the same work as a rotary harrow, but is fundamentally different in design. Here, the main processing elements are disks shaped like stars. They are installed on one axis at a certain angle, ensuring maximum penetration into the ground.

Tooth harrow

A tooth harrow is a frame on which teeth are located at an equally spaced distance. Standard length teeth is 25-50 mm. An example of such a harrow can be seen in the video below.

Do-it-yourself harrow for a walk-behind tractor (drawings)

In order to make a harrow for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, first of all, you need to study the design of the device, drawings and decide on the dimensions.

What does a harrow consist of?

The design of the harrow is quite simple, the frame is made of a square metal profile, a coupling device that connects the harrow to the walk-behind tractor, and teeth mounted on the frame. It is recommended not to weld the teeth, but to secure them with bolts, then if one of them breaks, it will be easier to replace.

Below are drawings of harrows that give an idea of ​​the required dimensions, attachment points and general layout.

Homemade harrow

An example of a homemade harrow made from two smaller harrows rigidly connected to each other. For longitudinal movement, a hinge from a GAZ 53 car is used. In addition to the hinge and the standard towbar, the harrow is attached with two rods to ensure better performance.

Harrow for walk-behind tractor Neva

One of the leaders among small agricultural machinery. A harrow for the Neva is no different from harrows for other devices, and you can buy them everywhere.

Here is an example of a rotary harrow for the Neva and other walk-behind tractors, whose shaft diameter is 30 mm.

Rotary harrow RB-1.4 (two sections, 0.7 m each) for the Neva walk-behind tractor.

Designed for pre-sowing and post-harvest tillage.

Working width – 1.4 m;

Diameter – 350 mm;

The bushing diameter is 30 mm;

Tillage depth – up to 100 mm;

Weight of one section – 9 kg;

Video harrow

A rotary harrow mounted on a Neva walk-behind tractor in operation

Video about the structure of the harrow, its dimensions and use with the SICH walk-behind tractor

Proper harrowing