Dream interpretation of radishes, why do you dream of seeing radishes in a dream? Why do you dream of green radish?

This vegetable is very healthy because it contains necessary for a person vitamins. It is often used as the main ingredient in homemade medicines, such as cough syrup. Did you see her in a dream? The dream, according to dream books, has the following meanings:

  • Unpleasant person.
  • Criticism of the dreamer.
  • Having a difficult character.

So why do you dream about radishes? Various related details will help you figure this out.

Healthy root vegetable

Many will agree that radish can hardly be called a tasty vegetable. That is why most dream books interpret this image as the presence in your circle of a person with whom communication brings unpleasant emotions. But despite this, you cannot protect yourself from it. The reasons for this may be different: perhaps the situation contributes to this, or perhaps, due to your character, you cannot refuse the company of this person.

Due to the fact that this vegetable is used to treat colds, in a dream it can warn the dreamer about this particular health condition. This is probably how your subconscious signals a deterioration in your physical condition and the need for preventative measures.

radish? Most likely, in your immediate environment there are unpleasant people who annoy you with their communication. It is unlikely that you can expect good deeds from them, so try to protect yourself as much as possible from such people. Another meaning is suggested by the dream book: the radish planted by the dreamer, in his interpretation, promises him prosperity.

Contrary to the well-known saying, this root vegetable can also be sweet. If you prepared some dish from it, you yourself can become the initiator of the conflict, try to keep your negative emotions under control.

Why do you dream of a radish with juice flowing out of it? This image is positive because it promises the dreamer the implementation of plans, good luck and luck in everything, as well as recovery for those with health problems.

You may also dream of this vegetable as a symbol of criticism towards you. Those who happen to eat radishes will receive the respect and honor of others, earned by good deeds.

What can the black color of this vegetable tell us? In this interpretation, the radish warns of possible grief. Things don’t always work out the way we wanted, and people often act contrary to our expectations. Just follow further towards your goal - new acquaintances will probably appear along the way.

A large green root vegetable called a radish speaks of hasty conclusions that will turn out to be incorrect. Don't rush to do them before you know all the details of the situation. Author: Natalya Chernikova

Many of us know that radishes are not only a delicious vegetable from the very first spring, but also a “bad person”. But is this how the dream book regards this sign? Why do you dream of radishes in the garden, in bunches or as an ingredient in a salad?

  • The most common explanation for such a dream is the following: at work you will be successful, and your friends will turn out to be faithful.
  • As the dream book says, the radish you ate in a dream means: you may suffer from the act of a fool.

What kind of radish did you dream about?

  • Very large. Such a radish in a dream is a symbol annoying person, constantly hovering around you and annoying you with some requests.
  • Was she simply huge (like in the fairy tale “Turnip”)? The root vegetable expresses desires that you may hide deep in your soul, but they are true, so they constantly remind you of yourself.
  • Red, juicy fruits promise you a fun adventure. Did they turn out to be dense and tasty? This is a great dream, it promises good luck, and if you are sick, recovery.
  • The large radish was spoiled - wormy, rotten? You will be very disappointed in something. Perhaps the “bummer” will be associated with a long-awaited holiday that will not take place.
  • Are the bright fruits inside turned out to be empty? You will be criticized furiously.
  • The vegetable turned out to be very tasteless: you may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The fruits were bitter and simply disgusting: your beloved (beloved) may cheat on you, and you will separate because of this.
  • On the contrary, the radish was as sweet as honey? The dream promises you love victories.

Was it packed?

  • Why do you dream of radishes in bunches? The subconscious mind warns: do not give advice to your neighbors, no one listens to them anyway.
  • The second interpretation of this dream (however, does not at all contradict the first): you have to think carefully about why you live on Earth.
  • Were there a lot of bunches? A light romance without deep feelings will enter your life. Maybe it will just be unobtrusive flirting.

Have you worked in the garden?

  • Planting radish seeds (if the dreamer is a man) means unfulfilled hopes in the future. It is quite possible that you are in debt, and you are sorely short of money.
  • If in her dream a woman sowed (planted) the seeds, the dream, on the contrary, promises her good luck in everything.
  • Was the garden with growing radishes very well-groomed? You will have a great rest in the bosom of your family.
  • Seeing radishes that you collected in the garden means: you are wasting your energy on a task unworthy of you (or maybe it is a worthy task, but you don’t succeed, and again, all your energy will be wasted). If, moreover, it was very small, the dream promises tears.
  • Did you sell radishes at the market? The dream promises problems.
  • On the contrary, did you buy it? This is a positive sign that promises you good luck and heavenly protection in any matter.

Was it in the salad?

  • It was handed to you on a platter in its entirety: you will have to deceive someone. The pile was very high: you will be nostalgic for the past.
  • You crumbled and cut red “carcasses” for salad: soon you will pay off all your debts. If you tried to cut very small pieces, the dream warns of problems in the family or with health.
  • The salad came with no dressing: you'll have to work hard.
  • There was a gas station. Vegetable oil: Major changes will begin in your life. Mayonnaise: expect guests. Sour cream: you will buy something you have been dreaming about for a long time. Green: to achieve your plan, you will have to come up with something cunning and unexpected.

What will popular books say?

In the end, we offer you interesting quotes from the dream books of respected authors. Miller is a world-famous psychoanalyst, Adaskina is a professional who has been studying Russian folklore all her life. Their interpretations will complement the overall transcript, supporting many opinions.

Miller's Dream Book

Radishes growing in the garden are an excellent sign, promising the dreamer absolute luck.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskina

  1. Radishes, either washed and lying on the table or sticking out of the ground in the garden, are an excellent sign.
  2. Planting radishes in a dream means the fulfillment of what you dream of.
  3. Did you eat red fruits in your dream? IN real life you are worried about one of your family or best friends.
  4. If in a dream you saw a tied bunch, or just a plant with long green stems and leaves, this means that you are very lucky with friends (they will always lend a shoulder and so on), plus work or business will bring both constant income and pleasure .
Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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Dream book of the writer Aesop

Why do you dream about Radish in an everyday sense?

Radish - The image of a radish did not appear in your dream by chance; in all likelihood, it is associated in your subconscious with one of the well-known expressions: “I’m tired of it, like a bitter radish.” Consequently, the subconscious may point to some person in your environment who is unpleasant to you, but due to the properties of your character you cannot refuse to communicate with him.

Or, in reality, you are in a situation where your choice is limited, and this situation is best characterized by the words: “Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes.” Perhaps you have the first signs of a cold, and the subconscious has reacted to this by sending an impulse in a dream, since radish is one of the most common folk remedies from a cold. In a dream, planting radishes means in reality communicating with unpleasant and annoying people from whom you should not expect good things.

Cooking or eating a radish dish - you yourself will become the cause of a conflict that will ruin your mood for the next few days. Digging up radishes - such a dream suggests that you are communicating with the wrong people, so you do not experience joy from parties and conversations, you should find yourself another company. If juice flows from a radish in a dream, then such a dream promises a quick recovery from illness, luck, good spirits and strength to implement plans.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do Radish appear in dreams?

Radish - You will have to listen to unpleasant criticism addressed to you. I dreamed about a radish - Deception; eat - grief, shame, reprimand; to treat - to have anger at someone. Radish - (Turnip) - deception. Radish - Eating a radish in a dream is a sign of shame; tearing it is a sign of annoyance, and treating or feeding it is a sign of honor. Radish, radish - Annoyance, deception; argument. You dreamed of a Radish - Eating a radish A dream in the spring means that offensive rumors will be spread about you; in the summer - this means an unpleasant incident; seen in the fall - this dream is despondent; and in winter - to grief.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does Radish mean?

What does Radish mean in a dream - You see a radish in a dream - you will become a victim of deception and experience bitter disappointment. You eat a radish in a dream - you will soon make a mistake, because of which they will make fun of you and laugh at you; There will be a joke about you in society for a long time. What does a Radish mean in a dream, a turnip is a deception in one’s favor.

Taking into account the date of birth of Radish, what does it mean in a dream:

If you were born in the spring, why dream of a radish - your difficult character becomes unbearable. you are literally making enemies.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream of a radish - a quarrel.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of a radish - to bitter thoughts.

If you were born in winter, why dream of seeing radishes but not eating them means improving your appetite.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And it will help you understand what you dreamed even more accurately. moon calendar dreams

The image of a radish did not appear in your dream by chance; in all likelihood, it is associated in your subconscious with one of the well-known expressions: “I’m tired of it, like a bitter radish.” Consequently, the subconscious may point to some person in your environment who is unpleasant to you, but due to the properties of your character, you cannot refuse to communicate with him.

Or, in reality, you are in a situation where your choice is limited, and this situation is best characterized by the words: “Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes.”

Perhaps you experienced the first signs of a cold, and the subconscious responded to this by sending an impulse in your sleep, since radish is one of the most common folk remedies for colds.

Planting radishes in a dream means in reality communicating with unpleasant and annoying people from whom you should not expect good things.

Cooking or eating a radish dish - you yourself will become the cause of a conflict that will ruin your mood for the next few days.

Digging up radishes - such a dream suggests that you are communicating with the wrong people, so you do not experience joy from parties and conversations, you should find yourself another company.

If juice flows from a radish in a dream, then such a dream promises a quick recovery from illness, luck, good spirits and strength to implement plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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The image of a radish did not appear in your dream by chance; in all likelihood, it is associated in your subconscious with one of the well-known expressions: “I’m tired of it, like a bitter radish.” Consequently, the subconscious may point to some person in your environment who is unpleasant to you, but in...

Dream meaning - Radish

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Radish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing how you cook or eat radishes means trouble, the birth of a daughter, illness of the whole family. A guy eats a radish in a dream - for a wedding with an evil bride. A girl sees herself eating a radish - the dream foreshadows a marriage with a poor man. Sell ​​radish - to...

Had a dream "Radish"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Eating a radish in a dream means shame. Pulling out a radish means trouble. Treating you with radish means honoring you.

Radish - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To bitter thoughts.

Dreaming of "Radish" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your difficult character becomes unbearable. You are literally making enemies.

Seeing Radish in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about her portends shame, shame, grief.

What does the dream of Radish, radish mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Annoyance, deception. Argument.

The meaning of a dream about Radish, radish (vegetables)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Annoyance, deception. Argument.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Radish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you eat a radish in a dream, you will feel very ashamed of something. If you pick a radish from the garden, you will feel offended for something. If you feed someone radish, support awaits you. Eating a radish is a sign of shame. Tearing it is a sign of frustration...

Dream book online - Radish

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you ate a radish, in reality you are ashamed of something. Tearing radishes is a sign of annoyance. Treating someone with radish is a sign of honor.

What does the dream portend: Radish

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will cough a lot.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Radish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will have to listen to unpleasant criticism addressed to you.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Radish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Deception. There is grief, shame, reprimand. To treat is to have anger at someone.

Dream meaning - Plants, fruits, vegetables

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For the sleeper. And in dreams they largely follow the same meaning as objects, revealing their magical meaning in the meanings of the dream book. However, unlike inanimate things, plants have a living essence, which enhances their meaning, giving them a more capacious content...