What to do if the auto start does not work on the Starline alarm system. Repair and service of cars, engines and automatic transmissions

Car alarms Starline has remained popular among car enthusiasts for many years. They are universal and control all unauthorized access points and main components of the machine. A complex system connection requires qualified installation, which some cannot always boast of service centers and private craftsmen. This leads to failures in the system, which can only be noticed after some time of operation. The security key fob monitor will notify the user of the error with a message. This will not make the car owner feel any better, but the message will make it clear that the system is not in order.

One of the most common alarm errors

When correct installed alarm system, OS error 7 displayed on the key fob indicates the impossibility of starting the engine remotely. There can be many reasons for this, and the solution to the problem may not be easy.

It is not always possible to reset the alarm settings by removing the battery terminal. The processor has its own memory, independent of external power, and saves all settings when disconnected from the on-board power supply. Although in some cases it helps.


  • Without turning off the engine, put the car on the handbrake;
  • remove the key from the ignition;
  • get out of the car and slam the door;
  • lock the doors using the key fob.

The engine will stall, the alarm will be monitored, and after that it will be able to start remotely. If the car does not start within 4 attempts, then OS 7 error on the Starline key fob will certainly appear, and the reason could be anything, because OS 7 error means a stop, that is, the inability to start the engine.

From simple

The Starline system monitors all the main components of the car; it can even detect burnt-out brake light bulbs. If they are faulty, they must be replaced. Otherwise, the OS 7 error will remain and the engine will not start.
In winter, in the northern regions, due to an increase in static voltage, the key fob monitor writes OS 7. You can try to fix the problem by disconnecting the battery terminal for 5 minutes. The Starline system will work for a while, but you will need to think about protecting it from the cold.

Also, in severe frosts, below 25°C, you can see the inscription os 7 on the key fob due to frozen oil in the gearbox.

Average level

It may happen that when you arm the car by pulling the handbrake, taking out the key, closing the door, the engine will remain running, although it should stop.

In this case, it is necessary to check the reliability of the connection to the limit switches, especially if this is a temporary effect.

In many cases, especially in northern vehicle operating conditions, OS 7 error makes it impossible to start the car. Then connect the alarm directly to the battery using additional wires.

Problems often arise with the immobilizer bypass. This is expressed in unstable autorun operation. It is enough to remove the blue or black crawler block and pull out the board from it. It needs to be soldered and the contacts cleaned.

Please also note that installers do not always know thoroughly electrical diagram car and connect the device incorrectly. Take control of equipment installation. After this, you won’t have to call specialists, but it’s better to contact them initially.

Advanced level

If after four attempts to start the engine it does not start and the indicator notifies that an OS 7 autostart error has occurred, then you must proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • check the correct installation of the standard immobilizer bypass module and its key;
  • check the connection circuit to the engine control;
  • If the system emits 4 beeps, check the software control panel.

Perform actions:

  • start the car and raise the handbrake;
  • remove the ignition key without turning off the engine;
  • open and close the driver's door with the others open;
  • put under protection;
  • the engine will stop, the locks will lock, and an alarm symbol will appear on the screen.

If you are sure that the car is in full working order and security alarm Starline connected correctly, try flashing the system with a different version software. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer or its agents before doing so.

Do not forget that OS 7 error may indicate any failure related to the operation of the engine. And if the car does not drive, then you need to contact the system installers or car mechanics. They will be able to professionally detect and fix the problem.

Connecting engine starting circuits

Connecting starting circuits on vehicles with an ignition key

To implement the engine starting function, connect the following wires as follows:

Selecting the type of gearbox (Gearbox) - Automatic/Manual.

For cars with automatic transmission, the loop between pins 4 and 9 of the 18-pin connector is retained.

For cars with a manual transmission, you need to cut the loop (black wire) between pins 4 and 9 of the 18-pin “X3” connector.

Red wire- plus +12V power supply, it is recommended to connect directly to the battery. In this case, it is necessary to place an additional fuse with a rating of 30A no further than 40 cm from the “+” terminal of the battery. When connecting directly to a car battery, you must use a wire with a cross-section of at least 6 mm2. If a direct connection to the battery is not possible, for connection you must select a standard vehicle electrical wire of the appropriate cross-section. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the nominal value of the standard fuse for this circuit is at least 30A. You can also connect to the power wire of the mounting block, body control module (BCM), or ignition switch.

Yellow wire- output for turning on the ignition No. 1, connect to terminal IGN1 (15/1) of the ignition switch. The output is also an ignition control input.

Green wire- output for turning on accessories, connect to the ACC ( ACCESSORIES ) terminal of the ignition switch.

Blue wire- additional output. Connect to the appropriate terminal of the ignition switch, depending on the selected output algorithm. Some vehicles have two or more ignition and starter circuits. In this case, it is necessary to program this output in the accessory or ignition duplication mode, or use additional relays to duplicate the alarm output according to the diagram below:

Black and yellow thick wire- output to the starter. Connect the starter relay to the wire.

Black and yellow thin wire - control input for starter blocking in security mode and protection of the starter from accidental activation when the engine is running in autostart mode. To perform autostart only, connection is not necessary. Break the standard circuit between the STARTER terminal (50/1) of the ignition switch and the starter control circuit (connection point of the black and yellow thick wire). Connect the black and yellow thin wire to the STARTER terminal (50/1) of the ignition switch. After this connection is implemented, the power supply to the standard starter circuit will be provided through the built-in alarm relay.

Gray-black wire- universal input for monitoring engine operation. Input input impedance is at least 200 kOhm.

Control can be carried out using a signal from a tachometer or generator.

  • When monitoring engine operation using a tachometer signal, the gray-black wire is connected to a wire on which there is a pulse signal of varying frequency depending on the engine speed.
  • When monitoring engine operation using a signal from the generator, the gray-black wire is connected to the output of the generator, which is connected to the “battery charge” lamp on dashboard. The polarity of the generator signal is programmable (function 11, table No. 2). Successful engine starting will be monitored by the change in voltage at the generator output after successful launch engine.
  • When monitoring engine operation using on-board network voltage, the gray-black wire is not connected and must be insulated. Start confirmation will occur automatically after the engine starts running.

Attention! For proper operation starter without twisting, you will need to select the required duration by selecting one of the values ​​of programmable function 9, table No. 2.

When implementing autostart, the alarm should simulate pressing the “start/stop” button. To do this, you need to make the following connections:

Selecting the type of gearbox (Gearbox) - Automatic/Manual

For vehicles with automatic transmission- the loop between pins 4 and 9 of the 18 pin connector “X3” must be preserved.

For vehicles with manual gearbox- it is necessary to cut the loop between pins 4 and 9 of the 18-pin connector “X3”.

6-pin power connector “X1” of the central unit

Red wire- plus +12V power supply, it is recommended to connect directly to the battery. In this case, it is necessary to place an additional fuse with a rating of 30 A no further than 40 cm from the “+” terminal of the battery. If a direct connection to the battery is not possible, for connection you must select a standard vehicle electrical wire of the appropriate cross-section. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the standard fuse rating of this circuit is at least 30 A. You can also connect to the power wire of the mounting block, body control module (BCM) or ignition switch.

Yellow wire- Connect the ignition control input via a diode to the vehicle’s ignition circuit to monitor the condition (see figure below).

Green wire- do not connect.

Blue wire- connect to the brake pedal (programmable function 8, table No. 2, program mode 3).

Black and yellow thick wire- connect the start button to the circuits (if it is necessary to change the polarity of the control pulse, use additional relay, see picture below).

Black and yellow thin wire- do not connect.

18-pin connector “X3” of the central unit

Gray-black wire- universal input for monitoring engine operation. Input input impedance is at least 200 kOhm. Control can be carried out using a signal from a tachometer or generator.

Connection diagram:

Note: The VD1 diode in the ignition circuit is necessary so that the alarm only receives information about the ignition being turned on; blue wire must be programmed for the “Start/Stop” system, in this case, start and stop pulses are generated on the black and yellow wire (output to the starter).

For safe operation car and safe use of the remote start function, it is necessary that the car alarm correctly determines whether the engine is running or stopped.

Determination of engine operation using tachometer signals.

The circuit to which the gray-black wire will be connected must contain pulses proportional to the engine rotation speed. For such a circuit, it is best to use the tachometer signal present on one of the contacts of the diagnostic connector, or on the dashboard. This signal usually has an amplitude of 12V.

A typical tachometer waveform is shown in the figure below (left). The alarm determines the moment the starter stops cranking by a sharp increase in the signal frequency at the moment the engine starts running. Connecting the gray-black wire to such a circuit ensures that the starter is turned off correctly.

The signal from the injector control circuit can also be taken as a signal proportional to the engine rotation speed. In most cases, it allows you to reliably determine the state of a running engine.

Determination of engine operation using a generator signal.

The circuit to which the gray-black wire is connected should change its state from the body potential when the engine is not running to a potential of 9-12V when the engine is running. In the case of an inverse signal, from the +12V potential, when the engine is not running, to the housing potential when the engine has started. This signal can be obtained by connecting to the “battery charge” lamp on the dashboard, which goes out when the engine starts. For the above two options, the alarm provides a choice of engine operation control: generator (+) or generator (-), respectively, function 11, table No. 2.

A typical signal waveform when starting an engine in a generator circuit is shown in the figure below:

On some cars, the generator signal changes to that corresponding to a running engine already when the starter is cranked. In this case, it is impossible to guarantee the correct termination of the starter operation and this control method is not applicable.

Determination of engine operation by voltage.

When the engine is running, the vehicle's on-board voltage is higher than when it is stopped. This method of engine control is considered auxiliary and can only be used if the tachometer or generator signal circuits cannot be determined. At this method control, the gray-black wire is not connected and must be insulated.

Programming engine starting parameters

To successfully start a car using a car alarm, you need to program the following parameters:

  1. Car engine type - gasoline or diesel. To do this, enter the programming mode of function 10, table No. 2 and, depending on the engine type, set the required starter activation delay time after turning on the ignition on the first attempt to start the engine. For diesel engines, the starter activation delay required to warm up the spark plugs is 5, 10 or 20 seconds. For gasoline engines, the delay is fixed at 4 seconds.
  2. For vehicles with a start button, program function 8 of table No. 2 to option 3.
  3. Set the maximum time for the first attempt to crank the starter. It can be programmed when installing an alarm for any method of monitoring engine operation. The time of each subsequent attempt to crank the starter during one starting cycle is automatically increased by 0.2 seconds. For cars with a “Start/Stop” button, a 2 second pulse is generated on the black and yellow wire, regardless of the selected option for function 8, table No. 2.

If the engine is started before the maximum starter cranking time has expired, the starter will turn off early.

During one starting cycle, the system can make 4 attempts to start the engine. If after the 4th attempt the engine does not start, then the key fob display will show feedback(provided that it is in the reception area) the inscription “OCT” will be displayed and the key fob will give 4 sound signals, indicating the end of attempts to start the engine. 4 flashes of light signals will follow.

If the running engine stalls before the end of the programmed warm-up time, a new engine starting cycle will be attempted. The total number of startup attempts per startup cycle does not exceed 4.

Attention! Remote engine starting cannot be done in cases when the ignition is turned on, the hood is open, the parking brake is turned off or the foot brake is pressed, preparations for starting the engine on cars with a manual transmission have not been completed.

Supply voltage drops below +6V (with a discharged battery) at the moment of engine starting cancel all automatic engine starts. To evaluate voltage sags, you need an oscilloscope or multimeter with a minimum value memory function.

Due to the wide variety of connection methods and possible changes in car circuits, it is imperative to ensure that the system operates correctly after installation. The very possibility of remote engine starting, timely shutdown of the starter (no twisting) and safety when starting the engine will depend on this.

Used for verification standard keychain alarm with LCD display. It is necessary to check the 2 states of the car and make sure that the alarm distinguishes them correctly. If this happens, then all other operating modes will be provided automatically.

State 1 (left) - ignition on, engine not running

Press button 3 of the key fob. The key icon should appear on the windshield on the key fob display and there should be no smoke icon.

State 2 (right) - engine running

Press button 3 of the key fob. An ignition key icon should appear behind the windshield on the display and smoke icons should appear, simulating a running engine.

Assessment of test results:

If the key fob shows an inappropriate combination of ignition key and smoke icons, this indicates an incorrect connection of the gray-black wire. Thus, the alarm will either not be able to start the engine or, on the contrary, will allow you to leave the car in gear and then start the engine remotely, which will create an emergency dangerous situation. If connected incorrectly, you may receive several possible options indication. Most likely:

Option 1- in both cases the indication corresponds to a running engine.

Option 2- in both cases the indication corresponds to a stopped engine, but the ignition is on.

Possible reasons:

  • When monitoring using a generator, the polarity of the signal is reversed. When monitoring using a tachometer, the amplitude of the signal is insufficient and the alarm “does not see” it. When monitoring by voltage, the generator may be faulty.

Possible consequences:

  • The alarm will not work remote start engine;
  • The alarm will not perform the ignition pickup required to perform “soft neutral” for cars with a manual transmission;
  • The alarm will not perform ignition pickup in turbo timer and security modes with the engine running;
  • The alarm will be deceived and will allow program neutral to be executed when the engine is not running and, accordingly, the car can remain with the gear engaged and subsequently, when starting, will begin to move in gear;
  • The alarm will receive a signal about a running engine (when controlled by the generator) almost instantly after starting and, accordingly, when the engine is warm, the start will occur successfully, and when low temperatures the duration of cranking the starter will not be enough for a successful start;
  • The engine will start and stall instantly. This will happen if the polarity of the generator signal is reversed.

Trial run

1. Preparing for remote start

For cars with automatic transmission: move the gearshift lever to the “Parking” position, close all doors, hood, and trunk.

For cars with manual transmission: move the gearshift lever to the neutral position, close all doors, hood, and trunk. Then perform “soft neutral”. For this:

Option 1:(automatic activation of engine operation support when the ignition is turned off: mode 1 of function 12, table No. 2). Apply the handbrake. Remove the key from the ignition and get out of the car. Close all doors, hood and trunk. Then press button 1 on the key fob to turn on the security mode. The engine will stop. Software neutrality will be performed.

Option 2:(manual activation of ignition support from the key fob: mode 2 of function 12, table No. 2). With the engine running and behind closed doors apply the handbrake and then press button 2 on the key fob. Then remove the key from the ignition and get out of the car. Close all doors, hood and trunk. Then press button 1 on the key fob to turn on the security mode. The engine will stop. Software neutrality will be performed.

Option 3:(automatic activation of ignition support when the handbrake is applied: mode 3 of function 12, table No. 2). With the engine running, apply the handbrake. Then remove the key from the ignition, get out of the car and press button 1 on the key fob to turn on the security mode. The engine will stop. Software neutrality will be performed.

2. Starting the engine

Long press button 1 on the key fob, then briefly press button 3.

The engine should start. Stop the engine by pressing buttons 1 long, then 4 briefly.

3. If startup does not occur:

Symptoms Possible reasons
There were 4 attempts to start, but the engine still did not start. The immobilizer bypass module does not work. You can check it this way: remove the key or key chip from the bypass module, and during remote start, apply it to the ignition switch to read it. If the car starts, then the problem is in the bypass module: there are not enough turns in the bypass module coil, perhaps an additional immobilizer is installed in the car

Allows you to remotely control the engine without driver intervention, increasing the comfort of use vehicle. During operation starline car alarms Situations may arise when the car does not start from autostart. The reasons for this may lie either in the wrong actions of the car owner or in violations of the security system. For the most part, this alarm malfunction does not affect the safety of the car, but you should not delay its elimination.

No successful startup after four attempts

If the car alarm attempts to start the engine, but it starts and stalls or does not show any signs of starting, then after four unsuccessful attempts the starline stops trying to start the power plant. The reasons for this situation may be:

  • lack of an immobilizer bypass;
  • the key placed in the bypass module is poorly read or missing;
  • errors that occurred during the installation of a car alarm, as a result of which the processor module does not receive information about the operation of the motor.

Troubleshooting depends on the nature of its occurrence. You should check whether the immobilizer is bypassed and the transponder is readable. You also need to make sure that the wires coming from the main unit are connected correctly and check that they comply with the programmed parameters.

Features of autostart with a manual transmission

The reason why autostart does not work in a car with a manual transmission may be hidden in the driver’s incorrect actions, namely in failure to follow the program neutral procedure.

To eliminate this malfunction, it is enough to activate the program neutral according to the instructions. If this does not help and the car alarm still does not start the car, then the reasons for this may be:

  • the alarm does not detect the opening and closing of the door, since it was installed incorrectly;
  • The door limit switches do not work.

To eliminate the inability to activate program neutral, it is necessary to replace faulty elements and check the connections according to the diagram.

The information on the key fob is incorrect

If during autostart an alarm is triggered or incorrect information is displayed on the key fob, then the most likely error is the installation of the security system. Also, as a result of improper installation of the car alarm, a situation arises when the engine stalls when the door is opened. The most common error occurs in connecting and programming the contacts of connector X1.

To troubleshoot the problem, check that each processor module connector is connected correctly. If there are no faults, you should continue to look for the error at the software level.

The success of starting the engine depends on the ambient temperature

If at a negative temperature the car does not start from autostart, then the reason for this may be:

  • the power contacts on the Starline alarm have oxidized and do not maintain normal voltage in the circuit;
  • The battery is in poor condition and therefore does not turn the starter;
  • there is a gap in the ignition circuit, for example, for additional protection against theft;
  • The immobilizer bypass reader does not work.

If you discover that the autostart has stopped working under certain weather conditions, you should first check whether the engine can start normally. If all systems are working properly, then the fault should be looked for in the system itself. security system. After checking all problem areas, it is recommended to check the cross-section of the wires. Their length and thickness must correspond to standard car alarm cables.

Not all autorun options work

The reasons why autostart based on engine temperature does not work are usually hidden in malfunctions associated with the temperature sensor. Usually, either the meter itself is faulty or its connection was made incorrectly.

If the motor does not start depending on the temperature, then you need to check that connector X6 is connected correctly. If this does not solve the problem, the temperature sensor must be replaced.

Autorun may not be set for the required time when working from an alarm clock. This is due to desynchronization of the internal clock of the car alarm and real time. It is not difficult to check this; just look at the time indicated on the key fob. To troubleshoot the problem it is necessary in the security system.

Instead of autostart, the car alarm flashes three times

The triple flashing of the car alarm when it is impossible to start the car is designed to inform the car owner about an excessive drop in the vehicle's on-board voltage. This situation may be caused by:

  • discharged or expired battery;
  • wires with insufficient cross-section or excessively long length;
  • oxidation of terminals.

Each of the above reasons causes a decrease in voltage mainly under load, so checking the potential difference at the battery terminals may not reveal this problem.

To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to visually inspect all terminal blocks of the connectors. The greatest attention should be paid to power circuits. If there is no oxidation, it is necessary to check the cross-section of the wires with the recommended values. If intervention is necessary, use soldering to connect the wires. Next you should check battery under load.


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