A device for tapping into a pipe with your own hands. Insertion into a water pipe: description of all possible options

If you live in a house outside the city, then you need to arrange a water supply to your home, and to solve this issue there are two solutions - get your own well or well, or connect to a centralized water supply line high pressure. The first option is expensive, time-consuming and labor-intensive. The second solution will provide your home with water for one day, but you will be dependent on the water supply schedule (this happens in remote peripheral villages).

The positive point that tapping into the water supply gives is that you will receive stable pressure in the pipes, which will ensure the same stable operation household appliances, requiring water supply - washing machine, dishwasher, plumbing equipment - bathtub, jacuzzi, shower or even swimming pool.

How to connect to a public water main

Before you crash into water pipe under high fluid pressure, check out the three technology options, which vary depending on the material from which the pipes are made (they can be polymer (PP), cast iron, galvanized steel).

For a polymer central route, an insertion into a water supply pipe under pressure looks like this:

  1. A trench measuring at least one and a half meters is dug, the area where the work will be carried out is exposed, and a trench is dug from there to the house;
  2. At the end of the excavation work, a saddle is prepared for insertion into the water supply system - this is a collapsible crimp clamp that looks like a tee. The straight branches of the saddle are divided in half, and a tap is installed on the vertical branch to shut off the pressure. Using a special nozzle, a pipe is drilled through the tap for tapping. The most reliable saddle design is a collapsible welded one. Such a clamp can be easily divided into two halves, assembled above the insertion area, and connected by welding to the main route. Thus, the clamp for tapping into the water supply is welded into the body, providing a reliable and completely sealed water supply to the housing;
  3. The pipe is drilled with a conventional drill and electric drill. Instead of a drill, you can use a crown, but the result is important, not the tool;
  4. Drilled through hole until a stream of water comes out of it, after which the drill is removed and the valve is closed. For safety reasons at the end of the drilling process electric tool replaced by hand drill or a spinner. If you drill a hole not with a drill, but with a crown, it will automatically ensure the tightness of the drilling site. In addition to these options, there is a solution using a special cutter, which is rotated with an adjustable wrench or an external brace;
  5. The last stage of inserting into the central water supply system is to install your own water supply system, laid in the trench in advance, and connect it to the central route with an American crimp coupling.

To fully control the insertion site, it is advisable to arrange an inspection above it - a well with a hatch. The well is set up in a standard way: a gravel-sand cushion is made at the bottom, reinforced concrete rings are lowered into the trench, or the walls are laid out with bricks. Thus, even in winter it will be possible to shut off the water supply if it is necessary to repair it in the house.

For a central water supply pipe made of cast iron, tapping using the saddle method looks like this:

  1. To insert into cast iron pipe it must first be thoroughly cleaned of corrosion. Right at the drilling site upper layer cast iron is removed with a grinder by 1-1.5 mm;
  2. The saddle is built into the pipeline in the same way as in the first point, but to completely seal the joint between the pipe and the crimp, a rubber seal is laid;
  3. At a further stage, a shut-off valve is attached to the clamp nozzle - a tap through which the cutting tool is inserted.
  4. Next, the body of the cast iron pipe is drilled, and do not forget about the need to cool the cut site, as well as change the crowns in a timely manner.
  5. A hole is drilled for insertion into the main water supply using a carbide or diamond bit;
  6. The last step is the same: the crown is removed, the valve is closed, and the insertion site is scalded with special electrodes.

A steel pipe is a little more ductile than a cast iron one, so pipe insertion is carried out using a method similar to the solution with a polymer main, but a saddle is not used, and before inserting into a galvanized steel water supply, the following steps are carried out:

  1. The pipe is exposed and stripped;
  2. A pipe made of the same material as the main pipe is immediately welded onto the pipe;
  3. A shut-off valve is welded or screwed onto the pipe;
  4. The body of the main pipe is drilled through the valve - first electric drill, the last millimeters - with hand tools;
  5. Connect your water supply to the valve and the pressure connection is ready.

Insertion into the internal water supply in the yard

From the route that we cut into the central water supply, we can make one or more branches - for irrigation, for technical needs, for arranging a pump in the yard. You just need to comply with the legality of the tie-in, and do it only after the counter.

Technologically, there are several differences between connecting to a central pipeline and connecting to an internal route, since for an internal main, the pressure can be shut off using a central shut-off valve. Therefore, the connection is made using a conventional plumbing tee, and the working steps will be as follows:

  1. In the inspection well, the main valve is tightened, and the water from internal water supply drains through the last tap;
  2. At the selected location, the pipe is cut with a grinder or a pipe cutter (depending on the pipe material), and from this section a branch is made along the length of the tee;
  3. Then you need to install the tee itself. For a polymer pipeline, this step looks the same as cutting in a standard electrical coupling - soldering with a special welding unit. In addition to this option, you can use press couplings or collet clamps. The tee is installed on the thread in an iron pipe using a conventional drive. Welding machine It is not recommended to use it, since ring welding is a complex process, and for this you need to have experience;
  4. The last step is to cut a tap into the vertical outlet of the tee, which can be used to shut off the new water supply line. After this, you can use the water supply system by opening the valve on the central line.

A new water pipeline can be laid with the main and yard water supply turned on again, since the water will be blocked by the new shut-off valve on the inner tee.


It is not difficult to insert a pipe into a water main from any material, and you can do it yourself without paying for the work of specialists. Every self-respecting owner will have a tool, as well as some experience working with plumbing devices. Moreover, you can avoid welding, the most difficult work, if you work on cast iron or a polymer surface.

The only job not related to physical labor– preparation of documents for insertion, which should be issued by regional utility services and organizations.

It is clear that not everyone can use welding, since rarely anyone has their own machine. And those who have it, if possible, will not turn it on again, especially in the apartment. This is a troublesome task and is usually accompanied by hot splashes of metal, sparks, etc.

And you have to make cuts often. Either replace the pipe, then install it, then install a filter, then connect something (for example, dishwasher). Let's try to figure out how to do without welding and cut into a water pipe. There are several methods, and the use of any of them depends on the specific situation (place of pipe connection, their laying, etc.).

Collector installation

This option is more suitable for private houses, where there are enough both residential and utility rooms. A water pipe is connected to the inlet of such a collector. The collector itself has several outlets, each of which has a valve (shut-off valve) installed.

Collectors come in different models, with different numbers of outputs. All that remains is to connect the required pipe to any of them. You can also connect hoses (for example, from washing machine), if you use special adapters. By the way, there are small collectors that are convenient to install in city apartments.

Tee installation

If you need to make only one outlet from a water pipe, then you can use a regular splitter (tee). If the pipes are laid in metal (welding is especially not needed for “plastic”), then it is better to find their connection and unscrew it. Insert the tee into this place. Naturally, the pipes will have to be moved apart a little. Or shorten one a little and cut a thread, and before that, of course, turn off the water supply.

Pipe cutting

You can use a grinder to cut a water pipe, again to install, for example, a tee. You need to cut a part of the pipe to the size of the tee, and cut threads at both ends of the pipes, as I already described in. You will need a tap and a wrench. But this is the case if there is no pipe connection in this place.

Tapping into a thin pipe

A hole is drilled in it. superimposed on it rubber compressor and a special clamp with an outlet (saddle) - they are sold in plumbing departments. The clamp is fixed to the pipe with tightening screws.

However, if there is such an opportunity, then you should change everything in the apartment (house) metal pipes to plastic (metal-plastic). They do not rust, last much longer, and do not need to be painted. Then welding will no longer be needed at all.

When constructing or modernizing pipelines for domestic or industrial purposes, the question often arises about the need to insert a water supply into an extraneous pipe. Plumbing is the process of connecting secondary pipes or branches to the central main.

The process is quite complex, it has many nuances, but it is still solvable and quite accessible, since it involves the use of a minimum set of necessary tools.

The installation of water pipes will be discussed in this article.

Contents of the article

When should you cut into a pipe?

Box in plumbing system performed in a wide variety of situations. We will not describe them all; we will only note the main directions.

The tapping of the water supply itself should be done in special cases. You can’t just crash into a pipe (especially someone else’s), you must have a special permit for this. It is still possible to operate with private water supply systems without a huge pile of documents, but with public water supply systems things are different.

Illegal activity of this kind (and inserting a water pipeline into the main without prior permission from higher authorities is illegal) entails liability. More often we're talking about about the usual fines, but it all depends on the situation.

If the pipe is damaged during the tapping of the water supply, the fine will increase significantly. Provoking emergency situation will raise the rates even further. Well, if an accident happens and it is proven that the pipe was damaged precisely due to the actions described above, then the consequences for the defendant will be very sad.

The moral here is that if you are planning to crash into a main or central canal, then you can act only after you have all the permits, and act carefully.

Purpose of the procedure

As for the specific reasons, most often the owners need to cut into the pipe when they need to quickly connect an additional system.

For example, people crash into main water supply pipes in areas outside the city on their own. After all, there, every owner of his territory is free to build any structures, and they, as you yourself understand, may require additional water resources.

Sometimes they cut into a pipe for less serious reasons, for example, when modifying pipelines, connecting additional water supply, heating systems, etc.

It also happens that the central supply pipe to a certain house simply does not cope with the assigned tasks. A small pipe cross-section, no matter what pressure you set inside the system, will in any case not be able to provide more water resources than was originally intended.

Under such circumstances, it makes more sense to make an additional parallel connection to the water supply system than to replace the pipe with a larger one. And there are a great many such cases.

We’ve sorted out the reasons and bureaucratic nuances, now let’s turn directly to the elements of the work process.

Process Features

First of all, you should distinguish between the types of tie-in. And there are several of them at once. Every moment matters here, so we recommend that you treat the process with the utmost seriousness and attention.

And let’s not forget that the type of insert, pipe material and many other factors determine what tool you need, how you will use it, etc.

The most important point, determined first of all, is the type of pipeline or pipe that will be processed.

Having discarded many subspecies, we highlight the main pipes:

  • Trunk.
  • Secondary.

The classification, of course, is greatly simplified, but quite presentable. The main or central water supply does not work for an individual apartment or house, but for an entire area. Pipes of this type are laid through regions of a city or town, and then separate branches are connected to them for each consumer.

It is for tapping into the main pipe that it is necessary to obtain permission from local authorities. Plus, it is important to note that main-type pipes are most often under pressure, sometimes quite high.

It’s easier to modify a secondary pipe, you can cope with the pressure there without unnecessary hassle, and you either don’t need work permits at all, or you only need a minimal number.

Secondary pipes, as a rule, are thinner, laid closer to the ground surface, and have a plastic or polyethylene casing.

Material type and pressure level

The second point is handling the pressure inside the pipes. We will not consider specific pressure levels here, as there can be many of them.

When inserting, it is enough to distinguish the pipes:

  • With high blood pressure.
  • With medium pressure.

High pressure pipes are characterized by increased body strength. They are made of steel or cast iron; in more advanced supply systems, high-density polyethylene is used.

High pressure should be handled with extreme caution. The problem here is that if you crash into a pipe without preparation, the water will flow like a fountain and quite powerfully.

It is impossible to block such a breakdown with improvised means; it can only be partially eliminated, and even then, this is fraught with serious consequences.

Pipes with medium or low level pressure, on the contrary, is quite safe. They are easier to work with, they have a thinner body, and even if there is a breakdown, nothing particularly terrible will happen; it can be easily clogged. As a result, you will need fewer tools.

Pipes are classified according to the type of material:

  • Steel.
  • Cast iron.
  • Plastic.
  • Polyethylene.

Determining the material is necessary so that you have the opportunity to choose the right working tool. For example, or saddles.

But with plastic, advanced saddles are already used for welding themselves. Working with them is a pleasure. You don't even have to get out your welding equipment. Everything you need is already hidden inside the saddle or clamp.

You just need to install it in right place, connect the terminals and wait a few minutes. With such equipment, inserting into an existing water supply becomes a matter of 10 minutes.

The working process

The tapping process begins by defining the operating conditions. We have already written a little about them above. We determine the type of pipe, approximate pressure level, working material, and select the necessary tools.

In any case, you will need to have a basic master’s kit on hand, plus you need to buy or borrow a hammer drill.

Practice shows that drilling pipes with a hammer drill is the easiest and fastest way. Just make sure that the device can work even when in contact with water. Still, electrical appliances and plumbing are poorly compatible.

Don't forget about protection. Rubber gloves, goggles, work overalls or a robe - all this will also be required as basic equipment.

Then they proceed directly to the insertion. It is advisable to cut into the pipe after it has been completely blocked. When water does not flow through it, it is much easier to work. Plus, the chance of all kinds of unpredictable events occurring is reduced.

High pressure inside the pipeline simply will not allow you to work normally, and even moreover, it can cause serious harm to both tools and health.

There are two main ways to insert:

  • Using a clamp.

Let's look at them separately.

Using a tie-in with clamps

You are probably already familiar with clamps. These are parts consisting of two parts that cover the pipe and are bolted together. Quite convenient equipment when you urgently need to shut off a pipe.

A mortise clamp differs from a regular clamp by the presence of a threaded hole on one side, where the pipe or fitting is actually mounted.

They differ from clamps mainly only in the absence of a back part, instead of which there are only dense rubber fasteners.

Clamps are selected depending on the pipe material. A plastic clamp is suitable for plastic pipes, a steel clamp is suitable for steel ones.

Steel clamps are simply tightened using bolts. Plastic or polyethylene can be either regular or welded. We have already written about them above.

Insertion stages:

  1. We prepare the equipment and turn off the water.
  2. We mount the clamp or saddle.
  3. Cut a hole in the pipe.
  4. Screw the tap into the hole in the clamp.
  5. We are testing the system.

Installation of a crane is not necessary, but it increases the functionality of the final section and allows you to close the section at any time, which is very convenient.

Insertion into a water supply system under pressure (video)

Insertion with welding

An older but still common method. It applies to steel pipes. It consists of roughly welding a threaded piece of steel onto a pipe. You can make the blank yourself, or you can buy an existing one, or adapt one of the parts of the clamp.

After welding, wait until the metal cools down. It is recommended to wait at least a couple of hours, preferably a day. Then we make a hole inside the hole on the pipe.

We carry out subsequent actions according to a similar scheme. If there is a ready-made hole, all that remains is to mount and then connect the pipe itself.

As in the previous option, it would be a reasonable decision to connect your water supply system through a tap.

In the case of cutting into the main line, they are seated on the thread even before you make a hole in the pipe. This way you can cut into the pipe without cutting off the fluid supply.

At the moment of a breakthrough, it is enough to quickly pull out the drill and then close it in advance installed faucet. And it's done.

During the installation of a water supply system, situations sometimes arise when it is necessary to connect the system to the main line. Many home owners find this task difficult. But, knowing some tricks and the algorithm of actions, the insertion does not present any particular difficulties. This article will tell you how to tap into a water supply system under pressure with your own hands.

First we need to give the concept of a main water supply system. So, the main water supply system is a supply system through which the resource from the water intake reaches consumers. Sometimes there is an urgent need to connect a tap inside the house or on the site. For example, you need to connect the faucet to the main water supply or household appliances with an additional plumbing fixture. To connect summer kitchen or a bathhouse to a new building may require a plumbing connection.

If we are talking about connecting the water supply to the central main, then you need to remember that you must first obtain permission to connect to the water supply and only then begin the work. Otherwise, fines cannot be avoided. There is nothing difficult about obtaining permission. You just need to contact the water supply organization.

The insertion process can be divided into two types:

  1. No pressure. With this option, the flow in the central pipeline should be shut off during installation.
  2. Under pressure. A pressure tap into the water supply system is carried out when there is no way to shut off the water. For example, a dishwasher needs to be connected to the water supply network. Either erected new cottage, and you need to run a water supply to it. Or the old water supply is clogged and needs to be replaced. In all these cases, it is often not possible to turn off the water. And the only way out is to tie it into the main line under pressure.

Features of the sidebar

To ensure that inserting a water pipeline into an existing network does not cause much damage, you need to know the specifics of this process. First you need to decide on the pipe material. Most modern water pipes are installed from plastic, metal or. Cast iron options also occur, but much less frequently.

To insert into the main line, you need to make a hole and insert shut-off valves. As a rule, a clamp is used for tapping into a water supply under pressure.

The pipeline connection is most often made in the inspection well, which is located closest to the house. Water pipes are being laid and connected to the central main. To increase water pressure, use a special pump equipment. If it is not possible to crash into the central highway, you will have to equip it yourself. There is no need to skimp on equipment. Since the durability and reliability of the design depends on the quality of the products used. Therefore, if you need to buy a clamp for tapping into a water supply system, you should choose products from well-known companies.

The technology for drilling a highway involves following the rules:

Insertion into a metal water pipe

Let's say you need to make an insertion into a metal water supply system. In this case, you will need a saddle clamp with drilling. The pipe must first be thoroughly cleaned of rust and any contaminants. Both pipes are attached with bolts. To ensure that the clamp fits tightly to the pipe, use sealing rubber bands. After securing the clamp with a drill, make a hole. When water appears, unscrew the drill and close the plug with a special screw. Sealant is often used to threaded connections plumbing to avoid leaks.

Some specialists use an ordinary drill, a water supply hose and a clamp to cut pipes under pressure.

The essence of the method is that a prefabricated plastic clamp is installed on the pipe and fixed. The valve is screwed onto the second outlet from the tee. A drill with a large diameter is installed on the drill. A hole is made through the tap at high speeds. Water enters the hose through the tee. And this gives the master enough time to complete the drilling work. The tap is then used as a spout to collect water. The outlet with the hose is muffled and the tap is turned off.

If the line is made of plastic or cast iron pipes, the system is under pressure; insertion is carried out using clamps. Tapping into a cast iron pipe must be done carefully. After all, the material has low ductility and can burst if you apply a lot of force.
The technology for tapping into the water supply is presented below:

Sometimes cast iron is used to prevent leakage. To get rid of the leak, you need to put a rubber gasket on the pipe and press it carefully with half-clamps. This is suitable if the leak area is small.

But for professional leak elimination, special fittings without fittings and rubber gaskets without holes are used. Sealing material should be placed at the leak point. Apply the seal ring and tighten the bolts crosswise.

Water supply to a house from a well

Sometimes connecting a private house to the central water supply is impossible. But providing water is essential to making your home comfortable. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how you can solve the situation. The optimal solution in this case would be to install a water supply network from a well or well. An ordinary well is preferable. With its help, you can equip a reliable and practical water supply system.

Knowing how to enter the house, you can create the most comfortable living conditions. You can make a water supply from an existing well, or you can equip a new one. The main thing is that the diameter of the well is at least 0.7 meters.

If you plan to create a new structure, it should be dug next to the house and lined with reinforced concrete or brick.

If the underground level groundwater above one meter, it is advisable to purchase a plastic waterproof well.

An insertion is made into the existing water supply system, and a shut-off valve for the water supply system is installed: a valve or gate valve. Placed in the well at the connection point with external system water supply pipe insertion unit. This water supply unit is used to shut off the water supply while repairs are being carried out. The resulting structure should be covered on top with a slab with a hole for the hatch.

It must be remembered that before proceeding with the installation of water supply, you should decide on the method of water intake. It is important to resolve the issue with dumping Wastewater. To lay the pipeline, you need a trench for the water supply, which should be dug below the freezing depth of the soil. Pipes should be laid on a leveled trench bottom. Leveling can be done using sand. If the option with trenches is somewhat difficult, then the water pipes should be insulated.

It is also important not to forget to create a water supply inspection well, which is the most important element the entire system. It makes the functioning of the water supply network more reliable and efficient. Inspection wells allow you to monitor the entire process, as well as remove all blockages that occur in the structure.

Thus, the water supply at home is an important component for creating comfortable conditions accommodation. You can organize a water supply by tapping into a water supply system. Sometimes wells and wells are used as a source of water. It is not difficult to equip a water supply system, the main thing is to follow the rules.

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Methods for inserting pipes into an existing water supply

In any house, apartment or summer cottage It may be necessary to make an additional outlet from the main or internal water supply. The technology of this process will depend on the material of the pipes and auxiliary parts, operating pressure in the pipeline, operating conditions and other factors. The sequence of actions will also be determined by the method you choose to solve the problem.

The need to tap into a water supply system inside a house or on a site may arise when connecting an external tap, an additional plumbing device or household appliances requiring water supply. Tapping into the main line may be required when connecting a new building or several buildings to the water supply network.

Connection to the central highway

All work on connecting to the existing water supply network must be carried out in advance with the approval of the water supply organization and the local administration. If there is no central sewerage system on the site, tapping may be prohibited, but if there is a septic tank that corresponds sanitary standards, it is possible to obtain permission.

To join the pipes, it will be necessary to equip a concrete water well. If in this case a ban is received from regulatory organizations, you will have to join in a nearby working well. Usually they are located every 100 meters along the highway, and connecting pipes to it can be even cheaper than installing a new one.

You can cut into an external water supply in the following ways:

  1. Using connecting fittings installed on the main pipe during installation.
  2. By welding the outlet pipe in the absence of pressure in the line.
  3. Using a saddle - a shaped part that is attached to the pipe in the form of a clamp. The connection is made without turning off the water supply in the water supply system.

Insertion by welding and using a clamp

The least labor-intensive method of insertion is into a steel external water supply using welding. In this case, it should be possible to turn off the water supply through the main during the work. Using an autogen, a hole of the required diameter is cut and a threaded pipe is welded to it. A valve is installed, which is closed for subsequent work. After the insertion, the anti-corrosion protection is restored.

If the main pipe is polyethylene in welding work there is no need. A metal clamp with a pipe is made according to the diameter of the pipe. Then a hole is drilled in the pipe required diameter and a clamp is attached to this place. A rubber gasket is placed between it and the pipe.

Installation of a water outlet without blocking the main line

Tapping into a water supply system without releasing pressure is a productive and efficient method.

But at the same time, compliance with all the nuances of process technology and work safety precautions is required.

  1. First, at the place where the pipe is drilled, the insulation is removed and the surface is cleaned. The diameter of the outlet pipe must be less than the diameter of the existing one.
  2. On main pipeline a clamp with a pipe and a flange is attached. A valve is attached to the flange, to which a special drilling device is mounted.
  3. If the pipe is steel, instead of a clamp, you can weld a pipe to it and attach a valve and equipment for the cutter to it. Then the quality of the welded joint is checked, and if necessary, the seam is welded.
  4. Next, a cutter corresponding to the size of the required hole is inserted through the open valve and the seal of the blind flange. After the hole is drilled, the cutter is removed.
  5. The valve is closed and the drilling equipment is dismantled. After the insertion is completed, the anti-corrosion coating and pipe insulation are restored.

Insertion into internal water supply

If you have to insert into an old steel, then the traditional method is to install a bend using a welded tee. The volume of work is quite large, as well as possible difficulties during installation. It is necessary to perform complex manipulations so that the tee fits successfully into the pipeline. But such pipes are becoming rare and the use of welding is no longer relevant.

When connecting to a pipe made of plastic or its derivatives, a section of the pipe is cut to the size of the inserted tee. But even in this case, inconvenience may arise due to close location pipeline to the wall.

Tapping using a curved flange

There is a simpler way to install a branch that does not require cutting the water pipe. This requires a piece of pipe with a pipe of the same diameter as the pipeline. The segment is cut lengthwise in such a way that its half with the branch pipe fits tightly onto the water supply pipe as its second wall.

Insertion using a curved flange.

After drilling a hole along the diameter of the pipe, the resulting workpiece is placed on it. The connection point is lubricated with a non-drying sealant, which can be purchased at a car dealership.

The curved flange mounted in this way is tightened with two clamps on the sides of the pipe. It is necessary that the sealant begins to protrude from under the edges of the lining. Subsequently, the rest of the pipeline is connected to the pipe.

Connection using a saddle

There are now devices on the plumbing fittings market that can be used to make insertions under almost any installation conditions. These are special saddles, adapters, and so on.

Using a saddle, you can cut into the pipeline without releasing the water pressure. The saddle is a two-piece clamp. Using bolts, it tightly compresses the pipe on both sides. A pass-through valve is connected to it using a flange or threaded connection.

A hole with a diameter of no more than 1/3 is drilled using a special drilling fixture. It is temporarily connected to a walk-through valve. After drilling the passage, the valve is closed and the drilling device is removed. An outlet pipe is mounted to the tap.

For house connections today, saddles with a built-in cutter and valve are used. Such devices are mounted using sleeve welding and remain permanent and maintenance-free. They are installed on pipelines with water pressure up to 16 bar. During installation, the water supply does not shut off, and there are no leaks or chips during drilling. The connection is not subject to corrosion and can be used for at least 50 years.

Technologies for house water supply connections, as well as wiring of internal networks, depend on each specific case. For a polyethylene pipeline, the proven method of electrofusion welding is more suitable. For water pipes made of PVC, steel or cast iron, mechanical connections are used. They provide a durable connection in the most difficult installation conditions.