Bathroom acrylic or cast iron. Which bath to choose, acrylic or cast iron?

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When carrying out renovations in an apartment with a complete replacement of plumbing, its owners quite often have to deal with the problem of securely fastening the equipment installed in the bathroom. This is especially true for the work procedures for installing a new bathroom, the specific installation of which is determined by many factors, including the material of the product and its texture. Thus, a traditional cast-iron bathtub, which is distinguished by its considerable weight, is best installed according to a long-proven method, which involves its reliable support on the height-adjustable legs included in the kit.
For lighter acrylic bathtubs, for example, additional fastening will be required to ensure its reliable fixation and uniform distribution of loads throughout the body. In our article we will consider in detail the installation features of each of the samples of this plumbing product.

Methods of fixing bathtubs

Legs for steel bath
For anyone who wants to figure out how to strengthen a bathtub so that it doesn’t wobble, we advise you, first of all, to decide on the material from which it is made, since this largely determines the method of its installation.
When choosing a product, you most often encounter the following options:

classic cast iron bathtub;

acrylic bath;

steel bathtub.

Note! For each of the samples of these products, a special one must be used, only for it suitable way fastenings, taking into account the peculiarities of the relief of the walls of the bathroom itself.

Cast iron bathtubs are sufficiently stable due to their significant mass, so their installation is permissible anywhere in the room. Typically, such baths are installed on standard legs, included in the delivery package of the product and securely fixed to its body using special steel wedges or bolts. As an additional fastening, a pre-laid brick base or corners fixed to the wall can be used (in the case of a brick base, its body may not be located close to the walls).

Note! Steel bath It is best placed on several support points, so it should be located directly against the wall. Since the legs included in its kit do not provide the required reliability of fixation, a special brick podium is often used to increase the stability of the product.

The following techniques can be used to secure a steel bath:

the use of polyurethane foam, which seals the junction with the wall and at the same time strengthens the contact area;

installation on special walls metal profiles, providing additional support;

and finally, a regular wall insert.

To securely fasten and ensure uniform distribution of loads, it is best to install an acrylic bathtub on the same brick podium or use a special one for these purposes. metal carcass.
Let's consider each of the methods of attaching bathtubs discussed in this chapter in more detail.

Polyurethane foam

Using polyurethane foam
Using polyurethane foam to fix a bathtub is the simplest and most affordable method of simultaneously fixing it to the floor and walls. When implementing this method, the bathtub is first adjusted in place and height using adjustable legs so that there is a gap of about 0.75–1.5 cm at the walls, and then it is filled to the brim with water.
After this, you can begin to seal the gaps between the bathtub body and the adjacent walls of the room, as well as between its legs and the floor using polyurethane foam.

Please note! Sealing foam tends to expand when it dries, so its use must be strictly dosed. Otherwise, unwanted deformations of the structure are possible, reducing the reliability of its fixation. Despite the fact that the “setting” time of the polyurethane foam is about 12–35 hours, wall finishing work can begin in about 6 hours.

Application of brick frame

A brick frame is most often used in cases where you decide to fix the bathtub without the help of legs and ensure even distribution of loads along the entire perimeter of the support. With this installation method, it is possible to lay out the frame both along the bathroom and across it.
In the case of a transverse arrangement, the bathtub must rest directly on the brick, which will require additional fastening of the frame to the walls using metal corners (steel or aluminum). In this case, the pre-prepared corners are fixed with dowels on the wall so that the free edges of the bathtub have additional support and it does not wobble when pressed.

When laid longitudinally, something like a trough is formed, into which the installed bathtub product is placed. The gap or cavity formed between the walls of such a base and the bathtub itself must be sealed polyurethane foam, which also helps to increase the reliability of its fastening. If the front wall is laid out to the very top, it is possible to completely hide the body of the bathtub, thus preparing the base for subsequent cladding ceramic tiles.

When performing this work, it is imperative to provide a small inspection hole necessary to provide access to the siphon. When finishing, this hole can be closed with a piece of drywall or by installing a small plastic door. In the case when you plan to decorate the walls with ceramic tiles, a ready-made screen can be used as the front panel of such a base.

Installation on a metal frame

This method of fixing bathtubs is mainly used when installing acrylic products, the kit of which, as a rule, already includes a ready-made steel frame (if it is not available, this accessory can always be purchased separately or made independently). During the installation of such a bathtub, the installation or guide strips of the frame are first attached to its bottom using self-tapping screws (note that they are fastened in places specially designated for this purpose, which have thickenings). And then the included legs are installed on the guides secured in this way using a bolted connection.

After securing the legs, the bathtub will need to be put in place and the points of contact between its body and the walls of the room should be marked, after which special strips will be installed at these points to provide additional support.

Please note! You need to leave a small gap between the bar and the side (no more than 2–4 mm), taking into account the expansion of the bath after filling it with water.

Inserting a bathtub into a niche

IN small apartments very often a situation arises when a bathtub is placed with great difficulty in the space allocated for it, which, on the one hand, significantly complicates its installation, and on the other hand, provides the possibility of rigid and reliable fixation in a niche in the bathroom.
To insert and rigidly fasten the bathtub, you will need to prepare grooves in the wall on each of its sides according to the thickness of the edge of the product (for these purposes, you can use a hammer drill or grinder). The edges or flaps of the bathtub should be inserted into the grooves prepared with their help with a slight “tightness”, which guarantees maximum rigidity of the fastening due to the complete absence of play.
If the legs supplied with the kit are not sufficiently rigid, you can further strengthen the fastening of the bathtub by using special transverse profiles that serve as supports for it.


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When purchasing a bathtub, the owner expects that the product will last for many years, will be comfortable and beautiful throughout its entire service life. This is an expensive plumbing product, so it is chosen carefully, comparing the advantages and disadvantages different materials, shapes, brands. A bathtub is purchased not only for hygienic purposes. It largely determines how comfortable your rest will be at the end of the working day.

Warm water with foam is a way to relieve stress, tidy up the body and calm the mind. Manufacturers offer many models. The most popular ones are made of acrylic and cast iron. Let's compare which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron.

The bathtub market is very diverse. In addition to steel, cast iron, acrylic bathtubs, you can find unique designer products made of glass, marble, earthenware and even wood. They are very beautiful, but most often impractical and/or expensive.

For many years, the choice came down to two materials - steel and cast iron. In recent decades, acrylic products have gained immense popularity.

Owners of small bathrooms are forced to look for opportunities to install multiple plumbing fixtures V limited space. Corner baths solve this problem: they take up minimal space and at the same time maintain maximum functionality

Our compatriots are increasingly choosing acrylic or cast iron bathtubs. Both types are excellent for installation in city apartments and private houses, and the materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing any plumbing fixture, the following indicators are of fundamental importance: durability, design, installation features, practicality, price.

The cost of bathtubs is influenced by the quality, reputation of the manufacturer, and the presence of additional functions. IN last years Baths with hydro and aeromassage have become especially popular. Such models allow you not only to relax, but also to enjoy warm water, but also have a positive effect on health

Strength and durability: cast iron is unrivaled

Cast iron is one of the most reliable metals. It is resistant to mechanical damage, does not corrode, holds its shape perfectly, does not bend. The thickness of the walls of bathtubs made of this material is 6-8 mm. The products are very heavy, so manufacturers immediately equip their products with strong, stable legs.

During installation, the owner does not have to worry about additional strengthening of the bathtub. After installation, it does not move or sag. The surface of the bathtub is covered with durable enamels, thanks to which the finished product retains its original appearance for many years. Restoring enamel is not difficult and costs reasonable money.

Strength acrylic products questionable. In many ways, the service life depends on the thickness, quality of the material itself and the features of the installation. Acrylic is light and flexible. On the one hand, this is an absolute advantage, because allows you to create products of complex shapes and facilitates installation.

On the other hand, there is an obvious drawback, since the bathtub has to be additionally strengthened during installation, and its bottom bends under the weight of a person, which creates a feeling of instability of the structure.

Cast iron models can be very attractive, but the design has a lot to do with the price. If the buyer is ready for additional expenses, you can purchase a beautiful cast iron bathtub. The models are simple in form, and decorative functions perform accessories and color design

A high-quality acrylic bathtub can last 10-15 years if the owner chooses it correctly and does not save when purchasing. If the product loses its presentability appearance, it can be restored.

Design: variety of acrylic models

The plasticity of acrylic allows you to create a wide variety of bathtubs from it. different forms and sizes. The material can be of any color and shade, and the coating is very durable and does not wear out over time. The product remains bright and pleasant to look at for many years.

As for the shape, when choosing, you should avoid overly intricate configurations with many bends. Practice shows that the probability of deformation of a product of complex shape is much higher, since a durable polymer is less plastic than a low-quality material. A too pretentious shape is a reason to be wary.

Cast iron bathtubs are not as varied and beautiful as acrylic ones. Their only advantage is their durable coating. But it does not fade and resists mechanical stress well.

If you properly care for the bathroom, avoiding scratches and chips, then the enamel for a long time will remain shiny and snow-white. To increase the strength of enamels, modern manufacturers add silver, titanium and other metals.

Color therapy is one of the wonderful ways relieve tension, get a boost of energy. A bright bathtub will decorate the interior, zone the room and at the same time bring positive emotions. This is why colored acrylic models are in demand, despite the higher price compared to traditional white ones.

The shapes of cast iron bathtubs leave much to be desired. Usually these are the simplest, most unpretentious configurations. The material is heavy, not flexible, and the walls of the products are thick, which greatly limits the flight of designer imagination.

Installation: “monumental” cast iron and “flimsy” acrylic

Which bathtub is better to install – acrylic or cast iron? Even the most modest and thin cast-iron bathtub weighs about a hundredweight. Adding to it the weight of water and a bathing person, we get a pressure of 200-250 kg at a relatively small area. This is a serious load that only concrete floors can withstand.

In buildings where the floors are made of wood, it is advisable to install lighter acrylic models or to further strengthen them building construction, because this material can easily withstand a weight of about 150 kg, and 200-250 kg is a real test of strength.

The heavy weight of cast iron models ensures their stability. Acrylic bathtubs, on the other hand, sag and appear unstable. However, this impression is deceptive and is only created due to the relatively low weight.

Installation acrylic bathtub It is in many ways similar to steel installation, but has some features. The support knives of the acrylic model are attached directly to the body. You have to drill acrylic. This material is very malleable, so you need to be careful not to damage it. In addition to the legs, to give stability to the structure, a rigid frame is assembled and the bottom is reinforced

For ease of installation, manufacturers complete their products with special legs that are screwed to the bathtub. Some owners install bathtubs on top alone, but many prefer an additional frame made of wood, metal or brick to increase stability.

This also affects the weight, so it is difficult to decide exactly which bathtub is easier to install - acrylic or cast iron. In the first case, there may be a need for strengthening, in the second there are some difficulties due to the initially large mass.

Practicality: which bathroom is easier to care for?

Both types of bathtubs are very practical and easy to use. Cast iron does not make much noise when pouring water from the tap into the bathtub, and acrylic makes even less noise. Both materials retain heat well, but acrylic is more convenient in this regard.

Cast iron takes a long time to warm up, but also maintains the water temperature for a long time (the water cools by 1 degree in 10 minutes). Acrylic is not initially a cold material; its surface is more pleasant to the touch. At the same time, it retains heat even better (the temperature drops by 1 degree in 30 minutes).

Acrylic bathtubs require more careful care than cast iron ones. While an enamel coating can withstand almost any influence except abrasives, an acrylic coating is more sensitive to chemicals. To care for acrylic, it is advisable to buy special means. When using them, there is no need for intensive rubbing of the surface. Simply apply the product and rinse, the dirt will flow down on its own.

You can safely pour water into an acrylic bathtub, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees. Hotter water may cause surface deformation. But cast iron can withstand almost any temperature without consequences. To care for both types of bathtubs, non-abrasive household chemicals are used.

The enamel of cast iron products is much more resistant to aggressive substances, but it is still advisable to use gentle compounds. The acrylic surface can be damaged if too aggressive chemicals or boiling water are used for cleaning. How to properly care for both types of bathtubs is described in detail in the video:

Price: how much does the buyer pay and for what?

The cost of bathtubs made from both materials differs slightly. Prices are determined depending on design, quality, brand. Simple shapes and traditional White color will cost the buyer less than pretentiousness - this is obvious, but a too primitive model will not bring joy.

It is important when choosing not to skimp on quality, because by purchasing something that is obviously “cheap”, the consumer creates many problems for himself. The product may not meet the stated characteristics and will quickly require repair or replacement. You should make a purchasing decision if the price-quality-design ratio seems acceptable.

Which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron, the final choice always remains with the buyer. Only he himself knows what he expects from plumbing and how he plans to use it. The main thing is that the purchased product meets the owner’s needs and a reasonable price.

Three signs of a quality bath

Plumbing stores have a wide range of products. Often, buyers are simply lost in choice.

There are many pleasant-looking models, and sometimes the choice is spontaneous, because it is difficult to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each product. There are three main signs by which you can determine whether the model you like is worth spending time on:

  • Wall thickness. If for a cast iron bathtub this characteristic is not so important, since the product retains strength even with relatively thin walls, then for an acrylic model the indicator is fundamental. The thicker the walls, the stronger the product itself. Usually the bottom is made thicker so that the structure can better withstand loads, but pay attention to the sides of the model. If the material is thin, then no matter how beautiful the bathtub is, it is better to choose another model, even at the expense of design.
  • Coating thickness. What is enamel or acrylic coating It should be applied evenly and neatly, obviously. But its thickness also matters: a dense coating is more resistant to abrasion, scratches, and chips. The quality can be determined at the location where the drain is installed. If you like several models of approximately the same price, then by comparing the thickness of the coating, you can make the final choice.
  • Equipment and additional functions. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the bathtub legs. This is true for both acrylic and cast iron models. Supporting structures must be stable and reliable. When choosing an acrylic bathtub, it is better to choose a model equipped with a high-quality metal frame. If you need additional functions, for example, hydromassage, you will have to pay extra for them, but the result is worth it. There is no need to deny yourself pleasure in favor of saving, because a bathtub is bought for many years.

Feel free to ask sellers about each model you like, but also pay attention to the adequacy of their answers. For example, if a seller claims that the entire wall of an acrylic model with a thickness of 6-8 mm consists exclusively of acrylic, then he is probably either incompetent or deliberately misleading the buyer.

In the place of the drain and overflow holes of a new bathtub, you can always see the thickness of the coating. On more expensive models it is usually thicker. If the difference in price is insignificant, it makes sense to overpay for an extra millimeter of coating in order to save on its restoration in the future

The material for making acrylic bathtubs consists of several layers, and acrylic is the top one. This is a “front” coating, and its quality determines operational properties products. Check the thickness at the drainage point, press on the surface of the bathtub to make sure it is strong.

If, when you press the wall of an acrylic bathtub, the wall “plays,” you should choose another model, preferably even from a different company. This is an indicator Low quality material. No frame can fully compensate for the deficiency. Also, the wall should not be “transparent” or smell of chemicals.

We offer a video with useful tips on choosing cast iron and acrylic bathtubs:

When choosing a cast iron model, check how evenly the coating is applied. Roughness, unevenness and other defects are unacceptable. This is a clear sign Bad quality casting and/or enamels. Perfect option– smooth surface coated with powder paint.

A cast iron bathtub cannot be bent or broken. The thickness of the walls affects the rigidity of the structure, but even thin walls successfully cope with the loads. In such a bath you can bathe, do laundry, and wash animals. If you do not scratch the coating, all these manipulations will not affect the bathtub in any way

And again about the price. The difference in the cost of acrylic and cast iron bathtubs is small, so you can afford to choose a material that you trust more. If you have the opportunity to purchase a model from a well-known brand, you should take advantage of this chance. Manufacturers with a “name” care about their reputation; their products are usually truly better products from little-known companies. By paying more “for the name”, you pay for higher quality.

How to choose the right bath? This question is asked by many people who decide to make repairs.

The first baths were created several thousand years ago. The materials that were once used were very diverse. Wood, bronze, and even copper were used! Among them was cast iron, which is still popular in making bathrooms today.

Choosing a bath

Of course, the greater the choice, the more opportunities we have to choose the product that will satisfy our needs. the best way, however, and get confused among so wide range very easy.

By the way, acrylic bathtubs, which will also be discussed below, were invented relatively recently in comparison with cast iron ones. In our country they began to be sold only in the 90s and at that time they were considered a luxury. Now they are much more affordable, but the choice between this material and cast iron is still difficult.

In fact, the bathroom is not just a place of cleanliness, it is also a place of relaxation, so you can and even need to be picky in choosing it.

Many people who decide to change their bathtub are faced with the question of what to choose?

To come to a decision, you will need to choose what amount you are expecting, what the manufacturer of the new bathtub should be, and what it should be made of.

Bathtubs are made from the following materials:

  • cast iron;
  • acrylic;
  • steel.

Cast iron bath

The cast iron bathtub appeared a long time ago and to this day remains a very reliable, durable material, which, nevertheless, looks very aesthetically pleasing thanks to the application of enamel.

It is applied in several layers, which allows modern cast-iron bathtubs to look good and be both matte and glossy.

Undoubtedly, like any other bathtubs, cast iron ones have both pros and cons.

Advantages of a cast iron bath

  1. "Silence." Baths made from of this material, are quite quiet and do not resonate when struck, and when water flows, the sound becomes completely muffled.
  2. Low thermal conductivity. The bath water will not cool down too quickly.
  3. Easy care. A bathtub with glossy enamel is extremely easy to clean, and dirt does not accumulate on its surface at all.
  4. Durability and strength.

Speaking about the last point, we can also mention that cast iron bathtubs have been used for many years and not at all because they are simply accustomed to them.


The enamel coating of a cast iron bathtub has a beautiful shine that acrylic does not have.

Disadvantages of a cast iron bath

  1. Heavy weight. A bathtub made from this material is very massive and quite heavy. Accordingly, this will cause trouble during its transportation and installation.
    It is also worth considering that domestic cast iron bathtubs are much heavier than imported ones. The average weight is about one hundred and twenty kilograms.
  2. Vulnerability of enamel. No matter how high-quality it is, if you carelessly drop something into the bathtub, a piece of enamel may break off.
    However, the dropped object must be massive enough to cause damage, and even more so it can be done.
  3. Large selection in terms of form, no. Most cast iron bathtubs are rectangular in shape, and there are very few alternatives to this.

The cost of cast iron bathtubs averages 25 thousand rubles, but the price can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, additional functions, and the size of the bathtub.

Acrylic bath

Unlike their cast iron counterparts, acrylic bathtubs can come in completely different shapes. They appeared not so long ago, but have already earned trust and gained popularity.

The quality of the bathtub itself will depend on the quality and quantity of layers of acrylic in the future.

Acrylic bathtubs are made from special injection molded polymethyl methacrylate. The blank sheet is heated to a certain temperature and thus the plasticity of the material is achieved.

After this, the sheet is given the desired shape. It is thanks to this method that acrylic bathtubs can take on different shapes.

No matter how flexible acrylic is, high quality acrylic will not bend very much, so do not overdo it with the pretentious shape of the bathroom.

When the material is given the desired shape, in some places the sheet becomes too thin and this has to be corrected. In order to strengthen such “gaps”, various methods and technology, for example, a layer of resin or fiberglass is applied to the walls.

The bottom of some bathtubs is reinforced with a metal frame. This is done in cases where the material is subject to heavy loads.


The statement that in the production of acrylic bathtubs only acrylic itself is used is incorrect.

This would be too expensive, so synthetic plastic is often added to this, which, among other things, is more flexible and allows you to give the bath any desired shape.

In addition, plastic is many times cheaper than acrylic, and such bathtubs cost less than their counterparts, although they are still called acrylic.

Advantages of an acrylic bathtub

  1. Easy installation. Unlike cast iron, its weight is much less, so transportation and installation are less problematic.
  2. An acrylic bathtub can be of any shape.
  3. Various colors and choose any color you like.

Green acrylic bathtub

  1. Low thermal conductivity. The water in such baths cools down at a rate of 1 degree per 30 minutes.
  2. Color fastness. It will not disappear even many years later, because it is set during the manufacture of the bathtub shape.
  3. Minor damage is easy to hide with simple sanding sandpaper.
  4. Smoothness does not imply slipperiness.

Round acrylic bathtub

If your choice fell on this type of bathtub, then it is better to take the one that will have metal mesh at the core.

However, most acrylic bathtubs are well reinforced with several layers of fiberglass, so both options will last you quite a long time.

Disadvantages of an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtubs, no matter how popular and comfortable they are, have, in addition to their advantages, also disadvantages.

  1. An acrylic bathtub can be “painted” forever in a color that was not intended for it. This can happen if you pour water into it after washing colored clothes or use low-quality tap water.
    The latter will lead to a gradual yellowing of the material.
  2. The surface of the inner walls is often scratched. As a comparison with the same cast iron bathtubs, they appear much more often in acrylic bathtubs, but nevertheless they can be done.
  3. High-quality acrylic bathtubs are many times more expensive than cast iron ones.

So which bath should you choose, cast iron or acrylic? An acrylic bathtub is suitable for modern people who strive for the latest achievements.

She will also turn out to be good decision for those who live “high”, because raising a cast-iron bathtub to the eighth or ninth floor will be extremely difficult.

As for cast iron bathtubs, they are most suitable for people who are accustomed to environmental friendliness and durability of products.

In any case, both baths will last you a long time if you care for them properly.

What should you choose? It’s simple – you just need to decide what is your priority. The cost of the bath and its environmental friendliness play a big role, so you need to carefully weigh and think about everything.

Whatever model you choose, it should bring harmony to your life.


Happy purchasing!

Modern man is spoiled by comfort and cannot imagine his existence without the so-called “benefits of civilization.” The bathroom, equipped with the latest technology, is far from the last place on their list.

At the same time, it is important to understand what material the plumbing fixtures are made of, because not only the appearance, but also the ease of use depends on this. A wide selection of offers can confuse consumers, don’t you agree? In order not to be disappointed in your purchase, you should know about the pros and cons of each model.

We suggest you figure out what is better – an acrylic or cast iron bathtub, which option should be preferred and why. In the article, we described in detail the characteristics, features of the operation of different hot tubs and their care. A comparative assessment of the parameters will help you make an informed choice.

For the manufacture of sanitary equipment, only high-quality alloy is used. Cast iron is cast in sand molds. After the workpiece has cooled, it is cleaned and coated with enamel.

For this purpose, a special powder is used, which, under the influence of high temperature, turns into an enamel coating. The walls of bathtubs from Russian manufacturers are up to 1 cm wide, which, accordingly, increases their weight.

Leading European manufacturers produce products with a wall thickness of up to 5 mm, while their strength is not inferior to their domestic counterparts. The composition of the enamel also differs.

Russian products are often coated with a composition containing zirconium, while European ones are coated with a mixture of titanium.

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Signs of a high quality product

The store usually offers a large one.

A quality product can be easily recognized by several features:

  • perfectly smooth inner surface;
  • uniformly colored enamel without stains or inclusions;
  • absence of defects such as chips and gouges on the outer surface of the product.

It is good that the bathtub comes with a drain and all the necessary elements: legs, handrails, etc. It is desirable that the legs can be adjusted in height. This will make the product easier to install.

To facilitate the installation of a cast iron bathtub, the manufacturer equips it with legs that can be adjusted in height

Acrylic bathtub: what the owner needs to know

Under the name acrylic bathtub, two completely different types of plumbing fixtures are sold in stores. Their main difference lies in the material from which they are made. By and large, the properties of finished products depend on its characteristics.

The first type of bathtub is made from pure or, as it is also called, cast acrylic, the second - from co-extruded acrylic.

Added to polymethyl methacrylate or PMMA before the polymerization procedure various components, improving the properties of the future product. Thanks to this, the composite acquires durable color, plasticity, maintainability and hygiene.

In addition, additives can be added to plumbing acrylic to prevent the proliferation and growth of bacteria on the walls of the bowl.

Despite the fact that PMMA is used in the manufacturing process of both types of baths, the results are different.

Products made from cast acrylic are produced in the following way. First, high quality material is made. To do this, the liquid compound is poured into sealed glass molds and sent to a steam oven for polymerization. The result is a sheet hard material High Quality about 8 mm thick.

Acrylic is initially transparent, but in the process of preparing it for polymerization, a pigment can be added to the plastic, which will give the finished product any desired shade

Both methods are quite effective and will help extend the life of your favorite bathtub. It must be admitted that all the above-described advantages are inherent for the most part in products made from cast acrylic.

Models made of two-layer plastic are coated with PMMA only with inside and the layer of this coating is very thin. ABS, which, in fact, makes up approximately 80% of such a bowl, absorbs moisture and breaks down quite quickly.

The disadvantage of acrylic bathtubs is sensitivity to high temperature. PMMA melts at a temperature of 160°C, so when pouring hot water The plastic softens a little and may become deformed. For this reason, manufacturers recommend pouring water into the bath first. cold water and dilute it hot.

The composite is sensitive to alcohol-containing substances. Under no circumstances should they fall on the surface of such a bath.

Another disadvantage is the fragility of acrylic products. Swipe, especially if an object falls from a height, can destroy the plastic. At the same time, serious deformations cannot always be restored and the bathtub has to be replaced with a new one. Under the weight of a large person, acrylic can “play” and bend, which is not very pleasant during the bathing process.

The disadvantages include the high cost of high-quality injection molded products.

Scratches and small defects on the surface of acrylic bathtubs can be easily removed. For this purpose, special repair compounds are produced.

How to care for acrylic equipment

Contrary to popular belief, caring for acrylic products is quite simple. Especially if you follow certain rules.

Rule #1. The acrylic surface should be washed or at least rinsed after each use. hot water. Contaminants frozen on the acrylic surface turn into difficult-to-remove stains.

Rule #2. To clean products, you can only use special products or solutions of mild detergents. All cleaning compounds with abrasives are the enemies of acrylic. They scratch the gloss and over time turn a shiny bathtub into a matte one.

Rule #3. Taboo on chlorine-containing products and solvents. When trying to disinfect a bowl with one of these compounds, you can only achieve a sharp clouding of the coating. If you use the drug a second time, the acrylic bowl will be covered with a network of small pores.

All solvents, including acetone, also affect it. At first it becomes cloudy, if the composition is not washed off immediately; with prolonged contact, it simply corrodes the surface of the bowl. Ammonia and formaldehyde have a similar effect on acrylic. They should not be allowed to come into contact with the bathtub.

Rule #4. If rust stains or lime deposits appear on the surface, do not act traditional methods, you need to use only special products for acrylic.

A high-quality acrylic bathtub can last more than 20 years. You need to understand that this statement applies only to products made from cast acrylic

On our website there is a series of articles devoted to the care of acrylic plumbing fixtures, we recommend that you read:

How to “recognize” quality acrylic

But otherwise it is quite simple, considering that the weight of the frame and the bathtub itself is small. Any if desired House master can handle this kind of work alone.

Cost and additional expenses

I must admit that for the price quality products made of cast iron and acrylic differ slightly. In both cases, you can purchase the most simple model for relatively little money, but that's all additional elements will significantly increase this amount.

The price is determined depending on the brand, design and quality. Each buyer determines the acceptable ratio of these characteristics for himself.

It is important to understand that there is no point in buying something that is too cheap and obviously of poor quality. The funds spent on its purchase and installation can be considered wasted, because it will not last long.

Additional costs include the cost of purchasing special cleaning products to care for the bathroom. These will definitely be required for acrylic; cast iron products are less capricious in this regard.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Comparison of technical and practical qualities of plumbing for informed choice bathtubs made of innovative acrylic or traditional cast iron:

Criteria for choosing a cast iron bowl:

How to choose a good acrylic bathtub correctly?

It is believed that acrylic bathtubs are ideal for multi-story buildings - they are easy to transport and easy to install. Among them, you can easily choose a model for the smallest bathroom. Cast iron bowls are better suited for a private home or cottage.

Are you looking for a practical, beautiful and durable bathtub? Or do you have experience using cast iron or acrylic plumbing fixtures? Please share your impressions of use with readers different types baths, ask questions and participate in discussions. The comment form is located below.

The main attribute of the bathroom is the bath itself. Now there is a wide variety of its designs, but there are only 3 materials from which it is made - acrylic, cast iron and steel. The last option is rarely used, so let's turn our attention to the first two and try to find out which is better - an acrylic bathtub or a cast iron bathtub.

Comparison parameters for cast iron and acrylic products

In the era of mass construction, all apartments had a standard selection of plumbing fixtures, which invariably included a cast-iron bathtub. For its manufacture, a reliable material that has been proven over the years is used, which is easy to care for and practical to use. But acrylic bathtubs are relatively new products, but they managed to quickly conquer their segment of buyers due to the variety of shapes and weights. Unlike cast iron analogues, polymer products are much lighter. However, weight is not the only parameter that needs to be taken into account.

When solving the dilemma of which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • Shapes and sizes . Acrylic is a more flexible material and can accept the most various forms, so it will fit into any room, you just need to take the correct measurements and use them to select the appropriate model. In addition, many manufacturers make bathtubs individually to specific sizes and shapes.
  • Thermal conductivity . One of the most important characteristics a bathtub is its ability to retain heat. Thanks to new developments modern products made of acrylic are able to retain the heat of water 6 times longer than its cast iron counterparts.
  • Strength . The strength characteristics of cast iron are higher - such bathtubs cannot simply be bent or dented, as is the case with acrylic bathtubs. They are especially susceptible to deformation when made from a thin sheet of material. In addition, they are easy to scratch and even make through hole. Scratches on the acrylic surface can be removed with ordinary sandpaper - they become almost invisible after this treatment. In the case of a cast iron analogue, if damage occurs, you first need to degrease the surface, and then use a special spray paint to recreate the protective layer.

The difference in the manufacture of cast iron and acrylic bathtubs

The differences between products lie not only in the material used, but in the method of their production.

Bathing containers made of cast iron are cast, so they are solid and durable, and there are no burrs or sharp edges on their surface. Their outer coating is called enamel. It is applied at the final stage of product production. Bathtubs are enameled in two ways:

  1. Applying the coating to the cooled surface of the bathroom.
  2. By spraying enamel onto the hot surface of the product, immediately after it has been cast. It is applied to the surface of cast iron at a temperature of 920 degrees, which eliminates the content of harmful impurities in it.
The latter method is preferable because it allows the bathroom to acquire a protective layer and ideal smoothness.

Cast iron is an environmentally friendly material. Such bathtubs are quite rigid and heavy, so they can withstand any load. They can last for several decades, as they have increased corrosion resistance.

To make a bathtub, take a sheet of acrylic and vacuum chamber blown out to required sizes and forms. Strength depends on the thickness of the sheet used finished product. Its minimum size is 5 mm. The higher this value, the less plastic the material is, so products made from thicker sheets have simpler shapes.

After giving the sheet its shape, they move on to the second stage of production - reinforcement. When performing it, a thick layer is applied to the lower part of the future bath epoxy resins, which, when cured, prevent the acrylic from bending under load. You can see the number of reinforcing layers by looking closely at the edge of the side of the product, because in this area their thickness is visible. In addition, you can knock on the wall - if you hear a dull sound, then the quality of the bath is good.

Acrylic is a polymer, one of the types of plastic. Safe acrylic products are made from sanitary material, but it is very expensive, so there are still a limited number of them on sale.

Comparison table between acrylic and cast iron bathtubs

It will help to find out which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron. comparative analysis main criteria presented in the following table:
AcrylicCast iron
Durabilityno more than 15 yearsmore than 30 years
Appearancehas many shapes and designs, can supply in different colors. If necessary, can be ordered for individual parametersIt has standard dimensions And simple shapes, usually rectangular
Installationplaced in a special metal frame, which is pre-fixed on the floor of the roomis attached to the floor with bolts that pass through it metal legs. You can attach tiles to it to eliminate the gap between the bathtub and the adjacent wall
TransportationConvenient movement due to the light weight of the product. One person can carry itthe product is very heavy, transportation will require the efforts of at least three people and cargo transport
Caredoes not cause any difficulties: after contaminating the surface, it is enough to walk with a sponge soaked in liquid detergent, and the product will shine with cleanliness.
Surfacesmooth but susceptible to scratchesthe dense structure of the enamel protects it from cracks and scratches, but may turn yellow over time
Heat resistancein 30 minutes the water in such a bathroom cools by only half a degreewater loses 1 degree of heat in 10 minutes
Weight15-25 kgfrom 80 kg and above
Strengththin walls are not protected from mechanical impact and deformationsquite durable and hard, but brittle material. When falling on the bathtub heavy object the surface may crack
SafetyPoor quality acrylic can be harmful to healthCast iron products are harmless, but if there is additional electrical equipment they must be grounded
Pricebathtub models of the same type have the same price, but exclusive models made from acrylic sheets are much more expensive

The table shows what to choose , Which bathtub is better - cast iron or acrylic - is quite difficult, because each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it is worth considering that swimming in a product made from polymer material accompanied by the pleasant sensations that its smooth surface gives. From a hygienic point of view, it is also superior to its counterpart. The enamel covering cast iron contains microcracks and micropores in which bacteria multiply, and the acrylic surface is absolutely smooth, so microorganisms do not collect on it.

Nuances of choosing cast iron and acrylic bathtubs (video)

If you need to buy a bath standard length(1.5 and 1.7 meters), then you can buy it from steel, acrylic or cast iron. Many continue to prefer the latter material, which is durable and quiet. Modern options cast iron bathtubs differ from their prototypes in their elegant forms, functional decorative elements and coating of silver ions, which provides its surface with antibacterial properties.

Acrylic bathtubs are characterized by the greatest heat resistance. To choose the right model, you need to know the location of the drain outlet, as they come in right and left. Each such product is distinguished by its shape, dimensions and configuration of additional hydro- and air massage equipment.

For those who love Jacuzzis, you can choose them from cast iron, or you can still opt for beauty and choose an acrylic model with additional functions hydromassage

You can clearly see which bathroom to choose in the following video:

When choosing, it is worth considering that cast iron version will be an ideal purchase for a private home and cottage, but for high-rise buildings it is better to buy an acrylic product. It is easier to transport and comes in the most various options, which is a big plus for small-sized housing.

Another video will help you figure out which bathtub is better - acrylic or cast iron. Steel baths will also be taken into account:

The question of which bathtub to buy can only be answered by the homeowner himself, knowing the features of the room, his material capabilities and top priorities (beauty, durability, strength). In any case, the choice of bathtub models made of cast iron and acrylic is very wide, so everyone can find a suitable option.