Insulating the garage from the inside - make a warm home for your car! What is the best way to insulate a garage? Materials for insulating a garage How to insulate a concrete garage in the country.

IN winter time garages built without the use of additional insulation do not warm up sufficiently. In order to be comfortable in the room and use it not only for parking a car, you should carry out comprehensive insulation of the garage. Depending on individual needs and technical parameters, you can choose the appropriate insulation option.

To maintain high temperatures inside the building, it is recommended to sheathe the garage on both sides. If desired or not possible, it is possible to insulate the garage only inside or outside. The type of suitable insulation depends on the type of building, the materials used and the required temperature. You can sheathe brick and concrete roofs with various types of roofs, including frame, pitched and others.


Internal insulation of a garage can be done in any location of the building. To insulate the walls, you must first clean the wall and build an additional partition from plasterboard or asbestos fiber, into the frame of which a thermal insulation layer will be inserted.


External cladding of the garage is carried out only on separately built structures. In areas where the outer wall of the structure is internal to standing nearby garage, this method insulation is impossible. The insulation process involves covering the outer walls with a thermal insulation layer and protecting the porous surface.

What is insulated in the garage?

Comprehensive insulation of a building involves covering the walls, floor, ceiling and gates with thermal insulation. Depending on the type of garage and your own requirements, partial covering is allowed.


The bulk of the heat in the building is lost due to thin walls. There are several ways to sheathe the inside of the walls. The most accessible one requires the following steps:

  1. The walls are cleaned of old layers of plaster and paint. The uneven surface is treated with a cement-sand composition.
  2. After drying, the walls are covered with primer or an antiseptic to prevent the development of dampness and mold.
  3. Sheets of foam plastic or other material are glued to the prepared surface.
  4. A plaster mesh is applied over the heat-insulating layer.
  5. The wall is covered with plaster and putty.

A more expensive method involves the construction of additional partitions along each wall. The space between the walls and partitions is covered with an insulating layer, which minimizes heat loss.


Thermal insulation of the floor in a garage building is carried out using expanded clay or polystyrene foam. The coating function is performed by a cement-sand screed. To lay the thermal insulation layer, the following steps are carried out:

  1. A hole about 30 cm deep is dug along the perimeter of the room. The base is leveled and several beacons are placed, after which the installation horizon is determined using a building level.
  2. The bottom is covered with roofing felt or polyethylene. On each side the material is bent by 30 cm.
  3. Expanded clay is poured or foam is laid to full depth. The surface is leveled along the beacons, after which they are removed.
  4. A frame made of reinforcement and a beacon profile are placed on top of the heat-insulating material.
  5. The cement-sand screed is poured from the far corner. After pouring, the coating is leveled.


Even when closed tightly, a significant portion of the heat escapes through the gate. If you completely sheathe the perimeter, but leave the gate, the temperature in the room will remain almost unchanged.

To insulate the sashes, their inner part is covered with polyethylene, after which a frame made of wooden beams treated with an antiseptic solution is screwed to the canvas.

A heat-insulating material of appropriate thickness is placed inside the frame and glued to the inside of the gate using glue. Joint seams overlap polyurethane foam. The thermal insulation layer is sheathed on top with clapboard or metal sheet.


According to the installation principle, insulating the ceiling is no different from treating the walls of the room. The material is fixed inside a frame made of metal or wooden beams. For additional protection, the frame is covered with sheets of plasterboard, clapboard or other finishing material.

Types of insulation

The construction market offers a wide variety of insulation materials, which differ in thickness, structure, flexibility, installation method and other characteristics. Before performing external or internal thermal insulation work, it is recommended to compare suitable insulation options and select the optimal one.

When selecting material, it is necessary to provide the required quantity to completely cover all surfaces. An integrated approach will help you choose a material with the best insulating properties.

Mineral wool

For internal lining mineral wool, which is a roll-type material with a foil coating that reflects heat, is ideal for construction. Mineral wool is easy to install and does not create a load on the ceilings of walls and roofs. Mineral wool fibers ensure free air circulation through the layers of insulation, which prevents the development of mold.

Other advantages of mineral wool include: low performance thermal conductivity, sound insulation properties, light weight, ease of installation.


Polystyrene foam is considered a universal insulation material that can be attached to any surface inside the garage. The material is not exposed to liquids, is resistant to changing temperatures, does not rot or mold over time. When interacting with polyurethane foam or glue, the foam does not collapse due to the absence of a chemical reaction. The disadvantages of the material are easy flammability and the threat of damage by rodents. To protect the foam, additional protective finishing is required.

Expanded polystyrene

According to the installation method, expanded polystyrene has a number of similarities with polystyrene foam. Distinctive characteristics are a reduced water absorption coefficient and increased density. Due to its large thickness, polystyrene foam provides more powerful protection against frost, but is more expensive than other materials.


Penoizol is an analogue of polystyrene foam and is used for application to walls in a liquid state. The material absorbs liquid well, but does not accumulate it in itself, evaporating into the air. Penoizol is considered a hygroscopic, vapor-permeable insulation with a combustion class of G-1. One of the competitive advantages of penoizol is the possibility of production directly on the job site and subsequent application to any surface.

Glass wool

Compared to mineral wool, glass wool is cheaper, but it can only be used with protective gloves. Cotton fibers are hard and prickly, so neglecting safety precautions can lead to injury. If liquid drips onto the surface of the glass wool during installation, it will have to be thrown away, since it is not possible to dry it. After getting wet, the fibers lose their original characteristics and exude bad smell.

Polyurethane foam

Modern material has rapidly become widespread due to its increased resistance to external factors. Polyurethane foam does not lose its qualities when interacting with liquid and, after drying, forms a dense hydrophobic coating. Application of the material requires specialized equipment.

The installation difficulties are justified by a tight connection to any surface and high-quality protection against heat loss. After installation, the polyurethane foam expands, filling all empty spaces and cracks.

Warm plaster

Reformulated plaster consists of specialized fillers, including sawdust, expanded polystyrene particles and expanded vermiculite. The combination of fillers gives the plaster thermal insulation properties. To obtain the required result when finishing premises, it is necessary to apply a dense and heavy layer of plaster. To simplify it, it is recommended to combine warm plaster with other types of insulation materials.

Thermal insulation paint

To protect against cold weather and give the garage a decorative appearance, use liquid materials made from acrylic polymers. Pigments of natural origin and synthetic rubber are added to the paint.

In terms of thermal insulation properties, one layer of paint replaces a layer of mineral wool 50 mm thick. The paint adheres well to wood, metal and plastic surfaces. After application, the paint forms a vapor-permeable coating and ensures air permeability, preventing waterlogging of the internal component of the structure.

Insulating your garage is a kind of guarantee of the long life of your car. Sudden temperature changes lead to the formation of condensation, which violates the anti-corrosion protection of the metal and thereby causes significant damage to the car. To achieve optimal performance, you just need to insulate the garage and worry about heating it. Today we will talk about materials and options for insulating a garage and how to insulate a garage with your own hands.

The need to insulate garage walls

Garage walls, as a rule, are made relatively thin: when using cinder block - about 200 millimeters, for brick walls- 250 millimeters, and sometimes 120 millimeters. Of course, such a wall cannot provide serious protection from cold air. And heating a metal garage makes no sense at all. No matter how you drown it, in severe frost only condensation will appear on the wall, and only when using a very powerful heater.

The issue of the need to insulate the garage is not subject to discussion. However, you should not overdo it here. Many car owners believe that in winter the temperature inside the car shelter should be maintained at a level of about twenty degrees above zero, because these are the indicators that are usually observed in residential buildings. However, what will be comfortable for the driver can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the car.

Remember that high temperature is not at all beneficial for iron units! A car, coming from cold to warm, quickly becomes covered with condensation, and such moisture will gradually lead to the destruction of the car body and the appearance of rust. Therefore, thoughtless insulation of the garage will not only bring no benefit to the car, but only great harm.

It is necessary to insulate the room so that the machine is stored in positive values temperature, and the difference in temperature in the garage and outside the windows was minimal. The optimal atmosphere for car safety is considered to be plus five degrees. This temperature will be comfortable for the car. And if the driver is cold, then sometimes you can use the heater.

When planning to insulate the walls in the garage, car enthusiasts make another mistake. They seal all holes without exception through which cold air can leak. Often, as part of such insulation, ventilation holes are also clogged, which absolutely cannot be blocked.

Engine fuel combustion products will constantly accumulate in the garage. Carbon monoxide is dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is important to provide ventilation or exhaust so that harmful compounds can leave the room. Without ventilation, you will also not be able to get rid of excess humidity. And in winter, a lot of ice and snow accumulate on the bottom and wheels of the car, which quickly melt.

One more important indicator is thermal inertia, which determines the rate at which the surface temperature of the structure changes over time. It is advisable to arrange the insulation of the garage in such a way that the thermal inertia of the enclosing structure increases from the outside to the inside, and the thermal conductivity of the heat-insulating materials that make up this structure, on the contrary, decreases. The insulation with this scheme will not allow cold air into the shelter in winter, and heat in summer.

When insulating garage walls, the question arises: to insulate from the inside or the outside. Many people will initially answer you that you need to attach the heat-insulating material from the outside, since it takes up a certain space from the inside. However, the choice should not be limited to one space. There are several other arguments in favor of external insulation.

There is always a risk of walls freezing in winter with internal thermal insulation. No matter how expensive insulation you buy, it will still emit harmful fumes into the room. Therefore, it is better to mount the insulation from the outside. Well, if you decide to insulate the basement and garage from the inside, then do not buy cheap thermal insulation materials and be sure to provide good forced ventilation.

Materials for insulating garage walls

The market for thermal insulation materials offers many options that are suitable for insulating a garage - from traditional and well-known ones to ultra-modern ones. Let's look at the main ones.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool helps to efficiently insulate the walls of the garage without disturbing the natural “breathing” inside the room. For external insulation with mineral wool, it is customary to use hard mats that have a density of 200-240 kilograms per cubic meter, and for internal thermal insulation - soft and semi-rigid mats with a density of approximately 120-180 kilograms per cubic meter.

Basalt mineral wool is considered the best, as it demonstrates record thermal conductivity and sound absorption. However, remember that to insulate with mineral wool from the inside, the thermal insulation material should be protected with a vapor barrier so that the insulation from environment did not gain moisture and did not subsequently lose its abilities.

Glass wool

Glass wool costs less than mineral wool, by about 20-25%. However, it is necessary to work with it only in special gloves, because the fibers are very sharp and hard, and you can injure your hands and eyes. In addition, if water gets on the material during installation, you can safely throw it away, since it will no longer be possible to dry it.

Once wet, fibers become heavy and crumple, forever losing their thermal insulation properties and constantly emitting an unpleasant odor. Therefore, the insulating glass wool cake will have to be completely insulated with foil or films.


This polymer heat insulator is a favorite heat-insulating material, which is used when insulating a garage with your own hands, as it is convenient and easy to install, is lightweight, can be processed with an ordinary hacksaw, is not afraid of moisture, does not rot, and is affordable. The most popular type of foam is polystyrene foam, because it is steam and waterproof, and its lifespan is useful life reaches 40 years of age.

However, polystyrene foam also has its drawbacks - it is not capable of allowing air to pass through and is considered a flammable material, so it is recommended to choose self-extinguishing PSB-S, which goes out after neutralizing the fire source within 4 seconds. And, regardless of the fact that he is not afraid of either chemistry or water, he is still afraid of the sun - the foam turns yellow and crumbles under its influence.

Reflective Thermal Insulation

Reflective thermal insulation is the latest development in the energy saving environment. It is manufactured in the form of a roll material, which is covered on one side with a layer of foamed polyurethane foam, and on the other with polished foil. This type of insulation is recognized the best solution for internal insulation garage from the standpoint of saving usable space. The thickness of the insulation is minimal - 2-5 millimeters.

This also allows you to create a facing layer, in contrast to the use of traditional thermal insulation materials, the minimum thickness of which is 50 millimeters. With the addition of internal, facing and decorative layers, the total amount increases to minus 10-15 centimeters. What will disappoint you, however, is that the ultra-thin reflective insulation acts as a “mirror” to reflect infrared heat radiation. It is ineffective in its convection and induction, which are the main culprits of the greatest heat loss.

"Warm" plaster

This is a plaster of an unusual composition, which contains special fillers, such as expanded vermiculite, sawdust and polystyrene foam “balls”, which give it thermal insulation properties. However, to get a really serious warm effect, you need to apply a very thick and heavy layer of plaster to the garage walls, so it should be combined with other types of insulation, as shown in the photo of garage insulation.

Thermal insulation paint

For those car owners who value not only comfort, but also attractive appearance, liquid heat insulators made from acrylic polymers with the addition of synthetic rubber and organic pigments are suitable. In appearance, this substance resembles ordinary paint, which has amazing thermal insulation properties: a layer of thermal insulation paint of 1 millimeter replaces 50 millimeters of mineral wool.

Thermal insulation paints demonstrate good adhesion to metal, plastic and wood. Therefore, warm paints are considered an ideal solution for insulating a timber garage, because the heat insulator is capable of creating a vapor-permeable coating and allows the wall to “breathe,” eliminating waterlogging of the interior of the structure and protecting the garage from the destructive effects of moisture. The technology for applying such a heat insulator is simplified as much as possible.

Insulation of garage walls from the outside

Let's start insulating the garage from the walls. For insulation of brick walls, polystyrene foam is excellent in terms of quality/price ratio. The only thing is in places where high temperatures are possible (equipment or heating stoves), instead of low-melting plastic, mineral wool boards should be used.

When externally insulating garage walls with polystyrene foam, you can avoid contact with temperature differences in winter, which leads to moisture at the junction of the insulation with the surface. Therefore, to eliminate this effect when insulating walls with foam plastic, it is necessary to install forced ventilation in the room, ensuring its continuous operation.

First you need to prepare the surface for attaching foam. The walls should first be cleaned of dirt, old plaster, oil stains and dust, and deep cracks and chips should be covered with plaster. To ensure that insulating a garage does not cause any problems in the future, the foundation must be strong and clean. It is also advisable to prime the surface of the walls to increase adhesion to the glue.

To insulate the shelter, it is recommended to use polystyrene foam, which has a strength of 25 and a thickness of 5 centimeters. The solution can be applied to the sheet using the “blot” method, then pressed tightly against the wall. However, spot application requires a certain skill from the worker. Therefore, you should use the “slab” method of applying glue to eliminate the occurrence of tiny gaps between the surface and the slab. In this case, the solution is applied to the foam using a notched trowel.

Foam sheets for insulation brick garage should be laid in a checkerboard pattern, pressing them well together. The wall is covered with foam sheets from bottom to top. It is necessary to lay the first row on the starting strip, attached to the surface with dowels. After the glue has dried, it is customary to additionally secure each masonry element with three plastic dowels.

Foam plastic by its nature is characterized by low strength. And the structure of insulation, which is made on the basis of various types of fibers, also makes them susceptible to saturation with water, which significantly reduces the heat-shielding properties of the heat-insulating material. All this requires the creation of additional thermal “armor” protection.

It is advisable to protect the insulation using a layer of plaster reinforced with fiberglass mesh for strength. To install the mesh panel, the surface of the foam must be covered with 3-5 millimeters of glue. After this, the mesh is pressed in strips and overlapping into the adhesive substance and covered completely with glue. For plastering purposes, decorative facade plaster is used.

After this, the surface is primed to “preserve” the porous surface and covered with several layers of façade paint. Siding and other facing materials are also suitable for external protection - moisture-resistant fiberboard and gypsum plasterboard, gypsum fiber sheets, and various plastics. If you prefer sheet materials, then remember that they must be secured using a frame.

Insulating garage walls from the inside

Insulating garage walls from the inside is rarely used, but if you have chosen this particular method of thermal insulation of walls, then it should be carried out in this order. The first step is to prepare the surface by cleaning the wall. Using drywall, you need to make a false partition, and you will put a heat insulator into its frame.

To create such a frame, standard UD guides and CD wall profiles are used. UD racks are attached with dowels to the ceiling and floor in increments of 25-30 centimeters. Then CD profiles are installed every 60 centimeters using special hangers that are built into the wall in increments of 30 centimeters, to which drywall will need to be attached - the last facing layer.

You can also use not only plasterboard, but also asbestos fiber to cover garage walls. The latter option is preferable, since such sheets have increased fire resistance, compared to drywall. However, asbestos fiber is more fragile, so you need to step near the frame more often. Place the selected insulation in the gaps between the wall and the sheathing.

Typically, cotton wool insulation is used for internal insulation of garage walls, since foam plastic will be more hassle. You need to insert mineral or glass wool into the middle of the partitions, attaching it to the surface with special hooks. Then a vapor barrier must be laid on top of the profiles. To do this, it is better to take a membrane, which should be laid end-to-end against the cotton insulation.

On the outside, it is recommended to plaster the garage “box” with “warm” plaster or cover it with heat-insulating paint. This way you can move the dew point to the outside of the walls, which will protect them from future moisture and freezing. It is also necessary to install forced ventilation designed for an intensive level of air exchange.

An effective method of insulating an iron garage from the inside is to apply liquid thermal insulation - foamed polyurethane or liquid insulating paint. For example, you can buy isolat, thermos paint and others. Liquid foam is a foam-like mass that is produced directly at a construction site using special equipment - foam generators. When applied to garage walls, such foam turns into a hard crust that has excellent adhesion.

The simplest and most inexpensive way to insulate the walls of an iron garage is to attach foam boards with glue. The main thing is to thoroughly clean and degrease the metal surface so that the sheets of heat-insulating material stick and hold securely. The gaps that remain between the sheets are carefully filled with foam. The surface of the insulation can then be painted. However, remember that these materials are highly flammable and, when ignited, release many toxic substances into the air.

Insulation of garage doors

When insulating garage walls, pay attention to the gates, because they are large, and through them the shelter loses a lot of heat. If the gate is not insulated, heating the garage will be quite difficult. To begin with, it is worth making a small door in one wing so as not to open a huge gate every time. Next to the gate you can hang a curtain made of plastic or thick fabric, which can retain some of the heat in the room.

It is better to take transparent plastic for this so that the driver can see where he is going when leaving the garage. It is recommended to use thick (minimum 0.8 millimeters) polyethylene film. Cut the material into strips of such length that when secured above the gate opening from the inside, they do not reach a centimeter from the floor. The width of the stripes should be approximately 20-30 centimeters.

Excessively narrow stripes can cling to protruding parts of the car, for example, outside mirrors, while wide ones will be inconvenient. Attach the strips with a stapler on a wooden slat so that one strip overlaps the other by 1.5-2 centimeters, or a little more. The strips should hang evenly under their own weight, and if they deviate, they should quickly return to their place.

Panels garage doors It is best to insulate with polystyrene foam. Insulation, as already mentioned, is preferably carried out from the outside, but this will be problematic for gates. It is necessary to attach the sheathing on the inside, then fill all the gaps in it with polystyrene foam. To prevent low-temperature air masses from entering the room through the gaps that form at the junction of the gates, they should be treated with adhesive tape.

To eliminate drafts, you can use rubber seals. Since insulation from the inside of garage doors causes condensation to form where the metal and insulation touch, the door leaf must be coated with anti-corrosion protection. Having waterproofed the gate, you need to attach a frame to it, which will act as the basis for the cladding.

At the same time, prime the frame parts to protect them from warping and fungus, for which heated drying oil is suitable, and clean the foam layer, covering it durable material. It is recommended that the cladding be done with thin boards or OSB. It is not recommended to use moisture-resistant materials, for example, gypsum plasterboard.

Garage roof insulation

If the garage is built separately from the house, you will have to insulate its entire structure, not just the walls, including the roof. After all, heated air is lighter than cold air and rises, penetrating through building structures and melting snow on the roof. The method of fastening foam sheets depends on the design of the floor. If the roof is made of boards, then it is worth “grabbing” the material with umbrella dowels or ordinary nails, and then covering it with sheet materials, attaching them with long screws to the board base.

If the garage is covered with a concrete slab, to insulate the inside of the concrete garage, or rather its roof, you will need a frame that is attached to the slabs using metal corners and self-tapping screws that are screwed into plastic dowels. The foam must be laid over the frame, securing it with tape, and then pressing it with the sheathing, which is attached to the frame.

Polystyrene foam does not allow moisture to pass through, so there is no point in steam- and waterproofing it. But when using fiber insulation, additional measures related to protection from moisture are required. On the roof side you need to install waterproofing, and on the garage side - a vapor barrier, which prevents the penetration of moisture in the form of steam.

If desired, additional antiseptic and decorative treatment: paint plaster with lime, chalk or water-based compositions, DSP and gypsum board are coated with oil or acrylic paints, having previously sealed the seams with putty.

Insulation of the ceiling in a car shelter can be done according to another scheme. For this purpose, create and insulate the ceiling so that an attic appears in the garage. The attic floor is supported on wooden beams. The boards are used to create lathing for the insulation boards, then the heat-insulating material is laid. Finally, boards are placed on top of the structure so that you can move around the attic.

It is not always necessary to insulate the floor in the garage. Often a basement is installed under the garage for storing canned goods and vegetables. If there is no cellar, then it is necessary to isolate the room from frozen and wet soil. To do this, you should deepen the floor by 30 centimeters, level it, then fill it with crushed stone by 10 centimeters, arrange a sand cushion of 5 centimeters on top, compact it, fill it with hot bitumen and make concrete screed which is reinforced with iron mesh.

Some garage owners believe that there is no need to insulate a structure intended to store their car. After all, the walls and roof protect the body from corrosion and rust.

However, this opinion is not entirely correct. After all, sudden changes in weather, as well as low air temperatures, have their Negative influence not only on the condition of the entire car, but also on its heart - the engine. According to experts, the thermometer in this building during the cold season should be within 5-10 degrees. To create such conditions, you cannot do without insulating the garage from the inside.

The measures taken to create the necessary heat and humidity conditions will extend the service life of the machine. In addition, after the garage is insulated from the inside, the living conditions in it will become more comfortable for people.

Selection of the required work option

Insulating a garage from the inside is possible using various technologies. The choice of the required option will depend on many reasons, including the material from which the structure itself is built. The owner will also have to clarify the price of various insulating materials in order to try them on according to his financial capabilities.

Insulating a garage from the inside is impossible without thermotechnical calculation, taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, as well as the material and thickness of the enclosing structures. For example, insulating a concrete garage from the inside will require less careful insulation than metal frame buildings.

There are three options for carrying out such work. Insulation of a garage can be:

- internal;
- combined, which is the most effective and at the same time expensive.

Insulation of the facade is simply necessary for those buildings that tend to accumulate moisture. These include wooden frame garages, as well as those for the construction of which porous materials were used. concrete blocks. It is also advisable to insulate the outside of metal boxes. After all, their dew point can always be found on the inner surface. However self-execution Such work is a very difficult task. That is why this option is most often considered as an exception to the general rule.

Roof insulation

A separate issue is the thermal insulation of the roof. It is also relevant due to the large heat loss in this part of the structure. When deciding to carry out roof insulation work, selecting the most optimal option will depend on its design. You should also take into account the presence or absence of an attic. Do-it-yourself insulation from the inside for different roof configurations can be done in various ways:

1. For a flat or slightly sloped roof, insulation can be laid on top. Rigid boards and foam plastic are most suitable for this. In such cases, waterproofing is laid on top using rolled materials.

2. When pitched roof Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is used and placed between the rafters. The first version of the material is more preferable due to the absence of the need to adjust it to size and the use of additional fasteners.

3. If there is a cold attic in the garage, you can line the ceiling with rolled glass wool. Such thermal insulation will not only be reliable, but also budget-friendly. The main thing is to provide in the attic good ventilation to remove accumulated moisture.

There is another option for such work. It provides insulation from the inside. In this case, it is recommended to use mineral wool or polymer rigid boards. This solution leads to the creation of a continuous rigid contour that has no gaps or cold bridges. However, this will require laying a layer of additional waterproofing on top and creating a vapor barrier on the side of the room to cut off moist air.

After the insulation technology has been finally selected internal space garage, you will need to determine for the work suitable material. What could he be like?

Expanded polystyrene and foam plastic

These two insulation materials are considered related. The differences between them are in some of their characteristics, as well as in price. At the same time, the technology for working with both polymers remains unchanged. On the building materials market there is also such a name for insulation as penoplex. It is a trademark of a Russian manufacturer producing extruded polystyrene foam. But it's the same material.

Polystyrene foam is sold flat sheets of various thicknesses. That is why, to calculate the required amount, you will need to calculate the surface area, adding 10% for waste to the result. It is recommended to insulate a garage with polystyrene foam from the inside in 2 layers. In this case, the protection of the structure will be more reliable.

The required amount of foam used to seal the seams will directly depend on how tightly the insulation panels are laid and on the number of resulting edges. It should also be noted that this composition is suitable for correcting inaccuracies after laying the insulating layer. That is why you need to buy it a little more than calculated.

Mineral wool

This category includes both cheap fiberglass and basalt slabs. However, it is worth considering that the density of fiberglass is low. In addition, under load it quickly loses its volume. That is why insulating a garage with mineral wool from the inside is used only in cases where it is freely located in a special frame. Basalt slabs are presented in a wider range at retail outlets. This material can be used on all surfaces. The main thing is to choose it correctly:

1. If the garage roof is insulated from the inside, then light, inexpensive rolls with a density of 30 kilograms per cubic meter are used.

2. When covering interior walls mats are used whose weight ranges from 45 to 60 kilograms per cubic meter.

It is worth keeping in mind that mineral wool insulation is not the cheapest option. However, if the garage is adjacent to a residential building, then for greater fire safety it is necessary to use it.

Just as when using polystyrene foam, the wool should be laid in two layers. Taking this into account, the material is calculated. In addition to these plates, you will need to buy a waterproofing film 200 microns thick. A vapor barrier is also needed. Their size should be larger than the insulated area, as an overlap of 10-15 cm will be required.

Insulating a garage from the inside with your own hands using mineral wool does not require the use of fasteners. The slabs are simply inserted into a frame made of timber or metal profile. In this regard, you will need to purchase the necessary material. The length of the beam or profile will be determined by the height of the walls, as well as the length of the roof slopes.

Narrow materials

Insulating a garage from the inside can be done not only with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. There are other thermal insulation materials on the modern market. However, their use is not so widespread due to existing disadvantages. Only in some cases the use of these alternative materials is justified:

1. Expanded clay. Do-it-yourself insulation of the garage from the inside using this material can be done by filling it into the spaces between the walls, as well as for arranging a “warm” floor screed. Expanded clay has high water absorption and good thermal conductivity.

2. Blocks made from foam glass. This thermal insulation material is quite good and is resistant to many environmental influences. But it is worth keeping in mind that such blocks are very expensive. In addition, they are afraid of alkaline solutions that are based on cement (for example, plaster and glue).

3. Arbolite and fibrolite. These materials have good thermal insulation characteristics, but are more related to construction. That is why their use is best envisaged at the stage of constructing a garage.


How to insulate a garage with your own hands? After purchasing the materials, you will need to prepare the necessary set of tools. Their specific list will directly depend on the insulation chosen by the owner. But special attention will have to be paid to cutting tools. For example, it is good to cut mineral wool with a construction knife. But if the garage is insulated from the inside with penoplex or polystyrene foam, then to give it the right size the easiest way is to use a homemade “hacksaw” made of steel wire attached to wooden handles. Of course, a jigsaw can be used in this case. However, it will cause the sheets to crumble, and work will go much slower.

Insulation of garage walls from the inside should be carried out only after preliminary preparation of the surfaces. For this you will need:

A synthetic brush with stiff bristles, and in some cases a cord brush for angle grinders or hand brushing;
- a grinder, with the help of which protruding reinforcement is removed, as well as large protrusions present on the main surface;
- a narrow spatula for sealing cracks.

In addition, if work is planned that will make it possible to insulate the walls of the garage from the inside, as well as its floor, ceiling or gate, then to attach the prepared thermal insulation material the following will be necessary:

Construction stapler;
- screwdriver or drill;
- mounting gun or a notched trowel for adhesives.

If the insulation layer is provided with laying in the sheathing, then you will need a tool to make the frame, namely:

A jigsaw for giving the desired size to a wooden beam;
- hacksaw;
- scissors or angle grinder if using a metal profile.

Ceiling insulation

After selection suitable option thermal insulation material, the issue of work technology will need to be resolved. Do-it-yourself insulation of the garage ceiling from the inside should be done in a way that directly depends on what the ceiling is made of.

For example, if the ceiling is concrete, you can insulate the garage from the inside with your own hands using polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam. Preliminary preparation it won't be needed. The slabs are glued directly to the concrete ceiling.

How is this done? An adhesive composition specially produced for this purpose is applied to the surface of the insulation using a comb. After this, the slabs are pressed against the ceiling and held in this way for some time. The seams are also sealed with the same adhesive.

However, insulating a garage with foam plastic from the inside will require additional fixation of the material. For this purpose, plastic umbrella dowels with a wide head are used. Each slab must have at least five such fasteners - one on each edge and in the center. If a more rigid extruded polystyrene foam is chosen as the material for insulation, then two dowels per slab will be sufficient. This type of insulation ends with plastering.

Before the solution is applied to the surface, it should be reinforced with a reinforcing fiberglass mesh secured with glue.

There is also a second method of installing insulation on the ceiling. It is more labor-intensive and expensive, and will also require preliminary assembly of a frame made of timber or galvanized profile.

How is this work done? They include several stages:

1. Marking the surface for attaching a profile or beam.

2. Drilling holes for fasteners and fixing the base of the sheathing parts to the ceiling.

3. Laying foam or mineral wool between the beams or profile, supporting them from below using a jumper.

4. Execution finishing plastic panels.

It is worth keeping in mind that the first of these two insulation methods is preferable, since it is simpler and can provide better thermal insulation without violating the integrity of the ceiling by drilling.

Wall insulation

These works are performed in the following order. At the initial stage, surface preparation is carried out. To do this, the wall is cleaned and a frame is made using standard guides and profiles.

The last facing layer will be drywall. Asbestos fiber can also be used to cover garage walls. Moreover, this option is preferable to plasterboard, as it has higher fire resistance. However, when insulating garage walls from the inside with your own hands using asbestos fiber, you should take into account that this material is quite fragile, which will require you to step the frame more often.

For such work, as a rule, cotton insulation is used. Carrying out work with foam plastic is more labor-intensive.

Mineral and glass wool are inserted into the middle of the manufactured partitions. Next, the material is attached to the walls with special fasteners. At the next stage, a vapor barrier is laid on top of the sheathing. To carry out such work, it is recommended to use a membrane that is laid end-to-end against the thermal insulation wool.

Insulation of a metal garage

Such structures have the lowest thermal conductivity. That is why many owners insulate a metal garage from the inside. The most effective method In this case, the application of foamed polyurethane, which is a liquid thermal insulation, is considered. Insulating paints are also used.

Liquid foam is a foam-like mass produced directly at the work site. For this purpose, special equipment is used in the form of foam generators. The material applied to the walls of the garage hardens and turns into hard surface with excellent adhesion.

But the simplest and inexpensive way, which is used to insulate the walls of a metal garage, is a glue-mounted foam board. Before carrying out this work, it is important to thoroughly clean and then degrease the iron surface. This will allow the sheets of thermal insulation material to quickly stick and then be held securely. Gaps inevitably remain between the foam boards. They must be carefully covered with foam. Upon completion of the work, the surface of the insulation can be painted. It is worth keeping in mind that the above materials are very flammable, and in the event of fire, they release many toxic elements.

Gate insulation

It is not enough to cover only the walls and ceiling with thermal insulation material in the garage. When planning work, you should pay attention to the gates. They are very large, which leads to a considerable amount of heat being lost through them. It is necessary to do it from the inside with your own hands because otherwise it will be quite difficult to heat the structure.

At the initial stage, a small door is made in one of the gate leaves. This will prevent you from constantly opening the gate, which will also save heat. A curtain made of thick fabric or plastic can be reinforced between the opening doors and the room. This device will also help retain heat in the room. In this case, it is recommended to take transparent plastic, which will allow the driver leaving the garage to have a good orientation. Thick polyethylene film, more than 0.8 millimeters thick, is suitable for this. The material is cut into strips. Their length should be almost equal to the height of the room, not reaching the floor by one centimeter. The width of such strips is 20-30 cm. If the film is cut narrower, it will cling to the exterior mirrors and other protruding parts of the car. It will be very inconvenient.

To attach the strips to the ceiling, a wooden strip is nailed. And then you will need a stapler. With its help, the strips are attached to the rail with an overlap of 1.5-2 cm or a little more. Under the weight of its weight, the film should hang evenly, and after deflection it should return to its place.

It is recommended to insulate garage door panels with polystyrene foam. To carry out the work you will need to make a crate. At the next stage, all its gaps are filled with thermal insulation material. In order to prevent cold air masses from entering the garage, the gaps that form at the junction of the gate should be treated with adhesive tape.

Elimination of drafts becomes possible with the use of rubber seals.
After insulation, condensation begins to form on the door leafs, where the insulation and metal come into contact. In this regard, the opening doors are coated with anti-corrosion protection. The frame parts should also be primed. This will protect them from fungus and warping. For this purpose, heated drying oil is used. The foam layer on the gate is covered with durable material. Such cladding can be made of thin boards or OSB. It is not recommended to use moisture-resistant material.

The nuances of selection and further self-installation insulation in the garage. The described technologies are optimal for most owners of such structures, since they do not require significant financial investments and allow them to solve the problem. The main thing that is required is to follow the instructions and avoid tears and cracks in the heat-insulating layer. This is the only way to eliminate the penetration of cold air into the garage and ensure normal temperature conditions in it, which will delight the owners of the building not only in winter, but also in summer.

Our climate is different in that for 4-6 months low temperatures reign, which is not only not very comfortable for humans, but is also harmful to cars, our faithful assistants in the matter of movement. Frost and precipitation in winter can seriously damage a car, and many try to leave the car in the garage as often as possible, thereby protecting it from negative impact. But if the garage is not insulated, then the “iron horse” there will not be completely protected from external environment, because thin walls almost do not prevent the penetration of cold masses into the room. To ensure your car remains safe in any weather, you need to take care of insulating your garage in advance.

It’s immediately worth noting that overdoing it with insulation and creating in the garage room temperature, is also unnecessary, unless, of course, you plan not to go outside during the winter. Otherwise, a strong temperature contrast can have an extremely negative effect on the car body, causing the onset of corrosion. Also, do not forget about ventilation so that excess moisture goes outside along with harmful gases.

The requirements for thermal insulation of a garage are not as strict as for the insulation of residential premises. And if for the latter, insulation from the inside is extremely undesirable, then in the case of a garage it is no less effective and often becomes the only possible option. So, if the structure is located close to others, then it will not be possible to insulate it from the outside. Moreover, some types of garages require double insulation, for example, metal ones. The only drawback of insulation from the inside is that the area may be reduced, but in order to negate such a “side effect” you need to select a heat insulator that will cope with its task with a minimum thickness. So, what materials are suitable for insulating a garage from the inside?

No. 1. Styrofoam

- the most popular option in this sense, all work with it can be easily done independently, which is why it has enjoyed such success for several decades in a row. Advantages of this material weight.

If we add durability and low cost to all this, we get an ideal material for insulation. True, andnot without its shortcomings: Styrofoam - flammable material, so it is better to choose those products that are impregnated with fire retardant. Yes, and under the influence of sunlight, foam plastic can gradually turn yellow, but inside the garage, a layer of such insulation will last a long time.

Styrofoam may be of several types, but the most popular when insulating garages is expanded polystyrene. Depending on the specifics of production, it can be pressed, non-pressed or extruded. Taking into account the ability of this material to burn, it is better to choose a material like PSB-S, which contains a fire retardant. Expanded polystyrene has good heat and sound insulation properties, it is easy to process, and is not susceptible to fungal infection. There is a myth that it is harmful to health because it supposedly contains residual styrene. There is some truth in this statement, but to protect yourself it is better to buy material from trusted manufacturers who follow manufacturing technology and supply safe products. Also note that decent results in insulation can be achieved if you install the insulation not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling.

The second material in this group is penoizol which is often called liquid foam. It is made at the same place where it will be used, and the resulting foam quickly hardens, filling all the cracks. This is one of the most reliable methods of insulation, which will create an excellent barrier to cold, because the thermal conductivity of this substance is quite low. Moreover, the material is durable, and manufacturers claim that it will serve faithfully for at least 40 years, although scientists put the figure at 100 years or more. The material does not support combustion, but similar method thermal insulation cannot be called the most budget-friendly, since you will need special equipment and, as a rule, the help of professionals. And the presence on the market of dishonest manufacturers offering not the best quality products, scares off many.

Another liquid insulation - polyurethane foam, which is applied to the walls in the form of foam, gradually hardens, forming a monolithic layer of thermal insulation. It does not weigh down the walls of the garage, since it mostly consists of air, adheres well to any surface, and does not take up the useful area of ​​the garage. The material does not support combustion, but can smolder when constantly exposed to very high temperatures. The only drawback is the need for special equipment and specialists to perform the work efficiently.

No. 2. Mineral wool

- a good insulation material that boasts a low thermal conductivity coefficient, breathability, safety for health, and non-flammability. Basalt wool , which is commonly called mineral wool in wide circles, has excellent sound absorption properties. For internal insulation, mats with a density of no more than 180 kg/m3 are used.

Flaws this type of insulation is also present. So, mineral wool is very afraid of moisture, so it needs to be protected with a layer of vapor barrier. Otherwise, moisture collected from the environment will cause a loss of thermal insulation properties. The cost of mineral wool is slightly higher than that of polystyrene foam, but still quite affordable. True, a similar method of insulation suitable for those those who have a fairly spacious garage, because for mineral wool it is necessary to build a frame, into the cells of which the thermal insulation itself is mounted in a thick layer (10 cm or more).

Separately, it is worth noting the insulation glassy- This is one of the varieties of mineral wool. Since it is made from molten glass waste or rocks saturated with silicon, the structure contains needle-like particles, which pose the main danger during operation. When insulating a garage with such material, all personal safety requirements must be strictly observed so that particles of the material do not get into the skin, eyes or respiratory organs. Glass wool is very afraid of water, and if it gets a little wet during installation, then the material can simply be thrown away, since all the thermal insulation properties are already lost anyway. And although its price is much lower than stone wool, it is not very popular among those who want to insulate a garage from the inside, since its installation is complicated.

No. 3. "Warm" plaster

- a relatively new type of insulation, which looks like, but instead of sand, it contains materials with low thermal conductivity: vermiculite, polystyrene foam, sawdust, pumice etc. Became the most popular plaster with polystyrene foam granules, since it has universal properties, can be used both inside and outside, and has the best thermal insulation performance. Sawdust-based plasters are also common, which also contain components such as paper, clay and sand. This composition is just suitable for internal insulation, but you should be prepared for the fact that such plaster takes a long time to dry, and to speed up the process you will need a good one. Vermiculite-based compounds can also be used to insulate a garage from the inside.

This option is different a lot of advantages. So, without any preparation, “warm” plaster has excellent adhesion to wood, metal and stone, it does not require the use reinforcing mesh(except for some difficult cases). In addition, it is very simple and easy to apply and can be done without outside help, managing as much as possible. short time. But despite all this, the material is clearly inferior to traditional insulation, and it is better to use it in combination with other thermal insulation materials. Applying a thick layer is not an option, since if its thickness is more than 5 cm, there is a risk that the plaster will begin to crack and peel under its own weight.

No. 4. Thermal insulation paint

Another modern material, which amazes not only with ease of use, but also with efficiency. Here are just a few striking examples: a layer of paint equal to 1 mm is equivalent to a layer of mineral wool of 50 mm, and a layer of paint applied according to the instructions is the same as a wall of 1.5 bricks. Unique properties of this insulation are based on features of the structure and principle of operation. All thermal insulation materials known to us work on the principle of a barrier, preventing heat from leaving the space. Thermal insulating paint becomes not only a barrier to the penetration of infrared rays outside, but also their reflector, making it much more difficult for heat to escape the confines of such a room. This effect was made possible due to the presence of a vacuum inside, which prevents the passage of infrared rays.

Advantages of thermal insulation paints The list could take a long time. They have excellent adhesion to most building materials, have good thermal insulation performance, are not afraid of moisture, are vapor permeable, and protect metal from corrosion. The layer of such insulation is very light in weight, so it does not weigh down the structure, and the application process itself is as simple as possible and is not much different from using regular paints. The list of advantages is complemented by resistance to ultraviolet radiation, ease of restoration of damaged coating, resistance to high temperatures(the paint does not burn, but only chars at 260 0 C or decomposes at 800 0 C), environmental friendliness. But it cannot be noted that minus, as the rather high cost of paint, its high consumption, and it cannot always be used as an independent insulation material, but nevertheless, this option is being used more and more often for insulating a garage.

No. 5. Reflective Thermal Insulation

Reflective thermal insulation is the latest insulation, which is called one of the most effective today. Moreover, it is optimally suited for insulating a garage from the inside, as it is thin and does not take up much usable space. The material itself consists of a layer of heat insulator covered with a metallized film, and that is why this type of thermal insulation is called foil.

Can be used as an insulating layer different materials: polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool or basalt insulation. For internal thermal insulation of a garage as a base layer Polyethylene foam and mineral wool are optimal, and the insulation itself can be in the form of slabs or rolls. The base layer can have a thickness of 2-50 mm, and on top of it is applied aluminum foil in a very thin layer by heat sealing. A metallized film made of polypropylene can also be used; it is possible that there is an additional layer of fiberglass. The foil layer can be either one-sided or double-sided.

How does this type of thermal insulation work? and why is it considered so effective? Thus, the foil reflects the bulk of the heat waves, preventing them from leaving the room. Those IR rays that did pass through the foil are already retained by a layer of insulation, reducing heat loss to a minimum. As a result, we obtain a material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient, good noise insulation, low weight, fire resistance and resistance to moisture. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and easy to install. Minuses, due to the short duration of use of the material, not everything is known yet, but such insulation is susceptible to corrosion.

The requirements for insulating a garage are not as stringent as for insulating residential premises. But still they exist. Thermal insulation should provide an optimal indoor microclimate for normal vehicle storage conditions.

What temperature should the garage be?

Many car enthusiasts believe that the temperature in the garage should be comfortable for a person. However, it is not. Optimal parameters: the minimum temperature should not fall below +5 °C (in winter) and rise above +20 °C (maximum). Moreover, the smaller the difference between the external and internal temperatures, the less likely it is for “perspiration”, condensation to appear on the car and its subsequent corrosion.

Some owners close the vents to increase the temperature in the garage. Doing this is strictly prohibited, because... ventilation is responsible for the output carbon monoxide, influx and purification of air, prevents the appearance of dampness. Regular natural supply and exhaust ventilation will eliminate such negative phenomena.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the garage inside and out

Let's look at how to insulate a garage, from different positions and using different materials.

1. From the position of the location of the insulation

This is an important aspect, because Each type of insulation has its own advantages and disadvantages. Pros and cons of thermal insulation from the outside (from the street) and from the inside (from the inside), comparison, when which method is justified or advisable.

Insulating the garage from the outside

Advantages of external insulation:

  • the likelihood of garage walls freezing is reduced. The freezing point shifts towards the insulation. Among other things, this increases the service life of the walls themselves;
  • the risk of condensation formation is reduced;
  • a favorable environment for the development of fungi is eliminated;
  • the area of ​​the premises remains unchanged;
  • there is no need to dismantle the shelves and take everything out for work;
  • harmful effects on humans of fumes from insulation materials are eliminated;
  • the cost and labor intensity of work is reduced.

Insulating the garage from the inside

This method is used when:

  • It is not possible to perform external (external) insulation. For example, a garage is located in a block, i.e. located between other garages and has common walls with them;
  • there is no possibility or desire to dismantle the shelves indoors;
  • Sprayed thermal insulation material (polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam or penoizol) will be used as insulation. Having a minimum thickness, sprayed thermal insulation does not affect the usable area and, due to its excellent adhesion to the surface, eliminates the appearance of condensation on the walls and ceiling.

Disadvantages of internal insulation:

  • reducing the usable area of ​​the garage;
  • displacement of the freezing point inside the room, at the junction of the insulation to the wall. The result is the gradual destruction of the garage walls.

Thus, if possible, it is better to give preference to the external method of insulation.

2. From the perspective of the insulation used

When considering how to insulate a garage, you may encounter a number of materials that have similar or different properties, but are recommended for performing thermal insulation work.

Which insulation for a garage is better to choose?

Insulation requirements:

  • hygroscopicity. Regardless of the environment, the material must perform its functions. And, as you know, wet insulation loses its thermal insulation ability. Of course, it is possible to provide additional protection to any material, but this will affect the cost estimate;
  • thermal conductivity. The lower this indicator, the longer the heat will stay in the garage;
  • thermal inertia. Shows how quickly the room cools down. The thermal inertia index is inversely proportional to thermal conductivity;
  • Fire safety. The insulation should not support combustion;
  • price. If the goal is to insulate the garage inexpensively, then you need to pay attention to this parameter. Moreover, you should start not from the cost of insulation (cheap does not always mean bad), but from the total amount of expenses, which include other materials, tools and wages;
  • ease of processing and installation.

Several thermal insulation materials meet these criteria.

Table of thermal conductivity of insulation

Insulating a garage with foam plastic

The most common option that allows you to provide thermal insulation for a garage relatively cheaply. The leading position of polystyrene foam was ensured by: low price, hygroscopicity, excellent thermal insulation properties, light weight, availability, ease of installation. Disadvantages include: flammability, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and the ability to crumble. Polystyrene foam needs protection.

Insulating a garage with polystyrene foam

It is an improved version of polystyrene foam. The main component of expanded polystyrene is styrene with the addition of foaming agents. Extruded polystyrene foam does not support combustion, is hygroscopic and has excellent thermal insulation properties. In addition, it is not a medium for the development of bacteria and can withstand the effects of some chemical reagents. However, petroleum products, alcohol and organic solvents can harm it.

From an installation point of view, polystyrene foam is also preferable, because due to its dense structure, it is more convenient to use and has a reliable “groove-tongue” connecting system, which reduces the area of ​​cold bridges. A relative disadvantage can be considered a higher cost than polystyrene foam. One of the patented brands expanded polystyrene is Penoplex (thermal insulation boards made of foamed polystyrene Penoplex). Insulating a garage with penoplex has the same advantages and disadvantages as with expanded polystyrene.

Insulation of garage with foam insulation

Penoizol is a urea-formaldehyde foam. It has advantages similar to the materials described above and several additional ones. The most important of them is insulation technology. Penoizol is pumped into technical voids; for this purpose, holes are made in the finished structure and the solution fills the space between the frame, wall, floor or roof, and in a building under construction it is poured into the voids. Thus, insulation with penoizol is the most airtight of all existing ones, because has no seams or joints, fills all the cracks.

Penoizol is often called liquid foam, due to its fluidity and good insulating properties. At the same time, it has optimal vapor permeability. However, insulating a garage with foam is difficult to do on your own, because... The work is fraught with a number of difficulties. Among them: the need to prepare the mixture directly near the garage (a lot of space is required), the need to use special equipment for preparing and pumping the mixture (penoizol is injected under pressure).

In addition, it should be noted that in Western European countries and some states of the USA, penoizol is prohibited for installation in residential premises.

Insulating a garage with polyurethane foam

PPU is also a liquid insulation material. But, unlike penoizol, its basis is plastic (polymers). Thus, imparting additional properties to the material, such as: elasticity, structural integrity (the material does not crumble), good adhesion to any surfaces.

Polyurethane foam is applied by spraying onto the surface. PPU, unlike penoizol, is not prohibited in any country in the world, and can be used without restrictions, provided that the application technology is followed. Thus, insulating a garage with PPU is the most progressive option, but also the most expensive.

Insulating a garage with penofol

Penofol insulation is a thin foil material made of polyethylene foam. Penofol is rarely used as an independent insulation, but its advantages include: small thickness, the ability to reflect heat, ease of installation, and environmental friendliness.

Insulating a garage with mineral wool

Mineral or glass wool have one common drawback - they are afraid of moisture, which means they need additional protection with hydro- and vapor barrier films. In addition, wool is a flexible thermal insulation material, i.e. its installation requires the installation of a frame. All this leads to the fact that wool, despite its excellent thermal insulation properties, is rarely used to insulate a garage.

Insulating a garage with expanded clay

Another thermal insulation material that is used to insulate a garage. Expanded clay is poured onto the floor or roof slab. Advantages of expanded clay gravel: it has high strength, resistance to the environment, is accessible and easy to backfill.

3. From the perspective of the material from which the garage is built

The table shows the thermal conductivity of materials that are often used for the construction of garages (concrete, foam concrete, expanded clay concrete, aerated concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, metal structures, wood, timber, logs, corrugated board, chipboard, OSB). The table shows that each material has its own thermal conductivity indicators, which leaves its mark on the choice of thermal insulation material.

Table of thermal conductivity of building materials

  • insulation of an iron garage. The building material is thick and dense sheet iron. In this case, insulation is mandatory, because this is the most cold look design, which means it requires the use of high-density materials and significant thickness, for example, foam with a density of 25 kg/m3, 100 mm thick;
  • insulation of a metal garage. For construction, corrugated sheets or thin sheet metal are used. Such material similarly requires the use of a thick layer of thermal insulation;
  • insulation of a concrete garage. Concrete walls have a thickness of at least 200 mm. and can be formed from blocks or by pouring monolithic concrete mortar. Concrete is a good conductor of heat, so the thermal insulation of surfaces must be taken seriously;
  • insulation of a brick garage. Brick is used different types and density, and, accordingly, with different thermal conductivity indicators. For example, a garage made of hollow brick is warmer and can be insulated with penofol, while a garage made of silicate brick is colder and requires the use of polystyrene foam;
  • insulation wooden garage . Wood can store heat for a long time, but is subject to deformation over time. Insulation technology largely boils down to eliminating cracks. As a rule, insulation of a wooden garage is carried out with soft insulation materials;
  • insulation of frame garage. Regardless of the material from which the frame is made, the technology of its manufacture itself provides for the possibility of installing insulation between the frame supports. Moreover, for wooden frame Traditionally, soft insulation is used, and for metal insulation - hard (foam plastic, expanded polystyrene or foam boards).

4. From the perspective of the front of work performed

Insulating only one surface will do nothing to improve the thermal insulation properties of the garage as a whole, so the work must be done comprehensively, starting from the ceiling and ending with the floor. If the work is planned to be carried out as the budget is replenished, then you need to start with insulating the gates.

Garage roof insulation

Thermal insulation of the roof is the first stage of work. If there is an attic above the garage, then work can be done in the attic by making a timber frame along the floor attic floor and filling it with insulation. Cotton wool, polystyrene foam, expanded clay and even sawdust can act as a heat insulator;

Insulation of the ceiling in the garage

Often the ceiling is insulated directly in the garage. When using rigid insulation and an even floor, this type of work is relatively simple. The procedure is similar to insulating walls. Lightweight ones are used as a decorative covering on the ceiling. fiberboard sheets or wooden, plastic lining.

Insulation of garage walls

The walls have the largest area, which means that maximum heat escapes through them. How to insulate garage walls? For thermal insulation, both hard and soft thermal insulation material can be used. The order of work does not depend on whether the insulation will be located inside or outside. Below is a short step by step instructions, which will allow you to indicate the front of doing the work yourself.

How to insulate garage walls with rigid insulation

The technology of insulation with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, penoplex will be similar:

  • Clean the wall surface from debris (protruding parts, peeling paint, chips, dust, soot, etc.). Particular attention is paid to the old coating. For example, plaster that does not adhere well to the wall must be removed.

    An important requirement for attaching thermal insulation material is solid foundation. Additionally, you can walk over the surface with a wire brush;

    Note. Corrugated sheeting cannot be treated with a brush, because... the protective primer layer will be damaged.

  • cover the walls with a primer, this will increase the adhesion of the glue to the surface;
  • Apply glue to the foam sheet. Can be applied using moldings or a notched trowel. Glue in cylinders has proven itself well;
  • Place the foam in place and press firmly to the surface. The work begins with installation bottom sheets, which rely on metallic profile or wooden beam(treated with antiseptics). Each subsequent row of insulation is laid offset;
  • after laying all the sheets, they are additionally fixed with dowels with an umbrella, and the voids between them are filled with polyurethane foam or scraps of polystyrene foam/expanded polystyrene;
  • then a polymer mesh is attached to the foam and covered with an adhesive solution;
  • finishing is carried out with plaster for interior or exterior work, as well as plastic lining, siding, etc.

How to insulate garage walls with soft insulation (cotton wool):

  • prepare and prime the surface;
  • put a frame on the wall. The distance between the beams is equal to the width of the insulation minus 15-20 mm. Craftsmen advise using a metal frame rather than a wooden one in the garage.

    Good reviews about the frame made of plasterboard profiles. Often it is enough to build only vertical guides. But if the height of the garage is more than 2,600, you need to make cross members to avoid settling of the material. If the density of the wool is low, it is recommended to make crossbars every 1,000 mm;

  • place the waterproofing film into the frame. The film should overlap. The film is attached to the frame using a stapler;
  • insulation is placed in the cells of the frame;
  • a vapor barrier film is installed. Installation is also carried out with an overlap, gluing the joints with tape;
  • The wall is finished with a finishing material that is suitable for specific operating conditions.

Note. If a heating device is installed in the garage, then foam plastic cannot be used near it, but only mineral wool.

Insulating the floor in the garage

If there is a basement under the garage floor, there is no point in insulating it, but if it is located on the ground, then it is necessary. To insulate the floor, rigid insulation or expanded clay is used.

How to insulate a garage floor with expanded clay

  • preparation of the base. To do this, the existing floor covering is dismantled. You can skip this step. But when using expanded clay, it is assumed that a screed will be installed, and this will raise the floor level above the threshold value and create difficulties with entering the garage;
  • roofing felt or other material that performs waterproofing functions is laid on the base. Strips of roofing felt are laid overlapping and protrude onto the wall by 300-400 mm;
  • guides are set to level the layer in height;
  • Expanded clay is poured between the guides. Layer thickness 300-400 mm;
  • the guides are removed, the place of their installation is covered with expanded clay;
  • wooden logs are installed for installing wooden flooring or metal beacons for screeding;

    Advice. A slight slope will allow water to flow towards the gate.

  • a screed is poured - cement-sand mortar (in a ratio of 1 to 3) or flooring is laid.

    Note. According to reviews, wood flooring in the garage it quickly becomes unusable.

  • The beacons are removed from the screed (no later than 24 hours from the moment the screed is poured). It is necessary to do this, because... the screed may sag, and the beacon may become deformed and cause car tire punctures. The place of the removed beacons is filled with solution.

Recommendation. Instead of expanded clay, you can lay cotton wool, and as a finishing coating use wood. But, in practice, this design is not effective due to frequent contact with moisture (melted snow, rainwater flowing from the car).

How to insulate a garage floor with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, penoplex

  • a rough screed is performed or a cushion of crushed stone and sand is poured;

    Note. The pillow may become deformed when laying insulation.

  • Sheets of insulation are laid on the surface. Craftsmen advise connecting the ends of the sheets together with glue to avoid displacement;
  • beacons are placed on the foam;
  • the screed is poured;
  • the beacons are removed from the solution, and their installation sites are concreted.

Insulation of garage doors

Garage doors are a major source of heat loss. There are structures that consist of gates and wickets. Then the open area is much smaller. If only the doors open, then you can choose one of the options:

  • install a curtain from inside the garage. For this, a tarpaulin, thick fabric or thick film is used, attached to a stretched cable (string), metal profile or wooden slats under the ceiling so that it is possible to move the “curtain”.
  • use thermal insulation material. If the design allows, the gate leaves can be removed (but given the large weight of the gate, the work is carried out in a canopy). Typically, gates, both metal and wooden, have a rigid frame. The insulation is placed in the cells of the frame and fixed with “liquid nails” glue on the surface of the sashes. To protect the insulation, lining, fiberboard or OSB sheets are used, fixed to the frame of the doors (sheathing the gate from the inside with cladding material).

Installing seals around the perimeter of the sash will help prevent heat loss and blowing (drafts).


To summarize the above: garage insulation can be done independently, the only cost is the purchase of materials. As a result, the correct microclimate will provide the car with optimal storage conditions.