Herbal baths: recipes. Herbal masks and baths for healthy skin

Herbal baths are one of the most ancient ways to heal and rejuvenate the body. Humanity has long appreciated the amazing healing properties of herbal baths. Depending on what plants you use, water procedures have different effects on the body. Fragrant bath quickly relieves fatigue, calms nervous system, rejuvenates, cleanses the skin, improves sleep and metabolic processes in the body, relieves pain and muscle tension. Bath renders therapeutic effect in the case when used as a course of treatment: at least 10-15 procedures.

An aromatic bath of medicinal herbs is easy to prepare. An enamel bathtub is best suited for taking baths with herbal infusions. The water temperature should be within

36-38 “S. The duration of this procedure is from 5 to 20 minutes. It is advisable that you always have a water thermometer and a watch on hand.

Herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is better to prepare them yourself. Coarse parts that are usually not used for ingestion are suitable for collection. medicinal plants, for example, the entire above-ground part of chamomile, valerian, nettle, motherwort and many others. When preparing a healing infusion for baths for medicinal purposes, you can add branches, bark and roots of the most different plants- raspberries, currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn, willow, viburnum, as well as birch leaves, spruce, pine, cedar, fir needles. The choice of herbal collection for the procedure depends on the individual condition of the person and the disease that needs to be cured.

A standard bath using plants can be prepared in the following way. First make a medicinal infusion. For a typical recipe, you will need 100 g of dry or 600 g of raw herb for 2-3 liters of water. Place the plants in cold water, bring to a boil (boil roots, branches, large stems for 10-15 minutes), leave for 1 hour. After this, strain the broth and pour into the bath. Then add water to the required volume.

For various colds, it is useful to take a medicinal bath before bed, usually 2 hours after dinner. Pour water into the bath (temperature should be 36 ° C), slowly immerse yourself in it, lie quietly for 2-3 minutes. Then open the tap with hot water and gradually increase the temperature to 39 “C. Soak in the bath for 4-5 minutes. After completing the procedure, pour warm (temperature 26-27 °C) water on your face, dry yourself with a towel and go to bed.

Homemade herbal baths are a source of health and beauty, an excellent remedy for increasing the body's defenses and its resistance to adverse influences. Baths using medicinal plants, pine needles, birch leaves and branches, string, wormwood, calendula, and nettle are very useful.

In addition to herbs, it is often useful to put all kinds of additives into the bath - aromatic oils, mineral salts, a little perfume, sea minerals and brown algae preparations. The delightful fabulous aroma will have a relaxing effect and also cleanse your skin. For greater effect, take a bath by candlelight and listen to quiet music. Place cotton swabs on your eyes and relax for ten minutes.

To ensure glossy skin, apply body oil before the procedure. After spending 10-15 minutes in the bathroom, dry your skin with a soft towel. After this, you will be surprised at how much dead skin will come off of you.

Bath from a decoction of tartar

250 g tartar

Brew tartar, strain and pour the broth into the bath if you want your skin to become elastic. This bath is especially effective after a diet.

The water temperature should be about 20 °C.

Mixed herbal bath

250 g herbs chamomile, sage, lavender, rosemary, yarrow, linden blossom, mint, arnica, Italian dill, blackthorn flower on full bath

Prepare a decoction, leave it covered for 30 minutes, then pour it into the bath.

Water temperature - 35 °C.

Beauty bath for women

Herbs chamomile, horsetail, nettle, knotweed, string and sage

For such baths you will need a small supply of just a few types of plants listed above. Infusions of these herbs are golden-orange in color and have a pleasant aroma. They will cleanse the skin, give it elasticity, firmness and eliminate bad smell, and in addition, they will relieve irritation, have a calming effect on the body, and improve metabolism. If desired, you can turn your home bath into a beauty salon. To do this, you only need the appropriate shower and bath additives.

Wheat bran bath

2 tbsp. spoons of wheat bran. Pour wheat bran into a gauze bag and hang it over the bathtub under the tap so that water flows through them. After taking a bath, do not wipe the skin, but let it dry on its own. This bath softens the skin.

The water temperature should be 28-30 °C.

Herbal bath “Fragrant”

Sage herb, peppermint leaves, oregano flowers, calendula flowers, 1 liter of boiling water

Mix equal amounts of sage herb, peppermint leaves, oregano flowers and calendula flowers (all components must be taken in dried form to prepare a bath additive for several days at once).

To prepare a bath, you will need 1 glass of the resulting mixture of medicinal herbs. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over it and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion. Now you can pour it into the bath.

Sage is an excellent biostimulant that helps remove toxins from the body and restore skin elasticity (which, by the way, can worsen after losing weight too quickly through dieting). The other mentioned herbs also have a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.

Herbal bath “Linden blossom”

3 tbsp. lime blossom spoons, 2 tbsp. spoons of mint and wormwood, 2 cups boiling water

To prepare this healing bath take linden blossom, as well as mint and wormwood. Brew the resulting mixture of dry herbs with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Now you can pour the infusion into the bath. This bath has a positive effect on weight loss, since all the herbs - components of this bath - have a diaphoretic effect. In addition, they have a positive effect on the nervous system, calming it.

Bath with rosehip and jasmine

Rosehip, jasmine and chamomile flowers, 1 liter of water

Mix rosehip, jasmine and chamomile flowers in equal quantities. Pour 1 glass of dry mixture of medicinal herbs with water, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. The perfect bath additive is ready.

Herbal bath

Nettle leaves, mint, St. John's wort, rosehip flowers, 2 liters of boiling water.

For this bath you will need nettle leaves, mint, St. John's wort and rosehip flowers. Take them in equal quantities and 4 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the resulting mixture. Leave for 20 minutes. The additive is ready.

Mint and St. John's wort have an excellent diaphoretic effect, rose hips provide vitamins. Nettle also has a positive effect on the body because it strengthens the skin.

Pine bath

1 cup spruce or pine needles, 2 liters of water

It is an excellent sedative and stimulates metabolism, helping to cope with excess weight.

For a bath you will need 1 cup of pine needles (spruce or pine). Pour water over it, bring to a boil and then boil for another 15 minutes. Pour the finished broth into a bathtub filled with water at a temperature of 37-38 “C.

Such a bath will not only help you gradually overcome excess weight, but will also perfectly calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and also significantly increase the elasticity of the skin and give it a healthy color. We think that everything we have listed beneficial features this bath will make the prospect of taking it very tempting for you.

Orange-herbal bath

2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon balm leaves and orange zest

Take mint leaves, add lemon balm leaves and orange zest. Place the resulting dry mixture in a small linen bag and hang it on the tap directly under running water. The water temperature should be approximately 38 °C. A bath helps get rid of toxins.

Bath with hay dust

1 kg of hay dust, 50 ml of celandine juice

Pour water over the hay dust and cook for 30 minutes. Then strain the broth, cool and add celandine juice.

Pour the infusion into a full bath and stir. The water temperature should be 37 °C, the intake should last 10-20 minutes before bedtime.

The bath will help with inflammation of the veins and the formation of boils, as it has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect.

Bath with horsetail and celandine

300 g horsetail, 100 g celandine Pour water over the herbs, boil for 20 minutes over low heat, then strain. Take a bath with this decoction. This amount is for a full bath. For a sitz bath, take 1/2 of the decoction. The proposed bath is relaxing and soothing.

Healing bath with oak bark

1 kg oak bark, 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed celandine

Grind the bark, combine with celandine and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, strain.

Add the decoction to a bath of water, the temperature of which should be 37 °C. It is recommended to take a bath no more than 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

This bath will relieve inflammation, help scarring of wounds, and narrow dilated veins.

Bath with calamus greens

200 g chopped calamus roots and greens, 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine

Pour all the above components with water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then strain.

Add the decoction to a bath with a water temperature of 37 °C. Take it once a week for 20-30 minutes. This bath is good for treating neuroses.

Bath "Chamomile"

4 tbsp. spoons of celandine, 6 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers

Pour water over the plants and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then strain.

Add the decoction to the bath. For a sitz bath, take 1/2 of the solution, for a foot bath - 1/3. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week.

This bath soothes, has a beneficial effect on internal and external inflammation, and heals wounds.

Bath with leaves walnut

1 kg fresh or dried walnut leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine

Flood the plants cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed container.

Take a bath with the addition of this decoction for 20 minutes once a week.

This bath is useful for diseases of the lymph glands and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bath with bran and celandine

1 kg bran, 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine

Pour boiling water over the above ingredients and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, strain.

Add the decoction to the bath. Take once a week for 20 minutes.

Bran in combination with celandine has medicinal properties: help relieve itching, eliminate rashes, heal burns.

Bath with pine needles

3 tbsp. spoons of celandine, 1/2 kg of pine needles

Pour water over the plants and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. Then leave in a sealed container for 20 hours. The tincture should be brown.

Take a bath with this infusion 1-2 times a week.

A bath with the addition of extract from pine needles and celandine calms, relieves irritability, and strengthens the heart.

It has a beneficial effect on insomnia, abscesses, and obesity. I would like to add that such baths are also useful for strengthening and restoring strength.

Soothing bath with valerian

1/2 kg valerian, 0.2 kg celandine

Place the herbs in a saucepan and add boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, then strain and pour into a bath of water.

Take a bath, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, close your eyes - and sleep will come on its own.

Such baths are especially useful for insomnia and increased irritability.

Bath "Lavender"

100-150 g lavender color, 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine

Pour boiling water over the plants, let stand for 1 hour, then strain. Add the infusion to a bath of water at 35-37 “C.

This bath will calm the nervous system and normalize blood circulation. If your heart tolerates high temperatures, you should take a bath no more than 2-3 times a week.

Thyme bath

200-300 g thyme, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of celandine

Pour boiling water over the plants and leave to steep for 30 minutes. Strain. Add to bath.

This bath improves the condition of the entire body and normalizes metabolic processes in the skin.

Bath with celandine infusion

1 kg of salt, 300-400 ml of celandine infusion

Mix salt with celandine infusion and add to the bath. Take a bath 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes.

This bath activates blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.

Bath with onions

1 head onions, celandine bush with root

Boil the peeled onion and celandine bush along with the root for 10 minutes, strain, add to a bath of water at 37 ° C. Take a bath with this decoction 2-3 times a week.

This bath relieves skin irritation and inflammation, improves general state body. People with heart and liver diseases are not recommended to take such a bath.

Bath with yarrow

1 horseradish root, 1 glass of yarrow herb, 3 liters of water

Fill the bath with water at a temperature of 37 °C. Pour hot water into the yarrow and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the decoction when cooled. Wash horseradish root, peel, grate, 2 tbsp. Place spoons of horseradish on gauze and tie it. Place the bag in the bath and pour in the yarrow decoction. Stir the water.

Take a bath at night medicinal purposes for oily and problem skin.

Glycerin bath

1/4 l glycerin

After filling the bath halfway with water, pour in 1/4 liter of glycerin. The water temperature should be 30-35 °C.

This is very healthy bath for those with dry and flaky skin. It is also recommended for overheating in the sun or inappropriate use of a quartz lamp.

If your skin is peeling only on your face, then pour in 1-2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin into a bowl of cold boiled water and rinse your face for a long time, then let it dry without wiping.

The content of the article:

Therapeutic baths are a popular herbal medicine method used all over the world. It consists of adding decoctions of some plants to water that have exceptional healing properties and may have a therapeutic effect. Baths with herbs are taken not only to cleanse the skin, but also to relax and relieve fatigue after have a hard day. Water has the ability to heal, which Eastern healers have long noticed, so this practice is quickly gaining popularity.

Beneficial properties of a medicinal bath with herbs

Many modern spas use the beneficial effects of medicinal baths as a relaxing treatment. Its beneficial properties very often become necessary in the lives of many:

  • Calming effect. Nervous tension, stress at work or at home, worry or anxiety are easily eliminated with the help of correct selection medicinal herbs. The high temperature (+38-42 degrees Celsius) of the water in the bath relaxes a person.
  • Fat burning effect. Some herbs are especially effective in anti-cellulite preparations. With their help, the condition of the skin improves, it tightens and becomes more elastic. Increased metabolism leads to the breakdown of fat reserves that are deposited underneath.
  • Tonic effect. The water itself has beneficial influence on blood circulation. More low temperatures(+20-33 degrees Celsius) promote better well-being, a feeling of freshness, a surge of strength and energy. That is why tonic baths are most often recommended to be taken in the morning or before work.
  • Protective action. Some herbs can strengthen the immune system and are good for getting rid of colds. Together with high temperature Bathroom water can remove mucus from bronchitis.
  • Skin cleansing. With the help of a warm bath, a steaming effect occurs and the skin pores expand. It is in this state that they are soluble in water useful material medicinal plants and salts can easily penetrate the skin. They remove toxins and metabolic products, thereby improving her condition.

Contraindications to taking medicinal herbal baths

The availability of medicinal baths as part of complex therapy for any disease does not make them universal and completely safe. Some categories of people have a number of contraindications to the use of this method.

Exposure to temperatures can sometimes complicate the course of chronic diseases. That is why the prescription of such treatment should be carried out by a doctor who understands all the specifics of these procedures.

It is not recommended to take a hot bath for people with low blood pressure, since under the influence of heat the tone of blood vessels drops and they dilate. Consequently, peripheral resistance decreases and most of the blood enters the soft fabrics, and vital organs, such as the brain, suffer from oxygen starvation. Low blood pressure can cause loss of consciousness. In this state, a person runs the risk of choking.

Under no circumstances should medicinal baths be used if you have recently suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction, severe hypertension, or exacerbation of liver or kidney failure.

The use of essential oils, which are often included in such medicinal baths, can cause an exacerbation of many diseases, so they should not be used for children, pregnant women or seriously ill people. Such substances may cause skin irritation due to individual sensitivity to the components.

Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a skin test to determine a possible allergic reaction to essential oils before using them. To do this, apply a couple of drops of this substance to inner side forearms and wait a few hours. If there is no reaction, you can try using it for a bath, but only in the absence of severe pathologies from the cardiovascular system.

If a person is prone to seizures or has epilepsy, it is prohibited to use basil, sage, thyme or rosemary. These plants can increase the symptoms of diseases, so their use is strictly prohibited.

What herbs to use for preparing a bath

The most beneficial are medicinal baths made from fresh plants. Juicy petals or leaves retain more active substances than dried ones. However, in most cases, dry herbs are used.

The drying method is important. Experts recommend cutting plants at their peak flowering time or earlier. Do not dry in direct sunlight, electric or gas heaters. Best in summer time lay out raw materials in the shade and ventilate in a timely manner. Under such conditions, its properties can be preserved for a long time.

Which herbs to use depends on the specific expected effects of the medicinal baths. Each plant has a specific set of substances that constitute a therapeutic effect.

The following medicinal herbs are most often used for decoctions:

  • Horsetail. They use water tinctures and decoctions of fresh plants collected in the summer. In medicine they are used for rheumatism (in the inactive phase) and atherosclerosis. It is also known that many cosmetologists recommend horsetail decoctions to restore skin elasticity, which is why it is so often used in anti-cellulite baths.
  • Yarrow officinalis. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Thus, it is able to heal wounds and microcracks on the body. Improves microcirculation, thereby causing rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • pharmaceutical camomile. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on human skin and a calming effect on the nervous system. Quickly relieves fatigue and calms, relaxing striated muscles. It has an antispasmodic effect, therefore it improves microcirculation of the scalp and has a good effect on hair growth.
  • Nettle. This unique plant combines antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing effects. A decoction added to a medicinal bath regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin and cleanses the body of toxins. A bath with nettle has an invigorating effect that gives strength and energy.
  • Lavender. The flowers of this plant contain aromatic essential oil, which is widely used in many fields, but most often it is used as a sedative and sedative. With the help of lavender you can get rid of insomnia and irritability, the consequences of stress.
  • Linden. The flowers of the plant contain mass useful vitamins for the skin, tannins that have an analgesic effect. A linden bath provokes increased sweating, thereby removing toxins and waste from the body. Used as part of anti-cellulite preparations.
  • St. John's wort. The properties of this plant have long been used in cosmetology for oily skin. It is able to cleanse the pores of sebum, thereby allowing the cells to breathe. Enhances metabolism, which promotes weight loss. Has a healing effect on cracked heels and elbows.
Many different plants are used for medicinal baths, depending on their availability. Also, the use of medicinal herbs can be individual. For some, one plant will be a godsend, while for others it will not even have an effect.

Recipes for therapeutic herbal baths

Preparation of a therapeutic bath with medicinal herbs should occur in accordance with the recommendations, because each plant prefers its own temperature and only acts for a certain period of time. Almost all recipes include ready-made essential oils or decoctions of dried raw materials. Depending on the main effect of a medicinal bath, they should be divided into several groups.

Soothing herbal baths

Suitable for those who need to get rid of nervous tension and anxious thoughts. Very often even psychological problems can be corrected by selecting sedative herbs for the bath. For severe physical activity Such training will help relax muscles, restore strength and energy. This eliminates fatigue and insomnia.

The procedure should be carried out at a water temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and above. Hotter baths can only be used by those who do not have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Recipes for soothing herbal baths:

  1. Mint bath. First, you should steep three equal parts of lemon balm, mint and birch leaves in boiling water for 2 hours. For 200 grams of herbs, use 3-4 liters of water. Then strain and pour into a hot bath. Thanks to its wonderful aroma, the collection will affect the nervous system, improve well-being and sleep.
  2. Linden. Collect linden and chamomile flowers in equal proportions. For better effect they can be crushed, then add water (for 200 grams of flowers - 3-4 liters of boiling water). Infuse this decoction for no more than half an hour, then strain and add to the bath.
  3. Bath with valerian. The rhizome of this plant is used, which should be crushed. Fill with cold water based on a ratio of 3:100 and leave for about an hour. Then you need to bring the broth to a boil, remove it from the heat and set it aside again for another 5 minutes, strain. In this form you can pour it into the bath. It has a beneficial effect on various types of neuroses, and is effective for menopause and other hormonal changes in the body.
The duration of a soothing bath is 20-30 minutes. The higher the water temperature, the shorter the procedure should be.

Invigorating herbal baths

Such procedures are indicated to improve a person’s well-being; they cause a surge of strength, energy, and stimulate the body’s defenses. The temperature of the invigorating bath should be 34-36 degrees Celsius. Colder procedures should be called hardening.

People with colds or exacerbations of chronic diseases should not take such baths, as this can cause deterioration.

Recipes for invigorating baths:

  • Chestnut. Use 200 grams of green chestnut leaves, which need to be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Let it sit for no more than half an hour, then strain and pour into the bath. This decoction is popular due to its availability and effect on the scalp. The procedure has a general strengthening effect on the human body, nourishes the scalp, stimulating hair growth.
  • Nettle. For such a bath you need 250 grams of dry or crushed nettle leaves. Then you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 20 minutes. After the broth has been filtered, it can be added to the bath. It has an invigorating effect, restores strength and adds energy.
  • Khmelnaya. For this bath you will need 4 tablespoons of hops and 2 liters of boiling water. The broth should be put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then strain and add to water. Intoxicating baths have a tonic effect, improve well-being and cause a surge of strength.
The duration of the invigorating bath is 10-15 minutes, depending on the temperature and well-being of the person.

Slimming baths with herbs

It's no secret that the range of products for quick disposal from extra pounds is constantly growing. Before deciding to take expensive medications, you can turn your attention to special anti-cellulite baths that are successfully used for weight loss by women all over the world.

Weight loss occurs due to the removal of toxins, waste from the body and stimulation of basic metabolism. Thus, increased metabolism copes with fat deposits faster.

Recipes for herbal baths to combat excess weight:

  1. St. John's wort. It is necessary to use mint, nettle, rose hips, and St. John's wort in equal proportions. For 200 grams this fee you need to take 1 liter of boiling water. The collection causes increased sweating, removes cellular metabolic products from the body, thereby cleansing it.
  2. Sage. In addition to the sage itself, you will need more leaves peppermint, oregano and calendula flowers. This collection should be poured with boiling water at a ratio of 200 grams of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain and can be used. This bath helps break down subcutaneous fats, restores elasticity and rejuvenates the skin.
  3. Horsetail. This bath is prepared from a tincture of 200 grams of dry horsetail per 1 liter of boiled water. You should set the prepared mixture aside for half an hour, then strain, and you can use it. Restores skin structure and removes “orange peels”.

Rules for taking medicinal baths based on herbs

Despite the relatively low level emergence side effects from taking medicinal baths with herbs, there are several rules that must be followed:
  • Temperature. Regardless of recommendations and specific recipes, the temperature of the bath water should not cause discomfort. A person should not be too hot or cold.
  • Cooling. When leaving the bathroom, you should not step on a cold floor or immediately go into a room where it is cool. Such a sharp change in temperature can negatively affect your well-being.
  • Control. It is necessary to carefully monitor the water temperature, composition medical fees and duration of the procedure. A change in any of these indicators can negate all efforts or even worsen the situation.
  • Dive. If it becomes difficult to breathe or there are slight abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, you should sit so that the water does not cover your chest.
  • Rest. After the procedure, you need to dry yourself with a towel and rest for about one hour. You cannot engage in any mental or physical activity.
  • Hood. You should not take a bath indoors without a hood, wet air must be constantly refreshed.
How to make a bath with herbs - watch the video:

Therapeutic baths with herbs are quite popular and effective method herbal medicine. It is best to carry out such procedures on the recommendation of the attending physician, this reduces the risk possible complications self-medication.

The water temperature should not be lower than 36 degrees, and also not higher than 38 degrees. Buy a special thermometer that can be used to measure the temperature under water. It is inexpensive and has many benefits. You can find such a thermometer in any pharmacy.

The time for taking a medicinal bath (or any bath in general) should be 10-15 minutes. If you stay in the bath less, there will be no effect, and if you spend more, it can negatively affect your health.

Women during menstruation are prohibited from performing this procedure.

Regularity is the main key to success. Pamper yourself with these baths every other day. The entire course should consist of 10 procedures.

When taking a bath, you need to not only relax as much as possible and get rid of negative thoughts, but also make sure that the heart area is not immersed in water.

You can sign up for such procedures at a salon, or you can carry them out at home yourself.

Herbs for bath

A bath with chamomile will help speed up the healing of wounds and abrasions. Buy dry chamomile at the pharmacy, boil it for 15 minutes, then strain through a sieve. Now you can add chamomile to your bath. Great effect this flower gives to those women who suffer from ailments of the reproductive system, as well as to those who want to achieve unprecedented smoothness of the skin.

If you are constantly under stress or simply in Lately become overly irritable, then 30 ml of valerian added to water will save you. It is useful to take such a bath when you are tormented by insomnia, cramps or spasms.

Lavender will help you get rid of childhood insomnia. Boil this for 10 minutes, let it brew a little and, after straining, add the infusion to the bath. Also, if you have lavender oil, you can get by with 5 drops, which you simply add to the water.

Is your goal to strengthen your immune system and get rid of frequent depression? An infusion of pine needles will save you. Everything is extremely simple. Fill with water, boil and pass the broth through a sieve. Pour into the bath.

A healing decoction can be prepared from almost any herb. Rosemary is good for those who have recently experienced a bone fracture, linden will help remove excess fluid from the body, and rosemary will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

I advise young children to take baths with mint, yarrow or St. John's wort. Please note that after taking such a bath, children's skin needs a moisturizer, as some herbs can dry out delicate skin.

If you wish, you can add orange oil to any of these baths, which will help shape your figure and lift your mood.

Using medicinal composition herbal baths, you discover new door, behind which lies your health, excellent well-being and always fresh appearance.

One of the effective and pleasant means traditional medicine are herbal baths that are used for a variety of diseases.

Rules for taking herbal baths:

  • before the bath you need to take a shower and cleanse your skin;
  • the temperature of the water in the bath should be 36-38°C;
  • take a bath so that the area of ​​the heart ( top part chest) was above the water;
  • recommended procedure time is 15-20 minutes;
  • There is no need to rinse after taking a bath;
  • immediately after a bath you should not go outside, it is advisable to stay indoors for at least 30 minutes;
  • You can take baths 2-3 times a week.

Rules for preparing a herbal bath:

  • herbs for preparing a bath can be either dry or fresh;
  • It is recommended to take 50 grams of dry grass per 1 liter;
  • 300 grams of fresh grass per liter of water are needed;
  • the herb must be poured with hot water or boiling water, infused or boiled (according to the recipe), strained and poured into a prepared bath of water.

Recipes for therapeutic baths

Chamomile bath:

  • 500 g chamomile flowers;
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over chamomile, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and pour into the bath. A bath with chamomile is used for rheumatism, radiculitis, acne, skin pimples, insect bites and other diseases.
Warming bath at the first symptoms of a cold:

  • 50-100 g chopped ginger root;
  • 4-5 chopped garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Pour boiling water over the ginger and let it brew under the lid for half an hour. Strain the infusion and pour into the bath. And before drawing a bath, put garlic wrapped in several layers of gauze into it.
Bath for joint pain:

  • 200 g chamomile flowers;
  • 50 g thuja flowers;
  • 2 tbsp. Epsom salts;
  • 3 liters of hot water.

Pour all the ingredients with water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath. This bath can also be used for muscle pain after physical training, myositis and gout.

Bath for osteochondrosis:

  • 500 g horse chestnut fruit;
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

Fill in horse chestnut boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Strain and add to bath water. This bath helps improve immatriculation in blood vessels and strengthens their walls.

Analgesic and tonic bath:

  • 200 g of juniper needles and branches;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

Pour water over the juniper and boil for 30 minutes. Strain and add to the bath. This bath is good for back pain.
Bath for back pain:

  • 200 g chopped sage herb;
  • 5 liters of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the sage and let it steep for three hours, then strain and add to the bath.
Invigorating bath for tiredness:

  • 200 g fresh rosemary herb.

Chop the rosemary, tie it in gauze and hang it under the tap so that the water entering the bath passes through the bag.

Viburnum bath:

Pour water over the viburnum roots, let it brew for 2 hours, then boil for 20 minutes and strain. A bath of viburnum is recommended for allergies, rheumatism, as well as insomnia, hysteria, and suffocation. Recommended course of treatment: 14-18 procedures.

Soothing Bath Recipes

Valerian bath:

  • 5 handfuls of crushed valerian root;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

Pour water over valerian, boil for 15 minutes, strain and pour into a bath of water. Take a bath for 15 minutes. Recommended water temperature is 37°C. This bath is especially good for insomnia. Also, baths with valerian are recommended for hypertension, vegetative-vascular disorders, insomnia, and neuroses.
Horsetail bath:

  • 500 g horsetail;
  • 100 g celandine;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

Pour water over the herbs and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and add to the bath.

Bath with pine needles:

  • 200 g pine needles;
  • 50 g hop cones;
  • 50 g marsh cudweed;
  • 5 tbsp. hawthorn leaf;
  • 7 liters of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the herbs and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion.
Bath with valerian, calamus and sunflower:

  • 150 g of valerian rhizome;
  • 100 g of calamus rhizome;
  • 50 g softened sunflower seeds;
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the plant material, boil for 10 minutes and let steep for 20 minutes. Strain and add to the bath. The water temperature should be 37°C. Take a bath for 10 minutes and then pat your skin dry with the sheets and massage your body. After the bath it is recommended to rest for 40 minutes. Recommended course of treatment: 15-20 procedures 2-3 times a week. This bath will also help with neurosis, overexcitation and insomnia.
Bath with linden, mint and wormwood:

  • 3 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • 2 tbsp. mint herbs;
  • 2 tbsp. wormwood herbs;
  • 400 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and add to the bath. In addition to being calming, this bath has a diaphoretic effect and therefore helps fight excess weight.

Baths for weight loss

Slimming baths will become good addition to other procedures for getting rid of excess weight. Such baths stimulate blood circulation, remove toxins from the body, have a diaphoretic effect, and simply relax and soothe. Typically, the following herbs are used to prepare weight loss baths: peppermint, celandine, chamomile, shepherd's purse, St. John's wort, yarrow, rosemary, oregano, plantain.
Weight loss collection:

  • oregano herb;
  • sage herb;
  • peppermint herb;
  • calendula flowers.

Prepare a collection of these plants. Brew 200 g of the prepared collection with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain and add to the bath. This bath removes toxins from the body well and helps restore elasticity to the skin.
Thyme bath:

  • 150 g thyme;
  • 1 tbsp. celandine herbs;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the plant material and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain and add to the bath. A bath with thyme stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and promotes rejuvenation.
Bath with mint, St. John's wort and rose hips:

  • St. John's wort herb;
  • mint herb;
  • rosehip flowers.

Prepare a collection of the named plants, taken in equal parts. Brew 400 grams of the collection with 2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion. This bath has a diaphoretic effect, tones, strengthens the skin and saturates it with vitamins.

Foot baths

Relaxing bath:

  • 2 tbsp. horsetail;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Pour boiling water over the horsetail and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and pour into a foot bath. Carry out the procedure for 15 minutes.
It is also very easy to prepare a relaxing bath from calendula or nettle: brew a handful of herbs with boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, strain and add to the foot bath.
Bath for sweaty feet:

  • 2 tbsp. rowan leaf;
  • 2 tbsp. wormwood herbs;
  • 2 tbsp. oak bark;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the herbal ingredients, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, strain and pour into a bowl of water. Place your feet in the basin for 15 minutes. After the bath, dry your feet well with a towel. The recommended course of procedures to obtain results is 10 baths.
Bath for varicose veins:

  • 100 g willow bark;
  • 100 g wormwood herb;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the willow and wormwood and leave to steep for 12 hours. Then strain the infusion and pour it into a basin. Take a bath for 20 minutes. The recommended course of treatment is 10 procedures.
Bath for immunity:

  • 4 tbsp flax seed;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Pour boiling water over the flaxseed and let it brew for an hour. Strain the infusion and pour into a foot bath. Carry out the procedure for 15 minutes. Then dry your feet and lubricate linseed oil. This bath activates the immune system and at the same time cares for the skin of the feet. You can do it daily.


Herbal baths are contraindicated for:

  • infectious diseases;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • menses;
  • bleeding;
  • skin diseases and skin wounds;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe diseases of the respiratory system;
  • severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to certain plants and allergies to herbs.

If in doubt, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking a bath.

In just 20 minutes, a bath with herbs will help restore lost peace of mind and relieve fatigue. The herbal bath rejuvenates and gives the skin elasticity. Isn't this a miracle?

A warm bath relieves fatigue and gently soothes you. Foam bubbles and the aroma of herbs evoke childish joy in some people. Others will be drawn to a romantic adventure. Taking a bath relaxes muscles, relieves stress and cares for the skin. The effect of the bath is enhanced if an infusion of medicinal herbs is added to the water.

General rules for taking a herbal bath

Phytotherapy baths are therapeutic and health procedures that can be carried out at home. A decoction or infusion of a herbal collection is added to the bath water. Depending on the effect, herbal baths can solve various problems. Enhance healing effect plants, you can add essential oils or sea salt to the bath.

  1. Taking a bath couldn't be easier. There are certain rules you should know.
  2. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature. Ideally, this is 36.6 -37*.
  3. The temperature should not exceed 40*.
  4. The bath time is 15-20 minutes.
  5. If you increase the time spent in warm bath, then the reverse process will accelerate. The skin will begin to quickly release moisture. As a result of prolonged exposure to water, the skin dries quickly.
  6. Prolonged exposure to hot water has a bad effect on the cardiovascular system.

Rules for taking a home bath with herbs

If you add decoctions of medicinal plants, sea salt, and essential oils to your bath water, you can combine business with pleasure. You can perform health-improving water procedures at home. Your bathroom will turn into a spa resort.

  1. Herbal baths are carried out 1-2 times a week.
  2. A sufficient amount of herbal mixture for one bath is approximately 200 grams. raw materials.
  3. The herbal mixture is placed in a thermos, left for 1.5-2 hours, filtered and poured into the bath.
  4. You can pour the mixture into a saucepan with hot water, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Leave and strain.
  5. It is recommended to first fill the bath one-third with water to prevent staining from plant pigments.
  6. Soap and others detergents do not use herbal baths during treatment.
  7. Water temperature 37-38*.
  8. If you take a hot bath with a water temperature of 40-42*, then after it you should take a contrast or cool shower. You cannot stay in a hot bath for a long time.
  9. You cannot take a herbal bath if you have a fever.
  10. A cool bath with a water temperature of 28-33* can be taken for no more than 5-10 minutes.

Soothing Herbs for Baths

If your nerves are at their limit, then chamomile, lemon balm, linden blossom, thyme, thyme, and pine needles will help. The herbal mixture is brewed in a thermos, left for 1.5-2 hours and poured into a bath of water.

General strengthening collection for phytobath

pharmaceutical camomile


Pine needles

Birch leaves


Strawberry leaves

Herbal bath to cleanse the skin

Birch leaves

St. John's wort

Rose petals

Raspberry leaves

pharmaceutical camomile


Phytobath for oily skin



St. John's wort


Rejuvenating herbal bath

pharmaceutical camomile


Birch leaves

Currant leaves

Hibiscus petals

Refreshing herbal bath

Immortelle flowers

Melissa leaves

Grass succession

Herbs for bath

pharmaceutical camomile soothes the skin, softens, does not cause allergies. The mildest and most proven cosmetic effect. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Hop cones, lemon balm, oregano: calming effect. Used for sleep disorders and increased excitability.

Eucalyptus, fir, oregano: strengthening, bactericidal and anti-cold effects.

Bay leaf: improves metabolic processes.

Calendula, St. John's wort, horsetail: cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation.

Lavender: has bactericidal effect, calms, helps with insomnia

Skin softening herbal bath with glycerin

To soften the skin, add 500 g of glycerin to the water. for a bath. Glycerin has a softening and tonic effect. Glycerin can be added to any bath.

Oatmeal bath

A decoction of oatmeal softens the skin well. To do this, you should steam oatmeal in an amount of 250 grams. boiling water, leave, strain and pour the infusion into the bath. You can put oatmeal in a bag made of natural fabric, tie it well, and place it in a bath under hot water.

Cleopatra's milk bath with milk and sea salt

For a bath you will need 2 liters of warm milk. Fill the bathtub one-third full with water. Add 1 cup sea salt. When the sea salt has dissolved, pour warm milk into the bath. Milk bath temperature 35*. Reception time is 20-30 minutes.

Phytobath with sea salt

You can add sea salt to any bath. Sea salt has healing properties. Sea salt should be added to water if you want to relieve tension and improve skin condition. More about the benefits and rules of taking a bath with sea ​​salt read the article: One glass of sea salt is consumed per bath.

Add essential oils to the herbal bath

Essential oils can provide you with an invaluable service. A pleasant healing aroma will help you relax, improve your mood and feel like a queen! More useful and interesting information about aromatic baths With essential oils read the article

Applying oil while taking a bath

If your skin is dry and needs additional nutrition, then it is useful to apply nourishing oil to the skin. The cream or oil can be applied before or after the bath. The best oils for application to the skin olive, coconut, peach. It is better to apply oil to the skin before taking a bath. Apply a small amount of oil to the entire body or required areas, massage. The skin must be clean before applying the oil. To do this, take a shower before taking a bath.

Shower after bath

If you take a relaxing bath before bed, then you do not need a contrast shower. A contrast shower helps to invigorate you well. Hot water dilates blood vessels, and cold constricts them. As a result, the vessels become more elastic. Contrast showers have a similar effect on the skin.

You need to get used to the contrasting shower gradually. To begin with, you can pour only your feet with alternating hot and cold water, then move on to the whole body. Exposure to cold water should not exceed 4 seconds. For the most delicate, the temperature difference may be small. You can gradually increase the difference between hot and cold water.

Benefits of a herbal bath

Active natural ingredients herbal collection cleanses the surface of the skin and refreshes it. Many cosmetic defects are eliminated. Biologically active ingredients plants saturate the skin with microelements, making it soft and elastic. Possible in summer period Prepare your own medicinal herbs. If this is not possible, then there are ready-made preparations for sale for taking a herbal bath with a predetermined effect.