Oat milk - composition and medicinal properties. How to make oat milk - the best recipes Oat milk is a healing grain for weight loss

Oat milk is a healing drink that can be easily and easily prepared at home. This plant-based oat milk, as you already understand, is an alternative to animal products (cow's and goat's milk).

Why prepare and consume plant-based milk

  • for medical reasons, if a person is lactose intolerant or allergic to cow's milk, then the animal product can be replaced with plant-based milk made from oats or rice milk or soy milk or almond milk.
  • if a person consciously, due to personal convictions, has given up animal products (for example, vegans).
  • plant milk can be consumed by people who are fasting (you can also see how to prepare other drinks for the fasting table or.

Oat milk can be consumed in its pure form as a separate drink, you can add it to coffee or tea, and even prepare porridge and cocktails with it.

Oat milk - recipe with photo

In this recipe I will tell you, how to make oat milk from rolled oats and a recipe for making oat milk from oat grains. To do this, we need only two ingredients: oatmeal and water, or oatmeal and water, respectively.

Ingredients: For 50g. oatmeal, 500 ml of water (cold boiled or bottled water), respectively, if you want to prepare oat milk in larger quantities, then increase the amount of initial ingredients using a ratio of 1:10.

If you prepare plant-based oat milk from oat grains, then take 30g. oat grains and 500-550 ml of water.

We remember that the beneficial properties and taste of the drink will largely depend on the raw materials, so for the preparation of milk we choose oat flakes such as Hercules, oat flakes instant cooking won't fit. We also look at the expiration date of the cereal. Raw materials with an expiration date are also not suitable, otherwise the drink will have a bitter taste.

Hercules oatmeal recipe

Fill the flakes with water and leave to swell for 20-30 minutes. If you cook from oat grains, then leave for 8-10 hours (the grains should be washed well first to remove all kinds of contaminants). It’s very convenient if you start preparing the drink in the evening, then healthy oat milk will be ready for breakfast.

The oatmeal will absorb some of the water, the rest of the water will become white and cloudy.

Now beat the softened oat mass with a blender. high speed within 1-3 minutes.

Let the resulting mass settle so that the small particles sink to the bottom. Oat milk is ready.

To make milk more pleasant to drink, you need to strain our milk drink through double layer gauze.

Do not throw away the oat mixture remaining during straining. Add fresh fruits or berries to the oatmeal and a little honey - and you have a healthy breakfast ready.

Oat grain recipe

  1. Pour washed, clean oat grains with water in a ratio of 1:3. Leave for 10 hours. Then drain the water and rinse the oat grains again under running water.
  2. Pour 500 ml of cold boiled water over the swollen oat grains, beat the mixture in a blender bowl for about 1 minute at medium speed, then about another 1 minute at high speed.
  3. Now the drink should be filtered; gauze is not suitable for straining; a cloth should be used as a filter.

The benefits and harms of oat milk

Benefits: oat milk increases overall tone, has a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes metabolism and gastrointestinal tract function, increases immunity, improves blood composition, helps reduce weight and blood sugar levels, and normalizes stool. Oats contain a large number of phytic acid. Scientists have found that phytic acid prevents bone osteoporosis in women after menopause: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22614760

Harm of oat milk: with increased individual sensitivity and intolerance to milk components, allergic reactions may occur.

Calorie content of oat milk drink

Milk made from oatmeal

Nutritional value of the drink per 100 g.

Calories: 32 kcal

proteins: 1.14 g.

fats: 3.1 gr.

carbohydrates: 5.55 g.

Be sure to try making oat milk, I hope you like it.

Bon appetit everyone and be healthy!

Question to the reader: Have you made oat milk before? What kind of milk do you prefer to use in recipes?

Write, share in the comments and see you again!

Milk is a nutritious and tasty product, but many people have allergies or other problems associated with animal milk due to intolerance or vegetarianism.

In this case, plant-based milk, such as oat milk, is an excellent option.

It is no less useful than animal milk and even surpasses its beneficial qualities.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of oat milk is its low fat content, the absence of lactose and the fact that it is easy to prepare it yourself at home.

Useful microelements in oat milk

The composition of oats is similar to human milk, which means it is rich in microelements that are useful for the formation and development of the body. In the old days, infants were even fed oat milk.

Oats are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, iron and many vitamins that are perfectly balanced in it. In particular, oat milk contains vitamin B6, which activates brain function, and thanks to the presence of vitamin B2, milk strengthens skin, nails and hair.

Also this product contains fiber, active enzymes, avenanthramides-antioxidants, biotin, carbohydrates, amino acids, iron, minerals, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, as well as vitamins B and PP.

Benefits of oat milk

Helps restore strength after illness, exhaustion and weakness. Returns physical activity and energy to the body.
. Prevents the occurrence cardiovascular diseases.
. Helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers and tuberculosis.
. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
. Acts as an effective diuretic.
. Normalizes the metabolic process in the body, strengthens nerve endings and heart muscle.
. Improves the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and normalizes intestinal motility.
. Helps in the treatment of dysbiosis.
. Rids the body of toxins.
. Normalizes blood glucose levels, which means it is useful for diabetes.
. Cleanses the body and helps get rid of excess weight.
. A glass of oat milk contains 36% daily norm calcium.
. Prevents the formation of sand and stones in the organs.
. Treats the skin, eliminating dandruff, cracks and dryness, eliminating allergic reactions.
. Strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.
. Helps relieve stress and psycho-emotional tension, fatigue and sleep disturbances.
. Normalizes hormonal background, in particular, improves the functioning of sex hormones.

Uses of oat milk


Oats are highly valued for their beneficial qualities in the cosmetics industry and are widely used within it.

Preparations containing an extract of this plant help eliminate itching, irritation, inflammatory processes of the skin, as well as various allergic reactions.

Oat milk-based creams cleanse and soften the skin well, and also eliminate irritation after shaving.

Oat milk is often combined in preparations with cocoa butter and shea butter, which creates an excellent moisturizing effect.

Oat milk is included in lip balms. Oat milk is added to hair products to eliminate split ends and strengthen hair.

It is noteworthy that cosmetical tools It's easy to make at home using oat milk.


There are many recipes for various dietary dishes based on oat milk, because it is healthy, nutritious and low-calorie: 100 ml = 35 kcal.

Oat milk can be the basis for cocktails, porridges, and an addition to coffee and tea.

Oat milk recipe

To prepare half a liter of milk according to this recipe you will need the following products:
. 500 ml water;
. 30 g oat grains;
. 6 dates.

From instruments and accessories:

. fabric suitable for straining.

Before you start making oat milk, there are some preparatory steps you need to take.

First, you need to thoroughly rinse the oat grains with water under the tap several times to wash away dust and other contaminants.

The washed oats should be placed in any container and filled with water in a ratio of 1:3.

In another bowl you need to soak the dates overnight.

In the morning, you need to separate the water from the oats and thoroughly rinse the grains again with running water.
Pour the date water into a measuring cup and add water to obtain 500 ml of liquid.

Now mix the oats and dates, soaked in water, as well as their infusions and beat with a blender at medium power for several minutes, and then at maximum power for about 50 seconds. The result is a cream-colored liquid with a consistency reminiscent of cream.

Next, another procedure should be performed to make the liquid more similar to milk.
To do this, strain the resulting thick liquid through a cloth. A thick cloth or gauze folded several times is best.

After straining, you need to squeeze the cake thoroughly so that not a drop of the valuable product is lost.

Humans have been eating dairy products for thousands of years. After people were able to domesticate milking animals such as cows, goats, horses, and deer, the food problem was solved, especially for children.

Mostly cow's milk is consumed as food. But in this regard, another problem arose: lactose intolerance in some people. The biggest disadvantage of this is the forced limitation of the consumption of milk and its derivatives and, consequently, the calcium included in their composition.

This mineral plays a leading role in the prevention of osteoporosis, that is, a decrease in bone strength and an increased risk of fractures.

Fortunately, this problem can be solved if you replace cow's milk in your diet with other products that are sufficiently saturated with calcium and other elements. For example, an oat drink made from rolled oats.

The nutritional value

Oat milk is a drink that resembles an animal product in both color and consistency. It is prepared from peeled and crushed oat grains by sequentially dissolving them in a large amount of water, then settling and straining the resulting liquid.

Did you know? People of different races do not equally tolerate the presence of lactose in products: only 15% of Europeans, 80% each of blacks and Latin Americans, and almost 100% intolerance among Asians. Adding even a little milk to coffee can cause serious digestive upset.

The resulting product retains all the benefits and nutritional values of the original product, because such a drink is not subjected to heat treatment. It contains all the vitamins vegetable oils, minerals, unsaturated fats, lipids and vegetable proteins found in raw oatmeal.

Here is the data about nutritional value 100 g of finished product as a percentage of daily value for a person:

  1. Belkov - 1.39 g (2%).
  2. Zhirov - 0.76 g (1%).
  3. Carbohydrates - 20.73 g (7%).
  4. Calorie content - 145.23 kcal (7%).

Also, oatmeal milk contains a lot of useful minerals and substances:

Of the minerals, there are large quantities of copper and others. There are also many antioxidants present that promote good immune response and disease resistance.

Benefits for the body

Oat milk is an excellent dietary product that will be useful for pathologies of the digestive tract, enzyme deficiency, and reduced immunity. Another positive property is its low calorie content.

Thanks to the huge arsenal useful components, oat milk product has many beneficial properties:

  • after just two days of drinking this drink, you feel better when you have a cold, and your cough is relieved;
  • due to its low calorie content and compatibility with many foods, this milk increases the rate of absorption of food taken and also reduces weight;
  • in cosmetology - as an indispensable product in skin care to improve complexion;
  • due to the presence of calcium, it has a positive effect on the condition of hair, teeth, and nails;
  • Regular consumption of oat products helps relieve stress and fatigue, makes it possible to relax, and activates mental abilities;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • excellent choleretic agent;
  • removes excess fluid from the body.

Contraindications and harm

The only people who should be concerned about oat milk are those who are allergic to oats, as well as those suffering from celiac enteropathy (an immune-related inflammation of the lining of the small intestine in people with a genetic sensitivity to gluten. It is found in cereals).

Important!Before consuming a dairy product made from oat grains, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Medicinal use

It is believed that if you drink oat milk, you can successfully fight excess weight. With its help, you can arrange fasting days to cleanse the body of toxins. Can be used in cosmetology to improve skin condition.

  1. For weight loss- Drink 100 g of the drink half an hour before meals. Or drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach. This will help you feel full and there will be no risk of overeating. You can also drink this drink if you have a desire to eat some too high-calorie or unhealthy food.
  2. To unload the body - Drink no more than 2 liters of this milk per day. Thanks to its diuretic effect, toxins will be removed from the body and, as a result, weight loss will be observed. Consultation with a physician is recommended.
  3. In the form of a face mask - To do this, apply to the skin of the face and leave for a while. After this procedure, the face looks smooth, toned, the skin becomes elastic, and the pores narrow.

Important! At cosmetic procedures it is not recommended to apply oall milkon the area around the eyes.

For children

It is well known that dairy products for infants and children of the first years of life - required product, but sometimes children experience intolerance to milk sugar in the form of an allergy to it. Therefore, in baby food, cow's milk can be successfully replaced with vegetable milk, for example, oat milk.

Did you know? The introduction of additional fiber from oats and its derivatives into the daily diet helps to reduce the daily amount of calories consumed and, consequently, digital readings on the scales.

It contains no cholesterol and lactose, but contains vitamins such as vitamin E and folic acid - essential substances for a growing body. Oatmeal grain drink is often used in baby food for first feeding. Kissel, porridge and other dishes for older children are often prepared on it.

Oat milk recipe

Preparing this milk drink does not take much time; the recipe is simple and not labor-intensive. The taste of the milk is light, tender, and sweetish.

  1. Take oatmeal for normal cooking and water: for 1 liter of water - 100 g of oatmeal.
  2. Pour the flakes into a liter jar, add filtered water, stir, leave for 8-10 hours for the mixture to infuse.
  3. After this time, stir the oats in the jar and pour into a blender. Whisk and strain. The result is a white liquid with a milky consistency.

This oatmeal milk goes well with different vegetables and fruits, you can make various cocktails and smoothies with it, you can use it to make baking dough or just drink it, sweeten it with honey. If desired, you can supplement the drink with spices.

Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days. This milk also has an oatmeal taste, so it is better to drink it with any fruit, adding them and mixing again in a blender until smooth. From the remaining cake you can bake low-calorie pancakes or pancakes, as well as make face masks by adding basic essential oils.

Other plant-based milks

Other alternative types of milk from plants are used in the world: rice, almond, coconut, hemp, poppy, cashew, pumpkin, soy milk. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

It is made by mixing cooked rice with water, adding brown rice syrup and brown rice starch to the mixture. The resulting product has a delicate sweet taste and uniform consistency.
White rice drink is a safe food option if you have allergies to cow's milk, soy or nuts. It contains a lot of vitamin D and calcium.

It is made from almonds in a similar way to oatmeal, but the almonds are crushed before mixing with water. Then the resulting liquid is filtered. This product has a pleasant nutty aroma. It is used to improve the taste of soups, baked goods and protein porridge. The almond drink has a sweetish aroma and creamy texture. It has no saturated fat and is low in calories.

Did you know? There are no antibiotics or growth hormones in milk nut drinks, since it is much more profitable and cheaper to grow almonds, coconut, hemp and poppy than to grow a cow.

Coconut milk is made by mixing water and filtered coconut juice, which is obtained from the grated inner part of the coconut. Structure coconut milk creamy, similar to the texture of cow's.

Such a dairy product is very valuable for health, since it contains a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and, which can fill a person’s daily need for them with just one dose of such a product (1 glass).

Did you know? If there is any doubt about the expiration date and good quality store-bought oatmeal, you can prepare it yourself. You need to take whole grains and grind them to an acceptable consistency. The resulting product will be one hundred percent organic and healthy.

The milk drink has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, heals ulcers, has no allergens, and regulates sugar levels. It contains phosphorus, manganese, and potassium.

Hemp milk

Made by mixing hemp seeds and water, it has a distinct nutty and earthy flavor, so not everyone likes this milk. There are no psychoactive substances in the hemp drink as there are in the plant itself. It serves as a dietary source of iron. It will be useful for those who suffer from allergies to gluten, soy and nuts. Contains a lot of protein and Omega-3.

It is prepared by grinding poppy seeds in a blender or mortar with the addition of dried fruits, honey, sugar or maple syrup. Milk from ripened poppy seeds has protein, calcium, gum, vitamin C, organic acids and approximately 50% fat (per 100 g).

It is very useful for restless sleep in children, stomach disorders, and is successfully used in the treatment of bronchitis and as a sedative.

Cashew milk

A milk drink made from cashews, or Indian nuts, is a new addition to our line of plant-based drinks. It is closer to a creamy consistency than all other plant drinks. To prepare it, crushed cashews are mixed with purified water.

This product contains a lot of calcium, vitamins D, B12, and zinc. This nut remedy helps reduce sugar cravings and is perfect as an addition to breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

Pumpkin milk product is made from pre-soaked pumpkin seeds and water. Grind the mixture in a blender, add dried fruits and vanilla to enhance the taste.

This drink has a wide range of useful substances: zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, copper, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, amino acids, vitamins B3, B6, PP, E. Pumpkin drink is an indispensable anthelmintic medicine.

Soy milk

A common alternative to cow's milk is soy milk because it has the highest availability of valuable protein and potassium. There are also vitamins, minerals, lecithin, and phytoestrogens.

It is made by soaking soybeans in water, grinding them and extracting the milk from the finished product. It is indicated for use by patients with ulcers, hypersecretion of the stomach, suffering from cardiac ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity and chronic cholecystitis.

Other, no less healthy, oat products

Oat grains are used to produce oatmeal, from which cereals, oatmeal and flour are made (various breads, crackers and cookies are baked from it). Many of us loved (cereals mixed with dried fruits and). Oatmeal or rolled oatmeal is especially popular among people; it is lovingly called “oatmeal.”

It is very useful to drink decoctions and infusions of oatmeal for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, poor appetite, stomach and liver diseases. Such decoctions are valuable as an antipyretic due to their diuretic and diaphoretic effect.
Baths made from flakes are effective for rheumatism, gout and various dermatitis. Their enormous benefits for anemia, blood clots, and work disorders thyroid gland. If you prepare a lotion or compress from the flakes, after wrapping them in gauze or a napkin, you can alleviate the condition of wounds and burns.

According to nutritionists, a few oatmeal cookies, due to their nutritional properties, can replace one serving of oatmeal, especially if consumed with milk. These cookies contain a lot of fiber and vegetable protein, which are completely absorbed in the stomach and intestines.

It contains a sufficient amount of valuable vegetable fats, B vitamins, vitamin A, and amino acids. All minerals contained in the raw flakes are also preserved.

And if you add nuts, dried fruits and seeds to cookies, then such a product will become an additional source of antioxidants. All the possible health benefits of oats can be obtained from oatmeal cookies.

Important! We must not forget to control the amount of oat products in the daily diet. Overeating foods from this culture will cause headaches, disrupt the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, and worsen your overall health.

Oat porridge can rightly be called a dietary breakfast, since it has a positive effect on our health. By constantly eating oatmeal for breakfast, a person’s emotional background will stabilize, worries and insomnia will go away, and glucose levels will return to normal. Vitamin B6, which is part of the porridge, helps with this.

Also, thanks to this vitamin, brain productivity and performance increase. That is why oatmeal for breakfast is an indispensable product for schoolchildren, students and people of mental work. For older people, such a breakfast will help preserve memory and clarity of mind for a long time.
People don’t often think about the benefits of seemingly familiar products. This also applies to oat derivatives, such as oatmeal milk drink or porridge. All you have to do is want it, and an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will be available to you.

It depends only on your desire and preference how you will use this gift of nature: in the form of a valuable, medicinal dairy product, or regular cereal for a nutritious and tasty breakfast.

Oat milk is a natural elixir of health!

The issue of health has worried people at all times. Today this problem is becoming more and more urgent. It is due to the fact that on average the well-being of people, especially the urban population, is deteriorating: the number of depressions is increasing, fatigue and drowsiness are increasing, and various diseases are worsening. Pollution has a major impact on poor health environment. Over the past decades, it has reached unprecedented proportions: air pollution, fresh water pollution, frequent weather changes. The acceleration of the rhythm of life, which is often accompanied by stress and deprives of adequate sleep, quality nutrition and rest, has no less impact on physical condition. How can you help your health to prolong your life?

Oat milk “HEALING GRAIN” with pumpkin and rosehip- a unique dietary product! Contains an optimal combination of rose hips, pumpkin, crushed together with pulp, peel and seeds, and sprouted oat grains, which, due to the lack of heat treatment, retain all the most important components for health: fiber, essential amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, active enzymes, vitamins B1, E, A, C, choline, tyrosine, essential oil, trigonelline, minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, cobalt, manganese, zinc, aluminum, sulfur), trace elements boron and iodine.

PUMPKIN- truly a pantry of health. Pumpkin is five times higher in carotene content than carrots! It is rich in vitamins (C, Bl, B2, V3, B5, B6, B9, PP, E), fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as cellulose, glucose, minerals and trace elements - potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, zinc, and contains only 0.7% fiber, so this product is useful for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in any quantity, and is included in the diet of cardiovascular and kidney patients, as it has a diuretic effect. For atherosclerosis, the pectins contained in pumpkin remove cholesterol from the body, so it is useful to recommend it to patients diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, etc. Pumpkin seeds have an anthelmintic effect.

ROSE HIP contains vitamins ( ascorbic acid, riboflavin, carotene, tocopherol, P-active substances), microelements (silicon, copper, nickel, chromium, zirconium, etc.), macroelements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese), organic acids (citric , apple), polyphenolic compounds (bioflavonoids, catechins, anthocyanins, tannins and dyes). The vitamin C content in rose hips is 50 times higher than in lemons and oranges, 100 times higher than in apples, and 10 times higher than in strawberries. Vitamin C in rose hips is in a stable form, since it does not contain oxidative enzymes.

ROSE HIP stimulates metabolic processes, the function of endocrine glands and hematopoietic organs, increases the body's resistance to harmful influences external environment(colds and infectious diseases), has anti-sclerotic properties. antimicrobial, sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, choleretic, astringent, diuretic, regulating the gastrointestinal tract. Rosehip is important as an additional source of iron in case of deficiency of this element. Rosehip increases redox processes in the body, enhances hormone synthesis, enzyme activity and tissue renewal.

Regular consumption of oat milk with pumpkin and rose hips:

Has a general strengthening, tonic, hematopoietic, appetite-stimulating effect;

Normalizes the functioning of the sex glands and increases potency;

B improves and renews the composition of the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots (for coronary heart disease, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, after various operations);

Increases the number of leukocytes; o normalizes metabolism;

Increases the body's immunity;

* enhances peristalsis and normalizes stool;

* increases protective functions body, ability to self-cleanse;

Restrains degenerative changes in the body (senile decline);

Normalizes fat metabolism, helping to normalize body weight;

Helps reduce blood sugar levels;

Improves the condition of skin, nails, hair.

Oat milk “Healing Grain” with pumpkin and rose hips used for diabetes, impotence, obesity, hypertension, chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, neurasthenia, insomnia, liver disease, kidney disease, anemia, allergies, physical and mental fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

Oat milk “Healing Grain” with pumpkin and rose hips - an excellent anti-tuberculosis agent. His healing properties explained by the high silicon content. -litgegimuioslpoy milk - champion ^mnon

Silicon forms the basis of lung tissue, and for Koch's wand it is harmful, since it causes it to lose its harmful properties. So regular consumption of oat milk is a good help in the fight against tuberculosis infection.

Directions for use:

It is recommended to consume oat milk 2-3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals, thoroughly mixing 1 tablespoon of milk in a glass of warm boiled water. The prepared mixture must be left for 3-5 minutes, mixed again and, to achieve better effect, drink along with the suspension. Not recommended for children under 5 years of age.

Leather- the largest organ of our body. It ideally reflects the general state of health and well-being of a person.

Oat milk contains phytic acid- a powerful antioxidant that has a smoothing effect on any skin type.

Oat milk-based cosmetic masks allow you to exfoliate dead layers of skin, thereby making it soft, smooth, elastic and velvety. Due to its natural structure, oats penetrate deeply into the pores of the skin, cleansing them of dirt and harmful substances. Oat milk makes the skin clearer, healthier and more youthful, which allows a woman to look great.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Oat milk is so called because it resembles appearance regular milk. However, it does not contain milk as such, which is quite good for anyone who is allergic to it. It is not surprising that oat milk, the benefits and harms of which interested many people back in the Ancient China, so common in the East. Here people often have complete immunity to milk (lactose), so the population tried to expand the number of other products that could be used instead.

The benefits and harms of oat milk

The harm of this drink is mainly for those who are allergic to oats (or, for example, celiac disease). First you need to identify this moment, drink just a little tincture and look at the reaction.

To prepare the drink, you need to take about 160 grams of oat bran and add 1.5 liters of water. All this should be left to infuse for about 20 minutes, then crushed in a blender and strain thoroughly. Classic version oat milk is ready.

Oat milk is very good for weight loss, as it helps cleanse the body. In addition, it can speed up metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss, and a significant amount of B vitamins helps improve general condition factor of.

The benefits of oat milk don't end there. As a means to improve complexion, it can be used not only internally, but also externally. For example, replacing it with facial tonic and washing your face in the morning.

And if you want to know what other benefits oat milk has, pay attention to the fact that it improves the digestive process. It is highly recommended for gastritis and constipation. It should be taken into account that the calorie content of oat milk is not very high (276 kcal), so it can be consumed by everyone, but still in small quantities by those who are losing weight.

Oat milk

Nature has endowed herbs and plants with great power, which people use to treat ailments. Oats, which are a cereal crop revered in many countries as a source of energy, health and longevity, were no exception.

Benefits of oat milk

Oat milk is a remedy that helps people restore strength, improve immunity, and even get rid of depression. Oat milk is a tonic, healing drink that is useful not only for treating the body, but also for restoring the skin.

Mongolia and China are considered the birthplace of oats, and it was from there that recipes based on this plant came to us. Oat grains were used to treat constipation, and coughs were treated with a decoction based on them.

The chemical composition of oats is very rich - some equate its biological value to human milk, and perhaps that is why our ancestors fed infants with oat milk if for some reason it was not possible to give them mother's milk.

The use of oat milk helps the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, intestines, and pancreas. In general, oat milk has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore people who have disturbances in the functioning of this system can periodically use it to improve their condition.

Oat milk also helps the brain function, and this is its main tonic property. Overweight people can also use this remedy to speed up metabolic processes, which is a necessary rule for serious weight loss.

Oat milk has a number of specific properties that make it unique:

  • the presence of a large amount of B vitamins;
  • enveloping the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting the mucous membrane;
  • anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on affected tissues;
  • neutralization of bad cholesterol, and, as a result, prevention of vascular diseases;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals saturate the body, due to which brain function is activated, and depressive states disappear.

Oat milk recipe

Multiple variations in the preparation of this milk allow you to choose how to make oat milk - with the addition of additional ingredients (for example, vanilla extract to improve the taste or sea ​​salt to saturate the milk with iodine) or limit yourself to the “classic recipe”.

To prepare regular oat milk you will need:

  • 160 g whole oatmeal;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Preparing milk consists of three simple steps:

  1. Soak the flakes for 20 minutes in water at room temperature.
  2. Place the flakes with water in a blender bowl and grind.
  3. Strain the water using any filter - gauze or sieve.

Uses of oat milk

Oat milk can be used both internally and externally.

Oat milk for the treatment of internal diseases

Before taking oat milk, make sure you are not allergic to grains.

Treatment of internal diseases with milk is nonspecific - the daily dosage of milk remains the same for both prevention and treatment. The only exceptions are diseases in the acute phase.

For pancreatitis, gastritis and constipation, take half a glass of oat milk 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

If the disease has an acute phase, then the dosage of milk is reduced to ¾ glass twice a day.

To lose weight, take 1 glass of oat milk in the morning on an empty stomach once a day.

Oat milk for face

To improve complexion and skin elasticity, oat milk is used instead of facial toner.

Oat milk - contraindications

Oat milk has no contraindications, except for one – an allergic reaction to cereals.

Oat milk: recipe

Oat milk brings great benefits to the body. You can drink it for colds or allergies to cow's milk components. It is also used as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Oat milk is irreplaceable for pancreatitis. The product is used as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases. We suggest learning how to prepare oat milk at home in this article. Here are some recipes.

Oat milk. Recipe one

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • oat flakes in the amount of 130 g (you can take biological ones);
  • 1.2 l drinking water;
  • honey or sugar in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. (you can use any syrup);
  • 1 tsp. vanillin - optional.

How to make oat milk: technology

Place oatmeal in a container with a tight-fitting lid, fill it with water and shake well. Place in a cool place for 6 hours (or overnight). After this, drain the water, put the flakes in a blender, pour in 500 ml of water and blend for about 3-4 minutes. A creamy mass should form. Add another 500 ml of drinking water and turn on the device for 1 minute. Then pass everything through a sieve or cheesecloth. Squeeze maximum amount liquids. If you want a sweeter taste, add more sugar. The finished drink is stored for 3-4 days.

Oat milk: recipe two

You can prepare an oat drink using regular cow's milk. To do this you will need:

  • 1 liter fresh milk;
  • unpeeled oats in the amount of 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – optional (1 tbsp or more).

Cooking technology

Cleanses the body, helps fight excess weight, lowers sugar levels in diabetes - these are the benefits that oat milk brings. The recipe is simple. You should start by boiling cow's milk. Then wash the oats, sort them and dry them slightly. After this, pour the grains into boiling milk. Under the saucepan, reduce the heat to low. Simmer the broth for 2 hours under closed lid. If you have a slow cooker, you can do this step in it. Set the device to the “Stew” function, close the lid and simmer the milk for the specified time. After sound signal strain the liquid through cheesecloth and squeeze out the oats properly. Mix the drink with sugar (if you like sweets). But it is best to drink oat milk without additives. So it will bring maximum benefit to your body.

Oat milk: recipe three

To treat pancreatitis, prepare a decoction of the following components:

  • 100 g unpeeled oats;
  • 1.5 liters of drinking water.

Cooking technology

Sort and rinse the oats. Place the grain in a saucepan (enamel) and fill with water. Place on fire (high). As soon as the oats boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 40 minutes. Then mash the oats with a wooden masher and return to the heat for 20 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and strain using gauze. The result is a white liquid that can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. For pancreatitis, drink the decoction 3-4 times, 100 ml each. If you add sugar or honey, oat milk will be a good drink for your baby.

Oatmeal: benefits and harms

Now everyone around is talking about proper nutrition. And it is right. Our health directly depends on what we eat. In addition to the poor environment, constant stress, and overwork, our table often contains fast food products rich in cholesterol, carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats. As a result, the immune system weakens and chronic diseases are getting closer and closer.

The first step out of this circle is healthy image life and proper nutrition. And such a diet cannot be imagined without oatmeal. Beneficial features The list of oats can take a very long time. It is one of the healthiest grains and plays a vital role in proper nutrition. Well, the most popular and favorite dish made from it is oatmeal.

Why this dish is useful, how to prepare it correctly, and whether it is useful for everyone, we will talk on our website www.rasteniya-lecarstvennie.ru, in a publication on the topic: oatmeal benefits and harms.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

A variety of dishes have been prepared from oatmeal since ancient times. Oatmeal pancakes, cookies, pies, and jelly were very popular in Rus'. Cooked from cereals delicious porridge, to which butter, honey, fruits and berries were added.

The benefits of oatmeal are invaluable for dietary nutrition. Boiled in water, it will help relieve excess weight. And boiled in milk is indicated for therapeutic nutrition at peptic ulcer, gastritis. It promotes cleansing and healing of the entire body as a whole.

Oat groats contain substances that actively fight bad cholesterol. The cereal contains vitamins B, PP, E, microelements, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc. It contains antioxidants that help cleanse the body, and also help a person fight stress, negative factors, and promote cell rejuvenation.

Oatmeal contains all the beneficial substances found in cereals. It is also rich in healthy plant proteins and fats. Contains gluten and natural dietary fiber.

It’s better, of course, to cook it from whole grains, although porridge made from oatmeal is also suitable for a healthy diet.

Oatmeal is especially useful for residents of large industrial cities. After all, it is a wonderful adsorbent of heavy metal salts.

This dish is on the menu of Hollywood stars. It helps them maintain excellent physical shape and a healthy complexion. Eaten for breakfast, it easily and quickly saturates the body with energy.

Although such food is quite high in calories, nutritionists recommend eating it for those who want to lose weight. Only in this case, it should be cooked in water and washed down with tea or rosehip decoction.

Oatmeal is one of the the best means get rid of cholesterol plaques. This product prevents harmful cholesterol from entering the blood, depositing on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, you will not fall into insanity and will not get heart problems. Porridge will also save you from insomnia and strengthen your nervous system.

Biotin contained in porridge actively fights lethargy, drowsiness, improves appetite, reduces the risk of stomach cancer, fights carcinogens, and improves the functioning of the endocrine system. Oatmeal improves immunity and fights the aging process.

Authentic English Breakfast Oatmeal Recipe

Any cereal contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. During any processing of cereals, most of them are lost irretrievably. The same goes for oatmeal. The less it was processed, the better. Therefore, the healthiest porridge is made not from flakes, but from whole grains. It is from this that we will prepare porridge today.

To prepare this dish you will need 1 tbsp. cereals, 2 tbsp. whole fresh milk, butter, salt, sugar to taste.
How to cook:
Rinse the cereal and soak it in water for 5-6 hours. You can do this in the evening. Then rinse again. Now pour 3 tbsp into an enamel saucepan. clean cold water, add the cereal, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for half an hour. Then add milk, sugar, salt, cook, stirring constantly, until the porridge begins to thicken.

Now transfer the porridge into a clay pot or cauldron, place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 1.5 hours. Then take out the finished porridge, place it in warm plates, and add a piece of butter to each serving.

You can put a little jam and condensed milk into the finished dish. Serve the porridge with toast, cheese sandwiches, and croutons.

Can oatmeal harm the body?

Unfortunately, oats themselves and any dishes made from them are harmful for patients with renal failure. Also, excessive consumption of oatmeal can cause phytic acid to accumulate in the body. This substance tends to flush calcium from the body.

Also be careful with oatmeal instant meals, which are very popular nowadays. The flakes from which this product is prepared undergo a long process of industrial processing, as a result of which much less useful substances remain.

Despite all that has been said, the benefits of porridge are much greater than the harm. Therefore, feel free to include it in your diet, enjoy its taste and improve your health. Be healthy!

What are the benefits of oat milk and how to prepare it

Milk is a nutritious and tasty product, but many people have allergies or other problems associated with animal milk due to intolerance or vegetarianism.

In this case, plant-based milk, such as oat milk, is an excellent option.

It is no less useful than animal milk and even surpasses its beneficial qualities.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of oat milk is its low fat content, the absence of lactose and the fact that it is easy to prepare it yourself at home.

Useful microelements in oat milk

The composition of oats is similar to human milk, which means it is rich in microelements that are useful for the formation and development of the body. In the old days, infants were even fed oat milk.

Oats are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, iron and many vitamins that are perfectly balanced in it. In particular, oat milk contains vitamin B6, which activates brain function, and thanks to the presence of vitamin B2, milk strengthens skin, nails and hair.

This product also contains fiber, active enzymes, avenanthramides-antioxidants, biotin, carbohydrates, amino acids, iron, minerals, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, as well as vitamins B and PP.

Benefits of oat milk

Helps restore strength after illness, exhaustion and weakness. Returns physical activity and energy to the body.
Prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
Helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers and tuberculosis.
Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
Acts as an effective diuretic.
Normalizes the metabolic process in the body, strengthens nerve endings and heart muscle.
Improves the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and normalizes intestinal motility.
Helps in the treatment of dysbiosis.
Rids the body of toxins.
Normalizes blood glucose levels, which means it is useful for diabetes.
Cleanses the body and helps get rid of excess weight.
A glass of oat milk contains 36% of the daily value of calcium.
Prevents the formation of sand and stones in the organs.
Treats the skin, eliminating dandruff, cracks and dryness, eliminating allergic reactions.
Strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.
Helps relieve stress and psycho-emotional tension, fatigue and sleep disturbances.
Normalizes hormonal levels, in particular, improves the functioning of sex hormones.

Uses of oat milk


Oats are highly valued for their beneficial qualities in the cosmetics industry and are widely used within it.