Where does sea buckthorn grow best? The benefits and harms of sea buckthorn, healing effects and preparation

The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and its contraindications were known to the ancient Greeks. In Ancient Greece, the shrub was called the “glossy horse.” And this was explained by the fact that horses eating sea buckthorn fruits were distinguished by their health, fatness, beauty and thick mane. This served as a hint to ancient healers that the berry could also be beneficial for humans. Since ancient times, sea buckthorn has also been popular in Tibetan, Chinese, and Mongolian folk medicine. In Russia, the plant began to be cultivated from the beginning of the 19th century. But, for example, in the 80s of the twentieth century, sea buckthorn oil was considered a miracle cure, and there was a real shortage in pharmacies. Doctors wrote a prescription for it.

Features of a medicinal plant

Sea buckthorn. Botanical illustration by Jacob Sturm from the book "Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen", 1796.

The green fruits of sea buckthorn taste like pineapple, which is why the shrub is popularly called the “northern pineapple.” Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. But this plant is valued not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal properties.


In the European part, sea buckthorn can most often be found in forest belts, plantings along roads and railway tracks, on the banks of rivers, lakes, on the sea coast, in ravines, on slopes and cliffs. Sea buckthorn roots anchor loose soils and sands well. Sea buckthorn is widespread in the south of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. But this species also takes root well in Siberia, the Sayan Mountains, Transbaikalia, even in India and Pakistan. This plant is cultivated on plantations for use for medicinal purposes, cosmetology, and the food industry. Sea buckthorn takes root well in parks and gardens and is often grown as a hedge.

Sea buckthorn. Chuya sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn willow.

Types of sea buckthorn

There are 71 varieties of sea buckthorn registered in Russia. Breeders are actively working on developing new varieties: with a high content of all useful substances, large fruits, high yield, dessert taste, and absence of thorns. In the wild, a shrub or tree can grow for up to 30 years. Maximum height bush - 6 m, tree - 15 m. The most popular wild species in our region is sea buckthorn. What other species and varieties are considered the most beneficial?

  • Chuya sea buckthorn. A popular garden shrub variety. Its peculiarity is rare thorns, sweet fruits, and high yield. The height of the bush is no more than 4 m and does not require heavy pruning.
  • Sea buckthorn. This is a wild species that is found in India, Nepal, China, and Bhutan. The height of the plant reaches 15 m, the shrub is found in the highlands up to 3500 m. The local population uses the berries and leaves to make tea. The fruits are also used for polishing precious metals. This variety is not found in Europe.

Collection and preparation

Now there is a lot of information about the conditions for growing sea buckthorn, its various varieties, as well as a huge selection of seedlings. Therefore, many avid summer residents and gardeners try to grow this shrub on their own, and do it quite successfully. For some varieties, the first harvest can be harvested the very next year after planting. With a good yield, up to 15 kg of berries are removed from the bush in 7–8 years.

  • Start of collection. The berries are harvested in the fall - in September or October. However, the fruits can remain on the branches throughout the winter. Ripe fruits should be bright yellow or orange, firm, with dark dots on the skin.
  • Features of collection. Some people prefer to leave the berries until the first frost, after which the fruits are easily removed. However, there is a risk that the berries will become a delicacy for birds. There is also an opinion that fruits lose some of their nutrients during frosts. Collecting sea buckthorn is a troublesome task. The reason for this is the thorns and tightly attached fruits, which can easily be damaged during picking. Some people prefer to cut the branches and then pick the berries from them. This method harms the bush, which does not like heavy pruning. How to properly collect fruits? You need to be patient and wear thick gloves. The berries can be scraped into a container or shaken off the branches by placing a piece of cloth under the tree.
  • Drying. Fruits can be dried naturally. But in damp weather and cold, it is better to dry them in an oven or electric dryer. The readiness and quality of the raw material is indicated by its dark red color and pleasant aroma.
  • Storage . It is important to remember that sea buckthorn fruits quickly deteriorate during transportation. They need to be collected in small hard containers, carefully poured and washed during processing. The permissible shelf life of fresh fruits is 4 days, in the refrigerator - 7 days. The shelf life of dry raw materials is 2 years. Frozen berries can be stored for no more than six months.
  • Harvesting other parts of the plant. In addition to the fruits, the bark, leaves, and seeds of the plant are collected. The leaves are collected in the spring, during the flowering period of the bush. Dried naturally and stored in the same way as berries. The bark needs to be harvested in early spring.

Sea buckthorn is an unpretentious, frost-resistant plant. Its average life expectancy is 20 years. In addition, it is also a beautiful ornamental shrub that requires careful pruning after 10 years of life.

Healing effect

What are the pharmacological and healing properties of sea buckthorn?

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Wound healing.
  • General strengthening.
  • Multivitamin.
  • Tonic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Epithelializing.
  • Laxative.

The most valuable thing in sea buckthorn is vitamins. Ripe fruits are a natural reserve of carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic acid(vitamin C), as well as vitamins E, F, P and group B. The chemical composition of the plant also contains:

  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • minerals.

Beneficial properties are also contained in sea buckthorn leaves, its bark, and seeds. The leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, A, tannin, tannins; in the cortex - alkaloids and serotonin, substances with antitumor properties; The seeds contain fatty oil, a lot of vitamins E, group B, and tannin.

Indications for use

What does sea buckthorn treat? In what areas of traditional medicine, for what diagnoses and symptoms is it used?

  • Gastroenterology. Used for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The remedy is especially effective for chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis, tumors of the esophagus. For hemorrhoids and rectal fissures, microenemas are given with the addition of sea buckthorn oil and anti-inflammatory herbs. The remedy is also useful for liver damage, especially alcohol poisoning. Sea buckthorn cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and acts as a mild laxative.
  • Endocrinology. The product normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body, and acts as an antioxidant drug. Sea buckthorn can be taken for diabetes, but under medical supervision.
  • The cardiovascular system. Sea buckthorn and blood pressure is an issue that requires separate consideration. Thanks to its vasodilating properties, the plant is effective for hypertension, that is, it reduces and regulates blood pressure and normalizes blood circulation. Although it was previously believed that due to its tonic properties, the berry can increase blood pressure.
  • Antitumor agent. There are positive reviews about the treatment of cancer with this berry. In folk herbalists you can find recipes using sea buckthorn for early stage cancer. The most effective remedy for malignant tumors of the stomach and esophagus; the fruits of this plant inhibit the growth of malignant cells.
  • General strengthening agent. Drinks made from sea buckthorn are useful for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, colds, spring vitamin deficiency, and scurvy. It can also be taken as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for fever. Fresh juice is a good cough suppressant.
  • External use. Due to its epithelializing and wound-healing properties, sea buckthorn (especially oil) is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of cervical erosion. The drug is also prescribed in otolaryngology for the treatment of sinusitis, sore throat, otitis, and tonsillitis. For lesions of the oral mucosa (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease), this plant is also effective. Sea buckthorn is used to treat ulcers, bedsores, cracks, burns (including radiation), frostbite, phlegmon, inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes, psoriasis, eczema. It is noteworthy that for dermatological problems, burns of the esophagus and throat, sea buckthorn is also taken orally.

Contraindications for sea buckthorn include: sharp forms diseases of the digestive system (especially the pancreas and gall bladder); hepatitis; chronic diarrhea; allergy to carotene; diseases of the immune system. Take berries in any form with caution for hypotension. You should know: fresh fruits and juice greatly increase secretion and have a stronger effect than tea, decoction, oil or tincture.

Using sea buckthorn at home

What are the uses of sea buckthorn at home? For example, sea buckthorn oil is freely sold in our pharmacies. But you can also make it yourself. In addition, decoctions and tinctures can be prepared from fruits, seeds, leaves, and bark. The berries make delicious jams, preserves, juices, syrups, fortified drinks, and wine.


Sea buckthorn tea is a good preventative against viral infections, vitamin deficiency, and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. berries
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.

Take ½ cup of tea 2 times a day. You can also brew the berries together with the leaves and infuse them in a thermos.


Decoctions are prepared not only from fruits, but also from branches, bark, leaves, and seeds.

Seed decoction recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  2. Pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Strain.

This is a proven remedy for diarrhea. Take a whole glass of the decoction at night. Decoctions of sea buckthorn bark also help with diarrhea.

Preparation of a decoction of leaves

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Insist for an hour.
  5. Strain.

This remedy is most effective for atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, and hormonal imbalance. Take ½ cup of decoction 2 times a day before meals. The decoction can also be used externally as lotions and compresses for joint diseases. In this case, plant branches are added to the decoction.


Fresh juice is an excellent multivitamin product. It is also used externally to heal wounds, and drunk for coughs, throat and mouth infections. It can be used fresh or stored for the winter. Fresh juice is especially useful for improving metabolism, cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin levels, reduces cholesterol, preventing the development of thrombophlebitis.


  1. Pass the berries through a meat grinder.
  2. Strain.
  3. Add 1 glass of water per 1 kg of berries.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Pour into jars and sterilize for 15 minutes.
  6. Cover the jars with lids.

The juice can also be prepared with added sugar.


Vodka tincture is made from berries. This remedy is effective for all of these diseases. However, you need to remember that in case of hypertension, alcohol tincture can be a tonic.


  1. Take 1 part of berries.
  2. Pour in 10 parts of vodka (diluted alcohol).
  3. Leave for 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Strain.

Take 20 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. You can also make a delicious dessert wine from sea buckthorn at home.


Sea buckthorn oil is the most famous and valuable product obtained from fresh or dried berries. How to cook it?


  1. Grind 1 part of dry fruits.
  2. Pour in 5 parts oil.
  3. Keep at room temperature for 3 weeks.
  4. Stir occasionally.

To get a strong extract, the process must be repeated 4 times. To do this, the oil is drained, then a new portion of fruit is poured into it, infused and drained again. You can use sunflower, olive, or corn oil as a base. The course of treatment is long - at least 1 month. Take 1 tsp of oil. 3 times a day before meals. Read more about it in our other article.

Healthy sweets

You can make jam, jam, jelly, marshmallow, jelly, and compote from sea buckthorn. There are many recipes when berries need to be sterilized. However, during heat treatment of fruits, many vitamins are lost. There are other ways to make fortified jams.


  1. Pass the fruits through a juicer.
  2. Take pure juice without pulp.
  3. For 1 kg of juice add 1.5 kg of sugar.
  4. Stir well.
  5. Pour into dry, sterilized jars.

This jam should only be stored in the refrigerator.

The benefits of sea buckthorn for women, men, children

  • For women . Sea buckthorn is useful not only for various inflammations of the genitourinary area. This is one of the safest herbal preparations, which is allowed during pregnancy if there are no general contraindications. It is prescribed to pregnant women as a multivitamin. To prevent stretch marks, sea buckthorn oil is rubbed into the skin to increase its elasticity. You can also drink sea buckthorn to a nursing mother. However, you should remember the high content of carotene in the fruit, which can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, small doses of drinks made from this berry are recommended.
  • For men . Sea buckthorn - recognized folk remedy to increase potency. Due to the high content of tocopherol (vitamin E), the berry is beneficial for the reproductive function of middle-aged men.
  • For children . Unfortunately, children are often allergic to sea buckthorn. But if there is no allergic reaction, then this is an indispensable product in a child’s winter diet. It is useful to give the drink during ARVI, influenza, as well as during the recovery period after illness, to strengthen the immune system.

The benefits and harms of sea buckthorn are well known in folk medicine, but have also been studied in scientific medical practice. This berry is most useful in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but it should not be used (especially in fresh) take during an exacerbation. This is a good wound-healing, bactericidal agent that is used in dermatology, gynecology, otolaryngology, and dentistry. It is often prescribed for the prevention of viral infections and vitamin deficiency.

Sea ​​buckthorn - shrubby plant Sucker family. It is a small tree that reaches about 3 m in height. The leaves of the plant have a long narrow shape of a light green hue with small dots. The fruits, which are of the greatest value in medicine, have a rich orange color and a slightly elongated shape. You can see what sea buckthorn looks like in the photo of the plant.

Description of the bush

Sea buckthorn is a bushy shrub with bright orange, yellow or red fruits, depending on the plant variety. They have a rich sweet and sour taste and a subtle pleasant aroma. Sea buckthorn blooms in early spring. Inconspicuous small flowers of white or cream color appear, collected in brushes. You can see how sea buckthorn blooms in the photo.

The plant begins to bear fruit at the end of August. Oblong berries of bright colors appear on a small tree. In order to harvest as much as possible, male and female plants are usually planted not far from each other. It is better to plant these shrubs in bright places in sandy soil.

Sea buckthorn is most widespread in Siberia, the European part of Russia, Moldova, the Caucasus, and Ukraine.

Photo of sea buckthorn

It has already been noted that for effective growth, 2 types of shrubs should be grown. Visually, male sea buckthorn does not differ from female shrubs; they cannot be distinguished until the first buds form. Stamen buds are characteristic of male plant. They appear singly and about a week earlier than in the female bush.

Female sea buckthorn has pistillate buds and larger flowers. Pollinated by a male plant. Therefore, shrubs growing alone do not grow and fall off along with the flowers.

In addition, plants can be distinguished by the color of the leaves formed: in female shrubs they are more saturated green color. And the seedlings of the male plant are visually larger.

It is important to know! The ability to distinguish between types of sea buckthorn helps you harvest more! And this is important, because sea buckthorn is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

Plant varieties

There are many varieties of sea buckthorn. The most common ones should be considered in more detail. Description of each variety:

  1. Sea buckthorn. It is a low thorny shrub up to 3 m. A dioecious plant that blooms in April or May. Grows along ponds and in home gardens. The fruits are bright orange in color and have a bitter taste.
  2. Daurian sea buckthorn. A distinctive feature of this variety is its ability to self-pollinate. It has silver leaves. During the flowering period it has a pleasant aroma. The fruits are light red in color and juicy with a pleasant sweetish taste.
  3. Red sea buckthorn. The professional name of this variety among gardeners is shepherdia. Suitable for planting in garden plots not only as a useful plant, but also as a decoration. After all, during the flowering period it is covered with beautiful white flowers, and the red fruits will be an excellent decoration for any garden.
  4. Sea buckthorn herringbone. A very rare plant variety. It is easy to decorate garden plots with a Christmas tree, as it grows in the shape of a cone and does not require tying up. As a result of this feature, the name came about. It bears fruit quite late - by the end of September. They have a slight greenish tint.
  5. Chuya sea buckthorn. Is frost-resistant variety. Fruit orange color have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The harvest can be harvested by the end of summer.
  6. Favorite sea buckthorn. The harvest comes quite a long time after planting. The fruits are large in size and bright yellow in color. It is characterized by strong cold resistance.

Important to remember! Regardless of the type of shrub, it needs proper care and timely prevention of pests!

Sea buckthorn diseases and their control

Despite the fact that this plant is resistant to various diseases, pests still sometimes visit this shrub. How to deal with them? The most common types of pests and control methods:


It appears during the development of the kidneys, thereby leading to their destruction from the inside. In summer, they form nests on the upper parts of shoots. By the middle of the season, the lower part of the bark of the trunks is affected. The most effective way to eliminate moths is to spray the bushes with chlorophos in early spring.

Sea buckthorn fly

This is one of the most dangerous pests, because it can completely destroy the entire crop. They penetrate the berries, feeding on their pulp. The fruits begin to darken and dry out. In order to avoid exposure to these pests, the plant should be sprayed with chlorophos in mid-July.


The leaves of the bush are affected by their harmful effects. They feed on their sap, which leads to rapid yellowing of the leaves and early falling off. To combat aphids, you can use a decoction of potatoes, onion or garlic peels with the addition of grated laundry soap. Treat with this solution during the leaf blooming period.

Other pests and diseases:

  1. Gall mite. Destroys the plants' points by feeding on their juices. Blooming leaves are deformed and have swellings. They fall off ahead of time. To avoid the appearance of this mite, you should treat the foliage with karbofos during the blooming period.
  2. Verticillium wilt. This is one of the most common plant diseases. Affected plants quickly lose foliage on individual branches or the branches dry out completely. The death of the bush occurs quite quickly - within 1 year. Methods of influencing the affected plant have not yet been found.
  3. Endomycosis. Shrub disease occurs as a result of fungal influence. Most often, the lesion appears towards the end of summer. The fruits become soft and limp. The pathogenic fungus overwinters in the bark of sea buckthorn. The plant should be saved by spraying with copper oxychloride 2 times a year.

Important to remember! For preventive purposes, sea buckthorn should be treated every spring. chemical solutions! This will help grow a high-quality crop.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

The fruits of this shrub are actively used in the treatment of many diseases, as well as to boost the immune system in the autumn-winter period. You can make healthy tea and jam from sea buckthorn berries. Based on them, there are many recipes for preparing medicines in folk medicine. The plant helps treat the following ailments:

  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • open wounds, rashes on the body;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • migraine;
  • colds;
  • failures of the cardiovascular system;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatoid diseases.

Using sea buckthorn as tea is a very effective prevention of infectious and viral diseases. You can also eat berries fresh. And sea buckthorn oil promotes rapid healing of skin damage.

This is a perennial shrub belonging to the Lokhov family. Its other names are wolfberry, waxweed, and ivotern. In autumn, sea buckthorn fruits stand out on the bushes with a bright orange color. These berries have a healing composition and a lot of medicinal properties, which has earned them one of the main places in folk and traditional medicine in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Based on them, drugs are produced and cosmetical tools. Ripe sea buckthorn tastes sour and astringent, so not everyone likes it when eaten fresh. The berries are used to prepare various preparations - jam, juice, marmalade, syrup, jam; they retain their healing properties well and are used in winter for treatment and replenishment of the body with vitamins and nutrients.

What sea buckthorn looks like - description of the plant

What a beautiful sea buckthorn at the moment the berries ripen - photo of the plant

The tree reaches 5 meters in height. The root system is located almost on the surface, the roots go no more than 30-40 cm deep. The trunk is covered with dark brown bark. The crown forms a spreading or pyramidal shape from shoots with many long spines. The leaves are narrow and long. The plant blooms even before the leaves appear, forming small flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Sea buckthorn is pollinated by wind and insects. The fruits are yellow-orange in color and sit densely on the branches, as if “clinging” to them, which is why they gave it the name sea buckthorn. It blooms in spring - at the end of April, beginning of May, the berries ripen - at the end of August, beginning of September.

Where does sea buckthorn grow?

The plant is distributed over a large area; it can be seen in Europe, Asia, Mongolia, India, and China. In Russia, sea buckthorn grows throughout the Central part, Altai, Urals, Caucasus and Siberia. The plant is light-loving, does not like swampy and damp areas, and is frost-resistant - not afraid of low temperatures. Sea buckthorn is planted in parks, gardens and vegetable gardens.

How to collect

Berries should be picked at the moment of their full ripening, when the fruits contain the greatest amount of useful substances. Sea buckthorn ripens in late summer - early September. Picking is not an easy task, since the berries sit tightly pressed against the branch and each other. During harvesting, you can use various devices and tools, or you can collect it manually.

Ripe berries have a bright orange color and a sour taste.

Useful properties and contraindications

Chemical composition

Sea buckthorn contains a lot of substances beneficial to the body:

  • Organic acids (help relieve arrhythmia and pain in the heart, improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of atherosclerosis, shortness of breath and insomnia);
  • Tannins;
  • Flavonoids (have antioxidant effects);
  • Sahara;
  • Choline (accelerates blood flow, reduces cholesterol levels, which prevents the development of fatty hepatosis and atherosclerosis);
  • Pectin;
  • Vitamins C, E, group B (relieve inflammation and strengthen the body);
  • B – sitosterol (has an antisclerotic effect);
  • Microelements (iron, boron, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, calcium);
  • Carotene;
  • Phenolic compounds (fight viruses and bacteria);
  • Fixed oils.

The flowers of the plant appear in early spring before the leaves appear - photo of blooming sea buckthorn

Medicinal properties

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antipyretics;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • General strengthening;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Analgesic;
  • Hemostatic.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for the body?

Sea buckthorn fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and organic acids that play an important role in maintaining health.

The plant has a healing effect for human health:

  • Relieves pain and spasmodic attacks;
  • Treats inflammatory processes;
  • Kills viruses and bacteria;
  • Protects the mucous membrane and skin;
  • Activates the regeneration of cells and tissues;
  • Reduces cholesterol and cleans blood vessels;
  • Vitaminizes the body and has a general strengthening effect;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Rejuvenates the skin and the entire body;
  • Have a calming effect;
  • Used to treat gynecological diseases;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The name “sea buckthorn” was given to the plant because of the arrangement of the berries; they seem to cling to every branch of the tree.

What cures

  • Colds, flu and ARVI;
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, sore throat;
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, bedsores, trophic ulcers);
  • Gout and rheumatism;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontitis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Dysbacteriosis and various poisonings;
  • Nervous exhaustion, nervousness, depression, insomnia;
  • Vitamin deficiency and anemia;
  • Gastritis and ulcers;
  • Cervical erosion, endocervitis, colpitis;
  • Cataract and corneal injury;
  • Weakened immunity.


  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines during exacerbation;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Tendency to diarrhea;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Gallbladder problems;
  • Low blood pressure.

Methods of storage and use of sea buckthorn in folk medicine

Medicinal raw materials are all parts of the plant - berries, leaves, seeds and sea buckthorn bark.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn berries.

Berries have a positive effect on cardiac activity and the condition of blood vessels, lower blood pressure, are a preventative against stroke, heart attack and the process of blood clots, strengthen the immune system, eliminate vitamin deficiency and anemia, and rejuvenate the body.

Eating berries can slow down the physiological process of aging of the body.

Sea buckthorn treatment is used for internal and external use. Regenerating and wound-healing effects are used to treat burns, frostbite, cuts, wounds and bites. The fruits are used in the form of infusions, teas, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, juice and oil extract.

Tea with sea buckthorn - the drink relieves nervous excitability, depression and insomnia. Helps with heart and vascular diseases, used to prevent stroke and heart attack.

How to brew sea buckthorn? – for brewing tea, crushed berries in the amount of 100 g. placed in a container with 250 g. boiling water, add a teaspoon of tea leaves, wrap and infuse. Then filter and take, adding honey or sugar to taste.

Decoction with sea buckthorn - fresh berries in the amount of 4 tablespoons, pour half a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Take a glass three times a day.

You can add rose hips to the decoction, the drink will strengthen the immune system, give vigor, lift your spirits, rejuvenate the skin and the entire body

Sea buckthorn with vodka – the berries are placed in a half liter jar (half full) and filled with vodka. Place in a dark place to infuse for 30 days. Then filter and take to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the body's resistance to external factors, to increase appetite. Sea buckthorn in vodka is taken twice a day, 20 drops diluted with water.

Freshly squeezed juice - to prepare it, fresh sea buckthorn berries are passed through a juicer and immediately drunk. It is recommended to take for colds, flu, vitamin deficiency, anemia, muscular dystrophy, gastritis, low blood pressure, colitis. The berries are a blood purifier and help remove phlegm and pus from the lungs. They help women maintain youth and beauty, preventing premature aging.

Freshly squeezed juice is drunk immediately after preparation, when it contains a lot of useful substances and they have not begun to deteriorate under the influence of light.

Sea buckthorn with honey - half a liter of juice is mixed with 50 g. honey and a glass of boiled water, you can add mint infusion (100 g). Store in the refrigerator, drink a glass a day. The drink activates protective functions body, fights colds and inflammatory processes, prolongs youth, preventing the aging of organs.

Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn leaves

Just like berries, the leaves have a healing effect on the body. Collecting leaves can be done all summer, drying is carried out naturally in a well-ventilated place protected from sunlight. The leaves can be harvested along with the twigs; they also have medicinal properties and are used for brewing and preparing infusions and teas.

Tea from sea buckthorn leaves - recipe: crushed raw materials in the amount of 2 tablespoons are placed in a container with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Then it is filtered and taken orally, 1/2 cup twice a day. Tea made from the leaves relieves inflammation of various etiologies, helps diabetics reduce blood sugar, and alleviates peptic ulcers.

Infusion recipe - place crushed leaves (two tablespoons) in a thermos and pour 400 ml. boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter. Used to treat joints, rheumatism, gout, osteochondrosis, and salt deposits. For these purposes, take the infusion 1/4 cup three times.

Sea buckthorn in alcohol is prepared from both berries and leaves of the plant

Alcohol tincture – fresh or dry leaves in an amount of 50 g. pour 1/2 liters of alcohol, close and put away for two weeks to infuse in a dark place. After the expiration date, filter and take 20-25 drops with water. Sea buckthorn in alcohol alleviates the condition of colds, pulmonary and heart diseases, atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency.

The healing effect of seeds

Is it possible to eat sea buckthorn with its seeds? – yes, the seeds will have a cleansing effect on the intestines, remove waste harmful products and toxins from it, and activate its peristalsis.

Decoction of seeds - to prepare it, take 1/4 liter of water and a tablespoon of seeds, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, infuse and filter. Take 50 ml. on an empty stomach three times a day. Sea buckthorn seeds will relieve inflammation in stomach and intestinal diseases, normalize digestion, and eliminate diarrhea.

Use of sea buckthorn bark

The bark is used as a wound healing and regenerating agent. Decoctions are prepared from it, which have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, treat colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea, and strengthen hair.

Bark decoction - a tablespoon of crushed raw material is placed in a container with a glass of water, placed on low heat and boiled for half an hour. Then filter, bring the volume of the drink to the original volume and take three times a day. The drug stabilizes blood pressure and relieves hypertensive crisis. Treatment is carried out for three weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil – characteristics, properties and applications

Sea buckthorn oil can be purchased in a pharmacy in ready-made form, and, if possible, prepared at home

How to make butter

First recipe: chopped berries or sea buckthorn cake are placed halfway in a container and topped up with vegetable oil. Place in a dark place to infuse for two weeks. Then filter and store in the refrigerator.

The second recipe: fresh fruits are passed through a juicer, the resulting juice is placed in a dark place. After a day it will separate and the oil will rise. It is carefully collected in a container, which is then stored in the refrigerator.

Properly made oil has a rich chemical composition and a lot of beneficial properties for humans.

Chemical composition

  • Tocopherols;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Fatty acids (including omega 6 and omega 3);
  • Vitamin C, E, PP and group B;
  • Carotene;
  • Pectin;
  • Sahara;
  • Minerals;
  • Retinol.

Medicinal properties

Finished sea buckthorn oil is not inferior in quality to homemade

The drug is taken orally:

  • to relieve pain and inflammation;
  • for the treatment of gastric and intestinal ulcers;
  • for chronic colitis and tonsillitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids;
  • for dysbacteriosis, poisoning and toxic damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • with liver damage from alcohol;
  • for heartburn and belching;
  • to lower cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis and angina pectoris;
  • to replenish the body with vitamins for vitamin deficiency and weak immunity.

Externally the oil is used:

  • for skin diseases (eczema, rashes, ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds, bedsores, burns), it accelerates tissue epithelization and the wound healing process;
  • for gynecological diseases (endometriosis, cervitis, uterine erosion and inflammation of the female genital organs);
  • for eye burns, corneal ulcers;
  • sinusitis;
  • pulpitis and periodontitis;
  • for cosmetic purposes for skin and hair care.

In extreme cold, sea buckthorn will have a moisturizing effect on the skin of the lips.

The properties of sea buckthorn oil have an antibacterial and powerful antiseptic effect, helping to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococcus.

Cosmetic masks with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn face mask – a tampon is soaked in sea buckthorn oil and applied to the skin. The mask stays on for an unlimited time; sea buckthorn has a good softening effect on the skin, relieves irritation and redness. Antioxidant properties will have a rejuvenating effect and help restore and maintain her youth.

To care for nails, take baths with sea buckthorn oil. They help solve the problem of brittle nails and their separation, and will also have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands - it softens and takes on a healthy appearance.

Sea buckthorn oil for hair – sea buckthorn oil is applied to the hair roots, massaged and covered the head. Leave for an unlimited time to absorb beneficial substances into the scalp. Then wash off with warm water. A sea buckthorn hair mask helps restore, strengthen and give your hair a healthy look. It is advisable to carry out this procedure a couple of times a week.

The benefits and harms of sea buckthorn

This unique plant is called the “Siberian pineapple”, it is indicated for consumption and benefits all categories of the population

Useful properties and contraindications for women

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, large and varied amount of micro and macroelements, sea buckthorn has a strengthening and healing effect on a woman’s health. The berries contain a huge amount of vitamin C (several times more than black currants, rose hips and citrus fruits), which helps stimulate the body's immune and defense forces. The presence of bioflavonoids in sea buckthorn helps maintain the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, and normalizes brain function and blood circulation. The B vitamins contained in the plant support the functioning of the nervous system, relieve depression and nervous breakdowns. Vitamin E prevents a woman from aging by maintaining normal reproductive system, skin and hair. Sea buckthorn is used to treat many gynecological and proctological diseases. Sea buckthorn oil is added to creams, scrubs, shampoos and lotions.

Various masks are prepared based on the plant to maintain healthy skin.

Rejuvenating mask - mix a teaspoon of pureed berries and sea buckthorn oil with yogurt, sour cream or yolk. Apply to the skin, wash off with warm water after 20 minutes. The mask restores and rejuvenates the skin.

Softening mask - berries are crushed and mixed with vegetable oil. Apply to the skin, leave for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Nourishing mask - pureed berries in the amount of a tablespoon are mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Apply to the skin and wash off with warm water after half an hour.

In gynecology

Sea buckthorn oil is widely used; it helps get rid of many gynecological diseases:

For inflammation of the appendages - tampons are soaked in sea buckthorn oil and inserted into the vagina three times a day for several hours.

For erosion - before starting treatment, it is necessary to cleanse the cervix. To do this, prepare an infusion of boron uterus, soak a tampon in it and remove vaginal discharge. Then a tampon soaked in sea buckthorn oil is inserted. The procedure is done every day for 2 weeks.

At the pharmacy you can buy ready-made vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn. They are more hygienic and easy to use

For thrush - take a dessert spoon of sea buckthorn oil orally daily for 2 weeks. During the treatment period, it is necessary to follow a diet, excluding fatty and fried foods from the diet.

For endometriosis - before starting treatment, it is necessary to douche with a warm decoction of St. John's wort, and then insert a tampon soaked in sea buckthorn oil at night. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days; if necessary, take a short break and repeat the procedure.

There are no contraindications for use; pregnant women can eat fresh berries and preparations from them. Sea buckthorn will help with colds, flu, stomach problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, vitamin deficiencies and skin problems.

Sea buckthorn during pregnancy will help cope with many problems without the use of medications.

Sea buckthorn during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding women can consume fresh berries, fruit drinks, juice and various preparations. Sea buckthorn will only have a beneficial effect, enrich milk with vitamins and help the child grow up healthy. To increase lactation, it is good to drink milk with sea buckthorn and carrot juice (a tablespoon per glass). It is good to lubricate the cracks in the nipples with sea buckthorn oil. For women after childbirth, sea buckthorn helps restore strength and recharge with vigor.

Sea buckthorn for children

Sea buckthorn can be given to children from 8 months in the form of fresh juice and pureed berries. The juice is pre-diluted with water in proportions 1:3. If the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver or gall bladder, then before taking it you need to consult a pediatrician.

If the baby has no contraindications to taking sea buckthorn, then you can safely include berries and juices in his diet, they will help the baby grow up healthy

Side effects

If contraindications are not followed and the plant is abused, rashes may appear on the skin, heart rhythm disturbances, a bitter taste in the mouth and excessive salivation. In such cases, you need to reduce the consumption of sea buckthorn or stop for a while.

How to preserve sea buckthorn

How to cook and what can be prepared from sea buckthorn? There are many ways to store sea buckthorn without losing its healing qualities.

Frozen sea buckthorn

To freeze the berries, you should sort them out, rinse them and dry them a little, spreading them out on a paper napkin. Then place in bags and put away freezer, in this form they retain all their useful qualities until the new harvest.

For drying, the berries are harvested in early September, they are sorted out of debris, washed and slightly dried in air, spread out in a thin layer in a place without direct sunlight. Then they are dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

Properly dried sea buckthorn has a dark orange color and can be stored in a dry place for up to 2 years.

Sea buckthorn compote for the winter

To prepare it, you need to take sea buckthorn fruits and apples cut into slices (half a liter each), you can add cinnamon (1/4 sticks) and cloves (2-3 pieces). Place everything in a sterilized three-liter jar and fill with boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, drain the water, add sugar (2 cups), bring to a boil. Fill the jar with hot syrup, roll it up and keep in a warm place for a day to infuse. The compote is ready for use; for long-term storage it must be kept in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking

A simple recipe: put washed berries with sugar (all in equal quantities) into sterilized jars, 3/4 full, close the container and shake until the sea buckthorn releases juice and dissolves the sugar. The workpiece is stored in a cold place for up to 2 years. It can be used to make tea and fruit juice.

We pass the washed berries through a juicer or meat grinder, filter through cheesecloth to remove the pulp and seeds. Then add sugar (ratio 1:1) and keep on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved, without allowing the syrup to boil. Then pour into sterilized jars, roll up and put in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn syrup is a wonderful product for the winter, preserving all the healing substances contained in the fruits of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn jelly

Fresh berries are passed through a juicer, sugar and dissolved gelatin are added. The mixture is heated and kept on low heat for 5-10 minutes, while stirring constantly. The finished jelly is laid out in sterilized jars and put in a cool place. It may separate during storage, so you just need to stir it before using it.

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter

Cooking recipe - crushed berries in the amount of one kilogram are heated with water (1/4 liters), pressed and filtered. The resulting juice is poured into sterilized jars, then placed in a water bath and kept at a low boil for 10-15 minutes. The jars are rolled up and put in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn jam

It is better to cook it with apples. They are peeled, chopped, sea buckthorn and a little water are added. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, crushed in a blender, sugar is added and kept on fire for about half an hour. The mass is put into jars, pre-sterilized and covered with lids.

You can spread the jam on bread and drink tea with it

Mashed sea buckthorn

Preparation - fresh berries are ground in a meat grinder or blender and mixed with sugar. For 1 kg. 1.5 kg of berries are added. sugar and stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. The puree is placed in sterilized jars, sprinkled with sugar on top and sealed. Place in a cool place for storage.

Sea buckthorn jam - benefits and harm

A simple recipe for jam for the winter - it’s easy to prepare: pass the berries through a juicer, add sugar (for 1 kg of berries - 800 grams of sugar) and cook for 10-15 minutes. Pour into jars and close. Sea buckthorn jam has an amber color and a lot of useful substances.

The second recipe is to cover the berries with granulated sugar (ratio 1:1) and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Place in jars and store in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn jam and preparations will replenish the body with everything necessary nutrients and vitamins, will help cope with colds and strengthen the immune system

Ready-made medicines based on sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn leaf tea – dry leaves are used to brew tea and are used to calm the nervous system and treat insomnia. The drink is a preventative against diabetes, vitaminizes the body and helps with colds and weak immunity. Price per package of 50 g. is about 100 rubles.

Sea buckthorn syrup - can be purchased ready-made, it contains berry extract and sugar. Used as an additional source of vitamin C and organic acids.

Instructions for use: adults take a tablespoon three times a day with meals. The price of syrup with pulp (0.5 ml.) is 180-200 rubles.

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural product for internal and external use. Price per 100 gr. – from 150 rubles.

The unique chemical composition of sea buckthorn oil will help cope with many diseases

Sea buckthorn ointment is indicated for the treatment of hypovitaminosis, inflammatory processes of a gynecological and proctological nature. Available in tubes, contains sea buckthorn extract. Price for 40 gr. – from 150 rubles.

Sea buckthorn capsules – contains sea buckthorn oil. Price for 100 pieces is about 85 rubles.

Sea buckthorn soap is a natural hygiene product for adults and children. Gently disinfects and cares for the skin of hands and body. Produced industrially and manually. The cost ranges from 25 rubles and above.

Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn for hemorrhoids have an antibacterial, hemostatic and softening effect. Available in 10 pieces per package at a price of 90 rubles.

Suppositories with sea buckthorn are indicated for gynecological diseases: inflammation of the vagina and ovaries, thrush, cervical erosion, chlamydia, cystitis, prostatitis and hemorrhoids.

Instructions for use are attached; suppositories with sea buckthorn for each disease have their own characteristics for use, which should be followed. The cost of the drug with 10 pieces is from 120 rubles.

“Sea buckthorn propolis” is a gentle milk for intimate hygiene. Maintains natural pH balance and microflora of the intimate area. Propolis enhances the anti-inflammatory and softening effect of sea buckthorn.

Aerosol spray with sea buckthorn - used for external use for skin diseases - slowly healing wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, microbial eczema, dermatitis. The cost of a bottle with 80 gr. about 230 rubles.

Eye cream “Sea buckthorn” - gives the skin elasticity and tone, soothes, moisturizes and smoothes out fine wrinkles around the eyes. Price per tube of 30 g. – from 58 rubles.

Traditional medicine recipes

For a cold - effective means To relieve cold symptoms, use sea buckthorn with honey. To prepare this healing remedy, pureed sea buckthorn is mixed with honey and taken a tablespoon twice a day.

Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of vitamin C and, together with honey, has a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria, stimulates the body's immune defense

For sore throat, dilute a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil in a glass of warmed milk and drink it twice a day on an empty stomach. Good effect Take a teaspoon several times a day of sea buckthorn with honey.

When coughing, it is effective to take sea buckthorn oil or sea buckthorn with honey, a teaspoon three times a day. The procedure of rubbing sea buckthorn oil with camphor into the chest area at night will have a positive effect.

For rhinitis and sinusitis, you need to put a few drops of sea buckthorn oil into your nose.

For hemorrhoids, it is good to use suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. They relieve inflammation of the hemorrhoidal passages, act as an antiseptic and speed up the healing process.

For gastritis, take a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil before each meal for three weeks.

For diabetes mellitus, prepare an infusion of sea buckthorn leaves (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water). The solution is infused, filtered and taken 1-2 tablespoons twice a day. The leaves lower blood sugar and strengthen the immune system.

Sea buckthorn (lat. Hippophae) belongs to the genus of plants of the Sucker family, which grow along the banks of rivers and lakes mainly on sand or pebbles. Sea buckthorn can be found in the mountains at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level. In folk medicine, sea buckthorn was used to treat both people and horses back in Ancient Greece, and although over time it was somehow forgotten, in recent decades it has again begun to be used quite widely. By the way, the scientific name of sea buckthorn is translated from Greek as “shine for horses” - the skin of animals that fed on the leaves of the plant acquired a satin tint. In Russia, sea buckthorn has been grown since the 19th century, but varietal plants appeared only in the 30s of the last century.

Planting and caring for sea buckthorn

  • Landing: early spring, before buds open.
  • Bloom: in April or May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: chernozem, loamy, sandy loam, with a pH of 6.5-7.0. Clayey and acidic soils, as well as areas with high groundwater levels, are strictly unsuitable.
  • Watering: as needed. Young plants are watered with 3-4 buckets of water, mature plants with 6-8 buckets, trying to wet the entire root layer of soil. By autumn, water consumption is increased by one and a half times, and in October, abundant water-recharging irrigation is carried out.
  • Feeding: regular, starting from the third season after planting. From the fifth year of life - only potassium and phosphorus, but before this age, ammonium nitrate is scattered and incorporated into the soil along the tree trunks of young plants in early spring at the rate of 20 g/m². Adult fruit-bearing plants also require foliar feeding immediately after flowering and after another three weeks. In autumn, tree trunk circles are filled with superphosphate, potassium salt and ash.
  • Trimming: at any time of the year, but it is most convenient in early spring, before the sap begins to flow. Sanitary cleaning is usually carried out in the fall.
  • Reproduction: seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush, grafting, shoots and layering.
  • Pests: sea ​​buckthorn flies, sea buckthorn moths, aphids, gall and spider mites.
  • Diseases: endomycosis, black cancer, black leg, scab (stegmina), gray and brown rot, fusarium, verticillium, alternaria, fomoz, sea buckthorn terry, ring necrosis of branches and coryneum necrosis, mixed and heart-shaped trunk rot.

Read more about growing sea buckthorn below.

Sea buckthorn bushes - description

Sea buckthorn can be a shrub or small tree with a height of 10 cm to 6 meters or more. The root system of the plant is superficial, it is located at a depth of approximately 40 cm, but grows in width to a distance exceeding the diameter of the crown by 2-2.5 times. The leaves of sea buckthorn are alternate, long and narrow, speckled green on the upper side of the plate and silvery-whitish or reddish-golden with star-shaped scales below. Small and inconspicuous unisexual flowers open on sea buckthorn almost simultaneously with the leaves. Sea buckthorn begins to bloom at the end of April or beginning of May.

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant: male silver-brown flowers form short spike-shaped inflorescences at the bases of young shoots, and yellowish female flowers appear one or more in the axils of the covering scales. Sea buckthorn fruits are false drupes of spherical or elongated shape, consisting of a nut and a juicy overgrown orange or reddish receptacle, ripen in 90-100 days. The branch of sea buckthorn is densely covered with fruits, which is reflected in the Russian name of the plant.

Sea buckthorn berries are used to make jam and juice, but the main value of the plant is its healing oil, which is popularly considered miraculous. Sea buckthorn is a winter-hardy plant that can withstand frosts down to -50 ºC, and the roots in the ground can withstand temperatures down to -20 ºC. Sea buckthorn is much more afraid of frost than winter thaws - in conditions when the ground does not freeze, its roots can rot.

Sea buckthorn grown in splendid isolation does not bear fruit, since female and male flowers Sea buckthorns are usually found on different bushes. True, sometimes, very rarely, you can find forms with bisexual flowers. Usually, fruits are formed on female plants, and male ones are needed for pollination: one male bush is enough to pollinate 3-5 female plants. It is impossible to determine the sex of a young plant; clarity comes only when flower buds form on the bush - there are more of them on male specimens and they are much larger than on female ones. Fruiting occurs 4-6 years from the beginning of growth.

Today, sea buckthorn is gradually regaining its lost positions many centuries ago, and although it can still be found in our gardens not as often as grapes, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries or currants, it is already more often than serviceberry, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, blueberries or actinidia . We value sea buckthorn not only for its taste, but also for its undeniable health benefits.

In our article we will talk about sea buckthorn, which grows almost throughout Europe, including in our gardens. We will tell you how to plant and care for sea buckthorn: when and how to plant sea buckthorn on personal plot or at the dacha, how to care for sea buckthorn throughout the growing season, how to feed sea buckthorn in order to achieve consistently high yields, how to spray sea buckthorn against diseases and pests, when and how to prune sea buckthorn and how to propagate sea buckthorn by seed and vegetative methods.

Planting sea buckthorn

When to plant sea buckthorn

It is customary to plant sea buckthorn in early spring, before buds bloom on the trees, since it is very difficult for it to tolerate this procedure in the fall. As a rule, for sea buckthorn, a sunny area is allocated on the periphery of the garden - one male specimen and 3-4 female plants can be placed there.

Sea buckthorn will not grow well on acidic soils, as well as on clay soils; the optimal soil pH is pH 6.5-7.0. Before planting sea buckthorn, acidic soils are limed by adding ground limestone or calcareous tuff to them for digging at the rate of 250-400 g per m² - this amount of deoxidizers will be enough for 8-10 years. Groundwater in the area should not lie higher than at a depth of 2 m. Do not plant sea buckthorn where strawberries grew before, since they have the same diseases.

Planting sea buckthorn in spring

For planting, it is better to purchase one-year or two-year-old sea buckthorn seedlings, the roots of which are dipped into a clay mash before planting. If you find that the root system of the seedlings has dried out, first place their roots in a bucket of water for a day or two so that they regain their elasticity.

The area for sea buckthorn is prepared in the fall: the soil is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet while 20 g of potassium sulfate, 200 g of superphosphate and 4-5 buckets of humus are added to each m². In the spring, holes measuring 65x65x65 cm are dug at a distance of 2 m from each other, a peg 1-1.20 m high is driven into the center of each hole and a mound of fertile soil is poured onto which the seedling is placed. The roots of the seedling are straightened, after which the hole is filled with earth mixed with coarse sand, humus or peat in equal proportions so that the root collar of the tree is in the soil at a depth of no more than 3 cm.

A small circular hole is left around the seedling for watering, the tree is tied to a peg and 2-3 buckets of water are poured into the watering hole. When the water is absorbed, the hole is mulched with humus or dry soil, leveling it with the surface of the site. At first, in order for the seedling to take root in a new place, it is watered daily for a month.

Planting sea buckthorn in autumn

As we have already written, it is not advisable to plant sea buckthorn in the fall, but if such a need arises, try to plant sea buckthorn before mid-October so that it has time to take root before frost. This can be done only in those areas where winter comes late, and only if the sea buckthorn seedling meets all the requirements put forward for it: a seedling ready for planting must have at least 3 skeletal roots up to 20 cm long and many fibrous roots: the stem must be tall from 35 to 50 cm and with a diameter of at least 6 cm; there should be several shoots on the stem. A healthy plant has elastic bark, without damage or wrinkles. It should not peel off from the wood, and the wood should not have a brown tint, since this is evidence that the seedling is frostbitten.

Dig a hole of the dimensions indicated in the previous section, drive a peg into its center, pour soil from under adult sea buckthorn mixed with a bucket of humus, a handful of double superphosphate and a glass of wood ash onto the bottom. Otherwise, follow the instructions from the previous section.

Sea buckthorn care

Sea buckthorn care in spring

Planting and caring for sea buckthorn does not involve any particular difficulties, but requires certain knowledge and skills. At the end of March, as soon as it gets warmer, sea buckthorn is sanitized, removing all broken, diseased, withered and drooping branches. In April, you need to harrow or loosen the soil in the tree trunks of the sea buckthorn and in the inter-row spaces.

In May, sea buckthorn is watered. It is especially necessary if there was no snow in winter and no rain in spring. If there was enough snow in the winter months and the spring was rainy, you can take your time with watering the sea buckthorn.

If there is no wind during sea buckthorn flowering, carry out additional pollination: cut a branch from male tree and shake it across the crown of the female plant.

Caring for sea buckthorn in summer

Caring for sea buckthorn in the summer is due to the intensive growth of shoots and fruits. In summer, the plant especially needs moisture, so drying out of the soil in the tree trunk circles is unacceptable. However, keep in mind that waterlogging is just as harmful as lack of moisture: in too much wet soil air exchange deteriorates and, consequently, the vital activity of the roots slows down.

Maintain the water balance of the soil, and a day after watering, loosen the soil in the inter-rows and near-trunk circles. Delete weeds And basal shoots. Carefully monitor the condition of sea buckthorn leaves and shoots in order to detect the onset of the disease in time.

In August-September, sea buckthorn fruits begin to ripen. To prevent branches overloaded with berries from breaking, prop them up in time. They begin to harvest the berries when they acquire the color and size characteristic of the variety.

Caring for sea buckthorn in autumn

After harvesting, sea buckthorn needs sanitary pruning, and mature bushes are rejuvenated one by one in the fall - one bush each year. In dry autumn, sea buckthorn must be watered abundantly for the winter. In addition, in the fall, organic and phosphorus fertilizers are added to the soil, covering them when digging the area to a depth of 10 cm.

Sea buckthorn processing

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a problem than to fight it. To protect your sea buckthorn from pests and dangerous pathogens, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments.

In early spring, you need to collect fallen leaves, remove the remains of flowers and fruits from the trees, clean the wounds on the trunks and branches and treat them with a three percent solution of copper sulfate, after which the trunk and skeletal branches of the sea buckthorn should be whitened with lime to protect the tree bark from pests. A measure that has proven itself well as a preventive measure against fungal diseases and pest invasions is treating sea buckthorn with a seven percent urea solution or a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture twice a season - in early spring and late autumn.

During the season, if pests appear on the sea buckthorn, treat the bush or tree once a week with a solution of wood ash.

Watering sea buckthorn

Watering sea buckthorn is carried out as needed, trying to wet the entire root layer of soil. To do this, a young plant needs 3-4 buckets of water poured into a circle near the trunk, and mature trees will need from 6 to 8 buckets. Closer to autumn, water consumption per tree increases by one and a half times. Water-recharging winter watering is very important for sea buckthorn - it enhances its winter hardiness.

After watering or rain, be sure to loosen the soil in the area: nodules form on the roots of sea buckthorn, in which bacteria live, absorbing nitrogen from the air and enriching the root-inhabited soil layer with nitrogenous compounds, vital necessary for the plant. That is why the soil on the site must be loose at all times. However, be careful: the root system of sea buckthorn is vertical, and it is very easy to damage, so it is best to mulch the tree trunk circles with humus or compost from potato tops or birch or apple tree leaves, then you will have to loosen the soil infrequently.

Sea buckthorn feeding

Growing sea buckthorn requires regular feeding of the plant, starting from the third year of growth. Since the root system supplies itself with nitrogen, only potassium and phosphorus fertilizers will need to be applied to a mature plant, but up to five years, until the root system develops, according to trunk circle Every spring, sea buckthorn scatter ammonium nitrate at the rate of 20 g per m², after which it is covered with a layer of soil.

An adult plant that has already entered the period of fruiting, immediately after flowering, and then again three weeks later, is treated on the leaves with a solution of one spoon of liquid potassium humate or Effecton in 10 liters of water. During the period of ovary growth, sea buckthorn preparing for fruiting is fed with a solution of two tablespoons of double superphosphate in granules, the same amount of the Universal-micro nutrient mixture and a tablespoon of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.

During autumn digging, 30 g of superphosphate, 100 g of wood ash and 25 g of potassium salt are scattered over the site for each m². If the soil on the site is acidic, instead of superphosphate, use phosphate rock as a fertilizer at the rate of 50 g per m².

Sea buckthorn pruning

When to prune sea buckthorn

In principle, sea buckthorn can be trimmed at any time of the year, except winter. But most often, sea buckthorn bushes are pruned in the spring, during the dormant period, before it gets warmer. In the fall, as a rule, sea buckthorn is prepared for wintering and sanitary pruning is carried out.

Pruning sea buckthorn in spring

In the spring, sea buckthorn is tidied up after the winter - diseased and withered shoots and branches broken under the weight of snow are cut off. Young trees undergo formative pruning, and here it is important to decide as early as possible whether you will grow a tree or a bush.

If you want sea buckthorn to grow as a bush, trim the newly planted seedling at a height of 10-20 cm, and next year leave no more than 4 shoots from the shoots that appear on the stump and sprouted from the root, and remove the remaining shoots completely. Just keep in mind that you can count on shoots from the root only if the sea buckthorn seedling is rooted.

If you decide that your sea buckthorn will be a tree, form it with a trunk 30 cm high and 2-4 skeletal branches. There is no need to prune a seedling with already formed branches, but if there are no branches on it, shorten it to 30 cm, and next year form 3-4 skeletal branches and a conductor from the emerging shoots and level them in height. If after a year the branches grow too much, shorten them by a third or a quarter of the length. When the trees are ready to bear fruit, do not cut off the tops of the shoots, as this is where the flower buds form.

In the future, the formation of both the bush and the tree consists of removing thickening, unnecessary shoots and unnecessary growth that grow in the wrong direction. By the way, to remove root shoots, you need to dig them out and very carefully, trying not to damage the root system of the mother plant, cut them into rings in the place from which they sprouted.

When your sea buckthorn turns six years old, it is time for anti-aging pruning, which is also best done in the spring. Branches that have ceased to bear fruit are cut out and replaced with the youngest of the strongest branches, even the top branches. This should be done gradually - replace 1 to 3 branches annually, no more.

Don't despair if the tree dies from frost. If the root is alive, simply cut the dead tree or bush down to the root collar and begin to form a new plant.

Pruning sea buckthorn in autumn

In late autumn, when sea buckthorn enters its dormant period, cut off all unnecessary, too old, broken, dried, improperly growing and diseased branches and shoots so that the plant does not waste feeding them all winter. Use only sharp, sterile tools for pruning so that they do not soak the bark and wound.

Sea buckthorn propagation

How to propagate sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn reproduces easily and different ways: seed and vegetative - cuttings, grafting, dividing the bush, shoots and layering. All these methods are easy to implement.

Seed propagation of sea buckthorn

If you want to get a varietal seedling, it is better to use vegetative methods of propagating the crop, because seedlings, as a rule, do not repeat the varietal characteristics of the parent plant. Using seed propagation, new plant varieties are usually developed. In addition, seedlings grown from seeds are used as a rootstock when propagating sea buckthorn by grafting.

Sea buckthorn seeds do not lose their germination capacity for more than two years. At the end of April, after preliminary stratification for a month and a half in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, the seeds are sown at a shallow depth and germinated as usual: in the light, in a warm place, covered with glass. Shoots may appear in a week or two, and at first they are shaded from direct sunlight. In mid-June, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, having first shortened the long taproot to stimulate the development of the root system.

Propagation of sea buckthorn by cuttings

This method involves both green cuttings of sea buckthorn and rooting of lignified cuttings. Lignified cuttings are harvested at the end of November or even at the beginning of December, but it is better to cut them at the end of March or beginning of April. To do this, select two-year-old growths with a thickness of at least 6 cm and cut them into sections 15-20 cm long. Sea buckthorn cuttings cut in the fall are tied into a bundle, wrapped in fabric, placed in a plastic bag, buried in a hole and covered with snow, and if there is no snow, then they are covered with spruce branches or dry leaves.

Cuttings saved in the fall or cut in March in the spring before planting are kept in water for three days, changing it from time to time. It would be nice if you add a root formation stimulator to the water. After this, the cuttings are planted in the ground at an angle so that at least 2-3 buds remain above the surface, but most of them remain underground. By autumn, the cutting can reach a height of up to 60 cm. Sea buckthorn from the cutting begins to bear fruit in the third year.

Green cuttings take root more difficult. They will need special conditions: sterile loose soil mixture covered with a layer of washed sand, root formation stimulants, regular spraying of moisture to create high air humidity, etc.

Sea buckthorn propagation by layering

This method is good if you have a young tree or bush with well-bending branches on your site. In the spring, select a branch with good growth, bend it, place it in a shallow groove, secure it and cover it with soil. Water it throughout the season, feed it, loosen the soil around it and remove weeds. Next spring When the cuttings take root, they are separated from the mother plant, dug up along with the roots, and planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction of sea buckthorn by shoots

For this type of propagation, you need to take shoots of rooted sea buckthorn, growing no closer than one and a half meters from the mother tree - usually they already have a root system formed. During the season, the shoot is hilled up high, watered, fed, and in the spring it is carefully separated and planted in a new place.

Propagation of sea buckthorn by dividing the bush

When propagating using this method, they dig up the entire sea buckthorn bush, cut off the old branches on it, use pruning shears to divide the bush into several parts, each of which should have developed shoots and roots, treat the cuts with crushed coal, after which the sections are planted in pre-prepared holes and cared for, like a seedling.

Sea buckthorn propagation by grafting

This method is the most troublesome of all vegetative ones. Is it worth it to graft when there are so many simpler and no less effective opportunities to propagate sea buckthorn? It turns out that it’s worth it: using this method, in order to avoid planting a new plant, you can graft a male cutting onto a female plant. Or grow the variety you need on a viable rootstock.

The best time for vaccination is the end of April or the beginning of May. The stem of a two-year-old seedling, which will be used as a rootstock, is cut back to 1.5-2 cm above the root collar, the strongest shoot 10 cm high is left on the rootstock, the rest are removed or broken off. The remaining shoot is grown all summer, pinching it so that it does not grow in height, but thickens. Its lower part, up to 13-15 cm in height, is cleared of growths so that by next spring a smooth and even standard is formed from the shoot.

In the third spring, when the seedling has grown to 50-60 cm and its diameter reaches 5-9 mm, improved copulation of cuttings of the desired variety is carried out to it at a height of 8-10 cm from the root collar. Cuttings take root on an artificially formed trunk much easier than if you grafted them onto the root collar. It is characteristic that cuttings taken from female trees take root better than male ones.

Sea buckthorn diseases

For some reason, it has always been believed that sea buckthorn is not very susceptible to disease, but with the spread of this crop in our gardens, it turned out that such a statement has no basis. Sea buckthorn, like other fruit trees, is affected by fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Most often, sea buckthorn suffers from diseases such as:

Endomycosis– a fungal disease of a focal nature, which manifests itself in early August on sea buckthorn fruits, which become flabby, soft and filled with odorless gray mucus. The shell of the affected berries breaks through, and the contents flow out onto neighboring berries, infecting them with endomycosis. Rain and dew contribute to the development of the disease.

Control measures. Treatment of sea buckthorn consists of a two-stage treatment with one percent Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. The first treatment is carried out after the end of flowering, and the second in mid-July;

Black cancer appears as dark round spots on large branches. As the disease develops in the areas of these spots, the bark turns black, becomes cracked and falls off, the wood darkens and rots. The causative agent of the disease penetrates through frostbite or wounds during pruning.

Control measures. The affected areas are cleared of diseased bark and wood to healthy tissue, treated with copper sulfate, and then with a mixture of clay and mullein;

Blackleg, excited by soil fungi, thins the stem of the seedling at the point of contact of the seedling's subcotyledon with the soil. Young seedlings are affected by the disease.

Control measures. Grow seedlings on a substrate of washed sand mixed with turf soil. For preventive purposes, water the seedlings with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate once every few days, but if the disease does appear, then treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate daily:

Scab, or stegmina- this is a fungal disease that affects young shoots, leaves and fruits, often leading to drying out of the shoots, or even the entire plant. In mid-summer, black, round, shiny spots form on the berries, gradually increasing in size. Pink or yellow mucous formations then appear through the ruptures of the fruit. The fruits dry out and turn black. Black swellings appear on the shoots of the current year, and black velvety spots and ulcers appear on the leaves. The bush looks like it has been splattered with black ink.

Control measures. As a preventative measure, carry out sanitary pruning of sea buckthorn every autumn, then burn all plant residues, and treat sea buckthorn with one percent Bordeaux mixture no later than 20 days before harvesting;

Gray And brown rot– these diseases appear in July, and rainy weather contributes to their development. Gray rot causes sea buckthorn fruits to wrinkle and wither, and brown rot causes dark spots to appear on the berries.

Control measures. Plants showing signs of disease are cut out and burned. As a preventive measure, the rules for caring for sea buckthorn are strictly followed - watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing.

In addition to the diseases described, sea buckthorn can be affected by fusarium, verticillium, alternaria, fomoz, sea buckthorn terry, ring necrosis of branches and coryneum necrosis, mixed and heart-shaped trunk rot, however, if you follow sea buckthorn agricultural practices, you may never know what the symptoms of these diseases look like.

Sea buckthorn pests

The most dangerous pests for sea buckthorn are:

Sea buckthorn moth– its caterpillars penetrate the kidneys during their swelling and eat them from the inside;

Control measures. The best way to get rid of moths is to treat sea buckthorn with Karbofos solution during the period of bud swelling;

Sea buckthorn fly– the most dangerous pest for a plant, capable of destroying the entire crop. Flies fly out in the second half of June. Their larvae eat into the berries and destroy the pulp of the fruit, causing them to wrinkle, darken and fall off.

Control measures. You can get rid of the sea buckthorn fly by treating the sea buckthorn in mid-July with a Chlorophos solution;

Sea buckthorn aphid- a sucking insect that feeds on the juice of leaves and young shoots, settling on the underside of the leaf blade, causing the sea buckthorn to turn yellow, its leaves curl and fall off prematurely.

Control measures. If the aphids multiply, traditional methods struggles like treatment with infusions onion peel or garlic, tobacco leaves with laundry soap may not give results, and you will have to resort to insecticides - treating sea buckthorn with a ten percent solution of Karbofos during the leaf blooming period;

Sea buckthorn gall mite- Very small pest, sucking juices from the young leaves of the plant, causing them to swell, become deformed and fall off.

Control measures. WITH gall mites The same methods of control as with aphids are effective.

In addition to the pests described, if you do not properly care for sea buckthorn, you may encounter other pests, but if you follow the agricultural practices of the crop, then diseases and pests of sea buckthorn will bypass your garden.

Types and varieties of sea buckthorn

There are only two known species of sea buckthorn - sea buckthorn, which grows throughout Europe, and sea buckthorn, which grows in the south of Xinjiang in China, in the mountainous regions of India, Bhutan and Nepal.

Sea buckthorn

It is a tree up to 15 m high with a trunk diameter of about 30 cm. The leaf blades of trees of this species are sharp, lanceolate, up to 8 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide, whitish with red-brown veining. The fruit is a round yellow drupe up to 7 mm long.

Sea buckthorn

We described it at the very beginning of the article. In our latitudes, varieties of this particular plant species are grown. Sea buckthorn varieties are divided into Siberian and European, large-fruited and small-fruited, thorny and thornless, early, mid-ripening and late. Siberian varieties are not suitable for cultivation in European countries, since they do not tolerate mild winters with thaws. And European varieties are not cold-resistant enough for cultivation in Siberia.

We offer you a description of the best varieties of sea buckthorn known today.

Early varieties

  • Pearl oyster– an extremely early productive and frost-resistant variety that does not tolerate heat and drought well, with egg-shaped, aromatic orange-colored berries;
  • Red-fruited– a vigorous, spreading, productive variety of medium cold resistance, resistant to diseases, with thorns located throughout the stem, and aromatic, sour, reddish ovoid-conical berries weighing up to 1 g;
  • Inya- a not very tall frost-resistant bush with a spreading but sparse crown. The berries of this variety are aromatic and sweet, tubular-round, red-orange in color, weighing up to 1 g;
  • Openwork– thornless, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, heat-tolerant and high-yielding variety with elongated cylindrical sour berries of yellow-orange color weighing up to 1 g;
  • Golden Cascade- a thornless, not particularly productive variety, resistant to diseases and pests with ovoid, aromatic, sweet and sour orange berries weighing 1 g.

Medium-ripening varieties of sea buckthorn

These varieties include:

  • Glow– a productive and frost-resistant variety, almost not affected by diseases and pests, with a small number of small thorns on the outer part of the shoots and sour berries of crimson-orange color;
  • Darling- a medium-sized tree or thorny shrub with large bright carrot-colored berries weighing more than a gram. The variety is characterized by high frost resistance and resistance to pests and diseases;
  • Chanterelle– not susceptible to frost, pests and diseases, a high-yielding, slightly spreading, not very tall bush with large and medium-sized berries of dark red color and excellent taste;
  • Botanical– a winter-hardy, disease- and pest-resistant early-fruiting industrial grade variety with moderate thorniness and large, aromatic oblong saffron-orange berries with a pleasant sour taste;
  • Pepper- a low productive prickly bush with an umbrella-shaped crown and orange oval sour berries with a pineapple aroma.

Late varieties of sea buckthorn

These varieties of sea buckthorn are distinguished by the fact that they become sweeter from frost and are firmly held on the branches even after frost. The most popular late-ripening varieties:

  • Elizabeth– one of the best high-yielding varieties of Russian selection with short bushes and a miniature crown. The berries are large, golden-orange, barrel-shaped, with delicate and aromatic sweet-sour pulp;
  • Chuyskaya- an excellent frost-resistant, early-fruiting, consistently productive variety, which, unfortunately, is not very resistant to fungal infections. The berries of this variety are medium in size, orange in color, and have a sweet and sour taste;
  • Zlata– a consistently productive variety with thorns and large berries of an egg-straw hue, rounded-ovoid shape and sour taste;
  • Herringbone- a scarce frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety with a narrow cone-shaped crown, reminiscent of a young spruce in shape. The berries are small, sour, lemon green in color;
  • Giant– a thornless, winter-hardy, consistently productive variety with large, ovoid, orange-colored berries of excellent taste.

Properties of sea buckthorn - harm and benefit

Not only the fruits of sea buckthorn, but also its leaves and branches have medicinal properties. Sea buckthorn contains oxalic, tartaric and malic organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, K, E, carotene and carotenoids, flavonoids, manganese, boron and iron, tannins, phytoncides, oleic and linoleic fatty acids.

Sea buckthorn fruits contain serotonin, which is of great importance for the normal functioning of the human nervous system, as well as beta-sitosterol, which has an anti-sclerotic effect. A decoction of sea buckthorn berries is indicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Frostbite, burns and ulcers are treated by applying fresh berries. For men over forty years old, sea buckthorn berries are indicated as a means of increasing potency.

The leaves and fruits of sea buckthorn remove oxalic and uric acid from the body; an infusion from the leaves of the plant is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism and diabetes. A decoction of sea buckthorn leaves and branches is prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders. Dry leaves are brewed as tea for scurvy symptoms.

But perhaps the most valuable product is sea buckthorn oil, which has the strongest bactericidal effect. It contains vitamin E, vitamin F, which regulates metabolism in the skin, sterols, trace elements and minerals silicon, silver, copper, vanadium, nickel, manganese and cobalt. The oil is used both externally and internally. Its action increases the amount of protein in the liver, improves lipid metabolism, and stimulates regenerative processes in damaged tissues.

For chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis, sea buckthorn oil is used to lubricate the oral mucosa and is used for inhalation. Dermatologists recommend using sea buckthorn oil to enhance hair growth that has fallen out as a result of certain skin diseases.

Preparations created on the basis of sea buckthorn oil can greatly improve the body’s tolerance to antitumor drugs, and sometimes even enhance their therapeutic effect. To strengthen the child's immunity, nursing mothers are recommended to add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the baby's milk from the age of one month.

Sea buckthorn - contraindications

Can sea buckthorn cause harm? Since its berries contain a lot of carotene, sea buckthorn can cause an allergic reaction in people with reduced immunity. Due to the presence in the berry large quantity acids, it is not recommended to consume sea buckthorn for people suffering from liver disease, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and inflammation of the duodenum, especially if the disease is in acute stage. A tendency to loose stools is also a contraindication. Since the berries increase the acidity of urine, consumption of sea buckthorn is not recommended for patients with urolithiasis. Sea buckthorn is also dangerous for those who suffer from its individual intolerance.

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The benefits of sour yellow sea buckthorn berries are known to people all over the world. This article will tell you more about sea buckthorn, as well as its healing properties and recommendations for using this very useful plant.


Sea buckthorn is a relatively low shrub with spreading massive branches on which greenish leaves grow. During the flowering period, quite a lot of unsightly flowers appear on the tree. This plant usually blooms in late April - early May.

Plants can have only males or only female flowers. Gardeners note that it is possible to finally determine the “sex” of a tree only 3-5 years after the first ripening of the fruits.

Female and male flowers differ in appearance. So, during the flowering period, small yellow flowers appear on the “female” bush, collected 3-5 pieces into one inflorescence. Small gray-brown flowers appear on the “male” bush, which can easily spray pollen with any blow of wind. Sea buckthorn blossoms are not as beautiful as cherry or apple trees. This contributes to the fact that its flowering often goes unnoticed.

Sea buckthorn received its name due to the characteristics of fruit formation. Brightly colored berries cover the bush so intensely that it seems that they are simply “clinging” to it. The name "sea buckthorn" is used in Russia. The generic name of the tree is completely different - Hippophae. The ancient Greeks gave this name to the tree. Translated from Greek, “hippos” means “horse”, and “phaos” means “light, radiance”. The explanation for the name of the tree is simple. The thing is that the ancient Greeks noticed that when feeding horses with sea buckthorn, their mane became more shiny and silky. That is why they decided to name sea buckthorn this way.

Sea buckthorn grows in different cities and even countries. Many types of sea buckthorn grow near bodies of water. This gave the plant a second name - “sea thorn”. Wild species of sea buckthorn can be found in many different parts of the world. Thus, sea buckthorn bushes grow in China, Europe, the Caucasus, Mongolia and Asia. Sea buckthorn can also be found even in Pakistan and India.

Many people believe that Russia is considered the birthplace of sea buckthorn, but this is not at all true. The first sea buckthorn shrubs, belonging to the sucker family, grew in Southeast Asia. People quickly “noticed” this plant due to the huge number useful actions the effect it has on the body. This contributed to the fact that people all over the world began to grow sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is also grown for aesthetic purposes. Thanks to the selection carried out, scientists managed to create new varieties of sea buckthorn that can be planted to create interesting solutions landscape design.

So, some sea buckthorn shrubs can be used as real hedges. In Siberia, sea buckthorn is planted even on an industrial scale.

It should be noted that sea buckthorn is a light-loving plant.. Separately, it should be said about the good frost resistance of the tree. Dense wood helps sea buckthorn not to die in winter. Some varieties of sea buckthorn can tolerate very low temperatures - down to -45 degrees Celsius.

Sea buckthorn “prefers” looser soils. The tree grows best in soil rich in phosphorus and organic matter. Sea buckthorn does not like too much water in the soil. If the soil is too wet for a long time, this can negatively affect the growth of the tree.

The excellent ability to tolerate cold has contributed to the fact that sea buckthorn is grown even in cold natural areas. To maintain health, residents of northern countries require a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients, which are contained in large quantities in the fruits of this plant.

Sea buckthorn fruits are very useful. The berries are usually elongated or round. The color can be varied - from bright yellow to red. Some varieties of sea buckthorn even have red or orange berries. There are bones inside them.

The taste of the fruit depends on the variety. The berries have a specific sourness. The sour taste is determined by the plant variety. Some people note that they associate the taste of sea buckthorn even with unripe pineapple. It is worth noting that the taste of sea buckthorn fruits is special. It can only be remotely compared with some other berries and fruits, since the fruits of this plant still have their own unique taste.

It takes several months for the fruits to ripen from the moment the plant blooms. As a rule, berries can only be picked at the beginning of September. Some varieties of sea buckthorn begin to bear fruit a little earlier. The number of fruits on one fruit-bearing tree is usually quite large. So, from one bush you can collect quite a lot of fruits in order to make preparations for the winter for an entire family consisting of several people.

Typically, up to 10-12 kilograms can be collected from a fruiting sea buckthorn bush healthy berries. The amount of harvest largely depends on natural conditions. If the summer was rainy and there were few sunny days, then the number of fruits may be significantly less. Also, the amount of harvest may depend on the plant variety.

Chemical composition of berries

Sea buckthorn can rightfully be called a real medicine. The fruits of this berry contain so many vitamins and beneficial microelements that this allows it to be used for the treatment and prevention of a huge number of a wide variety of diseases. Pharmacognosy of the plant allowed scientists to determine the exact chemical composition of the fruit, as well as evaluate all the beneficial properties.

The vitamin composition of the plant is amazing. Thus, it contains provitamin A (up to 11 mg), as well as B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B2), E and K. Sea buckthorn fruits also contain a lot of ascorbic acid - a powerful antioxidant that is necessary for the full functioning of the body person.

When eating the berries, you can feel a certain sweetness. It is due to the fact that fruits contain glucose and fructose. Their content is about 4-6%. The special sour taste is caused by organic acids - grape, malic and others. Their content is up to 2.5%. The yellow color of the berries is due to the presence of quercetin in the fruits. The fruits also contain a number of tannins, which provide certain shades of taste.

When you bite into the seeds of the berries, you can feel an oily taste. It is due to the presence of a special fatty oil. The content of this oil component in the seeds of the plant is up to 12%, in the pulp of the fruit it is less - up to 9%. The presence of this substance makes it possible to prepare a very useful product from sea buckthorn fruits - sea buckthorn oil, which is actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

The composition of sea buckthorn oil is truly unique. Thus, it contains triacylglycerides containing both unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Among the biologically active components are oleic and palmitooleic acids. The bark and leaves of sea buckthorn contain much less healthy fatty oil. The content of this component is only 3%. Sea buckthorn leaves contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid, as well as about a dozen different tannins.

Sea buckthorn fruits also contain pectin compounds, flavonoids, as well as nicotinic and folic acids. Scientists have discovered that sea buckthorn berries even contain a number of biologically active plant components that are natural antibiotics.

The mineral composition of the plant’s fruits is surprising. One small yellow berry contains several useful minerals. So, in it you can find:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • sodium.

It is worth noting that sea buckthorn bark contains a special substance that, when introduced into the human body, helps to increase the joy hormone serotonin in the blood. Scientists have discovered a very useful substance in the fruits of the plant - sitosterol. It protects the body from the progression of atherosclerosis, as well as from some dangerous diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The fruits of the plant also contain a very important component - vitamin P. This substance is necessary to ensure normal blood clotting. In combination with a high content of ascorbic acid, vitamin P works most effectively in the body. This combination helps reduce the permeability of blood vessels and also prevents capillary fragility.

Special mention should be made about nutritional value this useful plant. Thus, the calorie content of berries is only 82 kcal per 100 grams. The protein content is up to 1.2 grams, fat – 5.68 grams, and carbohydrates – up to 5.9 grams.

It should be noted that the ratio of important nutrients may vary slightly depending on the plant variety.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of sea buckthorn for the human body are truly enormous. For many years, people have actively used this plant to maintain and improve their health. The benefits of sea buckthorn berries are enormous. Thus, the fruits of this plant can be used to treat many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Severe pathologies of the stomach and intestines include therapy with sea buckthorn oil. Also, taking sea buckthorn fruits promotes colon health.

Sea buckthorn berries are rich in antioxidants - essential substances involved in the process of natural cell renewal. Normally, all old cells in the human body die. This natural process is called apoptosis. With age, it is disrupted, which leads to an increase in the formation of “wrong” cells. In such a situation, the risk of developing cancer increases.

You can reduce the risk of cell damage with the help of antioxidants, which are found in large quantities in sea buckthorn fruits. Also, by strengthening the antioxidant defense of the human body by eating delicious orange berries, one can achieve increased immunity. Impaired functioning of the immune system causes a person to get sick more often. The lower the immunity, the higher the likelihood of developing colds or infectious diseases. Eating sea buckthorn berries improves immunity, reducing a person’s likelihood of developing dangerous infections.

In the modern world, many parents know what a frequently ill child is. Weak children can get sick several times a year. This is largely due to decreased immunity. Including products made from sea buckthorn berries in your child’s diet will help improve the functioning of the immune system. It is especially important to add such dishes to frequently ill children during the cold season in order to prevent the development of dangerous diseases in them.

Sea buckthorn fruits can also have a beneficial effect on vision. For many centuries they have been successfully used to treat various eye pathologies. As a rule, sea buckthorn berries are good for people whose vision loss is largely due to retinal pathology. Carotenoids, contained in large quantities in sea buckthorn fruits, have a beneficial effect on all structures of the eye, which even contributes to some improvement in vision. Regular consumption of sea buckthorn berries helps to significantly increase visual acuity in the evening.

The benefits of consuming sea buckthorn can also be appreciated by people suffering from various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Sea buckthorn fruits affect blood pressure. They also help reduce high “bad” cholesterol in the blood and have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels. Drinks made from sea buckthorn berries lower blood pressure and are therefore often recommended for hypertensive patients.

Another truly unique effect of sea buckthorn is the acceleration of the healing of wounds and burns. People have known about this healing effect since ancient times. They actively used sea buckthorn oil to heal the wounds of soldiers. And today sea buckthorn is prescribed for external use for long-healing wounds.

The fruits of sea buckthorn will be very useful for people of mature and old age. The abundance of vitamins and nutrients means that sea buckthorn can have a positive effect on brain function. Doctors note that with regular consumption of the berries of this medicinal plant, patients improve their memory and reduce the risk of developing cognitive disorders.

Taking sea buckthorn berries can also help normalize the functioning of the nervous system. This leads to a reduced risk of developing depressive disorders. Bright orange berries, reminiscent of the bright sun, already by their appearance set you in a positive mood. And the vitamins found in large quantities in fruits have a positive effect on mood.

Sea buckthorn fruits also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system. With regular intake of sea buckthorn berries, lymph begins to move faster through the lymphatic vessels. This leads to a general improvement in metabolism, as well as a reduction in the risk of developing many dangerous pathologies.

Sea buckthorn can also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Eating sea buckthorn fruits helps reduce inflammation resulting from any disease. This action contributes to the fact that sea buckthorn berries and oil prepared from its fruits are actively used in medicine to treat many infectious and chronic diseases.

Sea buckthorn fruits contain biologically active substances that have an antiseptic effect. They have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes. This action is used to treat or prevent a large number of infectious pathologies.

Side effects

Like any plant, sea buckthorn can provide not only benefits to the body, but also severe harm. In order not to cause harm, sea buckthorn should be used only in certain cases. It should not be used by people of any age who have contraindications to its use. The presence of a large number of biologically active substances leads to the fact that sea buckthorn should not be consumed by people with various allergic pathologies.

Sea buckthorn berries can be quite a strong allergen, which can lead to adverse allergy symptoms. Allergic reactions occur equally often in both women and men.

The presence of a high concentration of organic acids in sea buckthorn fruits leads to the fact that its fruits cannot be used for exacerbation of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before using sea buckthorn fruits to treat gastritis or enteritis, you should first consult a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Sea buckthorn should also be used very carefully by children. It is believed that sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat skin pathologies and diaper rash in newborns and infants. However, such local treatment should be carried out only after prior consultation with a pediatrician. Some babies have quite high skin sensitivity, which can contribute to the appearance of signs of allergy even with topical use of sea buckthorn oil.

External use

Great amount beneficial properties Sea buckthorn contributes to the fact that it is actively used in medicine. There are a huge number of ways to use it. Sea buckthorn can also be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. Almost every person will be able to choose the most suitable way of using sea buckthorn fruits.

In medicine

Many of the plants are not recognized traditional medicine, but not sea buckthorn. Doctors of various specialties quite often prescribe to their patients various decoctions and infusions prepared from sea buckthorn fruits. The most commonly prescribed remedy made from sea buckthorn in official medicine can be considered sea buckthorn oil. The range of applications for this product is quite wide.

Thus, sea buckthorn oil can be used for various colds and viral diseases. Applying oil to the nasal passages helps with a runny nose. It goes well with the use of thuja or eucalyptus oil. You can lubricate your nasal passages every 3-4 hours. If you carry out such procedures at the very beginning of the disease, you can ensure that the unfavorable symptoms of the disease disappear quite quickly.

When using sea buckthorn oil, you should remember the instructions for its use. Usually manufacturers put it in a box with oil. If sea buckthorn oil is not in a paper box, but simply in a glass jar, then you should ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy where the purchase is made for instructions for use.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used not only to treat a runny nose. Otolaryngologists recommend treating the nose with this remedy for people suffering from adenoids. Most often, school-age children suffer from this pathology.

Before using sea buckthorn oil to treat adenoids in their child, parents should take their child to the doctor. It is important to remember that there are a number of contraindications for the use of this drug.

Another area of ​​application of sea buckthorn oil is gynecology. It should be noted that gynecologists quite often prescribe such herbal medicine to their patients. This is quite natural. Oil obtained from sea buckthorn fruits has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. These properties can be used in the treatment of a huge number of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

One of the frequently used methods of using sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is the insertion of tampons soaked in it into the genital tract. This method of therapy can be prescribed to women suffering from cervical erosion or cervicitis. This local treatment promotes rapid regeneration (restoration) of the cellular layers of the cervix, which is necessary for speedy healing.

Sea buckthorn oil is also used to treat hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum. Currently, there are even ready-made rectal suppositories that should be inserted into the rectum to treat various diseases of the distal intestine. Such drugs are usually prescribed by a proctologist. These drugs are usually prescribed as a course of treatment. Rectal administration of suppositories helps reduce local pain and reduce the inflammatory process.

Sea buckthorn oil has also been used to treat eye diseases. So, this herbal medicine helps with eyelid burns. You can also use sea buckthorn oil to heal microdamages under the eyes. An ointment prepared from sea buckthorn fruits helps to quickly relieve inflammation, swelling and burning in the affected area. Inflamed areas should only be treated clean hands to prevent secondary infection of the wound surface.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used not only in adults, but in certain situations also in children. So, many mothers use this remedy to treat diaper rash on the skin of their children. Reviews after taking this herbal medicine are quite good. Sea buckthorn oil moisturizes and nourishes the baby's skin, reducing the appearance of diaper rash.

This drug should be used carefully; before use, be sure to consult a pediatrician and conduct a test for the presence of individual hypersensitivity.

In cosmetology

Since ancient times, women have used sea buckthorn fruits to preserve youth and beauty. Today you can find a huge number of different recipes to improve the quality of skin, hair and nails.

Sea buckthorn fruits are often used to make masks. The abundance of useful biologically active substances in the berries helps fight age-related changes in the skin and also helps improve its appearance. In order to achieve results, sea buckthorn masks should be made several times. The first changes can be noticed after the first application, but 10-12 such cosmetic sessions may be required to consolidate the result.

Making a mask from sea buckthorn berries is quite simple. To do this, pre-washed fruits must be crushed into a puree, and then this mass must be applied in an even thin layer to the face. Before using the mask, be sure to test for individual sensitivity and local allergic reactions.

If the skin “reacts” well to the application of sea buckthorn mass, then in this case you can already carry out a course of home cosmetic procedures. After applying the mask, the skin can be further nourished. A regular day or night face cream is suitable for this purpose.

Masks made from sea buckthorn fruits are great for women with mature skin. They will help improve skin tone, restore its radiant and healthy appearance, and also help improve complexion.

Sea buckthorn can also be used for hair. A mask prepared with the addition of sea buckthorn oil will help improve the appearance of your hair. Also, sea buckthorn masks are perfect for women with fluffy hair. Regular use of such masks will help make your hair smoother and easier to comb.

Sea buckthorn oil can also be used to eliminate small wrinkles, especially in the area under the eyes. Such expression lines begin to form in women over 25 years of age. Sea buckthorn oil applied to clean skin under the eyes will help reduce the number of fine wrinkles. The area under the lower eyelids is very delicate and stretches easily, so sea buckthorn oil should be applied carefully along the massage lines.

Cosmetologists note that oil prepared from sea buckthorn fruits can also be used to treat post-acne. Teenagers often face this problem during puberty. Also, acne on the skin can appear in women who have a number of dyshormonal disorders. After acne, dark red spots usually remain on the skin, which cause some discomfort in girls.

Sea buckthorn oil will help eliminate the effects of acne. It should be applied to red spots 2 times a day. This should only be done on previously cleansed skin. The most convenient way to apply sea buckthorn oil is with a regular cotton swab. It may take several weeks for the skin to completely clear.

Another great way to use sea buckthorn oil is to use it to massage your lips. Peeling often appears on the lips in cold weather, which can bleed if injured. To make your lips soft and moisturized, you can use sea buckthorn oil. It should be applied morning and evening. After just a few days of use, you will notice that your lips are softer and look better.

Sea buckthorn oil can also help women who are familiar with the problem of splitting nails. As a rule, increased fragility of nails occurs with many diseases of internal organs or even with banal hypovitaminosis. You can strengthen your nails with sea buckthorn oil. In order to strengthen the nail plates, you should rub sea buckthorn oil into them at night.

Such procedures should be done for 1-2 weeks. During this time, nails should become stronger and break less. Also, rubbing sea buckthorn oil helps your hands look more well-groomed. You can also treat your nails with oil after performing hygienic baths during a manicure. It is not at all difficult to perform such a procedure even at home.


There are a lot of ways to use sea buckthorn berries. It should be noted that the fruits can be used internally. Treatment with sea buckthorn fruits can be carried out for a wide variety of diseases. Sea buckthorn oil and berries are used in various medical applications.

One of them is gastroenterology. Sea buckthorn fruits have a beneficial effect on the liver and the process of bile excretion. Taking the berries of this plant helps cope with the adverse symptoms of hepatitis and cholecystitis. Regular consumption of sea buckthorn fruits helps to normalize the process of bile formation and its excretion through bile ducts. All this helps improve digestion.

Gastroenterologists also resort to prescribing sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is especially useful to use sea buckthorn oil for people who have erosions in the gastrointestinal tract. Taking this herbal medicine will promote rapid healing of eroded, inflamed mucous membranes of internal organs.

People who have difficulty with regular bowel movements should eat sea buckthorn berries along with the seeds. This will help normalize the urge to defecate and help normalize stool.

Natural plant extracts contained in sea buckthorn fruits help fight the symptoms of various colds and infectious diseases. Thus, eating sea buckthorn fruits will help protect all family members from the flu during the cold season. Sea buckthorn berries will also help cope with unpleasant cold symptoms. They help normalize elevated body temperature, as they reduce the intoxication syndrome that occurs in the body due to the inflammatory process.

Compote made from sea buckthorn fruits will help a weakened body cope with the disease much faster. Sea buckthorn juice is an excellent remedy for a debilitating cough. These medicinal drinks should be drunk warm. A drink that is too hot can cause additional trauma to the inflamed mucous membranes of the throat. If you have a cold, you should drink drinks made from sea buckthorn fruits at least 3-4 times a day. To improve the taste, you can add sugar or honey to tea or fruit drink.

The use of sea buckthorn fruits helps to normalize metabolism. The abundance of vitamins and beneficial microelements, as well as a number of organic acids, contributes to the fact that the functioning of the human body noticeably improves when consuming sea buckthorn berries. Sea buckthorn fruits can also help people suffering from gout.

People who are obese can also eat sea buckthorn. The fruits of this plant contain a moderate amount of natural sugars, which will contribute to the normal process of weight loss. However, you should definitely remember the measure. Also, people who want to lose weight should not rely heavily on sea buckthorn jam, as it contains quite a lot of sugar. In this case, it is better to eat the berries fresh or dried.

The positive effect on metabolism means that sea buckthorn fruits can also be eaten by people suffering from diabetes mellitus 2 types. Eating berries may even help normalize high sugar levels in the body. Fruit drinks and compotes made from sea buckthorn fruits with the addition of regular sugar substitutes are an excellent alternative to desserts for people with diabetes.

Sea buckthorn is also used in ophthalmology. Doctors recommend that patients suffering from various retinal pathologies regularly eat sea buckthorn berries. The carotenoids and vitamins contained in the fruits have a beneficial effect on the retina of the eye, which helps improve vision.

Sea buckthorn can also help people suffering from cancer. Unfortunately, cancer is not uncommon these days. The beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in “sunny” berries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cells of the human body. They also promote the death of “bad” tumor cells.

Collection and processing

Many people who grow sea buckthorn on their garden plots, are often faced with the problem of how to assemble it correctly. Currently, there is a huge variety of advice and recommendations on how to do this correctly. Let's talk about the most convenient and frequently used of them.

The difficulty of collecting sea buckthorn berries largely lies in the fact that the fruits “sit” tightly on the branches, so collecting them is extremely difficult. The most traditional way to collect orange healthy berries is to cut them from the bush along with the twigs. Subsequently, the collected berries are frozen. After such freezing, removing the berries from the branch becomes much easier. The disadvantage of this method is obvious - the possibility of using only frozen raw materials. It is no longer possible to make jam or compote from fresh sea buckthorn fruits. Therefore, this method is suitable for people who plan to store berries frozen.

Many gardeners face difficulties in collecting sea buckthorn berries every year. This problem even contributed to the fact that people were forced to invent auxiliary tools to make it easier for them to pick useful berries. To such useful devices include special combs. The berries are “combed” into pre-prepared containers.

Often the berries fall on the ground, previously covered with plastic film or cloth. After all the berries have fallen, they can be easily collected and further processed.

Many gardeners who are actively involved in growing sea buckthorn advise that sea buckthorn should be collected before the first cold weather arrives. Frost can cause the delicate skin to crack. Such berries are no longer suitable for long-term storage.

After all the berries have been collected, they should be sorted. During this process, you should get rid of any rotten or spoiled fruit. Only unspoiled berries should be left for further storage and preparation.

The sorted berries should be washed. This should be done carefully, since the skin of the fruit is quite delicate and can easily be damaged under a powerful stream of water. After this they should be dried.

You can dry sea buckthorn fruits in different ways. Most often, this process is carried out at home without the use of special devices. You can dry the berries by simply carefully placing them on a baking sheet in one row. You should not pour layers of sea buckthorn berries on top of each other. The denser the berries lie, the worse they dry. While drying the berries, they should be carefully turned over. This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the skin of the fruit.

It is worth noting that dried berries retain most of the vitamins and beneficial microelements. During drying, the fruits lose only moisture, while all healing properties are preserved. To prevent dried berries from spoiling longer, they should be stored properly.

Dried fruits can be stored in different ways. Basically, clean ones are used for this. glass jars or paper bags. Well-dried berries should be poured into pre-prepared storage containers and placed in a dry, dark place. It is better that normal humidity is maintained in the place where the harvested plant materials will be stored. In this case, the berries will be stored much longer.

In the next video you will find even more information about the benefits of sea buckthorn.