Autumn colors. Colors of feelings: a collection of cozy quotes about autumn

The world cools down, autumn sadness descends from above and spreads across the earth, freezing in the bright colors of cooling nature. The breath of autumn is getting colder, and as a result, the bright colors at the beginning thicken, becoming thick crimson and gold. Absorbing the cold into themselves, the leaves cannot stop it, and therefore, having spent all their strength, they fall down from the branches, covering the ground with a carpet... Everything around changes from the touch of autumn, everything around becomes different. Sounds and smells, colors and shades, our thoughts and sensations change. A bitterness of sadness appears from the changes that are happening more and more day after day, separating us from what was so warm and tender, and what we loved so much... And it seems that the transformation of nature is like a border between something past and something future. And the leaves falling on the withered grass lead us more and more into the dance of autumn. And autumn circles, circles in full, not allowing us to come to our senses, not allowing us to remember the past summer. Autumn enchants with the brightness of its colors, washes away our memories with rain, swirls with winds and drowns out the weakening sounds of summer... Cautious autumn is becoming stronger. Autumn reveals its images more and more brightly, adding more and more colors, bringing the colors to dark, brown and black shades. And the already darkened, chilled and damp tree trunks become so lonely, having lost their crown, and through them the heavy leaden sky, clinging to the ground, is now clearly visible... But it’s not winter yet... Watercolor autumn has become gloomy. The rains became prolonged and unhurried. The wind played enough with the fallen leaves at night... Autumn has become a full-fledged mistress. Beauty Autumn...Autumn Copper Crimson Foliage
Autumn edge
Autumn landscape with birch trees
Autumn birch forest and clear river
Yellowing birches
Autumn colors
Autumn gold
Autumn alley
Autumn and water
Autumn in the forest
Autumn sunset
Autumn sunrise
Autumn patterns
Autumn and river
Central Park
Autumn day
At the end of
Golden maple
Autumn road
Autumn at the dacha
Forgotten Leaves

Ekaterina Vishnyakova
Autumn holiday in the senior mixed age group " Bright colors autumn"

Tasks: improve children’s understanding of autumn and its features, continue to introduce the adaptation of the animal world to winter, intensify motor activity, develop musical and artistic abilities in children, develop speech and diction, develop the ability to behave confidently during public speaking, cultivate aesthetic perception beauty of autumn and a desire to help birds in winter.

The hall is decorated autumn garlands, bouquets, autumn leaves.

(A cobweb, a spider flies on a cobweb. A flock of birds or a wedge of cranes flying south).


Again autumn, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again autumn holiday

He comes to our kindergarten.

We said goodbye to the warm summer,

Already autumn has come to us.

Golden – in red

All she painted.


What an artist he is!

I gilded all the forests,

Even the heaviest rain

This didn't wash the paint.

Please guess the riddle:

Who is this artist?

Children: Autumn.

Children read poetry (together)

Following the summer autumn has come

She dressed everything around in gold,

The willow tree outside the window has turned yellow

And a birch tree in a gold dress.

Oh, what magnificent outfits,

How many paints, How beautiful pattern!

The golden thread of leaf fall,

Embroiders autumn your carpet.

A song is being sung about Autumn.

Masha appears (child)

Masha: - Where are you going? (to the spider)

Don't fly away! (rushes to the birds)

Wait! Well, where are you all going? (stomps his feet angrily)

Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere.

Nobody needs me…

Don't talk to me

Don't play with me...

Leading: - Don’t be angry, Masha. It always happens in the fall. Everyone is busy preparing for winter.

Masha: - How do you prepare for winter?

Leading: - Birds fly away to warmer lands...

Masha: - But why, is it bad for them here?


The cold scares them so much

TO warm countries fly away

They can’t sing, have fun,

Birds gathered in flocks.


The birds are seen off on their way forests:

A long echo flies into the sky.

The birds are seen off on their way meadows:

The grass grew into large stacks.

Even following them, as if with a wing,

The scarecrow waves his empty sleeve.

(V. Stepanov)

Leading: - It gets cold in autumn, all the bugs and midges are hiding, by winter all the rivers and lakes are covered with ice. The birds have nothing to eat, so they fly away to warmer climes until spring. But, Masha, not all the plits fly away; many remain to spend the winter with us. Therefore, you need to hang feeders on the trees and pour food into them for the birds so that they do not get hungry on cold days. Now we will play a game with the guys and you will learn to distinguish between migratory and wintering birds.

*Game being played "Flying away or not".

The presenter shows pictures of birds. Children They say: "Yes" or "No".

Children read poetry:

Birds are gathering in flocks again,

Long roads await them beyond the seas.

Bright, cheerful, green

Goodbye, summer, goodbye!

The cranes fly far to the ends of the earth,

For fields and meadows, for tall haystacks.

In a bright golden dress

Wanders Autumn over the stream.

Leaves are flying in the wind,

They want to catch up with the cranes.

Leaves autumn ones are quietly circling

Rug bright and softly lie down.

The birds are already flying south,

Everything turned yellow and red all around.

Masha: - What about the animals? They don't fly away.

Leading: - Animals are also preparing for winter. Wolves and foxes wear warm fur coats, and the bunny exchanges his gray fur coat for a white one. And the hedgehogs will string leaves onto needles, curl up into balls and sleep until spring...

Masha (upset): - And Misha? Misha?

Leading: - And bears sleep in a den until spring.

Masha: - It wouldn’t be better Autumn, no need for cold weather! It would be better if it were always summer!

Leading: - All seasons are good, each period has its own time, all are important. Stay with us here holiday, listen, you will find out everything and you will love it too Autumn.

(Have a seat Masha)

Children read poetry:

All paths and paths

As if in motley shreds,

This Autumn unnoticed

Walks with paint in hands.

Beautiful autumn, look:

AND yellow leaf And red

Forests and groves and bushes

Put on the outfit different.

Autumn the time has come and it's your turn!

Everywhere autumn we feel breathing.

And leaf fall and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

How autumn can be beautiful!

Let's remember its fall of leaves.

Autumn bunches of rowan,

The fire is bright - lit red!

Poem "Leaf Fall" is reading:

Fallen leaves barely talk audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

From the aspen tree...

From bird cherry...

From the oak...

From a birch...

Leaf fall everywhere:

Frost is on the way!

A song about leaf fall is sung.

*Game being played "Wreath of Leaves".

Hoops, silhouettes of leaves made of cardboard. The hoops are placed on the floor, and children lay out leaves along the inside circle. The hoops are removed, the wreaths are taught.

2 players per hoop.

Leading: - Listen to more poems about Autumn.

The yellow leaf is spinning, flying slowly,

The rain is relentlessly dripping and knocking.

Autumn the golden one came to visit us,

The summer season has suddenly ended.

Autumn touches the leaves,

He pours out handfuls of acorns,

In a moment he will come from a gray cloud,

Flooding everything with rain.

Summer has come and gone

Time autumn has come.

Whoever autumn said?

Come to our bright hall.

Appears Autumn.

Autumn: - How beautiful in your room

A world of comfort and warmth.

You called me poems,

Finally, I came to you.

With your magic brush

I'm repainting everything autumn nature,

And trees and fields.

Children (the three of them leave):

Autumn how glad we are for you,

Variegated leaf fall is swirling.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

Autumn decorates the parks

Multi-colored foliage.

Autumn feeds with harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens and in the vegetable garden

Both in the forest and by the water

Prepared gifts -

All kinds of fruits.

Autumn: - I brought it for you too fruits: cones, acorns and chestnuts. You will play with them.

Masha: - The guys have a lot of toys to play with, and you brought some pine cones.

Autumn: - It’s also interesting to play with cones.

*Game being played "Tell someone else".

Children stand in a semicircle. Four cones are passed along to the music. The music stops, those with cones in their hands start dancing.

*Game being played "Who will transfer it faster".

They carry it one at a time. Other children are already moving in the other direction. Each player gets 5 cones.

Leading: - And finally, you can do various crafts . Look, Masha (shows crafts).

Round dance with Music in autumn(or round dance song).

Autumn: - And I also give you guys tassels and golden ones paints, like mine.

You will draw and remember me. (gives to the presenter)

Oh, what a problem! (looks in the basket)

My gold brush disappeared to God knows where.

The magic brush that I use to repaint

All autumn nature, and trees, and fields!

What should I do, friends?

Baba Yaga appears. (not noticing anyone, holding a golden brush).

Baba Yaga: - Yaga lived in a hut at the edge of the forest,

The little house is completely warped from its antiquity.

And by the way, I even found a brush,

I'll repaint the hut so it can be a tower.

Golden ceiling and window,

Even the door behind the wall is like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won’t forget you chicken legs either!

Leading: - Autumn! Look, that's who took your magic brush! Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: - Well, I do not! What came to me was lost.

Leading: - Well, you have this brush Autumn stole, what about now Autumn without a magic brush it will be bring beauty? Look how it is in our hall Beautiful. This Autumn dressed up so much. And also Autumn we need to give golden outfits to the trees, the earth cover with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: - Oh, you are so cunning! Sami will bring beauty, and what do you order me to live out my whole life in such a warped, shabby hut? No, now I'm at home I'll bring beauty, may I live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in!

Leading: - I came up with an idea. Baba Yaga we will share with you paints with brushes what do we need Autumn gave. And you Autumn return her magic brush. Stay with us holiday- make friends with the guys. (Exchange, Baba Yaga sits on a chair)

Children read poetry:

Autumn, Autumn you are very beautiful!

Colored leaves are flying in the wind.

And they sing us a song with the breeze,

They fall at your feet and rustle quietly.

I’m not at all sad to walk in the kindergarten,

Multi-colored I want to pick up leaves.

Raindrops are falling from the sky

Autumn is golden, I love you!

*There is a game with Baba Yaga "Mushroomer"

Children - mushrooms - squat down and cover their faces with their palms.

Baba Yaga: - I went to the forest to pick mushrooms,

But I didn’t find any mushrooms there.

Where did they hide?

Under the trees? Or under

Mushrooms children: - And here we are! (get up)

Try us together! (they scatter around the hall, B. Yaga catches up).

Baba Yaga: - Oh, you guys are so playful, you tired me old. (holds his sides, it hurts).

Leading: - Sit down, Baba Yaga, rest and listen to some more poetry. (Everyone sit down)

Will spin above me

Rain of mischievous leaves

How good is he?

Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I started dancing under it.

We danced like friends -

Rain of leaves and me!

*Dance (girls)

Baba Yaga: - You have a good one holiday, but it’s time for me to go - to put the hut in order for winter. Goodbye!

Leading: - Goodbye, Baba Yaga, come to us and other holidays.

Autumn: - Me too, guys, it’s time to say goodbye.

I'll go gild the whole forest.

I'll give you some beads red rowan trees,

Birches have yellow scarves,

Lay the carpet on the ground,

I'll insulate the hedgehog's hole.

And the wind - how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

And to you from Hello Autumn

Autumn holiday bouquet. (gives a bouquet - composition of treats)

Leading (Pays attention): - Guys, this is not just a bouquet. Here Autumn I have prepared a treat for you.

Leading: - We sang, played, welcomed guests. It's not common for us to be bored. Business before pleasure!

Leading: - We thank all the guests who came to us for holiday and we tell you:

All: - See you again!

It's that time of year again when the Earth's northern hemisphere moves away from the warmth of the Sun. The days are getting colder and shorter, the leaves are changing color, animals are migrating, and most of the harvest has already been harvested. Autumn is a time of year rich in colors, when nature really pleases the eye. This issue contains recent photographs of autumn landscapes throughout the northern hemisphere of the Earth.

(Total 32 photos)

1. A flock of cranes gathers at sunset on a lake in Brandenburg, Germany, near Berlin on September 26, 2009. From September to November, tens of thousands of cranes stop in German villages during their migration from Scandinavia and of Eastern Europe to Spain. The agricultural fields around Berlin are one of the largest habitats for several thousand birds, which gather here during migration. (REUTERS/Thomas Krumenacker)

2. Leaves began to change color in Maine on Friday, September 25, 2009. Scientists say this will be a record year for leaf color changes in New England - wet weather in the summer, recent weeks of warm weather and cold nights should take a toll on leaf color changes. (Dina Rudick/Globe Staff)

3. Caitlin Snow, 2, walks among pumpkins on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, at Connors Farm in Massachusetts. Farm owner Robert Connors had to import pumpkins from Michigan due to a poor harvest this year. Heavy rainfall caused black rot and late blight of nightshade plants. (Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff)

A male deer calls during mating season in a nature reserve near Kitzbühel in the Austrian province of Tyrol on Wednesday October 7, 2009. (AP Photo/Kerstin Joensson)

5. A tree-covered hill near Presque Isle, Maine, at sunset on Saturday, September 26, 2009. (Dina Rudick/Globe Staff)

6. The white spire of the United Church of Christ in Keene, New Hampshire, surrounded by fall foliage. (Arthur Boufford/Boufford Photography)

A combine harvests wheat in a field south of Chapman, Kansas, during the harvest in preparation for winter. Elevators across the Great Plains remain filled to the brim with unsold wheat as officials brace for expected crop failures in corn, sorghum and soybeans. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

A central Illinois farmer rushes to harvest corn and soybeans before sunset in Loami, Illinois, on Monday, October 5, 2009. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman)

Fall foliage greets early snow in Franconia, New Hampshire on Thursday, October 1, 2009. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

10. Fog rises over a lake in Highlands, New York, on Saturday October 3, 2009. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

11. Ivika Martinic picks grapes for dumplings on the island of Brac in Croatia on October 3, 2009. To prepare dumplings, grapes must be boiled for 20-30 hours. (REUTERS/Matko Biljak)

12. Zinfandel grapes in a bowl at the Tres Sabores winery on September 25, 2009 in California. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

10-year-old Bin Amin, a Kashmiri nomad, carries a lamb on his shoulders while following his flock of goats and sheep in Srinagar on October 5, 2009. In summer, nomads walk several kilometers through the mountains in search of arable pastures for their livestock, and in winter they return back to the plains. (REUTERS/Fayaz Kabli)

14. A shepherd leads his flock to pasture through a tunnel in the Zaki Valley, about 70 km south of Vladikavkaz on October 5, 2009. (REUTERS/Kazbek Basayev)

15. This landscape near Presque Isle, Maine, shows misty fields and the colors of the autumn forest on September 25, 2009. (Dina Rudick/Globe Staff)

16. A girl reads on fallen leaves on a warm autumn day in St James's Park in London on September 26, 2009. (REUTERS/Luke MacGregor)

A flock of wild geese flies past the moon as they prepare to land at Vane Farm Nature Reserve near Fife, Scotland, on October 8, 2009. Around 20,000 wild geese stop at the reserve each year during their migration south from Iceland. Some rest and fly further, some stay here. (REUTERS/David Moir)

18. In the background autumn foliage A group of fishermen swim in Cottonwood Lake near Buena Vista, Colorado, on September 29, 2009. (AP Photo/Nathan Bilow)

Decorated cows walk down a street in Schwaz, about 15 kilometers east of Innsbruck, Austria, on September 25, 2009. At the end of summer, farmers lead their herds from the Alps to the valleys for the winter. (REUTERS/Dominic Ebenbichler)

20. Farmers and about 20 cows cross the King's Lake on a wooden ferry near Schoenau, southern Germany, October 3, 2009. The animals spent the summer in the mountains, and now it's time to take them back to the farms. (STEFFI LOOS/AFP/Getty Images)

An Amish farmer and his three children ride in a wagon full of corn on a farm in Middlefield, Ohio, on Thursday, October 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)

22. Lin Walters, 71, fishes in the Merritime River in Alton, New Hampshire, with leaves already changing colors on Thursday, October 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

23. People in costumes, pumpkins and figures of various evil spirits decorate the Tivoli amusement park in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark, on Friday, October 9, 2009. During the fall school holidays, residents of the city celebrate the Halloween season, which lasts 10 days. (AP Photo/POLFOTO, Carsten Snejbjerg)

24. A man takes a photograph of a hodgepodge at Lake Notoro in Abashiri on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido September 22, 2009. Many people come to the lake to enjoy the scenery of the plants in the salt marshes, which turn bright red between late September and October. (REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao)

25. Cranberry harvest near Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, on Thursday, September 24, 2009. (AP Photo/Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association, Andy Manis)

26. Rockefeller Center was transformed into a 139 square meter free-standing cranberry bog with 907 kilograms of cranberries on October 10, 2009, as the Ocean Spray cranberry juice brand celebrated its 80th harvest. (TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)

27. Rainbow over the covered bridge connecting Windsor, Vermont (left), and Cornish, New Hampshire (right) on Monday October 5, 2009. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

28. Farmers stand by their giant pumpkins during the annual Biggest Pumpkin Contest at the state fair in Topsfield, Massachusetts, on October 3, 2009. The competition was won by Bill Rodonis (center) from Litchfield, New Hampshire - his pumpkin weighed 667.51 kg. (John Tlumacki/Globe Staff)

29. Druids celebrate the autumn equinox on Primrose Hill on September 22, 2009 in London, England. This ceremony is one of three events of the order (the other two being the Spring Equinox at Tower Hill and summer solstice, celebrated at Stonehenge). (Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)

Peter Sterrett of Tiverton, Rhode Island, boats with his dog Cody on a pond in Derry, New Hampshire, on Sunday morning, October 4, 2009. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

Turkeys wander around Hook House Farm in Kirby Fleetham, northern England, on October 8, 2009. (REUTERS/Nigel Roddis)

32. An aerial view of a patch of autumn forest near Presque Isle, Maine, on Friday, September 25, 2009. (Dina Rudick/Globe Staff)

Autumn colors

Scenario autumn holiday For preparatory group kindergarten.

Calm music sounds.

Children enter the hall in pairs, walking, and stand in a semicircle.

Ved. It's autumn in the city. After summer labors, nature gathers to rest: the grasses turn yellow, the leaves fall off, and the cheerful singing of birds is not heard. And we're a little sad. But we will not be discouraged, because autumn is the most beautiful, most poetic time of the year. Lines of beautiful poems are born to the sound of rain and the rustle of falling leaves.

Flocks of birds fly away

Less light and heat

So autumn is golden

She came to our native land.

How nice it is to visit autumn

Among the golden birches,

I wouldn’t have dropped the gold any longer,

The forest would stand purple and quiet.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves

Red, yellow, gold, ...

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!

The song “Colorful Autumn” is performed. Partskhaladze

There are clear days in autumn -

The leaves flutter like moths!

The threads of the cobwebs on the bushes shine,

Yellow leaves are falling on the path

If the day is transparent, clear

Autumn, autumn, you are beautiful!

A couple dance is performed

Children sit on chairs.


Children take branches and stand scattered

The linden tree outside the window is chilly,

Frost fell in the morning,

Waving a small hand

Yellow leaf in the wind.

Just before winter

He says goodbye to me.

The plastic composition “Autumn Leaf” is performed. T. Burenina

Oh, there is such beauty in autumn!

You can paint pictures from every bush!

It's nice to wander along forest paths

Putting boots on his feet, of course.

Autumn is a damp time,

The rain is pouring down from above,

People are more likely to disclose

Multi-colored umbrellas.

A dance is performed with umbrellas. T.Burenina

Autumn at the edge

I mixed the paints,

Quietly through the leaves

I used a brush.

The hazel tree has turned yellow

And the maples began to glow,

In autumn purple

Only green oak.

Music sounds, the Wind runs out.

I, the autumn wind,

I'm flying everywhere!

Network of magical colors

I invite you to my garden!

Music sounds, Colors enter.

Paints: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

Ved: Hello, dear guests. Sorry, but we didn't understand your unusual greeting.

Paints: These words indicate the order of all the colors of the rainbow:

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Ved : Thank you, now we will know the secret of these words

Wind: Oh, how many colors there are in this drawing!

You can be proud of every color!

Yellow: Autumn wind, you are right in this,

You can be proud of every color,

But still in the fall, friends,

The most important of all, undoubtedly, is me.

Orange: Well no, in orange tones

Autumn paints here and there,

The trees are burning as if on fire

Their beauty is just in me.

Green: I agree that he is beautiful

Yellow and orange

But green for autumn

Also very important.

Red: Well, what about red?

After all, isn't he here?

Bright red tomato

I hope this is familiar to everyone?

Blue: Blue color and cyan

Surrounding the globe.

Blue: Rivers and seas are large

Also blue.

Violet Purple, friends,

There is no way to forget.

Fruits, vegetables, flowers

You and I paint together.

Together: So let's live together

Love all the colors of the earth!

Performing "Song of Colors"

Ved. And now for you a task

For your knowledge and attention.

On skill and patience

In general, here is a creation for you:

Game "Shade it Right"

The contours of vegetables, fruits and mushrooms are drawn on a sheet of whatman paper.

If there was everything in the world

Same color

It would make you angry

Or did it make you happy?

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red!

Let everything in the world be

Amazing and different.

The dance “Colorful Game” by T. Burenin is performed

The song “Bad Weather” is performed. M. Dunaevsky


That she is the best artist. And why? In fact, it’s not difficult to guess. Judge for yourself: in a matter of weeks, autumn can change the summer landscape beyond recognition, so that not a trace remains of the three summer months. Where does your inspiration come from this time of year? I can’t say, the only thing that comes to my mind is that autumn is the muse, bright and spectacular.

The trees, which just recently delighted the eye with their rich green shades, are gradually beginning to change their “outfit”. This does not happen immediately, this gradual process makes the overall picture of autumn even more picturesque, because each tree, changing leaves, acquires the most different colors and shades. Some birch trees stand with yellow ones, somewhere else with green ones, or with orange leaves. The aspen has turned completely yellow, but the poplar is still “holding on” - the number of green leaves on it clearly predominates.

Not only the color of trees and grass changes, but also the color of fruits. Autumn passes through everything with its own strokes and a general landscape or still life is born that inspires everything and everyone around.

In summer, even the sky is a different color, bright and light. In autumn it acquires more rich shade, and even more and more often snow-white clouds begin to float across the sky, which sometimes simply overshadow the sun, and sometimes the first autumn rains pour on the ground, which do not entail coolness and even greater heat, as happened in the summer, but make it clear that cold weather and frosts and similar rains will soon come - the first evidence of this.

In autumn, in addition to the colors that reflect all the charm of this time of year, there is also a unique aroma that is difficult to describe in words for someone who has never felt it before. This aroma combines echoes of the past summer, the smell of mown grass, and the aromas of fruits collected during the harvest.

It is very difficult when walking down the street in the fall to pass by the landscapes that this master artist painted for us indifferently. It’s not in vain that autumn tries hard every year; the landscapes it presents are truly impressive and inspiring. Poets - for new works, musicians - for good, bright songs, artists - for new masterpieces. But the most important masterpiece is painted with the brush of only one artist, and his name is Autumn.

You don't have to be an artist either for that reason or at all creative person to see and understand all the beauty and grandeur of this mysterious time of year. You can be the simplest person but still not remain indifferent while walking through autumn parks and streets, observing how rich and changeable our nature is. All the colors of autumn intertwine with each other and create a single, unique canvas, the image of which even the most talented artist is probably unable to recreate.

Nevertheless, all the pictures of autumn are repeated from year to year, but are never completely the same. All trees react differently to the arrival of autumn: some “give up” very quickly, allowing autumn to completely color the foliage in all shades of yellow and orange, and some “hold on” as long as possible and retain the remnants of green leaves.

One way or another, autumn affects everything and the Sun, whose rays are becoming less and less warm and scorching and in the sky, which, becoming higher, begins to become a little cloudy, both on plants and animals, which strive to prepare for the cold as soon as possible.