Autumn fairy tale for the younger group. Scenario


1 Scenario of the holiday in the junior group “Autumn Tale” To the music, children enter the hall in a flock, examine its decoration, go to their chairs and sit down. Educator: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall! Autumn wanders along the forest paths. Walks majestically near slender pines. He consoles us all: “Summer has flown by, But don’t be discouraged, children! It’s not scary!” Autumn walks along the paths slowly, Do you hear the leaves rustling around us? Guys, let's take a walk and collect colorful leaves! Children move at a calm pace around the hall and pick up two leaves from the carpet. Any autumn blues is played at this time. Presenter What beautiful leaves you collected! Let's dance with them. "DANCE WITH AUTUMN LEAVES" is performed (any dance melody to the text I have proposed can be used as musical accompaniment). We walk together and collect leaves. The leaves are painted, the leaves are dry. (they walk around the hall with leaves) Let’s cheerfully raise the painted leaves. We will all try and wave them. (waving leaves above their head) Yellow leaf, red leaf, spin around. Spin around with us, don't be lazy! (spinning) You, leaves, take a rest and fall onto the path. We will pick up the leaves again and wave them. (they crouch, stand up and wave leaves over their heads) Presenter: While we were playing with the leaves, clouds ran across the sky.

2 Gloomy weather and rain outside, It became very cold in (November). Presenter: (listens). Someone is running here to us, Someone is rushing here to us Let's clap, stamp and stamp, Let him find us quickly! Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and Cloud runs into the hall, holding two plumes from the New Year's "rain" in her hands. Cloud. (child of the older group). I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue, Although small, but very strong! If I just want to, I’ll wet you all with rain! Music sounds, Cloud runs near the guys and “splashes” them with a plume of rain. Leading. Cloud, Cloud, wait, take away your rains! We know a song about rain and we’ll give it to you! The song "Rain" is performed, lyrics by N. Solovyova, music by M. Partskhaladze. Cloud. What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys! In autumn it often rains - it is cold, sad, and I suggest everyone turn into raindrops. I also have magic hats! Presenter: We will put them on and dance. The kids are put on “droplet” hats, and given plumes made of waste material(plastic cut bags). The "DANCE OF THE DROPS" is performed. 1. Droplets flew from the sky,

3 wanted to get into the streams. And breathtakingly, the droplets fell - boom! Chorus: droplets jump-jump, droplets clap-clap, droplets top-top-top-top-top. (2p.) 2. Droplets fell from the sky and ran in streams. Streams ran and were transparent and light. Chorus: Droplets jump-jump, droplets clap-clap, droplets top-top-top-top-top. (2 rubles) The game "Rain" is played. Rain, rain more cheerfully, pour it, don’t be sorry! Drip-drip on flowers, trees and bushes. (they run scattered around the hall with plumes, lift them up, make waves) Rain, the rain has stopped pouring, the rain has stopped pouring. The rain drips and drips and does not knock on the paths. (the plumes are hidden behind their backs and squat down) Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, the rain is waking up. Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, it's starting to rain! (they rise, wave their plumes and run around the hall) Cloud: The rain dripped on the grass, on the trees and foliage. I didn’t catch up with your kids, I got angry. stopped. You are wonderful guys

4 I'll tell you honestly, It was very interesting to have fun with you! Well, it’s time for us to go home, Mama Cloud is waiting for me. I leave the hats as a gift, We say goodbye to you, goodbye! Music sounds, Cloud runs away from the hall. Educator: For the autumn holiday, the children learned poems: 1 child: yellow leaf hic on my palm, I’ll put it on my cheek. This sunny summer I hold it in my hand. Yellow leaf! Do not fly away! Don't forget about me! 2nd child: How quiet autumn garden, Leaves are flying from the branches, They whisper quietly, rustle, They want to lull you to sleep. Child 3: The hedgehog lay down in his crib and fell asleep sweetly in it. Autumn closed the shutters, quietly turned off the lamp, the wind hummed a song so that the hedgehog could sleep through the winter. 4 child: The leaves suddenly turned yellow, it’s autumn, Look around quickly, it’s autumn, A mushroom has climbed under the Christmas tree, it’s autumn,

5 He’s calling you and me to the forest, this is autumn! Child 5: It’s nice in the forest in autumn, the leaves are falling. In a clearing by the river, mushrooms have grown 6 child: The radiant sun laughs affectionately, The fluffy cloud smiles from the sky. Child 7: Yellow leaves are circling in the air, raindrops are knocking merrily on the glass. 8th child: I will give a bouquet to my beloved mother, I will decorate my bicycle with leaves. Music sounds, Autumn (second teacher) appears with animals: Bear, Fox, Hares (children preparatory group). Autumn. Are you talking about me? I'm so glad! I bow to you to the ground, friends. Well, hello! Did you call me? And I came to you for the holiday, Although things didn’t let me go, But I still found the time. And I didn’t come alone, but with my friends, they want to play with you.

6 Educator: Oh, look, what is this? Chanterelle: I was walking in the clearing, playing with my friends, and I didn’t notice at all how I lost the boot. Educator: Fox, is this your boot? Foxy: Yes! Thank you guys! Now my feet won't freeze! I had so much fun! Let's dance with you! Everyone is dancing the “Dance of Legs and Palms” (Russian folk melody “Barynya”). 1.Like our guys. The legs are knocking merrily (Children stand in a group and perform “stomps”). Lady, lady, Madam-lady. 2. Our legs are tired, let’s clap our hands. (Children clap). Lady, lady, Madam-lady. 3. Here's the order: Let's all go squat. (Children perform half squats). Lady, lady, Madam-lady. 4. And once we start running, no one will catch up with us. (Children run around the hall in a flock). We are a distant people

7 Although very small! After the dance, the children sit on chairs. Bear: I have toys for you - these are rattles. Get the instruments and play for all the guests. The bear gives out tools to the children. Spoons for boys, rattles for girls. Children perform the Russian folk song “Oh, you, birch”: 1st verse (melody in a low register) is played by boys on spoons. Verse 2 (melody in high register) girls play. Verse 3 (melody in the middle register) is played by everyone together. Hare: And now it’s time for us to dance, kids! We will threaten with our fingers and kick very hard. Let's not forget to spin around, and, of course, bow! The dance “Fingers and Hands” is performed. Autumn. I will tell you from the bottom of my heart. All the guys are good! But I'm interested to know if you like to play? Then I invite you to play interesting game! The game "Magic Scarf" is played. Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall and perform various dance movements. While dancing, the fox covers one of the children with a large transparent scarf. Autumn: One! Two! Three! Who was hiding inside?

8 Don't yawn, don't yawn! Answer quickly! Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, the handkerchief is raised. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to cheerful music, and everyone else claps for him. The game is played several times. During the game, the teacher quietly covers the basket of apples with a scarf. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, is hidden under the scarf. Educator: No! All the guys are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then? We raise the handkerchief, Now we’ll find out what’s underneath it! What is this? Basket! (Pushes aside the leaves covering the apples.) And in the basket Children: Apples! Autumn: I had a lot of fun! I loved all the guys. But it's time for us to say goodbye. What to do? Things are waiting! Goodbye! Everyone leaves to the music. The teacher invites the children to the group to eat apples.

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— introduce children to festive culture at a common event with parents;

- support children’s desire to sing, dance, play;

- contribute to the creation of a joyful atmosphere.

Equipment: costumes of holiday heroes, an audio recording of the sound of rain, a large multi-colored umbrella, a metallophone, a fake fly agaric, 2 buckets, dummies or “mushroom” handouts, a large scarf, candy or apples for treats.

Children and their mothers enter the music room. Mothers can be seated next to their children if this is the children’s first holiday with their parents.


Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

Soon I will have to give way to my sister, Snowy Winter, but for now I am the mistress of the earth and I want you to sing, dance and read poetry for me.

Wait, I forgot to introduce myself. I’ll read the poem and you’ll understand who I am.

What's happened? What's happened?

Everything burns like gold.

There are colorful leaves everywhere,

Noticeable even from a distance.

And all around is light and beautiful -

This Autumn has arrived.

Have you guessed who I am?

The children answer.

Yes, I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for the holiday,

I brought beautiful leaves for the children.

Autumn hands out colorful leaves to children from a basket.

Children perform a dance with leaves (as shown by the leader).

Oh, guys, hush, hush,

I think I hear something

On the leaves drip-drip,

On the palms drip-drip.

The sun hid somewhere.

It's raining, guys.

An audio recording of the sound of rain plays.

Guys, let's sing a song about rain.

Children perform the song “Rain” (lyrics by A. Barto, arrangement by G. Lobachev).

It started to rain, it started to rain, and it soaked all the kids.

Well, let's hurry up, we'll run away from the rain.

Musical game “Sunshine and Rain”

Children dance to cheerful music, and as soon as they hear “raindrops” they hide under an umbrella. A teacher with an umbrella constantly changes his location in the music room. “Raindrops” is performed by any mother on a metallophone.

Autumn. And you can also dance with an umbrella.

Girls perform a dance with umbrellas.

Rain good friend It happens. It won't grow without rain good harvest vegetables, and mushrooms will not appear in the forest. Look how mushrooms love water. I water a small mushroom, fly agaric, with water from a watering can.

He pretends to water a fly agaric model, and the hero Fly Agaric comes out from behind the tree and quietly removes the fake.

fly agaric

I grew up in a dense forest,

Oh, how fun it is all around.

It's full of guys here

They look at me

Or maybe they want to dance?

Children perform the “Fingers and Hands” dance.

Oh, we danced great, but we didn’t play or pick mushrooms yet.

Game "Who can pick mushrooms faster"

The first child collects edible mushrooms in a bucket. The second one collects fly agarics.

Autumn. The guys danced and played very happily. I think we are all a little tired. Let's sit and listen to the poems that the children learned especially for our holiday.

fly agaric. Read poems about me, Fly Agaric, and about rain, which I love very much.

Autumn. Why only about you, and about other mushrooms, about autumn, autumn leaves. Let's listen and be happy for the guys.

1st child

So autumn has come,

So the leaves are flying.

Here come the little gray bunnies

They want to change their fur coats.

2nd child

A crow screams in the sky: -

Kar! There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!

And it was just very -

Autumn has settled in it.

E. Intulov

3rd child

The rain is pouring, trying,

At least they don't ask for it.

The sun is hovering in the clouds,

So it's autumn.

G. Shestakova

4th child

Grew on a honey mushroom stump,

Cheerful guys.

We're still babies

Put us in a basket.

5th child

If I walk for a long time,

I'm very tired.

It's been raining all day

Why doesn't he get tired?

6th child

And in the forest there is a traffic light,

A huge mushroom - fly agaric.

Poisonous, red-red,

Don't tear it - it's dangerous.

Autumn. Thank you, children, for the poems; I will remember meeting you for a long time. Fly agaric, what kind of scarf do you have?

fly agaric

I was walking along the path

And I found a big scarf.

I suggest to you, friends,

I'll play with the handkerchief.

Playing with a handkerchief

Children run around the music room while the music is playing. The music stops, the children sit down and close their eyes. The fly agaric covers one of the children with a scarf, the rest must guess who was covered.

Fly agaric. One, two, three, who's hiding inside?

The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Time flew by quickly

It's time for us to part.

I still have work waiting for me,

Goodbye, kids.

Fly agaric. Well, at this very moment I will turn into a little mushroom.

Autumn covers the Fly Agaric, which goes out the door and leaves a dummy in its place.

Autumn. The autumn holiday has come to an end. Mothers came to visit us and watched you dance and play. You did great today, and I want to treat you.

Autumn treats children with sweets or apples, and then everyone takes pictures together.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4.

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the 2nd junior group:

“Under the Mushroom” (based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev, with the involvement of children of senior preschool age)

Compiled by: Music director of MBDOU kindergarten No.;4

Gadzhieva Irina Vladimirovna.

Novocherkassk 2017

“Autumn Festival” in the second junior group.

Leading: Guys with pieces of paper enter the hall and stand in a semicircle

look how beautiful it is today! And you are so elegant! Today is our Autumn holiday.

Presenter: We are starting the autumn holiday,

We read poetry today.

Autumn makes us happy with its beauty,

It’s not for nothing that it’s called gold.

1 child

Leaf fall, leaf fall

Yellow leaves are flying,

Underfoot they rustle, rustle,

Soon the garden will be bare.

2 child

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

3 child.

A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”

Autumn has arrived.
The flowers have dried up,
And the bare bushes look sadly.
The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow,
The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.

4th child:

How, cap. It's raining. This is Autumn coming to us.

Leaves fly in the wind, showering the kindergarten.

Leading: Well done, you read the poems beautifully.

Spun around me

The rain of leaves is mischievous.

How good he is!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning

I started dancing under it

We danced like friends_

rain of leaves and. Let's dance with our leaves together.

Children perform a dance with leaves to the song and words

(after the dance, the children collect leaves in a bouquet for the teacher.

Leading: How beautifully the leaves were spinning and flying, and now let’s sit down and rest a little and sing a song about autumn.

Children sing the song: “Autumn, autumn has come to us.”

Presenter: The kids sang well, their voices rang loudly, and now it’s time for the kids to play.

The sun is shining in the morning, come out, kids.

“The game “sunshine and rain”

The children stand scattered, clasp their hands above their heads and sing.

The sun looks out the window and shines into our room.

We clapped our hands, very happy for the sun. - clap.

Heels, heels, our heels dance (put their feet on their heels one by one).

They circled, circled and stopped (circling with flashlights)

- rain music sounds - children run under a large umbrella to teacher 2.

Presenter: These are how fast these guys are. The rain didn't wet anyone.

Let's play with him - sing him a funny teasing song.

(children stand under an umbrella and sing a song: “Rain, rain

more than that" r.n.p.

Presenter: Guys, check whether it is raining or not? Children check with their palm. No. The sun is shining again, come out and play.

The game is played 2 times.

Liliya Grenaderova
Scenario of the autumn holiday in the second junior group “Autumn Tale”

Grenadier Lily

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the second junior group

« Autumn Tale»

Leading: (With autumn leaf)

Yellow leaf on the palm

It was once green

He flew into our window, why did he turn yellow?

Who, friends, won’t we ask?

They will say “It has arrived... (autumn) »

We'll wave a leaf now,

On a visit Let's call autumn.

Song « Autumn, autumn»

Included Autumn:

Leading: Hello, Autumn! It's so good that you came! Stay on our holiday!

Leading: I will be glad to join you

Have fun, play,

Well, now I invite

1. Autumn festival in the forest

And light and cheerful.

These are the decorations

Autumn has hung here.

2. Every leaf is golden,

Little sun-

I'll put it in a basket,

I'll put it on the bottom.

3. I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues

I've been at home for a long time

The holiday doesn't end.

5. Golden leaves

They fly from the tree

The wind is spinning the leaves -

This is leaf fall.

Autumn: And I have some leaves with me too!

Leading: So let's dance with them!

Children take two pieces of paper and perform a dance. « Autumn leaves » A. Filippenko

Leading: Autumn, what else do you have in your cart?

Autumn: I have raindrops in my basket. The clouds gave them to me. Do you know what kind of clouds there are?

Speech game "Cloud - cat".

Cloud-cat-tail pipe (hand up)

Cloud with a long beard (show beard)

Cloud horse, (hit with a hoof)

Cloud-beetle (show wings)

And there are two hundred of them in total (throw fingers out of fists).

Poor clouds are very cramped (hug yourself)

There is no place for clouds in the sky (gesture "Don't know")

All two hundred will quarrel (rub palm against palm)

And then they'll cry together (tears into palm).

And the people below are screaming (look from under your palm at the sky):

“Run up, it’s raining!”(they run away to "houses")

Leading: We’re not afraid of rain, we’ll sing a song about it!

Song "Tears of Rain", music N. Lukonina, lyrics. L. Chadova

Leading: Autumn, and what else do you have in your basket?

Autumn: Rain autumn is not easy, but mushroom. In my basket there are mushrooms from under the aspen tree. Oh! The basket is leaking! Help me collect mushrooms!

A game “Collect mushrooms in a basket”

Autumn thanks the children.

From the basket is distributed "Puff-puff, puff-puff"

Autumn. Oh, who is it here! This is grandfather and turnip (takes out dolls).

Play "Turnip".

Leading: Now let's all dance together.

Dance "Fingers, hands", music M. Rauchwerger.

Autumn: Thank you guys, I had a lot of fun with you. I have one last surprise left in my basket (takes out a mushroom). But this is not an ordinary mushroom, it is magic. Need to say“One, two three, show us the secret”.

He takes gifts from the fungus, says goodbye, leaves, the children go to the music group.