Carlsbad salt to cleanse the intestines. Carlsbad salt - use, purpose, instructions

Typically, Carlsbad salt for weight loss is taken by those who have already drunk it as a laxative and were satisfied with the pleasant side effect. Yes, kilograms really “flow away” in the literal sense of the word. From where, I think, there is no need to specify. This could be the end of the story about yet another weight loss product that does not help burn fat, but still, there are people who take such things seriously. This means that it would be useful to explain why you can lose weight with a laxative, but it’s unlikely to actually lose weight by reducing body fat.

What does Carlsbad salt do for weight loss?

This product is a bicarbonate-sulfate-sodium salt. It is obtained from spring waters in Karlovy Vary. The laxative was known in medieval medicine and became widespread in the 20th century. Today Carlsbad salt is a “long-forgotten recipe.” Fans of everything natural and natural will not be out of place to know that powder is perfectly obtained using modern chemistry, and water does not always have anything to do with it. In general, as with any laxative for weight loss, there are two versions. The official one, which is distributed on numerous sites dedicated to how to lose weight without doing anything for it, and the real one. Let’s say it almost repeats the story of any laxative tea:

Karlovy Vary salt contains 40 microelements, ions, anions, cations, in the form that is best absorbed by the human body. All this is wildly useful and helps terribly in the difficult task of getting rid of excess weight. Of course, minerals affect health. But only iodine indirectly affects weight. It promotes normal functioning thyroid gland and thereby eliminates a number of problems associated with the real, and not fictitious slowdown of metabolism by supporters of low-calorie diets. There is no connection between anions-cations and the direct process of fat burning; they do not start it, do not support it and have almost no effect on it;

Salt from Karlovy Vary for many years used to treat diseases of the stomach, bile ducts and intestines. It has been sold in pharmacies since the Middle Ages, so why don’t you and I drink the magic water with salt from Karlovy Vary? Again, the connection between losing weight and the blessings of saturating the body with minerals is not visible. And she won’t be visible, since she’s not there. Minerals are great for overall wellness. But they don’t know how to burn fat directly.

In general, there is no chance that any person will maintain his weight gain habits and be able to simultaneously lose weight by taking Carlsbad salt. And it’s a shame that a product that is useful, in some cases, gets a bad reputation simply because someone really needs to lose weight without doing anything about it.

Carlsbad salt is a laxative. It causes weight loss by removing feces from the intestines, and “return” of excess fluid. That’s why it turns out that you can sit on a diet for weeks and see a modest result in the form of 1 kg “in the minus”, and, at the same time, drink a drink made from salt that is obviously ineffective for burning fat, and get the same kilogram in the minus in a matter of watch. Of course, after such a “weight deception” there will be people who will consider all discussions about the harm of laxatives as just another scientific invention. And completely in vain.

How to take Carlsbad salt for weight loss

On the Internet you can find 2 recipes related to this salt:

  • dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of water and drink half an hour before meals to obtain a laxative effect;
  • do the same with a teaspoon of salt to ensure the outflow of bile;
  • You need to drink the medicine 2 times a day. The sources usually do not specify which meals this is recommended to do before. So, Carlsbad salt is rarely mentioned in the context of a straight recipe that will help you maintain muscle and burn fat.

Those losing weight in practice, of course, use a laxative recipe.

Reviews of Carlsbad salt for weight loss

In fact, this recipe is not so common and there are few reviews about it. Most people use synthetic Glauber's salt, which has the same laxative effect. Reviews are appropriate. Some praise the product for “cleansing the body” and continue to drink it periodically, since constant drinking causes significant discomfort. Others condemn the first, but try it and experience significant discomfort.

Reviews about the use of Carlsbad salt often begin with praises for the “natural product,” but it is worth noting that these are written by people who make money on review sites. They usually rewrite in their own words some article from the Internet that praises salt, and then try to attribute something like personal experience. Every person understands that such reviews are not always true, and in most cases they tell us about something that did not happen in reality, but that we really want to invent in order to earn more.

  • hair loss, increased brittleness of nails, dehydration, flaking of the skin - consequences of mineral deficiency;
  • “irritable bowel syndrome” – pain, diarrhea and related problems;
  • inability to drive normal life due to persistent diarrhea;
  • consequences of a lack of water-soluble vitamins - decreased immunity, constant feeling of fatigue, headache, dizziness, “circles and spots” before the eyes, change taste perception, low blood pressure, disorders menstrual cycle, migraines.

Packaging: tube - 20 tablets

Dietary Supplement: mineral tablets.

Effervescent tablets orange

Packaging: tube - 20 tablets

Dietary Supplement: mineral tablets.

Contains sweetener, no sugar. Suitable also for diabetics.

Dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of warm water. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

The product is not intended as a substitute for a nutritious diet.

Ingredients: sweetener - sorbitol, acidity regulator - sodium bicarbonate, Carlsbad salt, mineral premix (see active), acids - citric acid, anti-caking agent - polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000).

Active ingredients in 1 tablet (200 ml in drinks) and RHP% *: CARL BAR SALT 500 mg, calcium (calcium phosphate) 50.0 mg (6.25%), magnesium (magnesium oxide), 20.0 mg (5.33%), phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate) 38 mg (5.4% ), iron (ferrous gluconate), 2.0 mg (14%), copper (copper gluconate) 0.5 mg (50.0%), zinc (zinc sulfate) 2.0 mg (20.0%), manganese (manganese sulfate) 0.5 mg (25%), iodine (potassium iodide) 30.0 mg (20.0%), (potassium potassium iodide) (10.0 mg, 0.5%) chlorine (potassium chloride) 9 0 mg (1.125%), chromium (chromium chloride), 25.0 mg (62.5%), molybdenum (ammonium molybdate) 25.0 mg (50.0%), selenium (sodium selenite) 25 g (45 .4%)

Effervescent tablets without aftertaste

Packaging: tube - 20 tablets

Dietary Supplement: mineral tablets.

Contains sweetener, no sugar. Suitable also for diabetics.

Dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of warm water. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

The product is not intended as a substitute for a nutritious diet.

Ingredients: sweetener - sorbitol, acidity regulator - sodium bicarbonate, Carlsbad salt, mineral premix (see active), acid - citric acid, anti-caking agent - polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000).

Active ingredients in 1 tablet (200 ml in drinks) and RHP% *: CARL BAR SALT 500 mg, calcium (calcium phosphate) 50.0 mg (6.25%), magnesium (magnesium oxide), 20.0 mg (5.33%), phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate) 38 mg (5.4% ), iron (ferrous gluconate), 2.0 mg (14%), copper (copper gluconate) 0.5 mg (50.0%), zinc (zinc sulfate) 2.0 mg (20.0%), manganese (manganese sulfate) 0.5 mg (25%), iodine (potassium iodide) 30.0 mg (20.0%), (potassium potassium iodide) (10.0 mg, 0.5%) chlorine (potassium chloride) 9 0 mg (1.125%), chromium (chromium chloride), 25.0 mg (62.5%), molybdenum (ammonium molybdate) 25.0 mg (50.0%), selenium (sodium selenite) 25 g (45 .4%)

Carlsbad salt is a laxative and choleretic agent.

Pharmacological action

Carlsbad salt, produced by the pharmaceutical industry, is a saline laxative, which also has a choleretic effect and is a substitute for natural Karlovy Vary geyser salt.

Carlsbad salt dissolved in water is mineralized drinking medicinal table and medicinal water.

The ions included in the salt (hydrocarbonate, chlorine, sulfate, calcium) and sodium cations determine the bile-diuretic effect of the salt.

Hydrocarbonate ions improve the secretion of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and small intestine, stimulate gastric motor and acid-forming functions. Ions reduce the production of uric acid and accelerate its elimination. In addition, thanks to these ions, water prepared from Karlovy Vary salt dilutes phlegm, which contributes to its better elimination.

Chlorine ions combine with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid, which stimulates the production of intestinal juice, diuretic, and choleretic functions of the kidneys and liver. Also, chlorides combined with calcium ions have a beneficial effect on tooth growth and bone tissue.

Sulfate ions reduce secretion, accelerate the transition of food from the stomach to small intestines. Sulfate ions increase the tone of the gallbladder muscles, relax the bile sphincter, and accelerate the movement of bile from the liver to the duodenum. The combination of sulfate ions with calcium helps to thicken the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the liver enzyme system, reduces the amount of mucus and intracellular water during inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract.

Sodium cations contained in Karlovy Vary geyser salt improve the excretion of water from the body by the kidneys.

Calcium ions improve the excitability of brain neurons and skeletal muscles, increase myocardial contraction, and increase blood clotting.

The temperature of the mineral water also plays a special role. Warm water reduces motility, stomach spasms, reduces the secretion of gastric juice, the rate of transfer of water from the stomach to the duodenum, and by relaxing the layer of muscles in the intestines, it leads to stool retention. Cold water increases secretory, motor gastric activity, enhances intestinal peristalsis, and has a laxative effect.

Release form

Artificial salt is produced in powder form for the preparation of medicinal water. Natural Carlsbad geyser salt is sold in the form of salt in 125g bags.

Indications for use of Carlsbad salt

The use of Carlsbad salt is prescribed to stimulate the process of digestion of food, to improve the composition, distribution, quality of protective mucus in the digestive tract and respiratory tract, to eliminate dysbiosis, reduce flatulence, to improve the quality of bile and normalize its excretion, to stimulate the function of the pancreas, normalize carbohydrate , lipid metabolism, eliminating obesity and preventing early aging.

Carlsbad salt is effective for carrying out detoxification procedures, restoring the structure of bones, teeth, joints, stimulating water and electrolyte metabolism, and improving skin metabolic processes.

Directions for use

To achieve a laxative effect, one tablespoon of Carlsbad geyser salt (or artificial) is diluted in 0.5 glasses of water. To achieve a choleretic effect, dilute one teaspoon of salt in one glass warm water(40-45 degrees). Drink water 30-45 minutes before meals.

For chronic gastritis, take a 0.5-1% saline solution at a temperature of 30-60 degrees (depending on the secretion of the stomach). For stomach and duodenal ulcers, drink a 0.5% solution at a temperature of 30-45 degrees. For chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, drink a 0.5% 45g solution.

Side effects

The use of Carlsbad salt can lead to atony of the large intestine, impaired water and electrolyte metabolism, and diarrhea.

Contraindications to the use of Carlsbad salt

Salt is contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction, constipation, acute febrile syndrome, acute abdomen syndrome, hypersensitivity to salt.


Carlsbad salt (powder pack. 1.0 N10) Czech Republic LLC VřIDELNY SUL

Certificate number and date - dated 12/15/2008
Federal Service

Product and manufacturer - biologically active food additive "Carlovy Vary salt" (powder in bags of 5 g, in jars of 100 g - for sale to the public; 20 kg - for subsequent packaging)
products manufactured by VRŽIDELNY SUL LLC, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, st. I.P. Pavlova 71/9 (Czech Republic)
Scope of application: for sale to the public through pharmacy chains and specialized stores, departments of retail chains as a dietary supplement to food - an additional source of lithium and fluorine, as well as for subsequent packaging (in 20 kg packaging)
The certificate was issued on the basis of the expert opinion of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FCG and E of Rospotrebnadzor No. 10-2ФЦ/5384 dated November 6, 2008. Recommendations for use: for adults, 0.5 g of salt, previously dissolved in 1/2 glass of water, 1 time per day before food. Duration of treatment - no more than 3 weeks. Not recommended for permanent use. Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system accompanied by edema, impaired renal function. Shelf life - 3 years. Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. The product in a 20 kg package is intended for subsequent packaging, not for sale to the public.
Hygienic characteristics -

Ingredients: mineral geyser salt

Recipient company - VRŽIDELNI SUL LLC, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, st. I.P. Pavlova 71/9 (Czech Republic)
Regulatory documentation- safety certificate issued by the State Medical Institution, Prague, Czech Republic, ingredient composition of the product, certificate of analysis from the manufacturer; San PiN " Hygienic requirements security and nutritional value food products", SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives (BAA)"

Carlsbad salt is used for:
improving food digestion;
eliminating dysbacteriosis, reducing the formation of gases (flatulence)
as a laxative and diuretic effect;
mild stimulation of pancreatic function;
normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, elimination of obesity and prevention of premature aging;
restoration of the structure of joints, teeth and bones; normalization of water and electrolyte metabolism;
improving metabolic processes in the skin;
improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the respiratory tract.

Uses of Carlsbad salt:
For diseases of the stomach and intestines ( peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic liver diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome, chronic constipation, etc.)
In case of metabolic disorders ( diabetes mellitus, obesity and disorders of fat metabolism, treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis)
For diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the limbs and spine, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.)
For some gynecological diseases;
In cosmetology (to improve skin quality, eliminate obesity and prevent premature aging)
To eliminate dysbacteriosis, reduce the formation of gases and bloating;
In the treatment of water and electrolyte disorders, dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome;
In the treatment of gum diseases;
In the treatment of acute and chronic lung diseases to thin sputum.

Its healing unique properties Mineral waters are acquired when passing through layers of rocks, sometimes reaching a depth of more than two thousand meters. On the surface, many springs flow from one source, the composition of which remains constant over the centuries. This fact was confirmed by analyzing the composition of the geyser stone and the results of analyzing the composition of mineral waters, which has been carried out continuously since 1770.
Carlsbad salt contains:

Sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorides, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iron, silicon, copper, lithium, zinc, fluorine.
In total, salt contains up to 40 different elements, including rare earth elements. According to the balneological classification, Carlsbad salt belongs to the natural bicarbonate-sulfate sodium chloride salt.
Application of Carlsbad salt:

Carlsbad salt is intended for internal and external use and as a food additive as a general tonic, medicinal and cosmetic product.

Internal use

For internal use Depending on the disease, solutions of varying concentrations and temperatures are used. The minimum daily dose for drinking use is 400 - 500 ml. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 1500 ml. The daily volume of mineral water should be taken in 2-4 doses. An effective course of treatment is at least 4-5 weeks.

Carlsbad salt does not contain substances foreign to the body. This is important in our time, saturated with chemistry, moreover mineral water, obtained from Carlsbad salt, is a natural ionic solution that not only heals, but also replenishes the content of minerals in the body. Therefore, including a small amount of salt in your diet helps replenish the macro and microelements that you are missing from food.

When using Carlsbad salt as a food additive, it is recommended to add a small amount of salt to dishes during cooking.

External use

Baths with Carlsbad salt have an analgesic and calming effect. In addition, they have a local and general anti-inflammatory effect, cause changes in general blood flow that are beneficial for many diseases (increase the return of venous blood, increase cardiac output and heart rate), and promote increased metabolic processes in the skin (cosmetic effect) and internal organs.

When taking Carlsbad salt, one should take into account the appearance of delayed absorption medicines. Treatment with Carlsbad salt is complemented by the use of other methods of therapy using natural healing factors.

Carlsbad salt is a natural biologically active dietary supplement. Carlsbad salt is used as an additional source of fluorine, lithium and other mineral components in case of their deficiency in the human body.

Release form and composition

Carlsbad salt is produced in the form of powder, packaged in volumes of 56 g in disposable bags and 100 g in polymer pharmacological jars.

The active ingredient of this supplement is geyser mineral salt.

Indications for use

Carlsbad salt is prescribed for therapy, restorative or supportive, as well as for the prevention of such diseases and conditions of the patient as:

  • diseases of the digestive system: constipation, chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, dysbiosis, chronic liver diseases, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders: obesity, cholelithiasis, dysmetabolic nephropathy, diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system: adhesions, gynecological inflammation.

In addition to all of the above, this drug can be used if it is necessary to normalize water and electrolyte metabolism against the background of ascidosis, dehydration, and hangover syndrome. This supplement is effective in weight loss, and is also used for cosmetic purposes - improving the quality of the skin and preventing premature aging of the skin.


Contraindications for this drug The following diseases and conditions include:

  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • individual hypersensitivity of the patient to this drug;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by symptoms such as swelling;
  • impaired renal function.

Directions for use and dosage

At various diseases and conditions assigned different way application of Carlsbad salt solution. The differences in application methods are in percentage and temperature:

  • in the chronic form of gastritis, accompanied by reduced or zero secretion of gastric juice, the ratio will be as follows: 0.5% to 60 °C. Directions for use: half an hour before meals, take the solution three times a day, in the morning at a dosage of 300 ml, in the afternoon - 200 ml, and in the evening - 250 ml. You need to drink the solution in small sips, slowly. This therapy will last at least three weeks. And you can repeat the course of therapy after 2-3 months;
  • in chronic forms of gastritis with normal secretion of gastric juice, the solution will be in the ratio: 0.5% to 30 °C. The solution should be taken 45 minutes before meals, in the morning - 100-400 ml, at lunch - 200 ml, and before dinner - the morning dosage. The method of application is the same as in the previous description. The duration of therapy is at least three weeks. Repeated course no earlier than six months later;
  • in the chronic form of gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, the ratio of the solution will be 0.5 or 1% to 45 or 60°C. The solution must be taken an hour before meals, in the following volume: in the morning - 200-400 ml, at lunch - 200 ml, before dinner - the morning dosage. IN in this case The solution must be drunk quickly, in large sips. The duration of therapy will be 1.5 months in the described regimen, and then for several more weeks the drug should be taken in a volume of 100-200 ml on an empty stomach in the morning or before bedtime;
  • for gastric and duodenal ulcers, the ratio for the solution will be 0.5% to 45 °C. In this case, the solution is taken three times a day, 200 ml, half an hour or an hour before meals. You need to drink the solution slowly, in small sips, taking a break for 10-15 minutes every hundred ml. The duration of such therapy is 1.5 months, and then the dosage regimen switches to a single dosage in the morning or evening, 100-200 ml on an empty stomach;
  • in the period after gastrectomy, the ratio is 0.5% to 45 °C at first, then the temperature can be reduced to 30 °C. The solution is taken 20 minutes before meals, 300 ml - 200 ml - 200 or 300 ml according to morning - afternoon - evening. This solution is taken slowly, you need to drink in small sips. The duration of therapy will be 1.5 months, the course can be repeated no earlier than six months later;

  • in the chronic form of colitis with increased intestinal motor function (that is, accompanied by diarrhea), the ratio will be 0.5% to 60 °C. For the first few days, take a solution in a volume of 100 ml four times a day, after stabilization of the stool - on an empty stomach in the morning in a volume of 300 ml, and then before meals, 200 ml. Drink the solution slowly, in small sips, for a month and a half;
  • in the chronic form of colitis with reduced intestinal motor function (that is, accompanied by constipation), the ratio will be as follows: at 30 ° C 1% or 2% solution - if intestinal atony is observed, the temperature should be at least 60 ° C - if intestinal spasms are observed . The solution is taken 45 minutes before meals, in a volume of 400 ml up to four times a day, slowly, in small sips, for a month or five weeks, then therapy continues with dosages of 200-600 ml every morning on an empty stomach;
  • for chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, the ratio in the solution will be: 1% to 45 °C. At the beginning of therapy, a solution of 400-200-400 ml is taken, respectively, in the morning-afternoon-evening, and then 600-300-600 ml. The solution is taken before meals, slowly, in small sips, with a break between each 100 ml equal to 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is usually 4-6 weeks. After taking the drug solution, it is recommended to take walks. After completion of therapy, as a prevention of relapse, it is recommended to drink the solution daily on an empty stomach (in the morning) in a volume of 200-300 ml of a one percent solution at a temperature of 30°C.
  • in the period after cholecystectomy, the drug is taken in a ratio of 1% to 45 °C, 45 minutes before meals, in the first week, 200 ml three times a day, then the dosage is increased to 300-400 ml. You need to drink the solution slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks;
  • for liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis, outside of exacerbation of the disease, the solution ratio will be 0.5% to 45°C. The solution should be taken 45 minutes before meals, for the first week, 100 ml three times a day, then until the end of therapy, 200 ml three times a day. You need to drink the solution slowly, in small sips. The morning dose of the solution is taken in bed, and it is recommended to place a compress on the liver area. Therapy lasts at least one and a half months; therapy can be repeated six months after the end of the first course;
  • in the chronic form of recurrent pancreatitis, the ratio in the solution will be: 1% to 45 °C (and in the case of diarrhea - to 60 °C). In this case, it is necessary to take the solution on an empty stomach, in the first week in a volume of 100-200 ml three times a day, and with normal tolerance and fixed stool, the dosage can be increased to 400-200-400 ml in accordance with the time of administration - morning-afternoon. evening. You need to drink the solution slowly, in small sips, with ten-minute breaks between every 100 ml of solution. The duration of therapy in this case will not be longer than one and a half months, after which long-term use of this drug is recommended at a dosage of 200-400 ml of a one percent solution every morning, on an empty stomach;
  • for chronic inflammation of the urinary tract and prevention of the formation of ammonium stones and urolithiasis: the solution is made in a ratio of 0.5% to 30-45 °C. The resulting solution is taken in the first days of therapy at 750-1250 ml per day, and then the dose can be increased to 1450-1500 ml per day. The dosage regimen in this case will be as follows: in the morning, drink 400-600 ml of the solution at once, the remaining dose must be evenly divided into two more doses. The evening solution should be taken immediately before going to bed. You need to drink the solution slowly, in small sips. Therapy lasts for 4-5 weeks. A second course can be carried out only six months after the first. It is strongly recommended to follow and not violate the dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor;

  • for gout, diabetes, hyperlipoproteinemia, the solution is made in a ratio of 0.5-1% to 45 °C. It is taken before meals, the time will directly depend on the state of gastric secretion. Drink 200-400 ml of solution in the morning, 200 ml at lunch, and 400 ml of solution before dinner. After a week, the daily dosage can gradually increase to the maximum allowable - 1400 ml. This therapy lasts no more than five weeks; a second course can be carried out after six months. It is strictly recommended to follow all dosages recommended by the doctor and adhere to the developed regimen for taking the drug;
  • for gynecological, proctological and dental diseases, the solution is made in the ratio recommended by the attending physician and calculated for each individual case diseases. This solution is used for rinsing the mouth, douching or enemas;
  • for acute respiratory diseases, influenza, the solution is made in a ratio of 0.5% to 30-45 °C. It is taken orally in a daily dosage of 400-600 ml. You need to drink the solution slowly, in small sips. You can also add the solution to warm milk. If there are contraindications for internal use, the solution is used in the form of inhalations 1-2 times a day;
  • For cosmetic purposes, the solution can be used in the form of frozen cubes. It is done in a ratio of 0.5-2% to 15-18 °C. You can also wipe your face with the solution or use it as a lotion.

Side effects

Carlsbad salt is a dietary supplement that is well tolerated by all groups of patients and does not cause negative side effects.

Special instructions

If abnormal symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor for advice.

Exceeding the dosage and duration of the course of therapy is unacceptable in order to avoid the development of negative symptoms or complications.

Drug interactions

It is prohibited to take pharmacological laxatives at the same time as Carlsbad salt.

Terms and conditions of storage

Carlsbad salt must be stored in a dry place, at room temperature, out of reach of children. Its shelf life is 3 years from the date of release from production.