There is no good GPS fix for Android. Android applications for setting up satellite dishes

Android users often complain that the GPS operation. How to speed it up?


Most Android system users have a problem using GPS. To be more precise, with the speed of his work. This is especially acute for owners of Chinese gadgets that were sold unofficially and did not undergo mandatory training before going on display. Before solving this problem, let's talk about the reasons for its occurrence.

Why is GPS on Android slow?

As everyone knows, this function determines the position of a person using special signals received from satellites. In first place among all the reasons is the location of the satellites at the moment. If the necessary information is already outdated or does not exist at all, then a “cold start” of the device is carried out, when the coordinates are determined for 10 minutes or more.

Of course, no one likes this, so it appeared new technology A-GPS.

It is needed to download information about the position of satellites from special servers. To do this, you definitely need an Internet connection and the addresses of the servers where this data is located. This is where many smartphone owners may remain disappointed, since local servers are indicated in any Chinese device.

Thus, the reason for the slow operation of GPS on most gadgets is the server addresses that are not suitable for the country of residence. You can find the correct ones in the gps.conf file.

What do you need to speed up GPS?

When the cause of the problem is clear, then you can begin to solve it. In order to make GPS work faster, change the contents of the above file. You can do this yourself by downloading and replacing the original file.

To perform this operation, several conditions must be met:

  • Get root rights
  • Get Internet access
  • Download a file manager, for example, Root Explorer or ES File Explorer
  • Download the GPS test program to check your location

  1. Launch the link in your browser from your device
  2. Here are all the ready-made files, which are divided by country name. Open the one you want and download
  3. Now use your file manager to move it to /system/etc. A warning will appear that you are replacing a file in the system. Agree with him
  4. Immediately open the file manager and configure the necessary permissions in the file
  5. Open GPS Test, then go to settings and click on Clear AGPS. This will help clear the satellite data cache
  6. Reboot your smartphone
  7. Open GPS Test again and see where the satellites are and determine your location

Usually, after all these steps, GPS operation becomes much faster. Although there are exceptions when the speed problem does not depend on A-GPS.

Video: How to speed up GPS on Android?

It is known that setting up a satellite dish without having special device, you can use your smartphone or tablet. To do this, you just need to install a special application from the Play Market. This applies to Android mobile devices. There are similar apps for iOS, even with similar names. Since Android remains the most popular mobile system, we will analyze applications for setting up a satellite dish specifically for Android.

The operating principle of such applications is to determine the direction to satellites using GPS. Of the variety of similar applications that can be downloaded from the Play Market, I will highlight the most worthy ones. The main criterion for selection will be the accuracy in determining the direction to orbital positions.


This application for mobile devices, like other programs in this article, is designed to search for a satellite to further rotate the satellite dish in the desired direction; a GPS receiver and camera are used for these actions mobile phone or tablet. SatFinder is the most popular application for finding satellites, which has spawned many clones with the exact same name, but much inferior in quality and functionality.

Advantages of SatFinder:

  • The application is distributed free of charge;
  • The ability to take a screenshot directly from the application (not relevant for devices that have this feature in the firmware);
  • Easy to learn and use;
  • Two operating modes. The first is the standard search mode for all similar applications using the camera, showing all available satellites; the second is more accurate, for pointing at the selected satellite;
  • Good speed even on the oldest devices.


  • On smartphones with a poor camera or screen, satellites will be difficult to see when searching during the daytime (in particularly unfortunate cases, they will not be visible at all, since the inscriptions will merge with the sky);
  • Due to the large number of not very high-quality clones, it will be difficult to find SatFinder on the Play Market. There is also a small chance of encountering malware masquerading as SatFinder. When downloading an application from the Play Market, you need to be careful and focus on reviews.



Dishpointer Pro.

The application has similar functionality as SatFinder, with some exceptions.

Advantages of Dishpointer Pro:

  • High accuracy of satellite identification;
  • It is possible to determine location using data mobile operators, making it possible for the application to work in places with a poor GPS signal (when using data from a mobile network, the accuracy of the determination may be greatly affected);
  • Availability of the ability to take a screenshot of the application;
  • Satellites are clearly visible at any time of the day on any phone.


  • The application is paid and has a fairly high price.


An application for setting up satellite dishes, which is very different from analogues in its operating principle. For configuration, only a GPS receiver is used, so the configuration acquires many intricacies and features.

Advantages of Multifeed:

  • Satellite dishes supported non-standard sizes and forms (extremely rare);
  • Possibility of tuning one antenna to several satellites simultaneously using a multi-feed;
  • The application does not require a camera to operate (you only need a GPS receiver), so the application will work on some older tablets;


  • The program is quite difficult to use, aggravating the situation by the lack of familiar settings using the camera of a mobile device;
  • The application is paid, although it is significantly cheaper than Dishpointer Pro.

An application for setting up satellite dishes, similar to SatFinder and Dishpointer Pro, but slightly inferior to them. In terms of popularity and number of installations, Satellite Director can compete with SatFinder.


  • The application is absolutely free;
  • The widest list of devices is supported;
  • Satellite Director is very easy to use;
  • Fast work even on the oldest and slowest phones;
  • Decent satellite identification accuracy.


  • There is no function for more precise settings (disabling the display of unnecessary satellites);
  • You cannot take screenshots from the application (with the exception of devices with built-in ability to take screenshots).

– a compact and convenient application for devices on Android platform. This program will help you find a satellite and set up an antenna on it, take screenshots, and also has very wide possibilities, while not demanding on the resources of your device.

Developer's website:
Download the SatFinder application on the Android market
Requirements: Android 2.0 and higher
Shipped free of charge.

Features of the SatFinder Android application

  • shows azimuth
  • altitude and slope converter for your location (based on GPS coordinates)
  • has a list of satellites
  • has a list of channels
  • the result is shown both as numerical data and as visual graphics on Google maps
  • Built-in compass will help you find the correct satellite azimuth.

The list of satellites is quite comprehensive, so the applications should work all over the world.

Starting from version 1.07, the application has added a list of channels downloaded from the Internet.

To use this program, your phone must have an active GPS receiver to determine location coordinates. Data received from GPS receiver have sufficient accuracy, since the error in determining the coordinates is not significant for determining the position of the satellites.

Note: In order to get the most accurate azimuth readings, you should calibrate your phone's compass by rotating the phone several times around all three axes after starting the program.

For normal operation application, the phone must be in an upright position. This is the position at which the camera lens's display of satellite positions will be most accurate.

The search for a satellite can be carried out in two ways:

1. display of the arc with the satellites located on it (the Clark belt) on the sky
2. Accurate determination of the specific position of the selected satellite using a sight.

Arc display, on which all the satellites are located (the Clark belt), allows you to realistically assess the possibility of tuning into the desired satellite in your chosen location, determine the presence of interfering obstacles, such as tree branches, roofs and walls of houses, etc. Moreover: you can take a screenshot (copy of an image) of the screen, so that later, in a convenient environment, you can make detailed analysis location selected for setting. To do this, simply touch your finger anywhere on the communicator screen and a copy of the screen image will be recorded in the phone’s memory.

Accurate satellite position determination with the help of a sight is used to search for or “capture” the desired satellite. In this mode, the screen displays the name of the selected satellite, its azimuth and elevation angle. In the middle of the screen, yellow arrows indicate which direction you should turn your phone to tune to the satellite.

Once your device is accurately pointed at the satellite, the arrows will turn green and turn on sound signal.

Menu items:

1. Menu settings contain three items:

Satellite list- Here you can choose which satellites will be shown in both main tabs and deselect those that are not needed. The list contains all the major satellites. However, by default, satellites that are below the horizon for your location are not displayed.

Target Tolerance– Here you can set the degree of measurement accuracy. That is, at what approach to the satellite (in degrees) the sensor will start to trigger (when the sight arrow turns green). By default, it is set to 3 degrees, since in practice, even if the phone is in the satellite capture position, with values ​​less than 3 degrees, the accuracy of the readings does not increase, but rather, on the contrary, the satellite capture will be disrupted all the time.

Audio Alert- When this item is activated, a sound signal will sound when the satellite is captured. At the same time, an automatic screenshot will be taken.


According to the results of a study of 3 programs Dish Pointer, Satellite Finder and SatFinder, the latter seems to be the most serious and professionally executed. It has the ability to take screenshots of the screen, both automatically and at will. When tuning to a satellite, it emits a clearly audible sound signal. The principle of capturing a satellite in the form of a sight is implemented quite well: the sight is clearly visible and, when accurately aimed at the satellite, clearly records it.

The disadvantage of this program is that the arc with satellites is poorly visible, the color (green) is poorly chosen, and the points themselves with satellite marks on the arc are very small. This function is most successfully implemented in the Dish Pointer program. Here the arc with satellites is very clearly visible, even against the background of a bright sky, which makes it possible to easily assess the position of the desired satellite in the sky.

A similar principle for capturing a satellite (in the form of a sight) is also available in the Satellite Finder program, but there the sight itself is small and difficult to see, especially against the sky. The sound is also weak, and the process of fixing the satellite itself is more complicated.

Based on the results of acquaintance with 3 programs, the following opinion emerges:

If the task is only to assess the position of the satellite before starting installation - is the satellite visible from the intended installation location, are there any obstacles blocking it, then it is best to use the Dish Pointer program, with its bright and visual Clark belt. The program itself is very easy to use and intuitive.

If you want to estimate the position of the satellite as accurately as possible, then it apparently makes sense to use the SatFinder program with its convenient and bright sight, accurate satellite fixation and automatic creation screenshot. If this program had the same type of satellite arc as Dish Pointer, then nothing more would be needed.

But, I would like to note that all these applications help to tune not to the satellite itself, but to a certain value calculated, based on the coordinates of the position of the tuning location received from the GPS receiver, and the satellite position data included in the program. That is, to some mathematical model, to the result of calculations displayed on the screen. And tuning using a receiver or satellite satellite finder is performed directly according to the physical position of the desired satellite, specifically according to its signal. Accordingly, all these programs, although they are only an auxiliary tool, can still sometimes be very useful, especially when assessing the possibility of tuning an antenna in difficult conditions.

The program for setting up a satellite dish for Android will help you set up television much faster, and the setup itself will be even more convenient. You can find quite a few similar offers in the Google Play store, but the most convenient is SatFinder. It uses all the capabilities of modern mobile devices and helps to carry out all settings as efficiently as possible.


It is immediately worth noting that despite a large number of useful functions, this program can be downloaded absolutely free. To install it on your Android device, you need to follow the link:

For the application to function fully, you must have smartphone GPS. After launching SatFinder, you need to wait until the program determines your location. When working with the program, it is recommended to keep the device in a vertical position, this will allow you to determine the coordinates much more accurately.

Searching for a satellite can be carried out in two modes, each of which has its own advantages. You can view the location of satellites using the camera. They will be displayed in the form of an arc (the so-called Clark Belt). This will allow you to assess as objectively as possible all the obstacles that may interfere with setting up the satellite dish. It is possible to take a screenshot directly in the application, which is important if the settings are made in a place where GPS does not work well.

The second mode allows you to find a satellite using a precise “sight”. This function will help you correct the direction of the satellite dish. In this case, arrows will be displayed on the screen. They are painted in yellow and indicate the direction in which to move the phone until it is pointed exactly at the satellite. After this, the color of the arrows will change to green.

Once you have accurately determined your location, it will be much easier to make all the settings for your satellite dish. At the same time, you do not need to constantly change the angles of inclination, because after all necessary operations with the SatFinder app you will know exactly where to point the dish.


  • determining the position of the Android OS user using GPS;
  • two satellite search modes;
  • accurate determination of satellites;
  • simple and intuitive interface for Android OS;
  • no advertising.


  • The color for displaying satellites on the device is poorly chosen (it is not always visible against the sky).

Video “Working the SatFinder application on an Android device”

In this short video you will see how the program finds and displays objects using the camera of a mobile phone running Android OS.