DIY terrace staircase on a slope. How to make concrete steps on a dacha slope on your own? What to make a staircase on a slope from

We got a plot with a slope. Since we don’t have men in our family (we live with our daughter), we didn’t dare start developing the slope for about three years. Although it was very uncomfortable to walk on it, especially when it rained and the slope was slippery. Finally, I made up my mind. This was facilitated by the fact that we managed to get some crushed stone.
Our task was to make everything as simple as possible, but reliably. In dry weather on a warm spring day, we started work. We took shovels and first “cut down” 3 large steps in the slope. To ensure that the tops of the steps were horizontal, I asked my neighbors for a building level. Very handy tool- I did all the measurements with his help.

Formwork made of boards was attached to the risers, and crushed stone was poured into it. Filled with solution. Cement was mixed with sand and water - a thick mass was obtained (like sour cream). The formwork was made approximately 15 cm above the horizontal surface of the steps and these areas were covered with crushed stone flush with the formwork. They decided not to pour the solution: let the water drain through the rubble during rains. On the sides of the steps, cuts of earth were laid out with large stones: this strengthened the steps on the sides and greatly decorated them. The formwork was removed after about a month: they wanted the solution to harden well.

We got a wonderful three-step staircase, which is a pleasure to walk on. The steps are quite wide and long, so we install container plants along the edges for the summer. Some we take out of the house, others (for example, petunia, lobelia) we grow specially. The view from our stairs is wonderful.

We also had a place in the garden with a similar problem: a slope from the neighbor’s plot. And we decided to turn the problem into a benefit. They built steps in the ground in exactly the same way as the first time, only the steps were made wide. The result was real terraces about 1.7 m wide. Now we have a recreation area here. In summer, on the terrace steps there are plants in tubs and beautiful outdoor boxes, garden sculptures, a small fountain, country furniture.
It turns out that you can do a lot with your own hands, even if the hands are women’s.

If the site is on a slope, you cannot do without steps, and primarily for reasons of convenience and safety. The site should be convenient to move around at any time of the year and in any lighting. Even if the slope of the site is small and there is no need to install retaining walls, it will still be necessary to make at least a few steps in certain places. Steps allow us to model the space in the direction we desire, highlight the surrounding plants to advantage, emphasize the shape of lawns and areas, give a lot of ideas for decorating the garden and allow you to organize the most interesting garden lighting.

For the construction of steps, the same materials are used as for conventional paths and platforms. But all this is done only on a stable basis, since these objects need “fundamentality”. Steps are subject to greater loads than walkways. For a path, the load is that people walk on it, and the steps also hold a certain mass of soil.

You can’t just “cut” a section of slope into steps by eye. Any staircase, including a garden one, must meet ergonomic requirements, otherwise walking on it will be uncomfortable and dangerous. It needs to be calculated in advance - to determine how many steps need to be made, their width and height.

To calculate a garden staircase, we need to know the height to which we will climb along it. The width of any garden staircase, as a rule, coincides with the width of the paths or is made slightly wider than them. You can determine the height of the future staircase using pegs and rope. What is important to you is the level difference between the two flat areas that you want to connect with a staircase.

A few rules to note

The main technology for making garden stairs is only on a concrete base. Steps are never placed on sand. The technology is intended for the production of main garden stairs in areas of the most active traffic.

The steps of the stairs are formed using formwork from boards.
The base of the stairs is cast from concrete, preferably reinforced metal mesh.
The selected staircase paving material that you have chosen is laid on the base.
If there is a lawn next to the stairs, it is best to immediately provide a strip of paving about 15-20 cm wide to separate these areas.
The height of the step should not be more than 15 cm, as it is inconvenient to walk on too steep stairs.
The width of the step should not be less than 30 cm - this is determined by the parameters of our step.
It is advisable that the stairs have more than three steps, since it should be visible and safe in the garden. But if you have one or two steps, you will have to somehow highlight them, accentuate them - through lighting, decorative elements, and catchy finishing.

Garden stairs not only make it easier to move around the site, but also give the garden a feeling of completeness and structure. If you are thinking about building your own garden stairs, there are a few things to consider. This will be discussed in this article.

Not every staircase can be built without knowledge and experience in this field. Certain structures require a serious foundation, the preparation of which only professionals can do. Therefore, to build garden stairs more than one meter high, it is recommended to either hire a specialist or buy finished staircase made of wood or metal, which only needs to be installed.

In general, when building a garden staircase, the following rules must be observed: next principle: steps are dug in the ground, a concrete foundation is poured inside, steps made of the selected material are placed on it. The choice of material for a garden staircase depends on its purpose.

What materials are garden stairs made of?

Concrete, brick, paving stones, a natural stone- favorite and most durable materials for outdoor construction. Wood or wood is also used for the construction of garden stairs. metal constructions. Moreover, metal can be used to make the entire staircase, and it can also serve only as a frame to give stability, for example, to a wooden staircase.

The simplest version of a garden staircase

The simplest option for building a garden staircase, which does not require serious effort (including a foundation), is to drive planks into the ground as risers, filling the space between the risers with crushed stone. The crushed stone will serve as steps. Of course, this option is as simple as it is short-lived.

Construction of a garden staircase that will serve you faithfully for many years

A durable garden staircase consists of a concrete foundation, stone steps and risers. The foundation plays a determining role in how stable and durable your staircase will be. Risers can be made of brick, concrete or paving stones, the space inside of which is filled with crushed stone. Steps made of sandstone, slate, etc. are placed on top. and fixed with cement.

Combining materials when building a garden staircase

When building a garden staircase, you can successfully combine various materials, and new technologies in construction provide us with various designs, with the help of which it is quite easy to independently build this work of construction art. However, knowledge and experience in this area can make your stairs more durable and, most importantly, safer. Before the beginning construction work consult a specialist who can give you some practical advice regarding your specific project.

DIY garden staircase options

Wooden garden stairs

Stone garden stairs

Concrete garden stairs

Garden stairs made of various materials

Metal garden stairs

Garden staircase made of paving stones

Wooden garden ladder

Garden staircase made of clinker bricks

Fired brick garden staircase

Garden staircase with gabion steps

Creative eco-design idea - garden staircase made from tires

Landscaping of a garden staircase

Very often, garden stairs are made of concrete, poured into formwork. Low cost and ease of manufacture make concrete stairs very popular.

The following materials are required for production

  1. boards for formwork;
  2. crushed stone or broken brick;
  3. concrete mixture: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 1 part crushed stone (material is taken by weight, not by volume);
  4. decorative tiles or pebbles for finishing steps (if planned).

Step-by-step concreting of stairs

1. Calculate the number of steps, their optimal length and height. Determine the desired width of the stairs.

2. Using pegs, rope and bulk materials (sand, cement), mark the contours of each future step.

3. Remove carefully upper layer soils with turf. There is no need to spend much time here earthworks, it is enough to mark the steps on the ground in a rough version. Don't forget a slight slope outward to drain rainwater.

4. Knock down formwork from boards that exactly follows the contours of the stairs. To create it, you should take a tree that is strong, but not necessarily new. It is important that the top strips are as straight and even as possible, since the steps will be aligned along their edges.

5. Install the formwork in the ground, focusing on the marks made. Press it into the soil using a hammer. Using a building level, check the horizontal and vertical positions.

6. When all the steps are level and the formwork is secured, install a vertical cross-bar along the front edge of each step so that top part the steps remained open for pouring the solution. This bar will then act as a riser.

7. Compact the soil at the base of each step. If the soil is hard, then a drainage pad is not made. If a cushion made of crushed stone or broken brick is used, it is laid deep in the ground in a layer about 10 cm thick so that it does not reach the formwork.

8. Prepare concrete mixture, moisten the base of the formwork and fill it with the mixture.

9. To avoid voids, poke the mortar with a shovel. When the concrete is laid, level it with a lath. The surface must be leveled until water appears on it.

10. Before the formwork is dismantled, at least a day must pass, during which the solution must harden. Using a hammer and screwdriver, carefully remove the formwork from the risers first, and then lift the side structures out of the ground.

You can make formwork not for the entire staircase at once, but for each step separately. Then it looks like a rectangle of knocked together boards. It is installed at each stage in turn and filled with solution. Concreting is carried out from the bottom up, that is, the lowest step is poured first.

To concrete one step, dig a hole, the depth of which is 15 cm below the level of the base of the slope. The bottom of the excavation is covered with a layer of broken bricks, crushed stone or pebbles, and then formwork is made.

To increase the strength of the structure, reinforcement can be laid in the concrete under each step.

The minimum thickness of the concrete layer is 10 cm. The steps are compacted, leveled, and processed with a trowel.

The next step is built higher than the previous one, etc., gradually moving towards the top of the slope.

If desired, the surface of the steps can be lined decorative tiles, pebbles or other materials.

When a dacha plot has a sloping topography, sooner or later the owners have to think about how to make steps on the slope to make walking more comfortable. The same problem arises with a multi-level arrangement of beds and gardens; here you cannot do without a ladder at all. There are several options for such structures, assembled from materials that can be found on the farm. The easiest way is to hire a team of builders and pay for their labor, but you can also save money by doing the garden work yourself.

Determining the size of the stairs and marking them

A flight of stairs on a ground structure consists of two elements, the dimensions of which must be determined before starting work:

  • tread - the plane where a person’s foot stands when lifting;
  • riser - a vertical section between steps that performs a supporting and decorative function.

Other standard elements of stairs, such as a bowstring and railings, are used at the request of the owners when constructing a structure on a slope. In accordance with the standards and taking into account ease of lifting, it is recommended to use the following dimensions as a basis:

Construction of steps from blocks and slabs: 1 -Sand pillow, 2 — Concrete base 3 - Stone or concrete blocks, 4 - Tread slabs.
  • the width of each tread is 300 mm, but not less than 270 mm;
  • height between steps (riser) - from 150 to 180 mm;
  • the optimal slope of the structure lies in the range of 25-35°.

It is not always possible to make the specified slope when building stairs on the ground. To level a steep slope, you will need to carry out a lot of excavation work, and the resulting staircase will take up useful space land plot. With this layout, it is better to do steps more often, reducing the height between them. If the slope is too gentle, the width of the tread can be increased.

Width flight of stairs accepted according to your desire or need, but not less than 600 mm. Marking must be done as follows:

  1. Calculate the distance between steps along the slope as the hypotenuse right triangle, where the legs are the tread and riser.
  2. Measure the length of the slope and divide it into parts, the length of which you calculated. Drive pegs into the ground in the right places.
  3. Since the length will not be divided equally, you can make the first riser on the slope smaller than the others.

Construction of a capital staircase

A capital staircase is understood as a structure made of stone, concrete or brick, lined with decorative tiles used for outdoor installation.

It is also practiced to build steps from square or rectangular paving slabs. One of the most common options is red brick risers embedded in the ground, covered with square paving slabs (size 500x500 mm), which act as treads. Two rows standard ceramic bricks together with the seams they will give 150 mm, taking into account the height of the tiles it will be 180 mm.

Work on the installation of stairs is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Stretching the twine between the hammered pegs, use a shovel to form an earthen prototype of the future flight of stairs. To do this, it is necessary to remove the turf and soil so that the depth of the earthen steps is 100 mm below the future treads. Under the first of them, dig a hole 300 mm deep for the foundation. The pit should be 200 mm wider than the span.
  2. Having compacted the soil at the bottom of the pit, fill it with a layer of fine crushed stone 200 mm thick, possibly mixed with sand. Compact the base. It also doesn’t hurt to compact all earthen steps if possible.
  3. Prepare concrete from cement, sand and crushed stone in the proportion indicated on the packaging of the building mixture. Place it in the hole and level it with a trowel and a rule; it is not necessary to install wooden formwork. The concrete hardening time, after which work can continue, is 21 days.
  4. Using the ready-made masonry mixture, lay the first riser from ceramic bricks, not forgetting to tie the stones together. The masonry is carried out not only on the front side, but also on the sides to avoid soil sliding.
  5. After waiting until the solution sets a little, fill the space under the future tread and the gap between the side masonry and the ground with crushed stone. The crushed stone should be compacted so that the tiles lie flat on it and at a slight slope towards the riser. A slope is required to drain water.
  6. Apply the masonry mixture to the brickwork and crushed stone, then lay paving slabs. The front edge of the tile should protrude 5 mm beyond the riser; maintain a gap of 8-10 mm between the elements. For final shrinkage of the slabs, they can be tapped with a wooden tool.

Video about making steps on a slope:

Subsequent steps are made in the same way, only a row of bricks is laid on the previous tread so that its useful width is at least 30 cm. The horizontal plane of the last step must be brought to the same level as the top covering (lawn or path). The gaps between the plates are filled masonry mortar and align, and the seams brickwork give shape using jointing. The previously removed turf is used to cover the openings on the sides of the stairs.

Other design options

Using the described method, a capital staircase can be laid out from natural stone, which requires some skills. The stones should be selected in such a way as to create a riser of the required height, and the upper plane of the masonry should be leveled using mortar. Using the same solution, you can form a tread plane, and then cover it with any porcelain tile. Just don’t lay tiles intended for interior works, - its surface is too slippery.

Video of steps in the garden:

If desired, the entire staircase can be cast from concrete, which is important in conditions of subsidence soils. You will have to dig an inclined trench, compact the soil and make a backfill of crushed stone, which is compacted well. Concrete is placed in formwork from wooden planks, after hardening it is removed. Such a flight of stairs is also finished with natural stone or covered with tiles and mosaics. The variety of finishing solutions is limited only by your imagination.

Owners of a plot on a slope are in an ambiguous position. Standard methods for placing beds are unacceptable here, and the arrangement of such a site involves significant material costs. However, after studying existing approaches to design, the owner most often comes to the conclusion about the advantages of such a situation. Landscape design for a site on a slope will be developed and implemented by specialists. The ideas presented can transform the territory, making it unique, immersing it in the beauty of mountain landscapes.

Landscaping begins with work to strengthen the slopes on the site. This will prevent further destructive processes that can damage buildings and landscape design.

Preparatory actions

When strengthening slopes they use various methods and designs. Landscape design allows the use of stones and concrete blocks, biomats and gabions, logs and lawn grates. To properly strengthen the slopes, it is necessary to study and calculate the following points:

  • how close the groundwater is;
  • what slope is the slope at;
  • geological features of the soil;
  • Is there a danger of the area being washed away when close location body of water
  • take into account the soil pressure on the slope;
  • decide on the material for strengthening;
  • identify the area in need of strengthening.

With a slight slope, landscape design allows you to solve the problem of fixing the soil by planting trees and shrubs with a developed root system. If the slope is significant, terracing or the use of geotextiles will be required.

Ways to strengthen slopes

The simplest and inexpensive option landscape design when strengthening a slope on a site, planting plants with a developed root system. This solution is acceptable provided that the slope and its area are small. Plants are planted in cells, which act as a reinforcing structure. Subsequently, developed root system intertwined with fastening elements and prevents landslides or soil erosion. Juniper is the leader in this method of strengthening the soil; it is also recommended to plant Chinese blackberry, lilac and hawthorn.

Slopes on summer cottage often reinforced with fences made of concrete slabs, sandstone, brick or limestone. The advantage of this method of landscape design is as follows:

high level of resistance to external destructive factors;

  • does not require significant care efforts;
  • does not interfere with the growth of green spaces;
  • durability of the structure.

Such fences are erected subject to certain conditions:

  • a solid foundation is laid;
  • minimum height of the fence - 1 m;
  • the thickness of the fence is 1/3 of the height;
  • mandatory equipment drainage system(water flowing down the slope should not wash away the structure)
  • fences are built from the bottom up;
  • it is recommended to build a cascade structure;
  • it is necessary to provide a slight slope towards the slope.

The landscape design of the site provides the opportunity to decorate such a structure with flower beds, decorative stairs, and lanterns.

Another option for strengthening the slope on the site is the use of stones and logs. They are dug into the ground after first studying the type of soil and the condition of the surface. At the same time, do not forget about the aesthetic appearance of the site and take care of the presence of drainage. Such inexpensive way landscape design is acceptable on both small and large slopes.

Modern developments in landscape design suggest using geotextiles in arranging a site on a slope. This product in rolls, consisting of polyester and polypropylene fibers, has the following advantages:

  • waterproof;
  • protection of soil from freezing;
  • when water converges, it prevents the mixing of soil layers;
  • plastic;
  • has high resistance to damage;
  • ease of installation on the ground.

Another option acceptable when developing landscape design on a slope is laying geomats. This waterproof material consists of polypropylene grids, superimposed on each other and connected by exposure to high temperatures. Geomats have the following features:

  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • UV resistance;
  • maintaining the natural beauty of the landscape;
  • are not afraid of aggressive substances;
  • resistant to low and high temperatures;
  • easy to install.

The presented methods of landscape design when strengthening a slope can be done with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Their choice depends on the preferences of the owner and further plans for the development of the site.

Design options

The landscape design of a site on a slope opens up wide prospects for the realization of bright fantasies and bold ideas. Given the need for serious financial investments When landscaping, the approach to planning a site on a slope requires special care and thoughtfulness. Development design work landscape design is necessarily preceded by a study of the technical indicators of water supply and soil characteristics. The location of future outbuildings and recreation areas. Based on their location, they plan the construction of future terraces, flights of stairs, retaining walls and other elements of landscape design. When landscaping a site on a slope, its location relative to the cardinal points must be taken into account.


Having decided to use terracing in the landscape design of a site on a slope, avoid excessively long retaining walls in a straight line. This design will create the impression of a huge staircase. Landscape design experts recommend arranging terraces randomly with ledges or cascades. This will create a picturesque picture of the overall view.

Winding paths or paths are provided between the terraces, and several steps are designed on steep slopes. Retaining walls on the site are made of various materials: natural stone and brick, wood and concrete. It is better to equip a steep climb with retaining walls using cement mortar, in a flat place, dry masonry will be sufficient.

Original ideas in the design of retaining walls on the site are welcome. Avoid straight lines; rounded shapes will ensure smooth relief transitions and visually make them less conspicuous. Terraces with different functional purposes will allow you to move away from standard approaches. Landscape design allows you to place flower beds, vegetable beds and shrub plantings in separate areas. Combining them with winding paths will visually create a single picture of incompatible things.

The location of the terrace on wet ground requires the presence of drainage fill made of crushed stone. It is located between the wall and the ground with a width of 10-15 cm. It is recommended to supplement the masonry with pipe scraps, which will ensure the release of moisture to the outside and will not allow it to accumulate behind the retaining wall. Lack of similar protective measures will provoke rapid destruction of the structure.

Arrangement of paths and stairs

An indispensable attribute of landscape design are neat paths that help achieve an organic connection between the terraces. To ensure compatibility, it is better to make them from similar material.

The winding shape of the path hides the steepness of the slope, while the serpentine layout, on the contrary, emphasizes it. Following the rules of landscape design for a site on a slope, it is better to emphasize the bends of paths with low trees, shrubs or evergreens.

A staircase is a must on a steep slope. In width it can correspond to the path that continues it or be slightly narrower, but not less than 60 cm. If the staircase has many steps, it is better to separate them with landings. It is advisable to equip them in places where the direction of movement changes. If the size is sufficient, the platform is decorated with a bench, an elegant statue or original flowerpot. Landscape design experts recommend a staircase located in shady place, execute from building materials lighter shade.

Thoughtful landscape design will provide comfort during evening walks with the help of proper lighting. There are many ways to design it, and choose the appropriate one general style option will be easy.

Floristry of the site

Choosing a floristry concept, the best option For landscape design there will be a mountain area style. In this case, the location of the territory relative to the cardinal directions must be taken into account. In this aspect, a site on the northern slope has its advantages, due to the possibility of decorating it with moisture-loving plants that are accustomed to a shady location. For the south side, herbs and flowers that can withstand high temperature and drought.

Landscape design is developed in such a way that the planted plants have different flowering periods. Tulips, hyacinths and crocuses will be the first to please the owners in early spring. They may be replaced by decorative onions, California poppies and marigolds, and autumn will delight bright colors asters and chrysanthemums. Disembarkation perennial plants will make gardening easier.

Trees on a site with a slope, according to the rules of landscape design, are planted in a special way. If the house is located at the top, tall plantings in the form of thuja, spruce or pyramidal poplar are located next to it. Create interesting composition barberry or lilac will help.

The shorter plants are found further down the slope. Evergreen shrubs and colorful flower beds can add nobility and sophistication. Juniper, magnolia, and boxwood would be appropriate here. The region in which the site is located also plays a role. Therefore, when choosing green spaces, take into account the features climatic conditions your locality.

The basic rules for landscape design of a site on a slope are as follows:

  • correctly organize the division into zones;
  • build strong retaining walls;
  • protect the site from soil erosion with the help of a competent drainage system;
  • When arranging places to relax, take into account the wind rose.

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