Design of a living room combined with a kitchen - pros and cons, practical tips, photo ideas. Design of a combined kitchen-dining-living room: the best ideas and photos Design of a living room and kitchen combined horizontally

The main room in any apartment is the living room. Guests spend the most time there. This means that you need to make sure that every family member feels comfortable here. Typically, the largest room is chosen to create such a room. Often the hall simultaneously serves as a dining room, so the living room can be combined with a kitchen, and its layout should be based on functionality, practicality and convenience.

Don’t forget about the interests and hobbies of the residents. If there are many guests in the house, the room should have a lot of seating - sofas and armchairs. If you have small children, you need to make room for them too. After all, the baby will want to spend most of his time next to his parents. Dance lovers think about free space. A large family that often gets together to discuss current issues will certainly think about placing a huge dining table. How to place all the necessary elements in one room and what area would be optimal for this?

Methods for planning a living room (with photos)

Minimum shared room size building regulations equal to 17 square meters. If there are more people living in the apartment three people, it’s worth thinking about increasing the living room. This can be done even by reducing other rooms. Experience shows that the living room is the most popular place in the apartment; most of the time is spent there, with the exception of sleeping. The area of ​​the guest room is 25 m² (excluding the combination with the kitchen) is optimal for a family of 3–5 people.

However, in real conditions of limited space, the dimensions of the room are most often much smaller. Therefore, we have to look for options for creating a cozy, functional and stylish living room based on the available squares.

A combined kitchen with a living room is a popular technique for increasing the main room in an apartment. This layout has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following factors:

  • The room becomes brighter and more spacious.
  • While preparing food, you can continue to communicate with the rest of the family and keep an eye on the children playing in the room.
  • For those who like to cook while listening to a TV show or movie, there is no need to install an additional TV in the kitchen.

The disadvantage of this option is the smell and smoke that appears during cooking, as well as the noise of electrical appliances - the hood, Dishwasher, coffee maker and others that may interfere with proper rest in the living room. However, in the context of technological progress, shortcomings can be eliminated by equipping the kitchen with modern, almost silent electrical equipment.

Real photos of the layout when combining a kitchen and living room will help you independently design a unique space.

When planning your studio, it is important to keep the flooring in mind. There may be drops on the floor in the food preparation area. vegetable oil, water and other liquid. Therefore, tiles are often used on the floor in this place. At the same time, it is important that the transition from one material to another (laminate, parquet, etc.) is harmonious and general interior the room was not damaged.

Living room combined with kitchen

To avoid abrupt transitions in flooring, you can use the same material throughout the room. This can be heated tiles or moisture-resistant laminate. Modern materials They allow you to choose absolutely any color of this or that material that will fit perfectly into the intended interior.

The idea of ​​combining kitchen and living room

Despite the combination of two premises with different purposes, some owners want to leave the appearance of zoning. A light translucent curtain would be an excellent option. The feeling of free space will not go away anywhere.

A translucent curtain visually zones the living room into two parts

When creating a studio, the furniture and general interior style in the kitchen and living room areas should match. A single color scheme and a solid picture will help create the intended mood of the room. Both locations may contain some of the same elements.

Proper use of colors will make the interior cozy and neat

A common table serving as a serving space on the kitchen side and a bar counter on the room side will create absolute unity between two rooms with different functions. At the same time, the color scheme must be consistent in all parts of the studio.

Using a bar counter to divide the kitchen and living room into two zones

Find out about redevelopment methods studio apartment: zoning of space and choice of furniture, lighting rules and colors -

With fireplace

For a long time, a fireplace has been considered the embodiment of coziness and comfort. For many hundreds of years, the whole family has been gathering around the family hearth. Once upon a time, the stove served as heating for the entire house. The owner of a luxurious mansion was slowly throwing firewood into the massive fireplace, next to which all his loved ones sat in the evenings. Of course, such a picture can be imagined in our apartment buildings impossible. However, modern technical solutions make it possible to create the appearance of such a corner even in an ordinary Khrushchev-era building.

Electric fireplaces will create the desired feeling of home, next to which the whole family will want to sit and discuss the events of the past day. Such equipment does not require a special hood. If the owners have the desire and opportunity to create a real fireplace with a “live” fire, it is imperative to obtain permission to install such equipment from the relevant authorities.

Installing an electric fireplace in a small living room is quite possible. On the central wall, where the TV is usually mounted, you can install a plasterboard form of a classic decorative element. In this case, evening family gatherings watching a movie will become more comfortable.

Electric fireplace in a small living room

A fireplace is not an attribute of an exclusively classic interior. Many living rooms perfectly combine modern minimalism and family traditions hearth.

A modern fireplace can be a detail of a minimalist interior

A fire in an apartment takes us back to our ancestors, when the walls in the house were not yet covered with wallpaper. Stonework near the electric fireplace will make it possible to fully approach medieval traditions and create the atmosphere of a real country house.

Electric fireplace with masonry is suitable for a classic interior

The fireplace does not always have to be located in the central part of the room. Sometimes it is installed in a corner. At the same time, the presence of the hearth is still felt. For a greater traditional effect, it can be veiled under a classic Russian stove from rich merchant houses with a characteristic wide chimney covered with tiles.

The location of the fireplace in the corner of the living room

The imagination of designers knows no bounds. If it is not possible to install a real fireplace, but you have an irresistible desire to have a real fire in your home, you can create a plasterboard structure that resembles a fireplace. Interior lined with mirrors, there are many candles in the niche. Mirrors will perform fire protection functions and at the same time visually increase the size of the fireplace.

Original replacement fireplace in the living room

Small room

It’s good when the apartment has space to let your imagination run wild. But what to do if a very small room is allocated for the hall? What to do with the layout of a living room of 15 - 18 square meters. m? There are also a great many options for arranging a small room. Should be adhered to certain rules, and the small living room will become absolutely harmonious and cozy. In this case, you should forget about the classic luxurious style, which is characterized by solid wooden furniture.

No need to download small space multiple elements. The interior should not contain large patterns, this will visually make the room more cramped. Preference should be given to light shades; they will create the effect of filling the room with fresh air.

Before starting renovations, it is necessary to foresee in advance what purposes this room will be used for. Do I need to set up a work area to install a computer? Is it planned to receive guests in the living room with the possibility of a feast? If a room must perform many tasks - entertainment, relaxation, playing with children, receiving guests, the furniture in it must be functional. In this case, a high-tech style is more suitable for a young family - a minimum number of unnecessary elements with maximum functionality of each accessory.

Hall in modern style will allow the use of modernist elements. Coffee table Easily transforms into a desktop computer. The floor lamp quickly changes the direction of light, resulting in changing accents in the room. Wall-mounted cabinet furniture will create the effect of weightlessness and increased space.

Transformable coffee table in a small living room

Replacing doors with a stylish one sliding curtain, repeating the interior design, will greatly save space in the room. Light colors with a laconic bright element will create an incredible atmosphere of harmony and purity. Small room"fears" large quantity varied palette. It is enough to use three main colors that combine with each other.

Sliding curtain instead of a door for a small living room

The presence of mirrors in a small living room will add light and visually enlarge the room. The reflection of the window will create a feeling of fresh air.

The presence of mirrors in any room visually increases its space

It is worth experimenting with the arrangement of furniture. The window area usually remains free. If you place a sofa near it, the light will enter the room in the same amount, while one of the walls will remain free; if necessary, cabinet or built-in furniture can be placed near it.

Experimenting with furniture arrangement can save space in a small living room

Photo wallpaper on one of the walls in the living room will expand the boundaries of the room. Birch Grove or a street going deep into the interior will create perspective and a feeling of large space.

Using photo wallpaper helps to visually enlarge the space of a small room

Make a redevelopment two-room apartment does not seem possible? Don’t give up, there are a lot of ideas to create a comfortable and cozy home:

Narrow space

Some owners of apartments built during the Soviet past are forced to arrange living rooms in narrow rectangular rooms. When planning such premises, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances, observing which you can easily get rid of the feeling of a tunnel.

Bright, catchy decorative elements and patterns on the walls make the space heavier. Such an interior in narrow rooms should be avoided. It is optimal to use neutral color palette. White ceiling will visually raise the height of the walls. Strict geometric shapes will help visually expand the walls. With the help of a lighting system, the room can also be made significantly wider. Mirror elements hanging opposite each other will increase the space and add light.

A ceiling light placed in a niche and directed towards the walls will visually expand the boundaries of the room.

Using overhead light in a narrow living room to expand the space

Light colors and geometric shapes on long walls will help increase the space. It is better to refuse bulky furniture. If you need to organize storage of things, it is better to resort to built-in structures.

Narrow living room, made in light colors

It is recommended to decorate a long living room, in the back of which there is a window, with wide curtains. Thick curtains on the sides will cover blank walls, creating a feeling of wide window opening. The hall certainly contains rectangular decorative elements.

Decorating a narrow living room window with wide curtains

When laying floors parquet boards or the laminate should be placed not along a long wall, but across it. This will also help to level out limited space in narrow room.

Laying laminate across a long wall will help level out limited space rooms

A rug in the shape of a tiger skin will help avoid the feeling of being confined to your living room.

The living room layout examples below will help you create your own unique room design. Great importance paid to lighting and color - with their help it is possible to create the necessary zoning and mood in the room. In large areas free of partitions and walls, you can create an interior in absolutely any style. If the hall has limited dimensions, some stylistic decisions will have to be abandoned.

Photo gallery: living room interior design options

Option for planning and design of a living room in light colors Interior in restrained colors Classics in the interior Arranging an elongated living room with a decorative fireplace Idea for zoning a studio apartment Using cabinets in the living room Minimalistic living room design Option for arranging a living room in gray tones An electric fireplace will help create cozy atmosphere Usage example bright details in the interior

Regardless of the available space, you can create an elegant interior where every family member will feel comfortable. Friends who come to visit always judge the owners by their main room. It’s not for nothing that they say that the hall is the face of the whole house. The desire of everyone living in the apartment to return home will depend on how well the details and overall style are thought out.

Kitchen combined with living room - profitable solution small apartments, especially old, Soviet-era ones. In a new spacious room you can create several functional centers at once - a food preparation area, a living room and a dining room.

The easiest way to implement the idea of ​​combining a kitchen and living room is in your own home.

Residents of apartments will first have to obtain permission for redevelopment (), because there are many technical points related to safety. For example, it is impossible to completely combine the living room and gasified kitchen. But you can make a translucent or glass partition.

Often such projects are found in apartment buildings of a typical construction of the last century - Khrushchev buildings, which are characterized by very small kitchens. The wall separating the living room here is not load-bearing, so it is possible to carry out renovations of the combined rooms according to all the rules.

Redevelopment in Khrushchev

What else needs to be taken into account when combining, watch the video:

Pros and cons of merger

Those who are not afraid of the hassle and financial time required to obtain a permit should also be prepared for some cons this layout:

  • food smells that will eventually permeate textiles (sofa upholstery, pillows, curtains, etc.). Will help in in this case a powerful hood that needs to be cleaned more often than usual;
  • noise from equipment. For guests or household members who want to relax in the living room during the day, this may cause discomfort. The problem with noisy appliances can be solved by purchasing more expensive options;
  • mess. If you were preparing to receive guests, cooked, set the table in the living room, then there is nothing wrong with not having time, for example, to tidy up the work area. In a combined room, cleaning cannot be allowed to be postponed, because... even slight disorder is always visible. In order to cover the area with dirty dishes, you can install a decorative partition, as in the photo below.

Objectively assessing the disadvantages, we can say that It makes sense to start redevelopment work if:

  • the kitchen is up to 8 sq.m., but the family is large and it is impossible for all family members to fit here;
  • for storing dishes and other kitchen utensils need more space needed large set. In this case, as a rule, there are not enough square meters for a comfortable dining area;
  • you often receive guests. You can quickly set the table, because the dining room is nearby, and after your meal you can spend a pleasant time in the stylishly decorated living room.

It is easy to implement almost any design in a combined kitchen-living room. The main thing is stylistic unity.

Scandinavian style

Bar style kitchen. It is separated from the living room by a narrow partition covering the dining area

How to zone correctly?

Zoning is necessary to highlight each functional center, thereby giving the entire room an orderly, harmonious appearance. There are different methods for this:

  1. partition. It can not only hide the mess in the work area, but also serve as a decorative element;

Loft style interior
In a private house
  1. island, dinner table and a bar counter.

The island can also serve as a dining area or bar counter. Behind it you can place a dining room or a sofa.

  1. color and finish.

Beginners need to be careful when using different finishing materials. Brickwork or its imitation is not appropriate in all styles, and this finish does not go well with wallpaper. There are many similar rules, and it is difficult to take them all into account.

Brickwork on one of the walls can zone the living room
Natural materials - wood, stone, metal - work well together in the interior.

The same nuances apply to color combinations. In the interior it is permissible to use not more than three different colors, complemented by their shades. You also need to know successful combinations, for example, gray with yellow, orange or red; white with purple, etc.

It is better to always take as a basis basic colors that go well with many others - white, black, gray.

Whatever zoning method is chosen, the kitchen and living room should be decorated in the same style.

  • In Khrushchev.

  • Small kitchen-living room 18 sq.m.

With a small area, it is necessary to focus on functionality. There should be a minimum of furniture and equipment, but these items should take on several tasks at once.

Built-in equipment does not violate the unity of style or spoil the overall appearance
  • Spacious kitchen combined with living room

Design in a private home

Advice! After redevelopment, a new spacious room needs sufficient lighting. It is necessary to install lamps in at least three places - above the dining table, in the guest area, in the work area.

Textile design depends not only on the area, but also on the style. Thick floor-length curtains look beautiful, but given the specifics of the room - it gets dirty quickly, textiles (including pillowcases, covers on chairs and sofas) need to be washed more often than usual. Therefore, purchase quality options, which will retain their attractive appearance longer.

The combination of two rooms in one interior will not surprise anyone. This technique is used everywhere, since its use makes it possible to win in many ways.

A living room combined with a kitchen is quite reasonable and stylish solution. Correct zoning premises and carefully selected interior will make it simply ideal.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen

Advantages and disadvantages of combination

The most obvious advantage of kitchen-living room design is, of course, space saving. Undoubtedly, the absence of a wall between combined rooms significantly expands the area of ​​the room. The won square meters will be used to place furniture, household appliances, or simply become additional free space. You can also read more on the website

In addition, you will not be isolated from family communication. Now you can cook and at the same time communicate with your household, or watch TV.

In a combined kitchen-living room, it is customary to separate the dining area from the kitchen, where meals take place. Meals in such an environment take place in a more solemn and pleasant atmosphere.

Let's not hide the disadvantages of the combination.

  1. The spread of odors into the living room. Sometimes, of course, it smells delicious, but it is better to install a good hood and ventilation system.
  2. Noises from household appliances. It is unlikely that a vacationer will like the sound of a blender rattling under his ear. That's why Appliances you will need to choose with special care, giving preference to silent models.
  3. Difficulties in maintaining the functionality of combined rooms. To prevent everything from getting mixed up in your home, like the Oblonskys, be sure to use room zoning.

Where is it appropriate to combine

There are several types of apartments into which the design of a combined kitchen will “fit” especially well.

Large apartments

In small apartments, people sometimes need privacy, and they are forced to choose a living room or kitchen for this. If these two premises are combined, then they will lose this opportunity.

If each family member has own room, a kitchen combined with a living room will not be a problem for anyone.

Studio apartments

In such an apartment, a combined kitchen is not just one of the design options, but an absolute necessity. In addition, a bedroom is usually placed here, using it as sleeping area sofa, or built-in folding beds.

Apartments with a small living room

A combined living room in them will redistribute the space of the room, making the apartment more comfortable for its inhabitants.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen
Option for combining a living room with a kitchen

Zoning the space

There are many zoning methods. You need to proceed from the size of the apartment, the purpose of creating zones and financial capabilities.

  1. Using color.
    Correctly placed color accents work wonders. This design option is the most budget-friendly and is perfect for a small living room. Refrain from making drastic decisions. There is absolutely no point in painting one wall pink and the other green. It is enough to choose shades that differ by several tones.
  2. With finishing.
    Everything here is extremely simple: in the kitchen - tiles or laminate, in the living room - carpet or parquet, or in the kitchen - plastic panels, in the living room - wallpaper or decorative plaster. This will not only visually delimit the space, but will also be quite practical, since the finishing materials of the kitchen are constantly exposed to moisture, grease and detergents.
  3. With the help of furniture.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

Furniture options can be completely different.

  • Kitchen island. It is rarely used in Russian apartments, as it requires sufficient space. It is a small area occupied by a cutting surface and located in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Dinner table. By separating the kitchen and living room in this way, you create an additional dining area. It looks quite advantageous. To emphasize the division, a row of lamps is sometimes hung above the table.
  • Sofa. When choosing upholstered furniture installed between the kitchen and living room, do not forget to take into account that it will get dirty more than usual. Give preference to materials that are easy to clean. It is not recommended to place kitchen appliances or a dining table behind the back of the sofa. It is better to install a shelving unit or cabinet there, thus completely separating the living room area.
  1. Cabinet or rack.
    It is not necessary to choose full-size models. Open shelves and racks will look much more appropriate. You can place books, photo frames, dishes or other decorative elements in them, but not kitchen utensils.
  2. Bar counter.
    Stylish and functional element. The remnant of the “past” wall is usually taken as the basis. You can emphasize the division of rooms with a row of wine glasses hanging above the bar counter or built-in lighting.
  3. Fireplace.
    Island fireplaces are widely used in zoning. This element of interior design not only looks luxurious, but also additionally heats the room.
  4. Using part of a wall or arch.
    This technique unites the rooms without mixing them, because the zoning will be obvious. When demolishing a wall, it is not necessary to remove it completely. Leave a narrow area between rooms, several columns, or build an arch. Additional contrast in the design of the zones will be created by the lighting built into the arch.
  5. With the help of the podium.
    This technique is only appropriate in apartments where the ceiling is high enough. Creating a multi-level floor in the kitchen-living room is an aesthetic and pragmatic solution. Numerous communications can be hidden under the raised kitchen floor. With the help of a slight elevation, you can separate the dining area.
  6. Using the ceiling.
    Ceiling beams, multi-level structures, or ceilings of different colors and textures are used.
  7. With the help of lighting.
    IN in capable hands lighting works real miracles. Proper combination of bright and dim light, use various types lamps and rotating spotlights can clearly divide the room into several functional zones. For example, a row of lamps above the dining table can highlight the dining area, and lighting built into the bar counter will separate the kitchen.
  8. Using folding screens and partitions.
    A neat translucent partition will not only stylish element design of the room, but will also allow you to separate the kitchen from the living room as you wish.
  9. With the help of a hedge.
    No, it is not necessary to plant shrubs in the middle of the living room. It will be enough to use ordinary pots with plants. Another idea is to put up an aquarium. This division will fit perfectly into an eco-style interior.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen
Option for combining a living room with a kitchen

Features of design choice

A kitchen combined with a living room is a statement of style and originality. In order not to lose face, when designing an interior you need to carefully consider many details:

  • the general style in which the combined rooms will be designed;
  • presence of bright accents;
  • furnishings;
  • use of decorative items.

The choice of design for a kitchen combined with a living room has virtually no restrictions. The only exception will be the Provence style. The fact is that an interior in this style involves decorating the apartment with tableware on display. Therefore, by decorating the living room adjacent to the kitchen in this way, you risk feeling like a guest in a china shop.

Classic – universal solution, appropriate in any apartment. Clear lines, expensive furniture, monotony and lack of frills, by definition, cannot spoil any interior.

A high-tech interior will also look great. Glossy materials, hidden kitchen appliances, compact and ergonomic furniture visually increase the free space of the kitchen, look stylish and modern.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

IN Lately The popularity of the loft style is gaining rapid momentum. It is used everywhere: in the interiors of bedrooms, hallways, kitchen and living room designs. This style appeared in America during the era of industrialization, when empty warehouses and industrial premises people began to move in and convert them into apartments. Such style will suit for the interior of a kitchen-living room with high ceilings. Despite the deliberate roughness of the finish and seemingly ordinary “factory” elements, you will have to tinker with the design of a loft-style living room. Pay special attention to finishing. It is not necessary to pick apart the walls to get to the treasured brick. Brickwork can be replaced with wallpaper with its imitation, decorative plaster, or simply left concrete wall. It is customary to choose a floor based on wood. Usually this is laminate or parquet, preferably glossy. A loft is a game of contrasts, so in the interior try to combine modern furniture with antique furniture, and neat models with rough ones. Curtains are not mandatory element, a loft-style living room can easily do without them. If bare windows don’t suit you, buy Roman blinds or floor-length curtains.

Lamps should be either absolutely simple, or, conversely, deliberately modern.

Don't forget about the characteristic color scheme. Use muted shades of red, green and blue, white, gray and black in the interior.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen

Choosing furniture and appliances for the kitchen-living room

When choosing furniture for a kitchen combined with a living room, first of all take care of its practicality and harmony. Since these two zones are located in the same room, they should be made in the same or similar styles.

Select furniture for the kitchen and living room so that it matches each other. May occur bright accents, but in general the colors of the kitchen and living room should overlap.

To make your living room look warmer and more comfortable, give preference to natural materials.

Remember that light shades will help visually expand the space. However, choose color solutions thoughtfully: due to its proximity to the kitchen, the furniture in the living room will get more dirty, since it will be constantly exposed to smoke, steam and soot.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

For the same reason best materials for such a living room - non-staining and moisture resistant.

To avoid cluttering your apartment, buy only what you really need. Give preference to compact models. In the kitchen, built-in appliances will look most aesthetically pleasing.

Try not to take entire sets of equipment. By purchasing them separately, you will have the opportunity to buy what you need and not acquire unnecessary things.

It is very important to choose the right hood. Choose models with standard ductwork. The recirculation mode, in which filtered air is returned to the kitchen, is not necessary in this case. It is better to hide the bulky air duct. If the living room is decorated in a loft style, then, on the contrary, it will complement its interior.

When choosing household appliances, pay attention to their noiselessness. The humming of the refrigerator and the rattling of the hood can spoil the beauty of being in the living room. Carefully study the characteristics of the equipment and choose the quietest models.

Option for combining a living room with a kitchen
Interior of a living room combined with a kitchen
Living room combined with kitchen

Choose multifunctional designs. Let one and the same object perform several functions at once. A great example is the bar counter. It can replace both a dining table and a cutting surface. In addition, the bar counter serves as a great place to sit and divides the space into zones.

The environment in the kitchen is of great importance. IN small apartments It is better to install it in an L-shape or in one row. If there is plenty of free space, you can afford a U-shaped placement, an arrangement in two rows, or the creation of a kitchen island.

Properly dividing a narrow room

Combining a kitchen and living room in a narrow room is not just a reasonable, but also the most profitable solution. These two zones divide the length of the room in half, as a result of which it no longer seems elongated at all.

Try not to place all the furniture parallel to a long wall. Thus, visually you stretch it out even more.

To expand the space, use light colors. The furniture can be dark. This contrast enlivens the room and looks very interesting.

Choose your lighting wisely. The more light, the wider the kitchen appears. For play of light use glossy surfaces and mirrors. They will also become your assistants in expanding a narrow space.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design of a living room combined with a kitchen

Don't clutter the room decorative elements. A couple of paintings on the walls will be enough to decorate the design of a kitchen combined with a living room.

Combining a kitchen and a living room in one interior means choosing ergonomics, style and practicality. This bold decision will save space in the house, add originality to the design of both rooms, and allow you to profitably use each square meter premises.

Decorating a kitchen-living room with taste is quite simple if you know what you want to get in the end. To do this, you need to approach the process creatively and responsibly, and, of course, not neglect the advice of professionals.

Video: Kitchen combined with living room

50 photos of the interior design of a living room combined with a kitchen:

Open plan kitchens have come into fashion relatively recently, so they look very modern and respectable. Most often, such an interior is found in studio apartments, but in general, combining a cooking and relaxation area can be an excellent solution for both private houses and apartments. The photos and recommendations presented on this page will help you choose a beautiful design for a kitchen combined with a living room!

Kitchen combined with living room: pros and cons

The absence of a blank wall between the kitchen and living room suggests a completely different concept for arranging living space than in the case of separate rooms. The issue of psychological comfort plays an important role here. Thus, an open plan is more likely to be preferred by sociable extroverts, for whom constant contact with others is important, and there is no expressed need for privacy.

On the one hand, the studio format is convenient: the room seems lighter and more spacious, everything is in sight, and in general the atmosphere is quite pleasant. For example, while cooking, you can communicate with family and friends, look after your children, or watch TV.

But there are certain disadvantages to this option. In particular, an open kitchen can be a source of odors, steam, noise from water and running appliances. All this does not contribute to proper relaxation in the living room, but thoughtful zoning together with the use modern technologies climate control will easily solve emerging problems.

Zoning options for kitchen-living room

Combining the kitchen and living room into a common space requires a rational approach to planning and selection of finishing materials, furniture, and textiles. First of all, it is important to provide for all kinds of household nuances, and secondly, to take care of beautiful design so that, despite different functionality, these zones are harmoniously combined with each other.


Due to practical features, moisture- and heat-resistant materials should be used to decorate the kitchen area: ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware, tempered glass, fake diamond, washable wallpaper, stretch ceiling from PVC film. However, in order not to disturb the unified ensemble, they should be in the same color scheme or at least echo the guest side of the room. In the recreation area, wooden surfaces, carpet, laminate, decorative plaster, and expensive types of wall coverings would be appropriate. Thus, the very difference in textures will visually separate the room, clearly delineating the boundaries.


Often different partitions are used to divide the kitchen-living room. This is a compromise option that partially solves the isolation problem. Sliding glass panels, plywood and bamboo screens, tall cabinets, shelving, plasterboard structures, even curtains made of beads or dense synthetics can act as a barrier. Add this list can also be columns, arched openings and other semi-closed elements.


If the height of the ceilings allows and you want to diversify the geometry of the space, kitchen area can be “raised” with a slight elevation. This technique is also suitable for a dining room located in a niche or near a bay window.


A large island table or a narrow bar counter does a great job of zoning the kitchen-living room. On the one hand, the surface of the high tabletop is ideal for cooking (you don’t have to bend over), on the other hand, it serves as a full-fledged table. This saves a lot of space and is quite convenient in everyday life.

Design of a kitchen-living room in a small apartment

Redevelopment small apartment followed by combining the kitchen and living room can completely transform the home, making it more comfortable and stylish. But, since total area is still limited, in the environment it is necessary to be guided by a sense of proportion and, if possible, to “lighten” the design as much as possible.


As is known, discreet bright hues visually expand the space, while dark and rich ones reduce it. It means that optimal solution For a small kitchen-living room there will be milky white, gray, beige, delicate pastel colors. But it is advisable to avoid sharp color contrasts, variegation and excessive brightness in details.


Deepen your perspective in small room Smooth reflective surfaces will help. It can be a stone polished to a shine light shades(or an artificial analogue), glossy tiles, kitchen facades varnished or laminated with PVC film, chrome appliances and accessories.

But even here it is important not to overdo it, so that the kitchen-living room decorated in this way does not turn into a mirror maze.


The volume and shape of each item, especially large furniture, significantly influence the interior of a compact studio. So, if you need to visually raise the ceiling higher, you should focus on vertical elements: high narrow cabinets, patterned borders and designs, decorative columns, metal pipes, full length curtains. Photo wallpapers with a realistic perspective, elongated sofas, tables, and wide open shelves will add horizontal volume to the room.

Stylistic decisions

To make the design of the kitchen combined with the living room look holistic, before starting work you should decide in what style to carry it out. In the future, the choice of all elements, from finishing to decor, will depend on this. For a studio, given its specifics, restrained, neutral directions with an emphasis on functionality and ergonomics are more suitable.

Kitchen-living room in classic style

Calm luxury classic styleThe best decision for cottages and luxury apartments. Such a room should contain expensive materials (stone, wood, plaster stucco, exquisite ceramics, furniture with leather upholstery), a lot of space and natural light. Prerequisites- large windows (at least one) and high ceiling. When purchasing equipment, it is recommended to give preference to retro collections that match the main color scheme (cream white or noble brown).

Kitchen-living room in modern style

The interior of most modern studios reflects the rhythm of life in a metropolis: no unnecessary details, every thing in its place and a minimum of effort for household chores. In such an environment, achromatic colors, steel, smooth, flat surfaces without any protrusions, decor or fittings, and touch-controlled appliances predominate. This laconic kitchen-living room design is ideal for busy people who value their time.

Kitchen-living room in Provence style

Romantic mood French province would be most appropriate in a country house. Here the kitchen, combined with the living room, can be furnished with exquisite taste and great imagination. Thus, the cooking area will be decorated with a stylized fireplace or a hood in the form of a bleached chimney, a vintage set, and wooden beams on the ceiling; guest - soft sofa and armchairs with cute floral upholstery, but the central part of the entire ensemble must be occupied by a large dining table, covered with a beautiful tablecloth, at which the whole family often gathers.

Kitchen-living room in Scandinavian style

An abundance of natural light surrounded by crisp whites interspersed with blue-gray details and light wood is ideal for small spaces. In the kitchen, such a design will always look light, cool and unobtrusive, and in the living area, home accessories will help soften the Scandinavian cold - ethnic rugs, sofa pillows, a decorative fireplace.

Kitchen-living room in loft style

This style is easy to recognize by its naked brick walls, open communications, an abundance of metal and roughly processed wooden surfaces. In the living area there can be a sofa with deliberately worn chocolate-colored leather upholstery, instead of poufs - wooden boxes. A dining table hastily knocked together from boards will be furnished plastic chairs. Such carelessness gives the loft a free, informal, but at the same time memorable look.

To make your stay in the kitchen-living room as pleasant and comfortable as possible for the whole family, various household details should be thought through before the renovation work begins. It is hardly possible to foresee absolutely all situations, but some important points are quite controllable.


Due to the lack of solid partitions, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid double sound load. And while you can still put up with a TV or stereo system in the living room (sometimes you even like it), the meaningless hum of kitchen appliances can be tiring. To avoid this, it is advisable to buy equipment with a minimum decibel level. This is especially true for the refrigerator and hood.


By combining the kitchen and living room, the problem with natural light is solved: even one window opening is enough, so the other can be hidden behind the kitchen unit or completely walled up.

But it is very important to provide high-quality artificial lighting. It doesn’t have to be the same - for relaxation, a ceiling-mounted chandelier and several dim sconces in a warm white spectrum are quite enough, but in the kitchen, the work surfaces of the countertops and, preferably, the shelves should be equipped with bright spot lighting.

One large chandelier or several hanging lamps are usually hung above the dining area.


The aroma of food spreading during cooking is not always appropriate in the living room, which means that in an open kitchen you cannot do without a powerful hood. It is better to choose textiles, including for the recreation area, smooth synthetic ones rather than fleecy ones, so that they absorb less moisture and odors.

Kitchen-living room design - photo

Would you like to see more more options design of a kitchen combined with a living room? We bring to your attention a selection of photographs illustrating many interesting ideas on the design of the kitchen-living room.

Using pictures you can get a good idea of ​​what the interior looks like. open studios various finishing materials, furniture, appliances, decorative items. All this will undoubtedly be useful for those who want to arrange a combined kitchen as comfortable and aesthetically pleasing as possible!

IN modern design saving space is one of the main tasks. It can be quite difficult to create an interesting interior and at the same time save as much space as possible, but it is quite possible. One of the clever tricks that help to do this is combining several rooms at once. A kitchen and living room combined into one space is one of the most common options that are popular among modern housewives.

Advantages of a combined living room-kitchen

This type of room has many advantages. First of all, it is impossible not to note the fact that such planning allows you to significantly save space and implement small area all your design fantasies. In addition, you will have more space to receive guests, because the dining room space smoothly transitions into the kitchen.

If you combine the kitchen with the living room, then you will always have everything at hand. This way, you can simultaneously treat your family or group of friends to a delicious dinner and finish the cooking process. All cooking surfaces are always at hand, so nothing will burn or get damaged.

Another plus is the presence of additional lighting. This applies to both artificial and natural lighting. First of all, the combined space will have more natural light due to the presence of more windows. Well, the light from the lamps will also illuminate two rooms at once, which is also very convenient.

But this type of room layout also has its drawbacks. First of all, this is the cost of repair work. If you are doing redevelopment in an already finished room, then you will have to spend time demolishing the walls, having first obtained all the necessary permissions for this from government agencies. After this, you will need to do the necessary work in the room renovation work, which will also be expensive.

Another disadvantage of such planning is that the living room will smell of food during and after cooking. This is especially unpleasant if you constantly fry something. In addition, cooking is not always a neat process. And after it you will have to clean not only the kitchen space, but also the living room.

What does a good layout look like?

Layout or redevelopment of two premises is a time-consuming and money-consuming process. Therefore, you need to initially know exactly what you want, so that you don’t have to redo all your work from the very beginning.

Exist different variants planning a combined kitchen-living room. It’s worth choosing the right one, first of all, depending on what kind of room you have. Let's look at a few of the most popular options.

Kitchen-living room with side entrance

The classic type of room is a kitchen-living room with a side exit. To decorate such a room, usually with an area of ​​14 square meters. meters up to 17 sq. meters, most often they use various screens and arches. They perfectly divide the territory into two zones, while hiding the kitchen chaos from prying eyes.

Small kitchen in "Khrushchev"

A common housing option is a small Soviet-style apartment. In Khrushchev-era apartments, the kitchens are quite small. In the conditions of such an apartment, combining two rooms in one is a fairly practical solution. This significantly saves space and makes you feel more comfortable.

Remodeling in an apartment is much more difficult than in a private house. The fact is that you will need BTI permission in any case. This is because during redevelopment you can demolish one of the load-bearing walls, which is unsafe not only for you, but also for your neighbors. Sometimes, for security reasons, openings are simply created in the walls. Such an opening can be stylishly decorated with an arch.

Another interesting option combining space without completely destroying the walls - using a bar counter. To do this, an opening the width of a bar counter is made in the wall. The lower part of the wall is strengthened and covered with a special tabletop.

If you have a kitchen of 18 sq. m, then you can experiment with the design of the space between the living room and the kitchen. An interior made in nautical style. In this case, the opening may look like a porthole. If you make its lower surface more even, it can be used as a bar counter or a place for snacks.

If it is possible to simply combine two rooms into one, then this can be done by zoning the space. The easiest way to do this is with furniture. Thus, the workspace is immediately recognizable by the fact that it is there that the refrigerator, sink, stove and all the necessary equipment are located. And in the relaxation area you can install a sofa with a table.

In a country house

For a village or suburban home, the use of combined spaces is also relevant. Such a room is an example of successful modern solutions, which can be implemented in classic interior and in a more modern one.

If you want two rooms in one room at once functional areas, then the territory can also be divided into two zones using an arch, or by demolishing a wall and creating one space using color division or the use of furniture.

The simplest solution is to visually divide the space using a plasma panel, a massive aquarium, or even a small fireplace. The use of a fireplace is typical not only for interiors in the classic style. If you choose a neat and simple fireplace, it will fit perfectly into a high-tech interior.

In general, the layout of a combined kitchen-living room in a private house very much depends on how the room as a whole should look. Very often, design features are determined by the shape of the room. The most popular options are rectangular and square shape. Classic kitchens the easiest way is to zone. Usually, under the wall there is a kitchen unit and, accordingly, a work space. Further, in the living room there is a place for dining - a table, complemented by a set of chairs or a sofa.

If you have a large space of 34 sq. meters, then placing all the necessary pieces of furniture and decor in it will be quite simple.

Great difficulties arise if you have a room of some unusual shape. Here you already have to adapt to its characteristics. But modern furniture It also happens not only classical. So, for a room of an unusual shape you can choose non-standard shape headset A universal option that will fit into any room is an island set.

The combined space looks interesting and two-story houses. A kitchen with a staircase to the second floor is more difficult to arrange, because here you also need to think about how to use the staircase. It can be located either under the wall or in the center of the room. The first option is the most practical. With this arrangement, all furniture can be installed in a way that is convenient for you. But if you are in the center spiral staircase, then all working surfaces should be under the walls.

Interior of a combined space

When combining two rooms at once in one room, you need to do it in such a way that their interiors are in harmony with each other. You can get inspired to create your own space by browsing real projects kitchen-living rooms created by professional designers. It is not necessary to completely copy other people's ideas - it is enough to simply understand how you can turn your basic ideas into reality.

First of all, you need to know about the principles of zoning. Using different but harmonious colors in each part of the room, you will create a space in which you can comfortably spend time and comfortably prepare food. Proper zoning will allow you to create a feeling of divided space without walls or partitions.

Another successful way to divide space into a cooking area and a relaxation area is to use different coatings on the floor. In the kitchen, laminate, tiles or tiles are most often used. And in the living room area you can cover the floor with carpet or parquet. Wall coverings may also differ - they differ from each other in both color and texture.

The walls in the kitchen are usually made more practical, so that during the cooking process or as a result of temperature changes, the surface covering the walls does not lose its attractiveness. More practical and sustainable materials are usually selected for the kitchen. But in the living room the emphasis is on attractiveness. Here you can hang simple or bamboo wallpaper or simply paint the walls with pastel-colored paint.