Technology for growing avocados from seeds at home. Is it easy to grow avocados at home? How to replant avocados at home

You can grow an avocado tree at home from a seed. The germination process includes several stages. It starts with selecting a suitable fruit and preparing the seed. Then you should determine the preferred method of growing the seedling and provide it with the necessary conditions. If you follow the recommendations, you can get decorative home plant for interior decoration.

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    Preparatory stage

    Avocado in scientific classification- This is Perseus americana from the Laurel family. Under natural conditions, the evergreen tree grows in Mexico. This plant is often called alligator pear.

    Growing avocados at home begins with purchasing the fruit. 100% germination can only be achieved by a fully ripened fruit. You can check compliance with this criterion in a store or market by lightly pressing on the skin. In mature specimens it bends and straightens easily.

    If an unripe fruit is purchased, it must be stored in room conditions, placing it in a paper bag with apples and bananas for 2 days. These fruits emit ethylene, which speeds up the ripening process. You can determine that the fruit has reached the required ripeness by the darkening of the peel and the elasticity of the pulp.

    It should be taken into account that large seed stones are more viable. Therefore, you need to use the largest fruits for growing. The seed material is removed using a spoon by cutting the avocado into halves.

    Avocado pit

    The seed is washed to free it from any remaining pulp. All manipulations should be performed with protective gloves to protect the skin from a toxic substance - persin, which is located in the seed coat and can provoke an allergic reaction.

    Open germination method

    To get an avocado seedling from a seed, you can use the open method, which consists of using water poured into a glass.

    Shallow holes are made in the middle of the bone and toothpicks are secured in them. This simple device allows you to desired depth immersion in water. The seed is pointed with the sharp end up, and the flat side of the seed should be approximately one third in the liquid.

    Germinating seeds in water

    The prepared container is placed on the window, adding water to it as it evaporates. On average, sprout pipping is observed after 3 months, although in the spring this process may proceed faster.

    The first sign of the beginning of germination is the division of the seed into 2 cotyledons. When the roots reach 4 cm in length and a sprout appears, the seedling can be planted in a pot filled with loose soil. It is prepared from rotted compost mixed with garden soil and sand, taken in equal volumes.

    Avocado seedling

    Private method

    There is a way to grow an avocado from a seed by placing it directly in the soil. This technique involves performing several operations:

    • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot using pieces of brick, stones, and expanded clay.
    • Pour in loose soil substrate - ready-made or mixed independently, in the same way as planting a seedling.
    • The pot is filled so that there is a distance of 15 mm from the soil surface to the edge.
    • The pit is buried 30 mm with the blunt end and watered.

    Planting seeds

    The container is placed on the windowsill and protected from direct rays of the sun and drafts. The soil in the pot should be constantly moistened, but without stagnating moisture in the pan. The reddish sprout is characterized by rapid growth, reaching half a meter in height in 3 months. To speed up the appearance of side shoots, pinch the crown after the eighth leaf.

    Avocado leaves, as well as the pit, contain persin, so you should not grow the plant if there are children in the house.

    Creating favorable conditions

    IN natural conditions The avocado tree grows up to 20 m. At home, it rarely bears fruit and reaches a more modest size. Its height usually does not exceed 2.5 m.

    During the period of intensive growth, the plant should be watered with settled water twice a week, preventing the soil from drying out. In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil once every 7 days.

    Before planting an avocado at home, you should give the plant permanent place with good lighting. You need to place the pot away from the window so that the rays of the midday sun do not fall on the leaves. This arrangement will also protect the plant from drafts when ventilating the room.

    Avocado care involves maintaining optimal humidity air. In winter, containers with water are placed indoors for this purpose. Household humidifiers also help get rid of dryness. Spraying the crown is practiced. With increased air dryness, the leaves of the plant dry out, development slows down, and even the death of the tree is possible.

    Avocados require long daylight hours - at least 12 hours. For this purpose, lamps with fluorescent lamps. If flowers appear on the plant, the length of daylight hours increases to 15 hours.

    The temperature during the growing season should average 20 degrees. When winter dormancy sets in, usually accompanied by shedding of leaves, it is recommended to provide the plant with cooler conditions - within 12 degrees. In summer, the pot is taken out to the garden plot and placed close to other trees, providing it with diffused lighting.

    Fertilizing is carried out mainly in the spring-summer season with special liquid fertilizers intended for indoor plants. The interval is 2 weeks. In the fall, fertilizing once a month is sufficient.

    Replanting and pruning

    A rapidly growing plant must be promptly transplanted into a new container. The first procedure is carried out with a seedling about 15 cm high. Then annual replanting is practiced.

    The new pot is selected so that its diameter and height exceed the dimensions of the previous container by about 50 mm. Having laid the drainage layer, pour in a little soil with a composition identical to the soil mixture used for planting the seed. Remove the tree with a lump of earth and quickly transfer it, placing it in the center of the new pot. The voids remaining in the container are filled with soil, carefully pressing it with the palm of your hand around the earthen root. Then water the plant. The most suitable period for transplantation is mid-spring.

    Pruning is required to form a compact crown. The first time the top of the stem is cut off is when the young plant develops its eighth leaf. It is then recommended to remove the shoots at the beginning of each spring. To get a beautiful lush crown, at the stage of planting seedlings, 3 plants are placed in one pot. As they grow, their stems intertwine.

This is an unpretentious tropical fruit crop: cases of its germination are known even from a dry, lifeless seed, long removed from the pulp. The article will tell you how to grow an avocado from a seed at home in several ways and ensure that the tree bears fruit. If planting rules are followed and proper care is taken, the germination rate of each seed is almost 100%.

How does avocado grow in nature?

Avocado is fruit tree genus "Perseus" of the laurel family. It has a branched trunk (grows up to 20 meters in height) and a dense evergreen crown. The foliage falls and is renewed all year round. Avocado leaves reach 30 cm in length and have an elongated, rounded shape. The flowers are bisexual, greenish-yellow. They are hidden in the axils of the leaves and are almost invisible against the background of the tree.

Due to the rich dark green hue of the peel and elongated ellipsoidal shape, this plant was called the “alligator pear.” This color is characteristic only of green fruits. As it matures, the color becomes more saturated, almost black.

Under the tough skin there is an oily, fatty pulp of a light light green color. tastes like pumpkin or cucumber with butter. In the center of the fruit, closer to the blunt side, there is a large elongated bone.

There are varieties whose ripe fruits can reach 1 kg in weight. On average, one fruit weighs about 100 g. Over 200 kg of crops are harvested from one tall tree per season.

To understand where avocados grow in which countries are the most suitable conditions for their cultivation, you need to give a general idea of ​​the soil in which they take root. The trees bear fruit well on sandy and limestone soils, volcanic loam and red clay. The main requirement is moderate humidity and no flooding.

Avocados are grown in warm tropical and subtropical climates and large quantity Sveta. Fruits are exported to Europe from Africa all year round, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Israel.

Stages of sprouting an avocado seed

The first task is to purchase ripe fruits, find a container for sprouting seeds and a secluded place where to leave the sprout. The pot and soil can be purchased later, after 2-3 weeks.

The avocado fruit is cut in half so that the pit remains in one of the halves. The pulp is used for its intended purpose. You can remove the bone by pressing it with a towel and turning it left and right until you hear a characteristic crunch.

The avocado seed has a very slippery surface. To comfortably hold it in your hand when cleaning, you need to rinse the stone warm water and dry thoroughly with a fluffy towel. There should be no pulp left on the surface: it will cause the pit to become moldy.

The protective shell can be easily peeled off by prying it off with a utility knife or blade. You can also germinate unpeeled seeds, but after cutting off the shell, the seed will sprout much faster.

How to choose a seed for planting

The seed for planting must be ripe. To determine whether the fruit is ripe, you need to shake it: if the stone dangles freely in the cavity, it is ready to eat. After pressing on the surface of a ripe fruit, small dents remain: in an overripe avocado, even with light pressure, the surface is deformed.

In Russia Exotic fruits They usually arrive in supermarkets in unripe form. Is it possible to grow such an avocado at home? Yes, but the fruit must be left to ripen.

To speed up the process, the fruit is wrapped in a two-layer newspaper, secured with a plastic bag and sent to a warm, dark place. You can also add bananas or apples to the avocados: they release ethylene gas, which promotes ripening.

When ripe, the avocado fruit releases moisture: to avoid rotting, the bag must be periodically untied and the condition of the fruit checked. The putrefactive process begins in the area of ​​the sepals.

How to properly germinate an avocado from a seed

There are several methods for germinating avocados from the pit:

  • closed method: the unpeeled stone is immersed in moist soil with the blunt side two-thirds, compacted and watered 1-2 times a week;
  • open method: the seed (with or without peel) must be pierced in three or four places with toothpicks, deepening them by 4 mm, and immersed in water with the blunt end so that the puncture sites remain dry.

To control the germination process, it is most convenient to keep the seed in a transparent container. As the avocado sprouts wake up, the above-water part of the seed will dry out and peel off, and the lower part, on the contrary, will swell and crack, releasing roots.

To germinate the seed, use settled water. room temperature. You can also add charcoal or several crushed activated carbon tablets to the liquid. Every 4-5 days you need to change the water and rinse the tank. How long it will take to grow depends on the seasons.

Depending on the season, the seed can lie in water without sprouting for a week to two months. In spring, the probability that a sprout will appear already in 1-2 weeks is twice as high as in winter period.

How to grow an avocado

As soon as the seed produces a sprout 3-4 cm long, you can plant the avocado in the ground. Don’t hesitate: if the roots dry out, the plant will die before it can be replanted.

In order for air to flow to the roots, the soil for avocados must be loose and non-clayey. The plant does not like the root system to get wet, so you need to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. You can buy it at a gardening store or prepare it at home from expanded clay and small sea pebbles. You can also use foam instead of drainage.

The drainage layer is laid 2 cm thick. After this, soil is poured into the pot. There should be a couple of centimeters of free space left to the edges of the container.

The seed is buried in the ground with its blunt side (the roots are on this side) two-thirds of the way and watered. The best place for germinating avocado seeds - this is a windowsill. There he will have enough light and enough heat to hatch.

Features of caring for an avocado tree

The plant does not tolerate excessive dryness or, conversely, soil moisture. When studying the question of how to water an avocado at home, you need to remember that it needs to be watered no more than 1-2 times a week, and once a month the plant can be fertilized with any mineral supplements. Avocados are demanding on the temperature and humidity conditions in the apartment. For full development, the plant must be kept at minimum temperature 16°C, and high humidity room air, 45-70%.

It is necessary to water the tree with settled or filtered water with a low salt content. To determine whether the soil needs to be moistened, you should probe it a couple of centimeters deep with your finger: if it is wet, then there is enough moisture.

How to determine if the pot is too crowded and the avocado needs to be replanted. This must be done before the roots emerge to the surface of the soil. Best time for this manipulation, end of February - beginning of March (the most active months of growth). By replanting your avocado during this time period, you increase the likelihood that it will begin to bear fruit.

Location and lighting

The first year you can grow avocados at home in a small pot. After the root system has grown sufficiently, the small pot will have to be replaced. The long rhizome of the plant requires a lot of space, so you need to select a deep pot for it.

The pot is placed in the brightest place. To ensure that the plant gets enough sunlight, you can place the floor pot on a low stool. In summer, you can place a pot with a plant right outside, under the canopy of trees. In such conditions it will grow a spreading, lush crown. In addition, if you keep an avocado in an open-air garden in the summer for several years, the likelihood that it will begin to bear fruit in the third year is approximately twice as high as when kept indoors.

How to pinch an avocado

To prevent the avocado from looking like a bare stick topped with a couple of leaves, its top needs to be pinched. Pruning is done in the spring. If a tree doesn't get enough sunlight, it stretches upward. Its leaves fall all year round. In order for young foliage to begin to grow from the lower axils, the top of the tree must be carefully cut off. The distance from the ground to the cutting site must be at least 15 cm. There must be 3-4 shoots left on the trunk.

The size and symmetry of the avocado tree depends on how many times and how carefully the avocado crown is pinched.

Avocado tree decoration

An avocado tree with smooth, glossy leaves is a decoration for any apartment. Thanks to their flexibility and elasticity, woody stems can be intertwined, twisted into a spiral onto a peg driven nearby, etc.

For decorative design trunk, you can plant three young trees in one pot and braid them. The younger and thinner the stems, the easier they are to bend. Weaving should be done gradually, loosely fixing the result with wire as the stems grow.

The braid should not be too tight. To make the weaving textured and beautiful, gaps must be left between the stems. If this is not provided for, the overgrown trunks will “fuse” onto each other, distorting the picture.

Will a tree grown from a seed bear fruit?

There is no guarantee that a tree grown from a seed will bear fruit. Its functions will probably be limited to home decoration and air purification.

The minimum age of a plant for the appearance of the first fruits is 3 years. During this period, panicles of pale green flowers may bloom on the tree. Waiting for an avocado to bloom at home can be difficult even with the most careful treatment and meticulous care.

To increase the possibility of fertilization, it is usually recommended to grow 2-3 trees at once.

Avocado flowers are bisexual, however, situations where both stamens and pistils are active are very rare. If two trees are placed close together, cross-pollination is more likely to occur.

Diseases and pests

You can get rid of pests in different ways:

  • wiping the leaves with a cotton pad soaked in 96% alcohol (does not get rid of eggs spider mite);
  • washing the leaves and stems with a solution of laundry soap: the easiest way to perform this manipulation is in the bath (to prevent the root system from rotting from excess moisture, the soil only needs to be lightly sprinkled with a soap solution);
  • the use of insecticides and acaricides (for example, Fitoverm, Aktellik, Vermitek, Neoron, Sunmite, etc.): such preparations successfully fight pests and insects on indoor flowers.

If the watering rules are violated, for some reason the leaves of the avocado turn black, and “ powdery mildew» - mold that grows in high humidity conditions.

To get rid of mold, you need to remove and dispose of the top layer of soil, cut off the infected areas and treat the tree with a weak manganese or soap solution.

What to do if avocado leaves begin to dry out - this can happen either due to extreme heat and lack of moisture, or due to the fault of pests. If, after normalizing the temperature in the house, the plant continues to wither, you should carefully look for spider mites on it.

Caring for the plant, just like planting an avocado, does not present any difficulties. Most diseases can be prevented by doing simple rules watering and lighting the plant. To prevent the development of scale insects and spider mites, it is enough to occasionally inspect the plant and spray it with a weak manganese solution for preventive purposes.

IN Lately Growing fruit plants at home is of great interest among gardeners. Lovers can boast of fruit-bearing fig trees, large collections citrus plants. Even kiwi vines bear fruit in the room, but there is particular interest in growing exotic plants from seeds. This article is all about how to grow an avocado from a seed.

The fruits have another name - “alligator pear”.

Avocado is a tall evergreen tree of the Laurel family. For the lumpy dark green The skin of the fruit and its elongated pear-shaped shape, avocado fruits are called “alligator pears”. Avocado is a valuable plant, the beneficial fruits of which contain a unique set of vitamins and microelements; the durable wood of mature trees is widely used in construction and furniture production.

The avocado fruit can be not only pear-shaped; depending on the variety, the ripe fruit can be ellipsoidal or round. Young avocado fruits have a green skin, which, when ripe, changes color, becoming black, as well as light green flesh. In the center of the fruit there is a round-shaped seed of a fairly large size. The seed coat is smooth, shiny, chestnut color, the seed itself is very similar to the chestnut fruit.

Growing an avocado tree at home is not too troublesome; when you eat ripe fruit, the seeds remain, from which an interesting fruit plant easily grows.

Avocado from a seed: how to grow a tree

Avocados from seeds at home are grown in several ways, among which two stand out for their originality and simplicity. To get an avocado tree, you need to choose a viable and healthy seed.

Choosing a healthy seed

Inside the fruit there is a rounded stone covered with a thick shell.

A healthy, ripened seed is found in ripe fruits, so when purchasing an “alligator pear,” you should apply intense pressure to the skin. If deep dents remain on the skin, retaining their shape, the fruit is ready for consumption; its seed has a high chance of sprouting.

Such fruits can be safely purchased for consumption, and the seed is suitable for growing an ornamental plant.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the fruit, being careful not to cut the seed. Ripe pulp is easily separated from the seed. The bone, freed from pulp, must be washed in running water and then dried.

Planting methods

How to quickly grow an avocado from a seed at home? You can use one of two popular methods: germinating the seed in an earthen mixture or in water.

It is worth noting that a fairly long period of time may pass from planting a seed in the ground to the appearance of the first seedlings. All this time, the pot with the avocado seed will have to be watered regularly, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. A lover of indoor plants must have enough persistence and patience for such an activity.

Seed germination occurs much faster in water. This method is very interesting; the process of the appearance of leaves and roots occurs before our eyes. A little more about this method.

The avocado pit is dipped into water for germination in an original way. To do this, you will need to prepare three wooden toothpicks and a sharp awl, and also follow the rule - the seed is lowered into a glass of water with the blunt end, and the water level should reach its middle.

Germination process: accuracy and patience

Germinating avocado seeds on toothpicks.

For the process to be successful, a number of operations must be performed sequentially:

  1. Carefully make three holes in the peel of the avocado pit on three sides along the middle part. They try to open only the strong shell with an awl, without destroying the seed embryo. The holes should be large enough to fit the wooden toothpicks tightly.
  2. Insert toothpicks into the holes made.
  3. Fill the glass with settled water, then pour it onto the side glass vessel Place the avocado pit so that it hangs on the toothpicks. Toothpicks will securely hold the bone suspended. It is very important to monitor the water level, because the indoor microclimate is characterized by very dry air. If the water evaporates, you need to add fresh water.

Only 2-3 weeks will pass, the cotyledons will begin to burst, and weak roots will appear. Growing an avocado seed in water does not require any effort, you just need to carefully monitor the water level. Young roots should not dry out.

When the length of the roots reaches 3 cm, the stone is freed from toothpicks and carefully planted in a pot with light soil. Avocados are transplanted into the ground in such a way that the pit with roots is located above the soil at the same level as in the water.

It is even easier to germinate a seed in the ground. It is important to properly prepare the soil mixture, for which you will need to mix humus soil, sand, peat in equal parts, and it is useful to add up to 15% lime to the mixture.

The pots must be selected small, with a diameter of no more than 10-12 cm. Several holes must be provided at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of expanded clay drainage must be laid. When planting an avocado seed, it is immersed in a pot with the blunt end, leaving half of the seed above the surface of the ground. Now all that remains is to water and wait for the first leaves to appear from the bursting seed.

Agricultural technology for growing adult avocados

The filigree work of germinating the seed is completed; now it is necessary to provide the tree with proper care at home.

The pot with the planted seed is watered moderately; the soil should not be over-moistened - the seed can easily rot. After about 7-10 days, closed reddish leaves will appear from the bursting cotyledons and will grow rapidly. In three months, a tree up to 60 cm high will be formed, on which amazing leaves up to 30 cm long will grow. Further growth of the avocado tree slows down, and in the future only growth of the main trunk is observed. In order to form a beautiful and spreading crown, it is useful to pinch the top growth point.

At what level do you pinch an avocado? This depends on the wishes of the grower, but pinching the plant is necessary, because in nature, avocados grow to significant sizes, which cannot be allowed in a living room. It is worth pinching the plant until it acquires the desired shape. The first pruning of the top is done above the 8th leaf of the tree, the side branches are pinched above the 5th leaf.

Transplant timing

If the plant has given good growth and formed a powerful root system, some of which have already appeared from the drainage holes, it is necessary to transplant the plant into a larger container.

The diameter of the pot should be increased gradually, because a young avocado in a pot that is too large can slow down its growth. Small roots are not able to entwine a large ball of earth, so soil acidification may occur, which will negatively affect the health of the tree. Replanting can cause stress - the plant's leaves will fall off. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, the leaves will gradually grow back, but you can prevent a stressful situation during transplantation:

  1. You cannot change the pot when replanting with a sharp increase in volume.
  2. Watering the plant after transplantation should be gentle.
  3. You should not keep the transplanted plant in the shade - avocados require a light location for normal growth.
  4. Stress can arise due to dry air, this is especially true in the summer. In extreme heat, it is necessary to periodically spray the crown of the tree with a spray bottle.

It is best to plan to transplant the tree in the second half of February or September.


A sprouted avocado seedling, bursting cotyledons are visible.

Caring for an avocado is interesting; the tree is not at all like other indoor plants, but the main goal of lovers of exotic plants is the flowering of a unique rarity and the formation of fruits.

How to grow a fruit-bearing avocado indoors? First you need to follow the plant care measures:

  • air humidification: uniform, daily;
  • watering: abundant in summer, moderate in winter and autumn;
  • fertilizing: application complex fertilizers in spring and in the first half of summer, in autumn - fertilizing with mineral compounds (iron chelate, zinc);
  • lighting: bright, but not direct sun;
  • supplementary lighting: in winter, provide lighting for up to 15 hours a day;
  • pruning, pinching: regular.

Only if these requirements are met can the avocado bloom and set fruit. Natural flowering of a tree grown from a seed can occur in 5-6 years. To speed up this process, it is necessary to graft the plant.

If the avocado does bloom, you will need to force pollinate with a soft artist's brush, transferring pollen from flower to flower to set fruit. Pollination is repeated up to three times, after which it is necessary to feed the plant. If a tree bears a lot of fruits, it is worth removing some of the ovaries, because young plant unable to bear a heavy harvest.

Successful cultivation of avocados from seed largely depends on careful adherence to agrotechnical measures; only then is the success and health of the green pet guaranteed.

873 10/03/2019 5 min.

It turns out that it is quite possible to grow avocados even at home. And for this you only need to know how to properly germinate a seed and plant it in the ground. Thanks to this plant, you can create an incredible tropical atmosphere right in your apartment.

Landing rules

The process of planting an avocado seed can occur in two ways. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the gardener himself can decide which one to choose individually.

Closed method

It is the simplest. It is necessary to prepare a medium-sized container and pour loose and nutritious soil into it. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. Now take the seed and plunge the blunt end into the ground. The planting depth is 3 cm. But backfill planting material It's not completely worth the ground. It is enough to do this on 2/3 of the surface.

In order for a seed to germinate successfully, it is necessary to create a positive microclimate for it. To do this, water the soil regularly and prevent it from drying out. It should be noted that not every seed takes root, so it is better to plant several specimens. If you create favorable conditions, then you will be able to see the sprouts in 2-3 weeks.

Video shows how to plant an avocado:

Open way

But this method is more reliable, because the probability of getting a sprout is much higher. The principle of the open method is quite simple. You need to take a seed and place the blunt end into water. You can pour water into the bottom of the glass and place planting material there. At the same time, make sure that the water covers the grain no more than 1/3. Since young roots are too tender, with this growing method they can be damaged and rot.

It is very convenient to use spacers. It is necessary to make 4 small holes in the middle of the bone and install toothpicks in them. In this case, the holes should not be very deep, otherwise the core may be damaged. The toothpicks will act as spacers.

Now you can take the cup and fill it clean water. Using the blunt end, place the grain into the liquid at 1/3 level. Next, you will need to constantly monitor the water level in the cup and add it in time. At the same time, the air in the room should be dry and warm.

After some time, you can observe the appearance of small roots, and a crack forms between the cotyledons. This indicates that sprouts will soon appear, which means the seed can be moved into the ground.

Soil selection

Before transplanting the sprout into the ground, you need to prepare it. The soil mixture should be nutritious and loose. It will be neutral in composition, since the plant will not take root in acidic conditions. To prepare the mixture you can use the following components:

  • garden soil - 2 parts,
  • medium-sized sand - 2 parts,
  • fresh humus - 2 parts,
  • fine expanded clay – 0.5 parts,
  • lime – 20-40 g.

Landing in the ground

When the root system has reached a size of 3 cm, the plant can be transplanted into the ground. To do this, carefully remove the grain from the water and remove the toothpicks. Now move it into the ground, and there is no need to sprinkle the sharp end with the sprout with soil.

Avocado is a tropical plant that requires a warm and humid microclimate. The soil mixture must be regularly irrigated, sprayed and prevented from drying out. At the same time, make sure that temperature regime indoors was 16 degrees.

Video of planting an avocado in the ground:

The lighting should be bright and intense, but at the same time diffused. If favorable conditions are created, the sprout will soon begin to quickly stretch out and its length will increase by 1 cm per day. When the height of the plant reaches 35 cm, then active foliage growth begins. Now you need to pay due attention to caring for the plant.

But this information will help you understand how difficult it is to do it yourself.

It will also be useful to learn about open ground.

Video shows how to care for avocados:

Avocado is a beautiful tropical plant that is quite possible to grow at home today. Of course, this is a troublesome task, but if everything works out, you will certainly be satisfied with the result. Of course, it is impossible to grow a tree in open ground. Do not forget that the plant is tropical, so it will bear fruit and develop only if warm weather. And in the harsh conditions of our winters, the plant simply cannot survive.

Many tropical fruits can be grown at home, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements. There are two ways to get an avocado from a seed at home, with their own nuances and requirements. It’s worth saying right away that not all people are able to achieve fruit formation.

Since the plant develops well, getting a tree from a seed is easy, the main thing is to follow the rules. It has been noticed that significant growth is observed in spring. As a result of growing an avocado from a seed at home, you can get a tree no taller than two meters. In order for the fruits to grow, additional procedures will have to be carried out and in some cases grafting will be required. Even without fruit, an adult avocado will become great decoration interior, and the plant also purifies the air well.

It has been noticed that even if flowers appear on a tree, it is not a fact that fruits will appear after them. This is explained by the fact that this plant has a complex mechanism for cross-pollination of flowers. Studies have shown that the fruit sets at the site of only one out of 5 thousand flowers. You can try to grow an avocado from a seed at home that will bear fruit using pollination. To do this, use the following instructions:

  1. Each flower opens twice and on the first day of flowering only the pistils function. You need to select several flowers and label them.
  2. The next day they will open again, and will already function as male flowers. Thanks to the tags, you will be able to independently transfer pollen to female flowers and try to get the fruit in the end.

There are two ways in which you can germinate a tree at home, and everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

The result of germination depends on which side of the seed was placed in water or soil. You need to lower the seed with the blunt part down. Another mandatory rule concerns that the seed should be 1/3 immersed in water or soil. Please note that in hot weather, water evaporates quickly, so its level should be maintained. If you want to plant an avocado seed at home, then one more tip will come in handy - to create good level humidity, you can close the container with a plastic bottle.

There are several symptoms by which you can determine that the seed was good and it will germinate. First, small roots will appear on it, and then after some time the shell will crack and a root will form on the core, and a sprout will form in the upper part. If you are wondering how many days it takes for an avocado seed to germinate at home, then it takes from three weeks to two months. After this, you can plant it in the ground (if it was germinated in water). Do this carefully so as not to damage the root.

  1. Use a medium sized pot for planting. You can buy the soil mixture at the store or make it yourself.
  2. It is important to consider that avocados do not tolerate drought, so monitor the soil moisture. Do not allow drying out or stagnation of water.

After transplantation, when the tree begins to actively grow, there should be no problems with care. There are several tips on how to grow avocado from seed at home:

  1. An adult plant does not require a lot of light, so you can place the pot on a windowsill on the north, east or west side. Protect the tree from direct sunlight, but in winter you should provide additional lighting.
  2. Avocado is heat-loving plant, so it will feel good at home at 14-21°C. An indicator of 10°C is already considered unacceptable.
  3. In order to get in the end beautiful tree, it is necessary to carry out pinching. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for the first time after the appearance of the eighth leaf. When the sixth leaf appears from the new young shoots, then the pinching is repeated.
  4. It is recommended to replant seeded avocados at home every year in the spring, using larger containers. When the tree is 3-4 years old, then you can transplant it into a tub and not disturb it for about three years.

It is important to use soil that should be loose and moisture-absorbing; under no circumstances should it cake or become compacted. Avocado seed propagation at home cannot be carried out in acidic soil. The best soil mixture for this tree is a mix of garden soil, humus (raw peat) and coarse sand in equal proportions. In addition, it is recommended to add lime. For better soil aeration, add a little expanded clay, moss or peat to the mixture.

A tropical plant requires regular and abundant watering, but it is important to take into account temperature indicators. If you add too much water, the roots may rot and the plant will have to be thrown away. Caring for avocado seeds at home involves irrigating the plant a couple of days after the top layer of soil has dried. Air humidity is also of great importance, so in dry climates, spray every day. Please note that it is not the plant that needs to be moistened, but the air around it. You can install a tray under the pot with moistened expanded clay.

Avocado from the seed at home - feeding

In order for the plant to grow well, be sure to fertilize, and it is better to do this between March and April. About 2-3 feedings are carried out every month. You can use both mineral and organic fertilizers. Another suitable option– universal mixtures for decorative foliage plants. When figuring out how to care for avocados from the pit, it is necessary to point out that it is important to alternate the presented fertilizers with each other. They can be applied directly to the soil and sprayed on the leaves. It is also better to alternate feeding methods.

The plant does not often suffer from pests and diseases, but in some cases troubles do occur.

  1. Late blight. A fungus that attacks the root system leads to its destruction. Its presence can be determined by the appearance of ulcers on the trunk and leaves. Be sure to isolate the plant from others and remove the infected area.
  2. Spider mite. The problem occurs when air humidity is low. As a result, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. If treatment is not started, the avocado grown from the seed at home will die. It is important to provide the required humidity and treat the plant with a soap solution, and it is better to remove severely affected areas.
  3. Powdery mildew. When figuring out how to grow a healthy avocado from a seed at home, you need to know about this disease, which manifests itself as a whitish coating on the tree trunk. The plant begins to wither and can be saved with a fungicide solution.
  4. At home, avocados, like other plants, can be attacked by scale insects and spider mites. You can control pests using folk remedies and insecticidal preparations.

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How to plant an avocado

Often on store shelves you can find an exotic fruit that is dark green in color and pear-shaped, covered with a peel that resembles a cucumber in appearance. This is nothing more than an avocado - the fruit of an evergreen tropical fruit plant, having very beneficial properties and grown on an industrial scale.

Many professional gardeners can often find this tree growing at home, and recently amateurs have also become interested in how to grow avocados, including at home. The fact is that in addition to useful fruits, it can also become very good decoration, as it is covered with large fleshy leaves and has an aesthetic appearance.

To begin with, of course, you will need a fruit from which the seed will be extracted, but one condition is that the fruit must be ripe, otherwise it is useless to wait for the sprout to appear.

The pulp of an unripe fruit is dense and may taste like an unripe pear, while ripe fruits have a pulp with a delicate consistency. There is only one seed in the fruit and it is quite large in size, but the most important thing is that it should be used immediately after the fruit is eaten.

Before growing avocados, you will need to prepare the following simple equipment at home:

  • Plastic or glass cup Three matches Electric drill and drill

The diameter of the drill should be no larger than the diameter of the matches. Using a drill, three shallow holes are drilled around the circumference of the bone body, between the top and bottom, at approximately the same distance from each other, so that matches can be fixed there, but of course without damaging the internal contents. Matches or toothpicks are needed as supports for the bone, resting on the edge of a glass filled with water, Bottom part The fetus must be constantly in water, and its level must be regularly maintained.

The video below describes in detail what you need to do to plant and grow an avocado from a seed at home: at home or in an apartment

Plant care

Now all that remains is to wait until roots and sprouts emerge from the seed; this will take from half a month to four weeks; water must be constantly added. Before growing the avocado tree directly, i.e. To transplant a sprouted seed into a pot, you must wait until the roots will reach a length of at least 4 centimeters, it is also possible that the sprout itself will appear.

Soon you will be able to see how the seed will begin to peel, but you should not remove it, as over these few weeks it will acquire a soft pink hue, thereby becoming a beautiful addition to the plant. The sprouted seed is transplanted into a pot small size, about 9 centimeters. Plant the seed with the sharp end up - from here small tree will begin to make its way to sunlight. In this case, it is immersed in the ground by one third; it is best to take a plastic pot with a large number of holes.

A correctly planted seed should “peek out” from the ground by about 1 cm.

It should be borne in mind that avocado is a tropical plant, and therefore loves high humidity, therefore the soil should be regularly moistened by adding water to the pan.

Do not forget to thoroughly moisten the soil: the roots must be completely saturated with water so that the water reaches the pan. The soil in the pot should always be very moist, otherwise it will be difficult for the seed to swell. If the pot is located next to the radiator, water the avocado daily.

Having reached a height of 15 cm, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot.

To create conditions identical to natural ones, the plant should be placed near a north window, since avocados prefer shade. In winter, the leaves may be shed, but there is nothing to worry about; by spring they will grow back. Maintenance is quite simple - abundant watering and fertilizer once a month. If you follow these simple rules, you can very soon achieve vigorous growth, thereby decorating the interior with evergreen avocado.

To grow avocados at home, you must constantly take care of the moisture content in the soil, maintain its looseness, and under no circumstances should it become compacted.

For cultivation, a mixture of garden soil, coarse sand and peat or humus is used. To ensure that the soil is well aerated, expanded clay, moss or sand are added to the tray.

Excessively dry air is harmful to avocados. To increase the humidity, place the pot with the plant on a tray, and also spray the leaves or the space around the plant.

Avocados should not be placed under direct rays; diffused but bright light is preferable; during summer solar activity, light shading is necessary, and in winter additional hours of daylight are required.

So, we ate a delicious salad with avocado and shrimp, now let’s start philosophizing on the topic of what to do with the pit. Like any housewife, we want to plant and grow a beautiful... avocado tree? flower? bush? In general, it doesn’t matter now.

It is important that the bone costs money and our conscience does not allow us to throw it away. You can grow avocados not only in native South American forests, but you can also plant avocados on your windowsill.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to try the ripe fruits of this tree at home, and it won’t bloom, but it will become your green pride. The question “avocado is a vegetable or a fruit” very often arises. Although the taste of avocado resembles a vegetable, it is still a fruit.

Therefore, you will grow an avocado fruit tree, which is heat- and moisture-loving. How to plant an avocado seed at home First, you need to germinate the avocado seed. For this you will need ripe and juicy fruit.

The extracted, washed and slightly dried bone should be “hung” on 3 toothpicks or matches and placed in a small jar. Toothpicks need to be stuck into the bone at such an angle that the bone seems to be strung on itself.

The lower third of the bone should be in the water, the lower edge should be thick, the upper edge should be narrowed. For a jar with a bone attached to toothpicks, a window sill near the radiator is suitable; the air temperature should be approximately 20-22 degrees Celsius. In this position, of course, sometimes changing the water, the bone will live for at least 2 months!

In a month, the seed will have a root. It grows and will quickly reach the bottom of the bank, then it will begin to bend. If you use a tall jar, the root will be straight and long, and it will be difficult to plant such a sprout in the ground. In another month, a sprout will appear from the seed.

When there are at least 2 young leaves on the stem, replant it in a pot so that the seed remains above the surface of the soil. Over time, the stem will split the seed, and it will become some kind of beautiful rudiment. With the appearance of the first leaves, pinch the top, otherwise you will not have beautiful tree, and a green rod.

Your whole idea will no longer seem like such a fun experiment. By pinching the leaves, we will form an interesting bush. Updated 07/19/2011. 2 months after planting the sprouted seed in a pot, it turned out to be a neat green bush.

By the way, the photo shows the place of the first pinching. The article was prepared specifically for the site

How to plant and grow avocados at home.

The avocado pit usually makes up half of the total weight of the fruit. And we also buy it to add to the edible part. The question naturally arises: how to use it? Is it possible to plant avocados at home?

At the same time, you need to take into account its toxicity. It turns out that you can grow an avocado tree from a seed at home! Avocado pretty unpretentious plant and growing it at home won’t require much trouble.

At the first stage, you need to select a ripe fruit seed. It is impossible to grow an avocado tree from very unripe fruits in an apartment. The brown peel can be removed; it will soon fall apart anyway.

Then the bone needs to be planted in water about halfway, with the blunt end down. To do this, you can use toothpicks inserted into pre-drilled holes no more than 5 mm deep. On which we hang the bone over a glass of water.

You can do without toothpicks: just place the avocado seed at the bottom of a glass filled with a little water. And we wait. You will probably have to wait a long time, so we put the glass with the future tree away on the windowsill and do not forget to add water as needed.

A living seed should hatch after a period of 3 weeks to 3 months. Having noticed a crack between the cotyledons, you can safely rejoice - the avocado seed has come to life! This means it’s time for the next, most interesting, stage of growing an avocado tree at home.

The broken seed needs to be planted in the ground, using a small pot to start with. Avocado is not capricious in choosing soil, so to plant it at home, we use purchased soil for indoor flowers, or soil from your dacha. We bury the seed halfway, with the blunt end down.

Watering throughout the entire period of growing avocados at home should be moderate, but the soil should not dry out. Needed good drainage. In a week or two, a reddish sprout will appear and its rapid growth will begin.

About 1 cm per day.

Avocado is a tropical plant and therefore loves moisture. Regularly spraying the leaves with water will help the plant feel comfortable in an apartment. If the leaves begin to dry out, the air is too dry.

The place allocated for the avocado should be bright, but without direct sunlight. Due to excessive exposure to the sun, the leaves of the tree turn red and can get burned. The temperature should not fall below 12C.

In 3 months, the avocado grows up to 50 cm in height. At the same time, the speed of tree growth at the very beginning is amazing - what is called “growing before our eyes.” Then the growth slows down. Homemade avocado acquires beautiful leaves reaching 35cm from the base.

When growing it, you can notice that the tree tends upward. There will be no need to wait for side shoots without outside intervention, and the tree will quickly die when it reaches the ceiling.

Therefore, when the plant reaches the height you need, you need to pinch the top, thereby stimulating the plant to develop lateral branches. This way you form a crown. To grow an avocado of decent size, you need to replant the tree into a new pot and new soil about once a year.

The size of the pot needs to be increased each time. In the process of growing an avocado at home, it may lose its leaves, but this does not mean the death of the tree. Continue to look after it and new greenery will not take long to arrive.

You can easily grow avocados at home large sizes However, we should not forget that in nature this plant reaches 17 meters in height and even more. It is unlikely that you will be able to give so many of your hard-earned meters, even to a tree that is exotic for our area.

Sooner or later the tree will die, but at the same time it will have time to delight you with unusual huge leaves for several years and perhaps even bloom. You shouldn’t expect fruit, but the beautiful tropical miracle you grow will undoubtedly become the pride of your indoor flora.

How to plant an avocado seed or pit and grow a tree

From an avocado seed, which we usually throw away, it is very easy to grow a beautiful indoor plant. With proper care, after a few years it can be planted in open ground and it will bear its first fruits.

  • 1 You can plant an avocado seed directly into the soil, most likely it will germinate. For planting, it is best to choose sandy or loamy soils; they drain water better. The soil should be kept moist at all times, but not too soggy. Don't let the soil dry out, but don't over-moisten it either. Plant the seed with the top up so that about a third of it is above the soil surface. 2 My favorite thing is to completely remove the pulp from the pit and pat it dry with a paper towel. Insert 3 - 4 toothpicks into the middle of the bone about 1 cm deep. Take a glass or small bowl of water. The bowl should be very small so that the ends of the toothpicks are not in the water (as shown in the picture). Pour in water until most of the bone is in the water and top part(about 2 cm) was left without water. Change the water periodically, but the water should always be at the same level. After a few weeks, the top of the seed will open and a sprout will appear. My seed germinated from 1 week to 5 - 6 weeks. Most likely, it depends on the degree of maturity of the fetus. Children love watching avocados sprout. 3 After about 2 - 4 weeks, when the plant begins to produce leaves, it has a good root system, transplant it into a pot with good sandy-loamy soil (pot diameter from 20 to 25 cm). Do not cover the top of the seed with soil. When the plant is about 30 cm tall, trim the top by 10 - 15 cm to form a rounded crown. 4 When the plant has good roots and grows a little, transplant it into a larger pot in the spring. In my youth, I grew such a tree for several years until the tree began to touch the ceiling of our kitchen (about 2.5 m high) and bark began to form on it. Then we gave the tree to our aunt, who lived in California, and she planted it in her yard. If the climate allows, you can plant several avocado trees right outside. Plant them about six meters from other trees, since avocado trees have a very powerful root system. They grow well in the shade, but only bear fruit in good sunlight.
  • Avocado trees need a mild climate with warm winter. If you are planning to plant an avocado tree outside, find out how it grows in your area. Avocados do not bear fruit indoors, but they are very good houseplants.
  • Features of growing avocados

Grow exotic plant at home it is extremely difficult. Despite this, the popularity of the avocado tree is growing every year, although the indoor version of the tree cannot produce edible fruits. However, if you only want to let the seed germinate at home in order to transplant the rooted sprout into open ground in a greenhouse with open ground, etc., then you may well get the fruits after several years of caring for the plant. Before looking for answers to the question of how to plant an avocado from a seed at home, you should prepare carefully from all sides. First of all, take care of the soil, prepare the seeds correctly, and also do not forget about a suitable pot and caring for the plant. (See also: How to grow an avocado from a seed at home) To understand what soil to plant an avocado in, carefully study the laurel family, to which Avocado belongs. So, the soil for this plant should have the following characteristics:

  1. Deep drainage, looseness, good moisture holding capacity.

Of course, it is advisable to choose soil that is not prone to compaction, although the avocado tree can tolerate acid and alkaline reactions without consequences. However, this is difficult to say about a fragile sprout, so when planting a seed in open ground, you should take care of the quality of the soil. If the soil in your garden plot is far from ideal for such a tree, you should prepare a suitable soil mixture yourself:

  • 1 part humus, 1 part simple “garden” soil, 1 part lime sand (a mixture of sand and lime, where there is 3-4 times more sand than lime).

Humus can be replaced with peat in this case. Good aeration is very important for the soil when growing avocados, therefore the soil mixture, in addition to or instead of sand, may contain:

Only when the soil is prepared can you ask yourself how to plant a seed. But it is worth noting that it is important to choose the landing site wisely. As a rule, the seed of a plant is first planted in a pot and only after a few months is planted in the ground. Here's how to choose the right pot for an avocado: (See also: How to plant a pineapple at home from the top)

  • Material – plastic; Size – small, about 8-10 cm deep; Features – good drainage and enough holes for water drainage.

The hardest part about planting avocados is the waiting process. Gardeners worry whether the seed will sprout, whether it will be possible to grow a large tree with a dense crown and, most importantly, whether the result will be fruiting. A lot will depend on the seed. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, you should undergo the preparation of the seeds:

  1. Soak the seed in hot water(not in boiling water!); Let sit for about 30 minutes; Remove the shell from the seed - soaking will make this process much easier; Cut off the tip of the seed and treat the cut with an antifungal solution.

Now the avocado pit is ready to be planted in the ground. It is worth noting how to plant an avocado from a seed - the seed does not go completely deep into the soil mixture in the pot! The whole is placed in the ground itself, i.e. the uncut end of the seed. By the way, the narrow end of the bone is cut off so that the wide end sinks into the ground. The seed should remain in the ground no more than 3 cm, i.e. the remaining part of it is visible above the soil surface (1/3 or? depending on the size). This is important so that the seed does not rot, which can also be caused by flooding the plant with water too often and too much! Note that it is important not only to plant the avocado seed correctly, but also to choose the right location and care for the plant in the pot. It is best to choose a fairly warm place with good lighting, but protected from direct sunlight. It is advisable to maintain the air temperature around the pot at 20-24 degrees Celsius, but not lower than 18 degrees, even in the winter season. Water the plant more carefully - it needs regular replenishment with fresh water, but watering should not be excessive. But in the winter season, watering the avocado tree, like the seed itself, costs much less than in the summer. It is better to humidify the air around the plant more often by spraying the leaves or soil with a spray bottle.

Before planting an avocado at home, you need to choose the right seed. Of course, it is much easier to buy a ready-made sprouted version, or an already fruit-bearing plant, but then there is no striving forward, no effort and no goal. Therefore, it is necessary: ​​(See also: How to plant lawn grass around the house)

  • choose a healthy seed, the seed should be fresh, and not dried six months ago, the seed should not have damage or disease, at least visible, if the seeds you collected are still not ideal, you should use others, otherwise you risk encountering failure growing a tree.

Remember also that there is different ways planting seeds, which will depend on the preparation of seeds in advance. It is important not to confuse this:

  • To plant an avocado seed in open ground, the shell is removed from the seed. To do this, carefully make cuts along the seed with a knife and pull off the protective “film” around the seed; open cultivation The plant shell is not removed, but remains in place. Instead, 3-4 thin holes are made in the bone for matches or toothpicks; If you want to plant the seed in the ground in a pot, then remove the shell from the seed and, in addition, cut off a piece of 8-10 mm in size from its end.

There is a very important and subtle aspect that not many people know about. When choosing an avocado in a store or market to remove the pit, be sure to look for overripe fruits! Remember that a hard fruit of a plant indicates that it is not ripe and, in fact, it is still “green”, but a soft fruit does not indicate that the fruit has spoiled, but that it is ready, i.e. it is ripe and tasty. This is exactly the option you need, but if there is little choice on sale, just wait until the fruit ripens at home. As soon as the pulp becomes soft, the seed can be extracted from the fruit - it is ready for planting. The choice of avocado variety also plays an important role. The fact is that this plant grows in tropical and subtropical climates, and therefore for most regions of Russia it is very difficult to grow such a tree. In this case, we should advise you to pay attention to the Mexican race of avocados. This family can tolerate the cold quite calmly, being a cold-resistant plant. But in winter it is still worth covering the tree or growing it in a greenhouse.

Proper care can even smooth out the situation when it was not possible to plant an avocado correctly. Ideally, of course, you should replant the seed or start the process from the very beginning, but you can also try to save the seed by bringing it to germination.

  1. Maintain the optimal temperature for the avocado tree. On average, it is 20 degrees Celsius. However resistant varieties plants to the cold will be able to survive 16-18 degrees of heat without consequences. Be sure to fertilize the plant. This should be done in spring or summer. As complementary food, use liquid mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers for plants from the tropics or for citrus fruits. Pin the plants if you want to grow an ornamental Avocado plant at home. Thanks to regular and timely pinching, the height of the tree will reach 2.5 meters, which will allow you to keep it even in an apartment. Humidify the air around the plant so that the leaves on it do not dry out. To do this, fill a simple bottle with water, screw a spray nozzle onto the thread instead of a cap, and spray water on the leaves and trunk of the plant. You can also place a container of water near the avocado pot, or simply install a high-quality air humidifier nearby. Replant the plant periodically. On average, this procedure should be performed once every 2-3 years, but not more often. It is not at all necessary to replant an adult Avocado - this is important for a tree that is just forming its root system, crown and fruits.

Don't be alarmed if an already mature plant drops its leaves! This process occurs all year round in a fast-growing fruit plant, which is the norm. Of course, the cause of excessive leaf loss may be excessively low or heat air, but it will probably be extremely difficult to understand this if you are not a professional plant grower. And finally, how to eat avocado correctly:

  • Choose a ripe fruit - it is soft, but without external damage and suppuration. Using a knife, cut the fruit lengthwise until you hit the pit and make a cut across the entire surface of the avocado. Separate one part of the fruit from the second (one part will remain pitted). Remove bone and use it to grow an Avocado tree or dispose of it as food waste; Remove the peel using a knife.

Now you can try the fruit. You can eat it just like that, add it to a salad, make oil, etc. The article is the personal opinion of the author and is for informational purposes only. To solve your problem, contact a specialist. We are very glad to see your comments! Rate this article:

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How to plant avocados at home

Anyone who enjoys working with the soil and growing plants probably loves to experiment with planting seeds of various fruits, including overseas ones, at home. But planting an avocado by simply burying the seed in the ground will not work - you need to create special conditions so that after a certain time, an “overseas” tree will turn green on your windowsill.

Growing avocados at home - step one

To begin with, I would like to note that avocados are grown at home only as an ornamental plant. It decorates the interior of the room, creates a special atmosphere, releases a lot of oxygen, but nothing more. Even with the most careful care according to all the rules, this tropical tree very rarely blooms at home, and fruiting occurs even less frequently, so there is no point in waiting for a harvest.

Even with the most careful care according to all the rules, this tropical tree at home very rarely blooms

So, if you nevertheless decide to plant an alligator pear (another name for avocado), then in order to achieve at least some results you must first obtain planting material. Not every fruit is suitable for this. It is necessary to choose the largest and most ripe (or better yet, overripe) fruits, the peel of which has not been damaged during transportation. If there are only hard avocados on the counter, then before planting the fruit must be left at room temperature at home for several days, which will allow it time to ripen. The bone must be removed with extreme caution. Remaining pulp should be washed off under warm running water. running water, after which you should let the seed dry (but under no circumstances delay planting for a month or a week. It is optimal to start seeding on the same day). When the planting material is ready, you can safely move on to the second stage.

It is useless to simply plant an avocado seed in a pot of soil; it must first be prepared. To do this, the seed is soaked in fairly hot water (but not boiling water) for half an hour. Next, remove the shell from the heated bone, cut off the tip from narrow side, and treat the cut with an antifungal drug, which must be purchased in advance at a specialized store. After this, the wide end of the seed is placed one third into the prepared soil mixture. (we’ll talk about how to properly prepare the soil a little later). Next, the future plant, grown at home, is left alone - until germination, only watering is necessary once a week.

While waiting for the sprout, it is very important to monitor the quality and quantity of water in the glass

There is also a way to grow avocados from seeds at home, which is considered more reliable. You need to take three or four toothpicks, and make punctures around the perimeter at the level of the middle and insert the prepared toothpicks into them, sticking them to a depth of 2-5 mm. The entire structure must be placed in a glass with pre-settled water at room temperature, so that the blunt end of the bone is in the water and the punctures remain dry. Many agronomists advise, in this case, to take not just settled water, but to add a little charcoal to the bottom of the glass. If you don’t have one at home, replace it with a simple activated one.

While waiting for the sprout to sprout, it is very important to monitor the quality and quantity of water in the glass. Fine dust, specks and microorganisms slow down the “pecking” process. Therefore, every 2-3 days, the stone must be removed and the water in the glass promptly replaced with a new one. The process of germinating seeds at home is quite long, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see any results even after a month. As a rule, sprouts and roots can be seen after about 5-8 weeks (it all depends on the planting season). As soon as the sprouts reach 4 cm, the seed is ready to be planted in the ground.

Avocado does not like soils that are too heavy, acidic or clayey, so simple earth from the garden plot will not work. The soil mixture will have to be prepared as follows: It is necessary to take garden soil, peat, coarse sand, humus and a pinch of lime in equal proportions. Mix all components thoroughly. That's it, the soil mixture is ready. The same soil must be used if the seed is planted directly in the ground.

Avocado does not like soils that are too heavy, acidic or clayey.

Since garden soil can be filled with harmful microbes, it is better to try to disinfect the prepared mixture by pouring boiling water over it the day before planting a seed or sprouted seed.

For planting, it is better to take a simple plastic pot, no more than 15 cm high. It is better not to use a clay container in this case, since the walls of such a pot can allow moisture to pass through, which is vital for the avocado. The bottom of the selected pot must allow water to pass through well and must also be equipped with drainage system, which can be made using special granules or conventional expanded clay.

The seed with the sprout does not need to be completely buried in the ground. You only need to dig it in a third. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Video about how to plant avocados correctly

But it’s not enough to plant an avocado correctly - you need to provide the plant with proper care.