How to grow avocados at home. Avocado: growing from seed at home - planting and care Avocado home plant

Grow an avocado from a seed - great idea for home hobby. This is interesting evergreen has a pleasant aroma and oily fruits. Those who want to decorate their apartment with this tree will be interested to know that growing an avocado at home from a seed is a completely simple process, as it might seem at first glance.


Ripe fruit without visible rot or damage is selected.

It is cut into two halves and the bone is removed, which must be thoroughly rinsed with cool water.

This is done in order to remove all the pulp, which can cause the seed to rot.

Sprouting a seed

There are two ways to grow an avocado from a seed at home:

  • Using water

To do this, take 3 toothpicks, which pierce the core on three sides. They will hold the bone so that it does not fall completely into the water. Place the seed in a container so that a little more than half of the seed should be in water. It is better to use a transparent container, in which it will be much more convenient to observe the growth of roots. This water must be changed at least once every 5-6 days.

The first roots appear in about a month and a half, top part The seed cracks at this time. After some time, the sprout of the future stem will hatch.

Particular attention should be paid to the roots; they should not dry out.

  • Using soil

First you need to prepare the soil: mix expanded clay chips with peat and water it. The blunt end of the pit is placed in the ground, the sharp end remains above the soil.

Create a mini-greenhouse by covering the pot plastic film or glass.

Place the mango on a light, warm windowsill. If you did everything without mistakes, the first shoots will appear in a month or a month and a half.

A dangerous toxin (persin) is contained in avocado leaves and seeds, so this plant is not recommended for those who have Small child or a cat.

Rules for growing avocados at home

  1. Maintaining high air humidity.

This crop comes from the tropics, where it is warm and humid. This means that a tree made from an avocado seed at home requires mandatory regular spraying. This will create a favorable microclimate for successful growing. You can use special air humidifiers or install it on a tray with expanded clay, which is periodically filled with water. If the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, the air is too dry.

  1. Creating a sufficient level of illumination

The tree prefers bright places, but it must be protected from direct sunlight so that the leaves do not get burned.

  1. Optimal temperature

The temperature during cultivation should not be lower than 15 ° C.

  1. Timely watering

It is necessary when the soil dries well, using settled or melt water room temperature. Too frequent watering provokes the development of diseases and the appearance of rot, while insufficient watering causes drying out and gradual death of the roots.

  1. Fertilizer use

You can feed avocados with any complex mineral fertilizer once every two to three weeks. In this case, the plant will grow and develop quickly.

IN winter period when kept in a cold room (10-12 ° C), the plant sheds leaves, which grow again in the spring. On summer period it can be taken outside (placed in partial shade). Constantly in open ground Avocados can be grown if the air temperature does not fall below + 10 °C.

How to form a beautiful tree?

Before you grow an avocado from a seed at home, you definitely need to decide what size tree you can place in your apartment. After all, it grows very quickly: during the first 3 months, the avocado grows up to 50-60 cm in height.

Then growth occurs at a slightly slower pace. To get a beautiful crown, the top must be pinched, stimulating the development of lateral branches. But you shouldn’t be overzealous with pruning either: too much or too often slows down the growth of the tree.

Can be woven interesting composition from several trunks. Several sprouts are planted in one container at once, and as they grow, they are twisted together. It looks very unusual.

Once a year, it is advisable to replant the tree into a pot of slightly larger diameter, replacing the bulk of the soil. The most favorable time for transplantation is the beginning of spring.

Three years after planting, small yellow-green flowers appear on the plant. For cross-pollination it is necessary to have several copies.

Possible problems

  1. Pest infestation

And they cause the most trouble. To prevent their occurrence, you should regularly humidify the air and carefully inspect the plants. Helps in case of infection manual collection insects, washing the wood with a solution of laundry soap. If the above methods do not work, use an insecticide (for example, Aktaru).

  • Dry leaf tips

Reason: too dry air.

  • The leaves dry out and fall off

Reason: excessive watering, too low temperature air or water for irrigation, the plant is in a draft.

  • First the leaves dry up, soon the whole tree disappears

Reason: lack of water, especially during the dry summer period.

  • The leaves become too pale, lose color, young shoots stretch out

Reason: too dark place, lack of light.

  1. In conditions too humid air And low temperature the plant is affected. For protection, spray with an appropriate fungicide (for example, Topaz).

Those who decide to plant an avocado from a seed at home should take into account that this tree will definitely bear fruit only if grafted. If all the requirements are followed correctly, then growing such exotic wood will not cause any particular difficulties.

TV show about growing avocados at home

The topic of growing avocados is often devoted to stories on television, watch the video:

Avocado belongs to the laurel family. Trees can reach enormous heights. Avocados, which are fruits (and not vegetables, as many people think), are record holders for the content of healthy fatty acids in flora. However, at home it is grown solely for its unusual appearance and ease of care, since, unfortunately, the plant will not bear fruit in a room.

First you need to purchase the fruit. The choice is taken with the utmost seriousness - with a high probability, only ripe fruits will sprout. To determine, press on the peel - the pulp should be pressed like butter. Exists easy way removing the bone. The fruit is cut lengthwise, then the halves are rolled in different directions with both hands. As a result, the bone remains in one of them, after which it can be easily removed. Holding the pit with the wide side down, pierce it with toothpicks on three sides. They will keep it hanging in a glass. Bottom part Immerses 1/3 in water. Water is added as it evaporates and replaced with new water every few days. You can also immediately plant the seed in moist soil, deepening it halfway, which is less reliable, but more the easy way germination. After 1.5-2 months, the skin will crack, first a root will appear, and then a sprout with two leaves. This indicates readiness for transplanting into a pot. The bone is not removed.

Avocados do not like acidic soil. The most recommended soil is a mixture of soil for flowers, peat and sand. Drainage must be added to the bottom of the pot for better ventilation roots. The plant develops quickly, which entails the choice of a larger pot size, as well as the need to replant annually in mid-spring.

In nature, this fruit grows in the tropics, so it is important to care high humidity and lack of direct sunlight. Avocado is heat-loving; the temperature should not drop below 10-12°C. It is advisable to regularly spray the leaves or pour water into the tray. Monthly feeding complex fertilizer will stimulate active growth and provide essential microelements.

If you want to form a more decorative crown of the tree, then pinch the shoots after the formation of 4-7 leaves.

Avocado is a fairly popular type indoor plants. The impressive size of the stone attracts the attention of children and floriculture lovers, making them want to try it as a window sill dweller. However, it should be remembered that the seed itself is poisonous. Be careful and this beautiful tree, up to 2 meters high, will delight you all year round.

Avocado is especially known as a large and tasty fruit. Few people know that once planted in a pot, it grows quickly and relatively easily becomes an impressive ornamental plant, with large, bright green leaves. It also blooms and bears fruit at home, but these cases are very rare.

The natural climate for avocados is the tropics and subtropics of the USA. There the tree reaches 20 m in height and is evergreen. The fruits ripen from 6 to 8 months, and can weigh even 500 grams. The fruits on store shelves are much smaller and often unripe. Despite this, you can choose a good specimen from which you can take a seed to grow the plant at home.

Plant in soil or germinate in water?

Although opinions on the question posed above are divided, in fact, both methods of growing avocados at home are correct. The only difference is that a seed immersed in water germinates faster, while a seed planted in the ground takes longer to take root.

Planting an avocado in the ground

Having decided to grow an avocado in the ground, you need to prepare a seed, a deep pot, soil and material to create a greenhouse, for example, a piece plastic bottle or transparent film. Place the recently removed bone with its wide end into the previously prepared soil to a depth of 1-2 cm so that the narrow part protrudes slightly above the ground. The substrate for avocado should be light and have an acidity close to neutral. You can use a mixture of sand and peat (1:2 ratio). Water and cover the pot to keep it in it constantly high humidity. The pot must be placed in a warm and sunny place. Of course, we should not forget about constant watering. An avocado planted in this way should sprout in about 6-8 weeks.

Germinating avocado seeds in water is the most correct procedure. In this case, the seed is carefully pricked from several sides onto a toothpick and lowered to approximately 2/3 of its size, in glass vessel with water. The main function of the toothpick design is to maintain the seed above the top edge of the vessel. A seed fixed in this way theoretically germinates faster, after 2-4 weeks. However, in practice things happen differently. As a rule, avocados can be transplanted into the ground when the glass shows root system and a protruding green stem.

Growing at home

Avocados grow quite quickly, but for this they need appropriate conditions. The basis is to provide the plant with heat and optimal humidity soil. The plant will feel best at an air temperature of 21-24 degrees Celsius and with daily, skillful watering. From time to time, the leaves can be sprayed, but not with tap water. Such water may cause the plant to develop white coating, which then often becomes a hotbed for the development of bacteria and ends in the final death of the tree. You should definitely remember that avocados cannot tolerate cold, much less frost. Thus, when opening windows in winter, it should not be on the windowsill. Another issue is solar radiation, which should also be moderate. It is best to place the plant on a window located to the southeast or southwest.

In summer, avocados can be lightly fertilized (every two weeks). Mature trees can also be placed on the balcony, but be careful that their leaves are not burned by the sun's rays. Young specimens require transplanting into larger pots. It is best to do this every spring. It is also worth knowing that young avocados grow quickly in height. To avoid this and cause the plant to branch, the tallest shoots are cut off.

Avocado flowering and fruiting

Avocados grown at home look beautiful and often reach sizes that make them difficult to grow in city apartments. IN winter time the temperature should not fall below 10-15 degrees Celsius. In our climate, these plants rarely bloom and bear almost no fruit. If we're talking about about avocado blossoming - it is worth paying attention to a certain curiosity. Gardeners who had the opportunity to see the flowers of this plant were not at all delighted. The inflorescences emit a very intense and not very pleasant smell.

Fruits may appear on the tree for which they were truly created. ideal conditions. But this will not happen earlier than 5–6 years from the moment of planting. In addition, as already mentioned above, it rarely comes to bear fruit. Despite this, it is worth planting and growing this plant at least for decorative purposes. In addition, there is always some possibility that we will wait for home-grown fruit.

It may seem that growing avocados at home is very difficult; not every person can cope with the task. But that's not true. It doesn't take much effort to get a beautiful, healthy tree. It is enough to buy a ripe fruit in the store, plant it in a pot of soil, and watch how the avocado grows. The process is very exciting and interesting for any gardener.

Purchasing an avocado seed

The avocado seedling has wide leaves and a flexible trunk, so any composition can be formed from the plant. To make a braid from trees, 3 seeds are planted in a pot, which intertwine with each other as they grow. Some people believe that the avocado plant brings joy, happiness and harmony to the home.

To ensure a healthy tree, the right fruit is selected to grow it. A ripe avocado is purchased in the store to check its suitability for planting; it is pressed with palms on both sides and then released. If after this the structure is restored, this means that the fruit is suitable. If there are no ripe fruits in the store, then this is not a problem - the avocado can ripen at home. What can you do to make it ripen faster? Put it next to bananas or apples - they emit ethylene gas, which contributes to the rapid ripening of any fruit.

Planting in different ways

Some people, when planting a seed, do not know what an avocado tree looks like and whether it can be cultivated at home. If there is a ready-made fruit, then it is cut in half. The seed is taken out and placed in a pot of soil. The sprout appears quickly, germination rate is 100%. How to plant:

To ensure that the tree is strong and grows quickly, a large seed is selected for planting, which has a large “charge of energy” for growth. For soaking, only settled water is used, the temperature of which is at least 23 ° C. To make the seed healthier, activated or charcoal, but this is not necessary, because avocados are not fussy to grow.

Persea americana or alligator pear, all these names belong to the well-known tropical plant avocado. This amazing tree produces excellent fruits with oily pulp. It is fruits that provide special value, as they are widely used in medicine and cooking. This plant is unique in that you can grow an avocado tree at home with your own hands, photo from step by step instructions will be provided in this article.

Avocado is an evergreen tree native to Mexico. There are many varieties of alligator pear. The plant can reach a height of up to 20 meters. Its crown is covered with oblong leaves, their length is about 35 cm. In a year, one tree can produce from 150 to 300 kg of high-quality fruit. Pay attention to the photo of the fruit, different types this plant.

Depending on the type of tree, the fruits differ in size and shape. They can be pear-shaped, oval or spherical. Their weight ranges from 200 g, and sometimes can reach up to 2 kg. They are covered with a rough, dark green skin, and inside they have yellowish, aromatic pulp. Half of the fruit is occupied by a dark brown huge seed, its diameter reaches 3 cm. You can see what Perseus americana looks like in the photo.

Read! In our article you can find out its application.

  1. It is necessary to remove the brush from the fruit and rinse it thoroughly under running water. This is necessary to remove any remaining pulp to prevent mold from forming.
  2. Determine where the top part of the bone is (it is more convex) and where the bottom is. The uncleaned bone must be pierced with toothpicks (3 pieces). The puncture depth should be about 3 mm. The toothpicks will serve as a support so that the bone does not completely fall into the water.
  3. Water is taken into the container. The blunt end of the bone is immersed in water so that the toothpicks hold it on the surface. The water must be changed every 3 days.
  4. The future tree loves the sun, so it is best to place the future plant on a windowsill with sunny side. After a few weeks, and sometimes even a month, the first roots will appear. The top part will begin to crack and a stem will emerge from it. It is important to ensure that the roots do not dry out and constantly add water. If you neglect this, the root system will weaken and the avocado sprout will simply dry out.
  5. Throughout the entire time, it is better to leave the plant in water. As soon as the stem reaches a height of 15 cm, it must be cut down to 8 cm, this procedure will stimulate new growth.
  6. When the stem re-grows 15 cm, the entire avocado needs to be replanted in soil. For this, it is better to choose a pot with a diameter of 25 cm. For good growth A substrate containing a lot of humus is suitable. The plant is immersed in the soil so that the top of the seed remains on top.

Persea americana is a light-loving plant, but in direct sunlight, the leaves get burned. The tree is very heat-loving, so it tolerates well high temperatures. Winter for avocados optimal temperature should not be below +10°C. If possible, the tree should be illuminated with special phyto lamps.

Watering the plant directly depends on the time of year. In spring and summer, avocados are watered as soon as the soil dries. In winter, the tree should be dry for 2 days, and then watered. The water should be well settled and warm. Avocados need regular spraying, especially during central heating. Feeding should be carried out in the spring-summer period, this is the time of active growth. For this procedure use mineral fertilizers or special fertilizers for citrus plants.

How to grow avocado at home? Important feature care is timely pruning of the plant, which allows you to form the crown of the tree. If you don’t do this, the avocado will simply stretch out and lose its attractive appearance. To stimulate the growth of side branches, pinch the top above the 8th leaf. Side branches must be pinched on the 6th leaf. Thanks to such procedures, the tree will acquire an exotic appearance.

How an avocado blooms on a windowsill - photo

At home, flowering conditions, much less fruiting, are very difficult to achieve. Although alligator pear can self-pollinate, it requires cross-pollination to produce fruit. The first flowers appear only on an adult 3-year-old plant. During the flowering period, it appears on the lush crown a large number of small white flowers. From the moment of flowering and the formation of high-quality fruits, 6 months, and sometimes more, pass. All this time it is necessary to take good care of the plant with its fruits. Pay attention to the avocado flower, photo provided below.

Important! You can pollinate avocado flowers with your own hands using a brush.

How to grow avocados at home was discussed in this article. By following simple care rules, you can grow beautiful avocados at home. This is unique ornamental plant will always delight with its evergreen crown.