How to sew curtains that will help keep you warm in winter. We sew warm curtains with our own hands Prices and analogues

A fairly simple way to reduce heat loss through windows is to install a screen on the outside of the window made of heat-insulating plates. Lowering the screen or closing the shutters at night will reduce the heat flow emitted by the glazing to the outside and create an additional air layer, which is good thermal insulation.

Rice. 1. Windows with roll-up screens:
a - vertical section;
b - horizontal section;
c - axonometry;
g - closing shutters;
d - lowering blinds;
e - sliding shutters.

Inner screen

One of the options for increasing the thermal protection of windows is to install curtains or blinds on the room side. Their device allows to reduce heat loss in the room as a result of reducing the flow of radiant heat. In this case, you should not cover the surface with curtains heating device located under the window.

Rice. 2. Installation of curtains (a, b) and blinds (c) from the side of the room.

If heat protection curtain, the blinds or screen are made of opaque material, then they are lowered onto the window when it begins to get dark. In this case, the thermal protection of windows will increase for a certain period of time - at night, when the outside temperature drops and artificial lighting is used.

Rice. 3. The effect of curtaining and screening windows on heat loss,%:
a - window without curtains;
b - window with long curtains covering the heating device;
c - a window with short curtains that do not cover the heating device;
d - window with a screen on the outside of the glazing;
d - window with short curtains and an external screen.

Table 1. Efficiency of using various types of heat shields
Design Total heat transfer resistance, m 2 *°/W
Single glass 0,17
Double glass 0,38
Triple glass 0,62
Double glass + curtain 0,46
Double glass + 2 curtains 0,55
Double glass + curtain coated with aluminum varnish 0,53
Double glass + wooden shutters 0,52
Triple glass + curtain 0,7
Triple glass + 2 curtains 0,73
Triple glass + curtain coated with aluminum varnish 0,88
Triple glass + wooden shutters 0,76
Triple glass + shutters, aluminum varnish 0,83

Screen in the inter-glass space

The thermal protection of windows can be increased by placing various screens in the inter-glass space. This method is based on the fact that when installing a screen, the temperature difference between nearby surfaces decreases and the intensity of the movement of air molecules and, consequently, convective heat transfer decreases. In addition, in some cases when creating narrow air gaps ascending speed air flow is inhibited by downdrafts, which reduces heat transfer by convection. The screen installed in the inter-glass space also reduces the radiant component of the heat flow.

Curtaining light openings with devices placed between the glazing allows not only to reduce heat loss through the glazing in the cold season, but also to regulate the illumination to some extent.

Rice. 4. Interglazed curtain-blinds:
1 - aluminum plate; 2 - flexible connection; 3 - box; 4 - cord.

Commercially produced blinds can also be used for standard windows with paired and split sashes.

It is possible to place a roll-up curtain in the inter-glass space, which has an elastic screen made of metallized film that is wound on a drum. At the end of the drum there is a reel with a cord, the end of which is released through holes in the binding into the room.

Rice. 5. Roll Up Curtain:
1 - screen; 2 - drum; 3 - cord.

Also of interest is the one located in the inter-glass space. combined curtain, consisting of 2 interconnected canvases. Each of the canvases is attached to coils, one of which is located in the upper and the other in the lower part of the light opening. One of the canvases is made of transparent fabric or metallized film, the other is made of light-proof material. A transparent canvas is installed in the window during the daytime, and a dark one - in the evening or at night. In addition to reducing heat loss through the window in the cold season, the combined curtain can also be used in summer time as a sun protection device (when installing a sheet of metallized film).

Rice. 6. Combination screen curtain:
1 - upper drum; 2 - canvas made of translucent fabric or metallized film; 3 - lower drum; 4 - opaque dark fabric; 5 - cord.

Heat loss through windows can be significantly reduced by using a volumetric curtain located between the glass with a screen made of folded metallized fabrics. The screen sheets are made of metallized film, and inner fabric can be made of transparent film. The screen of a volumetric curtain is lifted using a cord attached by a rail to the bottom edge of the screen, and collected in a bag at the top of the window.

Rice. 7. Curtain with volumetric screen:
1 - screen made of folded fabrics; 2 - bar; 3 - cord.

Analysis of the heat-protective characteristics of screen designs showed that the most effective volumetric curtain allows reducing heat loss by 38%. Curtains-blinds installed in the inter-glass space make it possible to increase the thermal insulation capacity of windows by 1719%, and roll-up transparent curtains made of polyethylene film or fabrics by an average of 28%.

With the onset of frost, the issue of energy saving comes to the fore. And even if you don't think about pollution problems environment and global warming, it is still worth thinking about heating efficiency, as this will allow you to save significantly.

It's no secret that a large number of Heat is lost through cracks in windows and doors, as well as through glass. In winter you can feel the cold literally blowing from the windows.

You can correct the situation with the help of special insulated curtains, which will let less cold air into the room. In this article we will tell you how to sew curtains that will help keep you warm in winter.

The design of such curtains is very simple - they are multi-layer panels according to the size of the windows. The materials used for sewing curtains are approximately the same as for making kitchen potholders.

Materials and tools for sewing warm curtains: special heat-reflecting material (similar to felt), opaque fabric, meter, scissors, decorative fabric sewing machine or a needle and thread How to sew curtains with your own hands

Measure the window. Decide how much material you will need to sew each curtain. Don't forget about allowances. In our case, the window dimensions are 100×150 cm.

We will need a sheet of heat-reflecting material of the same size. But opaque and decorative fabric should be taken with a small margin (about 2 centimeters for each seam).

Fold the panels opaque and decorative fabric right sides facing in. Stepping back 1.5-2 cm from the edges, sew three sides. Turn the resulting cover inside out and iron the seams.

Not only clothes are warm, but also… curtains. The special “design” of such curtains allows you to literally insulate the windows and protect them from the penetration of cold air from the outside.

This is especially true for regions with cold climates. After all, no matter how high-quality the windows are, no matter how well the heating works, in frosty weather the window glass still blows cold. This creates discomfort if you are sitting nearby. And it reduces the energy efficiency of housing, which is mentioned in last years a lot is said - both from the point of view of saving money on heating, and in the light of the fight for the environment.

Warm curtains for the window. Photo

How to sew a warm curtain with your own hands? A simple master class will help you learn what is needed for this and in what sequence to build the process.

A simple recipe for warm curtains

As you know, the more layers, the warmer. This principle, which is valid for clothing, is also proposed to be used when creating warm curtains. They are made from several panels of fabric different types. It is important to follow the recommendations of specialists - then everything will definitely work out as it should.

You will need:

  • material that will create a decorative layer; it can be any decorative fabric;
  • material for the reverse side of the curtain (opaque); it can also be decorative;
  • a special fabric that has the property of reflecting heat - something like felt; this will help make really warm curtains for the window.

Warm curtains for windows made from such materials will provide good protection from drafts and from the cold coming from the glass. You also need a regular sewing machine, a needle, thread, scissors and a tailor's yardstick.

Taking measurements of future warm curtains

The first step in how to sew a warm curtain is to measure the window. You need to take measurements of its height and width. It is advised to do this carefully.

Warm curtains can be made different sizes. Usually their dimensions are the same as those of ordinary curtains: the length reaches the floor.
Having decided on the width and length of the curtains, you need to add another two centimeters to the allowances - on the decorative and backing fabrics. The heat-reflecting fabric is cut exactly to the size of the curtain.

How to sew warm curtains. Photo master class

Putting on the cover

Then the blanks are stacked with each other. First, decorative and opaque fabrics are placed one on top of the other so that the front surfaces are inside. The edges of the parts must match exactly.

Then on sewing machine lay a stitch at a distance of two centimeters from the edge along each edge. Turn the part inside out and iron the edges thoroughly.

Now you need to place heat-reflecting material in this “case”. This can be done in two ways: insert the fabric inside or put a “cover” on it, as is done with pillowcases and a pillow.

Warm curtains. Master Class

When this is done, the edges of this multi-layer “pie” are pinned along the front side and stitched around the perimeter.

Now you need to attach braid for hooks to the top of the curtain or decorate it in another way, for example, using eyelets or sewing loops, or do something else. Warm curtains for the windows with your own hands are ready.

PVC strip curtains - effective method save desired temperature(heat or cold) indoors: PVC curtains are what you need for your warehouse, workshop, store or production!

We produce PVC curtains according to individual customer sizes. Ready-to-install kit The PVC curtain for the opening consists of a cornice in the form of a “comb” and the required number of PVC strips (taking into account the required overlap) with riveted clamping plates with holes for hanging on the comb.

We also repair PVC curtains. We sell everything standard sizes PVC tapes transparent and colored and fastening fittings:


Photo NAME PRICE per product and per piece PRICE per BAY 50 m

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm TRANSPARENT Standard
165 rub/m linear RUR 7,250

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm TRANSPARENT Frost-resistant
175 rub/m linear RUR 7,750

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm GRAY OPAQUE
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.
PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm RED TRANSPARENT
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm RED OPAQUE
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm BLUE OPAQUE
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm WHITE OPAQUE
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm ORANGE OPAQUE
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm BLACK OPAQUE
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 200 mm x 2 mm YELLOW TRANSPARENT anti-mosquito
240 rub/m linear 11,000 rub.

PVC curtain 300 mm x 3 mm TRANSPARENT Standard
330 rub/m linear RUR 15,500

PVC curtain 300 mm x 3 mm TRANSPARENT Frost-resistant
350 rub/m linear RUR 16,500

PVC curtain 300 mm x 3 mm TRANSPARENT Corrugated Frost-resistant
390 rub/m linear RUR 18,500

PVC curtain 300 mm x 3 mm GRAY OPAQUE
500 rub/m linear 22,000 rub.

PVC curtain 300 mm x 2 mm RED for welding work 500 rub/m linear 22,000 rub.

PVC curtain 300 mm x 2 mm BRONZE for welding work 500 rub/m linear 22,000 rub.

PVC curtain 300 mm x 2 mm GREEN MATTE for welding work 500 rub/m linear 22,000 rub.

PVC curtain 400 mm x 4 mm TRANSPARENT Standard
620 rub/m linear 30,000 rub.

PVC curtain 400 mm x 4 mm TRANSPARENT Frost-resistant
650 rub/m linear RUR 31,500

Galvanized comb 1 meter 400 rub/piece

Plate 200 mm galvanized 45 RUR/set.
Plate 300 mm galvanized 70 RUR/set.
Plate 400 mm galvanized 90 RUR/set.

It is possible to complete the finished veil PVC comb and stainless steel mounting plates

Table of recommended types of PVC strip curtains and sizes of strip overlap (overlap) depending on the height of the opening

Opening height in meters Types of strip curtains in millimeters (thickness*width)
2*200 3*300 4*400
2 4 cm (1 eye)
2,5 8 cm (2 eyes) 4 cm (1 eye)
3 8 cm (2 eyes) 8 cm (2 eyes)
3,5 8 cm (2 eyes)
4 12 cm (3 eyes) 8 cm (2 eyes)
4,5 12 cm (3 eyes) 12 cm (3 eyes)
5 12 cm (3 eyes)
5.5 and above 16 cm (4 eyes)

At many enterprises, the problem of energy saving arises due to constantly open doorways which they pass through vehicles and the staff passes by. Equipping openings with doors would be too inconvenient, especially since there is an excellent alternative - PVC curtains made of durable material.

Many enterprises and warehouse complexes are faced with the problem of maintaining comfortable temperature inside production and warehouse premises, shops.

With the constant opening of doors and gates for the passage of personnel or the passage of equipment, an exchange of air occurs between the room and the street. IN winter time Cold air enters the room and heating devices “warm the street”, and in the summer heat air conditioners cannot cope with their tasks.

PVC curtains for gates. Thermal curtains
PVC curtains for gates – perfect solution for entrance gates. PVC gate curtains are installed for workshop gates, warehouse gates and Garage Doors. Silicone curtains for gates are safe and resistant to loads during the passage of small to small vehicles. PVC curtains for gates open only part of the opening, according to the size of the passing person or the load being moved. PVC curtains for gates do not require the driver to exit: the equipment simply drives through the PVC curtains, and the curtains on the gates almost instantly return to their original, vertical position and hermetically close the opening.

As practice has shown, strip curtains ( plastic pvc curtains, thermal curtains) can significantly save on energy consumption.

PVC strip curtains can be selected based on next rule- the higher the opening, the greater the overlap (overlap of strips) and the width of the tape should be.

The price of PVC curtains depends on their type and width. You can order and buy PVC curtains from our company.

Strip curtains are divided by type into smooth and corrugated, and by width: 200x2 (mm), 300x3 (mm) and 400x4 (mm).

Types of PVC curtains

By type and purpose PVC tape there are curtains

- smooth

- corrugated

- non-flammable

- with special impregnation that repels insects

— frost-resistant curtains for refrigeration chambers

Smooth strip PVC strip curtains are used for refrigeration chambers, doorways of shops and enterprises, separating work areas in enterprises - a transparent “wall” of curtains successfully performs the task of eliminating drafts, maintaining the necessary thermal conditions, sound insulation, and protects from dust, leaves and insects , transmits a sufficient amount of light. At the same time, it does not interfere with the free passage of personnel.

Corrugated PVC curtains have special stiffening ribs; they are recommended to be installed in the gate openings of enterprises and warehouses with a large flow of loading equipment. The ribs of the curtains are designed to eliminate the moment of “sticking” to the parts of forklifts and equipment, which happens with conventional curtains. The sliding resistance of such curtains, thanks to the longitudinal “ribs,” is minimal. The ribs of the curtains reduce the contact area, due to which friction is significantly reduced. In addition, the ribs of the curtains take the entire load on themselves, which allows the main part of the curtain to remain for a long time clean and without scratches. At the same time, such curtains quickly return to their original vertical position, closing and closing the opening.

PVC curtains for refrigeration and freezers
Frost-resistant PVC strip curtains for refrigerators and freezers with temperature differences from -40 C° to +25 C°: PVC curtain for the refrigeration chamber (Silicone curtain) is designed to protect refrigeration chambers from loss of cold/heat. Frost-resistant PVC curtains for refrigeration chambers include high percent special plasticizers, so such curtains retain the elasticity of the material and do not break under conditions low temperatures. You can buy frost-resistant PVC curtains for refrigerators in Moscow at prices from the manufacturer.

PVC strip curtains
Non-flammable PVC strip curtains (non-flammable) are used in places with increased fire hazard - warehouses with flammable substances, paper, paint. In the event of a fire, PVC curtains prevent the spread of fire throughout the warehouse or enterprise. Such curtains can be used in welding areas - they prevent the scattering of sparks during welding or metal processing. Strip curtains for welding work are produced with a special coating that acts as a filter to protect personnel from glare from the welding arc.

Curtains with special impregnation have chemical composition repels flying and crawling insects - flies, wasps, mosquitoes, horse flies, cockroaches, ants. The use of such curtains in catering establishments has shown their high efficiency.

Installation of PVC curtains

The device of fastening combs allows you to fasten PVC plastic curtains in any opening of a door or gate. The length of the comb must correspond to the width of the opening. Installation of strip curtains is simple and can be done in short terms independently, and in case of large volumes or complex configurations of openings, it is better to contact our specialist installers. For self-installation silicone curtain, you need to mark the bottom line of installation of the comb with a marker. The comb must be installed strictly horizontally. The comb is installed on screws, anchors, dowels, depending on the wall material and installation location. Required amount fasteners depend on the strength and material of the wall. The length of the strip curtains should be such that there is 2-3 cm left from the bottom to the floor.

Curtains for restaurants Summer tents, gazebos and verandas for summer cafes and restaurants are made from metal profile, acting as a frame, and awning fabric, creating the necessary canopy and protective curtains - walls. Curtains and the roof of a summer restaurant protect not only restaurant visitors from wind and precipitation, creating maximum comfort for relaxation, but also furniture, flooring and interior decoration..

Curtains for car washes You can buy curtains for car washes in Moscow on our website. Delivery throughout Moscow and the region. Curtains for car washing are a must, and they must be resistant to chemical components detergents, strong water pressure and high air humidity. One of the busiest places where PVC curtains are used are car washes. It is at car washes that...

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When thinking about purchasing internal window screening systems, as a rule, we do not take into account their important function, which is thermal insulation. Good roller shutters and blinds can save from 3% to 5% of thermal energy. Which roller blinds retain heat better during the winter, the WINDOWS MEDIA portal will tell you.

The most popular window screening systems, “experts” in maintaining the temperature in the house, are, of course, external roller shutters. However, this role can be played by special internal window screening systems that support energy savings in winter period. This listing includes: double pleated blinds with structure honeycomb, blackout roller blinds made from blackout fabric, as well as high-quality Roman blinds.

Which roller shutters are suitable as additional thermal insulation for windows?

Everyone knows that roller blinds (fabric roller shutters) are excellent as protection against intense sunlight. In addition, after dark they do not allow passers-by to look inside our houses. Experts say that they can also make an invaluable contribution to the overall energy saving of the home.

In private houses, apartments and commercial premises, unfortunately, too much heat escapes through the windows in the autumn-winter period and in early spring. These areas should be protected with a shielding system that will contribute to general scheme thermal insulation of the house. A typical curtain certainly cannot cope with this task. In turn, a roller shutter with an additional layer of rubber or an internal aluminum coating not only perfectly shades living spaces, but also works well as a reliable assistant in terms of thermal insulation of windows on frosty days.

Roller blind made from dense material, can better protect the room from heat loss. But remember that it should not be a fabric that does not allow air to pass through. Lack of adequate ventilation can cause excess moisture to accumulate on double glazed windows.

When deciding to buy this type of most popular decoration for plastic windows, it is worth paying attention not only to the price, but also to the variety of materials from which they are made, as well as the ability to adapt the models to individual preferences. The thermal insulation properties of roller shutters are ensured by a rubberized layer or a special silver coating.

The silver layer perfectly reflects the sun's rays and protects the room from overheating on a very hot day. In winter, roller blinds with a rubberized coating work better, as they stop heat more effectively and protect the room from cold air, especially at night.

Double pleated blinds are effective in summer and winter

A good solution for improving the thermal insulation of a room during winter cold is the installation of double pleated blinds in the windows, reminiscent of the structure of a honeycomb. They can also be installed in attic windows, which are especially vulnerable to heat loss.

In the summer, pleated blinds can perfectly cool your home, protecting your household from the heat, and in the winter they can serve to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Their 100% impenetrable honeycomb structure not only acts as sun protection, but also effectively blocks warm air in any room, even in the attic.

Advantages of double pleated blinds:

  • They can significantly reduce heat loss in residential and commercial buildings.
  • The dual honeycomb structure is 100% waterproof and very durable.
  • Thanks to the aluminum coating, it allows you to optimally darken the room.
  • Can be ordered for any window size.
  • Easily adapts to windows of atypical shapes.
  • Works well to protect roof windows from heat and cold.
  • A variety of colors allows you to choose them to suit the design of any interior.

How effective are Roman blinds in winter?

Roman shades contain many pleats, the effectiveness of which can be improved by using a blackout aluminum covering. In summer, it reflects the sun's rays, preventing excessive sunlight from entering the house and overheating the room.

On cold days, this type of Roman blind works as optimal thermal insulation, reflecting room heat inward.

Window duo against the cold

Many housewives prefer classic window decoration and do not want to part with cozy velvet curtains, so manufacturers offer home textiles Harmonious duets - curtains and roller shutters - are increasingly appearing. This composition is not only aesthetic, but also practical.

Experts are categorically against any barriers to the spread of heat from the radiator to heating season. Long curtains made of thick material are one of these obstacles that negatively affect the overall indoor climate. In a duet with a roller shutter, the correct distribution of roles is obtained: the roller shutter will protect the double-glazed window, and the curtain will protect the side parts of the windows from heat loss.

In winter, it is recommended to prefer light and light curtains to dark and thick curtains. If such a metamorphosis does not fit into the interior design, then you should choose light fabric roller shutters with an elegant pattern of dark lines in the color of the curtains, and fix the curtain panels along the edges of the window opening.

How to use window screening systems to maintain favorable temperatures in winter?

Many Russians underestimate the role of internal window screening systems in common system energy saving of the building, but they can save up to 5% of heat. To do this, you must comply with two simple rules. Firstly, roller blinds should always be lowered at night, so carefully curtained windows will prevent the leakage of heated room air.

Secondly, during the day, especially when a mean Winter sun, you should always raise the roller shutters and open the curtains. Thanks to this technique, the room becomes lighter and warms up naturally, since during the day a free renewable resource is used for heating - solar heat.

In order for roller shutters to better perform their heat-saving function, install systems with guides. Thanks to this, the double-glazed window will be completely darkened. This will provide better insulation and aesthetic appearance, because the canvas will not lag behind the window and will not take up much space.

Correct selection and management internal systems screening windows will save valuable heat, which will ultimately have a positive impact on family budget, which will be especially noticeable in the case of large houses.