You can make scaffolding yourself. What types of scaffolding are there and how to make them yourself Do-it-yourself metal scaffolding

During the construction of the second (and third or even fourth) private houses and cottages they use special designs– forests. They allow you to work safely at high altitudes – where it would not be possible to use ladders. Most often for making scaffolding choose wood - a material that is more affordable and easier to process. Although it is possible to use a metal profile for this.

Material selection

Choosing between metal and wooden structures, you should know:

  • to assemble metal scaffolding you will need special equipment, including welding machine. In addition, the design itself will require more manufacturing time and will be more expensive;
  • It is easier to work with wood, and the tools used to construct such scaffolding can usually be found on any farm. However, the strength of such forests is lower. And it is dangerous to use them for the construction of high structures.

As a rule, every owner of a private house who takes part in construction can make wooden scaffolding with his own hands. To build the same metal structure, sometimes you have to turn to specialists. Although when building a house of several floors, outside help will be required in any case.

Structural elements of scaffolding

The number of popular schemes and methods for making scaffolding from metal profiles or boards reaches several dozen. However, they all consist of the same elements:

  1. Racks located vertically and taking the load from materials and people located on the scaffolding and transferring it to the ground;
  2. Ties designed to increase the rigidity of the frame and placed diagonally;
  3. Lintels on which flooring boards are laid. They must be positioned strictly horizontally (checked with a level);
  4. The flooring itself is one of the main parts of the structure, occupying a large volume and, to save money, is made of thick boards attached to each other.

In addition to the main elements, scaffolding drawings must include railings to prevent workers from falling from a height. Special thrust slopes will help to avoid the structure from tipping over. And ladders are used to climb to and from the work site.

Wooden structures

Before assembling wooden scaffolding with your own hands, be sure to carry out a diagram on which you must indicate several basic dimensions:

  • height, the maximum value of which for wooden scaffolding should not exceed 6 m;
  • the distance between supports is usually chosen to be no more than 2.5 m;
  • flooring width. For ease of use, this size is taken within the range of 80–100 cm.

The optimal height of the first level of the flooring is about half a meter. This feature provides the maximum level of comfort for builders whose hands are located 30–40 cm below chest level during bricklaying or other work. The second flooring is placed at a height of 2 meters, the third - about 4 meters. Markings may vary depending on the size of the building itself.

When starting to build wood scaffolding, you should purchase the appropriate materials and fasteners. These include timber with a cross-section of 100 x 100 mm or boards with a thickness of 50 mm and a width of at least 100 mm. For railings, spacers and ties, you can use a 30mm edged board. And for flooring they pick up wooden elements thickness not less than 40 mm.

Important: When choosing fasteners, you should know that nails will cost less, but will increase the time of scaffolding construction. In addition, they are more difficult to remove when disassembling the structure. Using self-tapping screws will shorten the process, but will make the structure less durable. Therefore, nails are chosen for low structures, and self-tapping wood screws for long and tall scaffolding.

Construction stages

Are being manufactured scaffolding from boards and timber in several stages:

  1. Laying out the elements of the future structure on a flat surface and checking their compliance with the height of the scaffolding;
  2. Connecting racks using horizontal jumpers;
  3. Installation of two already assembled frames side by side and securing them using horizontally and diagonally positioned tie boards;
  4. Laying wooden flooring on top of horizontal ties, with the boards fastened to the lintels.

Now all that remains is to secure the railings and fix the stairs, with the help of which the ascent and descent will be carried out. At long length The structure of the building is extended and can consist of a different number of sections - from two to three or four. The frames are connected to each other with boards.

Should know: When assembling wood scaffolding using nails, it is advisable to pre-drill holes for fasteners. This will increase assembly time but will prevent the boards from splitting.

Scaffolding made of metal profiles

To assemble metal scaffolding with your own hands, you will have to perform approximately the same sequence of actions, choosing standard height and the width of the structures. And the only serious difference is the adapters used to increase the number of floors of the structure. In addition, some of the elements are connected to each other by welding.

Before construction starts metal structure, the preparation of the following materials is required:

  1. Profile pipes of the appropriate section (30 x 30 or 40 x 40 mm), from which the racks will be made. The length of the segments is from 1 to 1.5 meters;
  2. Thin-walled pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, used for the manufacture of screeds. Each length is 2 meters;
  3. Pipes (25 x 25 or 35 x 35 mm) for support bearings and adapters. Length – 2 m.

Railings are most often made from the same profile pipes as the adapters. And to create thrust bearings they also use metal plates up to 4 mm thick. To connect the diagonal ties to each other and to the main scaffolding structure, a sufficient number of bolts and nuts are provided.

Assembly of the structure

The process of constructing metal scaffolding begins with the following steps:

  1. Fixing scaffolding posts using an assembly surface (as a rule, OSB sheets are used for this purpose);
  2. Welding of horizontal jumpers;
  3. Inserting pipe adapters into the upper ends of the metal supports and fixing them by welding.

After removal from the assembly panel and turning the scaffold 90 degrees, the structure is again attached to the OSB sheet. The edges of the pipes that will be used for the diagonal braces are flattened and prepared for joining by drilling holes in them. The scaffolding ties are fastened together in the middle and placed on the posts, then secured with bolts and nuts.

At the next stage of assembly, holes for fasteners are drilled on the railings and supports and the thrust plates are welded to the pipes. The assembled structure is installed in a vertical position, and thrust bearings are inserted into the lower ends of the pipes. Wooden scaffolding is laid on the horizontal lintels, which should preferably be additionally secured with steel corners.

When attaching ties, it is recommended to install horizontal and diagonal elements on different sides of the frame. If the assembly of the second tier of scaffolding is carried out simultaneously with the construction of the third, additional holes should be drilled in the racks for bolting the thrust slopes. And when building scaffolding in a horizontal direction, the sections are attached to each other with the same bolted connections.

Metal scaffolding “in use”

Scaffolding is a temporary engineering structure, intended for access to a facility under construction, placement building material, utility equipment and tools. After completion of work at the site, these structures must be dismantled.

Structurally, scaffolding is usually made in the form of multi-tiered buildings, consisting of levels built up in stages with connecting stairs and special fences. In addition, scaffolding can be used when carrying out major repairs and finishing works in low-rise construction in conditions where the use of special high-altitude equipment is impractical.

As an example, we can cite cases of using scaffolding when working on masonry and plastering walls of a small country house, which ensures compliance with all safety requirements stipulated by regulations.

Scaffolding used during construction activities may differ markedly in its design. And if you are wondering how to make scaffolding yourself, then first of all you should familiarize yourself with some of the most common designs today. In the most general case, forests are:

  • pin;
  • wedge;
  • framed;
  • clamp

The following can be said about the advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of forest.

Pin-type scaffolding is characterized by very high speed assembly and disassembly. Wedge scaffolding guarantees builders the ability to “hold” large workloads. Frame-type scaffolding is unique due to its low weight. Clamp scaffolding is not entirely practical and, as a rule, is used only when working on fairly complex objects and is often of an individual nature.

The practice of renting scaffolding from specialized companies with subsequent independent delivery and installation on site (included, by the way, in the cost of the order) is quite reasonable, since it significantly simplifies all procedures for installing and dismantling this building structure.

The wisdom of this method of organization construction work This is also explained by the fact that the time savings from this event are very sensitive. And this, in a certain situation, can be decisive for the timely completion of the work being carried out.

If you decide to build scaffolding with your own hands, then you need to know that the constructed on our own scaffolding must be manufactured in accordance with current regulations or instructions from their manufacturers.

The fact is that the apparent simplicity of scaffolding design is very deceptive in appearance, and the slightest deviation from the standardized indicators can lead to a loss of their rigidity and stability. As an example, it can be noted that a small “under-turn” threaded connections or the presence of slight play in the joint, as well as insufficiently tight fit of the surfaces at the contact points may cause to a certain extent affect the stability of the entire structure.

Despite the importance and responsibility of scaffolding work procedures, they are nevertheless not considered very complex structures. In case you decide to build your own Vacation home– the option of making scaffolding on your own is quite suitable for you. According to current building regulations, the construction of scaffolding from timber and boards for your own building is permitted if it contains no more than two tiers (two meters high).

In this case, the sequence of operations for one of the known scaffolding assembly options usually looks like this.

  1. For the manufacture of vertical racks it is taken construction timber 10x10cm; Moreover, to increase stability, these racks should converge slightly at the top.
  2. Crossbars made of 4cm boards are attached to the posts, forming squares distributed around the perimeter support platforms, on which the flooring is subsequently laid.
  3. The floor “floors” of each of the tiers, as well as the crosspieces that increase the overall rigidity of the structure, are usually made from slabs, which always remain after dismantling the foundation formwork.
  4. At the end of the structure you can place steps mounted on screws or long self-tapping screws.

Such a design is not designed for heavy loads - that’s why you should not allow such homemade scaffolding more than 2 people and load them with too heavy material (bags of cement and bricks).

For large construction loads, it is best to use special scaffolding constructed on the basis of metal pipes and assembled like a designer (although you will need a lot of time to assemble them).

Another version of the scaffolding design involves the use of the same racks, but already made of 50x100mm boards, and the distances between the racks, depending on the size of the object, can range from 2 to 2.5 meters. Such scaffolding is designed for a total width of at least 1 meter, otherwise it will be inconvenient to work on them. The vertical posts are connected to each other “crosswise” using thinner boards (25-30mm). The structure is fastened using nails measuring 100-120mm.

At the height you need, jumpers from the “fifty” are attached, and already on the latter, flooring from the same boards is laid and firmly nailed to them. WITH outside scaffolding, it is necessary to install a board that acts as a fence. If necessary, a second tier is constructed, located above the first flooring and equipped with the same fencing board.

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of stops, with the help of which the entire structure is fixed (pressed) to the structure being erected towards the wall. This is achieved by reliable fastening racks to the walls of the structure being built using additional boards or installation of special inclined stops.

If all these conditions are met, you can safely carry out any construction and renovation work on your site.

Building a house is a responsible undertaking that requires a thoughtful approach, materials, tools and equipment. It is among the latter that scaffolding can be considered. These structures serve to make it possible to do Finishing work at high altitude.

Scaffolding allows the following work to be carried out at a height of 4 to 10 meters:

  • hem the gables,
  • make siding,
  • install a drain and so on.

In fact, there is more than enough finishing work. Moreover, scaffolding can be made higher than 10 meters, but there is one thing, such a design requires industrial capacity and appropriate engineering knowledge. It is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself in accordance with all standards.

Attention ! You must be aware that working on scaffolding involves risk. Therefore, their strength should not be doubted.

Many people decide to make scaffolding with their own hands because renting them is still a very expensive pleasure. Moreover, you have to pay a lot for delivery. Taking into account the fact that finishing work can last about several months, it is more profitable to build the structure yourself.

Choosing material

In principle, there are only two alternatives. You can make your own scaffolding from metal or wood. Moreover, each option has both its pros and cons.

Let's take metal scaffolding as an example. Making them with your own hands is not so easy. Moreover, it requires special equipment and materials that will most likely have to be purchased. But at the same time, a structure of this type has simply incredible stability and service life. It allows you to do the most complex work at considerable heights.

Advice ! After completing the work, metal scaffolding can be rented out. As a last resort, you can unwind them and put them in the garage.

If we rely on the experience of people who have encountered this issue, then the majority is inclined to believe that metal scaffolding can only be made if you have the necessary metal. The purchase turns out to be quite expensive. But if you want to make a business out of it, the costs must be worth it.

Making wooden scaffolding with your own hands is quite simple. In addition, after use they can be easily disassembled, and the boards, for example, can be burned in a fireplace or stove. In fact, it is a disposable building that is destroyed after one cycle of operation or given to a neighbor.

Of course, in terms of reliability, wooden scaffolding, which you can make with your own hands, is several times inferior to its metal counterpart. But they cost practically nothing. Moreover, on every summer cottage can be found suitable materials. Your main tools in this context will be a hammer and nails.

Main disadvantage wooden scaffolding This is their low strength and low stability. Of course, if everything is done well, then this design can be used. That's why it's so important to follow the instructions exactly.

Attention ! Do-it-yourself wooden scaffolding is quite difficult to preserve, since untreated wood easily rots.

Plastic - reality or fiction

Nowadays, more and more often, non-construction forums can see entire topics dedicated to plastic scaffolding. Of course, they exist and have a lot of important advantages over wooden and metal products. But it’s not possible to make them industrial conditions is not yet possible.

Attention ! Of course, if you have a 3-D printer, you can make your own plastic scaffolding.

Construction of different types of structures

Making wooden scaffolding

This simplest design, which you can do with your own hands in just a day. To ultimately get a strong and reliable structure, simply follow these instructions:

  1. Take a board six meters long and place it against the wall.
  2. Place a second board in parallel.
  3. Fasten them together with crossbars. Make the second support in the same way.
  4. Lay the flooring.
  5. To ensure increased rigidity, use brace boards. Use the ground as a support.
  6. Increase level by level until you reach a sufficient height.

As you can see, making wooden scaffolding with your own hands is not so difficult, but there are many nuances that must be dealt with. Otherwise, the structure may not last for several days.

It is very important to make spans of optimal dimensions for the structure. The canon is considered to be a distance of two meters between risers. If necessary, it can be increased to two and a half. The width of the flooring is exactly one meter.

Another important nuance When constructing scaffolding, the question is which fasteners to use. Usually there are only two options: nails and screws. It is worth recognizing that both have their pros and cons.

Let's take self-tapping screws, for example. At first glance, these are ideal fasteners for making scaffolding with your own hands. But not everything is so simple. Their main disadvantage is excessive fragility.

Also, self-tapping screws, with which you can make scaffolding with your own hands, are quite susceptible to shock loads. Their cap just flies off. Naturally, this may lead to complete destruction of the structure.

That's why the best option In order to make scaffolding with your own hands you will need nails. Moreover, it is best to use 120 mm products. For better fixation, their tips are bent.

The main reason for the fragility of self-tapping screws is that they are made of hardened metal. This is why they often break under heavy loads. Nails are a completely different matter. They are based on soft metal. It may bend, but not break. That is why, if you want to make scaffolding with your own hands, it is best to use them.

Unfortunately, despite their undeniable advantages, nails are not ideal. The main disadvantage of these fastening elements is that it will not be possible to carefully disassemble the structure. You'll have to break it. Naturally, the product cannot be used a second time.

Poet experienced builders For all those who decide to make scaffolding with their own hands, they recommend fastening the basic version with self-tapping screws, and fixing the final version with nails.

We make metal scaffolding with our own hands

First, we need to give one important clarification. In this option, the main structure is made of metal, and the flooring is made of wood. This is the optimal combination to achieve high performance.

Attention ! Do-it-yourself scaffolding is not made exclusively from metal.

Aluminum can be used as a metal for the frame. It is lightweight, so installation should not be difficult. However, it is not able to withstand too much load and this must be taken into account. It is best for each span to have the following parameters:

  • width - 100 cm;
  • height - 150 cm;
  • length from 165 to 200 cm.

This is the canon that will provide the building created with your own hands with the necessary stability.

When creating a structure made of metal, you need to prepare properly, since the quality of materials is of particular importance here, you will need:

  • square profile,
  • pipes for spacers,
  • profile for connecting inserts,
  • flooring boards,
  • ladder,
  • connecting elements.

Naturally, you won’t be able to limit yourself to materials alone; to create the intended project with your own hands, you will also need a number of tools, including:

  • hacksaw for metal,
  • drill,
  • Bulgarian,
  • welding machine.

With this toolkit you can build a metal assistive device with your own hands.

The construction of scaffolding with your own hands begins with compacting the earth where the product will stand. This will ensure increased reliability of the entire structure. Moreover, it wouldn’t hurt to make a drainage system.

Attention ! Drainage is a necessary element if the finishing of facades will last for a long period of time.

Where the supports will stand, you must lay the boards with your own hands. This will provide greater stability. In this case, no precaution will be superfluous, since the slightest play can lead to the scaffolding being destroyed, and you will not be able to do anything.

To make scaffolding from profile pipe do it yourself, follow this algorithm:

To protect scaffolding from corrosion, you need to do protective covering. All you need is anti-corrosion liquid and special paint.


You can make scaffolding with your own hands. The complexity of the design directly depends on the material you choose; for example, plastic structures can only be made in industrial production. The most simple option is a wooden structure.

Make scaffolding with your own hands if you have the skills to handle welding equipment And various instruments it will not be difficult at all for the owner of a private house. Prefabricated structures are needed to organize work on cladding and repairing the surfaces of building facades at height. The structure is erected along the entire perimeter of the house or at one of the facade walls.

Scaffolding is assembled from metal rods, timber, boards and wooden shields. The structure of the buildings is a frame of vertical supporting elements with horizontal connections. The platforms are decking made of wooden panels or other materials. Message between at different levels construction is carried out using stairs. Scaffolding consists of structural elements such as:

  1. Shoes.
  2. Vertical posts and horizontal links.
  3. Flooring.
  4. Railing.
  5. Stairs.
  6. Net.


The supports for the vertical posts are shoes (thrust bearings). Usually this metal platforms with vertical slots for racks. For horizontal correction of shoes, spacers and pads made of wood or metal are used.

The shoes are the ultimate structural elements scaffolding that transfers the entire load from the structure to the ground foundation. Before erecting scaffolding, it is necessary to accurately determine the locations for supports. The surfaces of the sites must be in the same horizon, otherwise the facade fencing will skew and the structure will become unsuitable for use. To prepare the support areas, use a level or laser level.

Vertical posts and horizontal links

The racks perform the main load-bearing function. For forests of small height within 2 - 3 storey building apply wooden beam. Racks made of metal pipes are much more often used.

Vertical supports are installed in stages - as horizontal connections are installed. Connections between frame elements are made in several ways. The main requirement for fastenings is to ensure the safe presence of people on the construction sites.


Work platforms are formed from wooden, steel and aluminum panels. The flooring is laid on horizontal frames formed by frame elements.

The flooring, in addition to the role of supporting platforms, serves as connecting elements that ensure the rigidity of the entire scaffolding frame.


All openings facing outwards must have railings. Fences are made of 50x50 mm timber. The railings are located at a height from the flooring within 1.1 - 1.2 m.


Transitions between different levels of platforms are made by installing stairs. Stairs can be entirely wooden or welded from steel profiles. Duralumin ladders are not uncommon when arranging forests.

It is advisable to install stairs at an angle of no more than 450. This allows a worker to easily move from one floor to another, while carrying any load.


According to requirements building codes and rules (SNiP), all scaffolding must be covered with a net. The mesh is a fine mesh polymer coating Green colour(international standard).

The grid performs several functions simultaneously:

  • Prevents workers from accidentally falling.
  • Prevents various objects from falling out of the working area.
  • Protects from bright sunlight.
  • Protects the facade of the building during painting work from the penetration of dust from the outside.

How to assemble wooden scaffolding with your own hands

There are certain standards for wooden scaffolding. The distance between the posts along the facade of the building is from 2 to 2.5 m. The width of the flooring, which determines the transverse size between the external and internal fencing of the scaffolding, must be at least 1 m. The height of the wooden structure must be up to 6 m.

To build a frame from lumber you will need following materials and tools:

  • Hand or circular saw.
  • Hammer and pliers.
  • Roulette and level.
  • Nails.
  • Wooden beam with a section of 100×100 mm, 50×50 mm.
  • Boards with a section of 100×30 mm, 100×40 mm.

The thickness of the lumber may be different, but not less than the above dimensions. The lumber must be dry, without large knots and cracks. Under no circumstances should you use raw wood. In addition to the fact that wet wood is heavy, it can become significantly deformed when drying.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling wooden scaffolding

  1. On a flat area, 4 beams are laid, cut to fit the height of the scaffolding.
  2. Every 2 beams are placed between each other at the width of the flooring.
  3. The racks are nailed down with crossbars. The transverse lower beams are fixed at a rate of no more than 50 cm from the ground. The top beams must be level with the deck.
  4. The resulting frames are laid on their sides, securing the position with temporary supports.
  5. The frames are connected by two boards diagonally.
  6. The structure is turned over on the other side and the steps to secure the diagonal connections are repeated.
  7. During assembly, the dimensions of the openings are constantly monitored with a tape measure.
  8. Platforms made from sections of boards are nailed to the supports from below.
  9. Roofing felt or roofing felt is laid in the places where the scaffolding will stand.
  10. The scaffolding is raised to a vertical position so that the legs of the structure precisely fall into the intended places.
  11. Using shims, the vertical marks of the supporting platforms are corrected.
  12. Install the flooring. The flooring is knocked down longitudinal boards cross beam.
  13. The decking boards are nailed to the cross beams of the frame frames.
  14. On the outside of the scaffolding, railings made of boards are nailed above the flooring.
  15. A staircase leading to the upper platform is installed.
  16. For convenient and safe movement of workers, stair railings are installed.
  17. As the structure is being erected, based on individual characteristics facade, can use temporary fixation of scaffolding using additional connections with building elements. These are spacers, bevels and so on.

At the end of the work, the forests are disassembled into separate elements that can be used to meet other needs of the household plot.

Types of homemade scaffolding made from metal pipes

Supporting structures for scaffolding made from metal profiles may vary in connection method load-bearing elements. These are wedge, clamp and pin fastening units.

Wedge forests

The connection units include support platforms with mounting holes into which wedge-shaped holders of support elements fit. Making such structures yourself is quite difficult and expensive.

Clamp fastenings

The frame rods are fastened with special clamps. The process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. The advantage of clamp scaffolding is that structures can “hug” facades of the most complex configuration without carrying out any complex work.

Pin designs

Due to their simplicity of design and high reliability, pin scaffolding is especially popular among home craftsmen. They are quickly assembled and disassembled. This feature of pin structures attracts amateur craftsmen.

Manufacturing and assembly of pin scaffolding

Before you begin making multi-level scaffolding from pipes, you need to prepare the following tools and materials.


  • Electric welding unit.
  • Angle machine (grinder).
  • Electric drill.
  • Bending device.
  • Level.


  1. Steel pipes ø 48 mm.
  2. Steel pipes ø 20 mm.
  3. Steel sheet 12 mm thick.
  4. Smooth reinforcement ø 16 mm.
  5. Wooden beam 40×40 mm.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Smooth reinforcement is cut into pieces 40 cm long.
  2. On a bending device, sections of reinforcement are bent at an angle of 450, obtaining support pins.
  3. The device for bending the pins is made from two pieces of pipe. One is welded to a massive metal blank. A piece of smooth fittings is inserted halfway into the pipe. A long piece of pipe is placed on the other end of the pin and the reinforcement is bent.
  4. A pipe ø 48 mm is cut into racks, the length being equal to the height of the scaffolding.
  5. From a pipe ø 20 mm, a grinder is used to cut sleeves 200 mm long.
  6. Using a tape measure and a marker, mark the places for welding the vertical sleeves.
  7. The sleeves are welded to vertical posts. On corner supports The sleeves are placed at an angle of 900 to each other.
  8. On ordinary racks, 3 sleeves are welded - in the center and on the sides.
  9. Pins are attached to the horizontal sections of the pipe by welding, the free ends of which are facing down.
  10. Shoes made of sheet steel measuring 20x20 cm are welded to the lower ends of the racks.
  11. The height of the nests (sleeves) is set in each individual case. Typically, nests are placed at a distance of 2 m from each other vertically.
  12. The horizontal opening is made from 1.5 to 2 m.
  13. Boards and timber are nailed into panels that will serve as flooring.
  14. Where the flooring will rest on the outer beam, 2 pieces of timber are nailed to the shield from below. Wooden pieces are nailed to the boards so that the pipe beam passes between them. This will give additional stability to the entire scaffolding frame.
  15. When joining panels, sections of steel angles are welded to the transverse beam on both sides so that the horizontal flanges of the angles are flush with the pipe.
  16. The pins of horizontal connections are inserted into the sockets.
  17. In places where staircases will be adopted, openings are left between the flooring panels.
  18. If it is necessary to extend the racks in height, then sleeves from pipes of larger diameter are welded to the upper ends of the supports, which form sockets for attaching the upper racks.
  19. The stairs are welded from sections of the same pipes.
  20. The racks are brought into a vertical position.
  21. The pins are inserted into the sockets.
  22. Lay the flooring.
  23. Stairs are installed.

The scaffolding is ready for use. At any time, the structure can be quickly dismantled and its elements stored.

Assembly of clamp scaffolding

Structures of this type do not require welding. All connections are made by hand using steel clamps. The only tools you will need are wrenches.

Along with this, it should be noted that installing and removing clamps requires significant time. The cost of clamps is quite high. The assembly of such scaffolding will require a large number of fasteners, which will significantly affect the cost of structures.

Painting metal scaffolding

When preparing pipe elements before installation, the structures are cleaned of rust. Good to use for this grinder with an emery wheel.

After this, the structures are primed with a product for external metal work. Dried pipes are coated with two layers of paint intended for steel products.

With intensive forest exploitation, metal elements tint once a year. If scaffolding is stored disassembled, then the products are repainted as needed. Store forests in a dry, ventilated area.

Armenian forests

This popular name simple devices in the form of wooden scaffolds. For laying walls made of brick or cinder blocks one-story houses, use a simple device consisting of triangles with right angles.

The triangular structure consists of two wooden panels, between which a console on an axis is placed. The console at one end presses the vertical structure with one of its legs against the wall of the building, and at the other end it rests against the ground. Two such structures form horizontal platforms on which the flooring rests.

Self-made “Armenian scaffolding” is far from safe, and must be treated with caution. The owner, using such scaffolding, puts his health at risk.


Do-it-yourself scaffolding can be rented out, which will quickly recoup all the costs of manufacturing the structures. When working at height, it is imperative to comply with safety requirements.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Before you start building scaffolding, you need to decide what material it will be made from, and what type of scaffolding (more precisely, the method of fastening) you actually need.

Today there are two materials from which you can make scaffolding with your own hands. It is either wood or metal. Respectively, ready-made designs can be either metal or wood. But if we consider the methods of fastening the elements of these scaffoldings, then there will be more varieties. This:

  • Frame scaffolding. They are in demand when carrying out plastering work.
  • Wedge scaffolding is indispensable when working with heavy loads, and they can be easily disassembled.
  • Clamp scaffolding - used when working on objects with complex configurations.
  • Pin scaffolding. This variety is especially popular because such scaffolding is quickly assembled and disassembled.

Having decided on the varieties, you can move on to the question of whether it is worth building even the simplest scaffolding with your own hands, or whether you should still entrust this task to masters of their craft. In the case where your solution is clearly economical, you can look detailed photos and video ideas on how to quickly and efficiently assemble scaffolding yourself. By the way, there you will find a hint on how to store them later, or dismantle this structure until the next use.

Scaffolding drawings

In general, you need to understand that when assembling scaffolding with your own hands, drawings can significantly simplify the task. Acting according to the existing scheme, you will quickly cope with the installation. The only thing you need to understand is that any forest consists of elements such as:

  • main racks;
  • horizontal and diagonal struts necessary for structural strength;
  • floor lintels;
  • board flooring (support) on which a person must stand;
  • reliable stops;
  • mandatory fencing to avoid falling from a height;
  • stepladder for lifting to the desired height.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to master and assemble scaffolding with your own hands. But is this really advisable? Indeed, in most cases, these structures are not some kind of trestle-platforms, but serious structures designed to perform heavy work at a certain height.

Scaffolding assembly instructions

IN in this case, scaffolding assembly involves the use wooden materials, since few people would think of dacha conditions engage in the assembly of metal scaffolding, unless they are small-sized elements ready for assembly.

And wooden scaffolding, made by yourself, can only be useful for work at a level not exceeding the second floor and mainly for carrying out facade repair work. Their use in more difficult conditions and under heavy loads may not only be impossible, but also dangerous. However, so that you do not get confused in the assembly steps, we suggest that you use the assembly instructions for the simplest design.

First of all, you should remember the approximate values. Namely:

  1. The distance between the posts should not go beyond two to two and a half meters.
  2. The width of the flooring for work must be at least a meter.
  3. The total height of the structure should be no more than six meters.

And now - let's get to work! In order to begin assembly, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary materials. These will be:

  • Boards with a thickness of at least fifty millimeters and a width of at least one hundred mm. You can replace them with 10x10 timber or round timber for stops and racks.
  • Boards for fencing and spacers. Their thickness should be at least thirty millimeters.
  • Boards for flooring and lintels - 50 mm thick.
  • Nails. But don’t try to replace them with self-tapping screws - they are not reliable comrades in this matter.

1. Observing all the distances that were indicated a little above, from all four sides Secure the four posts together using the existing diagonal braces.