Medieval castles and fortresses in the mountains of Europe. Main elements of a medieval castle

Since the seas and rivers provided great visibility for tracking down and attacking foreign invaders.

The water supply made it possible to preserve ditches and ditches, which were an indispensable part protective system castle Castles also functioned as administrative centers, and bodies of water helped facilitate the collection of taxes, since the rivers and seas were important trade waterways.

Castles were also built on high hills or in rocky cliffs, which were difficult to attack.

Castle construction stages

At the beginning of the construction of the castle, ditches were dug in the ground around the location of the future building. Their contents were folded inside. The result was an embankment or hill called a “mott.” A castle was later built on it.

Then the castle walls were built. Often two rows of walls were erected. External wall was lower than the inner one. It contained towers for the castle defenders, a drawbridge and a lock. Towers were built on the inner wall of the castle, which were used for. The basement rooms were intended to store food in the event of a siege. The area that was surrounded interior wall, called "Bailey". On the site there was a tower where the feudal lord lived. Castles could be supplemented with extensions.

What were castles made of?

The material from which the castles were made depended on the geology of the area. The first castles were built from wood, but later building material steel stone. Sand, limestone, and granite were used in construction.

All construction was done by hand.

Castle walls rarely consisted entirely of solid stone. The outside of the wall was faced with processed stones, and on its inside they laid out uneven shapes and different sizes. These two layers were connected using lime mortar. The solution was prepared right on the site of the future structure, and the stones were also whitened with its help.

At the construction site were erected wooden scaffolding. In this case, horizontal beams were stuck into holes made in the walls. Boards were placed across them on top. On the walls of medieval castles you can see square recesses. These are the marks from scaffolding. At the end of construction, the building niches were filled with limestone, but over time it fell off.

The windows in the castles were narrow openings. Small openings were made on the castle tower so that the defenders could shoot arrows.

How much did the locks cost?

If we were talking about a royal residence, then specialists from all over the world were hired for construction. This is how the king of medieval Wales, Edward the First, built his ring castles. Masons cut stones into blocks of the correct shape and size using a hammer, chisel and measuring tools. This work required high skill.

Stone castles were an expensive pleasure. King Edward almost bankrupted the state treasury by spending £100,000 on their construction. About 3,000 workers were involved in the construction of one castle.

The construction of castles took from three to ten years. Some of them were built in a war zone and took longer to complete. Most of the castles built by Edward the First still stand.

When you think of medieval castles, what comes to mind are: picturesque walls, entwined with ivy, beautiful ladies in high towers and noble knights in shining armor. But it was not these sublime images that motivated the feudal lords to build impregnable walls with loopholes, but the harsh reality.

During the Middle Ages, Europe experienced many changes. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the processes of resettlement of peoples began, new kingdoms and states emerged. All this was accompanied by constant conflicts and strife.

Nobleman-feudal lord, who had a knighthood, to protect himself from enemies, and they could even be his closest neighbors, was forced to strengthen his home as much as possible and build a castle.

Wikipedia suggests distinguishing between a castle and a fortress. A fortress is a walled area land with houses and other buildings. The castle is smaller in size. This is a single structure that includes walls, towers, bridges and other structures.

The castle was the private fortress of a noble lord and his family. In addition to the direct function of protection, it was an indicator of power and well-being. But not all knights could afford it. The owner could be an entire knightly order - a community of warriors.

How and from what materials were medieval castles built?

Building a real castle was a time-consuming and costly procedure. All work was done by hand and sometimes lasted for decades.

Before construction began, it was necessary to choose appropriate place. The most impenetrable castles were built on the cliffs of steep rocks. However, more often they chose a hill with an open view and a river nearby. The waterway was necessary to fill ditches and was also used as a route for transporting goods.

A deep ditch was dug on the ground and an embankment was formed. Then the walls were erected using scaffolding.

The challenge was building the well. We had to dig deep down or chisel the rock.

Selection of material for construction depended on many factors. Of decisive importance were:

  • terrain;
  • human resources;
  • budget.

If there was a quarry nearby, the structure was built from stone; otherwise, wood, sand, limestone or brick were used. For outside used facing materials, for example, processed stone. The wall elements were connected using lime mortar.

Although glass was known in those days, it was not used in castles. Narrow windows were covered with mica, leather or parchment. Inside the living quarters of the castle owners, the walls were often covered with frescoes and hung with tapestries. In the remaining rooms they limited themselves to a layer of lime or left the masonry untouched.

What elements did the castles consist of?

Exact lock configuration depended on local traditions, landscape, and wealth of the owner. Over time, new engineering solutions appeared. Previously built structures were often completed and rebuilt. Among all the Medieval fortifications, several traditional elements can be distinguished.

Ditch, bridge and gate

The castle was surrounded by a moat. If there was a river nearby, it was flooded. At the bottom they made wolf pits - depressions with stakes or sharp rods.

It was possible to get inside through the moat only with the help of a bridge. Huge logs served as supports. Part of the bridge rose and blocked the passage inside. The mechanism of the drawbridge was designed in such a way that 2 guards could handle it. In some castles the bridge had a swing mechanism.

The gates were double doors and closed a cross beam that slid into the wall. Although they were knocked together from several words of strong boards and upholstered with iron, the gates remained the most vulnerable part of the structure. They were protected by a gate tower with a guard room. The entrance to the castle turned into a long narrow passage with holes in the ceiling and walls. If the enemy was inside, a stream of boiling water or resin was poured onto him.

Besides wooden gates, there was often a grate that was closed using a winch and ropes. In an emergency, the ropes were cut off and the barrier fell sharply.

An additional element of gate protection was the barbican - walls extending from the gate. Opponents had to squeeze in into the passage between them under a hail of arrows.

Walls and towers

The height of the walls of the medieval fortification reached 25 meters. They had a powerful base and withstood the blows of battering guns. The deep foundation was designed to protect against undermining. The thickness of the walls decreased towards the top, they became sloping. At the top there was a platform behind the teeth. While on it, the defenders fired at enemies through slit-like openings, threw stones down or poured out tar.

Double walls were often built . Overcoming the first obstacle, the opponents found themselves in a narrow space in front of the second wall, where they became easy prey for archers.

At the corners of the perimeter there were watchtowers that protruded forward in relation to the wall. Inside they were divided into floors, each of which was a separate room. Large castles had towers for fortification vertical partition.

All the stairs in the towers were spiral and very steep. If the enemy penetrated into the internal territory, the defender had an advantage and could throw the aggressor down. Initially, the towers had a rectangular shape. But this interfered with the view during defense. They were replaced by round buildings.

Behind the main gate there was a narrow courtyard, which was well covered by fire.

Rest inner space The castle was occupied by buildings. Among them:

In large knightly castles there was a vegetable garden, and sometimes a whole garden, inside.

The central and most fortified structure of any castle is the donjon tower. In the lower part there was a storage room with food supplies and an arsenal with weapons and equipment. Above there was a guard room and a kitchen. The upper part was occupied by the home of the owner and his family. A throwing weapon or catapult was installed on the roof. The outer walls of the donjon had small projections. There were restrooms there. The holes opened outwards and waste fell down. Underground passages could lead from the donjon to the shelter or neighboring buildings.

Required items castle in the Middle Ages there was a church or chapel. It could be located in the central tower or be a separate building.

The castle could not do without a well. Without a source of water, the inhabitants would not have lasted even a few days during a siege. The well was protected by a separate building.

Living conditions in the castle

The castle provided the need for security. However, its inhabitants often had to neglect other benefits.

Little light penetrated into the premises, since the windows were replaced by narrow loopholes, which were covered with dense materials. The living rooms were heated with fireplaces, but this did not save them from the dank damp and cold. In the harsh winter the walls froze through. Using latrines during the cold season was especially uncomfortable.

Residents often had to neglect hygiene. Most of the water from the well was used to maintain vital functions and care for animals.

Over time, the structure of castles became more complex and new elements appeared. However, the development of gunpowder weapons deprived castles of their main advantage - inaccessibility. They were replaced by fortresses with more complex engineering solutions.

Gradually, medieval castles, many of which have survived to this day, turned into architectural monuments and reminiscent of the era of chivalry.

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The first fortifications in the form medieval castles appeared in IX - X centuries. at a time when the countries of Central Europe ( France, Germany and Northern Italy) began to be threatened by aggression and invasion of barbarian tribes and Vikings. This greatly hindered the development of the empire created Charlemagne. To protect the lands, they began to build fortifications from wooden buildings. This kind of architecture" durable wood"for more reliable protection, it was added by surrounding an earthen ditch and rampart. A suspension bridge was overturned through the ditch on chains or strong ropes, along which one entered a residential village. A palisade was installed on the crest of the rampart. The top of its trunk was sharpened with tools and dug into the ground for a sufficiently large height, safe from penetration inside the fortifications.In the 11th century, castles began to be built on artificial hills.Such hills were poured next to the courtyard, fenced with a high palisade.
Sometimes there was also a log gate tower. Inside the wooden fortification there were craft workshops, a barn, a well, a chapel and the very home of the leader and his retinue. For even more reliable and additional defense, a high hill was raised (about 5 m), on which an additional defensive fortification was built. The hill could be constructed using an artificial method, by pouring earth onto a given surface. The material for construction was always chosen from wood, because... the stone was too heavy, which meant it could fall down due to its greater weight.

Knight's castles

Locks- these are stone buildings that protected from enemies and served as the home of one or another owner of the estate. In the most common meaning of the word, it is the fortified dwelling of a feudal lord in medieval Europe.
The architecture of medieval castles was significantly influenced by Ancient Roman Fortifications and Byzantine structures, from where 9th century penetrated into Western Europe. The castles of noble feudal lords, in addition to housing, also performed defensive functions. They tried to build them in areas inaccessible to humans (rocky ledges, hills, islands). Inside castles and fortresses there was a main tower called donjon, in which its most important inhabitants (mostly the feudal nobility) took refuge. They tried to make the walls of the castles strong and high enough to protect the buildings from the assault of enemies (siege works, artillery and stairs). A typical wall was 3 meters thick and 12 meters high. Various recesses on the tops of the walls made it possible to conduct less safe fire on the enemy who was below, and even throw them towards the storming gate heavy objects and pour resin. To make the castles difficult to pass, ditches were dug out, which blocked access to the castle walls and gates (the gates were lowered on chains across the moat like a bridge, and sometimes a bridge was built at the entrance Gersu- lowering wooden-metal grille). The ditches were deep holes filled with water (sometimes with stakes) to prevent enemies from swimming and digging through them.


Donjon was the main building during the defense and was a high stone tower where the most important people the castle in the event of its storming by enemies. The construction of such a building was taken very seriously. This required experienced artisans who were very good at erecting and building reliable stone structures. Special serious attitude to such construction, estate owners began to have XI century, where it was attempted to build such defensive towers.
The thickest and most inaccessible dungeons first appeared in Normans. In the later period, almost all high towers were built of stone, which replaced buildings made of wood. In order to completely and completely capture the donjon, its enemies needed to destroy the stones with special assault installations, or dig a tunnel under the building in order to get inside. Over time, tall, defensive towers acquired a round and polygonal shape during construction. This external design provided more convenient shooting for the defenders of the dungeons.
The internal architecture of the tall, defensive towers consisted of a garrison, a main hall and chambers for the owner of the castle and his family. The walls were covered with brick and stone masonry. Sometimes the walls were lined with cut stone. In the upper part of the donjon there was a spiral staircase leading to a watchtower, where there was a sentinel guard, and next to him was the banner of the owner of the castle with the coat of arms.

Medieval castles

For more reliable protection, the owners of some castles preferred to build additional fortifications for their walls. Ultimately, after the completion of such buildings, a double barrier was obtained, one of which was higher than the other and located at the rear of the defense. This strategic architecture allowed for double fire for the riflemen defending the castle. If the enemy took one of the walls by storm, they would stumble upon the next one or find themselves completely trapped, since the construction of the walls was connected to a high tower - the donjon.

Medieval castles were the mainstay and most reliable defense of the feudal lord from enemies. Their appearance varies from country to country.

Castles of France

Castles of France. Numerous constructions of architectural structures in France began in the Loire River valley. The oldest of them is donjon fortress Due-la-Fontaine. In the historical era King Philip II Augustus (1180-1223 ) medieval castles were built with fairly reliable dungeons and fences.
A distinctive feature of French castles is the rounded roof of hip material, cone-shaped, which fits evenly over the tower with a neat surface design. The upper part of the towers has an angular surface of concave openings of loopholes with windows, merging with the tops of the “triangles” and “trapezoids”. The location of the middle windows for daylight is large enough for full penetration sunlight inside the room. Sometimes large windows are located in the attic compartment of the roof, most likely to illuminate a particularly important room. In some sections of the buildings you can see continuous, clearly defined holes of loopholes, because... France's constant pre-modern wars forced these defensive structures to cost. In a later period of time, castle designs began to evolve into palace-like architecture.
The entrance to the castle was via stone steps, flanked by two merging towers. Above the head of the rising guest, in the wall, there were three loopholes in the event of a siege or storming of the building. On the right side of the stairs there were solid and flat slopes for convenient lifting and lowering of various loads.
The most mysterious and shrouded in the secrets of legends was the castle Saumur. In medieval times it was constantly restored and eventually acquired an unimaginably fabulous appearance. This architecture was so highly valued that many parts of the buildings were lined with gold materials.
In the courtyard of Sumor Castle there was a well with a huge underground reservoir. A house was built above the well (above), and there was a well gate in it, with the help of which a large bucket of water could be raised. The lifting mechanism consisted of wooden wheels connected by a separate tooth and groove.
IN XVII century The western part of the castle began to collapse, which was the reason for its abandonment. The building began to be used as a prison and barracks, but soon the architecture was restored and again “raised” to the pedestal of honor.
The main distinguishing feature of French castles- These are high, pointed roofs with a cone-shaped appearance.

Castles of Belgium

Castles of Belgium began to be erected in the Middle Ages with 9th century first millennium. The most outstanding castles are Arenberg, Castle of the Counts of Flanders, Beløy, Vev, Gaasbeek, Stan And Anweng. In appearance they have small sizes, but according to subjective data they are very cute and attractive. Their main distinguishing feature is the presence of an arched bend in the area of ​​the lower parts of the roofs and the presence of upper domes on some types of castles. The cone-shaped tops have pronounced vertical edges, which also give a distinctive style to Belgian architecture. On the high tips of the sharp knitting needles you can see emblazoned coats of arms and various figures, adding additional uniqueness. To some extent, the castles of Belgium are very similar in external design to the English ones, but the British kingdom emphasizes a more rectangular architecture. The windows are tall and large, quite elongated in size. They are most often located in palace-type castles.
The most unique in their beauty are the castles Arenberg And Gravensteen (Count's Castle of Flanders). The first one is very similar in external design to catholic church, which is complemented on the sides by 2 black domes. The center is lined with a ladder-like roof and an acute-angled, small tower, which fits very nicely into the interior. The Count's Castle also stands out with its peculiarly unusual shape. Its defensive wall has convex cylindrical towers, the top of which is much thicker than the bottom. And in the walls there are perforated recesses and additional shutters for the round architectures placed on them.

Castles in Germany

Castles in Germany inherently have a variety of designs, but most of them have shapes similar to the pointed ends of the tops and tall, oblong towers with flat surface. The most outstanding of them are Maxburg, Meshpelbrunn, Cochem, Palatinate And Liechtenstein. Many buildings are very similar to French ones, but German architecture has many more numerous extensions on the side walls. Some upper castle roofs consist of ladder-like forms of descent of the side coverings. The sharp and elongated ends of the skyscrapers have various symbols, statues or bell towers, which adds even more interest to German architecture. Loop holes ( machicoul) locks have a fairly wide diameter. Apparently the medieval Germans loved to defend their castles not only with a bow and crossbow, but also with other methods of heavily armed attributes.
The extensions sometimes included residential, utility and church premises, which were lined mainly with brick and formed rectangular courtyards. The main entrance of the castles was blocked by an iron-wooden grate with a lowering mechanism. The design of the grate moving down and up was ensured using outer wall along stone brackets. In some buildings in other countries, such a rise at the entrance was realized by a narrow sliding gap inside the portal.
In Germany, they tried to build all castles on mountainous and hilly areas. This ruled out a full-fledged enemy assault; convenient shooting from siege weapons and digging, which was hampered by the rocky rock below the architecture. In some types of buildings, the Germans used the principle of the Tower of Babel, when the height of the building rushed high up, and the celestial plane was lined with many loopholes around the area.

Castles of Spain

Castles of Spain. The architectural structures of Spain were originally built by the Arabs, since this land was under their dominance in the early medieval period. They had a luxurious, fortified palace on one of their hills - the Alhambra with openwork arches of the courtyard. But in 1492 the Europeans recaptured it from the Muslims. Southern Spain and with it - the last city of Grenada. Initially, Muslims erected buildings very similar to garrison fortresses (alcazabas) with square and acute-angled towers. Later, Europeans began to build tall, round dungeons with alternating structures.
The appearance of Spanish castles has a repeating combination of multiple, tall, elongated towers with a flat surface, reminiscent of numerous chess pieces and very similar to a rook. At the top tips of skyscrapers there are octagonal, small towers. From a distance they look more like rectangular, jagged slabs. The side surface of the walls has a wavy relief, which gives additional originality to the castles. The middle part of the stone covering of high towers was sometimes covered with an additional layer of convex alternations of huge cobblestones. This cunning arrangement of buildings served to prevent the penetration of enemy installations and stairs. As a decoration, an image of a shield with a coat of arms was driven into the stone wall. Just above the middle, there were guard corridors, which were decorated with curved patterns and various curves, including wide, arched windows.
An example of the described external image of the Moorish style is the castle-palace of El Real de Manzanares, built north of Madrid in 1475 by the first Duke of Infantado. This unique architecture had a square structure, which was surrounded by 2 rows of walls with round towers at the corners. Later, the Duke's heir in 1480 added to the outstanding gallery and decorated the palace with turrets and stone hemispheres.

Castles of the Czech Republic

Castles of the Czech Republic. The construction of Czech castles was widespread in XIII-XIV centuries. The most famous of them are Hluboka, Bezdez, Bouzov, Bukhlov, Zvikov, Coast, Karlstein And Křivoklát. Their architectural appearance is more reminiscent of palaces than seriously fortified defense against enemy onslaught. Jagged rectangular slabs and blocking, high walls are practically absent from the defensive functions of former castle buildings. The main distinctive feature of Czech architecture is the large triangular and polygonal roofs, with pointed towers and stone chimneys embedded in them. The attics have arched windows for daylight and access to the top of the roof. Large, dial chimes were sometimes built into the central towers of castles. Many palaces were built in the Renaissance, Classicism and Gothic styles. Some views were rebuilt and restored, after which they became picturesque, elegant and even more beautiful.

But there are some types of castles that are completely different from the standard design of the local medieval buildings. For example, a castle Gluboka(previously Frauenberg ) has an appearance more reminiscent of the Spanish style of architecture. Because it contains a large number of the same high towers, reminiscent of dungeons and a rook chess piece with numerous jagged rectangular slabs. And in addition to everything, such elongated buildings have windows. This is one of the most beautiful castles Europe, although not particularly large in size. It looks more like a huge mansion than a large palace. From the inside, the architecture contains 140 rooms, 11 towers and 2 rectangular courtyards. The outside of the white castle is decorated with elaborate carvings of various figures, deer heads and hanging, antique lanterns.

Castles of Slovakia

Castles of Slovakia. The construction of Slovak castles began in XI century, but most of them were built in XIII century. The most outstanding of them are Bitchjanski Castle, Boinitsky, Bratislava Castle, Budatinsky, Zvolensky, Orava Castle, Smolenitsky, Spiš Castle And Trenčiansky Castle locks. Architectures inherently have diverse designs. The size also varies in large and small forms. The roofs of large castles stretch out to enormous dimensions with polygonal shapes. The towers have elongated, acute-angled ends with thin, long, spherical spokes. Windows are located quite less often than in other state castles, but most often they are found in large numbers in small buildings. In some architectures you can find convex, perforated slits of stripes, which are an additional decoration, emphasizing a pronounced design. They can mainly be seen on the rounded ends of elongated cylinders. Some castles in Slovakia have small balconies. They feature arched windows and vertical railings. The buildings have practically no protective walls. They can only be found near mountain buildings in the highlands.

The most impressive and unique in their structure castles of Slovakia- This Bratislava Castle (square shape and towers located at each corner), Orava Castle (built with a gradually rising foundation) , Trečiansky Castle (having a huge, powerful tower in the center), Zvolensky (with jagged square slabs on its roof) And Smolenitsky (possessing three prominent roofs in the middle, green and red in color) locks.

Castles of England

Castles of England. Many castles in England were built in XI century, but most of them today are in a dilapidated state. The main distinguishing feature is the solid rectangular towers, which consisted of narrow, elongated buildings. Their roofs are covered with jagged square slabs, which can extend along the entire perimeter surrounding the architecture. Only a few buildings have triangular and cone-shaped tops. If there are any, then such tips form a continuous row of acute-angled limbs in some raised row. For beauty, many architectures were treated with long, elongated pits along the entire circumference of the towers. This appearance emphasizes the unusual originality of English castles. Another unusual feature is the presence of large and large windows in the walls, more like semi-palatial buildings. Sometimes elongated windows are located in wide arched arches, which further emphasize the extraordinary style. In many, even small, square castles, the British constructed and strengthened dial clocks with melodic chimes. They still attach great importance to exact time in their upbringing and culture.

England is a huge island, which means it first of all needed the defense of coastal territories and a powerful fleet. Maybe that’s why her castles did not have a particularly reliable and protected architecture from enemies.

Castles in Austria

Castles in Austria laid the foundation for their construction in VIII-IX centuries last millennium. The most famous of them are Artstetten, Hochosterwitz, Graz, Landskron, Rosenburg, Shattenburg, Hohenwerfen And Ehrenberg. Their main characteristic feature is the tall and very thick, rectangular towers with huge triangular and polygonal roof domes. The side surfaces are too wide due to the fact that the buildings of high castles have many floors, which means that this requires a full climb up the spacious spiral staircase. At the highest height, at the base of the sharp pins, the builders placed artificial sculptures of various figures in the form of angels with wings. Near high bases in architectural buildings, additional convex structures are sometimes added in the form of patterns and dimples running along the perimeter or circle. Some types of castles have railings with a varied vertical structure at the top. The architecture of the huge roofs is added by small, sharp-angled towers, designed not so far from each other. On them you can also see attic windows and an exit to the upper part of the ceiling. The windows have a small oval and square shape. In some places, the side walls of the towers are decorated with healthy, arched glass with patterns.
Some castles served not only as a home and defense for noble society, but soon turned into a prison, barracks, museum and even a restaurant. One such example is Schattenburg Castle.

Castles of Italy

Castles of Italy. Most of the castles in Italy began to be built in X-XI century second millennium. The most famous of them are Aragonese (Ischia), Balsiliano, Bari, Carbonara, Castello Maniace, Corigliano, Holy Angel, San Leo, Forza, Otranto,Ursino And Estense.

The huge, thick width of the walls and the healthy circumference of the towers are the main distinguishing features of Italian castles. They are primitive and absolutely simple to the analyzing eye of a traveler or tourist. Judging by their appearance, many of their species are very well adapted for defensive defense against enemies. Watchtowers are located quite high in the central parts of the castle architecture. They have many windows and a significantly convex projection in relation to bottom stone tower.
The square tops of the walls have cuts in the form of tendrils, thereby significantly emphasizing the originality from other state castles. Under the jagged rectangular slabs of Italian castles there are numerous, pronounced oval depressions that stretch across the entire width of the rectangular and round stone towers. On some architectures you can also notice the presence of balconies with vertical, white railings on them. Doorways in the lower parts of the castle they have huge, arched shapes. This is most likely due to the fact that in case of alarm, the defenders of the castle do not crowd, but fully run out of their barracks in large detachments. Similar factors include the presence of signal bells in the upper parts of the towers. The construction of castles and fortresses in Italy was a militarized vision of noble rulers and their architects.

Castles of Poland

Castles of Poland. The most intensive growth in the construction of Polish castles dates back to 1200-1700. second millennium. The most outstanding of them are Grodno, Kschenzh, Kurnicki, Krasicki, Lenchicki, Lublin, Marienburg, Stettin and Chęcinski. According to their structure, they have a variety of designs in large and small sizes. Most castles have a palace appearance and only a small part of them have serious defensive architecture. Polish castles are characterized by long, curvaceous domes, shaped like an elephant chess piece or an umbrella-shaped projection. These also include huge trapezoid-like roofs that extend across the entire width of the architectural top. Small, sharp-angled towers contain bell towers, while large ones contain rectangular windows for sentinel observation. The windows in the side parts of the walls have a variety of shapes, but most of them are rectangular and arched, as are their arched frames, emphasizing the distinctive appearance.

Architectural style Poland is quite unique. The buildings were erected from the donjon style to the neo-Gothic style. This rather elegant type of building structure includes Kurnitsky Castle, very nice external design.
Some types of castles look so tiny that they look more like a mansion small size rather than a heavily defensive fortress. An example would be Szymbark Castle. And if you compare him with such a giant as Marienburg, then the first one will seem like an absolute highlight compared to the thug.

The appearance of the architecture was Gothic and Renaissance style. But all Belarusian castles have different designs, uniquely different from each other. The largest of them is Mir Castle. Its main distinguishing feature is its large size and the presence of defensive walls. They contain a number of small windows (loopholes) designed for camouflaged observation and protection of the castle. The entire architecture consists mainly of red brick, covering the entire perimeter of the building. Rectangular windows and loopholes are surrounded by white, arched frames. The roofs have a triangular shape at the tips of the spokes of which there are patterns of balls and flags. Entrance inside is through oval arches located in several parts of the castle.
Gomel Castle was also quite large in area, but consisted of individual buildings and a very low defensive wall. There were small towers with oval domes on it. Rather, this architecture resembled more a monastery of free-standing buildings than a castle for defense. The tall towers had pointed, black roofs with varied shapes. Even a single pipe on the roof had a unique, colorful pattern.

At first, buildings were built from wood, but with the advent of firearms, a much stronger material such as stone was needed. Solid fortifications held back the onslaught of bullets and igniting fire much better.
Castles were built on hills, pouring artificial hills and covering them with cut stone. To ensure the reliability of the fortifications, strategically tricky areas with seas and lakes were chosen. Sometimes the defense was supplemented with deep ditches with water, to further isolate land penetration into buildings. The many courtyards in the castle made it difficult for the enemy to reach the main tower. To get close to it, the attackers had to wander through them for a long time, like through a labyrinth, in search of a way out. It was easy to get lost. Some castles served as barracks for samurai warriors, built by daimyo - the owners of the provinces on the site of small fortresses. Such buildings could be constructed in cities and serve as fortified administrative centers.
The appearance of Japanese castles resembled solid, upwardly curved layered blocks of roofs, superimposed on one another. From the outside they looked quite primitive and were very similar to each other. But inner part the premises were attractive and varied. At the very top of the towers there was a high, carved pediment of the castle - a sign of the power of its owner. The roofs were multi-tiered, like a pagoda, with wide slopes. Their surfaces were lined wooden shingles. The outer walls were plastered and painted white. Their side coverings had slit-like windows and loopholes. The lower floors were faced with stone slabs.
Sometimes a castle had several towers, and the defenders fired at the enemy from different sides. Often a one-story tower was placed above the gate. And in the very center of the castle stood a multi-tiered main tower, erected on an embankment hill. Later, the base of the tower began to be covered with stone, while other parts remained wooden. To reduce the risk of fire, the walls were covered with a thick layer of plaster, and the gates were bound with iron plates. The towers served simultaneously as a headquarters, observation tower and huge warehouses. The owner's chambers were located on the upper floors. Wooden buildings, could constitute a collection of entrance halls, upper rooms, huts, corridors and towers with numerous rooms taken together. Most often these luxury homes Only noble princes, nobles and boyars could afford it. Their rooms were located on the top floors. Below, there were rooms for servants and subjects.
The mansions were divided into resting , restless And outbuildings . Premises chamber architectures had separate dwellings, in one of which the owner lived, and in the other his wife and children. Their rooms were connected by common corridors, through which one could go to the desired room. Unrested mansions served for meetings, special events and holidays. They built huge halls for large numbers of people. Household mansions used for everyday needs in crafts and households. They looked like stables, barns, laundries and workshops.

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Eltz (German: Burg Eltz) is a castle located in Rhineland-Palatinate (Wirsch commune) in the valley of the Elzbach River. Together with the Bürresheim Palace, it is considered the only building in western Germany that has never been destroyed or captured. The castle was not damaged even during the wars of the 17th and 18th centuries. and the events of the French Revolution.

The castle has been perfectly preserved to this day. It is surrounded on three sides by a river and rises on a cliff 70 meters high. This makes it consistently popular among tourists and photographers.

Official site

Bled Castle, Slovenia (11th century)

One of the oldest castles in Slovenia (Slovenian: Blejski grad) is located on the top of a 130-meter cliff near the lake of the same name near the city of Bled. The oldest part of the castle is the Romanesque tower, which was used for housing, defense, and to monitor the surrounding area.

During World War II, the headquarters of German troops was located here. In 1947, there was a fire in the castle, due to which some of the buildings were damaged. A few years later, the castle was restored and it resumed its activities as a historical museum. The museum's collection includes clothing, weapons and household items.

Official site

(XIX century)

The romantic castle of King Ludwig II is located near the town of Füssen in southwestern Bavaria. The castle was the inspiration for the construction of Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland Paris. Neuschwanstein (German: Schloß Neuschwanstein) is also featured in the 1968 film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a castle in the fictional land of Vulgaria. Pyotr Tchaikovsky was fascinated by the view of Neuschwanstein. According to historians, it was here that he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the ballet “Swan Lake”.

Neuschwanstein Castle is shown in the films “Ludwig II: The Splendor and Fall of the King” (1955, directed by Helmut Keutner), “Ludwig” (1972, directed by Luchino Visconti), “Ludwig II” (2012, directed by Marie Noel and Peter Zehr).

Currently the castle is a museum. To visit, you need to buy a ticket at the ticket center and go up to the castle by bus, on foot or by horse-drawn carriage. The only person who “lives” in the castle at the moment and is its custodian is the watchman.

Official site

The castle in Livorno received its name due to the fact that the local coastline is known as Boccale (Jug) or Cala dei Pirati (Pirate Bay). The center of the modern Castello del Boccale was an observation tower, built by order of the Medici in 16th century, presumably on the ruins of an older structure from the period of the Pisan Republic. Throughout its history, the appearance of the castle has undergone changes more than once. In recent years, a thorough restoration of the Castello del Boccale has been carried out, after which the castle was divided into several residential apartments.

The legendary castle (rum. Bran Castle) is located in the picturesque town of Bran, 30 km from Brasov, on the border of Muntenia and Transylvania. It was originally built at the end of the 14th century with the help and resources of local residents for exemption from paying taxes to the state treasury for several centuries. Thanks to its location on top of a cliff and its trapezoidal shape, the castle served as a strategic defensive fortress.

The castle has 4 levels connected by a staircase. During its history, the castle changed several owners: it belonged to the ruler Mircea the Old, the inhabitants of Brasov and the Habsburg Empire... According to legend, during his campaigns the famous governor Vlad the Impaler-Dracula spent the night in the castle, and its surroundings were the favorite hunting ground of the ruler the Impaler.

Currently, the castle belongs to a descendant of the Romanian kings, the grandson of Queen Mary, Dominic of Habsburg (in 2006, according to the new Romanian law on the return of territories to the previous owners). After the castle was handed over to the owner, all the furniture was taken to museums in Bucharest. And Dominic Habsburg had to recreate the decoration of the castle, buying various antique items.

Official site

Alcazar Castle, Spain (9th century)

The fortress of the Spanish kings Alcázar (Spanish: Alcázar) is located in the historical part of the city of Segovia on a cliff. Over the years of its existence, the Alcazar was not only a royal palace, but also a prison, as well as an artillery academy. According to archaeologists, even in ancient Roman times there was a military fortification on the site of the Alcazar. During the Middle Ages, the castle was the favorite residence of the kings of Castile. In 1953, the Alcazar was turned into a museum.

Currently, it remains one of the most visited tourist destinations in Spain. The palace has a museum in which furniture, interiors, a collection of weapons, and portraits of the kings of Castile are exhibited. 11 halls and the tallest tower are available for viewing - the Tower of Juan II.

Chateau de Chambord, France (XVI century)

Chambord (French: Château de Chambord) is one of the most recognizable castles in France, an architectural masterpiece of the Renaissance. The length of the facade is 156 m, width 117 m, the castle has 426 rooms, 77 staircases, 282 fireplaces and 800 sculpturally decorated capitals.

According to historical research, Leonardo da Vinci himself took part in the design. Since 1981, it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Since 2005, the castle has the status of a state public and commercial enterprise. On the second floor of the castle there is now a branch of the Museum of Hunting and Nature.

Official site

Windsor Castle, UK (11th century)

Situated on a hill in the Thames Valley, Windsor Castle ( Windsor Castle) has been a symbol of the monarchy for more than 900 years. Over the centuries, the appearance of the castle changed in accordance with the capabilities of the ruling monarchs. It acquired its modern appearance as a result of reconstruction after a fire in 1992. The castle occupies 52,609 square meters and combines the features of a fortress, a palace and a small town.

Today, the palace is owned on behalf of the nation by the Occupied Royal Palaces Estate organization (residential royal palaces), and consumer services are provided by the Royal Household department. Windsor Castle is the largest residential castle in the world (about 500 people live and work there). Elizabeth II spends a month in the spring and a week in June at the castle to participate in traditional ceremonies associated with the Order of the Garter. About a million tourists visit the castle every year.

Official site

Corvin Castle, Romania (XIV century)

The ancestral seat of the feudal house of Hunyadi in the south of Transylvania, in the modern Romanian city of Hunedoara. Initially, the fortress had an oval shape, and the only defensive tower was located in the northern wing, while on the southern side it was covered by a stone wall.

In 1441-1446, under the governor Janos Hunyadi, seven towers were built, and in 1446-1453. founded the chapel, built the main halls and the southern wing with utility rooms. As a result, the appearance of the castle combines elements of late Gothic and early Renaissance.

In 1974, the castle was opened to visitors as a museum. Tourists are taken to the castle over a gigantic bridge, they are shown a vast hall for knightly feasts and two towers, one of which bears the name of the monk John Capistran, and the second has the romantic name “Do not be afraid.”

They also say that it was in this castle of Hunyadi that Dracula, who was overthrown from the throne of Vlad the Impaler, was kept for 7 years.

Official site

Liechtenstein Castle, Austria (12th century)

One of the most unusual castles in architecture (German - Burg Liechtenstein) is located on the edge of the Vienna Woods. The castle was built in the 12th century, but was destroyed twice by the Ottomans in 1529 and 1683. In 1884 the castle was restored. Further damage was caused to the castle during the Second World War. Finally, in the 1950s, the castle was restored by the efforts of the townspeople. Since 2007, the castle, like more than 800 years ago, is under the jurisdiction of relatives of its founders - the princely family of Liechtenstein.

The modern popularity of Liechtenstein Castle is associated with the Johann Nestroy Theater Festival held here in the summer. The castle is open to visitors.

Official site

Chillon Castle (French: Château de Chillon) is located near Lake Geneva, 3 km from the city of Montreux, and is a complex of 25 elements different eras buildings. The peculiarities of the location and construction allowed the owners of the castle to completely control the strategically important road that ran between the lake and the mountains. For a certain period of time, the road to the Saint Bernard Pass served as the only transport route from Northern Europe to Southern Europe. The depth of the lake ensured safety: an attack from this side was simply impossible. The stone wall of the castle facing the road is fortified with three towers. The opposite side of the castle is residential.

Like most castles, Chillon Castle also served as a prison. Louis the Pious kept Abbot Vala of Corvey prisoner here. In the middle of the 14th century, during the plague epidemic, Jews who were accused of poisoning water sources were kept and tortured in the castle.

George Byron's poem "The Prisoner of Chillon" takes place in Chillon Castle. The historical basis for the poem was the imprisonment in the castle by order of Charles III of Savoy François Bonivard in the years 1530–1536. The image of the castle was romanticized in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Percy Shelley, Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas.

Official site

Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (XIII century)

Hohenzollern Castle (German: Burg Hohenzollern) is located in Baden-Württemberg, 50 km south of Stuttgart, on the top of Mount Hohenzollern at an altitude of 855 meters. Over the years of its existence, the castle was destroyed several times.

Some of the most famous relics kept in the museum are the crown of the Prussian kings and the uniform that belonged to Frederick the Great. From 1952 to 1991, the remains of Frederick I and Frederick the Great rested in the castle museum. After the reunification of East and West Germany in 1991, the ashes of the Prussian kings were returned to Potsdam.

Currently, the castle belongs 2/3 to the Brandenburg-Prussian Hohenzollern line and 1/3 to the Swabian-Catholic line. About 300 thousand tourists visit it annually.

Official site

Castle Walsen, Belgium (11th century)

For some reason, when the word “fairy tale” is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is medieval castles and fortresses. Maybe because they were built in those ancient times, when wizards walked freely through the fields and meadows, and fire-breathing dragons flew over the mountain peaks.

Be that as it may, even now, looking at the castles and fortresses that have been preserved here and there, one inevitably imagines princesses sleeping in them and evil fairies conjuring magic potions. Let's take a look at the once luxurious homes of the powers that be.

(German: Schloß Neuschwanstein, literally “New Swan Stone”) is located in Germany, near the town of Fussen (German: Fussen). The castle was founded in 1869 by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Construction was completed in 1891, 5 years after the unexpected death of the king. The castle is magnificent and attracts curious tourists from all over the world with its beautiful architectural forms.

This is the “dream palace” of the young king, who was never able to see it realized in its full grandeur. Ludwig II of Bavaria, the founder of the castle, ascended the throne too young. And being a dreamy person, imagining himself fairy-tale character Lohengrin, he decided to build his castle in order to hide in it from the harsh reality of the defeat of Bavaria in an alliance with Austria in 1866 in the war with Prussia.

Having moved away from state concerns, the young king demanded too much from the army of architects, artists and craftsmen. Sometimes he set completely unrealistic deadlines, which required round-the-clock work by masons and carpenters. During construction, Ludwig II delved deeper into his fictional world, for which he was later declared crazy. The architectural design of the castle was constantly changing. So the guest quarters were eliminated and a small grotto was added. The small audience hall was transformed into the majestic Throne Hall.

A century and a half ago, Ludwig II of Bavaria tried to hide from people behind the walls of a medieval castle - today they come in millions to admire his fabulous refuge.

(German: Burg Hohenzollern) is an ancient castle-fortress in Baden-Württemberg, 50 km south of Stuttgart. The castle was built at an altitude of 855 m above sea level on the top of the Hohenzollern mountain. Only the third castle has survived to this day. The medieval castle fortress was first built in the 11th century and completely destroyed after its capture, at the end of a grueling siege by troops of the cities of Swabia in 1423.

On its ruins in 1454-1461 a new fortress was built, which served as a refuge for the House of Hohenzollern throughout Thirty Years' War. Due to the complete loss of strategic importance by the fortress, by the end of the 18th century, the castle had noticeably deteriorated, and some parts of the building were finally dismantled.

The modern version of the castle was built in 1850-1867 on the personal instructions of King Frederick William IV, who decided to completely restore the ancestral castle of the Prussian royal house. The construction of the castle was led by the famous Berlin architect Friedrich August Stüler. He managed to combine new, large-scale castle buildings in the neo-Gothic style and the few surviving buildings of the former destroyed castles.

(Karlštejn), built by order of the Czech king and Emperor Charles IV (named in his honor) on a high limestone rock above the Berounka River, as a summer residence and storage place for the sacred relics of the royal family. The first stone for the foundation of Karlštejn Castle was laid by Archbishop Arnošt, close to the emperor, in 1348, and already in 1357 the construction of the castle was completed. Two years before the end of construction, Charles IV settled in the castle.

Stepped architecture of Karlštejn Castle, ending with a tower with a chapel Grand Cross, is quite common in the Czech Republic. The ensemble includes the castle itself, the Church of the Virgin Mary, the Catherine Chapel, the Great Tower, the Marian and Well Towers.

The majestic Studnicna Tower and the Imperial Palace, which housed the king’s chambers, take tourists back to the Middle Ages, when a powerful monarch ruled the Czech Republic.

Royal palace and fortress in the Spanish city of Segovia, in the province of Castile and Leon. The fortress was built on a high cliff above the confluence of the Eresma and Clamores rivers. Such a favorable location made it practically impregnable. Now it is one of the most recognizable and beautiful palaces in Spain. Originally built as a fortress, the Alcazar was at one time a royal palace, a prison, and a royal artillery academy.

The Alcazar, which was a small wooden fortress in the 12th century, was later rebuilt into a stone castle and became the most impregnable defensive structure. This palace became famous for great historically significant events: the coronation of Isabella the Catholic, her first marriage to King Ferdinand of Aragon, the wedding of Anne of Austria to Philip II.

(Castelul Peleş) was built by King Carol I of Romania near the city of Sinaia in the Romanian Carpathians. The king was so fascinated by the local beauty that he bought up the surrounding lands and built a castle for hunting and summer recreation. The name of the castle was given by a small mountain river that flowed nearby.

In 1873, construction began on a grandiose structure under the leadership of architect Johann Schulz. Along with the castle, other necessary fortifications were also built. comfortable life buildings: royal stables, guard houses, hunting house and power station.

Thanks to the power plant, Peles became the first electrified castle in the world. The castle officially opened in 1883. At the same time, central heating and an elevator were installed. The construction was completely completed in 1914.

It is a symbol of the small city-state of San Marino on the territory of modern Italy. The beginning of the construction of the fortress is considered to be the 10th century AD. Guaita is the first of three San Marino fortresses built on the peaks of Monte Titano.

The structure consists of two rings of fortifications; the inner one has retained all the signs of forts from the feudal era. The main entrance gate was located at a height of several meters, and it was possible to pass through it only along a drawbridge, now destroyed. The fortress was restored many times in the 15th – 17th centuries.

Well, so we looked at some medieval castles and fortresses in Europe, of course, not all. Next time we will admire the fortresses on the tops of inaccessible cliffs. There are still so many interesting discoveries ahead!